Results for 'Iracema Macedo'

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  1.  33
    Nietzsche, Bayreuth e a época trágica dos gregos.Iracema Macedo - 2005 - Kriterion: Journal of Philosophy 46 (112):283-292.
  2.  45
    (1 other version)Capitalism, citizenship and community*: Stephen Macedo.Stephen Macedo - 1988 - Social Philosophy and Policy 6 (1):113-139.
    The authors of Habits of the Heart charge that America is losing the institutions that help “to create the kind of person who could sustain a connection to a wider political community and thus ultimately support the maintenance of free institutions.” Bellah fears that “individualism may have grown cancerous – that it may be destroying those social integuments that Tocqueville saw as moderating its more destructive potentials, that it may be threatening the survival of freedom itself.” Proponents of the liberal (...)
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  3. Primates and Philosophers.Stephen Macedo & Josiah Ober (eds.) - 2006 - Princeton University Press.
    "It's the animal in us," we often hear when we've been bad. But why not when we're good? Primates and Philosophers tackles this question by exploring the biological foundations of one of humanity's most valued traits: morality. -/- In this provocative book, primatologist Frans de Waal argues that modern-day evolutionary biology takes far too dim a view of the natural world, emphasizing our "selfish" genes. Science has thus exacerbated our reciprocal habits of blaming nature when we act badly and labeling (...)
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    My Dream, My Rules: Can Lucid Dreaming Treat Nightmares?Tainá Carla Freitas de Macêdo, Glescikelly Herminia Ferreira, Katie Moraes de Almondes, Roumen Kirov & Sérgio Arthuro Mota-Rolim - 2019 - Frontiers in Psychology 10.
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  5. Deliberative politics: essays on democracy and disagreement.Stephen Macedo (ed.) - 1999 - New York: Oxford University Press.
    The banner of deliberative democracy is attracting increasing numbers of supporters, in both the world's older and newer democracies. This effort to renew democratic politics is widely seen as a reaction to the dominance of liberal constitutionalism. But many questions surround this new project. What does deliberative democracy stand for? What difference would deliberative practices make in the real world of political conflict and public policy design? What is the relationship between deliberative politics and liberal constitutional arrangements? The 1996 publication (...)
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    Marilena Chaui.Rodolfo Alves de Macedo - 2024 - Cadernos Espinosanos 51:219-225.
    Resenha do livro "Marilena Chaui: pensamento, afetos e análise da obra", de Daysi Bregantini (Org.).
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  7. Neo-haptic touch.E. N. Adamson-Macedo - 2004 - In Richard Langton Gregory (ed.), The Oxford companion to the mind. New York: Oxford University Press. pp. 637--639.
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    Juan Bautista Ferro.Federico Camino Macedo - 1995 - Areté. Revista de Filosofía 7 (2):371-374.
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    Leitura Reflexiva, Teatro e Literatura Com Odilon Esteves.Iracema Campos Cusati - 2022 - Desleituras Literatura Filosofia Cinema e outras artes 10.
    O prazer da leitura, a formação do leitor e os novos conhecimentos promovidos pela interpretação do ator Odilon Esteves são salientados neste capítulo para fomentar uma reflexão sobre o uso didático das palestras cênicas na formação cultural e na ressignificação da vida na contemporaneidade. O universo poético acessado pelo ator-leitor é composto de contos, poesia e prosa recheados de subjetividade e paixão na visitação das obras literárias a que teve acesso pela via dos afetos. Sob a égide do paradigma do (...)
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  10. Filosofia do direito (quatro perspectivas).Sílvio de Macedo - 1967 - Maceío,: Gráf. São Pedro.
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  11. Intuição e linguagem em Bergson e Heidegger.Sílvio de Macedo - 1966 - [Brasil]:
  12.  8
    Pontes de Miranda e a universalidade de sua mensagem cultural: novas interpretac̦ões.Sílvio de Macedo - 1982 - Rio de Janeiro: Forense.
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    Congresso da Soter – 20 anos Teologia e sociedade: relevância e funções.Iracema Loureiro Ferreira & Luzia Maria Werneck - 2005 - Horizonte 3 (6):123-129.
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    Ausência e sujeição ao presente: a propósito da ontologia destes tempos em Michel Foucault.Francisco Vítor Macêdo Pereira - 2021 - Griot : Revista de Filosofia 21 (1):1-20.
    The irrecusable consolidation of an expansion-consumption-tolerance regime rectifies every symbolic manifestation of the present in a common life. The symptoms of today's civilization of consumption, in subjectivities and in their bodies, sum up the composition of suitable orders - of individual and collective relations - under the signs of economic development, legal guarantees, vulgar erotomania, and banal liberalities; who have magnetized themselves, minions, at all levels of experience and culture in the present time. The present signs and codes of a (...)
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    O Lugar Do Estrangeiro No Estado: Entre Aristóteles e Agamben.Rodrygo Rocha Macedo - 2015 - Kínesis - Revista de Estudos Dos Pós-Graduandos Em Filosofia 7 (13):48-59.
    O presente trabalho tem como objetivo expor as implicações do conceito de estrangeiro no campo político da cidadania. Dito de outro modo, a propõe-se aqui compreender o que torna o ser humano um cidadão, elemento inserido na rotina e na jurisdição da cidade, e o estrangeiro, ente esvaziado de características políticas, e como a polaridade cidadão-estrangeiro se configura na relação entre países após a Modernidade. Para tal, foram visitados os acordos internacionais vigentes de direitos do homem, bem como os textos (...)
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    Sufismo e taoísmo: do xamanismo à formulação filosófica.Cecilia Cintra Cavaleiro de Macedo - 2019 - Voluntas: Revista Internacional de Filosofia 10 (2):05.
    Em sua obra Sufismo e Taoísmo, Toshihiko Izutsu aponta o paralelismo existente entre estas duas correntes aparentemente díspares. Um ponto fulcral no qual se apoia o estudo comparativo de Izutsu é a origem xamânica dos dois movimentos sapienciais. Tomando como correta esta raiz apontada por Izutsu, pretendemos discutir neste artigo como estas “experiências xamânicas” podem ter dado origem a filosofias tão sofisticadas e elaboradas. Isso será realizado através do questionamento da localização destes dois fenômenos entre a filosofia e a religião, (...)
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  17.  17
    After the Backlash: Populism and the Politics and Ethics of Migration.Stephen Macedo - 2020 - The Law and Ethics of Human Rights 14 (2):153-180.
    In the U.S., and elsewhere, populism has been democracy’s way of shaking elites up. We can view populism in part as a revolt of the losers, or perceived losers, of globalization. Yet elites have often paid too little heed to the domestic distributive impact of high immigration and globalized trade. Immigration and globalization are also spurring forms of nativism and demagoguery that threaten both democratic deliberation and undermine progressive political coalitions. The challenge now is to find the most reasonable – (...)
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  18. Liberal civic education and religious fundamentalism: The case of God V. John Rawls?Stephen Macedo - 1995 - Ethics 105 (3):468-496.
  19. Against the Old Sexual Morality of the New natural Law.Stephen Macedo - 1996 - In Robert P. George (ed.), Natural law, liberalism, and morality: contemporary essays. New York: Oxford University Press.
  20.  5
    Bem comum dos portugueses.Jorge Braga de Macedo - 1999 - Lisboa: Vega. Edited by José Adelino Maltez & Mendo Castro Henriques.
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    AS Byatt's Storytelling Ancestors and Narrations of Science.Ana Gabriela Macedo - 2011 - In Brian Hurwitz & Paola Spinozzi (eds.), Discourses and Narrations in the Biosciences. V&R Unipress. pp. 227.
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    (1 other version)Books in Review.Stephen Macedo - 1991 - Political Theory 19 (3):456-461.
  23. Introdução à teoria dos valores.Ubiratan Macedo - 1971 - Curitiba,: Editora dos Professores.
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  24.  26
    La actividad infinita del yo en la Wissenschaftslehre de 1794-1795 de Johann Gottlieb Fichte.Gustavo Macedo Rodríguez - 2017 - Ideas Y Valores 66 (163):65-79.
    Se analiza el concepto de actividad infinita del yo, desarrollado en la Grundlage der gesamten Wissenschaftslehre de 1794-1795. Se afirma la gran relevancia de este concepto para la reconstrucción de la teoría fichteana de la autoconciencia, al desvelar la estructura interna de la actividad del yo y su relación con conceptos como reflexión e impulso inicial (Anstoβ), lo que aporta elementos relevantes para la comprensión del sistema.
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  25.  21
    O mal, a matéria e a Lei em Moisés Maimônides.Cecilia Cintra Cavaleiro de Macedo - 2019 - Trans/Form/Ação 42 (SPE):171-192.
    Resumo Moisés Maimônides é um dos mais importantes pensadores medievais. Sua obra filosófica o Guia dos perplexos não apenas se tornou uma referência fundamental para os pensadores judeus até os dias atuais, mas também exerceu intensa influência sobre os autores latinos durante a escolástica cristã. O Guia aborda diversos temas, dentre eles, há a questão do mal. Maimônides não acredita na existência de um mal substancial. Sem estatuto ontológico próprio, o mal é meramente privação do bem e se divide em (...)
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  26. Multiculturalism for the religious right? Defending liberal civic education.Stephen Macedo - 1995 - Journal of Philosophy of Education 29 (2):223–238.
    Stephen Macedo; Multiculturalism for the Religious Right? Defending Liberal Civic Education, Journal of Philosophy of Education, Volume 29, Issue 2, 30 May 2006.
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  27. Percepções dos colonos a respeito da natureza no sertão da Capitania do Rio Grande.Helder A. Medeiros de Macedo - 2007 - Topoi. Revista de História 8 (14):37-76.
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    Liberalism beyond toleration: Religious exemptions, civility and the ideological other.Stephen Macedo - 2019 - Philosophy and Social Criticism 45 (4):370-389.
    I address the long-standing problem of toleration in diverse liberal societies in light of the progress of same-sex marriage and continued vehement opposition to it from a significant portion of the population. I advance a view that contrasts with recent discussions by Teresa Bejan, Mere Civility, and especially Cecile Laborde, Liberalism’s Religion. Laborde emphasizes the importance of state sovereignty in fixing the boundaries of church and state, emphasizing the priority of public authority and constitutional supremacy. I argue that emphasis on (...)
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    (1 other version)[Book review] liberal virtues, citizenship, virtue, and community in liberal constitutionalism. [REVIEW]Stephen MACEDO - 1991 - Ethics 102 (3):397-399.
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    Liberalism and Group Identities.Stephen Macedo - 2003 - In Kevin McDonough & Walter Feinberg (eds.), Citizenship and Education in Liberal-Democratic Societies: Teaching for Cosmopolitan Values and Collective Identities. Oxford, UK: Oxford University Press UK.
    The essays in Part III of the book, on liberal constraints and traditionalist education, argue for a more regulatory conception of liberal education and emphasize the need for some controls over cultural and religious educational authority. In the last chapter, on liberalism and group rights, according to Stephen Macedo, while the commitment of liberalism to individual freedom and equality is far more easily reconciled with group-based remedies for group-based inequalities than the critics of liberalism allow, the liberal commitment to (...)
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  31.  12
    Primates and Philosophers: How Morality Evolved: How Morality Evolved.Stephen Macedo & Josiah Ober (eds.) - 2009 - Princeton University Press.
    "It's the animal in us," we often hear when we've been bad. But why not when we're good? Primates and Philosophers tackles this question by exploring the biological foundations of one of humanity's most valued traits: morality. In this provocative book, primatologist Frans de Waal argues that modern-day evolutionary biology takes far too dim a view of the natural world, emphasizing our "selfish" genes. Science has thus exacerbated our reciprocal habits of blaming nature when we act badly and labeling the (...)
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    Geopoética.Clarissa Moreira de Macedo - 2021 - Perspectivas 5 (2):3-19.
    A política da morte tem atravessado o mundo contemporâneo de forma cada vez mais agressiva. Como enfrentamento, a produção de arte e conhecimento tem resistido das maneiras que lhe são viáveis. A geopoética (WHITE, 2016) – uma poética da terra – pode ser considerada, nesse e noutros contextos, uma ferramenta teórico-crítica para reavaliar a posição humana perante o planeta, ante si enquanto espécie e diante da alteridade. Assim, aproveitando o conceito referido, abordarei textos literários ao mesmo tempo em que discutirei (...)
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    A presença da moral na cultura brasileira: ensaios de ética e história das idéias no Brasil.Ubiratan Borges de Macedo - 2001 - Londrina: Editora UEL.
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    Catholic and Reformed Traditions in International Law: A Comparison Between the Suarezian and the Grotian Concept of Ius Gentium.Vauthier Borges de Macedo & Paulo Emílio - 2017 - Cham: Imprint: Springer.
    This book compares the respective concepts of the law of nations put forward by the Spanish theologian Francisco Suárez and by the Dutch jurist Hugo Grotius. This comparison is based on the fact that both thinkers developed quite similar notions and were the first to depart from the Roman conception, which persisted throughout the entire Middle Ages and the early Renaissance. In Rome, jus gentium was a law that applied to foreigners within the Empire, and one which was often mistaken (...)
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  35. Introdução à ciência do direito.Sílvio de Macedo - 1970 - Rio de Janeiro: Forense.
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    Introduction to the science of law as a culture to the International Commission of Jurists.Sílvo de Macedo - 1968 - Maceio? Brazil]: Maceio? Brazil].
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  37. Maio-junho julho-agosto ano XIII—n. 3—vol. 17 sumário heraldo barbuy—breve lem-brança de Gabriel marcei.Ubiratan de Macedo—O. - 1975 - Convivium: revista de filosofía 18:2.
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  38. Compromissos permanentes e transformações necessárias.Edison Flávio Macedo - 2001 - [Brasília, Brazil?]: CONFEA.
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  39. ¿Filosofía trascendental o Historia de la autoconciencia en Hegel?Gustavo Macedo - 2012 - Revista de Filosofía (México) 44 (132):39-50.
  40. Origens nacionais da doutrina da ESG.Ubiratan Borges de Macedo - 1979 - Convivium: revista de filosofía 17.
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    Ragione pubblica, democrazia e comunità politica. Un riesame delle critiche.Stephen Macedo - 2010 - Philosophy and Public Issues - Filosofia E Questioni Pubbliche 14:23-50.
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    Lost in the marketplace of ideas: Towards a new constitution for free speech after Trump and Twitter?Stephen Macedo - 2022 - Philosophy and Social Criticism 48 (4):496-514.
    Democracy is in crisis and one core feature is a communications crisis: a failure of institutions to reliably generate and curate the circulation of information and communications. Capitalism, the internet and Covid have all been unkind to journalism: newspapers and their reporters have been decimated. Newer media – such as Facebook, Twitter and Google – have amassed enormous power in a remarkably short time. They are the new gatekeepers of free expression, as witnessed by the Twitter ban of Donald Trump. (...)
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    Transformative Constitutionalism and the Case of Religion.Stephen Macedo - 1998 - Political Theory 26 (1):56-80.
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    In defense of liberal public reason: are slavery and abortion hard cases?S. Macedo - 1997 - American Journal of Jurisprudence 42 (1):1.
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  45. Primates and Philosophers. How Morality Evolved.Frans de Waal, Stephen Macedo, Josiah Ober, Robert Wright, Christine M. Korsgaard & Philip Kitcher - 2007 - Tijdschrift Voor Filosofie 69 (3):598-599.
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  46. A face das filhas de Eva-os cuidados com a aparência num manual de beleza do século XIII.José Rivair Macedo - forthcoming - História.
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    A Contrast‐Based Computational Model of Surprise and Its Applications.Luis Macedo & Amílcar Cardoso - 2019 - Topics in Cognitive Science 11 (1):88-102.
    This paper reviews computational models of surprise, with a specific focus on the authors’ probabilistic, contrast model. The contrast model casts surprise, and its intensity, as emerging from the difference between the probability of the surprising event and the probability of the highest expected‐event in a given situation. Strong arguments are made for the central role of surprise in creativity and learning by natural and artificial agents.
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    “Não posso colocar essa palavra feminismo porque eu acho muito forte”: discurso e linguagem avaliativa sobre feminismo em narrativas de gênero produzidas por acadêmicas cabo-verdianas.Litiane Barbosa Macedo & Débora de Carvalho Figueiredo - 2021 - Critical Discourse Studies 18 (1):109-138.
    RESUMO Este artigo apresenta uma investigação sobre narrativas de gênero produzidas por um grupo de acadêmicas cabo-verdianas, focando nas suas perspectivas acerca dos discursos recentes sobre feminismo. Ao nível analítico lexical, a análise das narrativas teve como suporte o Sistema de Avaliatividade. Ao nível analítico interpretativo, as representações das narradoras foram analisadas e acordo com a abordagem de Fairclough em conjuntos de conceitos de Estudos feministas. Os resultados apontam que o termo gênero foi usado como sinônimo de equilíbrio entre os (...)
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  49.  3
    Introdução à filosofia do direito: uma nova metodologia.Sílvio de Macedo - 1993 - São Paulo: Revista dos Tribunais.
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    Obra completa.Francisco Newton de Macedo - 2014 - Porto: Universidade Católica editora. Edited by Pedro Baptista.
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