Results for 'Guy Butler'

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  1. King Lear and Ancient Britain.Guy Butler - 1985 - Theoria 65:27-33.
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    ‘Why Is the Chubby Guy Running?’: Trans Pregnancy, Fatness, and Cultural Intelligibility.Francis Ray White, Ruth Pearce, Damien W. Riggs, Carla A. Pfeffer & Sally Hines - forthcoming - Journal of Applied Philosophy.
    Since the late 2000s trans pregnancy has received increasing public and academic attention, and stories of the ‘pregnant man’ have become a media staple. Existing research has critiqued such spectacularization and the supposed tension between maleness, masculinity, and pregnancy that underpins it. Extending that work, this article draws on interview data from an international study of trans reproductive practices and analyzes participants' experiences of being, and expecting themselves to be, perceived in public space not as spectacularly ‘pregnant men’, but as (...)
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    Content, context, and compositionality.Keith Butler - 1995 - Mind and Language 10 (1-2):3-24.
    This paper addresses the question of whether mental representations are compositional. Several researchers have claimed recently that there are empirical data that show mental representations to be context-sensitive in a way that threatens compositionality. Some have then gone on to claim that connectionist encoding schemes are well suited to accommodate such noncom-positionality. I argue here that the data do not show that mental representations are noncompositional, and that there are significant problems with the suggested interpretations of connectionist encoding schemes.
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    abstract: A-Subjective Phenomenology and Hermeneutics.Guy Deniau - 2002 - Chiasmi International 4:374-374.
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    Soul 99.Guy C. K. Robinson - 1997 - Book Montana.
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    Karl Llewellyn as Pragmatist.Brian E. Butler - 2024 - Contemporary Pragmatism 21 (3):324-339.
    In this article my aim is to see Karl Llewellyn as a member of the central pragmatist canon. Further, I see Llewellyn not only as a “Legal Pragmatist,” but also as developing a full pragmatist philosophy of law. Reading Llewellyn as a pragmatist would greatly add to an extended understanding of early pragmatism. This would show a strong influence of pragmatic thought within the legal academy.. Second, adding Llewellyn to the pragmatist canon would help show pragmatism in action in the (...)
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    Soul and Form.Georg Lukacs & Judith Butler - 2010 - Columbia University Press.
    György Lukács was a Hungarian Marxist philosopher, writer, and literary critic who shaped mainstream European Communist thought. Soul and Form was his first book, published in 1910, and it established his reputation, treating questions of linguistic expressivity and literary style in the works of Plato, Kierkegaard, Novalis, Sterne, and others. By isolating the formal techniques these thinkers developed, Lukács laid the groundwork for his later work in Marxist aesthetics, a field that introduced the historical and political implications of text. For (...)
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    Three Shortcomings of the Trolley Method of Moral Philosophy.Guy Crain - 2023 - Journal of Ethics and Social Philosophy 26 (2).
    In this paper I argue that the trolley method of moral philosophy has three shortcomings not yet adequately addressed in the literature. First, trolley problems highlight high stakes ethical decisions. These decisions do not represent the majority of ethical decisions made by most people, and thus, the trolley method ignores most of moral life. Second, the trolley method operates by way of a faux-anonymization of moral agents. This process leads to descriptions of moral agents being unwittingly supplied by those to (...)
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    Moore on the sceptical philosopher.Guy Longworth - 2021 - Think 20 (57):69-87.
    1. Since I don't know who you are, dear reader, and since I know that some people don't have hands, I don't know whether you have hands. Probably you do, but knowing that something is probable is rarely, if ever, a way of knowing that thing. By contrast, I know that I have hands. Let me check. Yes, here is one of my hands; and here is another. Since I know that here is one of my hands and that here (...)
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    Defining sameness: historical, biological, and generative homology.Ann B. Butler & William M. Saidel - 2000 - Bioessays 22 (9):846-853.
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    La description en questions.Guy-Félix Duportail - 2010 - Archives de Philosophie 73 (1):5-7.
    « Le moment topologique » désigne la référence commune à la topologie faite par de nombreux auteurs dans les années soixante (Merleau-Ponty, Lacan, Deleuze, Foucault, Derrida). Dans le paradigme phénoménologique, il conditionna deux réponses antonymes : d’un côté, chez Merleau-Ponty, il ouvrit la voie vers une nouvelle réduction, d’un autre côté, chez Derrida, il permit une rupture d’avec le cadre méthodologique de la phénoménologie. C’est pourtant le dépassement de cette opposition qui est ici proposé.
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    Note de lecture.Guy Petitdemange - 2015 - Archives de Philosophie 78 (1):153-155.
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    Revenu universel d’existence en Europe.Guy Valette - 2024 - Multitudes 95 (2):201-204.
    « En Europe dans cette Europe qu’on dit malade […] la proposition politique d’un revenu universel, inconditionnel, c’est-à-dire, détaché d’un emploi salarié est en train de s’imposer comme le seul critère de renouvellement des programmes politiques » affirmait déjà en 2016, Yann Moulier Boutang, économiste. Le droit à un emploi correctement rémunéré pour assurer les conditions concrètes d’existence est de moins en moins universel. Les États tentent de venir en aide à cette population qui, avec ou sans travail, n’arrive plus (...)
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    Husserl on knowing essences: Transworld identity and epistemic progression.Andrew P. Butler - 2024 - European Journal of Philosophy 32 (4):1146-1168.
    Husserl's proposed method for knowing the essences of universals, which he calls “free variation,” has been widely criticized for involving viciously circular reasoning. In this paper, I review existing attempts to resolve this problem, and I argue that they all fail. I then show that extant accounts are all guilty of a common mistake: they assume that circularity is inevitable as long as the exercise of free variation presupposes the ability to identify the universal whose essence is in question, that (...)
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    Heidegger and Sartre: An Essay on Being and Place.Judith Butler & Joseph P. Fell - 1982 - Philosophical Review 91 (4):641.
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    An Announcement about Clio Hegel Studies.Clark Butler - 1986 - The Owl of Minerva 18 (1):91-91.
    The annual series of Clio Hegel Studies, which has been published since 1981, is to continue under the title Clio Philosophy Studies. The Hegel series numbers were inaugurated at a time when there was no assurance that the Owl would become a journal. Now that the organ of the HSA is a journal of Hegel studies, Clio can best serve by addressing a wider audience, while continuing to encourage and welcome contributions related to Hegel. For the next two years, beginning (...)
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    Aristotle's sea fight and three-valued logic.Ronald J. Butler - 1955 - Philosophical Review 64 (2):264-274.
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    Two varieties of conditionals and two kinds of defeaters help reveal two fundamental types of reasoning.Guy Politzer & J.-F. Bonnefon - 2006 - Mind and Language 21 (4):484-503.
    Two notions from philosophical logic and linguistics are brought together and applied to the psychological study of defeasible conditional reasoning. The distinction between disabling conditions and alternative causes is shown to be a special case of Pollock's (1987) distinction between ‘rebutting' and ‘undercutting' defeaters. ‘Inferential' conditionals are shown to come in two types, one that is sensitive to rebutters, the other to undercutters. It is thus predicted and demonstrated in two experiments that the type of inferential conditional used as the (...)
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    An Inquiry Concerning the Acceptance of Intrinsic Value Theories of Nature.W. F. Butler & T. G. Acott - 2007 - Environmental Values 16 (2):149-168.
    This study empirically assesses the extent to which intrinsic value theories of nature are accepted and acknowledged outside the realm of academic environmental ethics. It focuses on twenty of the largest landowning organisations in England, including both conservation and non-conservation organisations and investigates the environmental philosophical beliefs and values held by representative individuals of these groups. An in-depth interview was held with a representative from each organisation. The interviews were analysed using qualitative data analysis software and the results compared against (...)
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  20. Ethical Function in Hospital Ethics Committees 191 G. Lebeer (Ed.) IOS Press, 2002.Guy Lebeer - 2002 - In Ethical function in hospital ethics committees. Washington, D.C.: IOS Press. pp. 51--191.
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    Empeiria in Aristotle.Travis Butler - 2003 - Southern Journal of Philosophy 41 (3):329-350.
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    Socrates and Philosophical Practice.Travis Butler - 2015 - British Journal for the History of Philosophy 23 (5):821-842.
    Interpreters of the Phaedo often cite the Pythagorean context of the dialogue as a source of influence on the demanding conception of philosophy defended therein. Sandra Peterson offers a striking account of that influence: the Pythagorean sympathies of Socrates's interlocutors lead him to defend a conception of philosophy that captures their commitments, but that he himself rejects. Call this the Strong Influence Thesis. Peterson defends SIT by attempting to demonstrate a mismatch between the conception of philosophy espoused by Socrates in (...)
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  23. Awash in a Sea of Faith: Christianizing the American People.John Butler - 1990
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    riassunto: Fenomenologia asoggettiva ed ermeneutica.Guy Deniau - 2002 - Chiasmi International 4:375-375.
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    Damophon de Messène et les ΦΑΙΔΥΝΤΑΙ d'Olympie.Guy Donnay - 1967 - Bulletin de Correspondance Hellénique 91 (2):546-551.
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    Bodily Desire and Imprisonment in the Phaedo.Travis Butler - 2017 - History of Philosophy & Logical Analysis 20 (1):82-102.
    The ethics and moral psychology of the Phaedo crucially depend on claims made uniquely about bodily desire. This paper offers an analysis and defense of the account of bodily desire in the dialogue, arguing that bodily desires – desires with their source in processes or conditions of the body – are characterized by three features: motivational pull, assertoric force, and intensity. Desires with these features target the soul’s rational functions with distinctive forms of imprisonment. They target the soul’s capacity to (...)
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    Le jugement du peuple : le procès Clinton.Guy Lachapelle - 1999 - Éthique Publique 1 (1).
    Cet article propose une analyse du procès Clinton en se penchant sur les différentes étapes de l’affaire, les stratégies des acteurs en jeu et les choix de l’opinion publique américaine. En nous révélant l’image d’une société américaine à la recherche d’un modèle politique s’appuyant tant sur le libéralisme interventionniste que sur le conservatisme, le procès Clinton a mis en lumière la dérive partisane dont il a été l’objet. L’auteur nous montre cependant à quel point l’opinion publique américaine a su rester (...)
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  28. Revelation, Natural Law, and Homosexual Unions.Guy Mansini & Lawrence Welch - 2004 - Nova et Vetera 2:337-366.
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    7. Circuits of Bad Conscience: Nietzsche and Freud.Judith Butler - 2000 - In Alan D. Schrift (ed.), Why Nietzsche Still?: Reflections on Drama, Culture, and Politics. University of California Press. pp. 121-135.
  30. Aesthetics and American Law.Brian E. Butler - 2003 - Legal Studies Forum (1):203-220.
  31. An Introduction to the Logic of Hegel.Clark Butler - unknown
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    Family and Medical Issues and the Law.Butler-Sloss Dame Elizabeth - 2004 - Legal Ethics 7 (1):11-16.
  33. Patriotism.Nicholas Murray Butler - 1916
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    Perdita e rigenerazione: ambiente, arte, politica.Judith Butler - 2023 - Venezia: Marsilio arte. Edited by Isabella Pasqualetto.
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  35. Soft American Empire vs. Playing the E.U.-U.N. Card.Clark Butler - unknown
    Neither journalistic nor sensationalistic eye-witness accounts, this is the first book of serious reflection on the moral background and issues of internal legality surrounding the events of Guantanamo Bay.
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    The Fortunes of Faust.E. M. Butler - 1953 - Philosophical Review 62 (2):304-305.
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    Review Essay: Aquinas, Modern Theology, and the Trinity.O. S. B. Guy Mansini - 2023 - Nova et Vetera 21 (4):1415-1420.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Review Essay:Aquinas, Modern Theology, and the TrinityGuy Mansini O.S.B.As one would expect from his Incarnate Lord, Thomas Joseph White's Trinity is no exercise in historical theology, although of course it calls on history, but aims to give us St. Thomas's theology as an enduring and so contemporary theology that both respects the creedal commitments of the Catholic Church and offers a more satisfying understanding of the Trinity than anything (...)
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    Refining Motivational Intellectualism: Plato’s Protagoras and Phaedo.Travis Butler - 2019 - Archiv für Geschichte der Philosophie 101 (2):153-176.
    Refined intellectualism holds that although an agent’s actions always follow his rationally-produced choices of what is best, those choices can be influenced by non-rational motivational states. Through a contrast with the Protagoras, I argue that RI is not only clearly endorsed in the Phaedo but also central to the philosophical ethic defended in that dialogue. This result raises problems for prevailing developmentalist interpretations of Plato’s moral psychology.
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  39. Children’s Rights: A Historical and Conceptual Analysis.Clark Butler - unknown
  40. Emilios Christodoulidis and Scott Veitch, Lethe's Law: Justice, Law and Ethics in Reconciliation Reviewed by.Brian E. Butler - 2002 - Philosophy in Review 22 (4):263-265.
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    Excerpts from Field Research in China's Communes: Views of a “Guest”.Steven B. Butler - 1981 - Science, Technology, and Human Values 6 (3):52-55.
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  42. “EXPERIENCIA” Joan W. Scott.Judith Butler - 1991 - Critical Inquiry 17:773-797.
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    Guest Editor’s Introduction.Brian E. Butler - 2012 - Contemporary Pragmatism 9 (2):1-4.
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    Physical attraction to reliable, low variability nervous systems: Reaction time variability predicts attractiveness.Emily E. Butler, Christopher W. N. Saville, Robert Ward & Richard Ramsey - 2017 - Cognition 158 (C):81-89.
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  45. Signifying-a cultural dinosaur.Ce Butler - 1982 - Journal of Thought 17 (1):17-27.
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    The Holiness of Beauty.John F. Butler - 2014 - Wipf and Stock Publishers.
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  47. The Mind of Santayana.RICHARD BUTLER - 1955 - Philosophy 34 (130):270-271.
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  48. The Necessity of Understanding Thumos, and the Misuse of Emotion in Modern Political Theory, The Review of Communication, Vol.Brian E. Butler - 2002 - The Review of Communication 2 (2).
  49. Understanding the Word: Essays in Honor of Bernhard W. Anderson.James T. Butler, Edgar W. Conrad & Ben C. Ollenburger - 1985
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    Food for thought: Nutrient metabolism controlling early T cell development.Guy Werlen, Tatiana Hernandez & Estela Jacinto - 2025 - Bioessays 47 (1):2400179.
    T cells develop in the thymus by expressing a diverse repertoire of either αβ‐ or γδ‐T cell receptors (TCR). While many studies have elucidated how TCR signaling and gene expression control T cell ontogeny, the role of nutrient metabolism is just emerging. Here, we discuss how metabolic reprogramming and nutrient availability impact the fate of developing thymic T cells. We focus on how the PI3K/mTOR signaling mediates various extracellular inputs and how this signaling pathway controls metabolic rewiring during highly proliferative (...)
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