Results for 'Grounding'

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  1. The reason for our hope.Vernon C. Grounds - 1945 - East Stroudsburg, Pa.,: The Pinebrook book club.
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  2. Orientations.Ian Ground - forthcoming - Philosophical Writings (5):92--3.
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  3. Lifelong Learning, Equity and Inclusion. Proceedings [of the] Uace Conference.Ian Ground (ed.) - 2000
    ED455370 - Lifelong Learning, Equity and Inclusion. Proceedings [of the] UACE Conference (Cambridge, England, March 29-31, 1999).
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  4. Reflexions al voltant de l'art contemporani.Ian Ground & Salvador Rubio - 2008 - Quaderns de Filosofia i Ciència 38:79-86.
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    Aesthetic Life—The Past and Present of Artistic Cultures.Ian Ground - 2008 - British Journal of Aesthetics 48 (1):107-110.
  6. Review of Philosophy in Britain Today by G.G. Shankar (ed.). [REVIEW]Ian Ground - 1988 - Ethics 99 (1):196.
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    Paper Two: What You Do Is Determined by What You Do. [REVIEW]Ian Ground - 1995 - Health Care Analysis 3 (1):22--6.
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  8. Review of Electronic Pathways - adult learning and the new communication technologies by Jane Field. [REVIEW]Ian Ground - 1998 - International Journal of Lifelong Education 17 (5):352--355.
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  9. Do animals need a theory of mind?Michael Bavidge & Ian Ground - 2009 - In Ivan Leudar & Alan Costall, Against theory of mind. New York: Palgrave-Macmillan.
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    Legal aspects of memory disorders.Bohdan Solomka & Adrian Grounds - 2000 - In G. Berrios & J. Hodges, Memory Disorders in Psychiatric Practice. Cambridge University Press. pp. 479.
  11. Reflexions al voltant de l'art contemporani.Ian Ground & Salvador Rubio Marco - 2008 - Quaderns de Filosofia i Ciència 38:79-86.
    El text d’Ian Ground la traducció del qual transcrivim a continuació va ser llegit a l’acte de presentación del seu llibre ¿Arte o chorrada? (València, Publicacions de la Universitat de València / Col•lecció Estètica & Crítica, 2008) el dia 9 de juny de 2008 a l’Aula Magna de l’edifici del Carrer La Nau de la Universitat de València, amb la presència, a més d’Ian Ground, de Romà de la Calle (en qualitat de Director de la col•lecció Estètica & Crítica) i (...)
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    ¿Arte o Chorrada?Ian Ground - 2008 - Publicacions De La Universitat De València.
    Ground s’enfronta al xoc de l’art contemporani plantejant, a manera de reflexió filosòfica, aquelles preguntes «grolleres» que semblaven confinades en la resposta de l’home del carrer o del crític reaccionari: no és una xorrada aquesta pila de rajoles al museu? No obstant això, la seua intenció no és fer-nos prendre partit a favor o en contra de determinades obres d’art del Minimal o del Conceptual. El que batega al fons del llibre de Ground és una defensa de l’art contemporani quan (...)
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    Ethology and Ethical Change.Ian Ground & Michael Bavidge - 2021 - In Maria Balaska, Cora Diamond on Ethics. Springer Verlag. pp. 149-171.
    Cora Diamond’s discussions of the ethics of our treatment of animals offer a critique of conceptions of morality which regard our ethical responses as founded on reasons which ought to be reasons for anyone. Diamond takes issue with accounts of our treatment of animals based on their possession of capacities which are shared with us. She offers instead a concept of the moral life, as a form of life—inherited, shared and negotiated—only within which can moral reasons count as reasons at (...)
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    “The Play Of Expression”: Understanding Ontogenetic Ritualisation.Ian Ground - 2015 - In Danièle Moyal-Sharrock, Volker Munz & Annalisa Coliva, Mind, Language and Action: Proceedings of the 36th International Wittgenstein Symposium. Boston: De Gruyter. pp. 317-334.
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    Art or Bunk?Ian Ground - 1990 - Journal of Aesthetics and Art Criticism 48 (3):267-268.
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  16. Creative Chords: Studies in Music.Ian Ground - 2000 - Gracewing.
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  17. Love on a Train.Ian Ground - 1997 - Philosophical Writings:82--91.
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  18. Must We Mean What We Play?Ian Ground - 2000 - In Creative Chords: Studies in Music. Gracewing. pp. 89--110.
    Must We Mean What We Play? INTRODUCTION It was Sir Thomas Beecham who said,'The English do not care for music-but they love the noise it makes.'Sir Thomas was, of course, given to making acerbic swipes but this one has always seemed to me to have.
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    Aesthetics and modes of analysis.Grounded Aesthetics - 2000 - In Stephen Linstead & Heather Joy Höpfl, The aesthetics of organization. Thousand Oaks, Calif.: SAGE Publications. pp. 111.
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    A History of King Edward VI Grammar School, Retford.A. D. Grounds - 1972 - British Journal of Educational Studies 20 (1):110.
  21. The Lion's Share.Ian Ground & Michael Bavidge - forthcoming - The Philosopher.
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    Growing muscle has different sarcolemmal properties from adult muscle: A proposal with scientific and clinical implications.Miranda D. Grounds & Thea Shavlakadze - 2011 - Bioessays 33 (6):458-468.
    We hypothesise that the sarcolemma of an actively growing myofibre has different properties to the sarcolemma of a mature adult myofibre. Such fundamentally different properties have clinical consequences for the onset, and potential therapeutic targets, of various skeletal muscle diseases that first manifest either during childhood (e.g. Duchenne muscular dystrophy, DMD) or after cessation of the main growth phase (e.g. dysferlinopathies). These characteristics are also relevant to the selection of both tissue culture and in vivo models employed to study such (...)
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    Ethical Issues in Psychosurgery.Adrian Grounds - 1987 - Journal of Medical Ethics 13 (1):52-52.
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  24. Environment and the arts: Perspectives on environmental aesthetics.Ian Ground - 2004 - British Journal of Aesthetics 44 (3):311-313.
    Environment and the Arts: Perspectives on Environ- mental Aesthetics. Edited by ARNOLD BERLEANT . Ashgate. 2002. pp. 192. C ONSISTING of twelve chapters, and an extended introduction, this volume provides a leading-edge anthology of reflections on environmental aesthetics.
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    Aesthetics and Photography.Ian Ground - 2005 - British Journal of Aesthetics 45 (4):448-450.
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    Art or bunk?Ian Ground - 1989 - New York, NY: St. Martin's Press.
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    Thomas D. Carroll, Wittgenstein within the Philosophy of Religion . x + 209, price £60.00 hb. [REVIEW]Ian Ground - 2016 - Philosophical Investigations 40 (1):89-92.
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    Reviews the measure of things – humanism, humility and mystery. By David E. Cooper. Clarendon press, oxford, 2002. Pp. 372. ISBN 0-19-823827-. [REVIEW]Ian Ground - 2008 - Philosophy 83 (3):399-403.
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    Reviews marvelous images: On values and the arts by Kendall L. Walton oxford university press, 2008, 254 pp. (pbk) £13.99 isbn 9780195177954. [REVIEW]Ian Ground - 2009 - Philosophy 84 (3):458-463.
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    Review of The Measure of Things–Humanism, Humility and Mystery. By David E. Cooper. [REVIEW]Ian Ground - forthcoming - Philosophy:399--403.
    This rich, subtle and hugely ambitious book might also have been called “why (and how) metaphysics matters”. Cooper's themes are the tensions implicit in the relation of contingent human beings to the world and the implications of those tensions, and of putative means of their.
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  31. Do Animals Need a Theory of Mind?Michael Bavidge & Ian Ground - 2009 - In Ivan Leudar & Alan Costall, Against theory of mind. New York: Palgrave-Macmillan. pp. 167--188.
    This book brings together disparate strands of ToM research, lays out historical roots of the idea, and indicates better alternatives.
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  32. Oleg gelikman.Benjamin'S. Ground Benjamin - forthcoming - Angelaki.
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    Of bears, frogs, meat, mice and men: complexity of factors affecting skeletal muscle mass and fat.Thea Shavlakadze & Miranda Grounds - 2006 - Bioessays 28 (10):994-1009.
    Extreme loss of skeletal muscle mass (atrophy) occurs in human muscles that are not used. In striking contrast, skeletal muscles do not rapidly waste away in hibernating mammals such as bears, or aestivating frogs, subjected to many months of inactivity and starvation. What factors regulate skeletal muscle mass and what mechanisms protect against muscle atrophy in some species? Severe atrophy also occurs with ageing and there is much clinical interest in reducing such loss of muscle mass and strength (sarcopenia). In (...)
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    考える看護: ナースのための哲学入門.Jan Reed & Ian Ground - 2001 - Igaku-Shoin.
    身のまわりの卑近な事柄を根本から考え直してみたい。そんな欲求が人々の心をとらえている。看護する自分に、哲学はそのための力を与えてくれるだろうか。知識・科学・心・モラルといった主題にそって看護の主要な問 題をとりあげ、哲学ならではの思索の道筋を示す。「考える看護」の面白さが実感できる「ナースのための哲学入門」。.
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  35. Logical grounds.Fabrice Correia - 2014 - Review of Symbolic Logic 7 (1):31-59.
    I identify a notion of logical grounding, clarify it, and show how it can be used (i) to characterise various consequence relations, and (ii) to give a precise syntactic account of the notion of “groundedness” at work in the literature on the paradoxes of truth.
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  36. Grounding in the image of causation.Jonathan Schaffer - 2016 - Philosophical Studies 173 (1):49-100.
    Grounding is often glossed as metaphysical causation, yet no current theory of grounding looks remotely like a plausible treatment of causation. I propose to take the analogy between grounding and causation seriously, by providing an account of grounding in the image of causation, on the template of structural equation models for causation.
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  37. Metaphysical grounding.Ricki Bliss & Kelly Trogdon - 2021 - Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy.
    General discussion of grounding, including its formal features, relations to other notions, and applications. (Originally published 2014; revised 2021).
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  38. Grounding is not a strict order.Gonzalo Rodriguez-Pereyra - 2015 - Journal of the American Philosophical Association 1 (3):517-534.
    The paper argues that grounding is neither irreflexive, nor asymmetric, nor transitive. In arguing for that conclusion the paper also arguesthat truthmaking is neither irreflexive, nor asymmetric, nor transitive.
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  39. Grounding and truth-functions.Fabrice Correia - 2010 - Logique Et Analyse 53 (211):251-279.
    How does metaphysical grounding interact with the truth-functions? I argue that the answer varies according to whether one has a worldly conception or a conceptual conception of grounding. I then put forward a logic of worldly grounding and give it an adequate semantic characterisation.
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  40. Grounding Grounding.Jon Litland - 2017 - Oxford Studies in Metaphysics 10.
    The Problem of Iterated Ground is to explain what grounds truths about ground: if Γ grounds φ, what grounds that Γ grounds φ? This paper develops a novel solution to this problem. The basic idea is to connect ground to explanatory arguments. By developing a rigorous account of explanatory arguments we can equip operators for factive and non-factive ground with natural introduction and elimination rules. A satisfactory account of iterated ground falls directly out of the resulting logic: non- factive (...) claims, if true, are zero-grounded in the sense of Fine. (shrink)
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  41. Grounding: necessary or contingent?Kelly Trogdon - 2013 - Pacific Philosophical Quarterly 94 (4):465-485.
    Argument that full grounds modally entail what they ground.
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  42. Grounding Is Not Causation.Sara Bernstein - 2016 - Philosophical Perspectives 30 (1):21-38.
    Proponents of grounding often describe the notion as "metaphysical causation" involving determination and production relations similar to causation. This paper argues that the similarities between grounding and causation are merely superficial. I show that there are several sorts of causation that have no analogue in grounding; that the type of "bringing into existence" that both involve is extremely different; and that the synchronicity of ground and the diachronicity of causation make them too different to be explanatorily intertwined.
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  43. Grounding and Necessity.Stephan Leuenberger - 2014 - Inquiry: An Interdisciplinary Journal of Philosophy 57 (2):151-174.
    The elucidations and regimentations of grounding offered in the literature standardly take it to be a necessary connection. In particular, authors often assert, or at least assume, that if some facts ground another fact, then the obtaining of the former necessitates the latter; and moreover, that grounding is an internal relation, in the sense of being necessitated by the existence of the relata. In this article, I challenge the necessitarian orthodoxy about grounding by offering two prima facie (...)
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  44. Grounding, Necessity, and Relevance.Salim Hireche - 2023 - Philosophical Studies:1-22.
    Grounding necessitarianism (GN) is the view that full grounds necessitate what they ground. Although GN has been rather popular among philosophers, it faces important counterexamples: For instance, A=[Socrates died] fully grounds C=[Xanthippe became a widow]. However, A fails to necessitate C: A could have obtained together with B=[Socrates and Xanthippe were never married], without C obtaining. In many cases, the debate essentially reduces to whether A indeed fully grounds C – as the contingentist claims – or if instead C (...)
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  45. Grounding and Metaphysical Explanation.Naomi Thompson - 2016 - Proceedings of the Aristotelian Society 116 (3):395-402.
    Attempts to elucidate grounding are often made by connecting grounding to metaphysical explanation, but the notion of metaphysical explanation is itself opaque, and has received little attention in the literature. We can appeal to theories of explanation in the philosophy of science to give us a characterization of metaphysical explanation, but this reveals a tension between three theses: that grounding relations are objective and mind-independent; that there are pragmatic elements to metaphysical explanation; and that grounding and (...)
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  46. Ground.Michael J. Raven - 2015 - Philosophy Compass 10 (5):322-333.
    This essay focuses on a recently prominent notion of ground which is distinctive for how it links metaphysics to explanation. Ground is supposed to serve both as the common factor in diverse in virtue of questions as well as the structuring relation in the project of explaining how some phenomena are “built” from more fundamental phenomena. My aim is to provide an opinionated synopsis of this notion of ground without engaging with others. Ground, so understood, generally resists illumination by appeal (...)
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  47. The Grounds of Nonground.Samuel Elgin - manuscript
    This paper concerns the grounds of nonground: what it is in virtue of that facts of the form [F1 does not ground F2] hold. While the literature on iterated ground is expansive, there is comparatively little written on the grounds of nonground. I argue that nonground is grounded in distinctness from ground. If F1 does not ground F2, then [F1 does not ground F2] is grounded in the fact that F1 is distinct from that which does ground F2. While this (...)
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    Grounds for Respect: Particularism, Universalism, and Communal Accountability.Kristi Giselsson - 2012 - Lexington Books.
    Grounds for Respect broaches a question that is of vital importance to all; namely, what grounds do we need in order to justify respect for others? In exploring this question the author provides not only a critical overview of traditional and contemporary approaches to — and critiques of — the concept of a common humanity, but also offers a distinctively new approach as to what it might mean to be human.
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  49. Grounding entails supervenience.Samuele Chilovi - 2021 - Synthese 198 (S6):1317-1334.
    Do grounding claims entail corresponding supervenience claims? The question matters, as a positive answer would help grounding theorists address worries that their hyperintensional primitive is obscure, and also increase the argumentative strategies that are available within ground-theoretic frameworks for metaphysical inquiry. Leuenberger (Erkenntnis 79:227–240, 2014a) argues for a negative response, by specifying some candidate principles of entailment and then claiming that each of them is subject to counterexamples. In this paper, I critically assess those principles and the objections (...)
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  50. Where grounding and causation part ways: comments on Schaffer.Kathrin Koslicki - 2016 - Philosophical Studies 173 (1):101-112.
    Does the notion of ground, as it has recently been employed by metaphysicians, point to a single unified phenomenon? Jonathan Schaffer holds that the phenomenon of grounding exhibits the unity characteristic of a single genus. In defense of this hypothesis, Schaffer proposes to take seriously the analogy between causation and grounding. More specifically, Schaffer argues that both grounding and causation are best approached through a single formalism, viz., that utilized by structural equation models of causation. In this (...)
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