Results for 'Hung-tsʻai Kuo'

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  1. Kung-sun Lung-tzu yen chiu.Hung-tsʻai Kuo - 1977
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  2. Chʻi-kʻo-kuo tsʻun tsai kai nien.Mei-chu Tsʻai - 1972
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  3. Chu tsai hsin kuo.Chao-chʻi Tsʻai - 1977
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    (1 other version)What is Beauty and Wherein Does Beauty Lie?Hung I.-Jan - 1974 - Contemporary Chinese Thought 6 (2):69-84.
    The essays on aesthetics in recent publications, beginning with the criticisms of Chu Kuang-ch'ien's point of view in aesthetics and continuing down to his article "How Can Aesthetics be Materialistic and Dialectic?" [Mei-hsüeh tsen-yang ts'ai neng shih wei-wu ti yu shih pien-cheng ti?"], have focused on the problem of the relationship between the subjective and the objective in beauty and in sense of beauty. This is a fundamental problem in aesthetics, and only when we have solved this problem can we (...)
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  5. Tsʻun tsai chu i ta shih Hai-te-ko che hsüeh.Mei-li Tsʻai - 1970 - Edited by Martin Heidegger.
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  6. Fa lŭ hsüeh tʻung lun.Tsʻai-chên Chu - unknown
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  7. Fa lü hsüeh ABC.Tsʻai-chên Chu - unknown
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    (1 other version)Why is Chu Kuang-Ch'ien's Aesthetic Thought Subjective Idealism?Ts'ai I. - 1975 - Contemporary Chinese Thought 6 (3):62-118.
    In the realm of man's culture, among the things created by man, art should be beautiful; its primary essential characteristic should be that it be able to evoke a sense of beauty in the person, that by its beauty it be able to provide for the person the pleasure of the sense of beauty. This is a fact that no one can deny outright. However, saying that art should be beautiful is not the same as saying that all art is (...)
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  9. Hsin mei hsüeh.I. Tsʻai - 1947
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  10. Lun chʻeng shih hsin yung ti yüan tse.Chang-lin Tsʻai - 1951 - [s.n.,: Edited by Chang-lin Tsʻai.
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  11. Sung Ming li hsüeh.Jen-hou Tsʻai - 1977
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    Zhuangzi Speaks: The Music of Nature.Chih-Chung Ts'ai - 1992 - Princeton University Press.
    Selections from the sayings of Zhuangzi rendered into cartoon form and translated into English.
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    The Present State of Affairs and The Tasks of the World Democratic Women's Movement.Ts'ai Ch'ang & Madame Li Fu-ch'un - 1972 - Chinese Studies in History 5 (4):212-222.
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  14. Chʻu shih chê hsüeh.Mi-tsʻai Li - 1953
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    Teng t'O Disseminates Poison at a Peking Daily Meeting.Ts'ai Shao-Ching - 1970 - Chinese Studies in History 3 (3):181-183.
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    Superior Performance in Skilled Golfers Characterized by Dynamic Neuromotor Processes Related to Attentional Focus.Kuo-Pin Wang, Cornelia Frank, Yen-yu Tsai, Kao-Hung Lin, Tai-Ting Chen, Ming-Yang Cheng, Chung-Ju Huang, Tsung-Min Hung & Thomas Schack - 2021 - Frontiers in Psychology 12.
    The meshed control theory assumes that cognitive control and automatic processes work together in the natural attention of experts for superior performance. However, the methods adopted by previous studies limit their capacity to provide in-depth information on the neuromotor processes. This experiment tested the theory with an alternative approach. Twelve skilled golfers were recruited to perform a putting task under three conditions: (1) normal condition, with no focus instruction (NC), (2) external focus of attention condition (EC), and (3) internal focus (...)
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    A Study on Flipped Learning Concerning Learning Motivation and Learning Attitude in Language Learning.Chi-Pu Chou, Kuo-Wei Chen & Chia-Jen Hung - 2021 - Frontiers in Psychology 12.
    From the popularity of flipped teaching in United States primary and high schools, it is thought that students have more learning control to adjust to the learning progress and are assisted in problem solving and learning guidance during class period. It is believed that flipped teaching could prompt underachieving learners’ active learning and thereby enhance learning effectiveness. A total of 386 high school students in Chungli, Taiwan, were part of an experimental study and the research results are summarized below: Students (...)
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    身體與自然: 以(黃帝內經素問)為中心論古代思想傳統中的身體觀.Pi-Ming Ts Ai - 1997 - [Taipei]:
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  19. (1 other version)Yen Hsi-chai hsüeh pʻu.Ai-chʻun Kuo - 1957
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    Using paper chart based clinical reminders to improve guideline adherence to lipid management.Chi-Sheng Hung, Jou-Wei Lin, Juey-Jen Hwang, Ru-Yi Tsai & Ai-Tzu Li - 2008 - Journal of Evaluation in Clinical Practice 14 (5):861-866.
  21. Societal-Level Versus Individual-Level Predictions of Ethical Behavior: A 48-Society Study of Collectivism and Individualism.David A. Ralston, Carolyn P. Egri, Olivier Furrer, Min-Hsun Kuo, Yongjuan Li, Florian Wangenheim, Marina Dabic, Irina Naoumova, Katsuhiko Shimizu, María Teresa Garza Carranza, Ping Ping Fu, Vojko V. Potocan, Andre Pekerti, Tomasz Lenartowicz, Narasimhan Srinivasan, Tania Casado, Ana Maria Rossi, Erna Szabo, Arif Butt, Ian Palmer, Prem Ramburuth, David M. Brock, Jane Terpstra-Tong, Ilya Grison, Emmanuelle Reynaud, Malika Richards, Philip Hallinger, Francisco B. Castro, Jaime Ruiz-Gutiérrez, Laurie Milton, Mahfooz Ansari, Arunas Starkus, Audra Mockaitis, Tevfik Dalgic, Fidel León-Darder, Hung Vu Thanh, Yong-lin Moon, Mario Molteni, Yongqing Fang, Jose Pla-Barber, Ruth Alas, Isabelle Maignan, Jorge C. Jesuino, Chay-Hoon Lee, Joel D. Nicholson, Ho-Beng Chia, Wade Danis, Ajantha S. Dharmasiri & Mark Weber - 2014 - Journal of Business Ethics 122 (2):283–306.
    Is the societal-level of analysis sufficient today to understand the values of those in the global workforce? Or are individual-level analyses more appropriate for assessing the influence of values on ethical behaviors across country workforces? Using multi-level analyses for a 48-society sample, we test the utility of both the societal-level and individual-level dimensions of collectivism and individualism values for predicting ethical behaviors of business professionals. Our values-based behavioral analysis indicates that values at the individual-level make a more significant contribution to (...)
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  22. A Twenty-First Century Assessment of Values Across the Global Workforce.David A. Ralston, Carolyn P. Egri, Emmanuelle Reynaud, Narasimhan Srinivasan, Olivier Furrer, David Brock, Ruth Alas, Florian Wangenheim, Fidel León Darder, Christine Kuo, Vojko Potocan, Audra I. Mockaitis, Erna Szabo, Jaime Ruiz Gutiérrez, Andre Pekerti, Arif Butt, Ian Palmer, Irina Naoumova, Tomasz Lenartowicz, Arunas Starkus, Vu Thanh Hung, Tevfik Dalgic, Mario Molteni, María Teresa de la Garza Carranza, Isabelle Maignan, Francisco B. Castro, Yong-lin Moon, Jane Terpstra-Tong, Marina Dabic, Yongjuan Li, Wade Danis, Maria Kangasniemi, Mahfooz Ansari, Liesl Riddle, Laurie Milton, Philip Hallinger, Detelin Elenkov, Ilya Girson, Modesta Gelbuda, Prem Ramburuth, Tania Casado, Ana Maria Rossi, Malika Richards, Cheryl Van Deusen, Ping-Ping Fu, Paulina Man Kei Wan, Moureen Tang, Chay-Hoon Lee, Ho-Beng Chia, Yongquin Fan & Alan Wallace - 2011 - Journal of Business Ethics 104 (1):1-31.
    This article provides current Schwartz Values Survey (SVS) data from samples of business managers and professionals across 50 societies that are culturally and socioeconomically diverse. We report the society scores for SVS values dimensions for both individual- and societal-level analyses. At the individual-level, we report on the ten circumplex values sub-dimensions and two sets of values dimensions (collectivism and individualism; openness to change, conservation, self-enhancement, and self-transcendence). At the societal-level, we report on the values dimensions of embeddedness, hierarchy, mastery, affective (...)
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  23. Tsʻung she hui hsin li tʻan she hui feng chʻi.Wei-fan Kuo - 1976
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  24. Tsʻung kuo fu ssu hsiang kʻan Tu-wei ti chih shih lun.Chʻang-Ching Li - 1980 - Chung Yang Yen Chiu Yüan San Min Chu I Yen Chiu So.
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  25. Kuo fu ssŭ hsiang chih chê hsüeh tʻi hsi.Tsai-Yang Tsʻui - 1965
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  26. Erratum to: A Twenty-First Century Assessment of Values Across the Global Workforce.David A. Ralston, Carolyn P. Egri, Emmanuelle Reynaud, Narasimhan Srinivasan, Olivier Furrer, David Brock, Ruth Alas, Florian Wangenheim, Fidel León Darder, Christine Kuo, Vojko Potocan, Audra I. Mockaitis, Erna Szabo, Jaime Ruiz Gutiérrez, Andre Pekerti, Arif Butt, Ian Palmer, Irina Naoumova, Tomasz Lenartowicz, Arunas Starkus, Vu Thanh Hung, Tevfik Dalgic, Mario Molteni, María Teresa de la Garza Carranza, Isabelle Maignan, Francisco B. Castro, Yong-lin Moon, Jane Terpstra-Tong, Marina Dabic, Yongjuan Li, Wade Danis, Maria Kangasniemi, Mahfooz Ansari, Liesl Riddle, Laurie Milton, Philip Hallinger, Detelin Elenkov, Ilya Girson, Modesta Gelbuda, Prem Ramburuth, Tania Casado, Ana Maria Rossi, Malika Richards, Cheryl Van Deusen, Ping-Ping Fu, Paulina Man Kei Wan, Moureen Tang, Chay-Hoon Lee, Ho-Beng Chia, Yongquin Fan & Alan Wallace - 2011 - Journal of Business Ethics 104 (4):589-590.
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    Think Hard or Think Smart: Network Reconfigurations After Divergent Thinking Associate With Creativity Performance.Hong-Yi Wu, Bo-Cheng Kuo, Chih-Mao Huang, Pei-Jung Tsai, Ai-Ling Hsu, Li-Ming Hsu, Chi-Yun Liu, Jyh-Horng Chen & Changwei W. Wu - 2020 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 14.
    Evidence suggests divergent thinking is the cognitive basis of creative thoughts. Neuroimaging literature using resting-state functional connectivity has revealed network reorganizations during divergent thinking. Recent studies have revealed the changes of network organizations when performing creativity tasks, but such brain reconfigurations may be prolonged after task and be modulated by the trait of creativity. To investigate the dynamic reconfiguration, 40 young participants were recruited to perform consecutive Alternative Uses Tasks for divergent thinking and two resting-state scans were used for mapping (...)
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  28. Hsing ming chê hsüeh.Tʻai-tsʻang Li - 1957
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  29. On the person-based predictive policing of AI.Tzu-Wei Hung & Chun-Ping Yen - 2020 - Ethics and Information Technology 23 (3):165-176.
    Should you be targeted by police for a crime that AI predicts you will commit? In this paper, we analyse when, and to what extent, the person-based predictive policing (PP) — using AI technology to identify and handle individuals who are likely to breach the law — could be justifiably employed. We first examine PP’s epistemological limits, and then argue that these defects by no means refrain from its usage; they are worse in humans. Next, based on major AI ethics (...)
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    (2 other versions)Ai ssu-ch'I's philosophy.Ignatius J. H. Ts'ao - 1972 - Studies in East European Thought 12 (3):231-244.
    In Ai Ssu-ch'i is exemplified and substantiated the Soviet influence on the official definition of philosophy in the history of Communist Party of China, i.e., the assertion about and the method for knowledge of the world. Such a philosophical knowledge has as its formal object the most fundamental laws of the universe.In order to acquire such a genuine philosophical knowledge, one needs a desire to change the world and a proletarian point of view. For only by aiming at changing the (...)
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    Ai ssu-ch'I: The Apostle of chinese communism.Ignatius J. H. Ts'ao - 1972 - Studies in East European Thought 12 (1):2-36.
    Ai Ssu-ch'i is a little known but very important figure in the introduction of Marxism-Leninism into China. This first article provides a brief biography of Ai Ssu-ch'i as well as a detailed account of his activities as teacher, author and propagandist. Among his other services to the cause of Marxism-Leninism in China, one has to stress Ai Ssu-ch'i's systematic opposition to Yeh Ch'ing and to the non-Communist interpretation of Dr. Sun Yat-sen's Three Principles of the People. (cf.SST 10 (1970), 138–166.).
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    Tsʻai Yüan-Pʻei, Educator of Modern China.William J. Duiker - 1964 - Pennsylvania State University Press.
    In the broadest sense, this intellectual biography is designed to give insight into the reasons why Western values and institutions failed to take root in the Chinese environment. Three interrelated themes are treated by Professor Duiker: the evolution of the Chinese educational system from the beginning of the 20th century to World War II; the process by which a Chinese intellectual absorbed Western values and attitudes while retaining significant elements of his traditional Confucian world view; the goals of the humanist (...)
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    Ts’ai Yuan-p’ei: Educator of Modern China.William J. Duiker - 1977 - Pennsylvania State University Press.
    In the broadest sense, this intellectual biography is designed to give insight into the reasons why Western values and institutions failed to take root in the Chinese environment. Three interrelated themes are treated by Professor Duiker: the evolution of the Chinese educational system from the beginning of the 20th century to World War II; the process by which a Chinese intellectual absorbed Western values and attitudes while retaining significant elements of his traditional Confucian world view; the goals of the humanist (...)
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  34. Why AI May Undermine Phronesis and What to Do about It.Cheng-Hung Tsai & Hsiu-lin Ku - forthcoming - AI and Ethics.
    Phronesis, or practical wisdom, is a capacity the possession of which enables one to make good practical judgments and thus fulfill the distinctive function of human beings. Nir Eisikovits and Dan Feldman convincingly argue that this capacity may be undermined by statistical machine-learning-based AI. The critic questions: why should we worry that AI undermines phronesis? Why can’t we epistemically defer to AI, especially when it is superintelligent? Eisikovits and Feldman acknowledge such objection but do not consider it seriously. In this (...)
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  35. Mei-Kuo Hsüeh Che Lun Chung-Kuo Fa Lü Ch Uan T Ung.Wei-Fang Ho, Hung-chün Kao & Karen Turner - 1994
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  36. Chung-kuo ssu hsiang chih yen chiu.Seiichi Uno, Shun-Lung Hung, Chʻi-Yang Chʻiu & Mao-Sung Lin (eds.) - 1977
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  37. Chung-kuo ku tai chiao yü ssŭ chʻao.I. -Hung Wang - 1934 - Shang Wu Yin Shu Kuan.
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  38. Engineering Equity: How AI Can Help Reduce the Harm of Implicit Bias.Ying-Tung Lin, Tzu-Wei Hung & Linus Ta-Lun Huang - 2020 - Philosophy and Technology 34 (S1):65-90.
    This paper focuses on the potential of “equitech”—AI technology that improves equity. Recently, interventions have been developed to reduce the harm of implicit bias, the automatic form of stereotype or prejudice that contributes to injustice. However, these interventions—some of which are assisted by AI-related technology—have significant limitations, including unintended negative consequences and general inefficacy. To overcome these limitations, we propose a two-dimensional framework to assess current AI-assisted interventions and explore promising new ones. We begin by using the case of human (...)
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    Religious Perspectives on Precision Medicine in Singapore.Tamra Lysaght, Zhixia Tan, You Guang Shi, Swami Samachittananda, Sarabjeet Singh, Roland Chia, Raza Zaidi, Malminderjit Singh, Hung Yong Tay, Chitra Sankaran, Serene Ai Kiang Ong, Angela Ballantyne & Hui Jin Toh - 2021 - Asian Bioethics Review 13 (4):473-483.
    Precision medicine (PM) aims to revolutionise healthcare, but little is known about the role religion and spirituality might play in the ethical discourse about PM. This Perspective reports the outcomes of a knowledge exchange fora with religious authorities in Singapore about data sharing for PM. While the exchange did not identify any foundational religious objections to PM, ethical concerns were raised about the possibility for private industry to profiteer from social resources and the potential for genetic discrimination by private health (...)
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  40. Ni-tsʻai ti che hsüeh.Tso-min Feng (ed.) - 1973
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  41. (1 other version)Tsʻai hsing yü hsüan li.Tsung-san Mou - 1962 - Tʻai-pei: Tʻai-wan hsüeh sheng shu chü.
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    Affective Voice Interaction and Artificial Intelligence: A Research Study on the Acoustic Features of Gender and the Emotional States of the PAD Model.Kuo-Liang Huang, Sheng-Feng Duan & Xi Lyu - 2021 - Frontiers in Psychology 12:664925.
    New types of artificial intelligence products are gradually transferring to voice interaction modes with the demand for intelligent products expanding from communication to recognizing users' emotions and instantaneous feedback. At present, affective acoustic models are constructed through deep learning and abstracted into a mathematical model, making computers learn from data and equipping them with prediction abilities. Although this method can result in accurate predictions, it has a limitation in that it lacks explanatory capability; there is an urgent need for an (...)
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    Toward a multi-culture adaptive virtual tour guide agent with a modular approach.Hung-Hsuan Huang, Aleksandra Cerekovic, Igor S. Pandzic, Yukiko Nakano & Toyoaki Nishida - 2009 - AI and Society 24 (3):225-235.
  44. Ameliorating Algorithmic Bias, or Why Explainable AI Needs Feminist Philosophy.Linus Ta-Lun Huang, Hsiang-Yun Chen, Ying-Tung Lin, Tsung-Ren Huang & Tzu-Wei Hung - 2022 - Feminist Philosophy Quarterly 8 (3).
    Artificial intelligence (AI) systems are increasingly adopted to make decisions in domains such as business, education, health care, and criminal justice. However, such algorithmic decision systems can have prevalent biases against marginalized social groups and undermine social justice. Explainable artificial intelligence (XAI) is a recent development aiming to make an AI system’s decision processes less opaque and to expose its problematic biases. This paper argues against technical XAI, according to which the detection and interpretation of algorithmic bias can be handled (...)
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  45. Artificial wisdom: a philosophical framework.Cheng-Hung Tsai - 2020 - AI and Society:937-944.
    Human excellences such as intelligence, morality, and consciousness are investigated by philosophers as well as artificial intelligence researchers. One excellence that has not been widely discussed by AI researchers is practical wisdom, the highest human excellence, or the highest, seventh, stage in Dreyfus’s model of skill acquisition. In this paper, I explain why artificial wisdom matters and how artificial wisdom is possible (in principle and in practice) by responding to two philosophical challenges to building artificial wisdom systems. The result is (...)
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    Achieving Equity with Predictive Policing Algorithms: A Social Safety Net Perspective.Chun-Ping Yen & Tzu-Wei Hung - 2021 - Science and Engineering Ethics 27 (3):1-16.
    Whereas using artificial intelligence (AI) to predict natural hazards is promising, applying a predictive policing algorithm (PPA) to predict human threats to others continues to be debated. Whereas PPAs were reported to be initially successful in Germany and Japan, the killing of Black Americans by police in the US has sparked a call to dismantle AI in law enforcement. However, although PPAs may statistically associate suspects with economically disadvantaged classes and ethnic minorities, the targeted groups they aim to protect are (...)
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  47.  24
    The Future of Collaborative Human-Artificial Intelligence Decision-Making for Mission Planning.Sue E. Kase, Chou P. Hung, Tomer Krayzman, James Z. Hare, B. Christopher Rinderspacher & Simon M. Su - 2022 - Frontiers in Psychology 13.
    In an increasingly complex military operating environment, next generation wargaming platforms can reduce risk, decrease operating costs, and improve overall outcomes. Novel Artificial Intelligence enabled wargaming approaches, based on software platforms with multimodal interaction and visualization capacity, are essential to provide the decision-making flexibility and adaptability required to meet current and emerging realities of warfighting. We highlight three areas of development for future warfighter-machine interfaces: AI-directed decisional guidance, computationally informed decision-making, and realistic representations of decision spaces. Progress in these areas (...)
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  48.  33
    The aesthetics philosophy of Ts’ai Yuan-p’ei.William J. Duiker - 1972 - Philosophy East and West 22 (4):385-401.
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    (1 other version)The Objective and the Social Aspects of Beauty: Comments on the Aesthetics of Chu Kuang-Ch'ien and Ts'ai I.Li Che-Hou - 1974 - Contemporary Chinese Thought 6 (2):54-68.
    After reading the essays of Mr. Ts'ai and Mr. Chu, I have a few immature opinions. Generally speaking, I feel that in dealing with the errors of their opponents, both Ts'ai I in his criticism of Huang Yüeh-mien and Chu Kuang-ch'ien in his criticism of Ts'ai I are quite accurate and convincing. However, in presenting their own arguments of what is right, both of them are on shaky ground and in error. That is because in one way or another, consciously (...)
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  50. (1 other version)Chung-kuo chê hsüeh shih.Tʻai Chung - 1929 - T'ai-Wan Shang Wu Yin Shu Kuan.
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