Results for 'Interpersonal conflict '

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  1.  50
    Do Interpersonal Conflict, Aggression and Bullying at the Workplace Overlap? A Latent Class Modeling Approach.Guy Notelaers, Beatrice Van der Heijden, Hannes Guenter, Morten Birkeland Nielsen & Ståle Valvetne Einarsen - 2018 - Frontiers in Psychology 9:345888.
    An unresolved issue in the occupational health literature that is of both theoretical and practical importance is whether interpersonal conflicts, aggression and bullying at work are distinct or overlapping phenomena for exposed workers. In this study, we addressed this question empirically by employing a Latent Class (LC) analysis using cross-industry data from 6,175 Belgian workers. We found that a two-factor solution with a conflict-aggression factor and a bullying factor had the best fit. Employees with low exposure to workplace (...)
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    Ethics of managing interpersonal conflict in organizations.M. Afzalur Rahim, Jan Edward Garrett & Gabriel F. Buntzman - 1992 - Journal of Business Ethics 11 (5-6):423-432.
    Although managers spend over twenty percent of their time in conflict management, organization theorists have provided very few guidelines to help them do their job ethically. This paper attempts to provide some guidelines so that organizational members can use the styles of handling interpersonal conflict, such as integrating, obliging, dominating, avoiding, and compromising, with their superiors, subordinates, and peers ethically and effectively. It has been argued in this paper that, in general, each style of handling interpersonal (...)
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    (1 other version)Communication disorders, interpersonal conflicts and sexual dysfunctions.Nunzia Marciante - 2016 - Pragmatics and Cognition 23 (3):501-504.
    The aim of this article is to analyze the effects of comunication, conflicts, and body language on sexual dysfunctions. As explained in the work of Merleau Ponty, the everyday experience goes through the body and communicates its being in the world through external stimuli, generating emotions and developing affectivity. In this perspective, the sexuality is something more than a set of biological mechanism. Simultaneous, experiencing of conflicting feelings and emotions, such as anger, may affect the body sexual response, such as (...)
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    Styles of behaviour in interpersonal conflict concept and research tool.Krystyna Balawajder - 2012 - Polish Psychological Bulletin 43 (4):233-243.
    The article presents the main types of conflict behaviour with the author’s proposal of their classification. The suggested classification is based on the way in which an individual deals with a partner’s adverse influence on his/her self-interest and welfare in a conflict situation. Four possible ways of coping i.e. attack, amicable settlement, defence, and yielding have been distinguished. On the basis of this behaviour classification, the Conflict Behaviour Questionnaire was compiled and its reliability and validity was assessed.
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    Re-appraising stressors from a distance: effects of linguistic distancing on cognitive appraisals and emotional responses to interpersonal conflict.Amani Nasarudin, Ella K. Moeck & Peter Koval - 2023 - Cognition and Emotion 37 (7):1281-1289.
    Reflecting on stressors from a detached perspective – a strategy known as distancing – can facilitate emotional recovery. Researchers have theorised that distancing works by enabling reappraisals of negative events, yet few studies have investigated specifically how distancing impacts stressor appraisals. In this experiment, we investigated how participants’ (N = 355) emotional experience and appraisals of an interpersonal conflict differed depending on whether they wrote event-reflections from a linguistically immersed (first-person) or distanced (second/third-person) perspective. Partly replicating previous findings, (...)
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    (1 other version)Future Conflicts Are Inevitable: Causes of Interpersonal Conflicts According to Immanuel Kant and Thomas R. Malthus.Zdzisław Kieliszek - 2019 - Filosofiâ I Kosmologiâ 22:152-161.
    The paper entitled “Future Conflicts Are Inevitable: Causes of Interpersonal Conflicts According to Immanuel Kant and Thomas R. Malthus” is composed of four parts. The first part outlines the validity and importance of the issue of interpersonal conflicts, as well as the need to unveil their deepest causes. The second fragment is devoted to the vision of discord between people, developed by Immanuel Kant. The author emphasizes that, in the opinion of the German philosopher, due to the “unsociable (...)
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    Self-insight, other-insight, and their relation to interpersonal conflict.Barbara A. Reilly - 1996 - Thinking and Reasoning 2 (2 & 3):213 – 224.
    The pessimistic conclusion that people have relatively poor insight into the weighting schemes they use when they make holistic judgements has been generally accepted among judgement researchers. The empirical research that supported this generalisation rested on indices of self-insight that were produced directly by the subjects. It was often the case that subjects were unable to correctly name even the single most important factor influencing their decisions, as indicated by a mathematical model of their judgement schemes. Using an alternate method (...)
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    Interpersonal Harmony and Conflict for Chinese People: A Yin–Yang Perspective.Li-Li Huang - 2016 - Frontiers in Psychology 7.
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  9. Interpersonal support and conflict and psychosocial adjustment of Chinese adolescents with economic disadvantage.D. T. L. Shek - 2002 - In Serge P. Shohov (ed.), Advances in Psychology Research. Nova Science Publishers. pp. 18--63.
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  10.  19
    Ambivalence and Interpersonal Liking: The Expression of Ambivalence as Social Validation of Attitudinal Conflict.Daniel Toribio-Flórez, Frenk van Harreveld & Iris K. Schneider - 2020 - Frontiers in Psychology 11.
    Literature on attitude similarity suggests that sharing similar attitudes enhances interpersonal liking, but it remains unanswered whether this effect also holds for ambivalent attitudes. In the present research, we shed light on the role attitudinal ambivalence plays in interpersonal liking. Specifically, we examine whether people express ambivalence strategically to generate a positive or negative social image, and whether this is dependent on the attitudinal ambivalence of their perceiver. We test two alternative hypotheses. In line with the attitude-similarity effect, (...)
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  11. Interpersonal Moral Conflicts.Terrance McConnell - 1988 - American Philosophical Quarterly 25 (1):25 - 35.
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    Conflict Resolution: Insights of Refugees at Dadaab Refugee Camp, Kenya.Gail Presbey - 2003 - The Acorn 12 (1):25-37.
    I was invited by CARE International of Kenya to do some research on conceptions of conflict and its resolution among refugees in Kenya. Findings would help the refugees themselves in furthering their peace education project. I interviewed sixteen people, with aid of translators, on interpersonal to international issues of conflict resolution. The final report was submitted to CARE International of Kenya and representatives of U.N.H.C.R. in August of 2001. This article reflects on some of the highlights from (...)
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    Life without conflict.A. M. Patel - 2014 - Gujarat, India: Dada Bhagwan Aradhana Trust. Edited by Niruben Amin.
    As much as we would prefer otherwise, conflict seems woven into the very fabric of life. On a daily basis, we find ourselves dealing with difficult people, facing unhealthy relationships, or suffering marriage problems. We might say that some of our relationships are the very definition of conflict! While asking ourselves how to adjust in these circumstances, and how to handle conflict, we remain confused and perplexed. In the book “Life Without Conflict”, Gnani Purush (embodiment of (...)
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    Conflict and Contest in Nietzsche's Philosophy.James S. Pearson & Herman Siemens - 2018 - New York, NY, USA: Bloomsbury.
    While Nietzsche's works and ideas are relevant across the many branches of philosophy, the themes of contest and conflict have been mostly overlooked. Conflict and Contest in Nietzsche's Philosophy redresses this situation, arguing for the importance of these issues throughout Nietzsche's work. The volume has three key lines of inquiry: Nietzsche's ontology of conflict; Nietzsche's conception of the agon; and Nietzsche's warrior-philosophy. Under these three umbrellas is a collection of insightful and provocative essays considering, among other topics, (...)
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    The Emotional Mechanisms of Interpersonal Preemptive Behavior.Lei Liu, Xiyan Song & Yu Li - 2022 - Frontiers in Psychology 13.
    Interpersonal preemptive behavior means that a party undertakes a costly action that inflicts harm to another to remove or disable a potential threat. This present study examined the emotional mechanisms underlying interpersonal preemptive behavior. The findings revealed that in interpersonal interaction situations, individuals experienced higher levels of fear and hope when they perceived the potential threat of the gaming partner and were more likely to initiate preemptive behavior; fear and hope both mediated the relationship between potential threat (...)
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    Resolving Conflicts Between People and Over Time in the Transformation Toward Sustainability: A Framework of Interdependent Conflicts.Johann M. Majer, Matthias Barth, Hong Zhang, Marie van Treek & Roman Trötschel - 2021 - Frontiers in Psychology 12.
    Transformative and mutually beneficial solutions require decision-makers to reconcile present- and future interests and to align them with those of other decision-makers. Despite the natural co-occurrence of intrapersonal and interpersonal conflicts in the transformation toward sustainability, both types of conflicts have been studied predominantly in isolation. In this conceptual article, we breathe new life into the traditional dialog between individual decision-making and negotiation research and address critical psychological barriers to the transformation toward sustainability. In particular, we argue that research (...)
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  17.  25
    Interactions between Obsessional Symptoms and Interpersonal Ambivalences in Psychodynamic Therapy: An Empirical Case Study.Shana Cornelis, Mattias Desmet, Kimberly L. H. D. Van Nieuwenhove, Reitske Meganck, Jochem Willemsen, Ruth Inslegers & Jasper Feyaerts - 2017 - Frontiers in Psychology 8:190151.
    Background: The classical symptom specificity hypothesis (Blatt, 1974) links obsessional symptoms to autonomous interpersonal behavior. Inconsistent findings from cross-sectional group studies on symptom specificity have previously been associated with several conceptual and methodological limitations intrinsic to nomothetic research. Previous empirical case research reported ambivalences between autonomous and dependent interpersonal behavior in obsessional pathology. Aim and Method: The present ‘theory-building’ case study specifically aims at further refinement of the classical symptom specificity hypothesis by testing specific operationalizations within an empirical (...)
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  18.  60
    Interpersonal Issues in the Wanglie Case.Steven H. Miles - 1992 - Kennedy Institute of Ethics Journal 2 (1):61-72.
    The case of Helga Wanglie involved a conflict between the medical team, which concluded that a respirator was providing no medical benefit to the 87-year-old woman and should therefore be discontinued, and Ms. Wanglie's family who did not want the respirator removed. Most published commentary on the case has analyzed the medical team's conclusion. In contrast, this article examines the impact of the conflict on the conduct of the clinical case, and on the relationships among the various parties (...)
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  19.  35
    General practitioners' conflicts of interest, the paramountcy principle and safeguarding children: a psychodynamic contribution.Adrian Sutton - 2011 - Journal of Medical Ethics 37 (4):254-257.
    Next SectionWainwright and Gallagher propose that when child protection concerns emerge significant difficulties arise for General Practitioners because of conflicts between the individual interests of children and parents who are their patients and the Paramountcy Principle. From a psychodynamic perspective their analysis does not give sufficient weight to the nature of personal as opposed to interpersonal conflict of a conscious or unconscious nature. When issues of major import arise, ordinary parenting inevitably involves parents in putting their children's needs (...)
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  20.  15
    Formulating a New Three Energy Framework of Personality for Conflict Analysis and Resolution based on Triguna Concept of Bhagavad Gita.Satish Modh - 2014 - Journal of Human Values 20 (2):153-165.
    Theories of interpersonal conflict analysis and resolution originate from sociology, social psychology and political science. These theories took shape during twentieth century after World War I and World War II. Some of the prominent conflict resolution theories are Burton’s ‘human needs theory’, Roger Fisher’s ‘principled-negotiation’ and Lederach’s ‘Conflict transformation’. Conflict is an inevitable part of living because it is related to situations of scarce resources, division of functions, power relations and role-differentiation. In the organizational environment, (...)
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  21. Hubungan kompetensi interpersonal Dengan motivasi berprestasi pada karyawan.Rei Zefanya & Sandi Kartasasmita - 2012 - Phronesis (Misc) 11 (2).
    This study examined associations between interpersonal competence and achievement motivation. Interpersonal competence is defined as a person’s ability to interpersonally make a relationship to other person. Interpersonal competence have five aspects, which is the ability to inisiat ive , the ability to openness to the other people, the ability to assertiveness, the ability to give support, and the ability to master conflict. Achievement motivation is a drive inside the person to overcome a challenge and to reach (...)
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    Investigating the language of conflict and peace in critical discourse studies.Innocent Chiluwa - forthcoming - Critical Discourse Studies.
    This introduction to a Special Issue of Critical Discourse Studies (CDS) – dedicated to showcasing scholarly research into the language of conflict and peace, describes the general conceptual character of language in conflict initiation as well as in peace process. It further examines the potentials of linguistic representation in the construction of social and political realities that have strong implications for conflicts not only at the interpersonal level but also have consequences in terms of national and global (...)
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    “Agreement Builds and Disagreement Destroys:” How Polish Undergraduates and Graduates Understand Interpersonal Arguing.Kamila Dębowska-Kozłowska & Dale Hample - 2022 - Argumentation 36 (3):365-392.
    This is a descriptive study (_N_ = 243) of how Polish undergraduates and graduates perceive face to face arguing. We had some reasons to suppose that they would not be especially aggressive. The Polish culture has a number of proverbs warning against combative arguing, with “agreement builds and disagreement destroys” being illustrative. In addition, up until 1989 public dissent and open disagreements were suppressed by the government, and older generations often found it prudent to avoid arguing. We compared Polish results (...)
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  24. From the encounter to the dialogue: Toward a new interpersonal perspective in the era of crisis and conflicts.Vera Fisogni - 2005 - A Parte Rei 40:11.
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    Team members perspectives on conflicts in clinical ethics committees.Anika Scherer, Bernd Alt-Epping, Friedemann Nauck & Gabriella Marx - 2019 - Nursing Ethics 26 (7-8):2098-2112.
    Background: Clinical ethics committees have been broadly implemented in university hospitals, general hospitals and nursing homes. To ensure the quality of ethics consultations, evaluation should be mandatory. Research question/aim: The aim of this article is to evaluate the perspectives of all people involved and the process of implementation on the wards. Research design and participants: The data were collected in two steps: by means of non-participating observation of four ethics case consultations and by open-guided interviews with 28 participants. Data analysis (...)
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  26.  55
    Pragma-dialectical Theory and Interpersonal Interaction Outcomes: Unproductive Interpersonal Behavior as Violations of Rules for Critical Discussion.Harry Weger - 2001 - Argumentation 15 (3):313-330.
    The purpose of this research review is to examine the usefulness of reconstructing problematic interpersonal conflict behavior as violations of rules for critical discussions. Dialectical reconstruction of interpersonal conflict behavior sheds light on the ways in which dialectical fallacies influence not only the course of a critical discussion, but also the personal and relationship outcomes experienced by arguers. Conflict sequences such as cross complaining and demand/withdraw are shown to be problematic, in part, because they prevent (...)
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    Intrapersonal Conflict as a Factor of Adaptation of Students to Conditions of Teaching at Universities.Natalia Gerasimova & Inna Gerasymova - 2016 - International Letters of Social and Humanistic Sciences 70:1-7.
    Source: Author: Natalia Gerasimova, Inna Gerasymova The article reviews the current state of studying the problem of interpersonal conflict as a factor in adaptation, characterized by consideration of the relationship of these categories on two levels: intrapersonal conflict is studied as a driving force, a source of self-in the process of adaptation and as a leading indicator of complications adaptation. It is determined that the impact of interpersonal conflict in the course of adaptation depends on (...)
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  28. Young Children Discuss Conflict.David Kennedy - 2006 - Childhood and Philosophy 2 (3):127-182.
    If there is one constant, uninvited guest in the typical public school classroom—or indeed in any setting in which children gather in numbers—it is conflict. The transcripts from which I draw in this reflection on how young children think together about conflict reflect two four-part sets of conversations with two second grades in a small school of roughly 300 students in a predominantly middle to upper middle class suburban town in a heavily populated metropolitan area in the northeastern (...)
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    Guanxi and Conflicts of Interest.Chris Provis - 2008 - Journal of Business Ethics 79 (1-2):57-68.
    "Guanxi" involves interpersonal obligations, which may conflict with other obligations people have that are based on general or abstract moral considerations. In the West, the latter have been widely accepted as the general source of obligations, which is perhaps tied to social changes associated with the rise of capitalism. Recently, Western ethicists have started to reconsider the extent to which personal relationships may form a distinct basis for obligation. In administration and management, salient bases for decision-Making include deontological, (...)
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  30. Towards a Consensus About the Role of Empathy in Interpersonal Understanding.John Michael - 2014 - Topoi 33 (1):157-172.
    In recent years, there has been a great deal of controversy in the philosophy of mind, developmental psychology and cognitive neuroscience both about how to conceptualize empathy and about the connections between empathy and interpersonal understanding. Ideally, we would first establish a consensus about how to conceptualize empathy, and then analyze the potential contribution of empathy to interpersonal understanding. However, it is not at all clear that such a consensus will soon be forthcoming, given that different people have (...)
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    The Role of Communication and Interpersonal Skills in Clinical Ethics Consultation: The Need for a Competency in Advanced Ethics Facilitation.Jane Jankowski, Cynthia Geppert & Wayne Shelton - 2016 - Journal of Clinical Ethics 27 (1):28-38.
    Clinical ethics consultants (CECs) often face some of the most difficult communication and interpersonal challenges that occur in hospitals, involving stressed stakeholders who express, with strong emotions, their preferences and concerns in situations of personal crisis and loss. In this article we will give examples of how much of the important work that ethics consultants perform in addressing clinical ethics conflicts is incompletely conceived and explained in the American Society of Bioethics and Humanities Core Competencies for Healthcare Ethics Consultation (...)
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  32.  20
    Coordination in interpersonal systems.Emily A. Butler - 2022 - Cognition and Emotion 36 (8):1467-1478.
    Coordinated group behaviour can result in conflict or social cohesion. Thus having a better understanding of coordination in social groups could help us tackle some of our most challenging social problems. Historically, the most common way to study group behaviour is to break it down into sub-processes, such as cognition and emotion, then ideally manipulate them in a social context in order to predict some behaviour such as liking versus distrusting a target person. This approach has gotten us partway (...)
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  33.  45
    Teachers' views of forgiveness for the resolution of conflicts between students in school.Ju´lio Rique & Maria Tereza Lins-Dyer - 2003 - Journal of Moral Education 32 (3):233-250.
    This study investigated teachers' views of forgiveness and institutional pardon for conflict resolution at schools. We asked, "Should teachers endorse student resolution of interpersonal conflicts at school by asking for forgiveness and forgiving?" "Considering that students' conflict led to behaviours that violated norms in the school, should schools pardon students' misconduct if students effectively used forgiveness for interpersonal conflict resolution?" Finally, "Is an internal and autonomous orientation for forgiveness related to social harmony or interpersonal (...)
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    Maturana's Theory and Interpersonal Ethics.H. Gash - 2011 - Constructivist Foundations 6 (3):363-369.
    Context: Maturana’s views on cognitive processes and explaining have ethical implications. The aim of this paper is to link ethics and epistemology to facilitate thinking about how to promote respect between different viewpoints through mutual understanding. Method: Maturana’s views on ethics are outlined in three domains: the personal, the interpersonal, and the societal. Results: The ethical implications that emerge around the notion of reality with or without parenthesis, the concept of the legitimate other, and Maturana’s conjectures about the origins (...)
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    Relational Determination in Interpersonal and Intrapsychic Experience.Edward S. Ragsdale - 2021 - Gestalt Theory 43 (1):121-141.
    Summary The task of this article is to review the principle of relational determination, as described by Solomon Asch (1952) which expands over Karl Duncker’s (1939) critique of ethical relativism. Relational determination has much to offer to the therapeutic community first with regard to interpersonal relations and social relations. My main goal is to extend this relational analysis to intrapsychic life, which may expose new potentialities for internal conflict resolution and personal integration, predicated on the cultivation of relational (...)
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    How do Culture, Individual Traits, and Context Influence Koreans’ Interpersonal Arguing? Toward a More Comprehensive Analysis of Interpersonal Arguing.Youllee Kim, Sungeun Chung & Dale Hample - 2020 - Argumentation 34 (2):117-141.
    This research explores the dynamics of interpersonal arguing in South Korea by considering cultural influence, individual traits, and contexts. In a cross-cultural study where Koreans were compared to U.S. Americans on basic measures of argument orientations, several interesting contrasts emerged, along with considerable similarity. Koreans evaluated conflicts more positively than Americans even though they were more worried about the relational consequences of arguing. Within the Korean sample, sex difference was pronounced. Study 2 found that power distance orientation was critical (...)
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  37.  34
    The ontology of conflict.Sara Greco Morasso - 2008 - Pragmatics and Cognition 16 (3):540-567.
    This paper aims at clarifying the ontology of conflict as a preliminary for constructing a conflict mapping guide. After recalling the main definitions elaborated in different disciplines, the meaning of conflict is elicited through semantic analysis based on corpus evidence. Two fundamental meanings emerge: conflict as an interpersonal hostility between two or more human subjects, and conflict as a propositional incompatibility. These two states of affairs are significantly related, because the latter tends to generate (...)
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    Dostoevsky - Strakhov - Tolstoy: Toward to the Story of One Conflict.Svetlana M. Klimova - 2021 - RUDN Journal of Philosophy 25 (1):72-88.
    The well-known epistolary conflict between Fyodor Dostoevsky and Nikolai Strakhov over the latter's slander of the great Russian writer's terrible sins is considered in the article from the point of view a philosophical anthropology and relations not two but between three participants of this story: Dostoyevsky, Strakhov and Tolstoy. This conflict is presented through anthropological, existential, and class prisms of description, based on a reconstruction of Strakhov's concept of man as a controversial, dual, and undefined being reflected in (...)
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    The complementarity of interpersonal relations and the social intelligence of students.S. V. Scherbakov - 2013 - Liberal Arts in Russia 2 (5):458.
    As a result of interviews with the students of the psychology department of Bashkir State university the set of everyday conflict situations has been picked up and a new situational judgment test of social intelligence was worked out. The positive correlations between social intelligence and the stability and harmony of relations between university students were discovered. The main purpose of our current investigation was to explore the correlations between the social intelligence of university students and the complementarity of (...) relations between them and university teachers. The significant positive correlation between social intelligence and complementarity scores on the affiliation axis of the IMI-C test has been obtained. We may conclude that this fact implies that students with high social intelligence are able to self-control and affiliation in conflict situations. (shrink)
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  40. Interpersonal comparison in egalitarian societies.Ken Binmore - unknown
    When judging what is fair, how do we decide how much weight to assign to the conflicting interests of different classes of people? This subject has received some attention in a utilitarian context, but has been largely neglected in the case of egalitarian societies of the kind studied by John Rawls. My Game Theory and the Social Contract considers the problem for a toy society with only two citizens. This paper examines the theoretical difficulties in extending the discussion to societies (...)
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  41. Environmental Damage and the Puzzle of the Self-Torturer.Chrisoula Andreou - 2005 - Philosophy and Public Affairs 34 (1):95-108.
    I show, building on Warren Quinn's puzzle of the self-torturer, that destructive conduct with respect to the environment can flourish even in the absence of interpersonal conflicts. As Quinn's puzzle makes apparent, in cases where individually negligible effects are involved, an agent, whether it be an individual or a unified collective, can be led down a course of destruction simply as a result of following its informed and perfectly understandable but intransitive preferences. This is relevant with respect to environmental (...)
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    The “Ladder of Inference” as a Conflict Management Tool: Working with the “Difficult” Patient or Family in Healthcare Ethics Consultations.Autumn Fiester - 2024 - HEC Forum 36 (1):31-44.
    Conflict resolution is a core component of healthcare ethics consultation (HEC) and proficiency in this skill set is recognized by the national bioethics organization and its HEC certification process. Difficult interpersonal interactions between the clinical team and patients or their families are often inexorably connected to the normative disputes that are the catalyst for the consult. Ethics consultants are often required to navigate challenging dynamics that have become entrenched and work with patient-provider or family-provider relationships that have already (...)
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    Newly graduated nurses’ experiences of horizontal violence.Ivana Maria Rosi, Adriana Contiguglia, Kim Randall Millama & Stefania Rancati - 2020 - Nursing Ethics 27 (7):1556-1568.
    Background: Horizontal violence, defined in the literature as ‘interpersonal conflict between two nurses at the same hierarchical levels in organizations’, often associated with bullying, affects the well-being of nurses, care recipients and the professional image of nursing and the organization due to increased turnover. One in every three newly graduated nurses is a victim of horizontal violence, although they do not always know how to define it. Aim: To investigate the direct and indirect experiences of horizontal violence in (...)
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    Getting Ahead While Getting Along: Followership as a Key Ingredient for Shared Leadership and Reducing Team Conflict.Noelle Baird & Alex J. Benson - 2022 - Frontiers in Psychology 13.
    Followership and leadership provide two distinct but complementary sets of behaviors that jointly contribute to positive team dynamics. Yet, followership is rarely measured in shared leadership research. Using a prospective design with a sample of leaderless project teams, we examined the interdependence of leadership and followership and how these leader-follower dynamics relate to relationship conflict at the dyadic and team level. Supporting the reciprocity of leader-follower dynamics, social relations analyses revealed that uniquely rating a teammate higher on effective leadership (...)
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  45. Political and interpersonal aspects of ethics consultation.Joel E. Frader - 1992 - Theoretical Medicine and Bioethics 13 (1).
    Previous papers on ethics consultation in medicine have taken a positivistic approach and lack critical scrutiny of the psychosocial, political, and moral contexts in which consultations occur. This paper discusses some of the contextual factors that require more careful research. We need to know more about what prompts and inhibits consultation, especially what factors effectively prevent house officers and nonphysicians from requesting consultation despite perceived moral conflict in cases. The attitudes and institutional power of attending medical staff seem important, (...)
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    Managing the ambiguous and conflicting identities of `upline' and `downline' in a network marketing firm.Kenneth C. C. Kong - 2002 - Discourse Studies 4 (1):49-74.
    This is a study of how ambiguous identities are interactionally managed in network marketing discourse. Network marketing, as an enterprise `using' friendship to promote products, has been notorious for its exploitative use of interpersonal meaning. In this study, the interactions between supervisors and subordinates in network marketing firms have been studied and their relationship was found to be ambiguous and conflicting. On the one hand, they are `friends' because of the strong emphasis on rapport and harmony in the philosophy (...)
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    Between Multiple Identities and Values: Professionals’ Identity Conflicts in Ethically Charged Situations.Lara Carminati & YingFei Gao Héliot - 2022 - Frontiers in Psychology 13.
    This study explored identity conflict dynamics in interpersonal interactions in professionals facing ethically charged situations. Through semi-structured interviews, we conducted a qualitative study among doctors and nurses working for the English National Healthcare Service and analyzed the data with grounded theory approaches. Our findings reveal that identity conflict is triggered by three micro processes, namely cognitive and emotional perspective taking, as well as identifying with the other. In these processes, identity conflict is signaled by emotions and (...)
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    A Cross-Cultural Analysis of Argument Predispositions in China: Argumentativeness, Verbal Aggressiveness, Argument Frames, and Personalization of Conflict.Yun Xie, Dale Hample & Xiaoli Wang - 2015 - Argumentation 29 (3):265-284.
    China has a longstanding tradition of stressing the values of harmony and coherence, and Chinese society has often been portrayed as a culture in which conflict avoidance is viewed more positively than direct confrontation and argumentation. In order to evaluate the validity of this claim, this paper sketches Chinese people’s feelings and understandings about interpersonal arguing by reporting results of a data collection in China, using measures of argumentativeness, verbal aggressiveness, argument frames, and personalization of conflict. These (...)
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  49.  43
    Introduction to Conflict and Resolution: The Ethics of Forgiveness, Revenge and Punishment.Paula Satne & Krisanna M. Scheiter - 2022 - In Paula Satne & Sheiter Krisanna (eds.), Conflict and Resolution: The Ethics of Forgiveness, Revenge and Punishment. pp. 1-17.
    The editors of the volume, Krisanna Scheiter and Paula Satne, introduce some of the central themes in the book and briefly summarise the content of the different chapters. The chapters examine the merits and pitfalls of common reactive attitudes to wrongdoing, such as anger, hatred, resentment, and forgiveness, taking into account both historical perspectives and contemporary debates. The introduction explains some of the philosophical debates about the nature and the desirability of anger, and the alleged distinction between revenge and punishment (...)
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  50.  61
    Administrative Ethics Conflict and Governance of Grassroots Government Staff Under the Human Relationship Society.Yue Yin, Taotao Li & Fan Yang - 2022 - Frontiers in Psychology 13.
    The conflict of administrative morality among civil servants at the grassroots level arises from the background of China’s long-standing traditional culture, and the current administrative system cannot keep up with the pace of economic development. In the process of grassroots management, due to the lag in the construction of administrative morality, the traditional official standard thinking, the imperfection of the current system, and the restriction of human nature, it is easy to cause the administrative moral conflict of the (...)
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