Results for 'Heraclitean Satiety'

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  1.  27
    Appearance and Reality in Heraclitus'" Philosophy".Heraclitean Satiety & Aristotelian Actuality - 1992 - The Monist 75 (1).
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    Heraclitean Satiety and Aristotelian Actuality.Owen Goldin - 1991 - The Monist 74 (4):568-578.
    It is now a commonplace that Aristotle and Theophrastus systematically misunderstood Heraclitus in interpreting fire as an ἀρχή of the kind posited by the Milesians. While air in the thought of Anaxamines and the ἄπειρον in the thought of Anaximander can be considered to play the role of the Aristotelian material substrate without too much distortion, this is not so for fire in the thought of Heraclitus. As Cherniss has indicated, while a substrate of the kind posited by the Milesians (...)
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    Hunger and Satiety Signaling: Modeling Two Hypothalamomedullary Pathways for Energy Homeostasis.Kazuhiro Nakamura & Yoshiko Nakamura - 2018 - Bioessays 40 (8):1700252.
    The recent discovery of the medullary circuit driving “hunger responses” – reduced thermogenesis and promoted feeding – has greatly expanded our knowledge on the central neural networks for energy homeostasis. However, how hypothalamic hunger and satiety signals generated under fasted and fed conditions, respectively, control the medullary autonomic and somatic motor mechanisms remains unknown. Here, in reviewing this field, we propose two hypothalamomedullary neural pathways for hunger and satiety signaling. To trigger hunger signaling, neuropeptide Y activates a group (...)
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    Satiety-dependent microbehavior in water ingestion by the rat: The effects of salt and water preloads on response duration.Lowell T. Crow, Bill G. Coop & Linda L. Carlock - 1977 - Bulletin of the Psychonomic Society 9 (5):349-352.
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  5. Satiety and Plenitude: Economy and choice within aesthetic creation.Virginia M. Giouli Klida - 1991 - Filosofia Oggi 14 (53):15-20.
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    The ventromedial hypothalamic syndrome, satiety, and a cephalic phase hypothesis.Terry L. Powley - 1977 - Psychological Review 84 (1):89-126.
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    Impact of Hunger, Satiety, and Oral Glucose on the Association Between Insulin and Resting-State Human Brain Activity.Arkan Al-Zubaidi, Marcus Heldmann, Alfred Mertins, Georg Brabant, Janis Marc Nolde, Kamila Jauch-Chara & Thomas F. Münte - 2019 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 13.
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    Expectations About Satiety and Thirst Are Modified by Acute Motivational State.Martin R. Yeomans, Lucy Chambers & Keri McCrickerd - 2018 - Frontiers in Psychology 9.
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  9. Heraclitean flux and unity of opposites in Plato's theaetetus and cratylus.Matthew Colvin - 2007 - Classical Quarterly 57 (2):759-769.
    Heraclitean flux plays a large role in Plato 's « Theaetetus » and « Cratylus ». Yet Heraclitus himself did not hold the same conception of flux. The question of how the two thinkers differ, and why Plato treats Heraclitus as he does, is significant because the notion of flux has figured in subsequent philosophical conceptions of the persistence of identity through change. Comparison of Heraclitus, frr. B 12 and B 125 DK reveals that flux is not motion simply, (...)
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    A comparison of the effects of extinction and satiety on operant response duration in the rat.Lowell T. Crow - 1978 - Bulletin of the Psychonomic Society 11 (2):86-88.
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    The Effect of Hunger and Satiety on Mood-Related Food Craving.Janina Reents, Ann-Kathrin Seidel, Christian Dirk Wiesner & Anya Pedersen - 2020 - Frontiers in Psychology 11.
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    Lack of “fixed set-points” in fluid homeostasis does not argue for learned satiety factors in drinking.Dennis A. VanderWeele - 1979 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 2 (1):121-122.
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    Commentary: Cafeteria diet impairs expression of sensory-specific satiety and stimulus-outcome learning.Shauna L. Parkes, Teri M. Furlong & Fabien Naneix - 2015 - Frontiers in Psychology 6.
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  14. Heraclitean Flux Metaphysics.Andrew Dennis Bassford - 2023 - Metaphysica: International Journal for Ontology and Metaphysics 24 (2):299-322.
    This essay offers an original interpretation and defense of the doctrine of flux, as it is presented in Plato’s Theaetetus. The methodology of the paper’s analysis is in the style of rational reconstruction, and it is highly analytic in scope, in the sense that I will focus on the text itself, and only on certain parts of it too, while ignoring the rest of Plato’s extensive corpus, and without worrying about whether, how, and to what extent the interpretation of the (...)
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  15. Heraclitean Critique of Kantian and Enlightenment Ethics Through the Fijian ethos.Erman Kaplama - 2016 - Cosmos and History 12 (1):143-165.
    Kant makes a much-unexpected confession in a much-unexpected place. In the Criticism of the third paralogism of transcendental psychology of the first Critique Kant accepts the irrefutability of the Heraclitean notion of universal becoming or the transitory nature of all things, admitting the impossibility of positing a totally persistent and self-conscious subject. The major Heraclitean doctrine of panta rhei makes it impossible to conduct philosophical inquiry by assuming a self-conscious subject or “I,” which would potentially be in constant (...)
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  16. Heraclitean Ideas in Stevens’ “This Solitude of Cataracts”,.James Lesher - 2014 - Wallace Stevens Journal 38 (spring):21-34.
    ‘Cataracts’ in Stevens’ poems are falling waters—here a river flowing near a mountain. The ‘apostrophe that was not spoken’ may be an address that was not made, perhaps an unspoken affirmation of nature’s beauty. And the river that ‘is never the same twice’ can only be the flowing river Plato claimed Heraclitus used as a simile for all existing things: ‘Heraclitus says somewhere that everything gives way and nothing remains, and likening existing things to the flow of a river, he (...)
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    A Heraclitean Wordplay in Plotinus.Max Bergamo - 2020 - Elenchos: Rivista di Studi Sul Pensiero Antico 41 (1):105-139.
    This paper is devoted to the analysis of Plotinus’ citation of the Heraclitean saying B113 DK in the second treatise On the Presence of Being (VI 5 [23]). I shall argue that the use which the author of the Enneads makes of this fragment has been hitherto misunderstood by scholars and that, for this reason, the significance of the passage and its role within Plotinus’ argument have been missed. Close attention will be paid to the tool through which Plotinus (...)
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  18. ‘Hopkins’ Creative Use of Heraclitean Materials,.James Lesher - 2011 - International Journal for the Classical Tradition 18:262-269.
    Gerard Manley Hopkins is best remembered for his celebratory 'nature sonnets'— 'Pied Beauty', 'God's Grandeur', and 'The Windhover'. Less than a year before his death, however, Hopkins drew on ideas associated with the ancient Greek thinker Heraclitus of Ephesus to express a darker view of nature. In 'That Nature is a Heraclitean Fire and of the Comfort of the Resurrection’ Hopkins offers a vision of nature and human existence marked by dissolution and destruction. But the poet rejects that apocalyptic (...)
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    Nietzsche’s Heraclitean Doctrine of the Eternal Recurrence of the Same.Paul S. Loeb - 2021 - Nietzsche Studien 50 (1):70-101.
    There is a long and successful scholarly tradition of commenting on Nietzsche’s deep affinity for the philosophy of Heraclitus. But scholars remain puzzled as to why he suggested at the end of his career, in Ecce Homo, that the doctrine he valued most, the eternal recurrence of the same, might also have been taught by Heraclitus. This essay aims to answer this question through a close examination of Nietzsche’s allusions to Heraclitus in his first published mention of eternal recurrence in (...)
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  20. Heraclitean concepts and explanations.Julius M. Moravcsik - 1983 - In Kevin Robb, Language and thought in early Greek philosophy. La Salle, Ill.: Hegeler Institute.
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    The Heraclitean Exchange of Elements in.Benjamin G. Lockerd - 1995 - Modern Schoolman 73 (1):47-58.
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    A heraclitean allusion to the odyssey.Tom Mackenzie - 2021 - Classical Quarterly 71 (1):71-76.
    This article applies and defends an intertextual approach to Heraclitus B51 DK, the ‘bow-lyre fragment’. It argues that the fragment alludes to the climactic scene of the Odyssey in which the hero strings the bow and is likened to an expert lyre-player. It then explores some implications of this point for our understanding of the significance of the fragment, of the sixth-century reception of the Odyssey and of Parmenides’ reception of Heraclitus.
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    8. Heraclitean Rhuthmos vs Parmenidean Being.Pascal Michon - forthcoming - Rhuthmos.
    Previous chapter Nietzsche wanted to complement The Birth of Tragedy with an essay on The Philosophy in the Tragic Age of the Greeks. This book was never completed but various fragments still remain: a few pages long piece, Der letzte Philosoph. Betrachtungen über den Kampf von Kunst und Erkenntniss, a larger but unfinished essay Die Philosophie im tragischen Zeitalter der Griechen, and two more short fragments, Der Philosoph als Artz der Kultur and Wissenschaft und - Sur le concept de rythme (...)
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    Three Heraclitean Elements.John Stathatos & Ivan Gaskell - 1991
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  25. Three Variations on a Heraclitean Theme.James Lesher - manuscript
    In ‘Hoi Rheontes’ (‘The Flowing Ones’), Alfred Lord Tennyson adopted the Heraclitean simile of the flowing river in support of philosophical relativism: (1) all things are changing all the time; therefore (2) nothing is, but is only in the process of appearing to be in some way; therefore (3) all beliefs are true. But the relativist doctrine refutes itself: it can only be true relatively to those who assert it. In his ‘In May’ the American poet Michael Collier rejected (...)
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  26.  29
    Wading Through the Heraclitean Waters of Experience.Sebastián Sanhueza Rodríguez - 2021 - Pacific Philosophical Quarterly 103 (1):55-75.
    This piece contrasts two ontological views of perceptual experience: on the one hand, Experiential Heracliteanism, a view according to which the intuitively dynamic character of experience should be described – and probably accounted for – in irreducibly dynamic terms; and, on the other, Experiential non‐Heracliteanism, a stance according to which perceptual experience may at least be described – if not explained – in terms of nondynamic constituents. I specially strive (1) to frame both proposals against the backdrop of a venerable (...)
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  27.  56
    Heraclitean Fragments. A Companion Volume to the Heidegger/Fink Seminar on Heraclitus. [REVIEW]M. R. Wright - 1981 - The Classical Review 31 (2):297-298.
  28. MacNeice the Heraclitean.James Lesher - 2021 - Philosophy and Literature 45 (2):315-328.
    Many of the poems of Louis MacNeice display a knowledge of the philosophical theories he studied during his undergraduate years in Oxford. In his ‘Variation on Heraclitus’ and in several other poems, MacNeice alludes to the ‘doctrine of flux’ Plato attributed to the Greek thinker Heraclitus of Ephesus. In ‘Plurality’, his most extended exploration of the conflict between the life-affirming doctrine of flux and a life-suppressing monism, MacNeice embraces the reality of change and rejects the monism he credits to the (...)
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    Heidegger's heraclitean comedy.Bernard Freydberg - 2007 - Research in Phenomenology 37 (2):254-268.
    "Heidegger" and "comedy" are words that one seldom finds conjoined. However, in his 1943 Summer Freiburg lecture course entitled " Der Anfang des abendländischen Denkens. Heraklit ," the word " komisch " occurs significantly, it is regarded as superior to " das Tragische ," and thus can open up a new vista onto Heideggerian thought. In this paper, I discuss Heidegger's interpretive translation of Heraclitus' Fragment 123: Φυσιζ κρυπτ∊σθαι φιλ∊ι. I attempt to show how Heidegger distinguishes his translation and interpretation (...)
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  30. 'An Impossible Virtue'Heraclitean Justice and Nietzsche's Second Untimely Meditation.Simon Gillham - 2004 - In Paul Bishop, Nietzsche and antiquity: his reaction and response to the classical tradition. Rochester, NY: Camden House.
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    Aristotelian and Heraclitean Societies.C. R. Hallpike - 1974 - Ethos: Journal of the Society for Psychological Anthropology 2 (1):69-76.
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    Social Roots of the Heraclitean Metaphysics.Bertrand Helm - 1964 - Journal of the History of Ideas 25 (4):565.
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    Chiron as a Heraclitean: Lucian, Mort. Dial. 8.Miroslav Marcovich - 1979 - American Journal of Philology 100 (2):239.
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  34. New Readings of Three Heraclitean Fragments.Serge Mouraviev - 1973 - Hermes 101 (1):114-127.
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    Criticism as Paradoxatism. The Heraclitean Critique of the Notion of Opinion.Sebastian Śpiewak - 2017 - In Dariusz Kubok, Thinking Critically: What Does It Mean?: The Tradition of Philosophical Criticism and its Forms in the European History of Ideas. De Gruyter. pp. 11-24.
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  36. Plato's Heracliteanism Reconsidered.Marie-Élise Zovko - 2002 - Dionysius 20.
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  37. ‘The Self in Conflict with Itself: A Heraclitean Theme in Eliot’s Cocktail Party’.James Lesher - 2013 - In Seduction and Power: Antiquity in the Visual and Performing arts. London and New York: Bloomsbury Publishing. pp. 121-132.
    In ‘Burnt Norton’, the first of his ‘four quartets’, Eliot selected two Heraclitus’ fragments as epigraphs. In quoting fragment B 60 (‘the way up and the way down are one and the same’) he was reminding his readers that entrance into a spiritual life calls for both engagement and withdrawal, for both descending and ascending. And in quoting B 2 he reaffirmed Heraclitus’ conviction that most people fail to recognize the truth even when it is directly presented to them. In (...)
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  38.  10
    Organizational Resilience through the Philosophical Lens of Aristotelian and Heraclitean Philosophy.Vasileios Georgiadis & Lazaros Sarigiannidis - 2024 - Philosophy of Management 23 (3):377-393.
    This inquiry aims to highlight the philosophical perspective of Aristotle’s “business” priority of the organization over the individual in combination with Heraclitus’ flux theory and the unity of opposites to alternatively approach organizational resilience. While current literature on organizational resilience argues that disorganization and gradual decaying are probable but not certain, they can be predicted and managed. In contrast, the combined analysis of Aristotelian and Heraclitean philosophical theories points out that organizational disorganization and the fluctuation of resilience are a (...)
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    A von Wright Error and Wittgenstein’s Heracliteanism.Nuno Venturinha - 2016 - Wittgenstein-Studien 7 (1):191-200.
    In this note I address two issues in Susan Edwards-McKie’s recent paper “The Cosmic Fragment: Härte des Logischen Zwangs und Unendliche Möglichkeit. Nachlass discoveries and Wittgenstein’s conception of generality and the infinite”. The first has to do with a “von Wright error” that Edwards- McKie found and that I show to have been ultimately corrected by von Wright. The second has to do with her interpretation of Wittgenstein’s reaction to Heraclitus’ idea that “everything flows”, one I interpret as purely grammatical (...)
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  40. The fires of change: Kirk, Popper, and the Heraclitean debate.Holly Cooper - 2019 - Stance 12 (1):57-63.
    In this paper, I explore a prominent question of Hericlitean scholarship: how is change possible? Karl Popper and G. S. Kirk tackle this same question. Kirk asserts that Heraclitus believed that change is present on a macrocosmic level and that all change is regulated by the cosmic principle logos. Popper, on the other hand, claims Heraclitus believed that change is microcosmic and rejected that all change is regulated by logos. I argue for a combination of aspects from each of their (...)
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  41. Chargaff, E., Heraclitean Fire. [REVIEW]P. Swiggers - 1979 - Tijdschrift Voor Filosofie 41:715.
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  42. (1 other version)Moving Like a Stream: Protagoras' Heracliteanism in Plato's Theaetetus.Job van Eck - 2009 - Oxford Studies in Ancient Philosophy 36:199.
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    Dissonance and Child’s Play: Nietzsche, Tragedy, and Heraclitean Metaphor.Paul E. Kirkland - 2021 - Review of Metaphysics 75 (2):317-343.
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    Is eating behavior manipulated by the gastrointestinal microbiota? Evolutionary pressures and potential mechanisms.Joe Alcock, Carlo C. Maley & C. Athena Aktipis - 2014 - Bioessays 36 (10):940-949.
    Microbes in the gastrointestinal tract are under selective pressure to manipulate host eating behavior to increase their fitness, sometimes at the expense of host fitness. Microbes may do this through two potential strategies: (i) generating cravings for foods that they specialize on or foods that suppress their competitors, or (ii) inducing dysphoria until we eat foods that enhance their fitness. We review several potential mechanisms for microbial control over eating behavior including microbial influence on reward and satiety pathways, production (...)
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    Carnal appetites: foodsexidentities.Elspeth Probyn - 2000 - New York: Routledge.
    Why is there a new explosion of interest in authentic ethnic foods and exotic cooking shows, where macho chefs promote sensual adventures in the kitchen? Why do we watch TV ads that promise more sex if we serve the right breakfast cereal? Why is the hunger strike such a potent political tool? Food inevitably engages questions of sensuality and power, of our connections to our bodies and to our world. Carnal Appetites brilliantly uses the lens of food and eating to (...)
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    Does dietary learning occur outside awareness?Jeffrey M. Brunstrom - 2004 - Consciousness and Cognition 13 (3):453-470.
    Several forms of dietary learning have been identified in humans. These include flavor–flavor learning, flavor–postingestive learning , and learned satiety. Generally, learning is thought to occur in the absence of contingency or demand awareness. However, a review of the literature suggests that this conclusion may be premature because measures of awareness lack the rigor that is found in studies of other kinds of human learning. If associations do configure outside awareness then this should be regarded as a rare instance (...)
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  47. Using Smartphones When Eating Increases Caloric Intake in Young People: An Overview of the Literature.Marco La Marra, Giorgio Caviglia & Raffaella Perrella - 2020 - Frontiers in Psychology 11.
    Recent literature highlights that the use of smartphones during meals increases the number of calories ingested in young people. Although the distraction interferes with physiological signals of hunger and satiety, a social facilitation effect has also been suggested. Cognition is a pivotal component in regulating food intake, and activities requiring high perceptual demands should be discouraged during meals.
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  48. The asymmetrical force of persuasive knowledge across the positive–negative divide.Mads Nordmo & Marcus Selart - 2015 - Frontiers in Psychology 6.
    In two experimental studies we explore to what extent the general effects of positive and negative framing also apply to positive and negative persuasion. Our results reveal that negative persuasion induces substantially higher levels of skepticism and awareness of being subjected to a persuasion attempt. Furthermore, we demonstrate that in positive persuasion, more claims lead to stronger persuasion, while in negative persuasion, the numerosity of claims carries no significant effect. We interpret this finding along the lines of a satiety-model (...)
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  49.  32
    In the Glance of the Logos.Robert M. Berchman - 2021 - International Journal of the Platonic Tradition 15 (2):184-216.
    Stoic concepts of ekpyrosis and diacosmesis are examined in light of later Platonic, Aristotelian and Epicurean critiques of Stoic determinism. Questions emerge out of this debate centered on the problem of evil. A series of theodicies are proposed ending in a later Stoic interpretation of the cosmic cycle that equates each phase of the cosmic cycle with an ethical one allegorized as periods of Satiety and Dearth.
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    “Ricongiungere l'inizio con la fine”: il ciclo del “vero” cielo in Eraclíto (terza parte).Dario Drivet - 2011 - Información Filosófica 8 (16):7-26.
    Heraclitus was not a Hegelian logician. Rather he considered the lógos as a cyclical law of the Sky, which is ordered in three concentric circles of increasing size. Every circle has its own cycle: night/day, winter/summer, poverty/satiety.
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