Results for 'Hannes Braberg'

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  1.  42
    Genetic interaction analysis of point mutations enables interrogation of gene function at a residue‐level resolution.Hannes Braberg, Erica A. Moehle, Michael Shales, Christine Guthrie & Nevan J. Krogan - 2014 - Bioessays 36 (7):706-713.
    We have achieved a residue‐level resolution of genetic interaction mapping – a technique that measures how the function of one gene is affected by the alteration of a second gene – by analyzing point mutations. Here, we describe how to interpret point mutant genetic interactions, and outline key applications for the approach, including interrogation of protein interaction interfaces and active sites, and examination of post‐translational modifications. Genetic interaction analysis has proven effective for characterizing cellular processes; however, to date, systematic high‐throughput (...)
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  2. An Objective Justification of Bayesianism II: The Consequences of Minimizing Inaccuracy.Hannes Leitgeb & Richard Pettigrew - 2010 - Philosophy of Science 77 (2):236-272.
    One of the fundamental problems of epistemology is to say when the evidence in an agent’s possession justifies the beliefs she holds. In this paper and its prequel, we defend the Bayesian solution to this problem by appealing to the following fundamental norm: Accuracy An epistemic agent ought to minimize the inaccuracy of her partial beliefs. In the prequel, we made this norm mathematically precise; in this paper, we derive its consequences. We show that the two core tenets of Bayesianism (...)
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  3. An Objective Justification of Bayesianism I: Measuring Inaccuracy.Hannes Leitgeb & Richard Pettigrew - 2010 - Philosophy of Science 77 (2):201-235.
    One of the fundamental problems of epistemology is to say when the evidence in an agent’s possession justifies the beliefs she holds. In this paper and its sequel, we defend the Bayesian solution to this problem by appealing to the following fundamental norm: Accuracy An epistemic agent ought to minimize the inaccuracy of her partial beliefs. In this paper, we make this norm mathematically precise in various ways. We describe three epistemic dilemmas that an agent might face if she attempts (...)
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  4. The Stability Theory of Belief.Hannes Leitgeb - 2014 - Philosophical Review 123 (2):131-171.
    This essay develops a joint theory of rational (all-or-nothing) belief and degrees of belief. The theory is based on three assumptions: the logical closure of rational belief; the axioms of probability for rational degrees of belief; and the so-called Lockean thesis, in which the concepts of rational belief and rational degree of belief figure simultaneously. In spite of what is commonly believed, this essay will show that this combination of principles is satisfiable (and indeed nontrivially so) and that the principles (...)
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    (1 other version)Reference and resemblance.Hanne Andersen - 2001 - Proceedings of the Philosophy of Science Association 2001 (3):S50-.
    Many discussions between realists and non-realists have centered on the issue of reference, especially whether there is referential stability during theory change. In this paper, I shall summarize the debate, sketching the problems that remain within the two opposing positions, and show that both have ended on their own slippery slope, sliding away from their original position toward that of their opponents. In the search for a viable intermediate position, I shall then suggest an account of reference which, to a (...)
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  6. Criteria of identity and structuralist ontology.Hannes Leitgib & James Ladyman - 2008 - Philosophia Mathematica 16 (3):388-396.
    In discussions about whether the Principle of the Identity of Indiscernibles is compatible with structuralist ontologies of mathematics, it is usually assumed that individual objects are subject to criteria of identity which somehow account for the identity of the individuals. Much of this debate concerns structures that admit of non-trivial automorphisms. We consider cases from graph theory that violate even weak formulations of PII. We argue that (i) the identity or difference of places in a structure is not to be (...)
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  7. HYPE: A System of Hyperintensional Logic.Hannes Leitgeb - 2019 - Journal of Philosophical Logic 48 (2):305-405.
    This article introduces, studies, and applies a new system of logic which is called ‘HYPE’. In HYPE, formulas are evaluated at states that may exhibit truth value gaps and truth value gluts. Simple and natural semantic rules for negation and the conditional operator are formulated based on an incompatibility relation and a partial fusion operation on states. The semantics is worked out in formal and philosophical detail, and a sound and complete axiomatization is provided both for the propositional and the (...)
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  8.  89
    On Music, Wine and the Criteria of Understanding.Hanne Appelqvist - 2011 - SATS 12 (1):18-35.
  9.  10
    Tanzen wir Philosophie!: Begegnungen mit Attila Kotányi.Hannes Böhringer & Jozsef A. Tillmann (eds.) - 2012 - [Köln]: Salon Verlag.
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  10.  29
    Metaworlds: A Possible-Worlds Semantics for Truth.Hannes Leitgeb - 2002 - In Volker Halbach & Leon Horsten, Principles of truth. New York: Hänsel-Hohenhausen. pp. 129-152.
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  11. (1 other version)The Samaritan Woman, Jesus and God the father! A Close Reading of John 4: 21-24 with and Emphasis on the Concept of God.Hanne Loland - 2009 - Franciscanum: Revista de Las Ciencias Del Espíritu 51 (151):103-127.
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  12.  20
    Dopamine-Related Reduction of Semantic Spreading Activation in Patients With Parkinson’s Disease.Hannes Ole Tiedt, Felicitas Ehlen & Fabian Klostermann - 2022 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 16.
    Impaired performance in verbal fluency tasks is a frequent observation in Parkinson’s disease. As to the nature of the underlying cognitive deficit, it is commonly attributed to a frontal-type dysexecutive syndrome due to nigrostriatal dopamine depletion. Whereas dopaminergic medication typically improves VF performance in PD, e.g., by ameliorating impaired lexical switching, its effect on semantic network activation is unclear. Data from priming studies suggest that dopamine causes a faster decay of semantic activation spread. The aim of the current study was (...)
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  13. Environmental Values: global, regional and local dimensions.Hannes Veinla - 2007 - Rechtstheorie 38 (2):253-268.
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  14. What theories of truth should be like (but cannot be).Hannes Leitgeb - 2007 - Philosophy Compass 2 (2):276–290.
    This article outlines what a formal theory of truth should be like, at least at first glance. As not all of the stated constraints can be satisfied at the same time, in view of notorious semantic paradoxes such as the Liar paradox, we consider the maximal consistent combinations of these desiderata and compare their relative advantages and disadvantages.
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  15. Reducing belief simpliciter to degrees of belief.Hannes Leitgeb - 2013 - Annals of Pure and Applied Logic 164 (12):1338-1389.
    Is it possible to give an explicit definition of belief in terms of subjective probability, such that believed propositions are guaranteed to have a sufficiently high probability, and yet it is neither the case that belief is stripped of any of its usual logical properties, nor is it the case that believed propositions are bound to have probability 1? We prove the answer is ‘yes’, and that given some plausible logical postulates on belief that involve a contextual “cautiousness” threshold, there (...)
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  16.  90
    History and philosophy of modern epidemiology.Hanne Andersen - manuscript
    Epidemiological studies of chronic diseases began around the mid-20th century. Contrary to the infectious disease epidemiology which had prevailed at the beginning of the 20th century and which had focused on single agents causing individual diseases, the chronic disease epidemiology which emerged at the end of Word War II was a much more complex enterprise that investigated a multiplicity of risk factors for each disease. Involved in the development of chronic disease epidemi-ology were therefore fundamental discussions on the notion of (...)
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    vergleichen, tauschen, erlösen Simmels Verben.Hannes Böhringer - 2015 - Zeitschrift für Kulturphilosophie 2015 (1-2):271-276.
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    Creations of the Mind: Theories of Artifacts and Their Representation.Hannes Rakoczy - 2009 - Philosophical Psychology 22 (3):401-406.
  19.  19
    The Moral, Political, and Legal Nature of Socially Recognised Human Rights.M. Hann - 2019 - Collingwood and British Idealism Studies 25 (1):75-100.
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    Atheism, humanism, and Christianity.Hanns Lilje - 1964 - Minneapolis,: Augsburg Pub. House.
  21. (1 other version)Logic and Philosophy. A Reconstruction.Hannes Leitgeb - forthcoming - In Filippo Ferrari, Elke Brendel, Massimiliano Carrara, Ole Hjortland, Gil Sagi, Gila Sher & Florian Steinberger, Oxford Handbook of Philosophy of Logic. Oxford, UK: Oxford University Press.
    The article recapitulates what logic is about traditionally and works out two roles it has been playing in philosophy: the role of an instrument and of a philosophical discipline in its own right. Using Tarski’s philosophical-logical work as case study, it develops a logical reconstructionist methodology of philosophical logic that extends and refines Rudolf Carnap’s account of explication and rational reconstruction. The methodology overlaps with, but also partially diverges from, contemporary anti-exceptionalism about logic.
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  22. Vindicating the verifiability criterion.Hannes Leitgeb - 2024 - Philosophical Studies 181 (1):223-245.
    The aim of this paper is to argue for a revised and precisified version of the infamous Verifiability Criterion for the meaningfulness of declarative sentences. The argument is based on independently plausible premises concerning probabilistic confirmation and meaning as context-change potential, it is shown to be logically valid, and its ramifications for potential applications of the criterion are being discussed. Although the paper is not historical but systematic, the criterion thus vindicated will resemble the original one(s) in some important ways. (...)
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  23. On formal and informal provability.Hannes Leitgeb - 2009 - In Ø. Linnebo O. Bueno, New Waves in Philosophy of Mathematics. Palgrave-Macmillan. pp. 263--299.
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  24.  97
    The Stability of Belief: How Rational Belief Coheres with Probability.Hannes Leitgeb - 2017 - Oxford, United Kingdom: Oxford University Press.
    In everyday life we either express our beliefs in all-or-nothing terms or we resort to numerical probabilities: I believe it's going to rain or my chance of winning is one in a million. The Stability of Belief develops a theory of rational belief that allows us to reason with all-or-nothing belief and numerical belief simultaneously.
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  25.  77
    Subjective duration and psychophysics.Hannes Eisler - 1975 - Psychological Review 82 (6):429-50.
  26. A Probabilistic Semantics for Counterfactuals. Part A.Hannes Leitgeb - 2012 - Review of Symbolic Logic 5 (1):26-84.
    This is part A of a paper in which we defend a semantics for counterfactuals which is probabilistic in the sense that the truth condition for counterfactuals refers to a probability measure. Because of its probabilistic nature, it allows a counterfactual ‘ifAthenB’ to be true even in the presence of relevant ‘Aand notB’-worlds, as long such exceptions are not too widely spread. The semantics is made precise and studied in different versions which are related to each other by representation theorems. (...)
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  27.  86
    On Non-Eliminative Structuralism. Unlabeled Graphs as a Case Study, Part B†.Hannes Leitgeb - 2021 - Philosophia Mathematica 29 (1):64-87.
    This is Part B of an article that defends non-eliminative structuralism about mathematics by means of a concrete case study: a theory of unlabeled graphs. Part A motivated an understanding of unlabeled graphs as structures sui generis and developed a corresponding axiomatic theory of unlabeled graphs. Part B turns to the philosophical interpretation and assessment of the theory: it points out how the theory avoids well-known problems concerning identity, objecthood, and reference that have been attributed to non-eliminative structuralism. The part (...)
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    Egalitarian rights recognition: a political theory of human rights.Matt Hann - 2016 - London: Palgrave-Macmillan.
    This book takes a distinctive and innovative approach to a relatively under-explored question, namely: Why do we have human rights? Much political discourse simply proceeds from the idea that humans have rights because they are human without seriously interrogating this notion. Egalitarian Rights Recognition offers an account of how human rights are created and how they may be seen to be legitimate: rights are created through social recognition. By combining readings of 19th Century English philosopher T.H. Green with 20th Century (...)
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  29. Beliefs in conditionals vs. conditional beliefs.Hannes Leitgeb - 2007 - Topoi 26 (1):115-132.
    On the basis of impossibility results on probability, belief revision, and conditionals, it is argued that conditional beliefs differ from beliefs in conditionals qua mental states. Once this is established, it will be pointed out in what sense conditional beliefs are still conditional, even though they may lack conditional contents, and why it is permissible to still regard them as beliefs, although they are not beliefs in conditionals. Along the way, the main logical, dispositional, representational, and normative properties of conditional (...)
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  30. On Non-Eliminative Structuralism. Unlabeled Graphs as a Case Study, Part A†.Hannes Leitgeb - 2020 - Philosophia Mathematica 28 (3):317-346.
    This is Part A of an article that defends non-eliminative structuralism about mathematics by means of a concrete case study: a theory of unlabeled graphs. Part A summarizes the general attractions of non-eliminative structuralism. Afterwards, it motivates an understanding of unlabeled graphs as structures sui generis and develops a corresponding axiomatic theory of unlabeled graphs. As the theory demonstrates, graph theory can be developed consistently without eliminating unlabeled graphs in favour of sets; and the usual structuralist criterion of identity can (...)
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  31. Theories of truth which have no standard models.Hannes Leitgeb - 2001 - Studia Logica 68 (1):69-87.
    This papers deals with the class of axiomatic theories of truth for semantically closed languages, where the theories do not allow for standard models; i.e., those theories cannot be interpreted as referring to the natural number codes of sentences only (for an overview of axiomatic theories of truth in general, see Halbach[6]). We are going to give new proofs for two well-known results in this area, and we also prove a new theorem on the nonstandardness of a certain theory of (...)
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  32. Die Entstehung der Geschichtsschreibung im alten Israel.Hannelis Schulte - 1972
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    Ancient Egyptian Religion: An Interpretation.Hanns Stock - 1949 - Journal of the American Oriental Society 69 (4):239.
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    The prevalent use of contraception among teenagers in Denmark and the corresponding low pregnancy rate.Hanne Wielandt, Jesper Boldsen & Lisbeth B. Knudsen - 2002 - Journal of Biosocial Science 34 (1):1-12.
  35. Why pure mathematical truths are metaphysically necessary: a set-theoretic explanation.Hannes Leitgeb - 2020 - Synthese 197 (7):3113-3120.
    Pure mathematical truths are commonly thought to be metaphysically necessary. Assuming the truth of pure mathematics as currently pursued, and presupposing that set theory serves as a foundation of pure mathematics, this article aims to provide a metaphysical explanation of why pure mathematics is metaphysically necessary.
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  36. A way out of the preface paradox?Hannes Leitgeb - 2014 - Analysis 74 (1):ant091.
    The thesis defended in this article is that by uttering or publishing a great many declarative sentences in assertoric mode, one does not actually assert that their conjunction is true – one rather asserts that the vast majority of these sentences are true. Accordingly, the belief that is expressed thereby is the belief that the vast majority of these sentences are true. In the article, we make this proposal precise, we explain the context-dependency of belief that corresponds to it, we (...)
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  37. Joint Acceptance and Scientific Change: A Case Study.Hanne Andersen - 2010 - Episteme 7 (3):248-265.
    Recently, several scholars have argued that scientists can accept scientific claims in a collective process, and that the capacity of scientific groups to form joint acceptances is linked to a functional division of labor between the group members. However, these accounts reveal little about how the cognitive content of the jointly accepted claim is formed, and how group members depend on each other in this process. In this paper, I shall therefore argue that we need to link analyses of joint (...)
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    Apes are intuitive statisticians.Hannes Rakoczy, Annette Clüver, Liane Saucke, Nicole Stoffregen, Alice Gräbener, Judith Migura & Josep Call - 2014 - Cognition 131 (1):60-68.
  39.  6
    Being Taken for a Ride: Social and Technological Externalist Complements to the Internalist Reading of Buddhist Chariot Similes.Tom Hannes & Gunter Bombaerts - 2024 - Philosophy East and West 74 (3):379-398.
    Slavoj Zizek’s criticism of Western Buddhism (2014) for being a late capitalist opiate of the people is partly unwarranted and partly of undeniable relevance. His implicit assumption is that Buddhism is an internalist path that only looks into the individual inner world, leaving harmful societal systems in peace. This article offers a response to Zizek’s analysis, by interpreting the chariot simile in the Buddhist Pali Canon. Even though Pali chariot similes indeed support an internalist perspective, some of them also allow (...)
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    Analyzing the computational complexity of abstract dialectical frameworks via approximation fixpoint theory.Hannes Strass & Johannes Peter Wallner - 2015 - Artificial Intelligence 226 (C):34-74.
  41. Logic in general philosophy of science: old things and new things.Hannes Leitgeb - 2011 - Synthese 179 (2):339 - 350.
    This is a personal, incomplete, and very informal take on the role of logic in general philosophy of science, which is aimed at a broader audience. We defend and advertise the application of logical methods in philosophy of science, starting with the beginnings in the Vienna Circle and ending with some more recent logical developments.
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    Magnitude scales, category scales, and Fechnerian integration.Hannes Eisler - 1963 - Psychological Review 70 (3):243-253.
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  43.  16
    Approximating operators and semantics for abstract dialectical frameworks.Hannes Strass - 2013 - Artificial Intelligence 205 (C):39-70.
  44.  27
    Centaurus at Volume 50: Looking into the archives.Hanne Andersen - 2008 - Centaurus 50 (1-2):1-3.
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  45. Authentic Leadership and Behavioral Integrity as Drivers of Follower Commitment and Performance.Hannes Leroy, Michael E. Palanski & Tony Simons - 2012 - Journal of Business Ethics 107 (3):255-264.
    The literatures on both authentic leadership and behavioral integrity have argued that leader integrity drives follower performance. Yet, despite overlap in conceptualization and mechanisms, no research has investigated how authentic leadership and behavioral integrity relate to one another in driving follower performance. In this study, we propose and test the notion that authentic leadership behavior is an antecedent to perceptions of leader behavioral integrity, which in turn affects follower affective organizational commitment and follower work role performance. Analysis of a survey (...)
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  46.  22
    Sorrow and consolation in Italian humanism.Hanns Gross - 1993 - History of European Ideas 17 (2-3):376-377.
  47.  18
    Zwischen Public Value und Verluderung – Macht und Verantwortung der Medien in einer demokratischen Gesellschaft.Hannes Haas - 2013 - Jahrbuch Menschenrechte 2013 (1):126-140.
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    Auf dem Weg zur rhetorischen Theorie: rhetorische Reflexion im ausgehenden funften Jahrhundert v. Chr. (review).Hanns Hohmann - 1999 - Philosophy and Rhetoric 32 (2):184-191.
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    Gellner on Malinowski: Words and Things in Central Europe.Chris Hann - 1996 - Poznan Studies in the Philosophy of the Sciences and the Humanities 48:45-64.
  50.  16
    Human Rights, the State, and Recognition.Matt Hann - 2015 - Journal of Moral Philosophy 12 (5):639-650.
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