Results for 'Hannah Abelow'

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  1.  12
    The Legal and Empirical Case for Firearm Purchaser Licensing.Hannah Abelow, Cassandra Crifasi & Daniel Webster - 2020 - Journal of Law, Medicine and Ethics 48 (S4):17-24.
    This article argues that state government actors concerned about gun violence prevention should prioritize enactment of robust firearm purchaser regimes at the state level. First, the article outlines the empirical evidence base for purchaser licensing. Then, the article describes how state governments can design this policy. Next, the article assesses the likelihood that purchaser licensing legislation will continue to be upheld by federal courts. Finally, the article addresses the implications of this policy, aimed at curbing gun deaths, for equally important (...)
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  2. The portable Hannah Arendt.Hannah Arendt - 2000 - New York: Penguin Books. Edited by Peter Baehr.
    Although Hannah Arendt is considered one of the major contributors to social and political thought in the twentieth century, this is the first general anthology ...
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    (1 other version)Hannah Arendt, Karl Jaspers: Briefwechsel 1926-1969.Hannah Arendt, Karl Jaspers & Lotte Köhler - 1985
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  4. I—Hannah Ginsborg: Meaning, Understanding and Normativity.Hannah Ginsborg - 2012 - Aristotelian Society Supplementary Volume 86 (1):127-146.
    I defend the normativity of meaning against recent objections by arguing for a new interpretation of the ‘ought’ relevant to meaning. Both critics and defenders of the normativity thesis have understood statements about how an expression ought to be used as either prescriptive or semantic. I propose an alternative view of the ‘ought’ as conveying the primitively normative attitudes speakers must adopt towards their uses if they are to use the expression with understanding.
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    Hannah Arendt: the last interview and other conversations.Hannah Arendt - 2013 - Brooklyn, NY: Melville House.
    A unique selection of the most significant interviews given by Hannah Arendt, including the last she gave before her death in 1975. Some are published here in English for the first time. Arendt was one of the most important thinkers of her time, famous for her idea of "the banality of evil" which continues to provoke debate. This collection provides new and startling insight into Arendt's thoughts about Watergate and the nature of American politics, about totalitarianism and history, and (...)
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    Die Sorge um sich--die Sorge um die Welt: Martin Heidegger, Michel Foucault und Hannah Arendt.Hannah Holme - 2018 - Frankfurt: Campus Verlag.
    Auf den ersten Blick haben Hannah Arendt und Michel Foucault kaum etwas gemein. Tatsächlich beziehen sie sich jedoch auf die identischen Topoi der Philosophiegeschichte - wenn ihre Auslegungen der Quellen auch denkbar verschieden sind. Als Grund hierfür bestimmt Hannah Holme die komplementären Perspektiven der beiden, die sie als Aneignungen des heideggerschen Sorgebegriffs deutet: die ethische Sorge um sich Foucaults und die politische Sorge um die Welt Arendts. Am Ende steht ein Plädoyer für eine Verbindung des machtkritischen Ethos der (...)
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    The Shaping of New Testament Narrative and Salvation Teachings by Painful Childhood Experience.Benjamin J. Abelow - 2011 - Archive for the Psychology of Religion 33 (1):1-54.
    This article considers the influence of childhood corporal punishment, abandonment, and neglect on the development and reception of seminal New Testament teachings. Two related but distinct propositions are argued. First, that widespread patterns of painful childhood experience provided a thematic template that deeply shaped the New Testament during its formative period. Second, that this thematic shaping has contributed, on an individual level, to subjective experiences of faith and, on a cultural level, to the initial spread and subsequent persistence of Christianity. (...)
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    (1 other version)The life of the mind.Hannah Arendt - 1977 - New York: Harcourt Brace Jovanovich.
    Discusses the nature of thought and volition, examines past philosophical theories, and clarifies the relation between will and freedom.
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    Not All Followers Socially Learn from Ethical Leaders: The Roles of Followers’ Moral Identity and Leader Identification in the Ethical Leadership Process.Zhen Wang, Lu Xing, Haoying Xu & Sean T. Hannah - 2019 - Journal of Business Ethics 170 (3):449-469.
    Recent literature suggests that ethical leadership helps to inhibit followers’ unethical behavior, largely built on the premise that followers view ethical leaders as ethical role models and socially learn from them, thereby engaging in more ethical conduct. This premise, however, has not been adequately tested, leaving insufficient understanding concerning the conditions under which this social learning process occurs. In this study, we revisit this premise, theorizing that not all followers will equally regard the same ethical leader as being a personal (...)
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  10. Sobre Hannah Arendt.Hannah Arendt - 2010 - Revista Inquietude 1 (2):122-163.
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    Part VIII Hannah Arendt.Hannah Arendt - 2002 - In Tim Mooney & Dermot Moran (eds.), The Phenomenology Reader. New York: Routledge. pp. 339.
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    The correspondence of Hannah Arendt and Gershom Scholem.Hannah Arendt - 2017 - London: University of Chicago Press. Edited by Gershom Scholem, Marie Luise Knott & Anthony David.
    The essence of the correspondence between Arendt and Scholem can be said to lie in three things. Above all it provides an intimate account of how two great intellectuals try to come to terms with being both German and Jewish, and how to think about Germany before, during, and after the Holocaust. They also debate the issue of what it means to be Jewish in the post-Holocaust world whether in New York or in Jerusalem. Finally, the specter of Benjamin haunts (...)
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    Effects of Transcutaneous Vagus Nerve Stimulation on the P300 and Alpha-Amylase Level: A Pilot Study.Carlos Ventura-Bort, Janine Wirkner, Hannah Genheimer, Julia Wendt, Alfons O. Hamm & Mathias Weymar - 2018 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 12.
  14.  15
    Minḥah le-Ḥanah: sefer ha-yovel li-khevod Ḥanah Kasher = A tribute to Hannah: jubilee book in honor of Hannah Kasher.Hannah Kasher, Avi Elqayam & Ariel Malachi (eds.) - 2018 - Tel Aviv: Idra.
  15.  18
    Character Strengths Are Related to Students’ Achievement, Flow Experiences, and Enjoyment in Teacher-Centered Learning, Individual, and Group Work Beyond Cognitive Ability.Lisa Wagner, Mathias Holenstein, Hannah Wepf & Willibald Ruch - 2020 - Frontiers in Psychology 11.
  16. Perception, generality, and reasons.Hannah Ginsborg - 2011 - In Andrew Reisner & Asbjørn Steglich-Petersen (eds.), Reasons for Belief. New York: Cambridge University Press. pp. 131--57.
    During the last fifteen years or so there has been much debate, among philosophers interested in perception, on the question of whether the representational content of perceptual experience is conceptual or nonconceptual. Recently, however, a number of philosophers have challenged the terms of this debate, arguing that one of its most basic assumptions is mistaken. Experience, they claim, does not have representational content at all. On the kind of approach they suggest, having a perceptual experience is not to be understood (...)
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    Locke, language, and early-modern philosophy.Hannah Dawson - 2007 - New York: Cambridge University Press.
    In a powerful and original contribution to the history of ideas, Hannah Dawson explores the intense preoccupation with language in early-modern philosophy, and presents a groundbreaking analysis of John Locke's critique of words. By examining a broad sweep of pedagogical and philosophical material from antiquity to the late seventeenth century, Dr Dawson explains why language caused anxiety in writers such as Montaigne, Bacon, Descartes, Hobbes, Gassendi, Nicole, Pufendorf, Boyle, Malebranche and Locke. Locke, Language and Early-Modern Philosophy demonstrates that new (...)
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  18. Thinking the particular as contained under the universal.Hannah Ginsborg - 2006 - In Rebecca Kukla (ed.), Aesthetics and Cognition in Kant's Critical Philosophy. New York: Cambridge University Press.
    In a well-known passage from the Introduction to Kant’s Critique of Judgment, Kant defines the power or faculty of judgment [Urteilskraft] as "the capacity to think the particular as contained under the universal" (Introduction IV, 5:179).1 He then distinguishes two ways in which this faculty can be exercised, namely as determining or as reflecting. These two ways are defined as follows: "If the universal (the rule, the principle, the law) is given, then judgment, which subsumes the particular under it... is (...)
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  19. The human condition [selections].Hannah Arendt - 2013 - In Timothy C. Campbell & Adam Sitze (eds.), Biopolitics: A Reader. Durham: Duke University Press.
  20. Kant on understanding organisms as natural purposes.Hannah Ginsborg - 2000 - In Eric Watkins (ed.), Kant and the Sciences. New York, US: Oxford University Press. pp. 231--58.
  21.  60
    How players manage moral concerns to make video game violence enjoyable.Peter Vorderer, Tilo Hartmann, Andreas Nosper, Hannah Schmid & Christoph Klimmt - 2006 - Communications 31 (3):309-328.
    Research on video game violence has focused on the impact of aggression, but has so far neglected the processes and mechanisms underlying the enjoyment of video game violence. The present contribution examines a specific process in this context, namely players' strategies to cope with moral concern that would arise from violent actions. Based on Bandura's theory of moral disengagement, we argue that in order to maintain their enjoyment of game violence, players find effective strategies to avoid or cope with the (...)
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  22. A Phenomenological Study of Anorexia Nervsoa.Hannah Bowden - 2012 - Philosophy, Psychiatry, and Psychology 19 (3):227-241.
    Anorectics typically maintain that they perceive their bodies as ‘fat’ and yet also state that they are aware of being ‘too thin.’ In this study, I use phenomenological insights from the work of Merleau-Ponty and Sartre to explore this apparent contradiction. I suggest that the anorectic experiences a pathological corporealization of the body, and show how this bodily experience may be described as ‘feeling fat’ due to cultural influences. In addition, I explore how this anomalous bodily experience may lead to (...)
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  23.  11
    Feminist theory after Deleuze.Hannah Stark - 2016 - London: Bloomsbury, Academic an imprint of Bloomsbury Publishing Plc.
    Feminist Theory After Deleuze addresses the encounter between one of the 20th century's most important philosophers, Gilles Deleuze, and one of its most significant political and intellectual movements, feminism. Feminist theory is a broad, contradictory, and still evolving school of thought. This book introduces the key movements within feminist theory, engaging with both Anglo-American and French feminism, as well as important strains of feminist thought that have originated in Australia and other parts of Europe. Mapping both the feminist critique of (...)
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  24.  15
    The Role of Cicero's Letters of Recommendation:: "Iustitia versus Gratia?".Hannah Cotton - 1986 - Hermes 114 (4):443-460.
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    Thinking without a banister: essays in understanding, 1953-1975.Hannah Arendt - 2018 - Schocken Books, New York: Schocken Books. Edited by Jerome Kohn.
    Hannah Arendt was born in Germany in 1906 and lived in America from 1941 until her death in 1975. Thus her life spanned the tumultuous years of the twentieth century, as did her thought. She did not consider herself a philosopher, though she studied and maintained close relationships with two great philosophers—Karl Jaspers and Martin Heidegger—throughout their lives. She was a thinker, in search not of metaphysical truth but of the meaning of appearances and events. She was a questioner (...)
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  26. Responsibility and judgment.Hannah Arendt - 2003 - New York: Schocken Books. Edited by Jerome Kohn.
    Each of the books that Hannah Arendt published in her lifetime was unique, and to this day each continues to provoke fresh thought and interpretations. This was never more true than for Eichmann in Jerusalem, her account of the trial of Adolf Eichmann, where she first used the phrase “the banality of evil.” Her consternation over how a man who was neither a monster nor a demon could nevertheless be an agent of the most extreme evil evoked derision, outrage, (...)
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  27. The place of democracy in late Stuart England.Hannah Dawson - 2019 - In Cesare Cuttica & Markku Peltonen (eds.), Democracy and anti-democracy in early modern England, 1603-1689. Boston: Brill.
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  28. Between past and future.Hannah Arendt - 1961 - New York,: Viking Press.
    In this book she describes the perplexing crises which modern society faces as a result of the loss of meaning of the traditional key words of politics: justice ...
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  29. Thinking and Moral Considerations: A Lecture.Hannah Arendt - 1984 - Social Research: An International Quarterly 51.
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    Love and Saint Augustine.Hannah Arendt - 1996 - University of Chicago Press.
    Here is a completely corrected and revised English translation that incorporates Arendt's own substantial revisions and provides additional notes based on letters, contracts, and other documents.
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    The Human Condition: Second Edition.Hannah Arendt & Margaret Canovan - 1998 - University of Chicago Press.
    A work of striking originality bursting with unexpected insights, _The Human Condition_ is in many respects more relevant now than when it first appeared in 1958. In her study of the state of modern humanity, Hannah Arendt considers humankind from the perspective of the actions of which it is capable. The problems Arendt identified then—diminishing human agency and political freedom, the paradox that as human powers increase through technological and humanistic inquiry, we are less equipped to control the consequences (...)
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  32. Teaching students “ideas‐about‐science”: Five dimensions of effective practice.Hannah Bartholomew, Jonathan Osborne & Mary Ratcliffe - 2004 - Science Education 88 (5):655-682.
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    The Normativity of Nature: Essays on Kant's Critique of Judgment.Hannah Ginsborg - 2014 - Oxford, GB: Oxford University Press.
    Hannah Ginsborg presents fourteen essays which establish Kant's Critique of Judgment as a central contribution to the understanding of human cognition. The papers bring out the significance of Kant's philosophical notion of judgment, and use it to address interpretive issues in Kant's aesthetics, theory of knowledge, and philosophy of biology.
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  34. Unexpected Complications of Novel Deep Brain Stimulation Treatments: Ethical Issues and Clinical Recommendations.Hannah Maslen, Binith Cheeran, Jonathan Pugh, Laurie Pycroft, Sandra Boccard, Simon Prangnell, Alexander Green, James FitzGerald, Julian Savulescu & Tipu Aziz - 2018 - Neuromodulation 21 (2).
    Background -/- Innovative neurosurgical treatments present a number of known risks, the natures and probabilities of which can be adequately communicated to patients via the standard procedures governing obtaining informed consent. However, due to their novelty, these treatments also come with unknown risks, which require an augmented approach to obtaining informed consent. -/- Objective -/- This paper aims to discuss and provide concrete procedural guidance on the ethical issues raised by serious unexpected complications of novel deep brain stimulation treatments. -/- (...)
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    Magnifying Grains of Sand, Seeds, and Blades of Grass: Optical Effects in Robert Grosseteste’s De iride (On the Rainbow).Rebekah C. White, Giles E. M. Gasper, Tom C. B. McLeish, Brian K. Tanner, Joshua S. Harvey, Sigbjørn O. Sønnesyn, Laura K. Young & Hannah E. Smithson - 2021 - Isis 112 (1):93-107.
  36. Lectures on Kant’s Political Philosophy.Hannah Arendt - 1982 - Chicago: University of Chicago Press. Edited by Ronald Beiner.
    The present volume brings Arendt's notes for these lectures together with other of her texts on the topic of judging and provides important clues to the likely direction of Arendt's thinking in this area.
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    Apatridie.Hannah Arendt - 2016 - Cités 67 (3):131-136.
    En 1955, Hannah Arendt enseigne (principalement les théories politiques européennes) durant un semestre à l’université de Berkeley. Elle est arrivée en mai 1941 à New York, après avoir connu le Vel d’Hiv (avant la grande rafle) puis le camp d’internement de Gurs en France durant les plus éprouvantes semaines de sa vie. Cela lui inspirera le grand article « Werefugees » paru en janvier 1943 dans le n° 31 de la revue Menorah 1,consacré aux Juifs européens avant le nazisme (...)
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  38.  17
    Vita activa; oder Vom tätigen Leben.Hannah Arendt - 1967 - München,: Piper.
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    This Girl I Lost Touch With; Monostich in Praise of Four Missed Foul Shots in a Row, Ending with a Line by Shaquille O'Neal; Lost Love Lounge.Hannah Baker Saltmarsh - 2019 - Feminist Studies 45 (1):94-99.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:94 Feminist Studies 45, no. 1. © 2019 by Hannah Baker Saltmarsh Hannah Baker Saltmarsh This Girl I Lost Touch With This girl, who was afraid to enter a room— a girl born in the woods, on moss, whose family dreamt under quilts, who wore dresses that matched anything fabric in the house, even the dresses without loneliness— I held her hand in the corridor-dark until the (...)
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  40. Critique of the Power of Judgment.Hannah Ginsborg, Immanuel Kant, Paul Guyer & Eric Matthews - 2002 - Philosophical Review 111 (3):429.
    This new translation is an extremely welcome addition to the continuing Cambridge Edition of Kant’s works. English-speaking readers of the third Critique have long been hampered by the lack of an adequate translation of this important and difficult work. James Creed Meredith’s much-reprinted translation has charm and elegance, but it is often too loose to be useful for scholarly purposes. Moreover it does not include the first version of Kant’s introduction, the so-called “First Introduction,” which is now recognized as indispensable (...)
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    A Marriage Manual: A Practical Guide-book to Sex and Marriage, by Hannah M. Stone and Abraham Stone.Hannah M. Stone, Gloria Stone Aitken, Hilary Hill, Aquiles J. Sobrero & Abraham Stone - 1970
  42.  28
    Association and Practice: The City and Guilds of London Institute for the Advancement of Technical Education.Hannah Gay - 2000 - Annals of Science 57 (4):369-398.
    This paper is both an exercise in historical recovery in that it details some of the events surrounding the founding of the City and Guilds of London Institute and describes the way in which the Institute set about the building and running of two of its colleges, the City and Guilds Technical College, Finsbury, and the Central Institution in South Kensington and an attempt to interpret the above material in terms of various forms of association within the City Corporation and (...)
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    Rorty and the Religious, Christian Engagements with a Secular Philosopher ed. by Jacob L. Goodson and Brad Elliott Stone.Hannah E. Hashkes - 2016 - American Journal of Theology and Philosophy 37 (2):171-173.
    Rorty and the Religious: Christian Engagements with a Secular Philosopher brings together twelve essays discussing Rorty’s philosophy from a theological point of view. These essays, tackling Rorty’s epistemology, moral views, and social vision, carry out “constructive and serious” engagement with his work. The writers even declare they find “promising nuggets” in Rorty’s work for addressing particular questions within philosophy and theology.Why would Christian theologians bother to engage in this manner with a philosopher whose epistemological and moral thought has centered on (...)
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    Hva skal liberalismen kritiseres for?Hannah Helseth - 2019 - Agora Journal for metafysisk spekulasjon 37 (2):265-272.
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    Birth control wins.Hannah M. Stone - 1937 - The Eugenics Review 29 (2):113.
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  46. Kant.Hannah Ginsborg - 2011 - In Theodore Gracyk & Andrew Kania (eds.), The Routledge Companion to Philosophy and Music. New York: Routledge.
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    Hannah Arendt.Aurore Mréjen, Martine Leibovici & Hannah Arendt (eds.) - 1995 - Paris: Éditions de l'Herne.
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  48. Der liebesbegriff bei Augustin.Hannah Arendt - 1929 - Berlin,: J. Springer.
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    Objekte des Mittelalters im kompetenzorientierten Kunstunterricht.Hannah Bell - 2017 - Das Mittelalter 22 (1):115-129.
    Name der Zeitschrift: Das Mittelalter Jahrgang: 22 Heft: 1 Seiten: 115-129.
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    On Divorce: A Feminist Christian Perspective.Hannah Chen - 2003 - Feminist Theology 11 (2):244-251.
    Divorce is not only a personal choice, but also a sign of the lack of confidence in the institution of marriage. The issue of divorce raises questions that are sociological, theological, experiential, philosophical and political. This article traces the arguments with particular reference to the situation in Taiwan where women have no right to initiate divorce. It surveys the biblical and theological arguments, locating issues of divorce in the area of gender justice within patriarchal systems. Marriage, as well as divorce, (...)
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