Results for 'Higher education and state'

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  1. Changing higher education and welfare states in postcommunist Central Europe: New contexts leading to new typologies?Marek Kwiek - 2014 - Human Affairs 24 (1):48-67.
    The paper links higher education reforms and welfare states reforms in postcommunist Central European countries. It links current higher education debates (and reform pressures) and public sector debates (and reform pressures), stressing the importance of communist-era legacies in both areas. It refers to existing typologies of both higher education governance and welfare state regimes and concludes that the lack of the inclusion of Central Europe in any of them is a serious theoretical drawback (...)
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    American higher education and the "collegiate way of living" (美国高等教育和 "学院制生活").Robert J. O'Hara - 2011 - Community Design (Tsinghua University) 30 (2):10–21.
    Institutions of higher education in the United States are remarkably diverse in their educational purposes, their organizational structure, and their architectural styles. But underlying all this diversity are two distinct historical models: the decentralized British "collegiate" model of university education, and the centralized Germanic university model. Early American higher education grew out of the British collegiate tradition and emphasized the comprehensive development of students' intellect and character, while the Germanic university tradition, introduced in the late (...)
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    Higher Education and the Color Line: College Access, Racial Equity, and Social Change.Gary Orfield, Patricia Marín & Catherine L. Horn (eds.) - 2005 - Harvard Education Press.
    _Higher Education and the Color Line_ examines the role of higher education in opening up equal opportunity for mobility in American society--or in reinforcing the segregation between white and nonwhite America. In the wake of the U.S. Supreme Court's landmark decision upholding affirmative action, this comprehensive and timely book outlines the agenda for achieving racial justice in higher education in the next generation. Weaving together current research and a discussion of overarching demographic, legal, and political (...)
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    Higher Education in Ireland, 1922-2016: Politics, Policy and Power-A History of Higher Education in the Irish State.John Walsh - 2018 - London: Imprint: Palgrave Macmillan.
    This book explores the emergence of the modern higher education sector in the independent Irish state. The author traces its origins from the traditional universities, technical schools and teacher training colleges at the start of the twentieth century, cataloguing its development into the complex, multi-layered and diverse system of the early twenty-first century. Focusing on the socio-political and cultural contexts which shaped the evolution of higher education, the author analyses the interplay between the state, (...)
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    Public policy, higher education, and income inequality in the united states: Have we reached diminishing returns?Daniel L. Bennett & Richard K. Vedder - 2015 - Social Philosophy and Policy 31 (2):252-280.
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    Editorial: The Marketization of Higher Education: The State of the Union Between the Student as Consumer and the Free Market.Chris Howard, Carl Senior, Edward J. Stupple, Andrew Corcoran & Yasuhiro Igarashi - 2022 - Frontiers in Psychology 13.
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    Higher Education Discourse and Deconstruction: Challenging the Case for Transparency and Objecthood.Neil Cocks - 2017 - Cham: Imprint: Palgrave Macmillan.
    This book presents a critique of neoliberalism within UK Higher Education, taking its cue from approaches more usually associated with literary studies. It offers a sustained and detailed close reading of three works that might be understood to fall outside the established body of educational theory. The unconventional methodology and focus promote irreducible difference and complexity, and in this stage a resistance to reductive discourses of managerialism. Questioning the materialism to which all sides of the contemporary pedagogical debate (...)
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    Recent developments in Palestinian higher education and the CEEPAT programme.Antony T. Sullivan - 1995 - Minerva 33 (1):37-43.
    Palestinian teachers at the pre-collegiate level who participate in the CEEPAT programme will, it is hoped, learn to place new emphasis on enhancement of their students' analytical skills and discourage an identification of knowledge with memorisation. For their part, Palestinian professors who have been trained to teach in the programme will presumably constitute a growing reservoir of talent which may be expected to raise the quality of Palestinian university education. Plans are now under way to give all Palestinians teaching (...)
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  9. Empirics. Preserving state-owned enterprises in South Africa : views and insights from business rescue practitioners in the commercial field of action / Brandon Sej Kesieman and Andani Thakhathi ; Exploring the people versus profit paradox : business leadership for equitable and inclusive sustainable development in developing contexts / Gideon L. Storm, Sebastien Desvaux De Marigny and Andani Thakhathi ; Walking South Afric's business ethics talk : how higher education and commercial enterprises can co-create a thriving cohesive society.Alex Antonites & Jameo Calvert - 2022 - In Andani Thakhathi (ed.), Transcendent development: the ethics of universal dignity. Bingley, UK: Emerald Publishing.
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    Higher education exchange between America and the Middle East in the twenty-first century.Teresa Brawner Bevis - 2016 - New York, NY: Palgrave-Macmillan.
    This is the second of two volumes which together provide a comprehensive look at the rich and colorful history of higher education exchange between the United States and the countries of the Middle East. Twenty-first century developments, and the current scope and character of higher education exchange between America and the Middle East are explored in this new book.
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  11. Higher Education, Knowledge For Its Own Sake, and an African Moral Theory.Thaddeus Metz - 2009 - Studies in Philosophy and Education 28 (6):517-536.
    I seek to answer the question of whether publicly funded higher education ought to aim intrinsically to promote certain kinds of ‘‘blue-sky’’ knowledge, knowledge that is unlikely to result in ‘‘tangible’’ or ‘‘concrete’’ social benefits such as health, wealth and liberty. I approach this question in light of an African moral theory, which contrasts with dominant Western philosophies and has not yet been applied to pedagogical issues. According to this communitarian theory, grounded on salient sub-Saharan beliefs and practices, (...)
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    Ethical Reasoning in a Morally Diverse World: Higher Education and the Purposes of Religious Ethics.Darlene Fozard Weaver - 2023 - Journal of Religious Ethics 51 (3):458-472.
    As the Journal of Religious Ethics celebrates its 50th anniversary, higher education in the United States is in a period of upheaval. How does its changing landscape impact the ways we articulate the value of religious ethics? What do our students need from ethics coursework? Both the upheaval in higher education and recent critiques of higher education from religious ethicists highlight questions about the purposes and value of postsecondary education. This essay argues that (...)
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    Higher Education: Mobility, Movement, and Risk.Michael Bernard-Donals - 2024 - Philosophy and Rhetoric 57 (1):112-120.
    ABSTRACT With higher education in a state of flux, it’s time to more clearly understand what flux—mobility—means for the work of faculty at colleges and universities. With threats to shared governance, tenure, and academic freedom representing one sort of change, what would it mean for faculty to lean into the vulnerability that they are experiencing? Mobility has consequences: one of them is the risk of harm; another is the potential to destabilize concepts and entities. This article is (...)
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    Invitational Education and Practice in Higher Education: An International Perspective.Sheila T. Gregory & Jennifer L. Edwards (eds.) - 2015 - Lexington Books.
    This edited collection examines the means to create, maintain, and enhance positive educational experiences at colleges and universities in the United States and abroad with personal accounts, case studies, models, programs, and other frameworks written by practitioners in higher education.
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    Higher education for the people: critical contemplative methods of liberatory practice.Maryann Krikorian (ed.) - 2022 - Charlotte, NC: Information Age Publishing, Inc,.
    This monograph aims to uncover value-belief-systems underlying dominant narratives in modern IHEs, impacting the lives of many multidimensional adult learners. To do so, Eurocentrism and neoliberalism are used to analyze the socio-cultural-political movements of the U.S. and its influence on higher education trends. Then, models of adult consciousness and transformative approaches to adult learning are introduced to problematize dominant narratives and make the case for more complex epistemologies. With critical contemplation, acts of compassion for interdependence, self-compassion for intentionality, (...)
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    Higher Education under Late Capitalism: Identity, Conduct, and the Neoliberal Condition.Jeffrey R. Di Leo - 2017 - Cham: Imprint: Palgrave Macmillan.
    This book explores questions concerning personal identity and individual conduct within neoliberal academe. The author suggests that neoliberal academe is normal academe in the new millennium though well aware of its contested nature and destructive capacities. Examining higher education through a number of ideals, such as austerity and transparency, brings readers on a journey into its present as well as its past. If some of these ideals can be identified and critiqued, there is a chance that the foundations (...)
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    From Human Capital to Marginalized Other: A Systematic Review of Diaspora and Internationalization in Higher Education.Annette Bamberger - 2022 - British Journal of Educational Studies 70 (3):363-385.
    The proliferation of diasporas has influenced the nature of internationalization in many higher education (HE) systems and institutions, especially in terms of academic and student mobility/migration. Through a systematic review of the academic literature, I critically analyze the widespread uses of and approaches to ‘diaspora’ in HE research and its relationship to internationalization. I identify two major areas of studies and corresponding approaches to diaspora: one which frames diaspora as human capital and focusses on the role of the (...)
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    Power and agency within the evaluative state: A strategic–relational approach to quantification of higher education.Jakub Krzeski - 2023 - Educational Philosophy and Theory 55 (12):1400-1413.
    This article addresses the problem of the quantification of higher education by introducing a theoretical framework for power relations and agency within this process. Instead of treating evaluation regimes as external and imposed on the sector, it argues for a relational approach to the problem of exercising power over the higher education sector through means of evaluation. To develop such an approach, the article draws on two sources: Guy Neave’s account of the evaluative state and (...)
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    The Church and Higher Education in the United States.B. J. Kohlbrenner - 1938 - Thought: Fordham University Quarterly 13 (3):381-394.
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    Continuity or Discontinuity? Scientific Governance in the Pre-History of the 1977 Law of Higher Education and Research in Sweden.Fredrik Bragesjö, Aant Elzinga & Dick Kasperowski - 2012 - Minerva 50 (1):65-96.
    The objective of this paper is to balance two major conceptual tendencies in science policy studies, continuity and discontinuity theory. While the latter argue for fundamental and distinct changes in science policy in the late 20th century, continuity theorists show how changes do occur but not as abrupt and fundamental as discontinuity theorists suggests. As a point of departure, we will elaborate a typology of scientific governance developed by Hagendijk and Irwin ( 2006 ) and apply it to new empirical (...)
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    Higher Education in Nazi Germany (Rle Responding to Fascism: Or Education for World Conquest.Abraham Wolf - 2010 - Routledge.
    _Higher Education in Nazi Germany_ was first published in 1944, when it was apparent that Germany was likely to lose the war. Developing themes that were to become commonplace in the analysis of totalitarian regimes, it provides an account of how higher education became a means of both installing and re-enforcing the dominant state ideology.
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    This is not a checklist: Higher education and student affairs competencies, neoliberal protocol, and poetics.Paul William Eaton & Laura Smithers - 2020 - Educational Philosophy and Theory 52 (5):560-574.
    This article examines the ACPA/NASPA Competencies as functional protocol of the neoliberal state. Described as ‘not a checklist’, Competencies structure rubrics, conferences, jobs, and performance as static, indicative of a power/knowledge rooted in protocol. We utilize post qualitative thinking, specifically poetics, to create a series of experimentations (in)tension with Competencies. This micropolitical practice disrupts protocol, opening imaginative space for subversion, movement, and becoming ∼ professional.
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    The European Union Higher Education Policy and the Stake of Regionalization.Nikos Papadakis & Theofano Tsakanika - 2006 - The European Legacy 11 (3):289-297.
    This paper attempts to explore the underlying nature and terms of Higher Education policy. Higher Education policy cannot be viewed outside the changing conditions of the state especially when the inquiry centres on Europe. In the European context, policy making, in order to be efficient, seems to be conducted on two levels, the supranational and the regional. This change in the structure of Higher Education policy making can be considered as an outcome of (...)
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    Transformation of Higher Education as the Precondition for Competitive Development in Estonia and Latvia.Inna Dovladbekova, Tatyana Muravska & Tiiu Paas - 2006 - The European Legacy 11 (2):171-184.
    This paper outlines the main trends in higher education in the Baltic States and in particular in Estonia and Latvia, on the basis of the European Union concept of competitiveness and knowledge-based society development. Using the World Bank system of knowledge-based indicators, the position of the Baltic States is discussed and compared with international competitiveness ratings. We illustrate higher education systems in Estonia and Latvia by providing information on present institutional structures and by analyzing the key (...)
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    Clark Kerr's world of higher education reaches the 21st century: chapters in a special history.Sheldon Rothblatt (ed.) - 2012 - London: Springer.
    This volume consists of original essays by academic leaders and scholars connected to Clark Kerr’s life and work. He was arguably America’s most significant higher education thinker and public policy analyst in the last 50 years of the 20th century and renowned globally. However, little thoughtful attention has been devoted to assessing the whole of his work. Some commentators misunderstand the man as well as his ideas. The California Master Plan for Higher Education of 1960 was (...)
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    Globalisation and Higher Education in the Arab Gulf States.Sadiq Hussain - 2014 - Perspectives: Policy and Practice in Higher Education 18 (1):33-34.
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    Assessing Quality and Evaluating Performance in Higher Education: Worlds Apart or Complementary Views?Cláudia S. Sarrico, Maria J. Rosa, Pedro N. Teixeira & Margarida F. Cardoso - 2010 - Minerva 48 (1):35-54.
    This paper reflects on quality assessment and performance evaluation in higher education, namely by analysing the insufficient link between those two aspects. We start by reviewing the current state of the art regarding different processes and mechanisms of quality assessment and performance evaluation and discuss some of the major issues regarding the implementation of some of them. In particular, we analyse the current limitations regarding data collected, available and publicised on the performance of HEIs and the problems (...)
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    New imperialisms in the making? The geo-political economy of transnational higher education mobility in the UK and China.Susan L. Robertson & Jian Wu - forthcoming - Educational Philosophy and Theory.
    Higher education (HE) mobility programmes around the globe have been key initiatives over the past thirty years, driven by combinations of supranational and national state-led knowledge economy policies, university strategies, and decisions made by individuals regarding employability, credentials, or academic tourism. In this paper we argue that mobility too often is understood through the prism of internationalism, itself umbilically tied to and nourished by Enlightenment liberal thinking, such as Kantian cosmopolitanism, and the romantic figure of the wandering (...)
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  29. Higher education in a state of crisis: a perspective from a Students' Quality Circle. [REVIEW]Rebekah Nahai & Sophie Österberg - 2012 - AI and Society 27 (3):387-398.
    This article introduces a Students’ Quality Circle in higher education, in the context of current debates. With increasing numbers of students entering the university and constrained financial resources in the sector, new approaches are needed, with new partnership between lecturers and students. The first Students’ Quality Circle at Kingston is located in a wider international context.
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    Higher education, professional manpower and the state: Reflections on education and professional employment in the U.S.S.R. [REVIEW]Alexander King - 1963 - Minerva 1 (2):182-190.
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    Diaspora, Ethnic Internationalism and Higher Education Internationalisation: The Korean and Jewish Cases as Stateless Nations in the Early 20Th Century.Terri Kim & Annette Bamberger - 2021 - British Journal of Educational Studies 69 (5):513-535.
    Modern universities have largely been portrayed in the literature as an extension of nation building projects, focusing on the state as primary actor. This article challenges such presuppositions by separating ‘nation’ and ‘state’ and with a critical appropriation of diasporic subjectivity and institutions from a comparative historical perspective. The article has four themes: ‘diaspora’, ‘ethnic internationalism’, ‘stateless nations’ and ‘internationalisation’ in higher education (IHE). It illustrates these themes and their interrelationships by considering Koreans in the Japanese (...)
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  32.  45
    State Public Finance and State Institutions of Higher Education in the United States. [REVIEW]John Ryan - 1953 - Thought: Fordham University Quarterly 28 (1):148-149.
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    Laboratories of Liberalism: American Higher Education in the Arabian Peninsula and the Discursive Production of Authoritarianism.Natalie Koch & Neha Vora - 2019 - Minerva 57 (4):549-564.
    American university globalization has increasingly targeted and been courted by authoritarian states. While the reasons for these partnerships are manifold—including the ease of top-down large-scale monetary investment, “knowledge economy” development strategies, social engineering programs, and other corporate and imperial entanglements—an overwhelming discourse has emerged around higher education initiatives in places like the Arabian Peninsula, China, Singapore, and Central Asia that juxtaposes liberalism with the illiberal, authoritarian contexts it is supposedly encountering within the framework of neoliberal globalization. Through a (...)
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    Sustainability assessment in higher education institutions. The stars system.Amber Wigmore & Mercedes Ruiz - 2010 - Ramon Llull Journal of Applied Ethics 1 (1):25.
    Sustainable development is a concern for countries, businesses and organizations sensitive to excess in terms of utilized resources. This is evident in international initiatives which aim to establish guiding principles for institutions to follow regarding what is considered to be socially responsible behavior, allowing for assessment and the identification of objectives. As higher education institutions, colleges and universities have a public responsibility to generate and transmit knowledge to society as a whole, as well as an economic and social (...)
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    Academic Subjectives: Governmentality and Self-Development in Higher Education.Fabian Cannizzo - 2015 - Foucault Studies 20:199-217.
    International debates surrounding the management of universities in Western states have focused heavily upon the implications of neo-liberalism and the economisation of knowledge at national and international levels. However, investigations at the institutional level reveal that programmes for the development of human capital, organisational reputation and service quality in education and research are encouraged through regimes of self-development, directed towards organisational objectives. This article utilises governmentality theory to explore the relationship between governance and subjectivity within the Australian higher (...)
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    (1 other version)Higher education reform: looking back looking forward.Pavel Zgaga, Ulrich Teichler, Hans Georg Schütze & Andrä Wolter (eds.) - 2015 - New York: Peter Lang.
    The central focus of this monograph is the concept of higher education reform in the light of an international and global comparative perspective. This volume takes a close look at these changes, the drivers of change, their effects and possible future scenarios.
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    To Conceal and Carry or Not to Conceal and Carry on Higher Education Campuses, That is the Question.Termika N. Smith - 2012 - Journal of Academic Ethics 10 (3):237-242.
    This article addresses conceal and carry laws on higher education campuses as ethical and social dilemmas. The Second Amendment reads, “A well regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a Free State, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed” (U. S. Const. amend. II 1791 ). Proponents for conceal and carry laws on college and university campuses often interpret the Second Amendment as an overarching right to have weapons, regardless (...)
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    The Calling of Education: "The Academic Ethic" and Other Essays on Higher Education.Edward Shils - 1997 - University of Chicago Press.
    Throughout his long and prolific career, Edward Shils brought an extraordinary knowledge of academic institutions to discussions about higher education. The Calling of Education features Shils's most illuminating and incisive writing on this topic from the last twenty-five years of his life. The first essay, "The Academic Ethic," articulates the unique ethical demands of the academic profession and directs special attention to the integration of teaching and research. Other pieces, including Shils's renowned Jefferson lectures, focus on perennial (...)
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    Analyzing the state of regional higher education systems.Daniil Sandler - 2021 - Sotsium I Vlast 4:20-37.
    Introduction. Higher education systems at the present stage of development are facing new serious challenges. On the one hand, universities function as independent units, on the other, they are part of the regional system, they attract and share the attention of the stakeholders interested in the system (applicants, students, research and teaching staff, business structures, etc.). The purpose of the study is to assess the competitiveness of regional higher education systems through the formed system of indicators, (...)
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    International perspectives on financing higher education.Josef C. Brada (ed.) - 2015 - New York, NY: Palgrave-Macmillan.
    The funding of higher education is under stress. On the one hand, the benefits of universities for economic prosperity and growth are increasing as universities graduate more students; undertake a greater share of scientific research; and, through cooperation with business, stimulate the technological advance of the private sector. At the same time, government funding of higher education is stagnating or even falling in many countries. The book brings together the views of an international group of experts (...)
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    The Militarization of US Higher Education after 9/11.Henry A. Giroux - 2008 - Theory, Culture and Society 25 (5):56-82.
    Subject to severe financial constraints while operating within a regime of moral panics driven by the `war on terrorism', higher education in the United States faces both a legitimation crisis and a political crisis. With its increasing reliance on Pentagon and corporate interests, the academy has largely opened its doors to serving private and governmental interests and in doing so has compromised its role as a democratic public sphere. This article situates the development of the university as a (...)
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    Academic Well-Being in Higher Education: A Cross-Country Analysis of the Relationship Between Perceptions of Instruction and Academic Well-Being.Dana K. Donohue & Juan Bornman - 2021 - Frontiers in Psychology 12.
    The purpose of this research was to explore the relationship between university students’ perceptions of the overall quality of instruction they experienced since COVID-19 and their academic well-being. This relationship was examined in the context of a moderated moderation with students’ household income and the cultural value of power distance, which measures the extent to which less powerful members of an organization expect and accept that power is unequally distributed. Two countries with societally moderate levels of PD were assessed. Moderated (...)
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  43. A Dilemma about the Final Ends of Higher Education -- and a Resolution.Thaddeus Metz - 2013 - Kagisano (The Higher Education Discussion Series) 9:23-41.
    In this article, written for the generally educated reader, I summarize my latest thinking about a dilemma that I believe current theoretical reflection faces about the proper ultimate aims of a public university. Specifically, I make the following three major points: (1) On the one hand, all dominant theories of how properly to spend public resources entail that academics should not pursue knowledge for its own sake and should rather devote their energies toward promoting some concrete public good (such as (...)
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    Book Reviews : The Higher Learning and High Technology: Dynamics of Higher Education Policy Formation, by Sheila Slaughter. Albany: State University of New York Press, 1990, xi + 293 pp., $54.50 (cloth), $17.95 (paper. [REVIEW]Stuart W. Leslie - 1991 - Science, Technology and Human Values 16 (2):261-263.
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  45. Between the state, society and global markets : three roles of higher education.Susan Wiksten & Daniel Schugurensky - 2007 - In Robert F. Arnove & Carlos Alberto Torres (eds.), Comparative education: the dialectic of the global and the local. Lanham, MD: Rowman & Littlefield.
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    AI Ethics in Higher Education: Insights from Africa and Beyond.Caitlin C. Corrigan, Simon Atuah Asakipaam, Jerry John Kponyo & Christoph Luetge (eds.) - 2023 - Springer Verlag.
    This open access book tackles the pressing problem of integrating concerns related to Artificial Intelligence (AI) ethics into higher education curriculums aimed at future AI developers in Africa and beyond. For doing so, it analyzes the present and future states of AI ethics education in local computer science and engineering programs. The authors share relevant best practices and use cases for teaching, develop answers to ongoing organizational challenges, and reflect on the practical implications of different theoretical approaches (...)
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    Rhetorical Movement, Vulnerability, and Higher Education.Michael Bernard-Donals - 2019 - Philosophy and Rhetoric 52 (1):1-23.
    In the summer of 2015 the governor of Wisconsin signed an omnibus budget bill that, among other things, removed tenure from state statute—forcing the Board of Regents to rewrite it into board policy documents—and attempted to undermine aspects of shared governance that had been part of life at the university since the founding of the system in the early 1970s. Two years later, the Wisconsin Assembly passed a bill that directed the university to "strive to remain neutral on the (...)
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    Shifting the discourse of plagiarism and ethics: a cultural opportunity in higher education.Hyunjin Jinna Kim & Huseyin Uysal - 2020 - International Journal of Ethics Education 6 (1):163-176.
    Plagiarism is a pervasive challenge throughout academia perpetuated by the advent of technology, lack of ethical education, and the ambiguity in its definition. Plagiarism in the United States’ higher education settings has gained more attention over the years as international student population has increased. Considering how higher education institutions are growing as international spaces due to globalization, it is crucial to closely examine ethical issues concerning the diverse and multicultural student population. A prevailing view of (...)
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    Institute of higher education: the first quarter of a century.Vasyl Kremen - 2024 - Filosofiya osvity Philosophy of Education 30 (1):8-19.
    The article presents the main conceptual and organizational foundations of the Institute of Higher Education of the National Academy of Educational Sciences of Ukraine. The main circumstances and concrete efforts to implement the plan for the creation and development of this Institute have been witnessed from the first person. The creation of the Institute of Higher Education was supposed to contribute to the fulfillment of such basic tasks of higher education. First, the development of (...)
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  50. Bounds of Democracy: Epistemological Access in Higher Education.W. E. Morrow - 2009 - Hsrc Press.
    Spanning pivotal years in the historic democratization of South Africa, this analysis provides a trenchant reflection of higher education in transition. Penned by one of South Africa’s foremost philosophers of education, the critique grapples with very real concerns in higher education policymaking and practice, including stakeholder politics, institutional cultures, and curriculum transformation and interrogation of the function of higher education institutions in modern societies. Exposing the tensions between egalitarian principles and the nature of (...)
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