Results for 'Günther Ropohl'

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  1.  13
    Das Leben führen?: Lebensführung zwischen Technikphilosophie und Lebensphilosophie: für Günter Ropohl zum 75. Geburtstag.Günter Ropohl & Nicole C. Karafyllis (eds.) - 2014 - Berlin: Edition Sigma.
    Kann man das Leben führen? Die in diesem Band versammelten Beiträge stellen sich in kritischer Absicht dem modernen Konzept der »Lebensführung«, das die Technikphilosophie mit der Lebensphilosophie im frühen 20. Jahrhundert eng verbunden hat und teilweise bis heute verbindet. Auch relevante soziologische Positionen wurden in diesem Kontext entwickelt. Anhand zentraler Autoren wie Simmel, Bergson, Husserl, Heidegger, Blumenberg, Berdjajew, Reuleaux, von Uexküll, Plessner, Freyer, Jonas und Günter Ropohl (dem dieser Band aus Anlass seines 75. Geburtstags gewidmet ist) werden die Bezugnahmen (...)
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  2. Philosophy of Socio-Technical Systems.Günter Ropohl - 1999 - Techné: Research in Philosophy and Technology 4 (3):186-194.
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    Das Wesen der Wirtschaft: und das Unwesen der Ökonomen.Günter Ropohl - 2015 - Baden-Baden: Nomos.
    Niemand kann in modernen Gesellschaften leben, ohne auf vielfaltigste Weise an der Wirtschaft teilzunehmen. Doch gemessen an dieser universellen Bedeutung befasst sich die Philosophie heute vergleichsweise wenig mit der Wirtschaft, und wenn sie es tut, stehen oft Fragen der Wirtschafts- oder Unternehmensethik im Zentrum. Sie sollte aber viel weiter gehen - dafur pladiert Ropohl in diesem Buch - und vermeintliche Grundgewissheiten immer wieder in Frage stellen: Warum mussen Menschen fremdbestimmte Arbeit leisten, um das Geld fur ihre Lebensfuhrung zu erwerben? (...)
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    Technologische Aufklärung: Beiträge zur Technikphilosophie.Günter Ropohl - 1991 - Frankfurt am Main: Suhrkamp.
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  5. Technik und Verantwortung.Günter Ropohl - 1994 - Ethik Und Sozialwissenschaften 5:109-120.
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    Analytische Technikphilosophie.Günther Ropohl - 1980 - Grazer Philosophische Studien 10:200-205.
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    Das eine und die welt.Heinrich Ropohl - 1936 - Leipzig,: S. Hirzel.
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  8. Der Informationsbegriff im Kulturstreit.Günter Ropohl - 2001 - Ethik Und Sozialwissenschaften 12 (1):3-14.
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  9. Die konstruktivistische Scheinlösung.„.G. Ropohl - 1996 - Ethik Und Sozialwissenschaften 7 (2):3.
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  10. Die Philosophie der Technik Ein Exempel für die Synthetische Philosophie.Günter Ropohl - 2002 - Philosophia Naturalis 39 (2):189-207.
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    Die unvollkommene Technik.Günter Ropohl - 1986 - Frankfurt am Main: Suhrkamp.
  12. „Die zwei Systemtheorien “.Günter Ropohl - 2000 - Ethik Und Sozialwissenschaften 11 (2).
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    Eine Systemtheorie der Technik: zur Grundlegung d. allg. Technologie.Günter Ropohl - 1979 - Wien: Hanser.
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    Ethik und Technikbewertung.Günter Ropohl - 1996 - Frankfurt: Suhrkamp.
  15. Schwierigkeiten mit der Systemtheorie.G. Ropohl - 1996 - Ethik Und Sozialwissenschaften 7:630-632.
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  16. Solitary Confinement: Social Death and its Afterlives.Lisa Guenther - 2013 - Minnesota University Press.
    Prolonged solitary confinement has become a widespread and standard practice in U.S. prisons—even though it consistently drives healthy prisoners insane, makes the mentally ill sicker, and, according to the testimony of prisoners, threatens to reduce life to a living death. In this profoundly important and original book, Lisa Guenther examines the death-in-life experience of solitary confinement in America from the early nineteenth century to today’s supermax prisons. Documenting how solitary confinement undermines prisoners’ sense of identity and their ability to understand (...)
  17. Six Senses of Critique for Critical Phenomenology.Lisa Guenther - 2021 - Puncta 4 (2):5-23.
    What is the meaning of critique for critical phenomenology? Building on Gayle Salamon’s engagement with this question in the inaugural issue of Puncta: A Journal for Critical Phenomenology (2018), I will propose a six-fold account of critique as: 1) the art of asking questions, moved by crisis; 2) a transcendental inquiry into the conditions of possibility for meaningful experience; 3) a quasi-transcendental, historically-grounded study of particular lifeworlds; 4) a (situated and interested) analysis of power; 5) the problematization of basic concepts (...)
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    Technik und Ethik.Hans Lenk & Günter Ropohl - 1987
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    Biocommunication and Natural Genome Editing.Witzany Guenther - 2010 - Dordrecht: Springer.
    First uniform description of all key levels of communication in the organismic kingdoms of plants, fungi, animals (bees and corals), bacteria and additionally the natural genome editing competences of viruses based on the most recent empirical data. The biocommunicative approach presented is based on the results of the philosophy of science discourse concerning coherent definitions of 'language' and 'communication'.
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    The Gift of the Other: Levinas and the Politics of Reproduction.Lisa Guenther - 2006 - SUNY Press.
    The Gift of the Other brings together a philosophical analysis of time, embodiment, and ethical responsibility with a feminist critique of the way women’s reproductive capacity has been theorized and represented in Western culture. Author Lisa Guenther develops the ethical and temporal implications of understanding birth as the gift of the Other, a gift which makes existence possible, and already orients this existence toward a radical responsibility for Others. Through an engagement with the work of Levinas, Beauvoir, Arendt, Irigaray, and (...)
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  21. Biocommunication of Soil Microorganisms.Witzany Guenther (ed.) - 2011 - Dordrecht: Springer.
    Communication is defined as an interaction between at least two living agents which share a repertoire of signs. These are combined according to syntactic, semantic and context dependent, pragmatic rules in order to coordinate behavior. This volume deals with the important roles of soil bacteria in parasitic and symbiotic interactions with viruses, plants, animals and fungi. Starting with a general overview of the key levels of communication between bacteria, further reviews examine the various aspects of intracellular as well as intercellular (...)
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  22. Shame and the temporality of social life.Lisa Guenther - 2011 - Continental Philosophy Review 44 (1):23-39.
    Shame is notoriously ambivalent. On one hand, it operates as a mechanism of normalization and social exclusion, installing or reinforcing patterns of silence and invisibility; on the other hand, the capacity for shame may be indispensible for ethical life insofar as it attests to the subject’s constitutive relationality and its openness to the provocation of others. Sartre, Levinas and Beauvoir each offer phenomenological analyses of shame in which its basic structure emerges as a feeling of being exposed to others and (...)
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    Analytische Technikphilosophie. [REVIEW]Günther Ropohl - 1980 - Grazer Philosophische Studien 10:200-205.
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  24. Being-from-others: Reading Heidegger after Cavarero.Lisa Guenther - 2008 - Hypatia 23 (1):99-118.
    : Drawing on Adriana Cavarero's account of natality, Guenther argues that Martin Heidegger overlooks the distinct ontological and ethical significance of birth as a limit that orients one toward an other who resists appropriation, even while handing down a heritage of possibilities that one can—and must—make one's own. Guenther calls this structure of natality Being-from-others, modifying Heidegger's language of inheritance to suggest an ethical understanding of existence as the gift of the other.
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    Board Characteristics and Corporate Social Responsibility: A Meta-Analytic Investigation.Edeltraud M. Guenther, Thomas W. Guenther, Charl de Villiers & Jan Endrikat - 2021 - Business and Society 60 (8):2099-2135.
    Boards of directors affect corporate strategy and decision-making through monitoring of management and resource provision. Recently, an increasing number of studies have examined the relationships between board characteristics and corporate social responsibility (CSR). These studies have yielded inconsistent findings. This article therefore reports the results of a study applying meta-analytical techniques to a sample of 82 empirical studies to help clarify the relationships between board characteristics and CSR. Although prior research has tended to apply relatively simplistic models investigating the impact (...)
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  26. Resisting Agamben: The biopolitics of shame and humiliation.Lisa Guenther - 2012 - Philosophy and Social Criticism 38 (1):59-79.
    In Remnants of Auschwitz , Giorgio Agamben argues that the hidden structure of subjectivity is shame. In shame, I am consigned to something that cannot be assumed, such that the very thing that makes me a subject also forces me to witness my own desubjectification. Agamben’s ontological account of shame is problematic insofar as it forecloses collective responsibility and collapses the distinction between shame and humiliation. By recontextualizing three of Agamben’s sources – Primo Levi, Robert Antelme and Maurice Blanchot – (...)
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    Biocommunication of Ciliates.Guenther Witzany & Mariusz Nowacki (eds.) - 2016 - Dordrecht: Springer.
    This is the first coherent description of all levels of communication of ciliates. Ciliates are highly sensitive organisms that actively compete for environmental resources. They assess their surroundings, estimate how much energy they need for particular goals, and then realise the optimum variant. They take measures to control certain environmental resources. They perceive themselves and can distinguish between ‘self’ and ‘non-self’. They process and evaluate information and then modify their behaviour accordingly. These highly diverse competences show us that this is (...)
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  28. Natural Genome Editing from a Biocommunicative Perspective.Guenther Witzany - 2011 - Biosemiotics 4 (3):349-368.
    Natural genome editing from a biocommunicative perspective is the competent agent-driven generation and integration of meaningful nucleotide sequences into pre-existing genomic content arrangements, and the ability to (re-)combine and (re-)regulate them according to context-dependent (i.e. adaptational) purposes of the host organism. Natural genome editing integrates both natural editing of genetic code and epigenetic marking that determines genetic reading patterns. As agents that edit genetic code and epigenetically mark genomic structures, viral and subviral agents have been suggested because they may be (...)
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  29. That is life: communicating RNA networks from viruses and cells in continuous interaction.Guenther Witzany - 2019 - Annals of the New York Academy of Sciences:1-16.
    All the conserved detailed results of evolution stored in DNA must be read, transcribed, and translated via an RNAmediated process. This is required for the development and growth of each individual cell. Thus, all known living organisms fundamentally depend on these RNA-mediated processes. In most cases, they are interconnected with other RNAs and their associated protein complexes and function in a strictly coordinated hierarchy of temporal and spatial steps (i.e., an RNA network). Clearly, all cellular life as we know it (...)
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    The Viral Origins of Telomeres and Telomerases and their Important Role in Eukaryogenesis and Genome Maintenance.Guenther Witzany - 2008 - Biosemiotics 1 (2):191-206.
    Whereas telomeres protect terminal ends of linear chromosomes, telomerases identify natural chromosome ends, which differ from broken DNA and replicate telomeres. Although telomeres play a crucial role in the linear chromosome organization of eukaryotic cells, their molecular syntax most probably descended from an ancient retroviral competence. This indicates an early retroviral colonization of large double-stranded DNA viruses, which are putative ancestors of the eukaryotic nucleus. This contribution demonstrates an advantage of the biosemiotic approach towards our evolutionary understanding of telomeres, telomerases, (...)
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  31. Metaphysical and Postmetaphysical Relationships of Humans with Nature and Life.Guenther Witzany - 2010 - In Witzany Guenther (ed.), Biocommunication and Natural Genome Editing. Dordrecht: Springer. pp. 01-26.
    First, I offer a short overview on the classical occidental philosophy as propounded by the ancient Greeks and the natural philosophies of the last 2000 years until the dawn of the empiricist logic of science in the twentieth century, which wanted to delimitate classical metaphysics from empirical sciences. In contrast to metaphysical concepts which didn’t reflect on the language with which they tried to explain the whole realm of entities empiricist logic of science initiated the end of metaphysical theories by (...)
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  32. Subjects Without a World? An Husserlian Analysis of Solitary Confinement.Lisa Guenther - 2011 - Human Studies 34 (3):257-276.
    Psychiatrist Stuart Grassian has proposed the term “SHU syndrome” to name the cluster of cognitive, perceptual and affective symptoms that commonly arise for inmates held in the Special Housing Units (SHU) of supermax prisons. In this paper, I analyze the harm of solitary confinement from a phenomenological perspective by drawing on Husserl’s account of the essential relation between consciousness, the experience of an alter ego and the sense of a real, Objective world. While Husserl’s prioritization of transcendental subjectivity over transcendental (...)
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    Philosophy and psychology in the Abhidharma.Herbert V. Guenther - 1976 - [New York]: Random House.
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  34. Communication as the Main Characteristic of Life.Guenther Witzany - 2019 - In M. Kolb Vera (ed.), Handbook of Astrobiology. CrC Press. pp. 91-105.
  35. From the "'logic of Molecular Syntax' to Molecular Pragmatism. Explanatory deficits in Manfred Eigen's concept of language and communication.Guenther Witzany - 1995 - Evolution and Cognition 2 (1):148-168.
    Manfred Eigen employs the terms language and communication to explain key recombination processes of DNA as well as to explain the self-organization of human language and communication: Life processes as well as language and communication processes are governed by the logic of a molecular syntax, which is the exact depiction of a principally formalizable reality. The author of the present contribution demonstrates that this view of Manfred Eigen’s cannot be sufficiently substantiated and that it must be supplemented by an approach (...)
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  36. (1 other version)Le Flair Animal: Levinas and the Possibility of Animal Friendship.Lisa Guenther - 2007 - PhaenEx 2 (2):216-238.
    In Otherwise than Being, Levinas writes that the alterity of the Other escapes “le flair animal,” or the animal’s sense of smell. This paper puts pressure on the strong human-animal distinction that Levinas makes by considering the possibility that, while non-human animals may not respond to the alterity of the Other in the way that Levinas describes as responsibility, animal sensibility plays a key role in a relation to Others that Levinas does not discuss at length: friendship. This approach to (...)
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    Technische Intelligenz im systemtechnologischen Zeitalter.Hans Lenk & Günter Ropohl - 1976 - Düsseldorf: VDI-Verlag. Edited by Günter Ropohl.
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    Biocommunication of Archaea.Guenther Witzany (ed.) - 2017 - Dordrecht: Springer.
    Archaea represent a third domain of life with unique properties not found in the other domains. Archaea actively compete for environmental resources. They perceive themselves and can distinguish between 'self' and 'non-self'. They process and evaluate available information and then modify their behaviour accordingly. They assess their surroundings, estimate how much energy they need for particular goals, and then realize the optimum variant. These highly diverse competences show us that this is possible owing to sign- mediated communication processes within archaeal (...)
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    A theoretical investigation of reference frames for the planning of speech movements.Frank H. Guenther, Michelle Hampson & Dave Johnson - 1998 - Psychological Review 105 (4):611-633.
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  40. What is Life?Guenther Witzany - 2020 - Frontiers in Astronomy and Space Sciences 7:1-13.
    In searching for life in extraterrestrial space, it is essential to act based on an unequivocal definition of life. In the twentieth century, life was defined as cells that self-replicate, metabolize, and are open for mutations, without which genetic information would remain unchangeable, and evolution would be impossible. Current definitions of life derive from statistical mechanics, physics, and chemistry of the twentieth century in which life is considered to function machine like, ignoring a central role of communication. Recent observations show (...)
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    Abolish the World as We Know It: Notes for a Praxis of Phenomenology Beyond Critique.Lisa Guenther - 2022 - Puncta 5 (2):28-44.
    The world as we know it is structured by intersecting forms of systemic violence. It might seem obvious that this violence calls for critique. But this essay experiments with another, more radical possibility inspired by Denise Ferreira da Silva’s Black feminist poethics and by abolitionist refusals of critique as an end in itself and a substitute for collective action. To what extent might phenomenology, even in its most critical form, be so deeply invested in the Kantian tradition of transcendental critique (...)
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  42. Evolution of Genetic Information without Error Replication.Guenther Witzany - 2020 - In Theoretical Information Studies. Singapur: pp. 295-319.
    Darwinian evolutionary theory has two key terms, variations and biological selection, which finally lead to survival of the fittest variant. With the rise of molecular genetics, variations were explained as results of error replications out of the genetic master templates. For more than half a century, it has been accepted that new genetic information is mostly derived from random error-based events. But the error replication narrative has problems explaining the sudden emergence of new species, new phenotypic traits, and genome innovations (...)
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    Max Weber's Vision of History: Ethics and Methods.Guenther Roth & Wolfgang Schluchter - 1979 - Berkeley: University of California Press.
    This title is part of UC Press's Voices Revived program, which commemorates University of California Press’s mission to seek out and cultivate the brightest minds and give them voice, reach, and impact. Drawing on a backlist dating to 1893, Voices Revived makes high-quality, peer-reviewed scholarship accessible once again using print-on-demand technology. This title was originally published in 1979.
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    Speech sound acquisition, coarticulation, and rate effects in a neural network model of speech production.Frank H. Guenther - 1995 - Psychological Review 102 (3):594-621.
  45. Introduction: Key Levels of Biocommunication of Bacteria.Guenther Witzany - 2010 - In Günther Witzany (ed.), Biocommunication in Soil Microorganisms. Springer. pp. 1--34.
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  46. “Like a Maternal Body”: Emmanuel Levinas and the Motherhood of Moses.Lisa Guenther - 2006 - Hypatia 21 (1):119-136.
    Emmanuel Levinas compares ethical responsibility to a maternal body who bears the Other in the same without assimilation. In explicating this trope, he refers to a biblical passage in which Moses is like a “wet nurse” bearing Others whom he has “neither conceived nor given birth to”. A close reading of this passage raises questions about ethics, maternity, and sexual difference, for both the concept of ethical substitution and the material practice of mothering.
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    Biocommunication of Fungi.Guenther Witzany (ed.) - 2012 - Dordrecht: Springer.
    Fungi are sessile, highly sensitive organisms that actively compete for environmental resources both above and below the ground. They assess their surroundings, estimate how much energy they need for particular goals, and then realise the optimum variant. They take measures to control certain environmental resources. They perceive themselves and can distinguish between ‘self’ and ‘non-self’. They process and evaluate information and then modify their behaviour accordingly. These highly diverse competences show us that this is possible owing to sign-mediated communication processes (...)
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  48. Quasispecies Productivity.Guenther Witzany - 2024 - The Science of Nature (Naturwissenschaften) 111:11.
    Abstract The quasispecies theory is a helpful concept in the explanation of RNA virus evolution and behaviour, with a relevant impact on methods used to fight viral diseases. It has undergone some adaptations to integrate new empirical data, especially the non-deterministic nature of mutagenesis, and the variety of behavioural motifs in cooperation, competition, communication, innovation, integration, and exaptation. Also, the consortial structure of quasispecies with complementary roles of memory genomes of minority populations better fits the empirical data than did the (...)
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  49. Beyond Dehumanization: A Post-Humanist Critique of Intensive Confinement.Lisa Guenther - 2012 - Journal of Critical Animal Studies. Special Issue on Animals and Prisons 10 (2).
    Prisoners involved in the Attica rebellion and in the recent Georgia prison strike have protested their dehumanizing treatment as animals and as slaves. Their critique is crucial for tracing the connections between slavery, abolition, the racialization of crime, and the reinscription of racialized slavery within the US prison system. I argue that, in addition to the dehumanization of prisoners, inmates are further de-animalized when they are held in conditions of intensive confinement such as prolonged solitude or chronic overcrowding. To be (...)
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  50. Other Fecundities: Proust and Irigaray on Sexual Difference.Lisa Guenther - 2010 - Differences 21 (2).
    Irigaray's early work seeks to multiply possibilities for women's self-expression by recovering a sexual difference in which male and female are neither the same nor opposites, but irreducibly different modes of embodiment. In her more recent work, however, Irigaray has emphasized the duality of the sexes at the expense of multiplicity, enshrining the heterosexual couple as the model of sexual ethics. Alison Stone's recent revision of Irigaray supplements her account of sexual duality with a theory of bodily multiplicity derived from (...)
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