Results for 'ISPs'

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  1.  64
    ISPs & Rowdy Web Sites Before the Law: Should We Change Today’s Safe Harbour Clauses?Ugo Pagallo - 2011 - Philosophy and Technology 24 (4):419-436.
    The paper examines today’s debate on the new responsibilities of Internet service providers in connection with legal problems concerning jurisdiction, data processing, people’s privacy and education. The focus is foremost on the default rules and safe harbour clauses for ISPs liability, set up by the US and European legal systems. This framework is deepened in light of the different functions of the services provided on the Internet so as to highlight multiple levels of control over information and, correspondingly, different (...)
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    Itp, isp, and sch.Sherwood Hachtman & Dima Sinapova - 2019 - Journal of Symbolic Logic 84 (2):713-725.
  3.  62
    Another proof that ISP r is the least quasivariety containing K.Janusz Czelakowski & Wies?aw Dziobiak - 1982 - Studia Logica 41 (4):343 - 345.
    Let q(K) denote the least quasivariety containing a given class K of algebraic structures. Mal'cev [3] has proved that q(K) = ISP r(K)(1). Another description of q(K) is given in Grätzer and Lakser [2], that is, q(K) = ISPP u(K)2. We give here other proofs of these results. The method which enables us to do that is borrowed from prepositional logics (cf. [1]).
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    Toward an Epistemology of ISP Secondary Liability.Dan L. Burk - 2011 - Philosophy and Technology 24 (4):437-454.
    At common law, contributory infringement for copyright infringement requires "knowledge" of the infringing activity by a direct infringer before secondary liability can attach. In the USA, the "safe harbor" provisions of the Digital Millennium Copyright Act, that shield Internet Service Providers from secondary copyright liability, are concomitantly available only to ISPs that lack the common law knowledge prerequisites for such liability. But this leads to the question of when a juridical corporate entity can be said to have "knowledge" under (...)
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    Who Needs Stories if You Can Get the Data? ISPs in the Era of Big Number Crunching.Mireille Hildebrandt - 2011 - Philosophy and Technology 24 (4):371-390.
    Who Needs Stories if You Can Get the Data? ISPs in the Era of Big Number Crunching Content Type Journal Article Category Special Issue Pages 371-390 DOI 10.1007/s13347-011-0041-8 Authors Mireille Hildebrandt, Institute of Computer and Information Sciences (ICIS), Radboud University Nijmegen, Nijmegen, the Netherlands Journal Philosophy & Technology Online ISSN 2210-5441 Print ISSN 2210-5433 Journal Volume Volume 24 Journal Issue Volume 24, Number 4.
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    Comments on Responsibility of and Trust in ISPs.Dorothy E. Denning - 2010 - Knowledge, Technology & Policy 23 (3):399-401.
    Picking up on the themes of ISP responsibility and trust raised by Raphael Cohen-Almagor, this paper discusses the problem of removing inappropriate content from the Internet. It suggests that an approach based on community involvement such as used by YouTube may be preferable to one that relies on artificial intelligence to detect inappropriate content. The paper also suggests ways in which ISPs could help increase trust in the Internet by strengthening security.
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    Responsibility of and Trust in ISPs.Raphael Cohen-Almagor - 2010 - Knowledge, Technology & Policy 23 (3):381-397.
    This discussion is about the neglected concepts of trust and social responsibility on the Internet. I will discuss and explain the concepts and their implications to people and society. I then address the issue of moral and social responsibilities of ISPs and web-hosting companies. I argue that ISPs and web-hosting companies should aspire to take responsibility for content and that they should respect and abide by their own terms of conduct.
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  8.  37
    A Response to Responsibility of and Trust in ISPs by Raphael Cohen-Almagor.Michael R. Nelson - 2010 - Knowledge, Technology & Policy 23 (3):403-407.
    The Internet and Internet applications such as cloud computing continue to grow at an extraordinary rate, enabled by the Internet's open architecture and the vibrant lightly regulated Internet service provider (ISP) market. Proposals to hold ISPs responsible for content and software shared by their customers would dramatically constrain the openness and innovation that has been the hallmark of the Internet to date. Rather than taking the kind of approach favored by Raphael Cohen-Almagor, government should enlist the assistance of other (...)
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  9.  44
    Beware of the Virtual Doll: ISPs and the Protection of Personal Data of Minors. [REVIEW]Daniel Nagel - 2011 - Philosophy and Technology 24 (4):411-418.
    Once upon a time, they managed to bring Neverland into the bedrooms; they were seen as the heroes of a new era. However, as heroes always tend to walk a fine line between good and evil, it does not come as a surprise that a decade later the perception has dramatically changed; the fairy tale turned into a nightmare. Are Internet Service Providers (ISPs) no more than data-guzzling monsters that need to be tamed? In November, the European Commission published (...)
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  10. Česká zkušenost: přispěvek k dějinám české filosofie: o Komenského škole stáří, o Bolzanově významu v našem duchovním vývoji a o Masarykově filosofickém mládí-se závěrečným odkazem k Patočkovi.Radim Palouš - 1994 - Praha: Academia.
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    Nicolai oresme expositio et quaestiones in Aristotelis de Anima. [Ed. par] Benoit Patar, edition, étude critique (louvain-la-neuve: Éditions de l'institut superieur de philosophie, 1995; louvain/paris: Éditions Peeters (philosophes médiévaux, tome XXXII), 1995), 180* + 619 pp. 4900 bef isbn 90 6831 668 0 (isp), 2 87723 181 X (Peeters). [REVIEW]Jack Zupko - 1998 - Early Science and Medicine 3 (3):258-260.
  12. The new ethical responsibilities of internet service providers.Luciano Floridi - 2011 - Philosophy and Technology 24 (4):369-370.
    The exponential developments of internet services and resources have brought enormous benefits, but also enormous moral and ethical challenges. This paper introduces the contributions from a research workshop, tasked with defining new ethical responsibilities for Internet Service Providers (ISPs).
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  13.  65
    Some ethical reflections on cyberstalking.Frances S. Grodzinsky & Herman T. Tavani - 2002 - Acm Sigcas Computers and Society 32 (1):22-32.
    The present study examines a range of moral issues associated with recent cyberstalking cases. Particular attention is centered on the Amy Boyer/ Liam Youens case of cyberstalking, which raises a host of considerations that we believe have a significant impact for ethical behavior on the Internet. Among the questions we consider are those having to do with personal privacy and the use of certain kinds of Internet search facilities to stalk individuals in cyberspace. Also considered are questions having to do (...)
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    Sensed presence as a correlate of sleep paralysis distress, social anxiety and waking state social imagery.Elizaveta Solomonova, Tore Nielsen, Philippe Stenstrom, Valérie Simard, Elena Frantova & Don Donderi - 2008 - Consciousness and Cognition 17 (1):49-63.
    Isolated sleep paralysis is a common parasomnia characterized by an inability to move or speak and often accompanied by hallucinations of a sensed presence nearby. Recent research has linked ISP, and sensed presence more particularly, with social anxiety and other psychopathologies. The present study used a large sample of respondents to an internet questionnaire to test whether these associations are due to a general personality factor, affect distress, which is implicated in nightmare suffering and hypothesized to involve dysfunctional social imagery (...)
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  15. Cyberstalking, personal privacy, and moral responsibility.Herman T. Tavani & Frances S. Grodzinsky - 2002 - Ethics and Information Technology 4 (2):123-132.
    This essay examines some ethical aspects of stalkingincidents in cyberspace. Particular attention is focused on the Amy Boyer/Liam Youens case of cyberstalking, which has raised a number of controversial ethical questions. We limit our analysis to three issues involving this particular case. First, we suggest that the privacy of stalking victims is threatened because of the unrestricted access to on-linepersonal information, including on-line public records, currently available to stalkers. Second, we consider issues involving moral responsibility and legal liability for Internet (...)
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  16.  93
    Business Ethics and Free Speech on the Internet.Brian Berkey - 2017 - Philosophia 45 (3):937-945.
    The unique role of the Internet in today’s society, and the extensive reach and potentially profound impact of much Internet content, raise philosophically interesting and practically urgent questions about the responsibilities of various agents, including individual Internet users, governments, and corporations. Raphael Cohen-Almagor’s Confronting the Internet’s Dark Side is an extremely valuable contribution to the emerging discussion of these important issues. In this paper, I focus on the obligations of Internet Service Providers and Web Hosting Services with respect to online (...)
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  17.  13
    Cool and Safe: Multiplicity in Safe Innovation at Unilever.Bart Penders - 2011 - Bulletin of Science, Technology and Society 31 (6):472-481.
    This article presents the making of a safe innovation: the application of ice structuring protein (ISP) in edible ices. It argues that safety is not the absence of risk but is an active accomplishment; innovations are not made safe afterward but safe innovations are made. Furthermore, there are multiple safeties to be accomplished in the innovation process. These are financial, public, scientific, and regulatory safety. The negotiations between these safeties determine the material and labeling characteristics of what ISP has become. (...)
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  18. Složila finanční krize „labutí píseň“ pozitivistické ekonomii?Lukáš Kovanda - 2014 - Teorie Vědy / Theory of Science 36 (4):421-436.
    V rámci filosofie věd panuje široká shoda na tom, že druhá polovina 20. století složila „labutí píseň" pozitivismu. Milton Friedman a Paul Samuelson, dva klíčoví autoři k metodologii ekonomie v daném časovém období, přitom tento vývoj ve filosofii vědy prý nikdy nereflektovali. Pozitivistická východiska - v prvé řadě v podobě redukcioni- stického přístupu - jsou tudíž stále přítomna ve vlivných teoretických konceptech rozvinutých ekonomy hlavního proudu. Značný počet autorů však v současnosti sdílí náhled, že tyto koncepty v nezanedbatelné míře přispěly (...)
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  19. Injectives in finitely generated universal Horn classes.Michael H. Albert & Ross Willard - 1987 - Journal of Symbolic Logic 52 (3):786-792.
    Let K be a finite set of finite structures. We give a syntactic characterization of the property: every element of K is injective in ISP(K). We use this result to establish that A is injective in ISP(A) for every two-element algebra A.
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  20.  85
    A preservation theorem for ec-structures with applications.Michael H. Albert - 1987 - Journal of Symbolic Logic 52 (3):779-785.
    We characterize the model companions of universal Horn classes generated by a two-element algebra (or ordered two-element algebra). We begin by proving that given two mutually model consistent classes M and N of L (respectively L') structures, with $\mathscr{L} \subseteq \mathscr{L}'$ , M ec = N ec ∣ L , provided that an L-definability condition for the function and relation symbols of L' holds. We use this, together with Post's characterization of ISP(A), where A is a two-element algebra, to show (...)
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  21.  12
    Freedom of Contract in the Context of Contracts of Adhesion, with the Emphasis on Online Contracts.Dubravka Klasiček - 2022 - Filozofska Istrazivanja 42 (1):105-129.
    In the 21st century, we live in what can be called a “new normal” when we view law through the prism of digital technology. Technology has greatly impacted the traditional parts of civil law, such as law of ownership, inheritance and contracts. Technology is bringing civil law into a new, digital environment where it is necessary to consider the specifics of that environment. The freedom of contract is the basic principle of civil law, which is mainly applied in the law (...)
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  22.  49
    Equilibrium and potential in coalitional congestion games.Sergey Kuniavsky & Rann Smorodinsky - 2014 - Theory and Decision 76 (1):69-79.
    The model of congestion games is widely used to analyze games related to traffic and communication. A central property of these games is that they are potential games and hence posses a pure Nash equilibrium. In reality, it is often the case that some players cooperatively decide on their joint action in order to maximize the coalition’s total utility. This is modeled by Coalitional Congestion Games. Typical settings include truck drivers who work for the same shipping company, or routers that (...)
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  23.  18
    The Impact of Matching to Psychotherapy Preference on Engagement in a Randomized Controlled Trial for Patients With Advanced Cancer.Allison Marziliano, Allison Applebaum, Anne Moyer, Hayley Pessin, Barry Rosenfeld & William Breitbart - 2021 - Frontiers in Psychology 12.
    Objective: This study examined whether patients who were randomly assigned to their preferred therapy arm had stronger engagement with their treatment than those who were randomly assigned to a non-preferred therapy arm.Method: Data were drawn from a RCT comparing Individual Meaning-Centered Psychotherapy, with Individual Supportive Psychotherapy, in patients with advanced cancer. Treatment engagement was operationalized as patients' perceptions of the therapeutic alliance with their therapist and therapy sessions attended. Two 2 by 2 Analysis of Variance models were used, with treatment (...)
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    Existentially closed algebras and boolean products.Herbert H. J. Riedel - 1988 - Journal of Symbolic Logic 53 (2):571-596.
    A Boolean product construction is used to give examples of existentially closed algebras in the universal Horn class ISP generated by a universal classKof finitely subdirectly irreducible algebras such that Γa has the Fraser-Horn property. If ⟦a≠b⟧ ∩ ⟦c≠d⟧ = ∅ is definable inKandKhas a model companion ofK-simple algebras, then it is shown that ISP has a model companion. Conversely, a sufficient condition is given for ISP to have no model companion.
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  25.  15
    M1-P15 as a cortical marker for transcallosal inhibition: A preregistered TMS-EEG study.Agnese Zazio, Guido Barchiesi, Clarissa Ferrari, Eleonora Marcantoni & Marta Bortoletto - 2022 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 16:937515.
    In a recently published study combining transcranial magnetic stimulation and electroencephalography (TMS-EEG), an early component of TMS-evoked potentials (TEPs), i.e., M1-P15, was proposed as a measure of transcallosal inhibition between motor cortices. Given that early TEPs are known to be highly variable, further evidence is needed before M1-P15 can be considered a reliable index of effective connectivity. Here, we conceived a new preregistered TMS-EEG study with two aims. The first aim was validating the M1-P15 as a cortical index of transcallosal (...)
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  26.  27
    Guessing models and the approachability ideal.Rahman Mohammadpour & Boban Veličković - 2020 - Journal of Mathematical Logic 21 (2):2150003.
    Starting with two supercompact cardinals we produce a generic extension of the universe in which a principle that we call GM+ holds. This principle implies ISP and ISP, and hence th...
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  27.  26
    A moral analysis of the ‘RIAA v. Verizon’ case.Richard A. Spinello - 2004 - Journal of Information, Communication and Ethics in Society 2 (4):203-215.
    The RIAA v. Verizon case offers an opportunity to analyze the scope of an Internet service provider’s responsibility to help deter copyright infringement. In this case, the RIAA served Verizon with a subpoena requesting the identity of two users who were making available copyrighted recordings for downloading on peer‐to‐peer networks. The main axis of discussion is whether or not Verizon has a moral obligation to reveal the names of these individuals. Should Verizon cooperate with the RIAA or should it seek (...)
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  28.  16
    The effects of social participation on social integration.Peng Xie, Qinwei Cao, Xue Li, Yurong Yang & Lianchao Yu - 2022 - Frontiers in Psychology 13.
    With the fast expansion of urbanization, temporary migrants have become a large demographic in Chinese cities. Therefore, in order to enhance the social integration of the migrant population, scholars and policymakers have an urgency to investigate the influencing factors of the integration progress. Prior studies regarding social integration have neglected to examine this topic from the perspective of social participation. Empirical research is conducted based on the data of 15,997 migrants across eight cities in the 2014 wave of National Migrant (...)
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  29.  95
    P2p networks and the verizon V. RIAA case: Implications for personal privacy and intellectual property. [REVIEW]Frances S. Grodzinsky & Herman T. Tavani - 2005 - Ethics and Information Technology 7 (4):243-250.
    In this paper, we examine some ethical implications of a controversial court decision in the United States involving Verizon (an Internet Service Provider or ISP) and the Recording Industry Association of America (RIAA). In particular, we analyze the impacts this decision has for personal privacy and intellectual property. We begin with a brief description of the controversies and rulings in this case. This is followed by a look at some of the challenges that peer-to-peer (P2P) systems, used to share digital (...)
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  30. Freedom of Expression, Internet Responsibility, and Business Ethics: The Yahoo! Saga and Its Implications. [REVIEW]Raphael Cohen-Almagor - 2012 - Journal of Business Ethics 106 (3):353-365.
    In the late 1990s, the Internet seemed a perfect medium for business: a facilitator of unlimited economical propositions to people without any regulatory limitations. Cases such as that of Yahoo! mark the beginning of the end of that illusion. They demonstrate that Internet service providers (ISPs) have to respect domestic state legislation in order to avoid legal risks. Yahoo! was wrong to ignore French national laws and the plea to remove Nazi memorabilia from its auction site. Its legal struggle (...)
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  31.  54
    Going Native: The Value in Reconceptualizing International Internet Service Providers as Domestic Media Outlets. [REVIEW]Sarah Oates - 2011 - Philosophy and Technology 24 (4):391-409.
    Going Native: The Value in Reconceptualizing International Internet Service Providers as Domestic Media Outlets Content Type Journal Article Category Special Issue Pages 391-409 DOI 10.1007/s13347-011-0045-4 Authors Sarah Oates, School of Social and Political Sciences, University of Glasgow, Adam Smith Building, G12 8RT Scotland, UK Journal Philosophy & Technology Online ISSN 2210-5441 Print ISSN 2210-5433 Journal Volume Volume 24 Journal Issue Volume 24, Number 4.
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  32. International Studies in the Philosophy of Science.Lars Bergstrom, John Forge, Louis Marinoff, John Leslie & Sami Pihlstrom - 1996 - International Studies in the Philosophy of Science: Isps 10:187.
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  33. Can the monster Errour be slain?H. O. N. Glora - 1991 - International Studies in the Philosophy of Science: Isps 5 (3):257.
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  34. Darwin's Dangerous Idea.Penguin London - 1996 - International Studies in the Philosophy of Science: Isps 10 (3):257.
  35. International Studies in the Philosophy of Science.Stanford Unwertflv - 1996 - International Studies in the Philosophy of Science: Isps 10:99.