Results for 'Héctor Vargas'

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  1. El amor y la verdad y la libertad de expresión.Héctor Vargas Bastidas - 2004 - Límite: Revista de Filosofía y Psicología 11:39-55.
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    Who are benefitted with the new knowledge and therapies directed to combat cancer?Héctor Eduardo Sánchez Vargas & Mirtha Juliana Yordi García - 2017 - Humanidades Médicas 17 (3):538-564.
    Este trabajo presenta como objetivo revelar la influencia de los contextos socioeconómicos en las maneras de afrontamiento al cáncer como enfermedad. Se muestra un análisis sobre el cáncer como problema social y de salud; se analiza el papel de algunos entes sociales involucrados, el acceso de los enfermos a las terapias y de los productores de fármacos a las nuevas tecnologías. Se reflexiona acerca de la sobreevaluación de los fármacos que dificulta el acceso a novedosas y efectivas terapias; la supeditación (...)
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    Bien común e interés público en contabilidad: un hecho institucional desde la teoría de John Searle.Héctor Darío Betancur, María Victoria Agudelo Vargas & Carlos Alberto Vargas Gonzáles - 2023 - Discusiones Filosóficas 24 (43):137-168.
    El objetivo del artículo es analizar la relación entre el bien común y el interés público como un hecho institucional desde la teoría de John Searle, una categoría de la que debe partir el saber/hacer contable para construir una sociedad más justa e inclusiva. El interés público debe conducir al bien común; sin embargo, en el marco de la regulación contable internacional, el concepto se ha privatizado vinculándose con el interés financiero. Los resultados del trabajo indican que es necesario reconstruir (...)
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    The common good in Catholic Social Teaching as a basis for reflection on accounting.Carlos Vargas-González, Héctor Darío Betancur & Carlos Eduardo Castaño Ríos - 2022 - Veritas: Revista de Filosofía y Teología 53:143-168.
    Resumen Este artículo tiene por objetivo exponer cómo la contaduría como profesión puede ampliar su horizonte de reflexión sobre el concepto de bien común fundamentándose en los postulados principales de la Doctrina Social de la Iglesia dentro de su horizonte interpretativo, para lo cual se basa en una metodología cualitativa y un método dialógico fundamentado en la hermenéutica gadameriana. El principal aporte de este estudio es proponer que la contaduría, basada en el bien común desde la Doctrina Social de la (...)
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    ¿Se puede ser feliz sin Dios?: una respuesta desde el pensamiento de Albert Camus.Carlos Vargas González, Ángela Sáenz & Héctor Darío Betancur - 2023 - Discusiones Filosóficas 23 (40):113-131.
    Esta investigación tiene como finalidad responder, desde la filosofía y literatura de Camus, la pregunta de si el hombre puede ser feliz sin Dios. Para llevar a cabo este trabajo, se utiliza un método hermenéutico, pues se hace un acercamiento dialógico y holístico a las obras del pensador argelino para descubrir su pensamiento respecto a Dios y a la felicidad humana. Los principales resultados de la investigación concluyen que el hombre puede ser feliz sin Dios en la medida en que, (...)
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  6. (1 other version)'He': A study in the logic of self-consciousness.Hector-Neri Castañeda - 1966 - Ratio 8:130-157.
  7. Building better beings: a theory of moral responsibility.Manuel Vargas - 2013 - Oxford: Oxford University Press.
    Part I: Building blocks. 1. Folk convictions -- 2. Doubts about libertarianism -- 3. Nihilism and revisionism -- 4. Building a better theory -- Part II. A theory of moral responsibility. 5. The primacy of reasons -- 6. Justifying the practice -- 7. Responsible agency -- 8. Blame and desert -- 9. History and manipulation --10. Some conclusions.
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  8. The Revisionist’s Guide to Responsibility.Manuel Vargas - 2005 - Philosophical Studies 125 (3):399-429.
    Revisionism in the theory of moral responsibility is the idea that some aspect of responsibility practices, attitudes, or concept is in need of revision. While the increased frequency of revisionist language in the literature on free will and moral responsibility is striking, what discussion there has been of revisionism about responsibility and free will tends to be critical. In this paper, I argue that at least one species of revisionism, moderate revisionism, is considerably more sophisticated and defensible than critics have (...)
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    Logic and the complexity of reasoning.Hector J. Levesque - 1988 - Journal of Philosophical Logic 17 (4):355 - 389.
  10. Indicators and Quasi-Indicators.Hector-Neri Castaneda - 1967 - American Philosophical Quarterly 4 (2):85--100.
  11.  21
    Foundations of a functional approach to knowledge representation.Hector J. Levesque - 1984 - Artificial Intelligence 23 (2):155-212.
  12. Responsibility and the aims of theory: Strawson and revisionism.Manuel Vargas - 2004 - Pacific Philosophical Quarterly 85 (2):218-241.
    In recent years, reflection on the relationship between individual moral responsibility and determinism has undergone a remarkable renaissance. Incompatibilists, those who believe moral responsibility is incompatible with determinism, have offered powerful new arguments in support of their views. Compatibilists, those who think moral responsibility is compatible with determinism, have responded with ingenious counterexamples and alternative accounts of responsibility. Despite the admirable elevation of complexity and subtlety within both camps, the trajectory of the literature is somewhat discouraging. Every dialectical stalemate between (...)
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    All I know: A study in autoepistemic logic.Hector J. Levesque - 1990 - Artificial Intelligence 42 (2-3):263-309.
  14. On the importance of history for responsible agency.Manuel Vargas - 2006 - Philosophical Studies 127 (3):351-382.
    In this article I propose a resolution to the history issue for responsible agency, given a moderate revisionist approach to responsibility. Roughly, moderate revisionism is the view that a plausible and normatively adequate theory of responsibility will require principled departures from commonsense thinking. The history issue is whether morally responsible agency – that is, whether an agent is an apt target of our responsibility-characteristic practices and attitudes – is an essentially historical notion. Some have maintained that responsible agents must have (...)
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    Conditional entailment: Bridging two approaches to default reasoning.Hector Geffner & Judea Pearl - 1992 - Artificial Intelligence 53 (2-3):209-244.
  16. Vargas de Basterra, Ricardo. et al." Visión retrospectiva de los principios de la programación y su impacto en la formación de ingenieros y en la calidad de software".Mc Ricardo Vargas de Basterra & Agustín Gutiérrez Tornés - 2004 - Episteme 1 (2).
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    Making believers out of computers.Hector J. Levesque - 1986 - Artificial Intelligence 30 (1):81-108.
  18. Authenticity as an Ethical Ideal.Somogy Varga - 2011 - New York: Routledge.
    Authenticity has become a widespread ethical ideal that represents a way of dealing with normative gaps in contemporary life. This ideal suggests that one should be true to oneself and lead a life expressive of what one takes oneself to be. However, many contemporary thinkers have pointed out that the ideal of authenticity has increasingly turned into a kind of aestheticism and egoistic self-indulgence. In his book, Varga systematically constructs a critical concept of authenticity that takes into account the reciprocal (...)
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  19. A Computable Universe: Understanding and Exploring Nature as Computation.Hector Zenil - unknown
    A Computable Universe is a collection of papers discussing computation in nature and the nature of computation, a compilation of the views of the pioneers in the contemporary area of intellectual inquiry focused on computational and informational theories of the world. This volume is the definitive source of informational/computational views of the world, and of cutting-edge models of the universe, both digital and quantum, discussed from a philosophical perspective as well as in the greatest technical detail. The book discusses the (...)
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    The paradoxes of deontic logic: the simplest solution to all of them in one fell swoop.Hector-Neri Castañeda - 1981 - In Risto Hilpinen, New Studies in Deontic Logic: Norms, Actions, and the Foundations of Ethics. Dordrecht, Netherland: Wiley-Blackwell. pp. 37--85.
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  21. Individuation and Non-Identity: A New Look.Hector-Neri Castañeda - 1975 - American Philosophical Quarterly 12 (2):131 - 140.
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  22. Revisionism.Manuel Vargas - 2007 - In John Martin Fischer, Robert Kane, Derk Pereboom & Manuel Vargas, Four Views on Free Will. Oxford: Wiley-Blackwell.
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  23. Hegel y América Latina. Entre el diagnóstico de la brecha de desarrollo y el eurocentrismo.Hector Ferreiro - 2019 - Hermenéutica Intercultural (31):187-208.
    Para Hegel, Asia señala el comienzo de la historia universal, mientras que Europa señala su consumación y final. La América precolombina, al igual que la África negra, están para Hegel fuera de la historia universal; en cuanto a la historia de América tras su descubrimiento por los europeos, Hegel sostiene que lo que ha sucedido desde entonces en el continente americano proviene, en rigor, del “principio de Europa”. Hegel contrapone a su vez la historia de América Latina a la de (...)
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  24. Situationism and Moral Responsibility: Free Will in Fragments.Manuel Vargas - 2013 - In Andy Clark, Julian Kiverstein & Tillmann Vierkant, Decomposing the Will. , US: Oxford University Press USA.
    Many prominent accounts of free will and moral responsibility make use of the idea that agents can be responsive to reasons. Call such theories Reasons accounts. In what follows, I consider the tenability of Reasons accounts in light of situationist social psychology and, to a lesser extent, the automaticity literature. In the first half of this chapter, I argue that Reasons accounts are genuinely threatened by contemporary psychology. In the second half of the paper I consider whether such threats can (...)
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  25. Philosophy and the Folk: On Some Implications of Experimental Work For Philosophical Debates on Free Will.Manuel Vargas - 2006 - Journal of Cognition and Culture 6 (1-2):239-254.
    I discuss experimental work by Nichols, and Nichols and Knobe, with respect to the philosophical problems of free will and moral responsibility. I mention some methodological concerns about the work, but focus principally on the philosophical implications of the work. The experimental results seem to show that in particular, concrete cases we are more willing to attribute responsibility than in cases described abstractly or in general terms. I argue that their results suggest a deep problem for traditional accounts of compatibilism, (...)
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  26. Thinking and Doing: The Philosophical Foundations of Institutions.Hector-Neri Castañeda - 1976 - Philosophy and Rhetoric 9 (4):254-257.
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    Adorno´s Misinterpretation of Absolute Idealism.Hector Ferreiro - 2025 - In Christoph Asmuth, Anne Becker & Lea Fink, Das Fortleben der Klassischen Deutschen Philosophie in der Kritischen Theorie. Würzburg: Königshausen & Neumann. pp. 17-30.
    Adorno´s critique of absolute idealism is beset with considerable hermeneutical errors. Adorno does not fail to notice, however, that Hegel addressed many of the open questions of transcendental idealism and tried to solve them. For example, Adorno recognizes that Hegel criticized Kant and Fichte precisely because they both ultimately advocated a formal conception of subjectivity; Hegel unceasingly stressed instead the importance of the intrinsic unity of subject and object. Furthermore, Adorno acknowledges that Hegel rejected the pure identity of the I (...)
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  28. Libertarianism and skepticism about free will: Some arguments against both.Manuel Vargas - 2004 - Philosophical Topics 32 (1&2):403-26.
    In this paper I criticize libertarianism and skepticism about free will. The criticism of libertarianism takes some steps towards filling in an argument that is often mentioned but seldom developed in any detail, the argument that libertarianism is a scientifically implausible view. I say "take some steps" because I think the considerations I muster (at most) favor a less ambitious relative of that argument. The less ambitious claim I hope to motivate is that there is little reason to believe that (...)
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    Theology without metaphysics: God, language, and the spirit of recognition.Kevin Hector - 2011 - New York: Cambridge University Press.
    Therapy for metaphysics -- Concepts, rules, and the spirit of recognition -- Meaning and meanings -- Reference and presence -- Truth and correspondence -- Emancipating theology.
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  30. Background Emotions, Proximity and Distributed Emotion Regulation.Somogy Varga & Joel Krueger - 2013 - Review of Philosophy and Psychology 4 (2):271-292.
    In this paper, we draw on developmental findings to provide a nuanced understanding of background emotions, particularly those in depression. We demonstrate how they reflect our basic proximity (feeling of interpersonal connectedness) to others and defend both a phenomenological and a functional claim. First, we substantiate a conjecture by Fonagy & Target (International Journal of Psychoanalysis 88(4):917–937, 2007) that an important phenomenological aspect of depression is the experiential recreation of the infantile loss of proximity to significant others. Second, we argue (...)
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    On our Best Behaviour.Hector J. Levesque - 2014 - Artificial Intelligence 213 (C):27-35.
  32. A Problem for Utilitarianism.Hector-Neri Castaneda - 1968 - Analysis 28 (4):141 - 142.
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  33. On the semantics of the ought-to-do.Hector-Neri Castañeda - 1970 - Synthese 21 (3-4):449 - 468.
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    Aesthetics of the Narrative Climax in Contemporary TV Serials.Héctor J. Pérez - 2022 - Journal of Aesthetics and Art Criticism 80 (2):214-223.
    This article draws on concepts from cognitive psychology to explore the significance of the narrative climax, focusing on the final climax of the series The Americans as a case study. Two aspects of the aesthetic experience are considered: the special intensity that climaxes elicit, and the diversity of the cognitive content they generate, which can include both aesthetic and non-aesthetic properties. The climax is experienced in a state of absorption triggered by a set of strategies of temporal prolongation related to (...)
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    Reference, reality and perceptual fields.Hector-Neri Castaneda - 1980 - Proceedings and Addresses of the American Philosophical Association 53 (August):763-823.
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    The Logic of Knowledge Bases.Hector J. Levesque & Gerhard Lakemeyer - 2001 - MIT Press.
    This book describes in detail the relationship between symbolic representations of knowledge and abstract states of knowledge, exploring along the way the foundations of knowledge, knowledge bases, knowledge-based systems, and knowledge representation and reasoning. The idea of knowledge bases lies at the heart of symbolic, or "traditional," artificial intelligence. A knowledge-based system decides how to act by running formal reasoning procedures over a body of explicitly represented knowledge—a knowledge base. The system is not programmed for specific tasks; rather, it is (...)
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    Advanced Visualization of Intrusions in Flows by Means of Beta-Hebbian Learning.Héctor Quintián, Esteban Jove, José-Luis Casteleiro-Roca, Daniel Urda, Ángel Arroyo, José Luis Calvo-Rolle, Álvaro Herrero & Emilio Corchado - 2022 - Logic Journal of the IGPL 30 (6):1056-1073.
    Detecting intrusions in large networks is a highly demanding task. In order to reduce the computation demand of analysing every single packet travelling along one of such networks, some years ago flows were proposed as a way of summarizing traffic information. Very few research works have addressed intrusion detection in flows from a visualizations perspective. In order to bridge this gap, the present paper proposes the application of a novel projection method (Beta Hebbian Learning) under this framework. With the aim (...)
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  38. Fact-constructivism and the Science Wars: Is the Pre-existence of the World a Valid Objection against Idealism?Hector Ferreiro - 2022 - In Jesper Lundsfryd Rasmussen & Christoph Asmuth, Philosophisches Anfangen. Reflexionen des Anfangs als Charakteristikum des neuzeitlichen und modernen Denkens Kultur. Königshausen & Neumann. pp. 319–339.
    Metaphysics relies on the presupposition of the non-being of the world: since the world has once not existed it is necessary to postulate a cause for its existence, i.e. an extrinsic principle to explain the absolute beginning of the causal series of all things that constitute the world. After the critique of theologizing metaphysics by authors like Kant, Hegel and Nietzsche, the notion of an absolute beginning still persists though in a field in which it often goes as such unnoticed, (...)
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    Causes, Causity, and Energy.Hector-Neri Castañeda - 1984 - Midwest Studies in Philosophy 9 (1):17-27.
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  40. Der Unterschied zwischen Theorie und Praxis in Hegels System.Hector Ferreiro - 2024 - In Miguel Giusti & Thomas Sören Hoffmann, Hegel und die Wissenschaften. Berlin: Duncker & Humblot. pp. 211-235.
    Theoretical and practical activity have traditionally been understood as complementary activities: through theoretical activity the subject would internalize the external world, while through practical activity she would externalize her internal goals. Hegel scholars have often attempted to interpret the difference and relation between subjective and objective spirit on the basis of that way of understanding theoretical and practical activity. Such approach, however, raises serious exegetical and conceptual problems about the meaning and formal structure of Hegel´s entire philosophy of spirit. Indeed, (...)
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  41. Compatibilism evolves?: On some varieties of Dennett worth wanting.Manuel Vargas - 2005 - Metaphilosophy 36 (4):460-475.
    I examine the extent to which Dennett’s account in Freedom Evolves might be construed as revisionist about free will or should instead be understood as a more traditional kind of compatibilism. I also consider Dennett’s views about philosophical work on free agency and its relationship to scientific inquiry, and I argue that extant philosophical work is more relevant to scientific inquiry than Dennett’s remarks may suggest.
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  42. A função elusiva da memória mecânica na teoria do conhecimento de Hegel.Hector Ferreiro - 2024 - Guairacá: Revista de Filosofia 40 (1):50-64.
    Ao analisar a teoria da memória mecânica de Hegel, a maioria dos intérpretes considerou apenas dois aspectos da memorização mecânica: o desaparecimento do significado nas palavras mecânicamente memorizadas ou a internalização totalmente abstrata da mente que as memoriza. No primeiro caso, a interpretação concentrou-se na relação entre o significante e o significado das palavras; no segundo caso, concentrou-se na relação entre o signo linguístico como um todo e a mente. Entretanto, a posição específica da memória mecânica na sistematização das atividades (...)
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    Emotion Regulation, Positive Affect, and Promotive Voice Behavior at Work.Hector P. Madrid - 2020 - Frontiers in Psychology 11.
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  44. La función del arte en la teoría del conocimiento de Hegel.Hector Ferreiro - 2024 - In Luis Eduardo Gama, Idealismo, naturaleza y arte: ensayos sobre Kant y Hegel. Bogotá: Centro Editorial de la Universidad Nacional de Colombia. pp. 165–184.
    La exterioridad de una cosa o de un estado de cosas configurados por el ser humano no implica para Hegel que esa cosa o ese estado de cosas deban ya por ello ser considerados como formas del espíritu objetivo, mientras que en contrapartida las formas del espíritu absoluto estarían entonces conformadas por contenidos ideales del pensamiento. La diferencia entre espíritu objetivo y espíritu absoluto no radica en la diferencia entre lo que el espíritu humano “hace” y lo que “conoce”. En (...)
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  45. Declaration of Helsinki.A. C. Varga - forthcoming - The Main Issue in Bioethics (Revised Ed.) Paulist Press, New York.
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    Thinking and the Structure of the World: Discours d'Ontologie.Héctor-Neri Castañeda - 1972 - Critica 6 (18):43-86.
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  47. On the Phenomeno-Logic of the I.Hector-Neri Castañeda - 1994 - In Quassim Cassam, Self-Knowledge. New York: Oxford University Press.
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    The Theory of Questions, Epistemic Powers, and the Indexical Theory of Knowledge.Hector-Neri Castañeda - 1980 - Midwest Studies in Philosophy 5 (1):193-238.
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    Probabilistic and Causal Inference: the Works of Judea Pearl.Hector Geffner, Rita Dechter & Joseph Halpern (eds.) - 2022 - ACM Books.
    Professor Judea Pearl won the 2011 Turing Award "for fundamental contributions to artificial intelligence through the development of a calculus for probabilistic and causal reasoning." This book contains the original articles that led to the award, as well as other seminal works, divided into four parts: heuristic search, probabilistic reasoning, causality, first period (1988-2001), and causality, recent period (2002-2020). Each of these parts starts with an introduction written by Judea Pearl. The volume also contains original, contributed articles by leading researchers (...)
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  50. Das Leben beenden. Über die Ethik der Selbsttötung.Héctor Wittwer - 2020
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