Results for 'Institute of Human Relations'

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  1.  25
    Organizing Knowledge and Behavior at Yale's Institute of Human Relations.J. Morawski - 1986 - Isis 77 (2):219-242.
  2. A report of the activites of the Institute of Human Relations for the period 1982-1990.A. A. Mahdi (ed.) - 1990 - [Lusaka]: The Institute.
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  3. The Primitive World and Its Transformations By Robert Redfield (Ithaca, N.Y.: Cornell University Press, 1953; 2d ed., Great Seal Books, 1957.) Pp. xiii+185. - Language, Thought, and Reality: Selected Writings of Benjamin Lee Whorf Edited and with an Introduction by J. B. Carroll, Foreword by Stuart Chase (New York: Technology Press of Massachusetts Institute of Technology and John Wiley & Sons; London: Chapman & Hall, Ltd., 1956.) Pp. x+278. - Nonverbal Communication: Notes on the Visual Perception of Human Relations By Jurgen Ruesch and Weldon Kees (Berkeley and Los Angeles: University of California Press, 1956.) Pp. 205. [REVIEW]Peter Krausser - 1958 - Diogenes 6 (23):111-119.
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    The wisdom of claiming ownership of human genomic data: A cautionary tale for research institutions.Donrich Thaldar - forthcoming - Developing World Bioethics.
    This article considers the practical question of how research institutions should best structure their legal relationship with the human genomic data that they generate. The analysis, based on South African law, is framed by the legal position that although a research institution that generates human genomic data is not automatically the owner thereof, it is well positioned to claim ownership of newly generated data instances. Given that the research institution exerts effort to generate the data, it can be (...)
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    The Institute of Medicine's Report on Non-Heart-Beating Organ Transplantation.John T. Potts, Tom L. Beauchamp & Roger Herdman - 1998 - Kennedy Institute of Ethics Journal 8 (1):83-90.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:The Institute of Medicine’s Report on Non-Heart-Beating Organ TransplantationRoger Herdman (bio), Tom L. Beauchamp (bio), and John T. Potts Jr. (bio)In December 1997, the Institute of Medicine (IOM) released a report on medical and ethical issues in the procurement of non-heart-beating organ donors. This report had been requested in May 1997 by the Department of Health and Human Services (DHHS). We will here describe the genesis (...)
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    The Institutions of Meaning: A Defense of Anthropological Holism.Vincent Descombes - 2013 - Cambridge: Harvard University Press.
    Holism maintains that a phenomenon is more than the sum of its parts. Yet analysis--a mental process crucial to comprehension--involves dismantling the whole to grasp it piecemeal and relationally. Wading through such quandaries, Vincent Descombes guides readers to a deepened appreciation of the entity that enables understanding: the human mind.
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    Mark A. May.Dennis Bryson - 2015 - History of the Human Sciences 28 (3):80-114.
    Underappreciated by historians of the human sciences, educational psychologist Mark A. May played a key role in managing and formulating the policy of the Institute of Human Relations at Yale University, initially as the institute’s executive secretary, then as its director, from 1930 to 1960. Moreover, during the 1920s, the 1930s and after, he participated in a number of conferences, seminars, committees and other projects sponsored by the Social Science Research Council and Rockefeller philanthropic organizations. (...)
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    Commentary: Examining the ethics of human subjects research.Paul S. Appelbaum - 1996 - Kennedy Institute of Ethics Journal 6 (3):283-287.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Examining the Ethics of Human Subjects ResearchPaul S. Appelbaum (bio)The work of the Advisory Committee on Human Radiation Experiments confirms once again the value of combining empirical and normative approaches to problems in clinical and research ethics. The Committee, like its predecessor, the President’s Commission for the Study of Ethical Problems in Medicine and Biomedical and Behavioral Research, spent relatively modest sums of money gathering targeted data (...)
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  9.  53
    Twenty Years of Human Research Ethics Committees in the Baltic States.Vilius Dranseika, Eugenijus Gefenas, Asta Cekanauskaite, Kristina Hug, Signe Mezinska, Eimantas Peicius, Vents Silis, Andres Soosaar & Martin Strosberg - 2011 - Developing World Bioethics 11 (1):48-54.
    Two decades have passed since the first attempts were made to establish systematic ethical review of human research in the Baltic States. Legally and institutionally much has changed. In this paper we provide an historical and structural overview of ethical review of human research and identify some problems related to the role of ethical review in establishing quality research environment in these countries. Problems connected to (a) public availability of information, (b) management of conflicts of interest, (c) REC (...)
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  10. Norms and the establishment of human rights.Clélia Aparecida Martins - 2013 - Trans/Form/Ação 36 (1):121-148.
    Habermas entende os direitos humanos como produtos do mundo da vida; e é no interior do debate público, com a participação efetiva dos cidadãos, que deve ocorrer a produção deles como normas e princípios. A questão central abordada inicialmente no texto concerne ao status dessas normas e ao seu modo de instituição, dependente das relações de reciprocidade entre os sujeitos. Uma vez que, em sociedades complexas, apenas idealmente parece ser possível sustentar a participação de todos os sujeitos no processo de (...)
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  11.  30
    The Institute of Medicine.Ruth Ellen Bulger - 1992 - Kennedy Institute of Ethics Journal 2 (1):73-77.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:The Institute of MedicineRuth Ellen Bulger (bio)IN 1863 the National Academy of Sciences (NAS) was established by federal charter to advise the government on scientific matters. Almost 100 years later, in 1971, the Academy created the Institute of Medicine within the NAS to focus on health-related problems and issues. Today the IOM has a program budget of about $13 million, which includes both private and government funds, (...)
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  12. Florida Institute for Human and Machine Cognition.Phil Dowe, Paul Noordhof & Clark Glymour - unknown
    For most of the contributions to this volume, the project is this: Fill out “Event X is a cause of event Y if and only if……” where the dots on the right are to be filled in by a claims formulated in terms using any of (1) descriptions of possible worlds and their relations; (2) a special predicate, “is a law;” (3) “chances;” and (4) anything else one thinks one needs. The form of analysis is roughly the same as (...)
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  13.  24
    Improving the institution of Iain tulungagung through creating new innovation.Chusnul Chotimah - 2019 - Epistemé: Jurnal Pengembangan Ilmu Keislaman 14 (1):107-130.
    The institutional development can be done by any strategies, one of them are creating new innovation called as blue ocean strategy. Blue ocean strategy is theway to develops the institution without had to quarrel in the strict zone with another institution. Its different with red zone strategy determining the birth of new market space or different innovation has been owned. So, this strategy is more emphasize how the institutions have not to conquer the competition using the vis á vis to (...)
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  14.  88
    Twenty years of human research ethics committees in the baltic states.Vilius Dranseika, Eugenijus Gefenas, Asta Cekanauskaite, H. U. G. Kristina, Signe Mezinska, Eimantas Peicius, Vents Silis, Andres Soosaar & Martin Strosberg - 2010 - Developing World Bioethics 11 (1):48-54.
    Two decades have passed since the first attempts were made to establish systematic ethical review of human research in the Baltic States. Legally and institutionally much has changed. In this paper we provide an historical and structural overview of ethical review of human research and identify some problems related to the role of ethical review in establishing quality research environment in these countries. Problems connected to (a) public availability of information, (b) management of conflicts of interest, (c) REC (...)
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  15.  97
    Ethical Guidelines for Human Embryonic Stem Cell Research (A Recommended Manuscript).Chinese National Human Genome Center at Shanghai Ethics Committee - 2004 - Kennedy Institute of Ethics Journal 14 (1):47-54.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Kennedy Institute of Ethics Journal 14.1 (2004) 47-54 [Access article in PDF] Ethical Guidelines for Human Embryonic Stem Cell Research*(A Recommended Manuscript) Adopted on 16 October 2001Revised on 20 August 2002 Ethics Committee of the Chinese National Human Genome Center at Shanghai, Shanghai 201203 Human embryonic stem cell (ES) research is a great project in the frontier of biomedical science for the twenty-first century. Be- (...)
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  16.  29
    In defense of dignity: Reflections on the moral function of human dignity.Vilhjálmur Árnason - 2020 - Bioethics 35 (1):31-39.
    This paper defends human dignity in two ways. First, by confronting the criticism that human dignity does not serve an important function in contemporary moral discourse and that its function can be sufficiently performed by other moral terms. It is argued that this criticism invites a danger of moral reductionism, which impoverishes moral discourse. The authority of moral philosophy to correct widely shared moral intuitions, rooted in experiences of grave injustices and wrongs, is questioned. Secondly, dignity is defended (...)
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  17.  35
    Corporate Remediation of Human Rights Violations: A Restorative Justice Framework.Maximilian J. L. Schormair & Lara M. Gerlach - 2020 - Journal of Business Ethics 167 (3):475-493.
    In the absence of effective judicial remediation mechanisms after business-related human rights violations, companies themselves are expected to establish remediation procedures for affected victims and communities. This is a challenge for both companies and victims since comprehensive company-based grievance mechanisms are currently missing. In this paper, we explore how companies can provide effective remediation after human rights violations. Accordingly, we critically assess two different approaches to conflict resolution, alternative dispute resolution and restorative justice, for their potential to provide (...)
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  18.  49
    Ethics of Human Genetic Studies in Sub‐Saharan Africa: The Case of Cameroon Through a Bibliometric Analysis.Ambroise Wonkam, Marcel Azabji Kenfack, Walinjom F. T. Muna & Odile Ouwe-Missi-Oukem-Boyer - 2011 - Developing World Bioethics 11 (3):120-127.
    Many ethical concerns surrounding human genetics studies remain unresolved. We report here the situation in Cameroon.Objectives: To describe the profile of human genetic studies that used Cameroonian DNA samples, with specific focus on i) the research centres that were involved, ii) authorship, iii) population studied, iv) research topics and v) ethics disclosure, with the aim of raising ethical issues that emerged from these studies.Method: Bibliometric Studies; we conducted a PubMed-based systematic review of all the studies on human (...)
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  19.  17
    Transformation of the Institution of Social Responsibility in the Conditions of Globalization.Dzhamilya M. Turgunbaeva, Guldana S. Tokoeva & Rakhat D. Stamova - 2023 - Dialogue and Universalism 33 (3):9-27.
    The purpose of this study is a philosophical analysis of the phenomenon of social responsibility and the peculiarities of the process of its transformation, which took place in the context of globalization. The objective of the study is to determine the nature of the impact of the globalization process on the transformation of the institution of responsibility. In the course of the research, systematic, formal-logical and historical methods of scientific cognition were used. A civilizational approach was also applied, in which (...)
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  20.  11
    The role of international relations and strategic studies in contemporary social sciences: A case study of pakistan.Nazir Hussain - 2015 - Journal of Social Sciences and Humanities 54 (1):41-51.
    Since the establishment of International Relations as an academic discipline in 1918, it has undergone great transformations. The end of World War-II with devastated nuclear technology brought forth national security perspectives impacting the study of IR and giving birth to strategic and security studies as specialized sub-disciplines. Presently the discipline of IR has very distinct and specialized sub-disciplines such as Strategic Studies, Security Studies, Peace and Conflict Resolution and Area Studies. In Pakistan, the first institute dealing with international (...)
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  21.  52
    Rethinking accountability in the context of human rights.Eva Erman - 2006 - Res Publica 12 (3):249-275.
    Within liberal democratic theory, ‘democratic accountability’ denotes an aggregative method for linking political decisions to citizens’ preferences through representative institutions. Could such a notion be transferred to the global context of human rights? Various obstacles seem to block such a transfer: there are no ‘world citizens’ as such; many people in need of human rights are not citizens of constitutional democratic states; and the aggregative methods that are supposed to sustain the link are often used in favour of (...)
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  22.  23
    Institutional Review Board Oversight of Citizen Science Research Involving Human Subjects.David B. Resnik - 2019 - American Journal of Bioethics 19 (8):21-23.
    In their target article, “The Rise of Citizen Science in Health and Biomedical Research,” Andrea Wiggins and John Wilbanks (2019) summarize some of the emerging ethical issues related to citizen sc...
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  23.  47
    Legal Aspects of Regulation of Abortion in the Context of Jurisprudence of the European Court of Human Rights.Edita Gruodytė - 2012 - Jurisprudencija: Mokslo darbu žurnalas 19 (2):739-752.
    Regulatory approach to the right to abortion in Europe is diverse and basically related to the issue of when the right to life begins and how this question is reflected in national legislation. Such an approach and diversity is tolerated by the European Court of Human Rights, but only if some specific standards and criteria formulated in the jurisprudence of the European Court of Human Rights are reflected in national legislation. Research of the Lithuanian legal acts conducted in (...)
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  24.  2
    The Ancient Virtues and Vices: Philosophical Foundations for the Psychology, Ethics, and Politics of Human Development.Jody Palmour - 1984 - University Microfilms International.
    This dissertation argues that a proper understanding of Aristotle's theory of the virtues and vices requires us to understand how practical science presupposes theoretical science, more particularly the science of the nature of the morally-developed person. It argues that by using the canons of the Posterior Analytics we can prove why the virtues are causally necessary for the morally-developed person. Further, by seeing the virtues and vices in the context of the Physics, we can see how the development of these (...)
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  25.  19
    How We Live: A Dialectical Examination of Human Existence.Roger E. Bissell - 2023 - Journal of Ayn Rand Studies 23 (1-2):280-313.
    The author endeavors to show how dialectical methods can reveal and clarify Ayn Rand’s philosophy from the two vital perspectives of the lives of individual human beings in relation to the world and in relation to other people and the social institutions under which they live. In so doing, he applies Chris Matthew Sciabarra’s Tri-Level Analysis model of social relations (derived from Rand’s social commentaries) and relates Rand’s metaphysical value-judgments to the cardinal values and virtues of her ethics.
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    The Heart of Human Rights.Allen Buchanan - 2013 - New York, US: Oup Usa.
    This book is the first in-depth attempt to provide a moral assessment of the heart of the modern human rights enterprise: the system of international legal human rights.
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  27.  16
    The right of humans to a healthy environment, a fourth generation human right.Daniela Pîrvu - 2021 - Postmodern Openings 12 (2).
    This article aims to clarify the relationship between human rights and the environment, as it results from the jurisprudence of the two supranational institutions at the level of the European Union. It can be said that, to date, the jurisprudence covered by this article reflects the most important principles that the Court has applied in environmental case law. The article sets out the three most important principles regarding the individual rights that could be affected by environmental damage. On the (...)
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  28.  61
    A New Environmental Philosophy and The Re-establishing of Human Ecology.Jia-cai Zhang & Hui Yan - 2008 - Proceedings of the Xxii World Congress of Philosophy 23:169-174.
    Environment is essentially in the category of culture and environmental research should be based on human value and culture. The study of the relationship between humans and their natural environment should also refer to human relations. Since the operational logic of social capital is the root of ecological crisis, the ultimate solution to this problem lies in human’s correct thinking, institutional, political and behavioral patterns in dealing with nature. Re-establishing human ecology therefore provides a cultural (...)
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  29. Human cloning through the eyes of muslim scholars: The new phenomenon of the islamic international religioscientific institutions.Mohammed Ghaly - 2010 - Zygon 45 (1):7-35.
    . In the wake of the February 1997 announcement that Dolly the sheep had been cloned, Muslim religious scholars together with Muslim scientists held two conferences to discuss cloning from an Islamic perspective. They were organized by two influential Islamic international religioscientific institutions: the Islamic Organization of Medical Sciences and the International Islamic Fiqh Academy. Both institutions comprise a large number of prominent religious scholars and well‐known scientists who participated in the discussions at the conferences. This article gives a comprehensive (...)
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  30.  12
    Ontology of Power Relations in Peter Olivi.Juhana Toivanen - 2023 - In Jenny Pelletier & Christian Rode (eds.), The Reality of the Social World: Medieval, Early Modern, and Contemporary Perspectives on Social Ontology. Cham: Springer Verlag. pp. 41-58.
    This chapter concentrates on Peter Olivi’s (ca. 1248–98) theory of the ontological foundations of political power—and, by extension, property and other social institutions. After briefly presenting his view of political power as a relation between a ruler and his subjects (which he presents in his famous Quid ponat ius), the chapter focuses more generally on Olivi’s theory of relations. Drawing from previous works by Alain Boureau, Sylvain Piron, Christian Rode, Robert Pasnau and others, it explores the ontology of (...) and endeavors to shed new light on this notoriously difficult aspect of Olivi’s philosophy. A special focus is placed on the non-Aristotelian notion of rationes reales, which Olivi uses to make room between realism and nominalism, as he argues that power relations are real (i.e. they are not mind-dependent) although they are not based on any real properties in the relata. After showing that political power and other institutional facts must be understood in light of this peculiar ontological notion, the final section of the essay argues that the freedom of the human will entails an ability to change social reality. It is also suggested that despite this rather modern aspect of Olivi’s his social ontology, he remains firmly within medieval worldview by grounding the normative aspect of social institutions in the will of God. (shrink)
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  31.  38
    On the institution of the moral subject: on the commander and the commanded in Nietzsche's discussion of law.Peter Bornedal - 2013 - Kriterion: Journal of Philosophy 54 (128):439-457.
    O artigo discute como Nietzsche compreende a instituição da lei e da moral em distinção a Kant e à tradição cristã. Ele argumenta que Nietzsche é, em grande medida, inspirado pela mudança de paradigma em direção a um pensamento biológico evolutivo, introduzido por diversos de seus colegas ao final do século XIX, entre os quais F. A. Lange, que vê esta mudança como uma sóbria alternativa científico-materialista a Kant. Em Nietzsche, a imperativa moral kantiana é substituída pela noção de uma (...)
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  32.  39
    In Search for Conceptual Comprehension of the Institute of Impeachment.Egidijus Šileikis - 2012 - Jurisprudencija: Mokslo darbu žurnalas 19 (3):955-985.
    It is important that from a wider scientific perspective the basics of the conceptual comprehension of impeachment entrenched in the 1992 Lithuanian Constitution be related not only to (a) the nine explicit provisions whereby impeachment relations are regulated directly (Item 5 of Article 63, Article 74, Paragraph 2 of Article 86, Item 5 of Article 88, the first sentence of Paragraph 1 of Article 89, Item 4 of Paragraph 3 of Article 105, Paragraph 3 of Article 107, Item 5 (...)
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  33.  7
    Giambattista Vico's Science of Humanity (review). [REVIEW]Sandra Rudnick Luft - 1977 - Journal of the History of Philosophy 15 (4):471-477.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:BOOK REVIEWS 471 One would have liked amplification of the final chapter on "Descartes and History," first, as to how he was a product of the intellectual climate of his times, and secondly, as to the influence exerted by "the father of modern philosophy" at home and abroad. Even brief comments would have been welcome--for example, on Descartes's reaction to the Thomistic heritage, to Montaigne, Pyrrhonism, and Stoicism, Jesuit (...)
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  34.  21
    Managing Human Tissue Transfer Across National Boundaries – An Approach from an Institution in South Africa.Safia Mahomed, Kevin Behrens, Melodie Slabbert & Ian Sanne - 2015 - Developing World Bioethics 16 (1):29-35.
    With biobank research on the increase and the history of exploitation in Africa, it has become necessary to manage the transfer of human tissues across national boundaries. There are many accepted templates of Material Transfer Agreements that currently exist internationally. However, these templates do not address the specific concerns of South Africa and even of Africa as a continent. This article will examine three significantly important ethico-legal concepts that were deliberated and carefully adapted by a South African Institution to (...)
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  35. Explanation and Power: The Control of Human Behavior.Morse Peckham - 1988 - Univ of Minnesota Press.
    _Explanation and Power _ was first published in 1988. Minnesota Archive Editions uses digital technology to make long-unavailable books once again accessible, and are published unaltered from the original University of Minnesota Press editions. The meaning of any utterance or any sign is the response to that utterance or sign: this is the fundamental proposition behind Morse Peckham's _Explanation and Power. Published_ in 1979 and now available in paperback for the first time, _Explanation and Power _grew out of Peckham's efforts, (...)
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  36.  17
    The Interpretation of Ownership: Insights from Original Institutional Economics, Pragmatist Social Psychology and Psychoanalysis.Arturo Hermann - 2023 - Economic Thought 11 (1):15.
    In this work we analyse the main interpretations of ownership in Original Institutional Economics (OIE) and their links with pragmatist psychology and psychoanalysis. We consider Thorstein Veblen's notion of ownership as a relation of possession of persons, and John R.Commons's distinction between “corporeal” and “intangible” property, that marks the shift from a material possession of goods and arbitrary power over the workers to the development of human faculties in a more participatory environment. For space reasons we do not address (...)
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    The Idea of a Science of Human Nature.Jacqueline Taylor - 2013 - In James Anthony Harris (ed.), The Oxford Handbook of British Philosophy in the Eighteenth Century. Oxford, England: Oxford University Press UK.
    Philosophers in eighteenth-century Britain had a keen interest in human nature, and made great strides in developing more scientific conceptions of human nature by borrowing and adapting the methods from natural history and natural philosophy. Human nature was analyzed at the level of the individual: how to cultivate a moral sense, or a more refined taste with respect to beauty. Even more attention was paid to the members of a society, and to the stages of development, especially (...)
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    (1 other version)Human Education towards Goodness. The Potential of the Kantian Concept of “Perpetual Peace” in Shaping Future Peaceful Relations among Nations.Zdzisław Kieliszek - 2020 - Filosofiâ I Kosmologiâ 24:151-158.
    Immanuel Kant is the author of the project of “perpetual peace” as a concept for a global federation of states remaining in peaceful relations towards each other. According to the philosopher, in order for such a federation to be possible at some time in the future, individual states need to be institutions which respect their citizens’ right of self-determination. An additional necessary condition for the future implementation of “perpetual peace” is the appearance of at least one state with a (...)
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  39.  16
    The Force, Frailty, and Future of Human Rights under Globalization.Ulrich K. Preuss - 2000 - Theoretical Inquiries in Law 1 (2).
    The author makes the claim that human rights have become an important institution of international relations, their inherent powerlessness notwithstanding. In the first step of the analysis, the author discusses the positive correlation between a nationâs socioeconomic well-being and the safe guarantee of human rights. However, the social and political disembeddedness of human rights and their universalist character actually constitute their inherent weakness, which is analyzed in the second part. In the third part, which deals with (...)
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    Ethical international research on human subjects research in the absence of local institutional review boards.S. B. Bhat - 2006 - Journal of Medical Ethics 32 (9):535-536.
    International health-related research on human subjects entails unique ethical responsibilities and difficulties. Often, these difficulties are augmented by the lack of a local ethical review infrastructure. In a recent cross-national study conducted by us, three critical components of ethical regulation were identified—external oversight, local oversight and subject involvement—and integrated into the study design. These three concepts are outlined and established as an important aspect of ensuring ethical coherence in the local context, particularly when reviews by the local institutional review (...)
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    An empirical survey on biobanking of human genetic material and data in six EU countries.Isabelle Hirtzlin, Christine Dubreuil, Nathalie Préaubert, Jenny Duchier, Brigitte Jansen, Jürgen Simon, Paula Lobatao De Faria, Anna Perez-Lezaun, Bert Visser, Garrath D. Williams, Anne Cambon-Thomsen & The Eurogenbank Consortium - 2003 - European Journal of Human Genetics 11:475–488.
    Biobanks correspond to different situations: research and technological development, medical diagnosis or therapeutic activities. Their status is not clearly defined. We aimed to investigate human biobanking in Europe, particularly in relation to organisational, economic and ethical issues in various national contexts. Data from a survey in six EU countries were collected as part of a European Research Project examining human and non-human biobanking. A total of 147 institutions concerned with biobanking of human samples and data were (...)
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    From Natural Science to Social Science: Race and the Language of Race Relations in Late Victorian and Edwardian Discourse.Douglas Lorimer - 2009 - In Duncan Kelly (ed.), Lineages of Empire: The Historical Roots of British Imperial Thought. OUP/British Academy. pp. 181.
    This chapter focuses on the emergence of modern racist ideology during the nineteenth century. It examines the role played by the Victorian anatomists and anthropologists who constructed classifications of humans according to racial type, and depicted these types as having distinct and certain characteristics determined by their biological inheritance. This ideology of racism is a racial inequality dependent on a biological determinism based on science. From the 1930s to the 1950s, developments in science, specifically in human genetics and anthropology, (...)
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  43. Of sweatshops and subsistence: Habermas on human rights.David Ingram - 2009 - Ethics and Global Politics 2 (3).
    In this paper I argue that the discourse theoretic account of human rights defended by Jürgen Habermas contains a fruitful tension that is obscured by its dominant tendency to identify rights with legal claims. This weakness in Habermas’s account becomes manifest when we examine how sweatshops diminish the secure enjoyment of subsistence, which Habermas himself (in recognition of the UDHR) recognizes as a human right. Discourse theories of human rights are unique in tying the legitimacy of (...) rights to democratic deliberation and consensus. So construed, their specific meaning and force is the outcome of historical political struggle. However, unlike other legal rights, they possess universal moral validity. In this paper I argue that this tension between the legal and moral aspects of human rights can be resolved if and only if human rights are conceived as moral aspirations and not simply as legal claims. In particular, I shall argue that there are two reasons why human rights must be understood as moral aspirations that function non-juridically: First, the basic human goods to which human rights provide secure access are determinable only in relation to basic human capabilities that are progressively revealed in the course of an indefinite (fully inclusive and universal) process of collective learning; second, the institutional impediments to enjoying human rights are cultural in nature and cannot be remedied by means of legal coercion. (shrink)
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    The bearers of human rights’ duties and responsibilities for human rights: A quiet evolution?Samantha Besson - 2015 - Social Philosophy and Policy 32 (1):244-268.
    :Recent years have seen an increase of interest on the part of human rights theorists in the “supply-side” of human rights, i.e., in the duties or obligations correlative to human rights. Nevertheless, faced with the practically urgent and seemingly simple question of who owes the duties related to international human rights, few human rights theorists provide an elaborate answer. While some make a point of fitting the human rights practice and hence regard states as (...)
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  45. Global Regulatory System of Human Resources Development.Sergii Sardak - 2014 - Dissertation, Київський Національний Економічний Університет Імені Вадима Гетьмана
    ANNOTATION Sardak S.E. Global Regulatory System of Human Resources Development. – Manuscript. Thesis for the Doctor of Economic Science academic degree with major in 08.00.02 – World Economy and international economic relations. – SHEE «Kyiv National Economic University named after Vadym Hetman», Kyiv, 2014. The preconditions and factors of the global economic system with the identified relevant subjects areas and mechanisms of regulation instruments have been investigated. The crucial role of humans in the global economic system as a (...)
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  46. Transbiopolitics and paradigmatic explication of International relations: the factor covid-19.Valentin Cheshko & Oleg Kuz - 2021 - In I. K. Golovko І.В. Ishchenko & Ishchenko Olena Mykolayivna (eds.), Proceedings of the international scientific and practical conference CURRENT PROBLEMS OF MODERN INTERNATIONAL RELATIONS Ukraine, Dnipro November 05-06, 2021. PrintDim; MINISTRY OF EDUCATION AND SCIENCE OF UKRAINE. pp. 169-174.
    The COVID-19 crisis has not only ontological roots but also epistemic ones too; its cause lies in the main evolutionary trends in the development of science as a social institution. And only then the epistemic factors were transformed into existential-ontological ones, connected with the very existence of civilization and our biosocial nature. The way out of the crisis is the unalterable development of all sectors of technologies of controlled evolution. As a result, biopolitics extends the sphere of competence to interstate (...)
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    The Unrealized Potential of National Human Rights Institutions in Business and Human Rights Regulation: Conditions for Effective Engagement and Proposal for Reform.René Wolfsteller - 2021 - Human Rights Review 23 (1):43-68.
    While National Human Rights Institutions are widely regarded as particularly promising tools in the emerging transnational regime for the regulation of business and human rights, we still know little about their potential and actual contribution to this field. This article bridges the gap between business and human rights research and NHRI scholarship, proceeding in three steps: Firstly, I analyze the structural conditions for NHRIs to tackle business-related human rights abuses effectively, focusing on the key conditions of (...)
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    Institutional review boards: A flawed system of risk management.Simon N. Whitney - 2016 - Research Ethics 12 (4):182-200.
    Institutional Review Boards and their federal overseers protect human subjects, but this vital work is often dysfunctional despite their conscientious efforts. A cardinal, but unrecognized, explanation is that IRBs are performing a specific function – the management of risk – using a flawed theoretical and practical approach. At the time of the IRB system’s creation, risk management theory emphasized the suppression of risk. Since then, scholars of governance, studying the experience of business and government, have learned that we must (...)
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  49. The ground of critique: On the concept of human dignity in social orders of justification.Rainer Forst - 2011 - Philosophy and Social Criticism 37 (9):965-976.
    In the practice of social criticism, the concept of human dignity has played and still plays an important role. In philosophical debates, however, we find widely divergent accounts of that concept, ranging from views based on a conception of human needs to religious approaches trying to explain the ‘inviolability’ of the person. The view presented here reconstructs the basic claim of human dignity historically and normatively as resting on the moral status of the person as a reason-giving, (...)
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    Human Nature, Social Theory and the Problem of Institutional Design.Stuart Toddington & Deryck Beyleveld - 2006 - Studies in Social and Political Thought 12:2-30.
    The philosophical concept of the self has had a hard time for a long time. The scepticism that lay behind Hume’s ‘bundle’ theory has been made manifest in ‘post-philosophical’ claims that the self or subject is not so much a ‘something’ that ties together a bundle of sense impressions, but is rather to be seen as an effect of a system of power relations, or an illusory presupposition of the relational properties of syntax.
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