Results for 'Hipólito Marrero'

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  1.  41
    Visual search of emotional faces: The role of affective content and featural distinctiveness.Manuel G. Calvo & Hipólito Marrero - 2009 - Cognition and Emotion 23 (4):782-806.
    We investigated the source of the visual search advantage of some emotional facial expressions. An emotional face target (happy, surprised, disgusted, fearful, angry, or sad) was presented in an array of neutral faces. A faster detection was found for happy targets, with angry and, especially, sad targets being detected more poorly. Physical image properties (e.g., luminance) were ruled out as a potential source of these differences in visual search. In contrast, the search advantage is partly due to the facilitated processing (...)
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  2. Is the free-energy principle a formal theory of semantics? From variational density dynamics to neural and phenotypic representations.Inês Hipólito, Maxwell Ramstead & Karl Friston - 2020 - Entropy 1 (1):1-30.
    The aim of this paper is twofold: (1) to assess whether the construct of neural representations plays an explanatory role under the variational free-energy principle and its corollary process theory, active inference; and (2) if so, to assess which philosophical stance - in relation to the ontological and epistemological status of representations - is most appropriate. We focus on non-realist (deflationary and fictionalist-instrumentalist) approaches. We consider a deflationary account of mental representation, according to which the explanatorily relevant contents of neural (...)
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    Embodied skillful performance: where the action is.Inês Hipólito, Manuel Baltieri, Karl Friston & Maxwell J. D. Ramstead - 2021 - Synthese 199 (1-2):4457-4481.
    When someone masters a skill, their performance looks to us like second nature: it looks as if their actions are smoothly performed without explicit, knowledge-driven, online monitoring of their performance. Contemporary computational models in motor control theory, however, are instructionist: that is, they cast skillful performance as a knowledge-driven process. Optimal motor control theory, as representative par excellence of such approaches, casts skillful performance as an instruction, instantiated in the brain, that needs to be executed—a motor command. This paper aims (...)
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    On religious practices as multi-scale active inference: Certainties emerging from recurrent interactions within and across individuals and groups.Inês Hipólito & Casper Hesp - 2023 - In Robert Vinten (ed.), Wittgenstein and the Cognitive Science of Religion: Interpreting Human Nature and the Mind. London: Bloomsbury Academic. pp. 179-198.
    This chapter takes inspiration from Wittgenstein’s thinking to formulate a non-reductive toolbox for the study of religion associated with generative modelling, specifically as applied in complex adaptive systems theory. It converges on a communal perspective on religion as multiscale active inference that contrasts starkly with common ‘straw person’ perspectives on religion that reduce it to ‘erroneous’ theorising generated by the brain. In contrast, we argue, religious practices at the enculturated level of description involve implicit and explicit meanings, experienced both individually (...)
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    (1 other version)Schizophrenia and Common Sense, Hipólito, I., Gonçalves, J., Pereira, J. (eds.). SpringerNature, Mind-Brain Studies.I. Hipolito, Jorge Goncalves & João G. Pereira (eds.) - 2018 - Springer.
    Schizophrenia is usually described as a fragmentation of subjective experience and the impossibility to engage in meaningful cultural and intersubjective practices. Although the term schizophrenia is less than 100 years old, madness is generally believed to have accompanied mankind through its historical and cultural ontogeny. What does it mean to be “mad”? The failure to adopt social practices or to internalize cultural values of common sense? Despite the vast amount of literature and research, it seems that the study of schizophrenia (...)
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    Palliative care nursing involvement in end-of-life decision-making: Qualitative secondary analysis.Pablo Hernández-Marrero, Emília Fradique & Sandra Martins Pereira - 2019 - Nursing Ethics 26 (6):1680-1695.
    Background: Nurses are the largest professional group in healthcare and those who make more decisions. In 2014, the Committee on Bioethics of the Council of Europe launched the “Guide on the decision-making process regarding medical treatment in end-of-life situations” (hereinafter, Guide), aiming at improving decision-making processes and empowering professionals in making end-of-life decisions. The Guide does not mention nurses explicitly. Objectives: To analyze the ethical principles most valued by nurses working in palliative care when making end-of-life decisions and investigate if (...)
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  7. Hilbert 24th problem.Inês Hipólito & Reinhard Kahle - 2019 - Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society A 1 (Notion of Simple Proof).
    In 2000, Rüdiger Thiele [1] found in a notebook of David Hilbert, kept in Hilbert's Nachlass at the University of Göttingen, a small note concerning a 24th problem. As Hilbert wrote, he had considered including this problem in his famous problem list for the International Congress of Mathematicians in Paris in 1900.
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    Narrating agricultural resilience after Hurricane María: how smallholder farmers in Puerto Rico leverage self-sufficiency and collaborative agency in a climate-vulnerable food system.Abrania Marrero, Andrea Lόpez-Cepero, Ramón Borges-Méndez & Josiemer Mattei - 2022 - Agriculture and Human Values 39 (2):555-571.
    Climate change is a threat to food system stability, with small islands particularly vulnerable to extreme weather events. In Puerto Rico, a diminished agricultural sector and resulting food import dependence have been implicated in reduced diet quality, rural impoverishment, and periodic food insecurity during natural disasters. In contrast, smallholder farmers in Puerto Rico serve as cultural emblems of self-sufficient food production, providing fresh foods to local communities in an informal economy and leveraging traditional knowledge systems to manage varying ecological and (...)
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  9.  17
    Una defensa de las axiologías centradas en el sufrimiento.Amanda Briones Marrero - 2021 - Agora 41 (1).
    Este artículo realiza una defensa de las axiologías centradas en el sufrimiento, que sostienen la prioridad de evitar el sufrimiento frente a la promoción de otros valores. Para ello, explica en primer lugar cómo ciertas cuestiones relativas a la creación de individuos sugieren la existencia de una asimetría entre el sufrimiento y la felicidad. Continúa describiendo un conjunto de argumentos a favor de la prioridad del sufrimiento relativos a individuos ya existentes. Asimismo, señala y responde a distintas objeciones que podrían (...)
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  10.  42
    "Conscience the Ground of Consciousness": The Moral Epistemology of Coleridge's Aids to Reflection.Jeffrey Hipolito - 2004 - Journal of the History of Ideas 65 (3):455-474.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Journal of the History of Ideas 65.3 (2004) 455-474 [Access article in PDF] "Conscience the Ground of Consciousness": The Moral Epistemology of Coleridge's Aids to Reflection Jeffrey Hipolito Everett Community College. It will hardly come as a shock to the readers of this journal that Kant has been the philosophical gatekeeper of all those who have come after him and that the scale of his achievement was recognized even (...)
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  11.  30
    The Human Roots of Artificial Intelligence: A Commentary on Susan Schneider's Artificial You.Inês Hipólito - 2024 - Philosophy East and West 74 (2):297-305.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:The Human Roots of Artificial Intelligence:A Commentary on Susan Schneider's Artificial YouInês Hipólito (bio)Technologies are not mere tools waiting to be picked up and used by human agents, but rather are material-discursive practices that play a role in shaping and co-constituting the world in which we live.Karen BaradIntroductionSusan Schneider's book Artificial You: AI and the Future of Your Mind presents a compelling and bold argument regarding the potential (...)
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  12. Culture in Mind - An Enactivist Account: Not Cognitive Penetration But Cultural Permeation.Inês Hipólito, Daniel D. Hutto & Shaun Gallagher - 2020 - In Laurence J. Kirmayer, Carol M. Worthman, Shinobu Kitayama, Robert Lemelson & Constance Cummings (eds.), Culture, Mind, and Brain: Emerging Concepts, Models, and Applications. Cambridge University Press.
    Advancing a radically enactive account of cognition, we provide arguments in favour of the possibility that cultural factors permeate rather than penetrate cognition, such that cognition extensively and transactionally incorporates cultural factors rather than there being any question of cultural factors having to break into the restricted confines of cognition. The paper reviews the limitations of two classical cognitivist, modularist accounts of cognition and a revisionary, new order variant of cognitivism – a Predictive Processing account of Cognition, or PPC. It (...)
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  13. A Simple Theory of Every 'Thing'.Inês Hipólito - 2019 - Physics of Life Reviews 1.
    One of the criteria to a strong principle in natural sciences is simplicity. This paper claims that the Free Energy Principle (FEP), by virtue of unifying particles with mind, is the simplest. Motivated by Hilbert’s 24th problem of simplicity, the argument is made that the FEP takes a seemingly mathematical complex domain and reduces it to something simple. More specifically, it is attempted to show that every ‘thing’, from particles to mind, can be partitioned into systemic states by virtue of (...)
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  14.  30
    Anatomia da Linguagem: Podemos Compreender Jogos de Linguagem a Partir de Redes Corticais?Inês Hipólito - 2017 - Kairos 18 (1):84-109.
    There is today much interest in research of neuronal substrata in metaphor processing. It has been suggested that the right hemisphere yields a key role in the comprehension of figurative language and, particularly, in metaphors. Figurative language is included in pragmatics, a branch of linguistics that researches the use of language, in opposition to the study of the system of language. There lingers, though, an open debate in respect to the identification of the specific aspects concerning semantics, as opposed to (...)
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    Owen Barfield's Poetic Diction.T. A. Hipolito - 1993 - Renascence 46 (1):3-38.
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    Ética, tecnologia E responsabilidade: Uma abordagem a partir do pensamento de Hans Jonas.Isabel Cristina Rocha Hipólito Gonçalves & Eryck Kawã Pereira Torres - 2019 - Cadernos Do Pet Filosofia 10 (20):01-11.
    Neste trabalho nos ocupamos centralmente em compreender a proposta ética de Hans Jonas e como ele apresenta o Princípio Responsabilidade como uma categoria ética a ser norteadora das ações humanas. Apresentamos um breve histórico do desenvolvimento da Filosofia da Tecnologia enquanto uma disciplina filosófica específica e, então, discutimos as principais considerações de Jonas sobre a necessidade de uma ética inteiramente nova que tome a técnica como objeto e a proposta que este apresente de uma ética do futuro pautada na responsabi (...)
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  17. El Centauro.Domingo Marrero - 1951 - [Santurce,: Impr. Soltero.
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    Razones personales en sentido amplio y largoplacismo.Amanda Briones Marrero - 2022 - Dilemata 39:5-13.
    Este artículo tiene el propósito de defender que las razones personales en sentido amplio son una postura compatible con la defensa del largoplacismo. Para ello, en primer lugar, explicaré en qué se basa el largoplacismo, esto es, la posición según la cual debemos preocuparnos principalmente por el impacto que nuestras acciones tendrán en el futuro lejano. En segundo lugar, describiré y compararé las distintas posiciones que existen en ética de poblaciones. A continuación, señalaré la problematicidad de las razones personales en (...)
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  19.  14
    Creencias y actitudes de jóvenes universitarios sevillanos hacia las variedades normativas del español de España: andaluza, canaria y castellana.Juana Santana Marrero - 2018 - Pragmática Sociocultural 6 (1):71-97.
    Resumen En este trabajo se estudia la percepción de un grupo de estudiantes universitarios sevillanos, sin conocimientos especializados sobre la variación geográfica y social del español, hacia las variedades andaluza, canaria y castellana. Los resultados revelan la presencia significativa de juicios negativos hacia su propia modalidad de habla, tanto en lo relativo a la pronunciación como a su asociación con un estatus social bajo. No obstante, se produjo un incremento de consideraciones positivas cuando se les pidió la valoración de los (...)
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  20. Perception Is Not Always and Everywhere Inferential.Inês Hipólito - 2018 - Australasian Philosophical Review 2 (2):184-188.
    This paper argues that it is possible to embrace the predictive processing framework (PP) without reducing affordances to inferential perception. The cognitivist account of PP contends that it can capture relational perception, such as affordances. The rationale for this claim is that over time, sensory data becomes highly-weighted. This paper, however, will show the inconsistency of this claim in the face of the cognitivist premise that ‘encapsulated’ models can throw away ‘the body, the world, or other people’ [Hohwy 2016: 265]. (...)
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  21.  26
    Runway performance of normal and anosmic rats as a function of reward magnitude: A preliminary report.Bernabe Marrero, Stephen F. Davis & John D. Seago - 1973 - Bulletin of the Psychonomic Society 2 (6):375-376.
  22.  70
    Breaking boundaries: The Bayesian Brain Hypothesis for perception and prediction.Inês Hipólito & Michael Kirchhoff - 2023 - Consciousness and Cognition 111 (C):103510.
  23. Creación artística, realismo socialista y marxismos.Roberto Garcés Marrero - 2019 - Claridades. Revista de Filosofía 11 (1):57-78.
    La cuestión de la creación artística ha sido motivo de reflexiones desde hace siglos: si es un fin en sí misma o si es medio de lograr otros fines, políticos e ideológicos. El presente trabajo se encamina a estudiar cuáles son las ideas al respecto planteadas en el marxismo y cuál ha sido el origen teórico del realismo socialista, considerado como un añadido posterior, ajeno a las concepciones de Marx.
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    Conflicts and Proposals for an Antispeciesist Ecofeminist Consideration of Nonhuman Animals in Disaster Contexts.Amanda Briones Marrero - 2024 - Philosophies 9 (3):67.
    This essay aims to defend the need to help animals in any disaster situation, be it anthropogenic, natural, or hybrid. To this end, I will first establish a brief foundation of the antispeciesist principles that have been advocated by different theorists over the last decades. Then, I will describe the conflict between environmental and animal approaches as a problem for the consideration of animals in unfavorable situations. This will be followed by the ways in which animals can be harmed in (...)
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  25.  83
    The Mind-Technology Problem : Investigating Minds, Selves and 21st Century Artefacts.Inês Hipólito, Robert William Clowes & Klaus Gärtner (eds.) - 2021 - Springer Verlag.
    This edited book deepens the engagement between 21st century philosophy of mind and the emerging technologies which are transforming our environment. Many new technologies appear to have important implications for the human mind, the nature of our cognition, our sense of identity and even perhaps what we think human beings are. They prompt questions such as: Would an uploaded mind be 'me'? Does our reliance on smart phones, or wearable gadgets enhance or diminish the human mind? and: How does our (...)
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  26. The Agentive Approach to Argumentation: A Proposal.Danny Marrero & Douglas Niño - 2015 - In Frans Hendrik van Eemeren & Bart Garssen (eds.), Reflections on Theoretical Issues in Argumentation Theory. Cham, Switzerland: Springer. pp. 261-278.
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    Safeguarding Bodies That Matter.Danny Marrero - 2024 - The Acorn 24 (1):41-68.
    Judith Butler’s 2021 essay “Bodies That Still Matter” offers a compressed rehearsal of themes and moves that are developed in more detail in their 2020 book, The Force of Nonviolence: An Ethico-Political Bind. In both projects, Butler spotlights the term feminicidio as an instructive indicator of brutality and violence against feminized individuals, including trans women. Feminicidio exemplifies the violence of “unequal grievability” that Butler’s recent work seeks to overcome; therefore, in particular relation to their recent work on nonviolence, Butler insists (...)
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  28. Enactive-Dynamic Social Cognition and Active Inference.Inês Hipólito & Thomas van Es - 2022 - Frontiers in Psychology 13.
    This aim of this paper is two-fold: it critically analyses and rejects accounts blending active inference as theory of mind and enactivism; and it advances an enactivist-dynamic understanding of social cognition that is compatible with active inference. While some social cognition theories seemingly take an enactive perspective on social cognition, they explain it as the attribution of mental states to other people, by assuming representational structures, in line with the classic Theory of Mind. Holding both enactivism and ToM, we argue, (...)
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    Godel on the mathematician's mind and Turing Machine.Inês Hipólito - 2014 - E-Logos 21 (1):1-11.
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    Identidades subversivas en el espacio rural canario: una lectura de Panza de burro.Amanda Briones Marrero - 2024 - Eikasia Revista de Filosofía 121:169-182.
    Este artículo tiene como propósito defender que Panza de burro, la primera novela de Andrea Abreu, supone un cambio profundo en la representación de los estereotipos de género en el imaginario literario y rural canario. Con este fin, en primer lugar, esbozaré un breve contexto de la historia de las islas, marcada por la colonización y la migración, que hacen de ellas un territorio culturalmente rico y fragmentado. Esta diversidad contrasta con el binarismo y estatismo de género que ha sido (...)
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    Owen Barfield’s Riders on Pegasus.Jeffrey Hipolito - 2019 - Renascence 71 (4):211-232.
    This essay offers an introduction to Owen Barfield’s long romance poem, Riders on Pegasus. It argues that the poem is a complex example of “romantic modernism,” self-consciously following in the tradition of Blake and Shelley while responding in an equally self-aware way to the anti-romantic modernism of early Eliot and Auden. It argues for the formal and aesthetic accomplishment and interest of the poem, and suggests that it is an as yet overlooked masterpiece of mid-century English poetry.
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    An Epistemological Theory of Argumentation for Adversarial Legal Proceedings.Danny Marrero - 2016 - Informal Logic 36 (3):288-308.
    The rhetorical view suggests that the goal of factual ar- gumentation in legal proceedings is to persuade the fact-finder about the facts under litigation. However, R does not capture our social expecta- tions: we want fact-finders to know the facts justifying their decisions, and persuasion does not necessarily lead to knowledge. I want to present an epistemic theory of argumenta- tion honoring our expectations. Un- der my account, factual argumenta- tion aims to transmit knowledge to the fact-finder.
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    Commentary on A Perspective of Objectivity in the Human Rights Arguments.Danny Marrero - unknown
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    Approach to environmental educator values.Daemar Ricardo Marrero & Isidro E. Méndez Santos - 2019 - Humanidades Médicas 19 (1):160-179.
    RESUMEN Se fundamenta la concepción teórica general de la educación axiológica en el contexto del sistema de enseñanza de postgrado para la formación de educadores ambientales. Se aplicaron los métodos del nivel teórico analítico-sintético, inductivo-deductivo, histórico-lógico y ascensión de lo abstracto a lo concreto, con la intención de sistematizar información proveniente de la bibliografía consultada y de la experiencia profesional de los autores. Se defiende la idea de considerar la existencia de una dimensión ambiental de valores universales, en lugar de (...)
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  35. Cognition Without Neural Representation: Dynamics of a Complex System.Inês Hipólito - 2022 - Frontiers in Psychology 12.
    This paper proposes an account of neurocognitive activity without leveraging the notion of neural representation. Neural representation is a concept that results from assuming that the properties of the models used in computational cognitive neuroscience must literally exist the system being modelled. Computational models are important tools to test a theory about how the collected data has been generated. While the usefulness of computational models is unquestionable, it does not follow that neurocognitive activity should literally entail the properties construed in (...)
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  36.  83
    Is the Appeal of the Doctrine of Double Effect Illusory?Danny Marrero - 2013 - Philosophia 41 (2):349-359.
    Scanlon (2008) has argued that his theory of permissibility (STP) has more explanatory power than the Doctrine of Double Effect (DDE). I believe this claim is wrong. Borrowing Michael Walzer’s method of inquiry, I will evaluate the explanatory virtue of these accounts by their understanding of actual moral intuitions originated in historical cases. Practically, I will evaluate these accounts as they explain cases of hostage crises. The main question in this context is: is it permissible that nation-states act with military (...)
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  37. Sujeto y Construcción de la Identidad En Los Sistemas Adivinatorios de la Santería Cubana.Roberto Garcés Marrero - 2018 - RAPHISA REVISTA DE ANTROPOLOGÍA Y FILOSOFÍA DE LO SAGRADO 2 (1).
    El presente trabajo versa sobre cómo se construye una cierta identidad y, por tanto, un cierto tipo de sujeto, a partir de los sistemas normativos propios de la adivinación en la santería cubana. Este análisis se realiza a partir de las experiencias en el trabajo de campo del autor durante cinco años en una “casa de santo” en Remedios, Villa Clara y del estudio exhaustivo de las llamadas “letras” de Ifá. La adivinación en esta religión no solo resulta un acto (...)
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    Medical ethics in anatomical-pathological practice.Daisy Ferrer Marrero, Lourdes Palma Machado, Isnerio Arzuaga Anderson & Halina Pérez Alvarez - 2019 - Humanidades Médicas 19 (1):65-79.
    RESUMEN El objetivo del presente estudio está dirigido a exponer particularidades éticas del trabajo anatomopatológico a la luz de la realidad histórico social. Se emplean métodos teóricos y empíricos y a partir del análisis documental se opera con referentes en los enfoques contemporáneos. El estudio de aspectos generales referidos a la moral y a la ética permitió acceder a definiciones, bases legales y evolución histórica, a la vez que se profundiza en su repercusión en el sector salud y se desarrollan (...)
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  39. Studies in Brain and Mind, Volume 12.Inês Hipólito, J. Gonçalves & J. G. Pereira (eds.) - 2018 - Springer.
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  40. El poder entrañable.Vicente Marrero Suárez - 1952 - [Madrid]:
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  41. Identity without Survival: An Account of Transformative Experiences.Danny Marrero - 2019 - Points of Interest. Special Issue on Concerning Personal Identity. Starting From Derek Parfit 3:99-112.
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  42. La argumentación jurídica en el sistema penal acusatorio. Una perspectiva pedagógica.Danny Marrero - 2007 - Derecho Penal Contemporáneo Revista Internacional 18:121-158.
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    14 Lecciones Para PolíTicos Honestos: --Que TambiéN Sirven Para Reconocer a Los Pillos Que Fungen de PolíTicos.Jesús Marrero Carpio - 1997 - Caracas: Editorial Panapo.
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  44. Ortega, filósofo "mondain".Vicente Marrero - 1961 - Madrid,: Ediciones Rialp.
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  45. Un estudio de la autenticidad de la" Expositio in Genesim" de Fray Luis de León.Hipólito G. Navarro - 1990 - Ciudad de Dios 203 (1):189-225.
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  46. Espiritismo kardeciano y positivismo.Roberto Garcés Marrero - 2021 - RAPHISA REVISTA DE ANTROPOLOGÍA Y FILOSOFÍA DE LO SAGRADO 4 (2):57-73.
    El presente artículo versa sobre cómo el espiritismo kardeciano puede ser la contraparte religiosa del positivismo; surgidos ambos del mismo clima epocal evidencian, aunque a prima facie pueda parecer paradójico, un discurso, metodología, ideales sociales y concepciones similares. Esta tesis se sustenta a partir del análisis conceptual de la obra de Kardec, en específico, de El libro de los espíritus, su texto de aspiraciones más filosóficas. En particular la denominada ley natural kardeciana se acerca mucho a las ideas comtianas, aunque (...)
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  47. Monismo estético y conocimiento emocional: José Vasconcelos.Roberto Garcés Marrero - 2022 - Enfoques 34 (1):17-35.
    El presente artículo versa sobre la relación entre el sistema que el filósofo mexicanoJosé Vasconcelos llama monismo estético y su teoría del conocimiento, donde primalo que denomina “conocimiento emocional”. Se ubica, además, al pensamientovasconceliano en el contexto del pensamiento latinoamericano de principios delsiglo xx y la reacción antipositivista de la época.
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  48. El Centauro: persona y pensamiento de Ortega y Gasset.Domingo Marrero - 1974 - [Río Piedras]: : Editorial Universitaria, Universidad de Puerto Rico.
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  49. How to Solve Controversies in Scenarios of Legal Pluralism?Danny Marrero - 2019 - In Adriano Fabris & Giovanni Scarafile (eds.), Controversies in the Contemporary World. John Benjamins Publishing Company. pp. 261-276.
    In this paper I propose a method to solve controversies in scenarios of legal pluralism. Shortly, in scenarios of legal pluralism some of the controversies involve members of culturally differentiated groups who justify their allegations with arguments that only make sense in the culture to which they belong. If the adjudicator does not share the same cultural worldview as the parts under litigation, how can he/she come to make a decision determining the parties’ rights and obligations? My answer for this (...)
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  50. ¿La víctima como actor procesal? Sobre las inconsistencias del concepto de víctima en el procedimiento penal colombiano.Danny Marrero - 2007 - Revista de Derecho Público 20:1-28.
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