Results for 'Homogeneity'

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  1. Homogeneous Simples.Mark Scala - 2002 - Philosophy and Phenomenological Research 64 (2):393-397.
    I give reasons to suggest that the various ‘homogeneous substance’ objections to perdurance theory should not be regarded as raising serious difficulties. The main strategy is to show that there are equally exotic possibilities involving extended mereological simples that may turn the tables on the endurance theorist, insofar as she will have difficulties with these cases analogous to those she raises for the perdurantist. I conclude that such exotic cases are less useful that we might suppose in adjudicating between these (...)
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    Homogeneous iteration and measure one covering relative to HOD.Natasha Dobrinen & Sy-David Friedman - 2008 - Archive for Mathematical Logic 47 (7-8):711-718.
    Relative to a hyperstrong cardinal, it is consistent that measure one covering fails relative to HOD. In fact it is consistent that there is a superstrong cardinal and for every regular cardinal κ, κ + is greater than κ + of HOD. The proof uses a very general lemma showing that homogeneity is preserved through certain reverse Easton iterations.
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    Homogeneity of spacetime implies the free Schrödinger equation.Shan Gao - unknown
    The free Schrödinger equation is shown to be a consequence of spacetime homogeneity in the non-relativistic domain. This may help understand the origin of the wave equations in quantum theory.
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    On -Homogeneous, but Not -Transitive Permutation Groups.Saharon Shelah & Lajos Soukup - 2023 - Journal of Symbolic Logic 88 (1):363-380.
    A permutation group G on a set A is ${\kappa }$ -homogeneous iff for all $X,Y\in \bigl [ {A} \bigr ]^ {\kappa } $ with $|A\setminus X|=|A\setminus Y|=|A|$ there is a $g\in G$ with $g[X]=Y$. G is ${\kappa }$ -transitive iff for any injective function f with $\operatorname {dom}(f)\cup \operatorname {ran}(f)\in \bigl [ {A} \bigr ]^ {\le {\kappa }} $ and $|A\setminus \operatorname {dom}(f)|=|A\setminus \operatorname {ran}(f)|=|A|$ there is a $g\in G$ with $f\subset g$.Giving a partial answer to a question of (...)
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  5. Individual homogenization in large-scale systems: on the politics of computer and social architectures.Jens Bürger & Andres Laguna-Tapia - 2020 - Palgrave Communications 6 (47).
    One determining characteristic of contemporary sociopolitical systems is their power over increasingly large and diverse populations. This raises questions about power relations between heterogeneous individuals and increasingly dominant and homogenizing system objectives. This article crosses epistemic boundaries by integrating computer engineering and a historicalphilosophical approach making the general organization of individuals within large-scale systems and corresponding individual homogenization intelligible. From a versatile archeological-genealogical perspective, an analysis of computer and social architectures is conducted that reinterprets Foucault’s disciplines and political anatomy to (...)
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    Uncountable Homogeneous Partial Orders.Manfred Droste, Dugald Macpherson & Alan Mekler - 2002 - Mathematical Logic Quarterly 48 (4):525-532.
    A partially ordered set is called k-homogeneous if any isomorphism between k-element subsets extends to an automorphism of . Assuming the set-theoretic assumption ⋄, it is shown that for each k, there exist partially ordered sets of size ϰ1 which embed each countable partial order and are k-homogeneous, but not -homogeneous. This is impossible in the countable case for k ≥ 4.
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    Metrically homogeneous graphs of diameter 3.Daniela A. Amato, Gregory Cherlin & H. Dugald Macpherson - 2021 - Journal of Mathematical Logic 21 (1):2050020.
    We classify countable metrically homogeneous graphs of diameter 3.
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  8. Free choice and homogeneity.Simon Goldstein - 2019 - Semantics and Pragmatics 12:1-48.
    This paper develops a semantic solution to the puzzle of Free Choice permission. The paper begins with a battery of impossibility results showing that Free Choice is in tension with a variety of classical principles, including Disjunction Introduction and the Law of Excluded Middle. Most interestingly, Free Choice appears incompatible with a principle concerning the behavior of Free Choice under negation, Double Prohibition, which says that Mary can’t have soup or salad implies Mary can’t have soup and Mary can’t have (...)
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    Homogeneity, selection, and the faithfulness condition.Daniel Steel - 2006 - Minds and Machines 16 (3):303-317.
    The faithfulness condition (FC) is a useful principle for inferring causal structure from statistical data. The usual motivation for the FC appeals to theorems showing that exceptions to it have probability zero, provided that some apparently reasonable assumptions obtain. However, some have objected that, the theorems notwithstanding, exceptions to the FC are probable in commonly occurring circumstances. I argue that exceptions to the FC are probable in the circumstances specified by this objection only given the presence of a condition that (...)
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    Homogeneous changes in cofinalities with applications to HOD.Omer Ben-Neria & Spencer Unger - 2017 - Journal of Mathematical Logic 17 (2):1750007.
    We present a new technique for changing the cofinality of large cardinals using homogeneous forcing. As an application we show that many singular cardinals in [Formula: see text] can be measurable in HOD. We also answer a related question of Cummings, Friedman and Golshani by producing a model in which every regular uncountable cardinal [Formula: see text] in [Formula: see text] is [Formula: see text]-supercompact in HOD.
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    Simple stable homogeneous expansions of Hilbert spaces.Alexander Berenstein & Steven Buechler - 2004 - Annals of Pure and Applied Logic 128 (1-3):75-101.
    We study simplicity and stability in some large strongly homogeneous expansions of Hilbert spaces. Our approach to simplicity is that of Buechler and Lessmann 69). All structures we consider are shown to have built-in canonical bases.
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    Homogeneity in relatively free groups.Oleg Belegradek - 2012 - Archive for Mathematical Logic 51 (7-8):781-787.
    We prove that any torsion-free, residually finite relatively free group of infinite rank is not \documentclass[12pt]{minimal} \usepackage{amsmath} \usepackage{wasysym} \usepackage{amsfonts} \usepackage{amssymb} \usepackage{amsbsy} \usepackage{mathrsfs} \usepackage{upgreek} \setlength{\oddsidemargin}{-69pt} \begin{document}$${\aleph_1}$$\end{document} -homogeneous. This generalizes Sklinos’ result that a free group of infinite rank is not \documentclass[12pt]{minimal} \usepackage{amsmath} \usepackage{wasysym} \usepackage{amsfonts} \usepackage{amssymb} \usepackage{amsbsy} \usepackage{mathrsfs} \usepackage{upgreek} \setlength{\oddsidemargin}{-69pt} \begin{document}$${\aleph_1}$$\end{document} -homogeneous, and, in particular, gives a new simple proof of that result.
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    σ-Homogeneity of Borel sets.Alexey Ostrovsky - 2011 - Archive for Mathematical Logic 50 (5-6):661-664.
    We give an affirmative answer to the following question: Is any Borel subset of a Cantor set C a sum of a countable number of pairwise disjoint h-homogeneous subspaces that are closed in X? It follows that every Borel set \documentclass[12pt]{minimal} \usepackage{amsmath} \usepackage{wasysym} \usepackage{amsfonts} \usepackage{amssymb} \usepackage{amsbsy} \usepackage{mathrsfs} \usepackage{upgreek} \setlength{\oddsidemargin}{-69pt} \begin{document}$${X \subset {\bf R}^n}$$\end{document} can be partitioned into countably many h-homogeneous subspaces that are Gδ-sets in X.
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    Totalitarianism, homogeneity of power, depth : Towards a socio-political ontology.Anthony J. Steinbock - 1989 - Tijdschrift Voor Filosofie 51 (4):621 - 648.
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    Homogeneous 1‐based structures and interpretability in random structures.Vera Koponen - 2017 - Mathematical Logic Quarterly 63 (1-2):6-18.
    Let V be a finite relational vocabulary in which no symbol has arity greater than 2. Let be countable V‐structure which is homogeneous, simple and 1‐based. The first main result says that if is, in addition, primitive, then it is strongly interpretable in a random structure. The second main result, which generalizes the first, implies (without the assumption on primitivity) that if is “coordinatized” by a set with SU‐rank 1 and there is no definable (without parameters) nontrivial equivalence relation on (...)
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    Finite Homogeneous 3‐Graphs.Alistair H. Lachlan & Allyson Tripp - 1995 - Mathematical Logic Quarterly 41 (3):287-306.
  17.  53
    Homogeneous and universal dedekind algebras.George Weaver - 2000 - Studia Logica 64 (2):173-192.
    A Dedekind algebra is an order pair (B, h) where B is a non-empty set and h is a similarity transformation on B. Each Dedekind algebra can be decomposed into a family of disjoint, countable subalgebras called the configurations of the algebra. There are 0 isomorphism types of configurations. Each Dedekind algebra is associated with a cardinal-valued function on called its configuration signature. The configuration signature counts the number of configurations in each isomorphism type which occur in the decomposition of (...)
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    The homogeneous gravitational field.E. L. Schucking - 1985 - Foundations of Physics 15 (5):571-577.
    The homogeneous gravitational field is obtained from a Schwarzschild field in the limit of infinite mass.
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    Moral Beliefs and Cognitive Homogeneity.Nevia Dolcini - 2018 - Rivista Internazionale di Filosofia e Psicologia 9 (1):89-94.
    : The Emotional Perception Model of moral judgment intends to account for experientialism about morality and moral reasoning. In explaining how moral beliefs are formed and applied in practical reasoning, the model attempts to overcome the mismatch between reason and action/desire: morality isn’t about reason for actions, yet moral beliefs, if caused by desires, may play a motivational role in agency. The account allows for two kinds of moral beliefs: genuine moral beliefs, which enjoy a relation to desire, and motivationally (...)
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    Homogeneously Suslin sets in tame mice.Farmer Schlutzenberg - 2012 - Journal of Symbolic Logic 77 (4):1122-1146.
    This paper studies homogeneously Suslin (hom) sets of reals in tame mice. The following results are established: In 0 ¶ the hom sets are precisely the [Symbol] sets. In M n every hom set is correctly [Symbol] and (δ + 1)-universally Baire where ä is the least Woodin. In M u every hom set is <λ-hom, where λ is the supremum of the Woodins.
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    Homogeneously Souslin sets in small inner models.Peter Koepke & Ralf Schindler - 2006 - Archive for Mathematical Logic 45 (1):53-61.
    We prove that every homogeneously Souslin set is coanalytic provided that either (a) 0long does not exist, or else (b) V = K, where K is the core model below a μ-measurable cardinal.
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  22. The Homogeneity and the Heterogeneity of the Concept of the Good in Plato.Robert Elliott Allinson - 1982 - Philosophical Inquiry 4 (1):30-39.
    The thesis I should like to advance in this essay is that Plato cannot and, in fact, does not adhere consistently to the doctrine that to know the good is to do the good. First, in order to display the paradoxes in the Platonic ethical system, I shall discuss the concept of the homogeneity of the good which Plato explicitly endorses. Second, by referring to Plato's practice, I shall endeavor to demonstrate that he treats the good as heterogeneous although (...)
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  23. The aesthetic homogenization of cities.C. Thi Nguyen - 2022 - Apa Studies 22 (1):7-10.
    Why are cities looking more and more alike? Why do hipster coffee shops and clothing boutiques all share that same vibe? One answer is that gentrification represents an invasive force that forcibly re-models cities, from the top-down, to meet the monotone eye of the gentrifier. Gentrification brings in external developers and designers, who create new businesses which all meet that one monotonous aesthetic mold. But I suggest, using work from Quill Kukla and Jane Jacobs, that this top-down model of gentrification (...)
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    Homogeneity Test of Many-to-One Risk Differences for Correlated Binary Data under Optimal Algorithms.Keyi Mou & Zhiming Li - 2021 - Complexity 2021:1-29.
    In clinical studies, it is important to investigate the effectiveness of different therapeutic designs, especially, multiple treatment groups to one control group. The paper mainly studies homogeneity test of many-to-one risk differences from correlated binary data under optimal algorithms. Under Donner’s model, several algorithms are compared in order to obtain global and constrained MLEs in terms of accuracy and efficiency. Further, likelihood ratio, score, and Wald-type statistics are proposed to test whether many-to-one risk differences are equal based on optimal (...)
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  25. Homogeneity in Aristotle's Metaphysics.Heike Sefrin-Weis - 2002 - Dissertation, University of Pittsburgh
    In this dissertation, I investigate the role of Aristotle's theory of science, and specifically the homogeneity criterion, for the set-up of Aristotle's metaphysics project as sketched in Met. IV, 1--3 and VI, 1. I argue that Aristotelian metaphysics takes shape through a dialectical argument stretching from Met. I to VI, 1. Along this path, both Aristotle's theory of science , and the Platonist competitor in metaphysics are constantly kept in view. They propel the argument at crucial stages. The resulting (...)
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    (1 other version)S-homogeneity and automorphism groups.Elisabeth Bouscaren & Michael C. Laskowski - 1993 - Journal of Symbolic Logic 58 (4):1302-1322.
    We consider the question of when, given a subset A of M, the setwise stabilizer of the group of automorphisms induces a closed subgroup on Sym(A). We define s-homogeneity to be the analogue of homogeneity relative to strong embeddings and show that any subset of a countable, s-homogeneous, ω-stable structure induces a closed subgroup and contrast this with a number of negative results. We also show that for ω-stable structures s-homogeneity is preserved under naming countably many constants, (...)
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    Non-homogeneity of quotients of Prikry forcings.Moti Gitik & Eyal Kaplan - 2019 - Archive for Mathematical Logic 58 (5-6):649-710.
    We study non-homogeneity of quotients of Prikry and tree Prikry forcings with non-normal ultrafilters over some natural distributive forcing notions.
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  28. Homogeneity and explanatory depth.John Meixner - 1979 - Philosophy of Science 46 (3):366-381.
    Wesley Salmon has recently proposed a new theory of scientific explanation based on a model which he calls the statistical-relevance model. It is intended primarily as an account of the structure of explanations of particular events--explanations which, according to Salmon, are very often motivated largely by practical concerns. Two important features of this account are the concepts of homogeneity and screening off. In this paper we argue that the employment of these two concepts (which, in fact, are intimately connected) (...)
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    The Homogeneous Bodies in Meteorology iv 12.Christopher V. Mirus - 2006 - Ancient Philosophy 26 (1):45-64.
    In 'Meteorology' IV.12, Aristotle explains that homogeneous bodies are defined in terms of their functiony "function" he does nos not mean, as Gill has argued, a functional role in some living thing or artifact, but rather a power of acting or being affected that each homogeneous body has in its own right. This points toward a teleology in Aristotle that is less dependent on his biology than has recently been argued.
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    The Homogeneous Hamilton–Jacobi and Bernoulli Equations Revisited.Philippe Choquard - 2001 - Foundations of Physics 31 (4):623-640.
    The one-dimensional case of the homogeneous Hamilton–Jacobi and Bernoulli equations St $${\raise0.7ex\hbox{$1$} \!\mathord{\left/ {\vphantom {1 2}}\right.\kern-0em}\!\lower0.7ex\hbox{$2$}}$$ S x 2 =0, where S(x, t) is Hamilton's principal function of a free particle and also Bernoulli's momentum potential of a perfect liquid, is considered. Non-elementary solutions are looked for in terms of odd power series in t with x-dependent coefficients and even power series in x with t-dependent coefficients. In both cases, and depending upon initial conditions, unexpected regularities are observed in the (...)
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  31. Relevant Logics Obeying Component Homogeneity.Roberto Ciuni, Damian Szmuc & Thomas Macaulay Ferguson - 2018 - Australasian Journal of Logic 15 (2):301-361.
    This paper discusses three relevant logics that obey Component Homogeneity - a principle that Goddard and Routley introduce in their project of a logic of significance. The paper establishes two main results. First, it establishes a general characterization result for two families of logic that obey Component Homogeneity - that is, we provide a set of necessary and sufficient conditions for their consequence relations. From this, we derive characterization results for S*fde, dS*fde, crossS*fde. Second, the paper establishes complete (...)
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    Automorphisms of Homogeneous Structures.A. Ivanov - 2005 - Notre Dame Journal of Formal Logic 46 (4):419-424.
    We give an example of a simple ω-categorical theory such that for any finite set of parameters the corresponding constant expansion does not satisfy the PAPA. We describe a wide class of homogeneous structures with generic automorphisms and show that some natural reducts of our example belong to this class.
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    Ultimate homogeneity: A dialogue.Stephen Friedman - 1988 - Philosophy Research Archives 14:425-53.
    Throughout his metaphysical writings, Sellars maintains that current microtheory, with its particulate paradigm, can never depict adequately---even in principle---a universe populated with sentient beings like us. Why not? Experience for us involves the presence of an occurrent perceptual core of ultimately homogeneous secondary qualities. Sellars’ “Grain Argument” demonstrates that physical objects qua clouds of discrete particles cannot instantiate such qualities and that they cannot be assigned to an intrasentient realm construed as clusters of discrete, particulate neurons. Neither, contends Sellars, can (...)
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    Homogeneity and diversity: comparing Japanese and American perspectives on harmony and disagreement.Barbara J. Thayer-Bacon - 2009 - Ethics and Education 4 (2):153-162.
    My article aims to develop a relational, pluralistic political theory that moves beyond standard theories of liberal democracy, and to consider how such a theory translates into our public school settings. I use a narrative style argument to share stories that focus on homogeneity and diversity from my visit to a Japanese elementary school, as I consider, drawing on the work of Chantal Mouffe, the important role harmony and disagreement, and a tension between homogeneity and diversity, play in (...)
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    Homogeneous structures with nonuniversal automorphism groups.Wiesław Kubiś & Saharon Shelah - 2020 - Journal of Symbolic Logic 85 (2):817-827.
    We present three examples of countable homogeneous structures whose automorphism groups are not universal, namely, fail to contain isomorphic copies of all automorphism groups of their substructures.Our first example is a particular case of a rather general construction on Fraïssé classes, which we call diversification, leading to automorphism groups containing copies of all finite groups. Our second example is a special case of another general construction on Fraïssé classes, the mixed sums, leading to a Fraïssé class with all finite symmetric (...)
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    Exploiting homogeneity in games with non-homogeneous revenue functions.Antoni Rubí-Barceló & Walter Ferrarese - 2023 - Theory and Decision 96 (2):333-349.
    We exploit the properties of homogeneous functions to characterize the symmetric pure-strategy Nash equilibria of n-player symmetric games in which each player’s revenue function is not homogeneous but it can be decomposed into the sum of homogeneous functions with different degrees of homogeneity. Our results aim to provide a pathway for an easy computation of symmetric equilibria for this type of games. We discuss our results in a Cournot game, a contest game, and a public good game.
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    Bounding Homogeneous Models.Barbara F. Csima, Valentina S. Harizanov, Denis R. Hirschfeldt & Robert I. Soare - 2007 - Journal of Symbolic Logic 72 (1):305 - 323.
    A Turing degree d is homogeneous bounding if every complete decidable (CD) theory has a d-decidable homogeneous model A, i.e., the elementary diagram De (A) has degree d. It follows from results of Macintyre and Marker that every PA degree (i.e., every degree of a complete extension of Peano Arithmetic) is homogeneous bounding. We prove that in fact a degree is homogeneous bounding if and only if it is a PA degree. We do this by showing that there is a (...)
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    (1 other version)Objective Homogeneity Relativized.Joseph F. Hanna - 1986 - PSA: Proceedings of the Biennial Meeting of the Philosophy of Science Association 1986:422 - 431.
    In his recent book Scientific Explanation and the Causal Structure of the World Wesley Salmon provides a detailed explanation of objective homogeneity, a concept which is central to his S-R model of explanation. 1 propose a modification of Salmon's definition which both simplifies and (in minor ways) corrects it, while at the same time generalizes it by including an important temporal factor that is missing from the original. I argue that if the world is irreducibly stochastic, then objective probabilities (...)
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  39. A homogeneous system for formal logic.R. M. Martin - 1943 - Journal of Symbolic Logic 8 (1):1-23.
    Two more or less standard methods exist for the systematic, logical construction of classical mathematics, the so-called theory of types, due in the main to Russell, and the Zermelo axiomatic set theory. In systems based upon either of these, the connective of membership, “ε”, plays a fundamental role. Usually although not always it figures as a primitive or undefined symbol.Following the familiar simplification of Russell's theory, let us mean by alogical typein the strict sense any one of the following: (i) (...)
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    The Homogeneous Hamilton–Jacobi and Bernoulli Equations Revisited, II.Joël Wagner & Philippe Choquard - 2002 - Foundations of Physics 32 (8):1225-1249.
    It is shown that the admissible solutions of the continuity and Bernoulli or Burgers' equations of a perfect one-dimensional liquid are conditioned by a relation established in 1949–1950 by Pauli, Morette, and Van Hove, apparently, overlooked so far, which, in our case, stipulates that the mass density is proportional to the second derivative of the velocity potential. Positivity of the density implies convexity of the potential, i.e., smooth solutions, no shock. Non-elementary and symmetric solutions of the above equations are given (...)
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    Local Homogeneity.Bektur Baizhanov & John T. Baldwin - 2004 - Journal of Symbolic Logic 69 (4):1243 - 1260.
    We study the expansion of stable structures by adding predicates for arbitrary subsets. Generalizing work of Poizat-Bouscaren on the one hand and Baldwin-Benedikt-Casanovas-Ziegler on the other we provide a sufficient condition (Theorem 4.7) for such an expansion to be stable. This generalization weakens the original definitions in two ways: dealing with arbitrary subsets rather than just submodels and removing the 'small' or 'belles paires' hypothesis. We use this generalization to characterize in terms of pairs, the 'triviality' of the geometry on (...)
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    Isomorphism of Homogeneous Structures.John D. Clemens - 2009 - Notre Dame Journal of Formal Logic 50 (1):1-22.
    We consider the complexity of the isomorphism relation on countable first-order structures with transitive automorphism groups. We use the theory of Borel reducibility of equivalence relations to show that the isomorphism problem for vertex-transitive graphs is as complicated as the isomorphism problem for arbitrary graphs and determine for which first-order languages the isomorphism problem for transitive countable structures is as complicated as it is for arbitrary countable structures. We then use these results to characterize the complexity of the isometry relation (...)
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    The generalized homogeneity assumption and the Condorcet jury theorem.Ruth Ben-Yashar - 2014 - Theory and Decision 77 (2):237-241.
    The Condorcet jury theorem (CJT) is based on the assumption of homogeneous voters who imperfectly know the correct policy. We reassess the validity of the CJT when voters are homogeneous and each knows the correct decision with an average probability of more than a half.
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    Chain homogeneous Souslin algebras.Gido Scharfenberger-Fabian - 2011 - Mathematical Logic Quarterly 57 (6):591-610.
    Assuming Jensen's principle ◊+ we construct Souslin algebras all of whose maximal chains are pairwise isomorphic as total orders, thereby answering questions of Koppelberg and Todorčević.
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    Morley Rank in Homogeneous Models.Alexei Kolesnikov & G. V. N. G. Krishnamurthi - 2006 - Notre Dame Journal of Formal Logic 47 (3):319-329.
    We define an appropriate analog of the Morley rank in a totally transcendental homogeneous model with type diagram D. We show that if RM[p] = α then for some 1 ≤ n < ω the type p has n, but not n + 1, distinct D-extensions of rank α. This is surprising, because the proof of the statement in the first-order case depends heavily on compactness. We also show that types over (D,ℵ₀)-homogeneous models have multiplicity (Morley degree) 1.
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    On the homogeneity of space and time in special relativity.José A. Ferrari - 1991 - Journal for General Philosophy of Science / Zeitschrift für Allgemeine Wissenschaftstheorie 22 (1):169-171.
    Summary From the following discussion, we conclude that: (a) the homogeneity of space implies (in special relativity) the homogeneity of time, and vice versa; (b) the assumption of homogeneity of space (or time) implies that the transformation formulae must be linear (see Equations (10) and (17)).
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    Objectively homogeneous reference classes.Wesley C. Salmon - 1977 - Synthese 36 (4):399 - 414.
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    Homogeneity” and Constitutional Democracy: Coping with Identity Conflicts through Group Rights.Claus Offe - 2002 - Journal of Political Philosophy 6 (2):113-141.
    In this article I explore some ancient issues of political theory in the light of some contemporary social and cultural issues. After developing a check list of the virtues and vulnerabilities of constitutional democracy (Section I), I go on to discuss some types and symptoms of difference, conflict, fragmentation and heterogeneity (Section II). I then proceed to a critical review of a particular set of strategies and institutional solutions—political group rights—that are often thought promising devices for strengthening the virtues and (...)
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    De‐Homogenizing American Individualism: Socializing Hard and Soft Individualism in Manhattan and Queens.Adrie Suzanne Kusserow - 1999 - Ethos: Journal of the Society for Psychological Anthropology 27 (2):210-234.
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    Locally modular geometries in homogeneous structures.Tapani Hyttinen - 2005 - Mathematical Logic Quarterly 51 (3):291.
    We show that if M is a strongly minimal large homogeneous structure in a countable similarity type and the pregeometry of M is locally modular but not modular, then the pregeometry is affine over a division ring.
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