Hayden Ramsay [16]Helen Ramsay [2]Harvie Ramsay [1]H. Ramsay [1]
  1.  59
    Privacy, privacies and basic needs.Hayden Ramsay - 2010 - Heythrop Journal 51 (2):288-297.
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    Insensitivity.Hayden Ramsay - 2007 - Heythrop Journal 48 (4):546–560.
    Ethical theories do not always focus sufficiently on the correct characterization of morally bad choices. Standard accounts include: acts that are unprincipled, low‐utility, badly directed, or in violation of contracts. These standard accounts of immorality are inadequate. The concept of vices – a key part of virtue theory – offers a better account of bad choice. Most virtue ethics focuses on the warm vices (greed, lust, pride, anger, acquisitiveness …), but the cool vices – the vices of insensitivity – may (...)
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  3. Of art and blasphemy.Anthony Fisher & Hayden Ramsay - 2000 - Ethical Theory and Moral Practice 3 (2):137-167.
    What does philosophy have to say about the argument that blasphemous art ought not to be publicly displayed? We examine four concepts of blasphemy: blasphemy as offence, attack on religion, attack on the sacred, attack on the blasphemer himself. We argue all four are needed to grasp this complex concept. We also argue for blasphemy as primarily a moral, not a religious concept. We then criticise four arguments for the public display of blasphemous art: it may be beautiful, provocative, devoutly (...)
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    Conscience: Aquinas — with a hint of Aristotle.Hayden Ramsay - 2001 - Sophia 40 (2):15-29.
    The paper presents Aquinas’s account of conscience, and argues that key elements of this account are key elements too of Aristotle’s moral theory. The paper’s purpose is to encourage debate over conscience as not only a Stoic/Christian concept but one with deeper— and more widespread—roots in western ethical tradition.
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    Gender and professional ethics in the IT industry.Androniki Panteli, Janet Stack & Harvie Ramsay - 1999 - Journal of Business Ethics 22 (1):51 - 61.
    In this paper, we discuss the ethical responsibility of the Information Technology (IT) industry towards its female workforce. Although the growing IT industry experiences skills shortages, there is a declining trend in the representation of women. The paper presents evidence that the IT industry is not gender-neutral and that it does little to promote or retain its female workforce. We urge that professional codes of ethics in IT should be revised to take into account the diverse needs of its staff.
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    Beyond virtue: integrity and morality.Hayden Ramsay - 1997 - New York: St. Martin's Press.
    Virtue ethics or natural law? Most contemporary accounts treat these as rival approaches. This book argues both are necessary since virtue is commitment to objective human goods. It also argues integrity is planning one's life by commitment to reasonableness, rejects traditional natural law and virtue ethics for more deontological accounts of the human good and virtue, and explains human personhood accordingly. Part 2 then analyses Aquinas's accounts of emotion, the body and happiness in terms of integrity.
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    Faith and Reason: Friends or Foes in a New Millennium?Anthony Fisher & Hayden Ramsay (eds.) - 2004 - ATF Press.
    The first in a new series with Australian Catholic University, this collection of essays deals with two important themes. 'Faith' and 'reason' are heavily weighted words. They point to elemental aspects of human existence. The papers and discussions presented strive to clarify and corelate these basic activities or dimensions of human beings. In all the complexities of the possible relationships and interweaving of faith and reason, two kinds of questions keep recurring. One the one hand, what is the value of (...)
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    Communication and community: a thomistic rationality.Hayden Ramsay - 1991 - Dissertation, University of Edinburgh
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    Demons, Psychopaths, and the Formation of Consciences.Hayden Ramsay - 2000 - International Philosophical Quarterly 40 (1):5-19.
  10.  13
    Deadly Vices. By Gabriele Taylor. Oxford, Oxford University Press, 2006, $27.95.Hayden Ramsay - 2012 - Heythrop Journal 53 (4):692-693.
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    Euthanasia: Compassion, dignity and respect.Hayden Ramsay - 1997 - Sophia 36 (2):43-54.
  12.  60
    Natural Virtue.Hayden Ramsay - 1998 - Dialogue 37 (2):341-.
    RÉSUMÉ: Je discute dans le présent article le concept de vertu naturelle chez Aristote et Thomas d’Aquin. J’analyse l’idée de Thomas d’Aquin de vertus qui sont naturelles à tous les être humains en m’aidant de la théorie contemporaine de la loi naturelle; et je défends son idée de vertus qui sont naturelles à certains êtres humains en discutant quelques problèmes en éthique contemporaine de la vertu et en comparant ses conceptions à celles de David Hume. Finalement, je recours au concept (...)
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    Philosophy, teaching and the academic vocation.Hayden Ramsay - 2001 - The Australasian Catholic Record 78 (2):131.
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    Reclaiming Leisure: Art, Sport and Philosophy.Hayden Ramsay - 2005 - Palgrave-Macmillan.
    Leisure activities account for much of our time - and money. But are contemporary forms of leisure good for us? Are they really leisure? And how much does (and should) leisure matter? Classical philosophers paid attention to these questions. Increasingly, modern philosophers too are realizing the importance of leisure, and of a good leisure / work balance. Hayden Ramsay looks at the meaning of leisure, and the links between recreation, relaxation, virtue, and happiness. By focusing on leisure activities such as (...)
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    Truth and Faith in Ethics.Hayden Ramsay (ed.) - 2011 - Imprint Academic.
    This addition to the St Andrews Studies series contains a wide-ranging collection of essays on all aspects of moral philosophy and its impact upon public life in the twenty-first century. The book brings together ethicists from a variety of traditions interested in moral truth and its relation to religious faith. A key theme is interaction between major Catholic thinkers with philosophers from non-religious traditions. Topics include reason and religion, natural law, God and morality, anti-consequentialism, rights and virtues.
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    Transcendence and reason.Hayden Ramsay - 1998 - Ratio 11 (1):55–65.
    Nussbaum argues for a (limited) transcendence through contemplation which is compatible with practical reasoning and aspiration towards other human goods. This paper raises difficulties for this account based on a) the relation of thinking to human freedom, and b) the self‐constitutive nature of human thinking. It explores connections Thomas Aquinas makes between contemplation, transcendence and happiness, and explains the relation between (unlimited) transcendent experience and rationality by considering individuals who lack rational judgement but do seem capable of contemplation (young children, (...)
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    The revival of natural law theory.Hayden Ramsay - 1994 - Philosophical Books 35 (3):153-161.
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    Distinctive moralities: The value of life and our duties to the handicapped. [REVIEW]H. Ramsay - 1998 - Journal of Value Inquiry 32 (4):507-517.
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