Results for 'Hanna Stöger'

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  1. Wittgenstein and Justice: On the Significance of Ludwig Wittgenstein for Social and Political Thought.Hanna Fenichel Pitkin - 1972 - Berkeley,: University of California Press.
    Hanna Pitkin argues that Wittgenstein's later philosophy offers a revolutionary new conception of language, and hence a new and deeper understanding of ourselves and the world of human institutions and action.
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    Cognition Content and a Priori: A Study in the Philosophy of Mind and Knowledge.Robert Hanna - 2015 - Oxford, GB: Oxford University Press UK.
    Robert Hanna works out a unified contemporary Kantian theory of rational human cognition and knowledge. Along the way, he provides accounts of intentionality and its contents, sense perception and perceptual knowledge, the analytic-synthetic distinction, the nature of logic, and a priori truth and knowledge in mathematics, logic, and philosophy. This book is specifically intended to reach out to two very different audiences: contemporary analytic philosophers of mind and knowledge, and contemporary Kantian philosophers or Kant-scholars. At the same time, it (...)
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    Kant, science, and human nature.Robert Hanna - 2006 - New York: Oxford University Press.
    Robert Hanna argues for the importance of Kant's theories of the epistemological, metaphysical, and practical foundations of the "exact sciences"--relegated to the dustbin of the history of philosophy for most of the 20th century. In doing so he makes a valuable contribution to one of the most active and fruitful areas in contemporary scholarship on Kant.
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  4. Describing God's action in the world in light of scientific knowledge of reality.William R. Stoeger - 2009 - In Fount LeRon Shults, Nancey C. Murphy & Robert John Russell (eds.), Philosophy, science and divine action. Boston: Brill.
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    Hanna Pitkin's The Concept of RepresentationThe Concept of Representation.Haskell Fain & Hanna Pitkin - 1980 - Noûs 14 (1):109.
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  6. Contemporary Cosmology and Its Implications for the Science-Religion Dialogue.William R. Stoeger - 1988 - In Robert J. Russell, William R. Stoeger & George V. Coyne (eds.), Physics, philosophy, and theology: a common quest for understanding. Notre Dame, Ind.: University of Notre Dame Press [distributor]. pp. 219--247.
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  7. .Robert Hanna - unknown
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  8. Neuroscience and the Person: Scientific Perspectives on Divine Action.William R. Stoeger - 1999 - Notre Dame: University Notre Dame Press.
  9. Reductionism and Emergence: Implications for the Interaction of Theology with the Natural Sciences.”.William Stoeger - 2007 - In Nancey Murphy & William R. Stoeger (eds.), Evolution and emergence: systems, organisms, persons. New York: Oxford University Press. pp. 229--247.
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  10. Pierre Nora's Concept of Contrasting Memory and History.Hanna Nosova - 2021 - International Journal of Philosophy 9 (4):216.
    The article is based on an analysis of the works of the French historian Pierre Nora, who, trying to find a "true" history, comes to the opposition of history and memory. Outright political agitation and national imperatives are dominated in History, therefore history cannot be correct and objective. Instead of history, the philosopher believes, we should focus on the right memory. But when memory itself has been torn apart, it can only exist on the basis of "memory places" - mnemonic (...)
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    Putting astronomy on the map: The launch of the first geographical‐astronomical journal.Alexander Stoeger - 2020 - Centaurus 62 (1):54-68.
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  12. Husserl's arguments against logical psychologism.Robert Hanna - 2008 - In Verena Mayer & Christopher Erhard (eds.), Edmund Husserl: logische Untersuchungen. Berlin: Akademie Verlag Berlin. pp. 27-42.
    According to Edmund Husserl in the Prolegomena to Pure Logic, which constitutes the preliminary rational foundation for – and also the entire first volume of – his Logical Investigations, pure logic is the a priori theoretical, nomological science of „demonstration“.1 For him, demonstration includes both consequence and provability. Consequence is the defining property of all and only formally valid arguments, i. e., arguments that cannot lead from true premises to false conclusions. And provability is the property of a logical system (...)
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  13. Kant and the foundations of analytic philosophy.Robert Hanna - 2001 - New York: Oxford University Press.
    Robert Hanna presents a fresh view of the Kantian and analytic traditions that have dominated continental European and Anglo-American philosophy over the last two centuries, and of the connections between them. But this is not just a study in the history of philosophy, for out of this emerges Hanna's original approach to two much-contested theories that remain at the heart of contemporary philosophy. Hanna puts forward a new 'cognitive-semantic' interpretation of transcendental idealism, and a vigorous defense of (...)
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  14. Hitting Retributivism Where It Hurts.Nathan Hanna - 2019 - Criminal Law and Philosophy 13 (1):109-127.
    Many philosophers think that, when someone deserves something, it’s intrinsically good that she get it or there’s a non-instrumental reason to give it to her. Retributivists who try to justify punishment by appealing to claims about what people deserve typically assume this view or views that entail it. In this paper, I present evidence that many people have intuitions that are inconsistent with this view. And I argue that this poses a serious challenge to retributivist arguments that appeal to desert.
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    A new approach to the formulation and testing of learning models.Joseph F. Hanna - 1966 - Synthese 16 (3-4):344 - 380.
    It is argued that current attempts to model human learning behavior commonly fail on one of two counts: either the model assumptions are artificially restricted so as to permit the application of mathematical techniques in deriving their consequences, or else the required complex assumptions are imbedded in computer programs whose technical details obscure the theoretical content of the model. The first failing is characteristic of so-called mathematical models of learning, while the second is characteristic of computer simulation models. An approach (...)
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  16.  24
    Cognitive costs of decision-making strategies: A resource demand decomposition analysis with a cognitive architecture.Hanna B. Fechner, Lael J. Schooler & Thorsten Pachur - 2018 - Cognition 170 (C):102-122.
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  17. An explication of 'explication'.Joseph F. Hanna - 1968 - Philosophy of Science 35 (1):28-44.
    It is generally agreed that the method of explication consists in replacing a vague, presystematic notion (the explicandum) with a precise notion (the explicatum) formulated in a systematic context. However, Carnap and others who have used this and related terms appear to hold inconsistent views as to what constitutes an adequate explication. The central feature of the present explication of 'explication' is the correspondence condition: permitting the explicandum to deviate from some established "ordinary-language" conventions but, at the same time, requiring (...)
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    Past, Space, and Self.Robert Hanna - 1996 - Philosophical Review 105 (1):102.
    Necessarily and trivially, ‘I’ means its occurrent utterer or thinker. But how is self-reference possible? Providing an adequate answer to this very hard question is the task undertaken by John Campbell in Past, Space, and Self. His answer, in a nutshell, is that the fundamental ground of self-reference is self-consciousness; and the bulk of the book is devoted to sketching the architecture of this cognitive capacity. Campbell wants to say that the essence of self-consciousness is given in the set of (...)
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    The Regulatory Dynamics of Sustainable Finance: Paradoxical Success and Limitations of EU Reforms.Hanna Ahlström & David Monciardini - 2021 - Journal of Business Ethics 177 (1):193-212.
    The financial sector has seen a transformation towards ‘sustainable’ finance particularly in Europe, driven also by unprecedented regulatory reforms. At the same time, many are sceptical about the real impact of these reforms, fearing that they are triggering a paradoxical financialisation of sustainability. Building on recent research on institutional logics and institutional fields formation, we examine changes in the EU regulatory dynamics as characterised by shifts in framing the relationship between sustainability and finance. Deploying a longitudinal approach, consisting of archival (...)
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    What We're Not Talking about When We Talk about Addiction.Hanna Pickard - 2020 - Hastings Center Report 50 (4):37-46.
    The landscape of addiction is dominated by two rival models: a moral model and a model that characterizes addiction as a neurobiological disease of compulsion. Against both, I offer a scientifically and clinically informed alternative. Addiction is a highly heterogenous condition that is ill‐characterized as involving compulsive use. On the whole, drug consumption in addiction remains goal directed: people take drugs because drugs have tremendous value. This view has potential implications for the claim that addiction is, in all cases, a (...)
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    Children’s Fear Responses to Real-Life Violence on Television: The Case of the 1973 Middle East War.Hanna Adoni & Akiba A. Cohen - 1980 - Communications 6 (1):81-94.
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    Ethik, Sozialität und Unverfügbarkeit Ein lebendiger Ort für das ›Ich‹.Hanna Meissner - 2018 - In Sergej Seitz, Tatjana Schönwälder-Kuntze & Gerald Posselt (eds.), Judith Butlers Philosophie des Politischen: Kritische Lektüren. Bielefeld: Transcript Verlag. pp. 151-168.
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    Paul of Pyskowice's Commentary on Aristotle's Categories.Hanna Wojtczak - 2018 - Katowice: Uniwersytet Śląski w Katowicach. Edited by Hanna Wojtczak.
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    Evolution and Emergence: Systems, Organisms, Persons.S. J. Stoeger (ed.) - 2007 - New York: Oxford University Press.
    A collection of essays by experts in the field, exploring how nature works to produce systems of increasing complexity from simple components, and how our understanding of this phenomenon of emergence can lead us to a deeper appreciation of both our humanity and our relationship with God.
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  25. Reductionism and emergence: implications for the theology and science dialogue.William R. Stoeger & Sj - 2007 - In Nancey Murphy & William R. Stoeger (eds.), Evolution and emergence: systems, organisms, persons. New York: Oxford University Press.
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  26. The mind-brain problem, the laws of nature, and constitutive relationships.William R. Stoeger - 1999 - In Neuroscience and the Person: Scientific Perspectives on Divine Action. Notre Dame: University Notre Dame Press.
  27. Responsibility Without Blame: Empathy and the Effective Treatment of Personality Disorder.Hanna Pickard - 2011 - Philosophy, Psychiatry, and Psychology 18 (3):209-224.
  28.  22
    Morality, culture, and the educational stigmata of capitalism.Hanna-Maija Huhtala - 2018 - SATS 19 (2):111-138.
    Journal Name: SATS Issue: Ahead of print.
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  29. Rationality and Logic.Robert Hanna - 2006 - Bradford.
    In Rationality and Logic, Robert Hanna argues that logic is intrinsically psychological and that human psychology is intrinsically logical. He claims that logic is cognitively constructed by rational animals and that rational animals are essentially logical animals. In order to do so, he defends the broadly Kantian thesis that all rational animals possess an innate cognitive "logic faculty." Hanna 's claims challenge the conventional philosophical wisdom that sees logic as a fully formal or "topic-neutral" science irreconcilably separate from (...)
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    Nursing effectiveness reconsidered: Some fundamental reflections on the nature of nursing.Hanna Mayer & Martin Wallner - 2024 - Nursing Philosophy 25 (4):e12505.
    Despite being considered the proverbial backbone of our healthcare systems, nursing still seems to struggle to scientifically demonstrate its contribution to care experiences and patient outcomes. This leads to erosive tendencies that threaten the development of the profession and its progress as an academic discipline. With this paper, we want to contribute to the theoretical discourse concerning the nature of nursing and the research into its effectiveness. We begin by outlining a set of prevailing paradoxes and their consequences relating to (...)
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    Intellectual Humility.Hanna Gunn, Nathan Sheff, Casey Rebecca Johnson & Michael P. Lynch - 2017 - Oxford Bibliographies in Philosophy.
    Intellectual humility is a concept in progress—philosophers and psychologists are in the process of defining and coming to understand what intellectual humility is and what place it has in our theories. Most accounts of intellectual humility build from work in virtue epistemology, the study of knowledge as the state that results when agents are epistemically virtuous (or, perhaps, the view that the proper object of study for epistemology is the intellectually virtuous agent). [...].
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  32. Routledge Companion to Twentieth-Century Philosophy.Robert Hanna - 2008
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    Demographic factors associated with moral sensitivity among nursing students.Hanna Tuvesson & Kim Lützén - 2017 - Nursing Ethics 24 (7):847-855.
    Background: Today’s healthcare environment is often characterized by an ethically demanding work situation, and nursing students need to prepare to meet ethical challenges in their future role. Moral sensitivity is an important aspect of the ethical decision-making process, but little is known regarding nursing students’ moral sensitivity and its possible development during nursing education. Objectives: The aims of this study were to investigate moral sensitivity among nursing students, differences in moral sensitivity according to sample sub-group, and the relation between demographic (...)
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    The Bergsonian heritage.Thomas Hanna (ed.) - 1962 - New York,: Columbia University Press.
    Presents essays to reflect the influence of Henri Bergson in the fields of philosophy, theology and literature. Also details papers from the Bergson Centennial which took place took place in Paris in 1959.
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    Psychometric properties and convergent and predictive validity of an executive function test battery for two-year-olds.Hanna Mulder, Huub Hoofs, Josje Verhagen, Ineke van der Veen & Paul P. M. Leseman - 2014 - Frontiers in Psychology 5.
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    Pragmatic effects on reference resolution in a collaborative task: evidence from eye movements.Joy E. Hanna & Michael K. Tanenhaus - 2004 - Cognitive Science 28 (1):105-115.
    In order to investigate whether addressees can make immediate use of speaker‐based constraints during reference resolution, participant addressees' eye movements were monitored as they helped a confederate cook follow a recipe. Objects were located in the helper's area, which the cook could not reach, and the cook's area, which both could reach. Critical referring expressions matched one object (helper's area) or two objects (helper's and cook's areas), and were produced when the cook's hands were empty or full, which defined the (...)
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  37. Kant and nonconceptual content.Robert Hanna - 2005 - European Journal of Philosophy 13 (2):247-290.
  38. Addiction and the self.Hanna Pickard - 2021 - Noûs 55 (4):737-761.
    Addiction is standardly characterized as a neurobiological disease of compulsion. Against this characterization, I argue that many cases of addiction cannot be explained without recognizing the value of drugs to those who are addicted; and I explore in detail an insufficiently recognized source of value, namely, a sense of self and social identity as an addict. For people who lack a genuine alternative sense of self and social identity, recovery represents an existential threat. Given that an addict identification carries expectations (...)
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    Ästhetik der Autonomie: Philosophie der Performance-Kunst.Hanna Heinrich - 2020 - transcript Verlag.
    Performance-Kunst ist mehr als ein kulturindustrielles Spektakel, denn sie will auf die Beteiligten existenziell einwirken. Hanna Heinrich entwickelt Analysekategorien, die die Kommunikationsmodi dieser Kunstform ebenso wie ihren gesellschaftstransformativen Anspruch philosophisch ergründen. Dazu bedient sie sich der ästhetischen Positionen G.W.F. Hegels, Friedrich Nietzsches, Martin Heideggers, Alain Badious und Michel Foucaults, die der Kunst große emanzipatorische und soziopolitische Kraft zusprechen sowie politischer Philosophien und Ethiken und zeigt damit auf: »Gelungene« Performances stellen sich als exemplarische Handlungsräume mit utopischem Potenzial der gegenwärtigen Entfremdung (...)
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  40. Justice: On relating private and public.Hanna Fenichel Pitkin - 1981 - Political Theory 9 (3):327-352.
  41. (1 other version)The mind-body-body problem.Robert Hanna & Evan Thompson - 2003 - Theoria Et Historia Scientiarum 7 (T):24-44.
    ? We gratefully acknowledge the Center for Consciousness Studies at the University of Arizona, Tucson, which provided a grant for the support of this work. E.T. is also supported by the Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council of Canada, and the McDonnell Project in Philosophy and the Neurosciences. 1 See David Woodruff Smith.
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  42. Kantian non-conceptualism.Robert Hanna - 2008 - Philosophical Studies 137 (1):41 - 64.
    There are perceptual states whose representational content cannot even in principle be conceptual. If that claim is true, then at least some perceptual states have content whose semantic structure and psychological function are essentially distinct from the structure and function of conceptual content. Furthermore the intrinsically “orientable” spatial character of essentially non-conceptual content entails not only that all perceptual states contain non-conceptual content in this essentially distinct sense, but also that consciousness goes all the way down into so-called unconscious or (...)
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    The Attack of the Blob: Hannah Arendt’s Concept of the Social.Hanna Fenichel Pitkin - 1998 - University of Chicago Press.
    This book is thus a battle of wits. . . . [A] vivid sketch of the conflict between two basic outlooks."—Library Journal "[O]ne leaves this book feeling enriched and challenged.
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  44. (1 other version)The Content-Dependence of Imaginative Resistance.Hanna Kim, Markus Kneer & Michael T. Stuart - 2018 - In Florian Cova & Sébastien Réhault (eds.), Advances in Experimental Philosophy of Aesthetics. London: Bloomsbury Academic. pp. 143-166.
    An observation of Hume’s has received a lot of attention over the last decade and a half: Although we can standardly imagine the most implausible scenarios, we encounter resistance when imagining propositions at odds with established moral (or perhaps more generally evaluative) convictions. The literature is ripe with ‘solutions’ to this so-called ‘Puzzle of Imaginative Resistance’. Few, however, question the plausibility of the empirical assumption at the heart of the puzzle. In this paper, we explore empirically whether the difficulty we (...)
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  45. Ernan McMullin on contingency, cosmic purpose, and the atemporality of the creator.William R. Stoeger - 2013 - Zygon 48 (2):329-337.
    This article reviews, and offers supportive reflections on, the main points of Ernan McMullin's provocative 1998 article, “Cosmic Purpose and the Contingency of Human Evolution,’’ reprinted in this issue of Zygon. In it he addresses the important science-theology issue of how the Creator's purpose and intention to assure the emergence of human beings is consonant with the radical contingency of the evolutionary process. After discussing cosmic and biological evolution and critically summarizing recent solutions to this question by Keith Ward, John (...)
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    Spinoza in der europäischen Geistesgeschichte.Hanna Delf, Julius Hans Schoeps & Manfred Walther (eds.) - 1994 - Berlin: Edition Hentrich.
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    Wunsch und Wirklichkeit: Blochs Philosophie des Noch-Nicht-Bewussten und Freuds Theorie des Unbewussten.Hanna Gekle - 1986 - Frankfurt am Main: Suhrkamp.
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  48. Three essays.Hanna Holborn Gray - 1978 - [Chicago]: University of Chicago Press.
    Renaissance humanism.--Valla's Encomium of St. Thomas Aquinas and the humanist conception of Christian antiquity.--Machiavelli.
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  49. An Anthology of Philosophical Studies, Volume 8.Patricia Hanna (ed.) - 2014 - Athens, Greece: ATINER.
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  50. A model for conceptual processing of naturalistic scenes.A. Hanna & G. Loftus - 1992 - Bulletin of the Psychonomic Society 30 (6):478-478.
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