Results for 'Inés Calero Secall'

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  1.  7
    El proceso de Ibn al-Jaṭīb. Apéndice: Epístola de al-Bunnāhī a Lisān al-dīn.M. Isabel Calero Secall & Nicolás Roser Nebot - 2001 - Al-Qantara 22 (2):421-461.
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  2. El proceso de Ibn al-Jatib. Apéndice: Roser Nebot (Nicolás), Epístola de al-Bunnahi a Lisan al-Din.María Isabel Calero Secall - 2001 - Al-Qantara 22 (2):421-462.
    El proceso de Ibn al-Japó ha pasado a la historia debido a la personalidad del incul-pado. La mayoría de las opiniones coinciden en declarar la acusación y el proceso como un simulacro para conseguir su muerte, pues la acusación de alta traición, por las cir-cunstancias que incidieron en el caso, no iba a conseguir el objetivo propuesto. Por esta razón se buscaron otros motivos con que inculparle y que permitieran perseguirlo y con-denarlo en cualquier parte del Islam, por eso estas (...)
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  3. Una familia ceutí en la Granada de los siglos XIV y XV: los Banu l-Sarif al-Hasani.María Isabel Calero Secall - 1986 - Al-Qantara 7 (1):85-106.
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  4. Un dato más sobre la Zawiya de Ibn al-Jatib.María Isabel Calero Secall - 1990 - Al-Qantara 11 (1):235-238.
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  5. Is the free-energy principle a formal theory of semantics? From variational density dynamics to neural and phenotypic representations.Inês Hipólito, Maxwell Ramstead & Karl Friston - 2020 - Entropy 1 (1):1-30.
    The aim of this paper is twofold: (1) to assess whether the construct of neural representations plays an explanatory role under the variational free-energy principle and its corollary process theory, active inference; and (2) if so, to assess which philosophical stance - in relation to the ontological and epistemological status of representations - is most appropriate. We focus on non-realist (deflationary and fictionalist-instrumentalist) approaches. We consider a deflationary account of mental representation, according to which the explanatorily relevant contents of neural (...)
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    Humanisme médical et médecine complémentaire, alternative et intégrative.Inès Sophie Pietschmann, Marcel Mertz & Antonin Broi - 2020 - Archives de Philosophie 83 (4):83-102.
    L’avènement de la biomédecine moderne est souvent considéré comme une avancée majeure. Cependant, l’ humanisme médical remet en question l’idée que la biomédecine actuelle et son système de santé soient (encore) suffisamment tournés vers des valeurs humanistes telles que la dignité, l’autonomie, l’individualité, l’empathie ou l’humilité. À côté de la biomédecine, il existe cependant de nombreuses approches relevant de la médecine non conventionnelle qui affirment fréquemment être davantage holistiques ou empathiques que la biomédecine. Cette contribution souhaite donc examiner si la (...)
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    Admiration and adoration: Their different ways of showing and shaping who we are.Ines Schindler, Veronika Zink, Johannes Windrich & Winfried Menninghaus - 2013 - Cognition and Emotion 27 (1):85-118.
    Admiration and adoration have been considered as emotions with the power to change people, yet our knowledge of the specific nature and function of these emotions is quite limited. From an interdisciplinary perspective, we present a prototype approach to admiration and what has variously been labelled adoration, worship, or reverence. Both admiration and adoration contribute to the formation of personal and collective ideals, values, and identities, but their workings differ. We offer a detailed theoretical account of commonalities and differences in (...)
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    Bioética y Ciencia.Juan Ramón Lacadena Calero - 2011 - In de la Torre Díaz & Francisco Javier (eds.), Pasado, presente y futuro de la bioética española. Madrid: Universidad Pontificia Comillas.
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    Jean le Rond D’Alembert: A New Theory of the Resistance of Fluids.Julián Simón Calero (ed.) - 2018 - Springer Verlag.
    In the commentaries to this book we try to understand d’Alembert thoughts and how he contrives to translate his ideas on mechanics to the fluid realm with a new and radical point of view; how he arrives at the first two fundamental differential equations among the velocity components; and how he tries to reduce the resistance of a moving body, which is a change of its momentum, to the hydrostatical pressure, which is related to the gravity. All this knowing that (...)
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    «Traiciones» a Luis Vives.Francisco Calero - 1996 - Anales Del Seminario de Historia de la Filosofía 13:237.
    En este artículo se estudian algunos aspectos de la vida y de la obra de Luis Vives, que han sido interpretados de forma equivocada. Su ascendenciajudía no fue demostrada hasta 1964, su penosa enfermedad fue mal interpretada por el Dr. Marañón, se vio defraudado en su amistad con Erasmo, sus ideas pacifistas fueron consideradas como imperialistas y, finalmente, sus textos han sido mal tra-ducidos.Sorne aspects of Luis Vives’ life and work, which have been submitted to wrong interpretations, are studied in (...)
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  11. General Considerations.Julián Simón Calero - 2018 - In Julián Simón Calero (ed.), Jean le Rond D’Alembert: A New Theory of the Resistance of Fluids. Springer Verlag.
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  12. Reflections on Fluid Equilibrium.Julián Simón Calero - 2018 - In Julián Simón Calero (ed.), Jean le Rond D’Alembert: A New Theory of the Resistance of Fluids. Springer Verlag.
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  13. The Essay’s Introduction.Julián Simón Calero - 2018 - In Julián Simón Calero (ed.), Jean le Rond D’Alembert: A New Theory of the Resistance of Fluids. Springer Verlag.
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    Why do we click? Investigating reasons for user selection on a news aggregator website.Ines Engelmann & Sabrina Heike Kessler - 2019 - Communications 44 (2):225-247.
    The aim of this study is to analyze the reasons behind users’ selection of news results on the news aggregator website, Google News, and the role that news factors play in this selection. We assume that user’s cognitive elaboration of users influences their news selection. In this study, a multi-method approach is used to obtain a complete picture of the users’ news selection reasoning: an open survey, a closed survey, and a content analysis of screen recording data. The results were (...)
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  15. Hilbert 24th problem.Inês Hipólito & Reinhard Kahle - 2019 - Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society A 1 (Notion of Simple Proof).
    In 2000, Rüdiger Thiele [1] found in a notebook of David Hilbert, kept in Hilbert's Nachlass at the University of Göttingen, a small note concerning a 24th problem. As Hilbert wrote, he had considered including this problem in his famous problem list for the International Congress of Mathematicians in Paris in 1900.
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    Is Cultural-Historical Activity Theory Threatened to Fall Short of its Own Principles and Possibilities as a Dialectical Social Science?Ines Langemeyer & Wolf-Michael Roth - 2006 - Outlines. Critical Practice Studies 8 (2):20-42.
    In recent years, many researchers engaged in diverse areas and approaches of “cultural-historical activity theory” (CHAT) realized an increasing international interest in Lev S. Vygotsky’s, A. N. Leont’ev’s, and A. Luria’s work and its continuations. Not so long ago, Yrjö Engeström noted that the activity approach was still “the best-held secret of academia” (p. 64) and highlighted the “impressive dimension of theorizing behind” it. Certainly, this remark reflects a time when CHAT was off the beaten tracks. But if this situation (...)
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    Embodied skillful performance: where the action is.Inês Hipólito, Manuel Baltieri, Karl Friston & Maxwell J. D. Ramstead - 2021 - Synthese 199 (1-2):4457-4481.
    When someone masters a skill, their performance looks to us like second nature: it looks as if their actions are smoothly performed without explicit, knowledge-driven, online monitoring of their performance. Contemporary computational models in motor control theory, however, are instructionist: that is, they cast skillful performance as a knowledge-driven process. Optimal motor control theory, as representative par excellence of such approaches, casts skillful performance as an instruction, instantiated in the brain, that needs to be executed—a motor command. This paper aims (...)
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    L.S. Penrose's limit theorem : proof of some special cases.Ines Lindner & Moshé Machover - unknown
    LS Penrose was the first to propose a measure of voting power (which later came to be known as ‘the [absolute] Banzhaf index’). His limit theorem – which is implicit in Penrose (1952) and for which he gave no rigorous proof – says that, in simple weighted voting games, if the number of voters increases indefinitely while the quota is pegged at half the total weight, then – under certain conditions – the ratio between the voting powers (as measured by (...)
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    Patologie del linguaggio e della comunicazione.Ines Adornetti - 2018 - Roma RM, Italia: Carocci.
    Il volume, in un'ottica cognitiva, affronta il tema delle patologie del linguaggio coniugando la riflessione teorica con le più recenti evidenze empiriche provenienti dalle neuroscienze, dalla neuropsicologia e dalla psicopatologia. Tra i casi presi in esame, ampio spazio è dedicato alla discussione dei deficit comunicativi che caratterizzano patologie quali la sindrome dello spettro autistico, il trauma cranico, la schizofrenia e la demenza di Alzheimer. In casi del genere, i disturbi linguistici e comunicativi chiamano in causa la dimensione pragmatica del linguaggio (...)
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    El feminismo y la familia. Influencia del movimiento feminista en la transformación de la familia en España.Inés Alberdi - 2003 - Arbor 174 (685):35-51.
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    A natureza do conhecimento após a virada lingüístico-pragmática.Inês Lacerda Araújo - 2004 - Revista de Filosofia Aurora 16 (18):103.
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    Our friend, the internet: Postcolonial mediatization in Morocco.Ines Braune - 2013 - Communications 38 (3):267-287.
    This article investigates the ‘discursive notion’ of communication technology, as embedded in the discussion of mediatization. Instead of focusing on the technical structure of media and its impact on society, I will alternatively turn my attention to its symbolic dimension. I will look beyond the surface of the symbolic, by questioning how this dimension has been discursively created. As such, I suggest using the term ‘discursive notion’, as discourse also refers to power relations. The analysis of the discursive notion relating (...)
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    Dealing with sexuality in adolescence.Esmeralda Calero Yera, Sandra Rodríguez Roura & Aniocha Trumbull Jorlen - 2017 - Humanidades Médicas 17 (3):577-592.
    RESUMEN La sexualidad es parte de la personalidad, la manera de expresarla y vivirla es diferente en cada persona, en tanto, la adolescencia, como etapa del ciclo vital humano, se caracteriza por cambios biológicos, sicológicos y sociales. Se realizó una revisión bibliográfica para profundizar en el estudio de la sexualidad en la adolescencia y las acciones educativas como alternativa de la educación sexual. Se ejecutó una búsqueda en la literatura digital de artículos de investigaciones originales en las bases de datos (...)
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  24.  14
    El estado del bienestar español: valoración y perspectivas de futuro.Jorge Calero - 2021 - Araucaria 23 (47).
    The article aims at describing the Spanish welfare state and assessing its problems and perspectives. The description of its characteristics, based on a comparison with European countries, makes it possible to identify patterns similar to those of other Southern welfare states, with an important subsidiarity with regard to the family and an orientation towards the protection of the older population. Regarding the identification of problems, two technical problems are highlighted in the article. First, those related to sensitivity to economic crises, (...)
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    El XXII Congreso Mariológico Mariano Internacional de Lourdes.Antonio Mª Calero - 2023 - Isidorianum 18 (35):341-346.
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  26. Introducción a la teoría de la relatividad.Orlando Calero - 1961 - San Salvador,: Ministerio de Educación, Departamento Editorial.
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  27. Nueva Ciencia y tecnología de Redes. Una nueva forma de tratar la complejidad.Alberto Calero - 2013 - Telos: Cuadernos de Comunicación E Innovación 95:87-90.
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    Nuevas tecnologías contra el hambre: los cultivos transgénicos.Juan Ramón Lacadena Calero - 2005 - Critica 55 (922):46-49.
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    Taller de significados inéditos. Redefinición de conceptos siguiendo reglas lógicas.Luis Calero Morcuende - 2017 - Quaderns de Filosofia 4 (1):119-142.
    Resumen: El Taller de significados inéditos está concebido como una práctica filosófica para generar nuevos significados mediante la redefinición, siguiendo reglas lógicas, de conceptos del lenguaje ordinario. A partir de unas simples reglas y de un vocabulario seleccionado, los alumnos son capaces de pensar el lenguaje y recrear la realidad, alumbrando significados originales como expresión de su creatividad e imaginación. Junto a la mejora de la capacidad de definir —una de las operaciones básicas para articular el pensamiento—, el taller también (...)
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    Teacher quality and student skill acquisition. An analysis based on PIRLS-2011 outcomes.Jorge Calero & J. Oriol Escardíbul - 2019 - Tandf: Educational Studies 46 (6):676-692.
    Volume 46, Issue 6, November 2020, Page 676-692.
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  31. Somera introducción a la lógica simbólica: con la reducción directa del baroco y del bocardo a la 1a. figura.Alberto Castillo Calero - 1960 - [México: Talleres de la Litografía Mayab].
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  32. Valores y conocimiento matemático: la belleza matemática.Inés María Gómez Chacón - 2005 - Diálogo Filosófico 62:285-306.
    En estos últimos años es reconocida la influencia de la dimensión emocional en el desarrollo del aprendizaje en el aula. Sin embargo, parece necesario un mayor desarrollo de los descriptores básicos: actitudes, emociones, creencias y valores en disciplinas concretas. El artículo aborda el tema de los valores y actitudes de las Matemáticas y de forma específica el valor de la belleza. Se argumenta sobre la importancia del juicio estético como una componente importante en el buen resolutor de problemas, explicitando sus (...)
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  33. Fire management and community restraint: The rise of forestry science and the governance of commons.Inês Gomes & Frederico Ágoas - forthcoming - History of Science.
    This paper examines the intersection of environmental history and the history of science, specifically the impact of forestry science and fire management on land use and community dynamics in rural Portuguese mountains. It further traces the evolution of fire management from an ancestral rural practice to a scientific concern and the subsequent integration of vernacular knowledge with scientific methods. In the early twentieth century, fire was a common tool in rural Portugal for land clearance, pasture management, and soil enrichment. Rooted (...)
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    Biología y genética del sexo y del comportamiento sexual humano.Juan Ramón Lacadena Calero - 2008 - In Javier de la Torre, Madrigal Terrazas & J. Santiago (eds.), Sexo, sexualidad y bioética. Madrid: Universidad Pontificia Comillas.
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  35. Brief Analysis of the Contents of the Essay.Julián Simón Calero - 2018 - In Julián Simón Calero (ed.), Jean le Rond D’Alembert: A New Theory of the Resistance of Fluids. Springer Verlag.
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  36. Other Motions.Julián Simón Calero - 2018 - In Julián Simón Calero (ed.), Jean le Rond D’Alembert: A New Theory of the Resistance of Fluids. Springer Verlag.
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    The Teaching Instinct.Cecilia I. Calero, A. P. Goldin & M. Sigman - 2018 - Review of Philosophy and Psychology 9 (4):819-830.
    Teaching allows human culture to exist and to develop. Despite its significance, it has not been studied in depth by the cognitive neurosciences. Here we propose two hypotheses to boost the claim that teaching is a human instinct, and to expand our understanding of how teaching occurs as a dynamic bi-directional relation within the teacher-learner dyad. First, we explore how children naturally use ostensive communication when teaching; allowing them to be set in the emitter side of natural pedagogy. Then, we (...)
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  38. Enactive-Dynamic Social Cognition and Active Inference.Inês Hipólito & Thomas van Es - 2022 - Frontiers in Psychology 13.
    This aim of this paper is two-fold: it critically analyses and rejects accounts blending active inference as theory of mind and enactivism; and it advances an enactivist-dynamic understanding of social cognition that is compatible with active inference. While some social cognition theories seemingly take an enactive perspective on social cognition, they explain it as the attribution of mental states to other people, by assuming representational structures, in line with the classic Theory of Mind. Holding both enactivism and ToM, we argue, (...)
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    The Phylogenetic Foundations of Discourse Coherence: A Pragmatic Account of the Evolution of Language.Ines Adornetti - 2015 - Biosemiotics 8 (3):421-441.
    In this paper we propose a pragmatic approach to the evolution of language based on analysis of a particular element of human communication: discourse coherence. We show that coherence is essential for effective communication. Through analysis of a collection of neuropsychological and neurolinguistic studies, we maintain that the proper functioning of executive processes responsible for planning and executing actions plays a key role in the construction of coherent discourses. Studies that tested the discursive and conversational abilities of bonobos have showed (...)
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  40. “A História do Futuro”“The History of the Future”: Jesuit Mobile Prophecies from Naples to India to Brazil.Inês Zupanov - 2007 - Cultura:119-154.
    Através de uma leitura densa das fontes hagiográficas jesuítas que celebraram a vida de um jesuíta napolitano, Marcelo Mastrilli (1603-1637), procuro mostrar que as visões e narrativas proféticas foram importantes lugares de comunicação social, memória colectiva e mobilização política. O reposicionamento profético foi uma linguagem específica da tecnologia do eu, a partir da qual o sujeito fabricava a sua própria identidade, dentro e contra os limites externos da autoridade e das instituições. Marcelo Mastrilli – que viajou pela Itália, Espanha, Portugal, (...)
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    The Consequences of Financial Leverage: Certified B Corporations’ Advantages Compared to Common Commercial Firms.Ine Paeleman, Nadja Guenster, Tom Vanacker & Ana Cristina O. Siqueira - 2023 - Journal of Business Ethics 189 (3):507-523.
    Firms usually need to attract debt to form and grow, but increasing financial leverage also entails increased risks and costs for stakeholders, such as customers and employees. Accordingly, past research suggests that for common commercial firms (CCFs), which prioritize profits, higher leverage leads to lower sales growth and higher employment costs. However, Certified B Corporations (CBCs) distinguish themselves by having a credible prosocial mission and, therefore, might be better insulated against the adverse effects of higher leverage. Using a European multi-country (...)
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  42. Cognition Without Neural Representation: Dynamics of a Complex System.Inês Hipólito - 2022 - Frontiers in Psychology 12.
    This paper proposes an account of neurocognitive activity without leveraging the notion of neural representation. Neural representation is a concept that results from assuming that the properties of the models used in computational cognitive neuroscience must literally exist the system being modelled. Computational models are important tools to test a theory about how the collected data has been generated. While the usefulness of computational models is unquestionable, it does not follow that neurocognitive activity should literally entail the properties construed in (...)
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    Demographic and Attitudinal Factors of Adherence to Quarantine Guidelines During COVID-19: The Italian Model.Leonardo Carlucci, Ines D’Ambrosio & Michela Balsamo - 2020 - Frontiers in Psychology 11.
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    Gammel og ny retorikk – et overblikk.Inês E. Bartolo - 2010 - Agora Journal for metafysisk spekulasjon 28 (1-2):371-376.
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  45. Matemáticas "Aquí y en otro lugar".Inés María Gómez Chacón - 2008 - Critica 58 (956):53-57.
    La relación de la matemática con la realidad es una cuestión que ha interesado desde siempre a los matemáticos y a los profesores de matemáticas, unas veces se establece esta relación desde la historia, otras para motivar a los alumnos (y responder a la famosa cuestión "para qué sirven las matemáticas") o para situar la construcción de conceptos matemáticos y sus significado en experiencias concretas y en conexión con otras disciplinas y, otras veces, a través de los estudios internacionales comparativos (...)
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    Tra corpo e anima: riflessioni sulla natura umana da Kant a Plessner.Ines Crispini - 2004 - Venezia: Marsilio.
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    Childhood and the politics of memory in Argentina.Ines Dussel - 2001 - In Kenneth Hultqvist & Gunilla Dahlberg (eds.), Governing the Child in the New Millennium. Routledge. pp. 193--220.
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    Kant on the Human Animal: Anthropology, Ethics, Race, written by David Baumeister.Inês Salgueiro - 2024 - Journal of Moral Philosophy 21 (1-2):218-221.
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    Beyond the concept of “Gestalten” – Kurt Lewin and Lev Semënovic Vygotsky as methodologically related.Ines Langemeyer - 2023 - Gestalt Theory 45 (3):287-300.
    The relationship between Kurt Lewin and Lev S. Vygotsky is important for many methodological questions raised by the two psychologists such as distinguishing a genetic and an accidental event type. The concept of „Gestalt“ is another important issue. The present article analyzes and contextualizes the significance of this concept in their discussions since they met in Berlin in 1925. It can be shown that a difference between Lewin’s and Vygotsky’s approach becomes salient in the ways they refer to Gestalt theory (...)
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    La veracidad histórica del relato de Abgar en la obra de Eusebio de Cesarea.Sergio López Calero - 2023 - 'Ilu. Revista de Ciencias de Las Religiones 28:e88540.
    En el presente artículo se analiza el relato sobre la supuesta correspondencia mantenida por Jesús y el rey Abgar V de Edesa, presente en la obra Historia Eclesiástica de Eusebio de Cesarea. Desde sus inicios, la leyenda gozó de mucha fama debido a la consideración de los fieles de que se trataba de uno de los pocos testimonios existentes sobre un texto escrito por el mismísimo Jesús. Este hecho provocó que esta tradición se tradujese a numerosas lenguas y recibiera varias (...)
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