Results for 'Herman Wigodsky'

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  1. Humans as research subjects.Herman Wigodsky & S. K. Hoppe - 1996 - In David C. Thomasma & Thomasine Kimbrough Kushner (eds.), Birth to death: science and bioethics. New York: Cambridge University Press.
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    Fraud and Misrepresentation in Research: Whose Responsibility?Herman S. Wigodsky - 1984 - IRB: Ethics & Human Research 6 (2):1.
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    A commentary on Dr. Kennedy's perception of the impact of Institutional Review Boards on cancer research.Herman Wigodsky - 1984 - Journal of Bioethics 5 (1):33-40.
    The Institutional Review Board is a committee of the institution responsible for carrying out the institution's responsibilities for the protection of human research subjects. Since it is a local committee, most of the complaints about the IRB can be resolved locally provided it is borne in mind that the IRB is the champion not only of the human research subject but also of the investigator. National or regional cooperative research protocols present problems that are not insurmountable.
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    2 New Regulations, New Responsibilities for Institutions.Herman S. Wigodsky - 1981 - Hastings Center Report 11 (3):12-14.
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    (1 other version)Herman Wigodsky: “You Want to Do What to Me?”.Arnold Korotkin - 1990 - Inquiry: An Interdisciplinary Journal of Philosophy 5 (1):6-6.
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  6. Insensitive Semantics: A Defense of Semantic Minimalism and Speech Act Pluralism.Herman Cappelen & Ernest Lepore - 2005 - Malden, MA: Wiley-Blackwell. Edited by Ernest LePore.
    _Insensitive Semantics_ is an overview of and contribution to the debates about how to accommodate context sensitivity within a theory of human communication, investigating the effects of context on communicative interaction and, as a corollary, what a context of utterance is and what it is to be in one. Provides detailed and wide-ranging overviews of the central positions and arguments surrounding contextualism Addresses broad and varied aspects of the distinction between the semantic and non-semantic content of language Defends a distinctive (...)
  7. The Practice of Moral Judgment.Barbara Herman - 1985 - Journal of Philosophy 82 (8):414.
  8. Insensitive Semantics. A Defence of Semantic Minimalism and Speech Act Pluralism.Herman Cappelen & Ernest Lepore - 2008 - Critica 40 (120):148-152.
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    Epistemic Virtues in the Sciences and the Humanities.Herman Paul & Jeroen van Dongen (eds.) - 2017 - Springer Verlag.
    This book explores how physicists, astronomers, chemists, and historians in the late nineteenth and early twentieth centuries employed ‘epistemic virtues’ such as accuracy, objectivity, and intellectual courage. In doing so, it takes the first step in providing an integrated history of the sciences and humanities. It assists in addressing such questions as: What kind of perspective would enable us to compare organic chemists in their labs with paleographers in the Vatican Archives, or anthropologists on a field trip with mathematicians poring (...)
  10. Why Philosophers Shouldn’t Do Semantics.Herman Cappelen - 2017 - Review of Philosophy and Psychology 8 (4):743-762.
    The linguistic turn provided philosophers with a range of reasons for engaging in careful investigation into the nature and structure of language. However, the linguistic turn is dead. The arguments for it have been abandoned. This raises the question: why should philosophers take an interest in the minutiae of natural language semantics? I’ll argue that there isn’t much of a reason - philosophy of language has lost its way. Then I provide a suggestion for how it can find its way (...)
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  11. Heidegger's Philosophy of Being: A Critical Interpretation.Herman Philipse - 2002 - Philosophy and Phenomenological Research 65 (2):478-481.
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  12. Disagreement in Philosophy: An Optimistic Perspective.Herman Cappelen - 2017 - In Guiseppina D'Oro & Soren Overgaard (eds.), The Cambridge companion to philosophical methodology. Cambridge, UK: Cambridge University Press.
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  13. The Real Conflict Between Science and Religion: Alvin Plantinga’s Ignoratio Elenchi.Herman Philipse - 2013 - European Journal for Philosophy of Religion 5 (2):87--110.
    By focussing on the logical relations between scientific theories and religious beliefs in his book Where the Conflict Really Lies, Alvin Plantinga overlooks the real conflict between science and religion. This conflict exists whenever religious believers endorse positive factual claims to truth concerning the supernatural. They thereby violate an important rule of scientific method and of common sense, according to which factual claims should be endorsed as true only if they result from validated epistemic methods or sources.
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    Mercy, Murder, and Morality.C. J. Berge, Herman H. Meijburg, Abraham Spek & I. Sluis - 1989 - Hastings Center Report 19 (6):47-52.
  15. Murder and Mayhem.Barbara Herman - 1989 - The Monist 72 (3):411-431.
    This paper began in the startled realization that little if anything is said in Kant’s ethics about the more violent forms of immoral action. There are discussions of lying, deception, self-neglect, nonbeneficence—but apart from suicide, a great silence about the darker actions. At the least, this should be an occasion for curiosity. Although the degree of concern with acts of violence in contemporary ethics may be in its own way curious, it does not seem unreasonable to expect a moral theory (...)
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    (1 other version)Qualitative study on custodianship of human biological material and data stored in biobanks.Michiel Verlinden, Herman Nys, Nadine Ectors & Isabelle Huys - forthcoming - Most Recent Articles: Bmc Medical Ethics.
    Balancing the rights and obligations of custodians and applicants in relation to access to biobanks is of utmost importance to guarantee trust and confidence. This study aimed to reveal which issues divide dif..
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    The ethical challenge of a pluralistic society.John Herman Randall - 1959 - [New York]: New York Society for Ethical Culture.
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    Het tijdsprobleem in de wijsbegeerte der wetsidee.Herman Dooyeweerd - 1940 - Philosophia Reformata 5 (1-4):160-182.
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    De relatie parlement-regering in België.Herman De Croo - 1989 - Res Publica 31 (2):157-164.
    This article analyses the complex relationships between the elected parliament and the government.Firstly, effective political participation of the constituency in the election of its parliamentary representatives is limited because of the pre-selection of the candidates by the parties themselves. Secondly, the freedom of the parliament is restricted by the complex network of pressures and counterpressures between legislature and executive. Parliament has recently tried to regain some of its influence by organising special parliamentary inquiry committees and by resorting to professional help (...)
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    XII. Dio Chrysostomus als historiker.Heinrich Deiter & Herman Haupt - 1884 - Philologus: Zeitschrift für Antike Literatur Und Ihre Rezeption 43 (3):385-404.
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  21. De filosofie van het Belcampisme.Schönfeld Wichers & Herman[From Old Catalog] - 1972 - Amsterdam,: Kosmos.
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    Morality as Rationality: A Study of Kant's Ethics.Barbara Herman - 1990 - New York: Routledge.
    First published in 1990. The aim of this thesis is to show that the way to understand the central claims of Kant’s ethics is to accept the idea that morality is a distinctive form of rationality; that the moral "ought" belongs to a system of imperatives based in practical reason; and that moral judgment, therefore, is a species of rational assessment of agents’ actions. It argues, in effect, that you cannot understand Kant’s views about morality if you read him with (...)
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  23. Volume 1. Nietzsche, Kant, and the problem of metaphysics.Marco Brusotti & Herman Siemens - 2017 - In Nietzsche's engagements with Kant and the Kantian legacy. New York: Bloomsbury Academic.
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    Socrates in the Light of Aristotle’s Testimony.Anton-Herman Chroust - 1952 - New Scholasticism 26 (3):327-365.
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    Was Van den Enden het meesterbrein achter Spinoza?Herman De Dijn - 1994 - Algemeen Nederlands Tijdschrift voor Wijsbegeerte 86 (1):71-76.
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    Introduction: The Metaphor Of Historical Distance.Jaap Hollander, Herman Paul & Rik Peters - 2011 - History and Theory 50 (4):1-10.
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    The latent idealism of a materialist.John Herman Randall - 1931 - Journal of Philosophy 28 (24):645-660.
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    The ethics of civilization.Arnold Herman Kamiat - 1954 - Washington,: Public Affairs Press.
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  29. Different profiles for the institutional ethics committee in the Netherlands.Herman H. Kloot Meijburg - 1994 - HEC Forum 6 (3):139-156.
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    Modern Civilization on Trial. C. Delisle Burns.John Herman Randall Jr - 1932 - International Journal of Ethics 42 (2):213-215.
  31. (1 other version)Spinoza's Theory of the Emotions and its Relation to Therapy.Herman De Dija - 2010 - Oxford Studies in Early Modern Philosophy 5.
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    Grondbeginselen der logica.Herman Jean De Vleeschauwer - 1942 - Antwerpen,: De Sikkel.
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    First Steps in Modern Turkish.Sidney Glazer & Herman H. Kreider - 1946 - Journal of the American Oriental Society 66 (4):327.
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    Charismatic Bureaucrat: A Political Biography of Matsudaira Sadanobu, 1758-1829.Richard H. Minear & Herman Ooms - 1976 - Journal of the American Oriental Society 96 (3):478.
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    Morris R. Cohen's the Meaning of Human HistoryThe Meaning of Human History.John Herman Randall & Morris R. Cohen - 1949 - Journal of the History of Ideas 10 (2):305.
  36. Bibliographical Checklist: Sixth Update.Herman J. Saatkamp Jr - 1989 - Overheard in Seville 7 (7):35-40.
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    Umwertung: Nietzsche’s “war-praxis” and the problem of yes-saying and no-saying in ecce homo.Herman Siemens - 2009 - Nietzsche Studien 38 (1):182-206.
    The concept of Umwertung, central to Ecce Homo, is marked by discrepancies and incongruities that seem to defy philosophical comprehension. This paper focuses on the problem of Yes-saying and No-saying at the core of Umwertung. How can total affirmation be combined with radical critique, as Nietzsche claims? Nietzsche's favoured idiom of warfare exhibits the incommensurability of these positions, but it also points to a deeper problem: in waging war against idealism, Nietzsche risks repeating idealism, conceived as a war to the (...)
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  38. Identité en Europe, identité de l'Europe: Conférence Schuman 2003.Herman De Dijn - 2011 - Revue Philosophique De Louvain 109 (1):137-160.
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  39. Naturalism, Freedom and Ethics in Spinoza.Herman De Dijn - 1990 - Studia Leibnitiana 22:138.
    La conception naturaliste de l'homme comme conatus n'est pas liee chez Spinoza a une conception ethique utilitariste, egoiste ou hedonique. Au contraire, et paradoxalement, elle est susceptible de s'accommoder d'une pensee ethique qui, a son stade le plus developpe, consiste en de tres hautes vertus et des sentiments religieux eleves. Ceci n'est possible que parce que le conatus est interprete comme capable d'une activite libre. Cette liberte est concue, non pas comme une realisation, par la volonte, de valeurs qui seduisent (...)
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    Spinoza AlS bevrijdingsfilosoof. Omtrent Antonio Negri's Spinoza-interpretatie.Herman De Dijn - 1986 - Tijdschrift Voor Filosofie 48 (4):619-630.
  41. Spinoza and revealed religion.Herman De Dijn - 1995 - Studia Spinozana: An International and Interdisciplinary Series 11:39.
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    Die Hauptprobleme der indogermanischen Sprachwissenschaft.P. E. Dumont, Herman Hirt & Helmut Arntz - 1942 - American Journal of Philology 63 (1):123.
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  43. A left-hemisphere advantage for gesture-language signs in the dolphin.P. Morrelsamuels, L. M. Herman & T. Bever - 1989 - Bulletin of the Psychonomic Society 27 (6):501-501.
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    Mogelijkheid en geldigheid Van de categorische imperatief: Kants bewijsvoering in de grundlegung zur metaphysik der sitten.Herman Van Erp - 2007 - Tijdschrift Voor Filosofie 69 (2):299-324.
    Kant's Grundlegung zur Metaphysik der Sitten is popular as an introduction into his philosophy and into fundamental ethics in general. Its third chapter is, nevertheless, a notoriously difficult text. According to many interpreters, it raises questions rather than answering them. This article tries to answer some questions which often remain unclear even in the secondary literature: how is the logical structure of the chapter; what exactly is the synthetic character of the categorical imperative; how does freedom function as the third, (...)
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  45. Frontiers in American Philosophy.Robert Burch & Herman J. Saatkamp - 1996 - Transactions of the Charles S. Peirce Society 32 (4):708-711.
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    Expressions of sceptical topoi in (late) antique Judaism.Reuven Kipervasser & Geoffrey Herman (eds.) - 2021 - Boston: De Gruyter.
    Scepticism has been the driving force in the development of Greco-Roman culture in the past, and the impetus for far-reaching scientific achievements and philosophical investigation. Early Jewish culture, in contrast, avoided creating consistent representations of its philosophical doctrines. Sceptical notions can nevertheless be found in some early Jewish literature such as the Book of Ecclesiastes. One encounters there expressions of doubt with respect to Divine justice or even Divine involvement in earthly affairs. During the first centuries of the common era, (...)
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    The Halting Problem of one State Turing Machines with n‐Dimensional Tape.G. T. Herman - 1968 - Mathematical Logic Quarterly 14 (7-12):185-191.
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    Transcendentie en exterioriteit. Een antwoord aan Carlos Steel.Arnold Burms & Herman De Dijn - 1987 - Tijdschrift Voor Filosofie 49:492-500.
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    (6 other versions)The Letters of George Santayana, Book Two, 1910--1920: The Works of George Santayana, Volume V.William G. Holzberger & Herman J. Saatkamp (eds.) - 2001 - MIT Press.
    Since the first selection of George Santayana's letters was published in 1955, shortly after his death, many more letters have been located. The Works of George Santayana, Volume V, brings together a total of more than 3,000 letters. The volume is divided chronologically into eight books of roughly comparable length. Book Two covers Santayana's first decade as a "freelance philosopher," following his resignation from Harvard University and move to Europe. Of particular interest is Santayana's continuing correspondence with the American philosopher (...)
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    Plato's Treatment of the Theme of the Good Life and His Criticism of the Spartan Ideal.John Herman Randall - 1967 - Journal of the History of Ideas 28 (3):307.
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