Results for 'Interpreted systems'

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  1.  84
    Deontic interpreted systems.Alessio Lomuscio & Marek Sergot - 2003 - Studia Logica 75 (1):63 - 92.
    We investigate an extension of the formalism of interpreted systems by Halpern and colleagues to model the correct behaviour of agents. The semantical model allows for the representation and reasoning about states of correct and incorrect functioning behaviour of the agents, and of the system as a whole. We axiomatise this semantic class by mapping it into a suitable class of Kripke models. The resulting logic, KD45n i-j, is a stronger version of KD, the system often referred to (...)
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  2. (1 other version)Some considerations concerning "interpretative systems".Harry V. Stopes-Roe - 1958 - Philosophy of Science 25 (3):143-156.
    In 1954 Hempel wrote “Once the idea of a partial specification of meaning is granted, it appears unnecessarily restrictive, however, to limit the sentences effecting such partial interpretation to reduction sentences in Carnap's sense. … Generally, then, a set of one or more theoretical terms, t1, t2 ⃛, tn, might be introduced by any set M of sentences such that M contains no extralogical terms other than t1, t2 ⃛, tn, and observation terms, M is logically consistent, and M is (...)
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    Checking EMTLK Properties of Timed Interpreted Systems Via Bounded Model Checking.Bożena Woźna-Szcześniak & Andrzej Zbrzezny - 2016 - Studia Logica 104 (4):641-678.
    We investigate a SAT-based bounded model checking method for EMTLK that is interpreted over timed models generated by timed interpreted systems. In particular, we translate the existential model checking problem for EMTLK to the existential model checking problem for a variant of linear temporal logic, and we provide a SAT-based BMC technique for HLTLK. We evaluated the performance of our BMC by means of a variant of a timed generic pipeline paradigm scenario and a timed train controller (...)
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    Namdang南塘’s liqi理氣ological Interpretation System for Taijituoshou太極圖說. 최영진 & Zhao Tian Tian - 2021 - Cheolhak-Korean Journal of Philosophy 146:1-27.
    대부분의 연구자들은 주염계의 「태극도설」에 대한 주자의 해석서인 「태극해의」가 이기론을 기반으로 이루어졌다고 주장한다. 그러나 「태극해의」에서 ‘태극=리’라고 명시적으로 주장한 구절은 찾아볼 수 없으며 체계적인 이기론이 나타나지도 않는다. 이와 같은 사실에 비추어 볼 때에 조선유학자들이 이기론을 사용하여 「태극도설」을 해석한 것은 의미가 있다. 남당은 ‘모두 같은 본연지성’과 ‘모두 다른 기질지성’이라는 기존의 이분법적 성론만으로는 인간과 사물의 차이를 본질적으로, 그리고 명실상부하게 분별할 수 없으며, 인간이 도덕적 주체로서 가지는 고유한 지위를 확보하기 어렵다고 보았다. 이와 같은 문제의식에서 남당은 본연지성을 ‘초형기의 본연지성’과 ‘인기질의 본연지성’으로 나누고, 因氣質의 ‘人性과 物性이 다른 (...)
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  5. Weber y Habermas o los umbrales de la modernidad progresista: constitución, interpretación y comprensión.Interpretation Constitution & Understand Fernando J. Vergara Henríquez - 2011 - Utopía y Praxis Latinoamericana 16 (52):81-104.
    Este artículo presenta a Weber y Habermas como los umbrales o polos de una modernidad que tiene al progreso como horizonte teórico-práctico. El diagnóstico weberiano sobre la modernidad y su proceso de desencantamiento del mundo y la injustificada reducción de la actividad racional a una actividad utilitario-estratégica desprovista de su carácter veritativo y de su orientación valórica, Habermas la utiliza para justificar su propuesta teórico-crítica respecto a la modernidad y la "paradoja de la racionalización", distinguiendo "sistema" y "mundo vital". Aquí (...)
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    An interpretation of theself'from the dynamical systems perspective: a constructivist approach.Jun Tani - 1998 - Journal of Consciousness Studies 5 (5-6):5-6.
    This study attempts to describe the notion of the ‘self’ using dynamical systems language based on the results of our robot learning experiments. A neural network model consisting of multiple modules is proposed, in which the interactive dynamics between the bottom-up perception and the top-down prediction are investigated. Our experiments with a real mobile robot showed that the incremental learning of the robot switches spontaneously between steady and unsteady phases. In the steady phase, the top-down prediction for the bottom-up (...)
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  7.  27
    Interpreting Silent Gesture: Cognitive Biases and Rational Inference in Emerging Language Systems.Marieke Schouwstra, Henriëtte Swart & Bill Thompson - 2019 - Cognitive Science 43 (7):e12732.
    Natural languages make prolific use of conventional constituent‐ordering patterns to indicate “who did what to whom,” yet the mechanisms through which these regularities arise are not well understood. A series of recent experiments demonstrates that, when prompted to express meanings through silent gesture, people bypass native language conventions, revealing apparent biases underpinning word order usage, based on the semantic properties of the information to be conveyed. We extend the scope of these studies by focusing, experimentally and computationally, on the interpretation (...)
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  8.  54
    The System of Interpretance, Naturalizing Meaning as Finality.Stanley N. Salthe - 2008 - Biosemiotics 1 (3):285-294.
    A materialist construction of semiosis requires system embodiment at particular locales, in order to function as systems of interpretance. I propose that we can use a systemic model of scientific measurement to construct a systems view of semiosis. I further suggest that the categories required to understand that process can be used as templates when generalizing to biosemiosis and beyond. The viewpoint I advance here is that of natural philosophy—which, once granted, incurs no principled block to further generalization (...)
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  9.  92
    Interpreted Dynamical Systems and Qualitative Laws: from Neural Networks to Evolutionary Systems.Hannes Leitgeb - 2005 - Synthese 146 (1-2):189-202.
    . Interpreted dynamical systems are dynamical systems with an additional interpretation mapping by which propositional formulas are assigned to system states. The dynamics of such systems may be described in terms of qualitative laws for which a satisfaction clause is defined. We show that the systems Cand CL of nonmonotonic logic are adequate with respect to the corresponding description of the classes of interpreted ordered and interpreted hierarchical systems, respectively. Inhibition networks, artificial (...)
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  10.  25
    Interpretation of the curious results of the new quantum formalism of pre- and post-selected systems.Oron Zachar & Orly Alter - 1991 - Foundations of Physics 21 (7):803-820.
    The analysis, with the use of two state vectors, of a quantum system, during the time interval between two measurements, leads to some amazing results, which seem to contradict our usual “quantum common sense.” We explore the questions of compatibility with the conventional quantum theory, uniqueness of pre- and post-selected ensembles, commutativity, simultaneity and reality of strong and weak values in the intermediate time, and the meaning of the weak value. Common criticisms are shown to be unfounded.
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  11.  24
    Machine Interpretation of Emotion: Design of a Memory‐Based Expert System for Interpreting Facial Expressions in Terms of Signaled Emotions.Garrett D. Kearney & Sati McKenzie - 1993 - Cognitive Science 17 (4):589-622.
    As a first step in involving user emotion in human‐computer interaction, a memory‐based expert system (JANUS; Kearney, 1991) was designed to interpret facial expression in terms of the signaled emotion. Anticipating that a VDU‐mounted camera will eventually supply face parameters automatically, JANUS now accepts manually made measurements on a digitized full‐face photograph and returns emotion labels used by college students. An intermediate representation in terms of face actions (e.g., mouth open) is also used. Production rules convert the geometry into these. (...)
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  12.  33
    Harry V. Stopes-Roe. Some considerations concerning “interpretative systems.”Philosophy of science, vol. 25 , pp. 143–156. [REVIEW]Maria Kokoszynska - 1964 - Journal of Symbolic Logic 29 (4):195-197.
  13.  8
    Mathematical interpretation of formal systems.Th Wiskundig Genootschap & Skolem (eds.) - 1955 - Amsterdam,: North-Holland Pub. Co..
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  14.  89
    Selection, interpretation, and the emergence of living systems.Bruce H. Weber - 2010 - Zygon 45 (2):361-366.
    The autocell proposal for the emergence of life and natural selection through the interaction of two reciprocally coupled self-organizing processes specifically provides a protein-first model for the origin of life that can be explored by computer simulations and experiment. Beyond the specific proposal it can be considered more generally as a thought experiment in which the principles deduced for the autocell could apply to other possible detailed chemical scenarios of catalytic polymers and protometabolism, including living systems emerging within membranelike (...)
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  15.  86
    Causal interpretation in systems of equations.James Woodward - 1999 - Synthese 121 (1-2):199-247.
  16.  53
    (1 other version)The interpretation of some Lewis systems of modal logic.M. J. Cresswell - 1967 - Australasian Journal of Philosophy 45 (2):198 – 206.
  17.  54
    A biological interpretation of moral systems.Richard D. Alexander - 1985 - Zygon 20 (1):3-20.
    . Moral systems are described as systems of indirect reciprocity, existing because of histories of conflicts of interest and arising as outcomes of the complexity of social interactions in groups of long‐lived individuals with varying conflicts and confluences of interest and indefinitely iterated social interactions. Although morality is commonly defined as involving justice for all people, or consistency in the social treatment of all humans, it may have arisen for immoral reasons, as a force leading to cohesiveness within (...)
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  18. Systems with Single Degree of Freedom and the Interpretation of Quantum Mechanics.Mehran Shaghaghi - manuscript
    Physical systems can store information and their informational properties are governed by the laws of information. In particular, the amount of information that a physical system can convey is limited by the number of its degrees of freedom and their distinguishable states. Here we explore the properties of the physical systems with absolutely one degree of freedom. The central point in these systems is the tight limitation on their information capacity. Discussing the implications of this limitation we (...)
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  19.  24
    Interpreting Silent Gesture: Cognitive Biases and Rational Inference in Emerging Language Systems.Marieke Schouwstra, Henriëtte de Swart & Bill Thompson - 2019 - Cognitive Science 43 (7):e12732.
    Natural languages make prolific use of conventional constituent‐ordering patterns to indicate “who did what to whom,” yet the mechanisms through which these regularities arise are not well understood. A series of recent experiments demonstrates that, when prompted to express meanings through silent gesture, people bypass native language conventions, revealing apparent biases underpinning word order usage, based on the semantic properties of the information to be conveyed. We extend the scope of these studies by focusing, experimentally and computationally, on the interpretation (...)
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  20. 10^ interpretation dans les systemes experts juridiques: de I'intime conviction a la formalisation des.Danielle Bourcier - 1990 - In Tadeusz Buksiński (ed.), Interpretation in the humanities. Poznań: Uniwersytet im. Adama Mickiewicza w Poznaniu. pp. 71--215.
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    Mathematical interpretation of formal systems.Thoralf Skolem, G. Hasenjaeger, G. Kreisel, A. Robinson, Hao Wang, L. Henkin & J. Łoś (eds.) - 1971 - Amsterdam: North-Holland Pub. Co..
  22.  4
    The Interpretation of Two Systems of Modal Logic.Arthur N. Prior - 1954 - Institute of Applied Logic.
  23.  38
    Éléments et parties des systèmes: Note sur l'interprétation temporelle des deux relations.Daniel Schulthess - 1991 - Dialectica 45 (2‐3):181-189.
    The part‐whole and element‐system relations are usually not given a temporal interpretation. Taking a thesis of Father Bochenski as a starting point , the author first gives an adequate temporal interpretation of this thesis. Then, he shows that a divergence arises, in non‐static systems, between the system itself and the mereological sum corresponding to it at a certain instant. Therefore, any reductionism has to confront the generally neglected problem of this divergence. Résumé Les relations partie‐tout et élément‐système ne sont (...)
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  24.  20
    Interpreting ‘Qing thought’ in China as a ‘period concept’: On the construction of an epochal system of ideas.On-cho Ng - 1995 - Semiotica 107 (3-4):237-264.
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    Interpreting Wind Power vs. the Electric Power System: A Danish Case-Study.Kristian Hvidtfelt Nielsen - 1999 - Centaurus 41 (1-2):161-177.
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  26.  55
    A cut-free sequent system for the smallest interpretability logic.Katsumi Sasaki - 2002 - Studia Logica 70 (3):353-372.
    The idea of interpretability logics arose in Visser [Vis90]. He introduced the logics as extensions of the provability logic GLwith a binary modality. The arithmetic realization of A B in a theory T will be that T plus the realization of B is interpretable in T plus the realization of A. More precisely, there exists a function f on the formulas of the language of T such that T + B C implies T + A f.The interpretability logics were considered (...)
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  27.  12
    Aesthetic Ideas and Art Interpretation in Kant’s Third Critique and Schelling’s ‘System of Transcendental Idealism’.Ekin Erkan - forthcoming - British Journal of Aesthetics.
    This paper argues for a metacognitive reading of Kant’s doctrine of ‘aesthetic ideas’, according to which they enjoy the functional role of licensing a theory of art interpretation. I begin by offering a textualist reading of Kant’s doctrine of ‘aesthetic ideas’ and contest the received ‘semantic paradigm’ according to which aesthetic ideas either approximate the form or content of a rational idea. After showing the relationship between aesthetic ideas and artistic interpretation, I assess whether Kant’s theory delivers what we want (...)
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  28.  64
    Mirror systems and simulation: a neo-empiricist interpretation. [REVIEW]John Michael - 2012 - Phenomenology and the Cognitive Sciences 11 (4):565-582.
    It is often claimed that the discovery of mirror neurons supports simulation theory (ST). There has been much controversy about this, however, as there are various competing models of the functional contribution of mirror systems, only some of which characterize mirroring as simulation in the sense required by ST. But a brief review of these models reveals that they all include simulation in some sense . In this paper, I propose that the broader conception of simulation articulated by neo-empiricist (...)
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  29.  15
    The interpretation of the Hall effect in the silver-gold system.C. M. Hurd - 1965 - Philosophical Magazine 12 (115):47-51.
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  30.  46
    Dynamic Topological Logic Interpreted over Minimal Systems.David Fernández-Duque - 2011 - Journal of Philosophical Logic 40 (6):767-804.
    Dynamic Topological Logic ( ) is a modal logic which combines spatial and temporal modalities for reasoning about dynamic topological systems , which are pairs consisting of a topological space X and a continuous function f : X → X . The function f is seen as a change in one unit of time; within one can model the long-term behavior of such systems as f is iterated. One class of dynamic topological systems where the long-term behavior (...)
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  31. Toward an interpretation of dynamic neural activity in terms of chaotic dynamical systems.Ichiro Tsuda - 2001 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 24 (5):793-810.
    Using the concepts of chaotic dynamical systems, we present an interpretation of dynamic neural activity found in cortical and subcortical areas. The discovery of chaotic itinerancy in high-dimensional dynamical systems with and without a noise term has motivated a new interpretation of this dynamic neural activity, cast in terms of the high-dimensional transitory dynamics among “exotic” attractors. This interpretation is quite different from the conventional one, cast in terms of simple behavior on low-dimensional attractors. Skarda and Freeman (1987) (...)
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  32.  10
    Suffering “Like This”: Interpretation and the Pedagogical Disruption of the Dual System of Education.Christopher M. Gilham - 2014 - Paideusis: Journal of the Canadian Philosophy of Education Society 22 (1):108-117.
    In this paper I attempt to show how my graduate work in interpretive studies transformed my previous work as a special education consultant. Using Hans-Georg Gadamer's hermeneutics, as well as Ivan Illich's notions of iatrogenesis and counter-productivity, I discuss my work with a school team as they struggled throughout a school year with a special education classroom for students with diagnosed mental health disorders.
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  33.  53
    Changing Interpretations of Plotinus: The 18th-Century Introduction of the Concept of a 'System of Philosophy'.Leo Catana - 2013 - International Journal of the Platonic Tradition 7 (1):50-98.
    This article critically explores the history and nature of a hermeneutic assumption which frequently guided interpretations of Plotinus from the 18th century onwards, namely that Plotinus advanced a system of philosophy. It is argued that this assumption was introduced relatively late, in the 18th and 19th centuries, and that it was primarily made possible by Brucker’s methodology for the history of philosophy, dating from the 1740s, to which the concept of a ‘system of philosophy’ was essential. It is observed that (...)
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  34.  31
    Systemic interpretation of social relations in organizations.Gerard Donnadieu - 1994 - World Futures 42 (1):145-153.
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  35.  71
    On systems of modal logic with provability interpretations.George Boolos - 1980 - Theoria 46 (1):7-18.
  36. L'interprétation Des structures littéraires au moyen d'un système expert.David Miall - 1990 - In Tadeusz Buksiński (ed.), Interpretation in the humanities. Poznań: Uniwersytet im. Adama Mickiewicza w Poznaniu. pp. 71--196.
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  37.  77
    Behavioral systems interpreted as autonomous agents and as coupled dynamical systems: A criticism.Fred A. Keijzer & Sacha Bem - 1996 - Philosophical Psychology 9 (3):323-46.
    Cognitive science's basic premises are under attack. In particular, its focus on internal cognitive processes is a target. Intelligence is increasingly interpreted, not as a matter of reclusive thought, but as successful agent-environment interaction. The critics claim that a major reorientation of the field is necessary. However, this will only occur when there is a distinct alternative conceptual framework to replace the old one. Whether or not a serious alternative is provided is not clear. Among the critics there is (...)
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  38. Philosophy in Engineering Systems of Action: Analysis and Interpretation of the Selected Ontological Aspects of Józef Konieczny’s Theory of Action.Maksymilian Smolnik - 2024 - Studies in Logic, Grammar and Rhetoric 69 (1):383-409.
    Designing and examining systems of action plays an important role in modern engineering. Such a general approach to actions is also supportive to the discussions on the development of artificial intelligence agents. As a philosophically remarkable and practically useful approach to actions the theory of action proposed by the Polish philosopher, scientist and military specialist Józef Konieczny undergoes here further considerations. The Konieczny’s concepts have not been intensively thoroughly researched and further developed, and a deep philosophical analysis is the (...)
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  39.  68
    Logical Pluralism and Interpretations of Logical Systems.Diego Tajer & Camillo Fiore - 2022 - Logic and Logical Philosophy 31:1-26.
    Logical pluralism is a general idea that there is more than one correct logic. Carnielli and Rodrigues [2019a] defend an epistemic interpretation of the paraconsistent logic N4, according to which an argument is valid in this logic just in case it necessarily preserves evidence. The authors appeal to this epistemic interpretation to briefly motivate a kind of logical pluralism: “different accounts of logical consequence may preserve different properties of propositions”. The aim of this paper is to study the prospect of (...)
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  40. The Open Systems View and the Everett Interpretation.Michael E. Cuffaro & Stephan Hartmann - 2023 - Quantum Reports 5 (2):418-425.
    It is argued that those who defend the Everett, or ‘many-worlds’, interpretation of quantum mechanics should embrace what we call the general quantum theory of open systems (GT) as the proper framework in which to conduct foundational and philosophical investigations in quantum physics. GT is a wider dynamical framework than its alternative, standard quantum theory (ST). This is true even though GT makes no modifications to the quantum formalism. GT rather takes a different view, what we call the open (...)
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  41.  65
    Pragmatic Interpretation of Belief Systems in Hume and Peirce.Alex Espinoza - 2014 - Cinta de Moebio 50:101-110.
    In philosophical literature the issue of beliefs has been identified historically with David Hume and common sense. Beliefs are dynamic systems and its resignification is constant. Charles Sanders Pierce would interpret the fixation of beliefs, as those ones which are fixed by means of art, being this a method well-tuned with science. Truths established in beliefs are always probable and dependent on the degree of utility they have. The degree of utility is complemented with comprehension, explanations have multiple causes. (...)
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  42.  70
    On modal systems having arithmetical interpretations.Arnon Avron - 1984 - Journal of Symbolic Logic 49 (3):935-942.
  43. Carnaps Theorie der Interpretation theoretischer Systeme.Paul Feyerabend - 1955 - Theoria 21 (1):55.
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  44.  38
    The interpretation of a system from the point of view of developmental psychology.Edwin Tausch - 1906 - Journal of Philosophy, Psychology and Scientific Methods 3 (4):90-100.
  45.  21
    A System of Indian Logic: The Nyāya Theory of Inference—Analysis, Text, Translation and Interpretation of the Anumāna Section of Kārikāvalī, Muktāvali and Dinakarī.John Vattanky - 2003 - New York, NY, USA: Routledge.
    Nyana is the most rational and logical of all the classical Indian philosophical systems. In the study of Nyana philosophy, Karikavali with its commentary Muktavali, both by Visvanatha Nyayapancanana, with the commentaries Dinakari and Ramarudri, have been of decisive significance for the last few centuries as advanced introductions to this subject. The present work concentrates on inference in Karikavali, Muktavali and Dinakari, carefully divided into significant units according to the subject, and translates and interprets them. Its commentary makes use (...)
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  46.  63
    (1 other version)A systems-tensorial interpretation of psychomedical concepts.Gerald Houghton - 1980 - Theoretical Medicine and Bioethics 1 (2):225-247.
    The multidimensional environments providing the stimuli for normal and abnormal human behavior have been characterized by a variety of environmental tensors, the time rates of change of which yield quantitative measures of various aspects of environmental dynamics. A general response tensor is introduced to describe the behavior of living organisms to any desired degree of complexity. Tensor measures of such psychiatric concepts as reactivity, adaptability, responsiveness, instinctiveness and suggestibility are mathematically defined in terms of the response and environment tensors. Based (...)
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  47.  14
    The Temporal Single-System Interpretation of Marx's Economics: A Critical Evaluation.Roberto Veneziani - 2004 - Metroeconomica 55 (1):96-114.
    The temporal single-system (TSS) quantitative approach to Marx's economics is analysed. It is shown that TSS models lack a clear equilibrium concept and a coherent (dis)equilibrium methodology, and that Marx's propositions on value and exploitation are tautologically obtained (i) by constructing a money costs theory of value, where by assumption values are equal to market prices, apart possibly from short-run deviations; and (ii) by arbitrarily assuming that the undefined monetary expression of labour time is positive. In general, the shortcomings of (...)
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  48.  33
    Objective Worlds, Modeling Systems, and Interpretants.Júlio Jéha - 1993 - Semiotics:17-22.
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    An interpretation of inhibition of conditioned reflexes as competition between reaction systems.G. R. Wendt - 1936 - Psychological Review 43 (3):258-281.
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    Functional Interpretations of Classical Systems.Justus Diller - 2010 - In Ralf Schindler (ed.), Ways of Proof Theory. De Gruyter. pp. 241-256.
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