Results for 'Guylaine Chevarie-Lessard'

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  1.  18
    La profondeur au coeur de L'oeil et l'esprit.Guylaine Chevarie-Lessard - 2003 - Horizons Philosophiques 14 (1):118-136.
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    Beyond Sentience: Legally Recognizing Animals’ Sociability and Agency.Michaël Lessard - 2024 - Journal of Animal Ethics 14 (1):89-109.
    The recognition of animal sentience in law has created high expectations but has not yet lived up to them. In some jurisdictions, the recognition of animal sentience has formed the basis of new legal obligations imposed on humans to protect animal interests. So far, however, its potential has been limited because legal officials have interpreted sentience narrowly, as mainly referring to pain. This article proposes identifying other animal characteristics to better serve animal interests, namely sociability and agency. These animal characteristics (...)
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    Knowing About Responsibility.Simon-Pierre Chevarie-Cossette - 2021 - American Philosophical Quarterly 58 (3):201-216.
    Here is a skeptical trilemma. We know that we are responsible. We do not know that determinism is false. Yet, if we do not know that determinism is false, we do not know that we are responsible. If we want to avoid the skeptical conclusion of rejecting the first claim, we ought to reject the third. It does not follow that compatibilism is true. But it follows that libertarianism, the view that we are responsible even though responsibility requires indeterminism, is (...)
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  4. Is Free Will Scepticism Self-Defeating?Simon-Pierre Chevarie-Cossette - 2019 - European Journal of Analytic Philosophy 15 (2):55-78.
    Free will sceptics deny the existence of free will, that is the command or control necessary for moral responsibility. Epicureans allege that this denial is somehow self-defeating. To interpret the Epicurean allegation charitably, we must first realise that it is propositional attitudes like beliefs and not propositions themselves which can be self-defeating. So, believing in free will scepticism might be self- defeating. The charge becomes more plausible because, as Epicurus insightfully recognised,there is a strong connection between conduct and belief—and so (...)
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    Deux formes de naturalisme antique : la nature comme fondement d’éthiques contradictoires.Simon-Pierre Chevarie-Cossette - 2013 - In Simon-Pierre Chevarie-Cossette & Éliot Litalien (eds.), Introduction. Les Cahiers D'Ithaque.
    Diogène de Sinope et Calliclès affirment tirer leurs éthiques de l'observation de la nature. En cela, ils s'opposent explicitement à Socrate. Mais leur position est-elle une véritable forme de naturalisme ou un simple usage métaphorique? Ce texte défend la première option, après avoir montré que malgré leur ressemblance métaéthique, ces deux éthiques normatives sont radicalement opposées.
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  6. Tonneau percé, tonneau habité - Calliclès et Diogène : les leçons rivales de la nature.Simon-Pierre Chevarie-Cossette - 2015 - Philosophie Antique 15:149-178.
    Comme de nombreux penseurs antiques avant et après eux et contrairement à Socrate, Calliclès et Diogène ont déclaré avoir fondé leur éthique sur l’observation de la nature. Et pourtant, les deux discours normatifs qui sont tirés d’une nature que l’on pourrait a priori croire être la même sont on ne peut plus opposés. Calliclès croit que l’homme est appelé à dominer autrui ; Diogène pense plutôt qu’il doit se dominer lui-même ; le premier est un hédoniste débridé, le second croit (...)
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    Jean-Marc Vercruysse, dir., La résurrection de Lazare. Arras, Artois Presses Université , 2017, 230 p.Guylain Prince - 2018 - Laval Théologique et Philosophique 74 (1):155-157.
  8. Self-Defeating Beliefs and Misleading Reasons.Simon-Pierre Chevarie-Cossette - 2019 - International Journal of Philosophical Studies 27 (1):57-72.
    We have no reason to believe that reasons do not exist. Contra Bart Streumer’s recent proposal, this has nothing to do with our incapacity to believe this error theory. Rather, it is because if we know that if a proposition is true, we have no reason to believe it, then we have no reason to believe this proposition. From a different angle: if we know that we have at best misleading reasons to believe a proposition, then we have no reason (...)
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    (1 other version)La communication scientifique directe : un nouveau champ éditorial.Guylaine Beaudry - 2010 - Hermès: La Revue Cognition, communication, politique 57 (2):51.
    La fonction d’auteur se transforme en raison des nouvelles potentialités du numérique, particulièrement de la communication scientifique directe. Néanmoins, le statut de l’auteur d’un discours scientifique répond dans l’univers numérique aux mêmes critères que dans le monde de l’imprimé. Ce sont surtout les modalités d’expression et de diffusion des résultats de la recherche qui changent en raison d’infrastructures et de pratiques scientifiques d’un nouveau genre. Notamment, le dépôt de données dans des systèmes d’information homologués par les chercheurs est reconnu de (...)
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    Une autre rencontre avec le temps.Guylain Bernier - 2019 - Paris: L'Harmattan.
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  11. Capitalisme, propriété et solidarité.Simon-Pierre Chevarie-Cossette - 2016 - Les Cahiers D'Ithaque.
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    Introduction.Simon-Pierre Chevarie-Cossette & Éliot Litalien - 2013 - In Simon-Pierre Chevarie-Cossette & Éliot Litalien (eds.), Introduction. Les Cahiers D'Ithaque. pp. 1-5.
    Ce recueil réunit des articles qui s'interrogent, depuis un ensemble de perspectives philosophiques des plus diverses, sur le rapport entre nature et éthique.
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    Quel rapport entre science et justice? - La leçon de Léon Bourgeois.Simon-Pierre Chevarie-Cossette - 2016 - In Capitalisme, propriété et solidarité. Les Cahiers D'Ithaque.
    Le solidarisme de Léon Bourgeois constitue une tentative convaincante de surmonter l’opposition traditionnelle entre libertés individuelles et justice sociale. Bourgeois tente de relever ce défi en faisant appel aux nouvelles découvertes scientifiques en sociologie comme en biologie. En bref, l’observation de la nature nous montrerait que les humains sont en rapport de solidarité les uns avec les autres. De ce fait, on pourrait tirer un devoir de solidarité que l’État serait à même d’imposer aux individus. Fonder une théorie politique sur (...)
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    ‘It's the End of the World!’: The Paradox of Event and Body in Hitchcock's The Birds.Bruno Lessard - 2010 - Film-Philosophy 14 (1):144-173.
    This article examines the concept of ‘event’ and the manner in which it has been neglected in both ecocriticism and Hitchcock studies. Using The Birds (1963) to rethink the premises of ecocritics’ discussion of nature, animals, and disasters in cinema and Hitchcock scholars’ emphasis on representation and symbolism, the article argues that it has become imperative to philosophically foreground ‘events’ in light of the numerous contemporary films that revolve around them. Hitchcock’s film is shown to propose a renewed concept of (...)
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    L’approche écocollaborative en éducation : un métissage culturel en quête d’homéostasie, d’émancipation et de self-empowerment.Geneviève Lessard, Julie Bergeron, Stéphanie Demers & Nathalie Anwandter Cuellar - 2017 - Revue Phronesis 6 (1-2):177-188.
    This paper proposes to analyze the significant methodological adjustments which were brought to a collaborative research project in response to specific contextual constraints. The research issues which emerged from this context and led the research team to a methodological reconceptualization are presented along with the emerging methodological model. Outcomes of the methodological changes including participant empowerment, are discussed and lead the authors to postulate that an ecocollaborative approach, based upon horizontal relationships and taking into account the complexity of systems, appears (...)
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    Ribosomal Proteins Control Tumor Suppressor Pathways in Response to Nucleolar Stress.Frédéric Lessard, Léa Brakier-Gingras & Gerardo Ferbeyre - 2019 - Bioessays 41 (3):1800183.
    Ribosome biogenesis includes the making and processing of ribosomal RNAs, the biosynthesis of ribosomal proteins from their mRNAs in the cytosol and their transport to the nucleolus to assemble pre‐ribosomal particles. Several stresses including cellular senescence reduce nucleolar rRNA synthesis and maturation increasing the availability of ribosome‐free ribosomal proteins. Several ribosomal proteins can activate the p53 tumor suppressor pathway but cells without p53 can still arrest their proliferation in response to an imbalance between ribosomal proteins and mature rRNA production. Recent (...)
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    La télévision russe, entre démocratisation et raison d'Etat.Guylaine Saffrais - 1996 - Hermes 19:113.
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  18. Désirs naturels et artificiels chez Diogène et Épicure.Simon-Pierre Chevarie-Cossette - 2015 - In Marc-Kevin Daoust (ed.), Le désir et la philosophie. Les Cahiers d'Ithaque. pp. 147.
    This article contrasts Epicurus's and Diogenes the Cynic's respective views on acceptable desires. I emphasize their appeals to nature to legitimize or de-legitimize certain types of desires.
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  19. Blameworthiness Implies 'Ought Not'.Simon-Pierre Chevarie-Cossette - 2024 - Philosophical Studies:1-21.
    Here is a crucial principle for debates about moral luck, responsibility, and free will: a subject is blameworthy for an act only if, in acting, she did what she ought not to have done. That is, ‘blameworthiness’ implies ‘ought not’ (BION). There are some good reasons to accept BION, but whether we should accept it depends on complex questions about the objectivity of ought and the subjectivity of blameworthiness. This paper offers an exploratory defence of BION: it gives three prima (...)
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    Excuses and Alternatives.Simon-Pierre Chevarie-Cossette - 2021 - Canadian Journal of Philosophy 51 (1):1-16.
    A version of the principle of alternate possibilities claims that one is only blameworthy for actions which one was able to avoid. Much of the discussion about PAP concerns Frankfurt’s counterexamples to it. After fifty years of refined debates, progress might seem hopeless. Yet, we can make headway by asking: “what’s our reason for believing PAP?” The best answer is this: lacking eligible alternatives—alternatives whose cost is not too high to reasonably opt for—is a good excuse. Yet, this principle is (...)
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  21. Sceptical Deliberations.Simon-Pierre Chevarie-Cossette - 2020 - Pacific Philosophical Quarterly 101 (3):383-408.
    Suppose I am a leeway sceptic: I think that, whenever I face a choice between two courses of action, I lack true alternatives. Can my practical deliberation be rational? Call this the Deliberation Question. This paper has three aims in tackling it. Its constructive aim is to provide a unified account of practical deliberation. Its corrective aim is to amend the way that philosophers have recently framed the Deliberation Question. Finally, its disputative aim is to argue that leeway sceptics cannot (...)
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    Calembours et dessins d’humour.Denys Lessard - 1991 - Semiotica 85 (1-2):73-90.
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  23. Entretien avec Pierre Aubenque (dialectique, théorie, pratique).M. Lessard - 1992 - Philosopher: revue pour tous 12:23-27.
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    La légende: cartographie ou lexicographie?Denys Lessard - 1998 - Semiotica 119 (1-2):1-22.
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    Entre devoir et responsabilité.Simon-Pierre Chevarie-Cossette - 2024 - Laval Théologique et Philosophique 80 (3):415-435.
    Responsibility for X is the duty to answer for X. This theory clarifies the link between duty, responsibility and blameworthiness. Blameworthiness, but not responsibility, implies a breach of duty. And a breach of duty involves responsibility, but not blameworthiness — at least for normal adults. These intuitive theses may seem trivial, but they give some reason to accept two controversial theses : excuses are not always partial, and responsibility requires free will.
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  26. Deliberation and the Possibility of Skepticism.Simon-Pierre Chevarie-Cossette - 2023 - In Maximilian Kiener (ed.), The Routledge Handbook of Philosophy of Responsibility. Abingdon, Oxon: Routledge. pp. 239-249.
    No one is responsible for their conduct because free will is an illusion, say some skeptics. Even when it seems that we have several options, we only have one. Hence, says the free will skeptic, we should reform our practices which involve responsibility attributions, such as punishment and blame. How seriously should we take this doctrine? Is it one that we could live by? One thorn in the side of the skeptic concerns deliberation. When we deliberate about what to do—what (...)
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    Blameworthiness Implies ‘Ought not’.Simon-Pierre Chevarie-Cossette - 2024 - Philosophical Studies 181 (8):2003-2023.
    Here is a crucial principle for debates about moral luck, responsibility, and free will: a subject is blameworthy for an act only if, in acting, she did what she ought not to have done. That is, ‘blameworthiness’ implies ‘ought not’ (BION). There are some good reasons to accept BION, but whether we accept it mainly depends on complex questions about the objectivity of ought and the subjectivity of blameworthiness. This paper offers an exploratory defence of BION: it gives three _prima (...)
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  28. Prostitution: You Can’t Have Your Cake and Sell It.Simon-Pierre Chevarie-Cossette - 2017 - Journal of Practical Ethics 5 (2):77-84.
    I offer an unorthodox argument for the thesis that prostitution is not just a normal job. It has the advantage of being compatible with the claim that humans should have full authority over their sexual life. In fact, it is ultimately the emphasis on this authority that leads the thesis that prostitution is a normal job to collapse. Here is the argument: merchants cannot (both legally and morally) discriminate whom they transact with on the basis of factors like the ethnicity (...)
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  29. Puns and Cartoons.D. Lessard - 1991 - Semiotica 85 (1-2):73-89.
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    Étienne Nodet, La porte du ciel. Les esséniens et Qumr'n. Quelles origines? Quelles postérités? Paris, Les Éditions du Cerf, 2016, 354 p. [REVIEW]Guylain Prince - 2017 - Laval Théologique et Philosophique 73 (3):466.
  31. Queering the urban, queering ethnography: a review of the analytic concept of space in American urban ethnography and queer geography. [REVIEW]Donovan Lessard - 2013 - In Kathleen O'Mara & Liz Morrish (eds.), Queering paradigms III: queer impact and practices. Bern, Switzerland: Peter Lang.
  32. J. Hyman, Action, Knowledge and Will, Oxford, Oxford University Press, 2015, 272 pagesJ. Hyman, Action, Knowledge and Will, Oxford, Oxford University Press, 2015, 272 pages. [REVIEW]Simon-Pierre Chevarie-Cossette - 2015 - Philosophiques 42 (2):435-440.
    Ceci est un recensement du livre de John Hyman 'Action, Knowledge, and the Will'. -/- This is a book review (in French) of John Hyman's book 'Action, Knowledge, and the Will'.
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  33. Qu'est-ce que la responsabilité ?Christian Nadeau & Simon-Pierre Chevarie-Cossette - 2024 - Paris: Vrin.
    Être responsable de notre conduite passée, c’est, en un sens, devoir en répondre. Cela signifie d’accepter qu’on en est l’auteur, à titre d’individu ou de membre d’un groupe. Mais cela implique aussi de devoir la défendre, c’est-à-dire de la justifier si possible ou de l’excuser et parfois d’en accepter les conséquences négatives. Bref, si nous sommes responsables, c’est que nous sommes concernés et que nous devons réagir. À la difficulté psychologique de cette prise de responsabilité s’ajoutent des défis intellectuels majeurs. (...)
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    Le Thesaurus Occitan : entre atlas et dictionnaires.Patrick Sauzet & Guylaine Brun-Trigaud - 2013 - Corpus 12:105-140.
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    Aidan McGlynn. Knowledge First?, Houndmills, Palgrave Macmillan, 2016, 227 pages. [REVIEW]Simon-Pierre Chevarie-Cossette - 2017 - Philosophiques 44 (1):170-176.
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    Peter Van Inwagen. Thinking about Free Will?, Cambridge, Cambridge University Press, 2017, 232 pages. [REVIEW]Simon-Pierre Chevarie-Cossette - 2017 - Philosophiques 44 (2):410-414.
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    The "nation's conscience:" Assessing bioethics commissions as public forums.Albert W. Dzur & Daniel Lessard Levin - 2004 - Kennedy Institute of Ethics Journal 14 (4):333-360.
    : As the fifth national bioethics commission has concluded its work and a sixth is currently underway, it is time to step back and consider appropriate measures of success. This paper argues that standard measures of commissions' influence fail to fully assess their role as public forums. From the perspective of democratic theory, a critical dimension of this role is public engagement: the ability of a commission to address the concerns of the general public, to learn how average citizens resolve (...)
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    Systematic review of the quality of clinical guidelines for aphasia in stroke management.Alexia Rohde, Linda Worrall & Guylaine Le Dorze - 2013 - Journal of Evaluation in Clinical Practice 19 (6):994-1003.
  39. The primacy of the public: In support of bioethics commissions as deliberative forums.Albert W. Dzur & Daniel Lessard Levin - 2007 - Kennedy Institute of Ethics Journal 17 (2):133-142.
    : In a 2004 article, we argued that bioethics commissions should be assessed in terms of their usefulness as public forums. A 2006 article by Summer Johnson argued that our perspective was not supported by the existing literature on presidential commissions, which had not previously identified commissions as public forums and that we did not properly account for the political functions of commissions as instruments of presidential power. Johnson also argued that there was nothing sufficiently unique about bioethics commissions to (...)
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    Faire des courses avec des atteintes cognitives : l’influence des facteurs environnementaux.Stéphanie Gauthier, Priscilla Lam Wai Shun, Nadia Gosselin, Guylaine Le Dorze & Carolina Bottari - 2014 - Alter - European Journal of Disability Research / Revue Européenne de Recherche Sur le Handicap 8 (3):170-182.
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    Creating a rehabilitation living lab to optimize participation and inclusion for persons with physical disabilities.Eva Kehayia, Bonnie Swaine, Cristina Longo, Sara Ahmed, Philippe Archambault, Joyce Fung, Dahlia Kairy, Anouk Lamontagne, Guylaine Le Dorze, Hélène Lefebvre, Olga Overbury & Tiiu Poldma - 2014 - Alter - European Journal of Disability Research / Revue Européenne de Recherche Sur le Handicap 8 (3):151-157.
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    Erratum to “Creating a rehabilitation living lab to optimize participation and inclusion for persons with physical disabilities” [Alter 8 (2014) 151–157]. [REVIEW]Eva Kehayia, Bonnie Swaine, Cristina Longo, Delphine Labbé, Sara Ahmed, Philippe Archambault, Joyce Fung, Dahlia Kairy, Anouk Lamontagne, Guylaine Le Dorze, Hélène Lefebvre, Olga Overbury & Tiiu Poldma - 2014 - Alter - European Journal of Disability Research / Revue Européenne de Recherche Sur le Handicap 8 (4):303.
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  43. Mourir au 21 siècle : entre corporalités et technologies, de Audrey Deveault et Michaël Lessard.Simon Legault - 2022 - Canadian Journal of Bioethics / Revue canadienne de bioéthique 5 (2):129.
    L’ouvrage Mourir au 21 siècle : entre corporalités et technologies de Audrey Deveault et Michaël Lessard s’intéresse aux questions juridiques, éthiques et phénoménologiques soulevées par l’impact des innovations technologiques sur la mort. Il explore le vide juridique, ainsi que les représentations individuelle et sociale de la mort, proposant une vision plurielle de son symbolisme et différentes pistes de réflexion pour alimenter le débat.
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    Dorothy E. Chunn, Susan B. Boyd, Hester Lessard (eds): Reaction and resistance: Feminism, law and social change. [REVIEW]Doris E. Buss - 2008 - Feminist Legal Studies 16 (3):387-390.
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    (2 other versions)What was Fisher’s fundamental theorem of natural selection and what was it for?Anya Plutynski - 2005 - Studies in History and Philosophy of Science Part C: Studies in History and Philosophy of Biological and Biomedical Sciences 37 (1):59-82.
    Fisher’s ‘fundamental theorem of natural selection’ is notoriously abstract, and, no less notoriously, many take it to be false. In this paper, I explicate the theorem, examine the role that it played in Fisher’s general project for biology, and analyze why it was so very fundamental for Fisher. I defend Ewens (1989) and Lessard (1997) in the view that the theorem is in fact a true theorem if, as Fisher claimed, ‘the terms employed’ are ‘used strictly as defined’ (1930, (...)
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    La dynamique interactionnelle au service du codéveloppement professionnel d’enseignants associés réunis en communauté de pratique.Liliane Portelance, Colette Gervais, Geneviève Boisvert & Mylène Quessy - 2018 - Revue Phronesis 7 (4):65-79.
    Given his expertise in the classroom and in school, the cooperating teacher is essential to teacher training. Expectations towards him are coming from ministerial authorities (gouvernement du Québec, 2002, 2008), but also from student teachers (Caron, Portelance and Martineau, 2013). In order to meet these expectations, the cooperating teacher is strongly encouraged to enroll in a continuous training process leading to enhance his training practices. With the intention of supporting the development of the expected cooperating teacher’s competencies (Portelance, Gervais, (...), Beaulieu et al., 2008), a research funded by the Quebec Ministry of Education [1] uses a collaborative approach with cooperating teachers gathered in a community of practice. The members are engaged in a reflection process and a co-construction of meaning (Bourassa, Philion and Chevalier, 2007). Discussions focus on their training practices. The analysis of their purposes emphasizes the manifestations of interactional dynamics that favor their professional co-development. (shrink)
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  47. Capitalisme, propriété et solidarité.Marc-Kevin Daoust (ed.) - 2016 - Les Cahiers d'Ithaque.
    Le but de ce recueil est d’offrir des commentaires accessibles et introductifs aux textes classiques qu’ils accompagnent, en ouvrant des perspectives de discussion sur le thème du capitalisme. C’est en ce sens qu’Emmanuel Chaput lance le débat en commentant le texte de Pierre-Joseph Proudhon, « Qu’est-ce que la propriété ? ». Les textes de Karl Marx ne sont bien sûr pas laissés pour compte : Samuel-Élie Lesage s’engage fermement dans cette voie en discutant L’idéologie allemande de Karl Marx, Christiane Bailey (...)
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    Condições de trabalho de professores de uma escola do ensino fundamental da rede pública municipal de Vitória da Conquista-BA.Coriolano Ferreira de Moraes Neto & Benedito Eugenio - 2024 - Aprender-Caderno de Filosofia E Psicologia da Educação 31:324-342.
    Este artigo apresenta os resultados de uma pesquisa que teve como objetivo analisar as condições de trabalho dos professores no cotidiano da escola no contexto da prática em uma escola urbana do ensino fundamental da rede pública municipal de Vitória da Conquista - Ba. A metodologia utilizada é a abordagem qualitativa do tipo estudo de caso. Para a produção dos dados fizemos o emprego de questionário. A pesquisa está fundamentada na proposta do ciclo de política desenvolvida por Stephen Ball e (...)
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