Results for 'Health Research Agency'

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  1.  35
    Understanding Health Research Ethics in Nepal.Jeevan Raj Sharma, Rekha Khatri & Ian Harper - 2016 - Developing World Bioethics 16 (3):140-147.
    Unlike other countries in South Asia, in Nepal research in the health sector has a relatively recent history. Most health research activities in the country are sponsored by international collaborative assemblages of aid agencies and universities. Data from Nepal Health Research Council shows that, officially, 1,212 health research activities have been carried out between 1991 and 2014. These range from addressing immediate health problems at the country level through operational research, (...)
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    Passing the Buck: How the Academy of Medical Sciences's 'New Pathway for the Regulation and Governance of Health Research' Shifts the Regulatory Burden but Fails to Improve the Quality of Research Governance.Christopher Roy-Toole - 2011 - Research Ethics 7 (3):82-90.
    In this paper the author argues that the Academy of Medical Sciences's ‘Review of the regulation and governance of medical research’ has produced a set of muddled recommendations that could increase complexity and uncertainty in research governance rather than reduce it. Issues discussed in the paper include the additional legal burden placed upon the newly proposed Health Research Agency by the plan for a National Research Governance Service and its system of centralized permissions, the (...)
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    International Health Research after Schrems v. Data Protection Commissioner.Mark A. Rothstein - 2015 - Hastings Center Report 46 (2):5-6.
    On October 6, 2015, in Schrems v. Data Protection Commissioner, the European Court of Justice, the European Union's highest court, held that the fifteen-year-old Safe Harbor Framework Agreement with the United States was invalid. Under the agreement, about forty-five hundred American companies each year self-certified to the U.S. Department of Commerce that they were in compliance with the essential privacy protections of the European Union, and therefore it was permissible for entities in the European Union to send personal data to (...)
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  4.  18
    Shared Decision-Making and Relational Moral Agency: On Seeing the Person Behind the ‘Expert by Experience’ in Mental Health Research.Anna Bergqvist - 2023 - Royal Institute of Philosophy Supplement 94:173-200.
    The focus of this paper is the moral and scientific value of ‘expertise by experience’, that is, knowledge based on personal experience of ill mental health as a form of expertise in mental health research. In contrast to individualistic theories of personal autonomy and the first-person in bioethics, my account of shared decision-making is focussed on how a relational approach to the ‘person’ and ‘patient values’ can throw new light on our understanding of ‘voice’ in mental (...) research. The mistake, I argue, is to think that a commitment to listening to the patient voice in the process of perspective taking implies a threat to ‘objectivity’ in clinical practice and the very concept of evidence in the philosophy of science more generally. Instead, I use Helen Longino's account of epistemic validity in philosophy of science to argue that narrative experience and ‘patient perspective’ should be understood as an ongoing dynamic partnership working between the different stakeholders’ knowledge perspectives. I also address the connection between expertise by experience and the psychiatric significance of the personal self for the entrenched topics of agency, self-hood, personal identity, and self-knowledge in psychiatric diagnosis. In contrast to identity politics, my model of shared decision-making preserves a critical distance between perspective-taking and value itself in self/other appraisal as the gold standard for good clinical practice. (shrink)
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    How to navigate the application of ethics norms in global health research: reflections based on qualitative research conducted with people with disabilities in Uganda.Christina Zarowsky, Béatrice Godard, Kate Zinszer, Louise Ringuette & Muriel Mac-Seing - 2021 - BMC Medical Ethics 22 (1):1-7.
    BackgroundAs Canadian global health researchers who conducted a qualitative study with adults with and without disabilities in Uganda, we obtained ethics approval from four institutional research ethics boards (two in Canada and two in Uganda). In Canada, research ethics boards and researchers follow the research ethics norms of the Tri-Council Policy Statement: Ethical Conduct for Research Involving Humans (TCPS2), and the National Guidelines for Research Involving Humans as Research Participants of Uganda (NGRU) in (...)
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    Women and Health Research: A Report from the Institute of Medicine.Anna C. Mastroianni, Ruth Faden & Daniel Federman - 1994 - Kennedy Institute of Ethics Journal 4 (1):55-62.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Women and Health Research:A Report from the Institute of MedicineAnna C. Mastroianni (bio), Ruth Faden (bio), and Daniel Federman (bio)In recent years, claims have been made by segments of the research community and by women's health advocacy groups that clinical research practices and policies have not benefitted women's health to the same extent as men's health. Central to these claims has been (...)
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  7.  17
    Beyond sex and gender difference in funding and reporting of health research.Gemma Hunting, Kristen W. Springer & Olena Hankivsky - 2018 - Research Integrity and Peer Review 3 (1).
    BackgroundUnderstanding sex and gender in health research can improve the quality of scholarship and enhance health outcomes. Funding agencies and academic journals are two key gatekeepers of knowledge production and dissemination, including whether and how sex/gender is incorporated into health research. Though attention has been paid to key issues and practices in accounting for sex/gender in health funding agencies and academic journals, to date, there has been no systematic analysis documenting whether and how agencies (...)
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  8.  58
    Administrative Decision Making in Response to Sudden Health Care Agency Funding Reductions: is there a role for ethics?Donna M. Wilson - 1998 - Nursing Ethics 5 (4):319-329.
    In October 1993, a survey of health care agency administrators was undertaken shortly after they had experienced two sudden reductions in public funding. The purpose of this investigation was to gain insight into the role of ethics in health administrator decision making. A mail questionnaire was designed for this purpose. Descriptive statistics and content analysis were used to summarize the data. Staff reductions and bed closures were the two most frequently reported mechanisms for addressing the funding reductions. (...)
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  9.  74
    Boundary-Work in the Health Research Field: Biomedical and Clinician Scientists' Perceptions of Social Science Research[REVIEW]Mathieu Albert, Suzanne Laberge & Brian D. Hodges - 2009 - Minerva 47 (2):171-194.
    Funding agencies in Canada are attempting to break down the organizational boundaries between disciplines to promote interdisciplinary research and foster the integration of the social sciences into the health research field. This paper explores the extent to which biomedical and clinician scientists’ perceptions of social science research operate as a cultural boundary to the inclusion of social scientists into this field. Results indicated that cultural boundaries may impede social scientists’ entry into the health research (...)
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  10.  49
    Challenges arising when seeking broad consent for health research data sharing: a qualitative study of perspectives in Thailand.Phaik Yeong Cheah, Nattapat Jatupornpimol, Borimas Hanboonkunupakarn, Napat Khirikoekkong, Podjanee Jittamala, Sasithon Pukrittayakamee, Nicholas P. J. Day, Michael Parker & Susan Bull - 2018 - BMC Medical Ethics 19 (1):86.
    Research funders, regulatory agencies, and journals are increasingly expecting that individual-level data from health research will be shared. Broad consent to such sharing is considered appropriate, feasible and acceptable in low- and middle-income settings, but to date limited empirical research has been conducted to inform the design of such processes. We examined stakeholder perspectives about how best to seek broad consent to sharing data from the Mahidol Oxford Tropical Medicine Research Unit, which implemented a data (...)
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  11.  20
    Online Portals for Sharing Health Research: Comparative Guidance amid Regulatory Uncertainty.Michael Lang & Ma’N. Zawati - 2023 - Canadian Journal of Bioethics / Revue canadienne de bioéthique 6 (2):66-75.
    Online resources offer a uniquely efficient way of sharing health research with scientists and the public. Using web portals to make results and study information available to diverse audiences could work to accelerate research translation and empower patients to play a more active role in their care. But using online tools to broadly share health information raises several challenging ethical and regulatory questions. Issues such as equity, privacy, and patient empowerment may create challenges for regulators, portal (...)
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  12. Human rights,cultural pluralism, and international health research.Patricia A. Marshall - 2005 - Theoretical Medicine and Bioethics 26 (6):529-557.
    In the field of bioethics, scholars have begun to consider carefully the impact of structural issues on global population health, including socioeconomic and political factors influencing the disproportionate burden of disease throughout the world. Human rights and social justice are key considerations for both population health and biomedical research. In this paper, I will briefly explore approaches to human rights in bioethics and review guidelines for ethical conduct in international health research, focusing specifically on (...) research conducted in resource-poor settings. I will demonstrate the potential for addressing human rights considerations in international health research with special attention to the importance of collaborative partnerships, capacity building, and respect for cultural traditions. Strengthening professional knowledge about international research ethics increases awareness of ethical concerns associated with study design and informed consent among researchers working in resource-poor settings. But this is not enough. Technological and financial resources are also necessary to build capacity for local communities to ensure that research results are integrated into existing health systems. Problematic issues surrounding the application of ethical guidelines in resource-poor settings are embedded in social history, cultural context, and the global political economy. Resolving the moral complexities requires a commitment to engaged dialogue and action among investigators, funding agencies, policy makers, governmental institutions, and private industry. (shrink)
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    Priorities in Medical Research: elite dynamics in a pivotal episode for British health research.Stephen M. Davies - forthcoming - British Journal for the History of Science:1-17.
    Priorities in Medical Research was published in 1988 by a select committee of the House of Lords. The report ushered in an era of NHS research and development that lasted from 2001 to 2006. The inquiry's origins lay in concerns about academic medicine in the United Kingdom, yet PMR gave relatively little attention to this subject. Instead the report focused critically on the disconnect between the Department of Health and the NHS in R & D. This, the (...)
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    The Role of State Law in Protecting Human Subjects of Public Health Research and Practice.Scott Burris, Lance Gable, Lesley Stone & Zita Lazzarini - 2003 - Journal of Law, Medicine and Ethics 31 (4):654-662.
    “Public health practice” consists of activities and Programs managed by public health agencies to promote health and prevent disease, injury, and disability. Some of these activities might be deemed to fit within the broad definition of “research” under federal regulations, known as the Common Rule, designed to protect human research subjects. The Common Rule defines research as “a systeniatic investigation, including research development, testing and evaluation, designed to develop or contribute to generalizable knowledge.” (...)
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  15.  37
    Social Justice and the Ethical Goals of Community Engagement in Global Health Research.Bridget Pratt - 2019 - Journal of Bioethical Inquiry 16 (4):571-586.
    Social justice has been identified as a foundational moral commitment for global health research ethics. Yet what a commitment to social justice means for community engagement in such research has not been critically examined. This paper draws on the rich social justice literature from political philosophy to explore the normative question: What should the ethical goals of community engagement be if it is to help connect global health research to social justice? Five ethical goals for (...)
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  16.  43
    Designing research funding schemes to promote global health equity: An exploration of current practice in health systems research.Bridget Pratt & Adnan A. Hyder - 2018 - Developing World Bioethics 18 (2):76-90.
    International research is an essential means of reducing health disparities between and within countries and should do so as a matter of global justice. Research funders from high-income countries have an obligation of justice to support health research in low and middle-income countries that furthers such objectives. This paper investigates how their current funding schemes are designed to incentivise health systems research in LMICs that promotes health equity. Semi-structured in-depth interviews were performed (...)
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  17.  47
    Reviewing HIV‐Related Research in Emerging Economies: The Role of Government Reviewing Agencies.Patrina Sexton, Katrina Hui, Donna Hanrahan, Mark Barnes, Jeremy Sugarman, Alex John London & Robert Klitzman - 2014 - Developing World Bioethics 16 (1):4-14.
    Little research has explored the possible effects of government institutions in emerging economies on ethical reviews of multinational research. We conducted semi-structured, in-depth telephone interviews with 15 researchers, Research Ethics Committees personnel, and a government agency member involved in multinational HIV Prevention Trials Network research in emerging economies. Ministries of Health or other government agencies often play pivotal roles as facilitators or barriers in the research ethics approval process. Government agency RECs reviewing (...)
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  18.  32
    Improving health: structure and agency in health interventions.Alexandra A. Choby & Alexander M. Clark - 2014 - Nursing Philosophy 15 (2):89-101.
    Taking debates about the roles of structure and agency in health as a lens, this essay asks how Critical Realist and Feminist Intersectional approaches might inform health interventions research. Despite recognition of multiple determinants of health, health problems are often thought of as individual and interventions, in turn, target risky individual behaviours. Such approaches are rooted in a liberal model of personhood. This paper critiques enduring individualist assumptions linked to Western liberal underpinnings embedded in (...)
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  19.  47
    Applying the Common Rule to Public Health Agencies: Questions and Tentative Answers about a Separate Regulatory Regime.Scott Burris, James Buehler & Zita Lazzarini - 2003 - Journal of Law, Medicine and Ethics 31 (4):638-653.
    No one questions the importance of protecting human subjects of research, but over the past few years dissatisfaction has surfaced with the manner in which the protection is conferred by the federal regulatory system referred to as “The Common Rule. ” Some of the criticism surfaces in print. Some bubbles out anecdotally in conversations among researchers, with complaints about the review process being virtually inevitable whenever the topic arises. Like those in other disciplines that differ more or less dramatically (...)
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  20.  11
    “Havens of mercy”: health, medical research, and the governance of the movement of dogs in twentieth-century America.Robert G. W. Kirk & Edmund Ramsden - 2021 - History and Philosophy of the Life Sciences 43 (4):1-32.
    This article argues that the movement of dogs from pounds to medical laboratories played a critically important role in debates over the use of animals in science and medicine in the United States in the twentieth century, not least by drawing the scientific community into every greater engagement with bureaucratic political governance. If we are to understand the unique characteristics of the American federal legislation that emerges in the 1960s, we need to understand the long and protracted debate over the (...)
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  21.  28
    Community involvement in biomedical research conducted in the global health context; what can be done to make it really matter?Federica Fregonese - 2018 - BMC Medical Ethics 19 (S1).
    Background Community involvement in research has been advocated by researchers, communities, regulatory agencies, and funders with the aim of reinforcing subjects’ protection and improving research efficiency. Community involvement also has the potential to improve dissemination, uptake, and implementation of research findings. The fields of community based participatory research conducted with indigenous populations and of participatory action research offer a large base of experience in community involvement in research. Rules on involving the population affected when (...)
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  22. Is There a Duty to Share? Ethics of Sharing Research Data in the Context of Public Health Emergencies.P. Langat, D. Pisartchik, D. Silva, C. Bernard, K. Olsen, M. Smith, S. Sahni & R. Upshur - 2011 - Public Health Ethics 4 (1):4-11.
    Making research data readily accessible during a public health emergency can have profound effects on our response capabilities. The moral milieu of this data sharing has not yet been adequately explored. This article explores the foundation and nature of a duty, if any, that researchers have to share data, specifically in the context of public health emergencies. There are three notable reasons that stand in opposition to a duty to share one’s data, relating to: (i) data property (...)
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  23.  29
    Eating on the Run. A Qualitative Study of Health Agency and Eating Behaviors among Fast Food Employees.Norah E. Mulvaney-Day, Catherine A. Womack & Vanessa M. Oddo - unknown
    Understanding the relationship between obesity and fast food consumption encompasses a broad range of individual level and environmental factors. One theoretical approach, the health capability framework, focuses on the complex set of conditions allowing individuals to be healthy. This qualitative study aimed to identify factors that influence individual level health agency with respect to healthy eating choices in uniformly constrained environments. We used an inductive qualitative research design to develop an interview guide, conduct open-ended interviews with (...)
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  24.  34
    The acceptability of using a lottery to allocate research funding: a survey of applicants.Lucy Pomeroy, Tony Blakely, Adrian Barnett, Philip Clarke, Vernon Choy & Mengyao Liu - 2020 - Research Integrity and Peer Review 5 (1).
    BackgroundThe Health Research Council of New Zealand is the first major government funding agency to use a lottery to allocate research funding for their Explorer Grant scheme. This is a somewhat controversial approach because, despite the documented problems of peer review, many researchers believe that funding should be allocated solely using peer review, and peer review is used almost ubiquitously by funding agencies around the world. Given the rarity of alternative funding schemes, there is interest in (...)
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  25.  7
    Phronetic Risk in Research Agenda Setting – the Case of Nutrition Science and Public Health.Saana Jukola - forthcoming - Social Epistemology.
    Justin Biddle and Quill Kukla have introduced the concept of phronetic risk to refer to epistemic risks emerging in activities that either are conditions for empirical reasoning or included in empirical reasoning and that have to be weighted according to different values and interests. In this paper, I show how a phronetic risk arises in research agenda setting. Given the prevalence of noncommunicable diseases associated with diet, there is a need for science-based nutritional public health interventions. However, how (...)
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  26.  44
    Privacy and artificial intelligence: challenges for protecting health information in a new era.Blake Murdoch - 2021 - BMC Medical Ethics 22 (1):1-5.
    BackgroundAdvances in healthcare artificial intelligence (AI) are occurring rapidly and there is a growing discussion about managing its development. Many AI technologies end up owned and controlled by private entities. The nature of the implementation of AI could mean such corporations, clinics and public bodies will have a greater than typical role in obtaining, utilizing and protecting patient health information. This raises privacy issues relating to implementation and data security. Main bodyThe first set of concerns includes access, use and (...)
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  27.  66
    An Enhanced Approach to Distinguishing Public Health Practice and Human Subjects Research.James G. Hodge - 2005 - Journal of Law, Medicine and Ethics 33 (1):125-141.
    What are the Differences between Public Health Practice and Research? This perplexing question constantly arises in the planning and performance of public health activities involving the acquisition and use of identifiable health information. Public health agencies collect and analyze significant identifiable health data from health care providers, insurers, other agencies, or individuals to perform an array of public health activities. These activities include surveillance, epidemiological investigations, and evaluation and monitoring. Few debate that (...)
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  28.  25
    Using an Indigenist Framework for Decolonizing Health Promotion Research.Karen McPhail-Bell, Alison Nelson, Ian Lacey, Bronwyn Fredericks, Chelsea Bond & Mark Brough - 2019 - In Pranee Liamputtong (ed.), Handbook of Research Methods in Health Social Sciences. Springer Singapore. pp. 1543-1562.
    This chapter provides a critical reflection on an ethnographic approach led by a non-Indigenous researcher in partnership with an Indigenous community-controlled health organization, and a team of Indigenous and non-Indigenous supervisors, advisors, critical friends, and mentors. The chapter explores the way the three interrelated principles of Indigenist research informed the study, as a critical reflection of the methodology’s achievement of a decolonizing research agenda. The flow of Maiwah provides a metaphor for the chapter’s diverse authorship. Maiwah’s tributaries, (...)
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  29.  17
    Moral Agency, Moral Imagination, and Moral Community: Antidotes to Moral Distress.Cynthia Peden-McAlpine, Joan Liaschenko & Terri Traudt - 2016 - Journal of Clinical Ethics 27 (3):201-213.
    Moral distress has been covered extensively in the nursing literature and increasingly in the literature of other health professions. Cases that cause nurses’ moral distress that are mentioned most frequently are those concerned with prolonging the dying process. Given the standard of aggressive treatment that is typical in intensive care units (ICUs), much of the existing moral distress research focuses on the experiences of critical care nurses. However, moral distress does not automatically occur in all end-of-life circumstances, nor (...)
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  30. Regulation of genetically engineered (GE) mosquitoes as a public health tool: a public health ethics analysis.Zahra Meghani - 2022 - Globalization and Health 1 (18):1-14.
    In recent years, genetically engineered (GE) mosquitoes have been proposed as a public health measure against the high incidence of mosquito-borne diseases among the poor in regions of the global South. While uncertainties as well as risks for humans and ecosystems are entailed by the open-release of GE mosquitoes, a powerful global health governance non-state organization is funding the development of and advocating the use of those bio-technologies as public health tools. In August 2016, the US Food (...)
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  31.  14
    Does a Public Health Crisis Justify More Research with Incarcerated People?Keramet Reiter - 2021 - Hastings Center Report 51 (2):10-16.
    Covid‐19 has infected thousands and killed hundreds in prisons, jails, and immigration detention facilities across the United States. Responding to this crisis, leading medical researchers have called for expanding opportunities for people in prison to participate in vaccine trials. These calls, like current regulations, focus on individualized risk assessments around consent, coercion, and harm, while ignoring the unnaturalness of deprivation conditions in U.S. prisons. We need new frameworks of analysis that refocus on structural, rather than individual, risk assessments. Integrating structural (...)
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  32.  51
    “You cannot collect data using your own resources and put It on open access”: Perspectives from Africa about public health data‐sharing.Evelyn Anane-Sarpong, Tenzin Wangmo, Claire Leonie Ward, Osman Sankoh, Marcel Tanner & Bernice Simone Elger - 2017 - Developing World Bioethics 18 (4):394-405.
    Data-sharing is a desired default in the field of public health and a source of much ethical deliberation. Sharing data potentially contributes the largest, most efficient source of scientific data, but is fraught with contextual challenges which make stakeholders, particularly those in under-resourced contexts hesitant or slow to share. Relatively little empirical research has engaged stakeholders in discussing the issue. This study sought to explore relevant experiences, contextual, and subjective explanations around the topic to provide a rich and (...)
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  33. Stereotype Threat, Epistemic Agency, and Self-Identity.Stacey Goguen - 2016 - Dissertation, Boston University
    Stereotype threat is a psychological phenomenon that occurs when individuals become aware that their behavior could potentially confirm a negative stereotype. Though stereotype threat is a widely studied phenomenon in social psychology, there has been relatively little scholarship on it in philosophy, despite its relevance to issues such as implicit cognition, epistemic injustice, and diversity in philosophy. However, most psychological research on stereotype threat discusses the phenomenon by using an overly narrow picture of it, which focuses on one of (...)
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    Conflict-of-interest policy at the national institutes of health: The pendulum swings wildly.Evan G. DeRenzo - 2005 - Kennedy Institute of Ethics Journal 15 (2):199-210.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Kennedy Institute of Ethics Journal 15.2 (2005) 199-210 [Access article in PDF] Conflict-of-Interest Policy at the National Institutes of Health: The Pendulum Swings Wildly* Evan G. DeRenzo **This article addresses the National Institutes of Health (NIH) employee conflict-of-interest (COI) policy that went into effect February 2005. It is not, however, merely an account of another poorly crafted government policy that cries out for revision. Instead, it is (...)
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    Research Ethics Board (REB) Members’ Preparation for, and Perceived Knowledge of Research Ethics.Rylan Egan, Denise Stockley, Chi Yan Lam, Laura Kinderman & Alexandra S. Youmans - 2016 - Journal of Academic Ethics 14 (3):191-197.
    The Tri-Council Policy Statement: Ethical Conduct for Research Involving Humans was first developed to establish a standard of practice in research ethics by the three federal agencies responsible for funding institutional research in Canada: Canadian Institutes of Health Research, Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council, and Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council. In 2010, a second edition of the policy, known as the TCPS 2, was released with updated information and expanded coverage of (...)
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  36.  17
    Coroners and the Obligation to Protect Public Health: The Case of the Failed UK vCJD Study.C. R. McGowan & A. M. Viens - 2011 - Public Health 125 (4):234-7.
    The Health Protection Agency has recently attempted to create a postmortem tissue archive to determine the prevalence of abnormal prion protein. The success of this archive was prevented because the Health Protection Agency could not convince coroners to support the study’s methodology and participate on that basis. The findings of this paper detail and support the view that the Coroners’ Society of England and Wales’s refusal to participate was misguided and failed to appreciate that coroners have (...)
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    Conflict of interest issues in informed consent for research on human subjects: A south asian perspective.Aamir M. Jafarey - 2002 - Science and Engineering Ethics 8 (3):353-362.
    Health research for progress in the control and conquest of disease afflicting man is unquestionable. Concerns arise when motives other than the advancement of scientific knowledge and benefit for individuals and society are the driving force behind clinical trials. These conflicts of interests become even more pronounced when dealing with populations rendered vulnerable by virtue of poverty and ignorance. South Asia with its teeming millions represents one such region. This essay examines the reasons that make this population vulnerable (...)
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    (1 other version)Ethics beyond borders: How health professionals experience ethics in humanitarian assistance and development work.Matthew R. Hunt - 2007 - Developing World Bioethics 8 (2):59-69.
    Health professionals are involved in humanitarian assistance and development work in many regions of the world. They participate in primary health care, immunization campaigns, clinic- and hospital-based care, rehabilitation and feeding programs. In the course of this work, clinicians are frequently exposed to complex ethical issues. This paper examines how health workers experience ethics in the course of humanitarian assistance and development work. A qualitative study was conducted to consider this question. Five core themes emerged from the (...)
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    Layered vulnerability and researchers’ responsibilities: learning from research involving Kenyan adolescents living with perinatal HIV infection.Vicki Marsh, Amina Abubakar, Maureen Kelley, Alun Davies, Rita Njeru, Gladys Sanga, Scholastica M. Zakayo, Anderson Charo, Sassy Molyneux & Mary Kimani - 2024 - BMC Medical Ethics 25 (1):1-20.
    BackgroundCarefully planned research is critical to developing policies and interventions that counter physical, psychological and social challenges faced by young people living with HIV/aids, without increasing burdens. Such studies, however, must navigate a ‘vulnerability paradox’, since including potentially vulnerable groups also risks unintentionally worsening their situation. Through embedded social science research, linked to a cohort study involving Adolescents Living with HIV/aids (ALH) in Kenya, we develop an account of researchers’ responsibilities towards young people, incorporating concepts of vulnerability, resilience, (...)
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    Oceans of need in the desert: Ethical issues identified while researching humanitarian agency response in afghanistan.Markus Michael & Anthony B. Zwi - 2002 - Developing World Bioethics 2 (2):109–130.
    This paper describes the interventions by the International Committee of the Red Cross to support a hospital in Afghanistan during the mid 1990s. We present elements of the interventions introduced in Ghazni, Afghanistan, and consider a number of ethical issues stimulated by this analysis. Ethical challenges arise whenever humanitarian interventions to deal with complex political emergencies are undertaken: among those related to the case study presented are questions concerning: a) whether humanitarian support runs the risk of propping up repressive and (...)
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    How identity is produced and experienced in the context of mandated community‐based mental health care: An application of the theories of Grosz and Foucault.Fiona Jager & Amélie Perron - 2023 - Nursing Inquiry 30 (3):e12552.
    Despite changes to research and practice, that, to some degree, acknowledge that people are shaped by their contexts, the treatment of mental illness remains largely focused on interventions that take place at the level of the individual. Conceptualizing mental illness as something that resides in individuals can lead to reliance on neurobiological and psychotherapeutic solutions, and away from conversations about not only contextual causes of mental distress, but also sociopolitical solutions to mental distress. Further, it can lead to the (...)
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    Decolonizing research with Black youths.Bukola Salami - 2023 - Nursing Philosophy 24 (2):e12435.
    Black youths experience poor mental health especially due to anti‐Black racism. Research related to Black youths have been conducted on Black youths with little or no participation or engagement rather than with Black youths. This paper presents information from a dialogue on decolonizing nursing research. I draw on interviews and conversation cafes with around 120 Black youths in Canada to identify strategies for decolonizing research with Black youths. First, I reflect on my relations with the Indigenous (...)
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  43.  25
    Closing Gaps: Strength-Based Approaches to Research with Aboriginal Children with Neurodevelopmental Disorders.Nina Di Pietro & Judy Illes - 2016 - Neuroethics 9 (3):243-252.
    There is substantial literature on fetal alcohol spectrum disorder research involving Aboriginal children, but little related literature on other common neurodevelopmental conditions such as autism spectrum disorder or cerebral palsy for this population. As part of our work in cross-cultural neuroethics, we examined this phenomenon as a case study in Canada. We conducted semi-structured interviews with health researchers working on the frontline with First Nation communities to obtain perspectives about: reasons for the lack of ASD and CP (...) within the Aboriginal context, the potential ethical and social implications of this disparity, and recommendations for change. Participants reported that the major barriers to engage in ASD or CP research are under-reporting and under-diagnosis of these conditions in Aboriginal communities, difficulties in establishing trust between community members and researchers, challenges in accessing children living under the care of child welfare services, and lack of support from universities and funding agencies to encourage community partnerships. They further perceived threats to justice as the population is denied the benefits of ASD and CP research, and stigma related to the possible over-representation of FASD in the population. The adoption of strength- and community-based practices to improve engagement and address disparities, and to create health databases with prevalence rates that are representative of all forms of disability in both Aboriginal and non-Aboriginal populations are critical steps to close these gaps. (shrink)
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    Clinical Research in Times of Pandemics.S. -A. Chong, B. J. Capps, M. Subramaniam, T. C. Voo & A. V. Campbell - 2010 - Public Health Ethics 3 (1):35-38.
    During a pandemic, where there is widespread human infection, various and varying measures are taken that are targeted at public health objectives. During the early stages of a pandemic, these objectives may focus on containing the disease and minimizing its spread, but they may switch to mitigation as the emergent infectious disease takes hold in a population. There has been considerable debate and elucidation of the ethical principles and framework for the various responses including the need to fast track (...)
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    Moral Distress and the Contemporary Plight of Health Professionals.Wendy Austin - 2012 - HEC Forum 24 (1):27-38.
    Once a term used primarily by moral philosophers, “moral distress” is increasingly used by health professionals to name experiences of frustration and failure in fulfilling moral obligations inherent to their fiduciary relationship with the public. Although such challenges have always been present, as has discord regarding the right thing to do in particular situations, there is a radical change in the degree and intensity of moral distress being expressed. Has the plight of professionals in healthcare practice changed? “Plight” encompasses (...)
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    Explanation and Agency: exploring the normative-epistemic landscape of the “Right to Explanation”.Esther Keymolen & Fleur Jongepier - 2022 - Ethics and Information Technology 24 (4):1-11.
    A large part of the explainable AI literature focuses on what explanations are in general, what algorithmic explainability is more specifically, and how to code these principles of explainability into AI systems. Much less attention has been devoted to the question of why algorithmic decisions and systems should be explainable and whether there ought to be a right to explanation and why. We therefore explore the normative landscape of the need for AI to be explainable and individuals having a right (...)
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    State Boards of Health: Governance and Politics.Richard Hughes, Korisha Ramdhanie, Travis Wassermann & Craig Moscetti - 2011 - Journal of Law, Medicine and Ethics 39 (s1):37-41.
    The governance structures of state public health systems vary as much as the states themselves, including the existence and role of state boards of health. Understanding these differences is essential to a complete understanding of the governmental public health enterprise. State boards of health are obvious vehicles for public health policy development in some states, where they work closely with or oversee state health agencies. In other states they do not exist or serve only (...)
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    Is the UN receiving ethical approval for its research with human participants?Robert James Torrance, Maru Mormina, Sadath Sayeed, Anthony Kessel, Chang Ho Yoon & Beniamino Cislaghi - forthcoming - Journal of Medical Ethics.
    This paper examines the institutional mechanisms supporting the ethical oversight of human participant research conducted by the United Nations (UN). The UN has served an instrumental role in shaping international standards on research ethics, which invariably require ethical oversight of all research studies with human participants. The authors’ experiences of conducting research collaboratively with UN agencies, in contrast, have led to concern that the UN frequently sponsors, or participates in, studies with human participants that have not (...)
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    (1 other version)Why Democratize Psychiatric Research?Phoebe Friesen - 2024 - Philosophy Psychiatry and Psychology 31 (2):117-133.
    Building on decades of rich discussions of why 'nothing about us without us' matters in the field of psychiatry, this paper aims to illuminate the justifications underlying participatory research in psychiatry, and how these justifications might shape participatory methodologies. This is accomplished through the examination of several epistemic and ethical features of psychiatry that underlie the importance of engaging in participatory research in the field, unpacking their connection to participatory research, and offering suggestions related to their implications (...)
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    Establishing a research and evaluation capability for the joint medical education and training campus.Sheila Nataraj Kirby - 2011 - Santa Monica, CA: RAND Center for Military Policy Research. Edited by Julie A. Marsh & Harry Thie.
    In calling for the transformation of military medical education and training, the 2005 Base Realignment and Closure Commission recommended relocating basic and specialty enlisted medical training to a single site to take advantage of economies of scale and the opportunity for joint training. As a result, a joint medical education and training campus (METC) has been established at Fort Sam Houston, Texas. Two of METC's primary long-term goals are to become a high-performing learning organization and to seek accreditation as a (...)
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