Results for 'Herman Hendriks'

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  1.  89
    Compositionality and Model-Theoretic Interpretation.Hendriks Herman - 2001 - Journal of Logic, Language and Information 10 (1):29-48.
    The present paper studies the general implications of theprinciple of compositionality for the organization of grammar.It will be argued that Janssen''s (1986) requirement that syntax andsemantics be similar algebras is too strong, and that the moreliberal requirement that syntax be interpretable into semanticsleads to a formalization that can be motivated and applied more easily,while it avoids the complications that encumber Janssen''s formalization.Moreover, it will be shown that this alternative formalization evenallows one to further complete the formal theory of compositionality, inthat (...)
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  2. 668 ACKNOWLEDGMENT Grosz, Barbara Hamm, Fritz Hand, Michael.Herman L. Hendriks, Jim Higginbotham, Julia Hirschberg, Jack Hoeksema, Terence Horgan, S. Iatridou, David Israel, Lucja Iwanska, Mark Johnson & Arivind Joshi - 1996 - Linguistics and Philosophy 19:667-668.
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    Arend, A. van der and Gastmans, C.: 1997, Ethisch zorg verlenen. Handboek voor de verpleegkundige beroepen. (Giving Ethical Care. A Handbook for the Nursing Professions). [REVIEW]Herman Hendriks - 1998 - Medicine, Health Care and Philosophy 1 (3):287-302.
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    A Theme from the Philosophy of Herman Dooyeweerd.Hendrik Hart - 1988 - Faith and Philosophy 5 (3):268-282.
    On the occasion of the 50th anniversary of Herman Dooyeweerd’s New Critique of Theoretical Thought in 1985 and the 10th anniversary of his death in 1987, I explore his theory of theory. Dooyeweerd distinguished theory as conceptual knowledge of abstracted functions from everyday knowing as integrated knowledge of wholes. He tried to show that critical theorizing requires philosophical integration, self-awareness, and religious knowledge of the origin of ourselves and creation. In the course of developing his view Dooyeweerd touched on (...)
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    Homo Respondens on the Historical Nature of Human Reason.Hendrik Geertsema - 1993 - Philosophia Reformata 58 (2):120-152.
    The central theme of this essay concerns the historical character of human nature and especially of human reason. This theme I will develop first of all by discussing briefly that aspect of the present-day philosophical debate, in which this theme takes pride of place. Thus, in the first section, I will try to show which predicament the participants of this debate face in the defense of their position. In the second section, I will discuss the main ideas of Herman (...)
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  6. Religion and the Crisis of Historicism: Protestant and Catholic Perspectives.Herman Paul - 2010 - Journal of the Philosophy of History 4 (2):172-194.
    This paper raises the question to what extent the crisis of historicism is to be seen as a religious problem. There is, of course, no need to argue that religion in a broad sense of the word - ultimate concerns and fundamental values - played major roles in the debates over historicism. However, virtually no studies have been conducted on how the crisis of historicism can be "mapped" on the religious landscape in a more specific sense. Which theological schools and (...)
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    Hendrik van Eikema Hommes, Inleiding tot de wijsbegeerte van Herman Dooyeweerd, Martinus Nijhoff, 'sGravenhage, 1982, XI + 151 pag. [REVIEW]M. D. Stafleu - 1983 - Philosophia Reformata 48 (1):84-87.
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    Problems of Time.Chris van Haeften - 2021 - Philosophia Reformata 86 (2):184-207.
    Herman Dooyeweerd approached time in terms of order. By contrast, Dirk Vollenhoven saw time as continuous change and becoming. Hendrik Hart, in his article “Problems of Time: An Essay,” attempts to steer a middle course between Dooyeweerd and Vollenhoven. However, Hart did not sufficiently take into account that temporality is primarily continuous succession in duration and continuous duration in succession. Nor has he been able to come to terms with the root of cosmic time.
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    Religion, Truth, and Social Transformation: Essays in Reformational Philosophy.Lambert Zuidervaart - 2016 - Chicago: Mcgill-Queen's University Press.
    Reformational philosophy rests on the ideas of nineteenth-century educator, church leader, and politician Abraham Kuyper, and it emerged in the early twentieth century among Reformed Protestant thinkers in the Netherlands. Combining comprehensive criticisms of Western philosophy with robust proposals for a just society, it calls on members of religious communities to transform harmful cultural practices, social institutions, and societal structures. Well known for his work in aesthetics and critical theory, Lambert Zuidervaart is a leading figure in contemporary reformational philosophy. In (...)
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    Hendrik Petrus Berlage: Thoughts on Style, 1886-1909: Thoughts on Style, 1886-1909.Hendrik Petrus Berlage - 1996 - The Getty Center for the History of Art.
    An architect and architectural philosopher, Berlage created a series of buildings and a body of writings that probed the problems and possibilities of Modernism. His principal texts, given here in English for the first time, present a vital chapter in the history of European Modernism.
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  11. The brute within: appetitive desire in Plato and Aristotle.Hendrik Lorenz - 2006 - New York: Oxford University Press.
    Hendrik Lorenz presents a comprehensive study of Plato's and Aristotle's conceptions of non-rational desire. They see this as something that humans share with animals, and which aims primarily at the pleasures of food, drink, and sex. Lorenz explores the cognitive resources that both philosophers make available for the explanation of such desires, and what they take rationality to add to the motivational structure of human beings. In doing so, he finds conceptions of the mind that are coherent and deeply integrated (...)
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    The incompleteness theorems.Hendrik Pieter Barendregt - 1976 - Utrecht: Rijksuniversiteit Utrecht, Mathematisch Instituut.
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  13. Aesthetics of the Suburban Fabric : Marseilles on Foot.Hendrik Sturm - 2016 - In Arundhati Virmani, Political aesthetics: culture, critique and the everyday. New York: Routledge, Taylor & Francis Group.
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    Catching Ourselves in the Act: Situated Activity, Interactive Emergence, Evolution, and Human Thought.Horst Hendriks-Jansen - 1996 - MIT Press.
    ""Catching Ourselves in the Act" is no less than an attempt to explain intelligence. Delightful how the author dismantles traditional views in.
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    Responsibility, second opinions and peer-disagreement: ethical and epistemological challenges of using AI in clinical diagnostic contexts.Hendrik Kempt & Saskia K. Nagel - 2022 - Journal of Medical Ethics 48 (4):222-229.
    In this paper, we first classify different types of second opinions and evaluate the ethical and epistemological implications of providing those in a clinical context. Second, we discuss the issue of how artificial intelligent could replace the human cognitive labour of providing such second opinion and find that several AI reach the levels of accuracy and efficiency needed to clarify their use an urgent ethical issue. Third, we outline the normative conditions of how AI may be used as second opinion (...)
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  16. Relativism and Monadic Truth.Herman Cappelen & John Hawthorne - 2009 - Oxford, GB: Oxford University Press UK. Edited by John Hawthorne.
    Cappelen and Hawthorne present a powerful critique of fashionable relativist accounts of truth, and the foundational ideas in semantics on which the new relativism draws. They argue compellingly that the contents of thought and talk are propositions that instantiate the fundamental monadic properties of truth and falsity.
  17.  12
    Fenomenologie a lingvistika.Hendrik Josephus Pos - 2013 - Teorie Vědy / Theory of Science 34 (4):429-438.
    Translation:Hendrik Josephus POS, „Phénoménologie et linguistique.“ In: Keur uit de verspreide geschrift en van Dr. H. J. Pos. Vol. I. Assen: Van Loghum Slaterus 1957, p. 131–141.
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  18.  13
    Facing forward: art & theory from a future perspective.Hendrik Folkerts, Christoph Lindner & Margriet Schavemaker (eds.) - 2015 - Amsterdam: Amsterdam University Press.
    The project 'Facing Forward' started with a collaboration between five institutions: the Stedelijk Museum Amsterdam, the Amsterdam School for Cultural Analysis at the University of Amsterdam, De Appel arts centre, W139, the Stedelijk Museum Bureau Amsterdam and the art magazine Metroplis M. Having previously organized the lecture series and publications 'Right About Now: Art & Theory in the 1990s' (2005/2006) and 'Now is the Time: Art & Theory in the 21st Century' (2008/2009), the organizing committee decided to take the final (...)
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  19.  23
    Kirche und Politik in pluralistischer Gesellschaft.Hendrik Munsonius - 2015 - Zeitschrift Für Evangelische Ethik 59 (3):168-178.
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    Filosofie van het licht: twee traktaten van Marsilio Ficino.Hendrik Gerhard Schipper - 2022 - 's-Hertogenbosch: Gompel & Svacina.
    De humanist Marsilio Ficino (1433-1499) was een van de meest invloedrijke filosofen van de Italiaanse renaissance. Zijn wijsbegeerte is van groot belang geweest voor kunstenaars als Botticelli en Michelangelo. Dit boek besteedt uitvoerige aandacht aan Ficino's invloed op artistiek gebied. Fundamentele studies van Chastel, Panofsky en Gombrich passeren daarbij de revue. Ook de rol van de familie De' Medici in Ficino's professionele en persoonlijke leven wordt uiteengezet. Zo ontstaat een veelzijdig en samenhangend beeld van het milieu van de Platonisten in (...)
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  21. Ancient theories of soul.Hendrik Lorenz - unknown - Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy.
    Ancient philosophical theories of soul are in many respects sensitive to ways of speaking and thinking about the soul psuchê] that are not specifically philosophical or theoretical. We therefore begin with what the word ‘soul’ meant to speakers of Classical Greek, and what it would have been natural to think about and associate with the soul. We then turn to various Presocratic thinkers, and to the philosophical theories that are our primary concern, those of Plato (first in the Phaedo, then (...)
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  22. Insensitive Semantics: A Defense of Semantic Minimalism and Speech Act Pluralism.Herman Cappelen & Ernest Lepore - 2005 - Malden, MA: Wiley-Blackwell. Edited by Ernest LePore.
    _Insensitive Semantics_ is an overview of and contribution to the debates about how to accommodate context sensitivity within a theory of human communication, investigating the effects of context on communicative interaction and, as a corollary, what a context of utterance is and what it is to be in one. Provides detailed and wide-ranging overviews of the central positions and arguments surrounding contextualism Addresses broad and varied aspects of the distinction between the semantic and non-semantic content of language Defends a distinctive (...)
  23.  8
    Personenverzeichnis.Hendrik Klinge - 2018 - In Die Moralische Stufenleiter: Kant Über Teufel, Menschen, Engel Und Gott. Boston: De Gruyter. pp. 259-259.
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  24. The assimilation of sense to sense-object in Aristotle.Hendrik Lorenz - 2007 - Oxford Studies in Ancient Philosophy 33:179-220.
  25. Aristotle’s Empiricist Theory of Doxastic Knowledge.Hendrik Lorenz & Benjamin Morison - 2019 - Phronesis 64 (4):431-464.
    Aristotle takes practical wisdom and arts or crafts to be forms of knowledge which, we argue, can usefully be thought of as ‘empiricist’. This empiricism has two key features: knowledge does not rest on grasping unobservable natures or essences; and knowledge does not rest on grasping logical relations that hold among propositions. Instead, knowledge rests on observation, memory, experience and everyday uses of reason. While Aristotle’s conception of theoretical knowledge does require grasping unobservable essences and logical relations that hold among (...)
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  26. (1 other version)Virtue of Character in Aristotle's Nicomachean Ethics.Hendrik Lorenz - 2009 - Oxford Studies in Ancient Philosophy 37:177 - 212.
  27.  44
    “I’m afraid I can’t let you do that, Doctor”: meaningful disagreements with AI in medical contexts.Hendrik Kempt, Jan-Christoph Heilinger & Saskia K. Nagel - forthcoming - AI and Society:1-8.
    This paper explores the role and resolution of disagreements between physicians and their diagnostic AI-based decision support systems. With an ever-growing number of applications for these independently operating diagnostic tools, it becomes less and less clear what a physician ought to do in case their diagnosis is in faultless conflict with the results of the DSS. The consequences of such uncertainty can ultimately lead to effects detrimental to the intended purpose of such machines, e.g. by shifting the burden of proof (...)
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  28. Conceptual Engineering: The Master Argument.Herman Cappelen - 2019 - In Alexis Burgess, Herman Cappelen & David Plunkett, Conceptual Engineering and Conceptual Ethics. New York, USA: Oxford University Press.
    I call the activity of assessing and developing improvements of our representational devices ‘conceptual engineering’.¹ The aim of this chapter is to present an argument for why conceptual engineering is important for all parts of philosophy (and, more generally, all inquiry). Section I of the chapter provides some background and defines key terms. Section II presents the argument. Section III responds to seven objections. The replies also serve to develop the argument and clarify what conceptual engineering is.
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  29.  19
    Philosophy as Responsibility: A Celebration of Hendrik Hart's Contribution to the Discipline.James H. Olthuis, Hendrik M. Vroom, John H. Kok, Dirk H. Th Vollenhoven, Nicholas John Ansell, Stoffel N. D. Francke, Gary R. Shahinian, Jeffrey Dudiak, Lambert Zuidervaart, D. Vaden House, Carroll Guen Hart, Janet Catherina Wesselius & Perry Recker (eds.) - 2002 - Upa.
    This festschrift collects a number of insightful essays by a group of accomplished Christian scholars, all of who have either worked with or studied under Hendrik Hart during his 35-year tenure as Senior Member in Systematic Philosophy at the Institute for Christian Studies, Toronto, Canada.
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  30. The Inessential Indexical: On the Philosophical Insignificance of Perspective and the First Person.Herman Cappelen & Josh Dever - 2013 - Oxford, United Kingdom: Oxford University Press. Edited by Josh Dever.
    Cappelen and Dever present a forceful challenge to the standard view that perspective, and in particular the perspective of the first person, is a philosophically deep aspect of the world. Their goal is not to show that we need to explain indexical and other perspectival phenomena in different ways, but to show that the entire topic is an illusion.
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  31. Optimality Theoretic Semantics.Petra Hendriks & Helen de Hoop - 2001 - Linguistics and Philosophy 24 (1):1 - 32.
    The aim of this article is to elucidate the processes that characterize natural language interpretation. The basic hypothesis is that natural language interpretation can be characterized as an optimization problem. This innovative view on interpretation is shown to account for the crucial role of contextual information while avoiding certain well-known problems associated with compositionality. This will become particularly clear in the context of incomplete expressions. Our approach takes as a point of departure total freedom of interpretation in combination with the (...)
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  32. A Guided Tour Of Conceptual Engineering and Conceptual Ethics.Herman Cappelen & David Plunkett - 2019 - In Alexis Burgess, Herman Cappelen & David Plunkett, Conceptual Engineering and Conceptual Ethics. New York, USA: Oxford University Press. pp. 1-26.
    In this Introduction, we aim to introduce the reader to the basic topic of this book. As part of this, we explain why we are using two different expressions (‘conceptual engineering’ and ‘conceptual ethics’) to describe the topics in the book. We then turn to some of the central foundational issues that arise for conceptual engineering and conceptual ethics, and finally we outline various views one might have about their role in philosophy and inquiry more generally.
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    Strukturelle Zwänge – Persönliche Freiheiten: Osmanen, Türken, Muslime: Reflexionen Zu Gesellschaftlichen Umbrüchen. Gedenkband Zu Ehren Petra Kapperts.Hendrik Fenz - 2009 - Walter de Gruyter.
    The present volume produced in honour of the turcologist Petra Kappert concentrates on the subject of social upheavals. The papers range widely, historically from the beginnings of the Ottoman Empire up to the present day, geographically from Persia to the Caucasus and from there to Berlin today, and thematically the volume offers an impressive variety of subjects from history, philology, literature and cultural studies to the philosophy of law, sociology and politics.
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    How Does the Stock Market Value Female Directors? International Evidence.Hendrik Rupertus & Thomas R. Loy - 2022 - Business and Society 61 (1):117-154.
    We analyze investors’ perception and long-term effects of board gender diversity on firms’ stock market performance in an international setting. Our results, controlling for the endogenous nature of board compositions, indicate that female board representation neither improves nor reduces firms’ long-term stock performance. Hence, we argue that it is imperative to go beyond the conventional thinking in terms of the business case for gender diversity and broaden the perspective also to incorporate societal and ethical aspects in the strive to board (...)
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  35. How People Evaluate Anti-Corona Measures for Their Social Spheres: Attitude, Subjective Norm, and Perceived Behavioral Control.Hendrik Godbersen, Laura Anna Hofmann & Susana Ruiz-Fernández - 2020 - Frontiers in Psychology 11.
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  36. Moral literacy.Barbara Herman - 2007 - New York: Harvard University Press.
    Making room for character -- Pluralism and the community of moral judgment -- A cosmopolitan kingdom of ends --Responsibility and moral competence --Can virtue be taught?: the problem of new moral facts -- Training to autonomy: Kant and the question of moral education -- Bootstrapping -- Rethinking Kant's hedonism -- The scope of moral requirement -- The will and its objects -- Obligatory ends -- Moral improvisation -- Contingency in obligation.
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  37. Insensitive Semantics. A Defence of Semantic Minimalism and Speech Act Pluralism.Herman Cappelen & Ernest Lepore - 2008 - Critica 40 (120):148-152.
  38. Natural Goals of Actions in Aristotle.Hendrik Lorenz - 2015 - Journal of the American Philosophical Association 1 (4):583--600.
    ABSTRACT:I argue that there are, according to Aristotle, two importantly different kinds of goals or ends in the domain of human agency and that one of these two kinds has been frequently, though not universally, overlooked. Apart from psychological goals, goals that agents adopt as their purposes, there are also, I submit, goals that actions have by being the kinds of actions they are and, in some cases, by occurring in the circumstances in which they do. These latter goals belong (...)
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  39. (1 other version)Desire and reason in Plato's Republic.Hendrik Lorenz - 2004 - Oxford Studies in Ancient Philosophy 27:83-116.
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    Bad Language.Herman Cappelen & Josh Dever - 2019 - New York, NY: Oxford University Press. Edited by Josh Dever.
    Bad Language is the first textbook on an emerging area in the study of language: non-idealized language use, the linguistic behaviour of people who exploit language for malign purposes. This lively, accessible introduction offers theoretical frameworks for thinking about such topics as lies and bullshit, slurs and insults, coercion and silencing.
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  41. Over het verstaan van vreemd recht.Hendrik Richard Hoetink - 1929 - Weltevreden,: G. Kolff & co..
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    Legal Progress Through Pragma-Dialectics? Prospects Beyond Analogy and E Contrario.Hendrik Kaptein - 2005 - Argumentation 19 (4):497-507.
    Pragma-dialectical approaches to legal argumentation seem to be rather different from traditional approaches appealing to standards of propositional logic. Pragma-dialectical analysis of arguments by analogy and e contrario seem to fall foul to the rigors of logical analysis, in which problems or even concepts of analogy and e contrario seem to disappear. The brunt of both types of special legal argumentation appears to be borne by often implicit general principles and an appeal to the system of the law as a (...)
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  43.  9
    The naked truth or prophecy as folly? A performative interpretation of Isaiah 20.Hendrik L. Bosman - 2022 - HTS Theological Studies 78 (4):7.
    How does one make sense of a naked prophet who walked the streets of Jerusalem for no less than three years? This contribution interpreted the ambulatory naked prophet in Isaiah 20 as a sign-act by means of symbolic interactionism and performative interpretation according to which symbolic or sign-acts are multivalent entities. Isaiah 20 was interpreted as an embodied, multivalent text that invited ongoing appropriation among subsequent audiences while exploring the potential meaning(s) of the initial act within the parameters of text (...)
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    Die Hamidiye-Milizen: Grenzland außer Kontrolle.Hendrik Fenz - 2009 - In Strukturelle Zwänge – Persönliche Freiheiten: Osmanen, Türken, Muslime: Reflexionen Zu Gesellschaftlichen Umbrüchen. Gedenkband Zu Ehren Petra Kapperts. Walter de Gruyter. pp. 105-126.
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    Ethiek tussen twijfel en theorie.Hendrik Kaptein - 1985 - Amsterdam: Rodopi.
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    Abkürzungsverzeichnis.Hendrik Klinge - 2018 - In Die Moralische Stufenleiter: Kant Über Teufel, Menschen, Engel Und Gott. Boston: De Gruyter. pp. 251-251.
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    Inhalt.Hendrik Klinge - 2018 - In Die Moralische Stufenleiter: Kant Über Teufel, Menschen, Engel Und Gott. Boston: De Gruyter.
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    2. Kapitel Die Einteilung der vernünftigen Wesen.Hendrik Klinge - 2018 - In Die Moralische Stufenleiter: Kant Über Teufel, Menschen, Engel Und Gott. Boston: De Gruyter. pp. 36-66.
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    6. Kapitel Die Engel.Hendrik Klinge - 2018 - In Die Moralische Stufenleiter: Kant Über Teufel, Menschen, Engel Und Gott. Boston: De Gruyter. pp. 135-156.
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    9. Kapitel Die Stufe des Menschen.Hendrik Klinge - 2018 - In Die Moralische Stufenleiter: Kant Über Teufel, Menschen, Engel Und Gott. Boston: De Gruyter. pp. 189-209.
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