Results for 'Hans Rochol'

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  1.  6
    Der allgemeine Begriff in Platons Dialog Parmenides: Erörterung e. Einwandes gegen d. Platonismus (nibst einigen Skizzen zu demselben Dialog).Hans Rochol - 1975 - Meisenheim am Glan: Hain.
  2.  31
    The Dialogue “Parmenides”.Hans Rochol - 1971 - International Philosophical Quarterly 11 (4):496-520.
  3. Selbstbestimmung ohne Zeit?

    Zur Kierkegaard-Interpretation Hans Rochols.
    Christian Fernandes - 2012 - Perspektiven der Philosophie 38 (1):237-255.
    Kierkegaards Denken kreist um folgendes Problem: Einerseits soll Zeit positiv als ermöglichende und notwendige Bedingung der Selbstbestimmung des Menschen konzipiert werden, andererseits soll am christlichen Dogma von der Sündhaftigkeit von Geburt an und an der Interpretation der mit dem zeitlichen Dasein einhergehenden Negativitätsbetroffenheit des Menschen als Straffolge seiner freien Sündentat festgehalten werden. Letzteres setzt logischerweise die vorgeburtliche Selbstbestimmung als böse und damit die Vollendbarkeit des Menschen auch ohne Zeit voraus. Rochol verdeckt dieses paradoxale Grundgeschehen in Kierkegaards Philosophie durch seine (...)
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    A Wittgenstein Dictionary.Hans-Johann Glock - 1996 - Cambridge, Mass., USA: Wiley-Blackwell.
    This lucid and accessible dictionary presents technical terms that Wittgenstein introduced into philosophical debate or transformed substantially, and also topics to which he made a substantial contribution. Hans-Johann Glock places Wittgenstein's ideas in their relevance to current debates. The entries delineate Wittgenstein's lines of argument on particular issues, assessing their strengths and weaknesses, and shed light on fundamental exegetical controversies. The dictionary entries are prefaced by a 'Sketch of a Intellectual Biography', which links the basic themes of the early (...)
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  5. Hans-Georg Gadamer on Education, Poetry, and History: Applied Hermeneutics.Hans-Georg GADAMER - 1992
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  6. Hanʼguk minjujuŭi wa chŏngchʻi palchŏn.Sŭng-jo Han - 1976
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    (1 other version)Ehrenberg, Hans, Dr., Privatdozent. Die Parteiungder Philosophie. Studien wider Hegel und die Kantianer.Hans Ehrenberg - 1911 - Kant Studien 16 (1-3).
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    Gespräche mit Hans Albert.Hans Albert - 2011 - Münster: Lit. Edited by Robert Zimmer & Martin Morgenstern.
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    A Tribute to Hans Morgenthau: [truth and tragedy]: with an intellectual autobiography by Hans J. Morgenthau.Hans J. Morgenthau & Kenneth W. Thompson (eds.) - 1977 - Washington: New Republic Book Co..
    With an intellectual autobiography by Hans J. Morgenthau.
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  10. Han Feizi.Fei Han - 1977
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  11. Han Feizi xuan ping.Fei Han (ed.) - 1976
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    Hans Reichenbach Papers 1884-1979 1909 - 1953.Hans Reichenbach - unknown
    The Hans Reichenbach Papers comprise published and unpublished manuscripts, lectures, correspondence, photographs, drawings, and related materials from his early student days until his death. The correspondence contains about 9000 pages to and from Reichenbach; it ranges over his entire career. Those with whom Reichenbach maintained lifelong contact include Rudolf Carnap, Ernst Cassirer, Herbert Feigl, Philip Frank, Carl Hempel, Sidney Hook, Paul Oppenheim and Wolfgang Pauli. In addition, there is significant correspondence with von Astor, Bergmann, Bertalanffy, Dingler, Dubislav, Einstein, Fraenkel, (...)
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    Hans Georg Gadamer: Esquisses Hermeneutiques: Essais Et Conferences.Hans Georg Gadamer - 2004 - Librarie Philosophique J. Vrin.
    Dans cet ouvrage, Gadamer (1900-2002) nous confie un veritable testament philosophique. Abordant des questions centrales de la pensee contemporaine, le maitre de l'hermeneutique livre ici ses dernieres reflexions sur des themes qui lui tiennent a coeur: l'art et la poesie, la reconnaissance et l'humanisme, l'amitie et l'ecoute. L'hermeneutique, selon Gadamer, est la theorie selon laquelle nous devons apprendre a ecouter.
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  14.  32
    Hans-Martin Dober, Mathias Morgenstern (Hg.): Religion aus den Quellen der Vernunft. Hermann Cohen und das evangelische Christentum.Hans-Ludwig Ollig - 2014 - Philosophischer Literaturanzeiger 67 (3):253-266.
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  15. Daoism explained: from the dream of the butterfly to the fishnet allegory.Hans-Georg Moeller - 2004 - Chicago, Ill.: Open Court.
    The book also sheds new light on many important allegories by showing how modern translations often conceal the wit and humor of the Chinese original.
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    Hans-Jörg Rheinberger - die Farben des Tastens: Hans-Jörg Rheinberger im Gespräch mit Alexandru Bulucz.Hans-Jörg Rheinberger - 2015 - Frankfurt am Main: Edition Faust. Edited by Alexandru Bulucz.
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  17. Glock, Hans Johann (2018). Semantics: Why rules ought to matter. In: Beran, Ondrej; Kolman, Vojtech; Koren, Ladislav. From rules to meanings: New essays on inferentialism. London, 63-80.Hans Johann Glock, Ondrej Beran, Vojtech Kolman & Ladislav Koren (eds.) - 2018
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    Politik, Bildung, Religion: Hans Maier zum 65. Geburtstag.Hans Maier, Theo Stammen, Heinrich Oberreuter, Paul Mikat & Hanna Gerl-Falkovitz (eds.) - 1996 - Paderborn: Schöningh.
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  19. Glock, Hans Johann (2018). Animal rationality and belief. In: Andrews, Kirstin; Beck, Jacob. The Routledge Handbook of Philosophy of Animal Minds. London: Routledge, 89-99.Hans Johann Glock, Kirstin Andrews & Jacob Beck (eds.) - 2018
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  20.  54
    Hans Wagner: Die Würde des Menschen. Wesen und Normfunktion. Hrsg. v. Stephan Nachtsheim.Hans Wagner & Reinhold Breil - 2015 - Philosophischer Literaturanzeiger 68 (1):022-032.
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    Hans Wagner: Kleinere Schriften I: Systematische Abhandlungen. Hrsg. v. Bernward Grünewald.Hans Wagner, Bernward Grünewald & Reinhold Breil - 2016 - Philosophischer Literaturanzeiger 69 (2):153-165.
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  22. Glock, Hans Johann (2014). The relation between Quine and Davidson. In: Harman, Gilbert; Lepore, Ernest. A Companion to W. V. O. Quine. New York: John Wiley & Sons, 526-551.Hans Johann Glock, Gilbert Harman & Ernest Lepore (eds.) - 2014
  23.  49
    Hans-Georg Gadamer and Hermeneutic Phenomenalogy.James S. Hans - 1978 - Philosophy Today 22 (1):3-19.
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    Technik zwischen Wissenschaft und Praxis: technikphilosophische und techniksoziologische Schriften aus dem Nachlass von Hans Rumpf.Hans Rumpf - 1981 - Düsseldorf: VDI-Verlag. Edited by Hans Lenk, Simon Moser & K. Schönert.
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  25. (1 other version)Han Feizi xuan.Fei Han - 1965 - Edited by Wang, Huan-Piao & [From Old Catalog].
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    Glanz und Elend des Empirismus. Hans Reichenbachs Theorie der Erkenntnis.Hans Poser - 1998 - In Ulrich Dirks & Hans Poser (eds.), Hans Reichenbach, Philosophie Im Umkreis der Physik. De Gruyter. pp. 157-178.
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  27.  16
    Work on Myth.Hans Blumenberg - 1985 - Cambridge: MIT Press. Edited by Thomas McCarthy.
    In this rich examination of how we inherit and transform myths, Hans Blumenberg continues his study of the philosophical roots of the modern world. Work on Myth is in five parts. The first two analyze the characteristics of myth and the stages in the West's work on myth, including long discussions of such authors as Freud, Joyce, Cassirer, and Val+1⁄4ry. The latter three parts present a comprehensive account of the history of the Prometheus myth, from Hesiod and Aeschylus to (...)
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  28. Hanʼguk yuhak simnihak: Hanʼguk yuhak ŭi simnihaksŏl kwa Yugyo munhwa e kwanhan simnihakchŏk chŏpkŭn.Tŏg-ung Han - 2003 - Sŏul Tʻŭkpyŏlsi: Sigŭma Pʻŭresŭ.
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    The guardian of the constitution: Hans Kelsen and Carl Schmitt on the limits of constitutional law.Hans Kelsen, Carl Schmitt & Lars Vinx (eds.) - 2015 - United Kingdom: Cambridge University Press.
    This volume provides the first English translation of Hans Kelsen's and Carl Schmitt's influential Weimar-era debate on constitutional guardianship and the legitimacy of constitutional review. It includes Kelsen's seminal piece, 'The Nature and Development of Constitutional Adjudication', as well as key extracts from the 'Guardian of the Constitution' which present Schmitt's argument against constitutional review. Also included are Kelsen's review of Schmitt's 'Guardian of the Constitution', as well as some further material by Kelsen and Schmitt on presidential dictatorship under (...)
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  30. Glock, Hans Johann (1991). Investigations §128: Theses in philosophy and undogmatic procedure. In: Glock, Hans Johann; Arrington, Robert. Wittgenstein's philosophical investigations. London/New York: Routledge, 69-88.Hans Johann Glock & Robert Arrington (eds.) - 1991
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  31. (3 other versions)Han Feizi.Fei Han - 1913
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    Interview with professor of philosophy Hans-Martin Sass. November 15-18, 2020.Hans-Martin Sass & Hanna Hubenko - 2021 - Філософія Освіти 26 (2):188-193.
    Hans-Martin Sass, Honorary Professor of Philosophy. Founder and board member of the Centre for Medical Ethics, Bochum, Germany. Honorary Senior Research Fellow at Kennedy Institute of Ethics at Georgetown University, Washington, DC. Honorary Professor of the Bioethics Research Centre, Beijing. He has written more than 60 books and pamphlets, more than 250 articles in professional journals. Editor of the Ethik in der Praxis/ Practical ethics, Muenster: Lit. Founder and co-editor of the brochures “Medizinethische Materialien”, Bochum: ZME. He has lectured (...)
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  33.  82
    Letter from... Zurich. Hans-Johann Glock makes a difference.Hans Johann Glock - 2012 - .
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  34. Seeing Zumthor--Images by Hans Danuser: Reflections on Architecture and Photography.Hans Danuser - 2009 - Scheidegger & Spiess.
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  35.  22
    History, Metaphors, Fables: A Hans Blumenberg Reader.Hans Blumenberg - 2020 - Ithaca: Cornell University Press. Edited by Hannes Bajohr, Florian Fuchs & Joe Paul Kroll.
    History, Metaphors, and Fables collects the central writings by Hans Blumenberg and covers topics such as on the philosophy of language, metaphor theory, non-conceptuality, aesthetics, politics, and literary studies. This landmark volume demonstrates Blumenberg's intellectual breadth and gives an overview of his thematic and stylistic range over four decades. Blumenberg's early philosophy of technology becomes tangible, as does his critique of linguistic perfectibility and conceptual thought, his theory of history as successive concepts of reality", his anthropology, or his studies (...)
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  36.  15
    La nuova interpretazione di Platone: un dialogo di Hans-Georg Gadamer con la Scuola di Tubinga e Milano e altri studiosi (Tubinga, 3 settembre 1996).Hans-Georg Gadamer, Giuseppe Girgenti & Giovanni Reale (eds.) - 1998 - Milano: Rusconi.
    Enth.: "Platone scopritore dell'ermeneutica" : intervista di Giovanni Reale a Hans-Georg Gadamer.
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  37.  9
    Hanʼguk chʻŏrhak ŭi maek.Cha-gyŏng Han - 2008 - Sŏul Tʻŭkpyŏlsi: Ihwa Yŏja Taehakkyo Chʻulpʻanbu.
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    In Conversation With Hans Ulrich's Wie Geschopfe Leben.Hans S. Reinders - 2007 - Studies in Christian Ethics 20 (2):231-256.
    This paper presents Hans Ulrich's account of Christian ethics as an ethics of `vocation'. It is interested in how Ulrich's account of vocational ethics is developed as a critique of professional ethics. Professional ethics is seen as reflecting the structures of ethical deliberation of the social order that produces it, thereby failing to move beyond the realm of `works'. In contrast, the distinguishing characteristic of Ulrich's vocational ethics is shown to be that it is a response to the Word (...)
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    Hanʼguk ŭi kŭndaesŏng: sirhak sasang ŭl chungsim ŭro.Han-sik Kim - 2006 - Sŏul Tʻŭkpyŏlsi: Paeksan Sŏdang. Edited by Han-sik Kim.
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  40. Kyoyuk ŭi yŏksa ch'ŏrhakchŏk kich'o: Han'guk kyoyuk ŭi segye kyoyuksa kyoyuk ch'ŏrhakchŏk chwap'yo.Ki-ŏn Han - 1975 - Sŏul: Yukhaksa.
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  41. Notes on naive semantics.Hans Herzberger - 1982 - Journal of Philosophical Logic 11 (1):61 - 102.
  42.  16
    Der Westen und die Menschenrechte: im interdisziplinären Gespräch mit Hans Joas.Hans Joas, Michael Kühnlein & Jean-Pierre Wils (eds.) - 2019 - Baden-Baden: Nomos.
    Die Geltung der Menschenrechte kann verteidigt werden. Wer zwischen der imperialen Behauptung, die Menschenrechte seien ein triumphales Produkt des "Westens", und der relativistischen Beteuerung, sie seien "bloss" westlich, nicht wahlen mochte, tut gut daran, die Debatte um die "affirmative Genealogie", die Hans Joas in seiner Apologie der Menschenrechte entwickelt hat, genau zu verfolgen. In "Der Westen und die Menschenrechte" plausibilisiert Joas noch einmal seinen Standpunkt und reagiert scharfsinnig auf die Debatte, die in diesem Buch durch namhafte Wissenschaftler gefuhrt wird. (...)
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  43. Glock, Hans Johann (2001). Investigations §128: Theses in philosophy and undogmatic procedure. In: Shanker, S; Kilfoyle, D. Ludwig Wittgenstein: critical assessments. London/New York: Routledge, 52-67.Hans Johann Glock, S. Shanker & D. Kilfoyle (eds.) - 2001
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  44. Glock, Hans-Johann (2022). Moral certainties – subjective, objective, objectionable? In: Eriksen, Cecilie; Hermann, Julia; O'Hara, Neil; Pleasants, Nigel. Philosophical perspectives on moral certainty. New York: Routledge, Taylor&Francis Group, 171-191.Hans-Johann Glock, Cecilie Eriksen, Julia Hermann, Neil O'Hara & Nigel Pleasants (eds.) - 2022
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  45. Han Feizi zhen yan lu.Fei Han - 1992 - Beijing: Xin hua shu dian Beijing fa xing suo fa xing. Edited by Qing Ye, Wu Xiao & Fei Han.
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    Han Feizi xuan yi.Fei Han - 1990 - Shanghai: Xin hua shu dian Shanghai fa xing suo fa xing. Edited by Yucheng Shen & Yongzhi Guo.
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  47. Philosophic foundations of quantum mechanics.Hans Reichenbach - 1944 - Mineola, N.Y.: Dover Publications.
    Written by an internationally renowned philosopher, this volume offers a three-part philosophical interpretation of quantum physics. The first part reviews the basics of quantum mechanics, outlining their philosophical interpretation and summarizing their results; the second outlines the mathematical methods of quantum mechanics; and the third section blends the philosophical ideas of the first part and the mathematical formulations of the second part to develop a variety of interpretations of quantum mechanics. 1944 edition.
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  48. Im Lustgarten zwischen Natur und Kunst: Festschrift für Hans Dickel.Hans Dickel, Martina Baleva & Ulrich Blanché (eds.) - 2022 - München: Edition metzel.
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    Defending Einstein: Hans Reichenbach's writings on space, time, and motion.Hans Reichenbach - 2006 - New York: Cambridge University Press. Edited by Steven Gimbel & Anke Walz.
    Hans Reichenbach, a philosopher of science who was one of five students in Einstein's first seminar on the general theory of relativity, became Einstein's bulldog, defending the theory against criticism from philosophers, physicists, and popular commentators. This book chronicles the development of Reichenbach's reconstruction of Einstein's theory in a way that clearly sets out all of its philosophical commitments and its physical predictions as well as the battles that Reichenbach fought on its behalf, in both the academic and popular (...)
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  50.  16
    Unterschied und Widerspruch: Perspektiven auf das Werk von Hans Heinz Holz.Hans Heinz Holz, Christoph Hubig & Jörg Zimmer (eds.) - 2007 - Köln: Dinter.
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