Results for 'Ion Crișan'

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  1. Martin Heidegger, Fiinta si timpBruce Bégout, La généalogie de la logique. Husserl, l'antéprédicatif et le catégorialFrançois-David Sebbah, L'épreuve de la limite. Derrida, Henry, Levinas et la phénoménologieMarcus Brainard, Belief and its Neutralization. Husserl's System of Phenomenology in Ideas IToine Kortooms, Phenomenology of Time. Edmund Husserl's Analysis of Time-ConsciousnessRoland Breeur, Singularité et sujet. Une lecture phénoménologique de ProustJohn J. Drummond & Lester Embree (eds.), Phenomenological Approaches to Moral Philosophy. A Handbook. [REVIEW]Cristian Ciocan, Andrei Timotin, Adina Bozga, Ion Copoeru, Ligia Beltechi, Nicoleta-Liana Szabo & Horatiu Crisan - 2003 - Studia Phaenomenologica 3 (3):355-387.
    Martin HEIDEGGER, Fiinţă şi timp [Être et temps] ; Bruce BÉGOUT, La généalogie de la logique. Husserl, l’antéprédicatif et le catégorial ; François-David SEBBAH, L’épreuve de la limite. Derrida, Henry, Levinas et la phénoménologie ; Marcus BRAINARD, Belief and its Neutralization. Husserl’s System of Phenomenology in Ideas I ; Toine KORTOOMS, Phenomenology of Time. Edmund Husserl’s Analysis of Time-Consciousness ; Roland BREEUR, Singularité et sujet. Une lecture phénoménologique de Proust ; John J. DRUMMOND & Lester EMBREE, Phenomenological Approaches to Moral (...)
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  2. Adina Bozga: Dan Zahavi, Husserl and Transcendental Intersubjectivity. A Response to the Linguistic Pragmatic CritiqueDelia Popa: Françoise Dastur, Chair et langage. Essais sur Merleau-PontyMihail Neamtu: Jean Greisch (éd.), Michel Henry et l'épreuve de la vieAdina Bozga: Elisabeth Ströker, The Husserlian Foundations of ScienceDaniela Palasan, John McCumber, Metaphysics and Oppression, Heidegger's Challenge to Western PhilosophyHoraţiu Crişan: Marc Richir, Phénoménologie en esquisses. Nouvelles fondationsLigia Beltechi: Raphaël Gély, La genèse du sentir. Essai sur Merleau-PontyRoxana Albu: John Sallis, Force of Imagination: The Sense of the ElementalCiprian Tiprigan: Bin Kimura, L'entre. Une approche phénoménologique de la schizophrénieRadu M. Oancea: Dermot Moran, Tim Mooney (eds.), The Phenomenology ReaderDorel Bucur, Ion Copoeru, Structuri ale constituiriiAnca Dumitru, Fabio Ciaramelli, La distruzione del'desiderio. Il narcisismo nell'epoca di consumo di massaCiprian Mîinea, Pierre. [REVIEW]Adina Bozga, Delia Popa, Mihail Neamtu, Daniela Palasan, Horatiu Crisan, Ligia Beltechi, Roxana Albu, Ciprian Tiprigan, Radu M. Oancea, Dorel Bucur, Anca Dumitru & Ciprian Mîinea - 2002 - Studia Phaenomenologica 2 (3):191-243.
    Dan ZAHAVI, Husserl and Transcendental Intersubjectivity. A Response to the Linguistic-Pragmatic Critique ; Françoise DASTUR, Chair et langage. Essais sur Merleau-Ponty ; Jean GREISCH, Michel Henry et l’épreuve de la vie ; Elisabeth STRÖKER, The Husserlian Foundations of Science ; John McCUMBER, Metaphysics and Oppression, Heidegger’s Challenge to Western Philosophy ; Marc RICHIR, Phénoménologie en esquisses. Nouvelles fondations ; Raphaël GÉLY, La genèse du sentir. Essai sur Merleau-Ponty ; John SALLIS, Force of Imagination: The Sense of the Elemental ; Bin (...)
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  3. Réduction et théorie transcendantale de la méthode dans la Sixième méditation cartésienne de Fink.Horaţiu Crişan - 2002 - Studia Phaenomenologica 2 (3):106-126.
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  4. Reparations for Recent Historical Injustices. The Case of Romanian Communism.Horaţiu Traian Crişan - 2016 - Symposion: Theoretical and Applied Inquiries in Philosophy and Social Sciences 3 (2):151-162.
    The debate concerning the legitimacy of awarding reparations for historical injustices focuses on the issue of finding a proper moral justification for granting reparations to the descendants of the victims of injustices which took place in the remote past. Regarding the case of Romanian communism as a more recent injustice, and analyzing the moral problems entailed by this historical lapse, within this paper I argue that overcoming such a legacy cannot be carried out, as in the case of historical injustices (...)
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    Economical connections between several European countries based on TSP data.Gloria Cerasela Crişan, Camelia-M. Pintea, Petrică C. Pop & Oliviu Matei - 2020 - Logic Journal of the IGPL 28 (1):33-44.
    A fluent economical collaboration between countries is a major need. European flows of trade and people are supported by efficient connections between main localities from a geographic region, in many cases overriding national borders. This paper introduces three traveling salesmen problem instances based on freely available geographic coordinates of the main cities of France, Portugal and Spain. These instances are unified, generating other four larger instances: three with all pairs of countries and one instance with the settlements from all the (...)
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  6. L'espace poétique-pour une analyse phénoménologique sans entrave (Bachelard et Calinescu) in The Elemental Passions of the Soul. Poetics of the Elements in the Human Conditions: Part 3.C. Crisan - 1989 - Analecta Husserliana 28:447-459.
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    Mark Juergensmeyer, Terror in the Mind of God. The Global Rise of Religious Violence.Horatiu Crisan - 2003 - Journal for the Study of Religions and Ideologies 2 (4):179-181.
    Mark Juergensmeyer, Terror in the Mind of God. The Global Rise of Religious Violence University of California Press, Berkeley & L.A., 2001, 320 p.
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  8. Peter L. Bergen, Holy War, Inc. Inside the Secret World of Osama bin Laden.Horatiu Crisan - 2002 - Journal for the Study of Religions and Ideologies 1 (2):203-205.
    Peter L. Bergen, Holy War, Inc. Inside the Secret World of Osama bin Laden, The Free Press, New York, 2001, 300 p.
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    Role of Ag addition inL10ordering of FePt-based nanocomposite magnets.A. D. Crisan, F. Vasiliu, I. Mercioniu & O. Crisan - 2014 - Philosophical Magazine 94 (2):174-189.
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    Repere pentru o sociofenomenologie a valorii literare.Constantin Crişan - 1989 - București: Editura Științifică și Enciclopedică.
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    Sorin Adam Matei, Boierii mintii. Intelectualii romani intre grupurile de prestigiu si piata libera a ideilor/ The Mind Boyars. Romanian Intellectuals between Status Groups and the free Market of Ideas.Horatiu Crisan - 2004 - Journal for the Study of Religions and Ideologies 3 (9):150-151.
    Sorin Adam Matei, Boierii mintii. Intelectualii romani intre grupurile de prestigiu si piata libera a ideilor Ed. Compania, Bucuresti, 2004.
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  12. Schlick and Sellars on Observational Knowledge.Anton Crișan - 2020 - Studia Universitatis Babeş-Bolyai Philosophia:163-181.
    The aim of the present paper is to provide a comparative account of the manner in which Moritz Schlick and Wilfrid Sellars treat certain aspects surrounding the topic of observational knowledge. By considering Sellars’s allusions to Schlick’s epistemological undertaking within the context of his rejection of givenness, I evaluate the extent to which Schlick can be characterized as a traditional foundationalist. By emphasizing that this is not the case and that Schlick adheres to a non-standard version of epistemological foundationalism, I (...)
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    Secure traveling salesman problem with intelligent transport systems features.Gloria Cerasela Crişan, Camelia-M. Pintea, Anisoara Calinescu, Corina Pop Sitar & Petrică C. Pop - forthcoming - Logic Journal of the IGPL.
    Meeting the security requests in transportation is nowadays a must. The intelligent transport systems represent the support for addressing such a challenge, due to their ability to make real-time adaptive decisions. We propose a new variant of the travelling salesman problem integrating security constraints inspired from ITSs. This optimization problem is called the secure TSP and considers a set of security constraints on its integer variables. Similarities with fuzzy logic are presented alongside the mathematical model of the introduced TSP variant.
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    The Study of Notes and Notebooks: Some Epistemological and Ontological Issues.Anton Crișan - forthcoming - Studia Universitatis Babeş-Bolyai Philosophia:41-56.
    The aim of the present paper is to situate the recent attempts devoted to the study of the phenomena of knowledge management in a larger epistemological context. More precisely, I intend to ascertain the entire affair from the perspective of the philosophy of the humanities. This involves understanding it as an endeavor concerned with the search for regularities. As a result, key notions figuring in the repertoire of this kind of undertaking, primarily those of notes and notebooks, are scrutinized for (...)
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    Ethics and Selfhood. [REVIEW]Horaţiu Crişan - 2004 - Studia Phaenomenologica 4 (1-2):222-224.
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    Phenomenological Approaches to Moral Philosophy – A Handbook. [REVIEW]Horaţiu Crişan - 2003 - Studia Phaenomenologica 3 (3-4):379-381.
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    Birth and Hindering of Religious Studies at the University of Cluj. A Historical Overview.Codruta Cuceu & Horatiu Crisan - 2007 - Journal for the Study of Religions and Ideologies 6 (16):47-58.
    This study will focus on the birth of studies related to the domain of religion at the University of Cluj, starting with the interwar period, then following with the communist period. The paper aims to offer an exhaustive depiction of what has been done in the academic milieu from 1919 to 1989, concerning the domain of religion, excluding Theological studies. We tried to make the connection, from a historical perspective, between the changes supervened in the Romanian official, political ideology and (...)
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    Ion Ianoși 80.Ion Ianoși, Aura Christi & Alexandru Ștefănescu (eds.) - 2008 - București: EuroPress Group.
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    Failure to report poor care as a breach of moral and professional expectation.Robin Ion, Stephen Olivier & Philip Darbyshire - 2019 - Nursing Inquiry 26 (3):e12299.
    Cases of poor care have been documented across the world. Contrary to professional requirements, evidence indicates that these sometimes go unaddressed. For patients, the outcomes of this inaction are invariably negative. Previous work has either focused on why poor care occurs and what might be done to prevent it, or on the reasons why those who are witness to it find it difficult to raise their concerns. Here, we build on this work but specifically foreground the responsibilities of registrants and (...)
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    Metaphysics of Infinity: The Problem of Motion and the Infinite Brain.Ion G. Soteropoulos - 2013 - Lanham: Upa.
    Ion Soteropoulos reconciles the contradiction between the finite and infinite and transforms this reconciliation into the founding principle of motion. This book will appeal to readers interested in the logical mechanics of the physical universe, the hidden powers of our finite brain, and the utility of robots in the future.
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  21. Event and Structure: A Phenomenological Approach of Irreducible Violence.Ion Copoeru - 2020 - Human Studies 43 (2):257-268.
    Violence is signaled by a mark of discontinuity, interruption, rupture. The tripartite temporality of violence, with its strong focus on the present, points to the originary violence. Moreover, the violent event is structuring the order of the action sequences in an actual violent (embodied) interaction. The interactional dynamics in violent encounters between co-present actors shapes the specific forms of the experiencing in (and of) the violent interaction. Based on how violence is experienced in an interactive situation, the phenomenon of violence (...)
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    Estetică și moralitate: omagiu profesorului Ion Ianoși, la 70 de ani de viață.Ion Ianoși & Marin Diaconu (eds.) - 1998 - București: Crater.
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  23. The Reciprocal of The Butterfly Theorem.Ion Pătrașcu & Florentin Smarandache - unknown
    In this paper, we present two proofs of the reciprocal butterfly theorem. The statement of the butterfly theorem is: Let us consider a chord PQ of midpoint M in the circle Ω(O). Through M, two other chords AB and CD are drawn, such that A and C are on the same side of PQ. We denote by X and U the intersection of AD respectively CB with PQ. Consequently, XM = YM. For the proof of this theorem, see [1]. The (...)
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    Understanding Addiction: A Threefold Phenomenological Approach.Ion Copoeru - 2014 - Human Studies 37 (3):335-349.
    There are many ways of interpreting the behaviours related to substance misuse and addiction, which can be sort out as three basic models: biomedical, legal, and social. They are corresponding to approaches built in different epistemic and professional frameworks, such as medicine, law, and social work. Confronted with the experience of addiction, these models appear as pre-determined by a specific scientific or professional ideology; they presuppose a pre-understanding of the phenomena. I directed, therefore, my investigation on those phenomenological paths that (...)
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  25. The Intentionality of Sensation and the Problem of Classification of Philosophical Sciences in Brentano’s empirical Psychology.Ion Tănăsescu - 2017 - Axiomathes 27 (3):243-263.
    In the well-known intentionality quote of his Psychology from an Empirical Standpoint, Brentano characterises the mental phenomena through the following features: the intentional inexistence of an object, the relation to a content, and the direction toward an object. The text argues that this characterisation is not general because the direction toward an object does not apply to the mental phenomena of sensation. The second part of the paper analyses the consequences that ensue from here for the Brentanian classification of mental (...)
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  26. Transhumanism Between Human Enhancement and Technological Innovation.Ion Iuga - 2016 - Symposion: Theoretical and Applied Inquiries in Philosophy and Social Sciences 3 (1):79-88.
    Transhumanism introduces from its very beginning a paradigm shift about concepts like human nature, progress and human future. An overview of its ideology reveals a strong belief in the idea of human enhancement through technologically means. The theory of technological singularity, which is more or less a radicalisation of the transhumanist discourse, foresees a radical evolutionary change through artificial intelligence. The boundaries between intelligent machines and human beings will be blurred. The consequence is the upcoming of a post-biological and posthuman (...)
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    Previous knowledge can induce an illusion of causality through actively biasing behavior.Ion Yarritu & Helena Matute - 2015 - Frontiers in Psychology 6.
  28. Addiction as Embodied Powerlessness.Ion Copoeru & Nicoleta Szabo - 2017 - Meta: Research in Hermeneutics, Phenomenology, and Practical Philosophy 9 (1):9-29.
    This paper tries to show that the naturalistic view of addiction is mired in contradictions that stem from reducing the addict to a weak-willed subject who loses control over his or her body. From a phenomenological perspective, addiction reveals itself to be a habit which eventually becomes harmful, but has its primary sources in the embodied needs of a worldly subject. The aim of this paper is to uncover the dimensions of the lived addiction that are neglected in the contemporary (...)
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  29. Monism and Particularism: Methodology in Brentano’s Psychology.Ion Tănăsescu - 2019 - Axiomathes 29 (4):397-412.
    The paper argues that Brentano was the exponent of a methodological monism, which is based on the requirement that science should be grounded on experience, and not on a speculative-idealistic principle, as in the case of German idealism. In Brentano’s psychological writings, this methodological requirement concretized in two different theses: The method of psychology is identical with the method of natural science; The method of psychology is inspired by the method of natural science. The thesis of this study is that (...)
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  30. Demnitatea copiilor potrivit învăţăturii Noului Testament.Bora Ion-Sorin - 2016 - In Ion-Sorin Bora (ed.), Demnitatea și libertatea persoanei umane: abordare interdisciplinară. Mitropolia Olteniei. pp. 567-579.
    The Dignity of the Children according to the New Testament teaching should be a landmark for modern era. New Testament raised the dignity of the unborn child, from a simple mass of cells to a child who has the right to be born and live. The child born has the value of a person that to enjoy family and society not only for economic potential but for the soul value as they bear the image of God. Children of different ages (...)
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  31. Canon and Canonicity in the Bibles of Samuil Micu and Andrei Șaguna: Resemblances, Differences and Controversies.Ion Reșceanu - 2020 - Romanian Orthodox Old Testament Studies 4 (2):57-66.
    The present study aims to carry out an analysis of the relation between the Bibles of Samuil Micu and Andrei Șaguna from an isagogic perspective, with a particular focus on the canon and canonicity of the books of the Holy Scripture. We believe that, through such an analysis, we can observe what they have in common, but also what differentiates the two Transylvanian editions of the Holy Scripture so that we can help those interested in understanding the reasons behind the (...)
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  32. Le concept psychologique de la représentation de la fantaisie chez Brentano et sa réception chez Husserl.Ion Tănăsescu - 2010 - Studia Phaenomenologica 10:45-75.
    The article analyses the psychological aspects of “phantasy presentation” in Brentano’s lecture Ausgewählte Fragen aus Psychologie und Ästhetik dated 1885/1886. It focuses primarily on two major aspects of Brentano’s work: (1) the traditional understanding of phantasy presentation as intuitive presentation, and as fundamentally related to the perceptual presentation; (2) Brentano’s conception according to which phantasy presentations are “concepts with intuitive nucleus”. In this context, the text focuses on the following topics: the relation between the inauthentic presentations of the phantasy and (...)
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  33. An inquiry into Paul cezanne: The role of the artist in studies of perception and consciousness.Amy Ione - 2000 - Journal of Consciousness Studies 7 (8-9):57-74.
    [opening paragraph]: An intriguing element of Paul Cezanne's legacy is that while he aligned his paintings with the classical Renaissance tradition of Western art, his innovative body of work ushered in a decisive break with the standards of that tradition in the twentieth century. The many ways in which Cezanne's representational system deviates from the pluralistic art of the twentieth century suggests that probing his allegiance to classicism offers a unique vantage point for studying visual art, perception, and consciousness. It (...)
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    Mycenaean Centaurs at Ugarit.Ione Mylonas Shear - 2002 - Journal of Hellenic Studies 122:147-153.
    The identification of two Mycenaean terracotta centaurs from the excavations at Ras Shamra-Ugarit suggests a Bronze Age origin for the centaurs known from the historic periods of Greece. The Mycenaean centaurs from Ras Shamra-Ugarit are compared to the later examples from the Greek mainland. No continuous artistic tradition can be identified among the preserved examples. Since writing ceased to be used in Greece in the Iron Age and no artistic trend connecting the different representations of centaurs can be seen, it (...)
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  35. La raison en tant que pratique subjective.Ion Copoeru - 2014 - Investigaciones Fenomenológicas 4:79.
    The aim of this paper is to argue in favor of the idea that it is possible not only to give a special place to reason in our life and in society, but also to offer an integrative rational framework, in in which human ends and goals find their rational expression. The text has three parts. The first describes Alfred Schutz's practical-hermeneutical approach to law and normativity, while making room for a subjective practice of reason. The second proposes to reveal, (...)
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    Cognitive Control: Componential and Yet Emergent.Ion Juvina - 2011 - Topics in Cognitive Science 3 (2):242-246.
    In this commentary, I will argue that the componential and emergent views of cognitive control as defined by Cooper (2010) do not necessarily oppose each other, and I will try to make a case for their interdependence. First, I will use the construct of cognitive inhibition—one of the main componential control functions mentioned in the target articles—to illustrate my line of reasoning. Then, I will comment on how some of the target articles, each from a different perspective, bring arguments in (...)
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  37. Hétérogénéité et constitution du champ sensible singulier.Ion Copoeru - 2002 - Studia Phaenomenologica 2 (3-4):25-43.
    (Introduction) The question of heterogeneity does not appear at first glance to be a genuinely phenomenological problem and not even a problem in general. It seems to go without saying that there is “coupling” (Paarung), association, fusion, synthesis or in general any form connection between different data of consciousness, all as it seems obvious (at least from Husserl) that there must be objectities so that we can talk about knowledge and truth. After Kant we got so used to synthetic formations (...)
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  38. Das Sein der Kopula oder was hat Heidegger bei Brentano Versäumt?Ion Tǎnǎsescu - 2002 - Studia Phaenomenologica 2 (1):97-123.
  39. Centration et décentration dans la phénoménologie pure husserlienne. Le cas du noyau noématique.Ion Copoeru - 2001 - Studia Phaenomenologica 1 (1):45-59.
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  40. Intenţionalitatea în exegeza brentaniană schiţa unei polemici.Ion Tănăsescu - 2002 - Studia Phaenomenologica 2 (3-4):143-175.
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    Local configurations and atomic intermixing in as-quenched and annealed Fe1−xCrx and Fe1−xMox ribbons.A. E. Stanciu, S. G. Greculeasa, C. Bartha, G. Schinteie, P. Palade, A. Kuncser, A. Leca, G. Filoti, A. Birsan, O. Crisan & V. Kuncser - forthcoming - Philosophical Magazine:1-15.
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    La philosophie de gorgias, une ontologie du logos, II.Ion Banu - 1990 - Philologus: Zeitschrift für Antike Literatur Und Ihre Rezeption 134 (1-2):195-212.
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    La ética asistencial entre la autonomía y el paternalismo: Reseña de Nys, T., Denier, Y., Vandevelde, T. : 2007, Autonomy and Paternalism. Reflections on the Theory and Practice of Health Care. Lovaina: Peeters.Ion Arrieta & Antonio da Rocha - 2010 - Dilemata 3.
    Reseña de Nys, T., Denier, Y., Vandevelde, T. (eds.): 2007, Autonomy and Paternalism. Reflections on the Theory and Practice of Health Care. Lovaina: Peeters.
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    Aspinwall, LG. 247.G. Aston-Iones, C. Akerman, H. L. Alderson, L. A. Alfonso-Reese, M. T. Alkire, L. G. Allan, D. G. Amaral, C. H. Anderson, L. K. Anderson & N. H. Anderson - 2002 - In Simon C. Moore (ed.), Emotional Cognition: From Brain to Behaviour. Amsterdam: John Benjamins. pp. 317.
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    Silogistica tradițională și modernă: contribuții rom'nești.Ion Bălin - 1996 - București: Nemira.
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  46. Filosofia elenismului ca etică.Ion Banu - 1980 - București: Editura Științifică și Enciclopedică.
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  47. Heraclit Din Efes.Ion Banu, Hermann Diels & Ingram Bywater - 1963 - Editura Stiintifica.
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    Istoria filozofiei moderne şi contemporane.Ion Banu, Alexandru Boboc & Academia de Stiinte Sociale si Politice A. Republicii Socialiste România (eds.) - 1984 - București: Editura Academiei Republicii Socialiste România.
    v. 1. De la Renaștere la epoca "Luminilor".
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    Istoriologia filozofiei: studii.Ion Banu - 1993 - București: Editura Academiei Române.
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    La philosophie de gorgias, une ontologie du logos, I.Ion Banu - 1987 - Philologus: Zeitschrift für Antike Literatur Und Ihre Rezeption 131 (1-2):231-244.
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