Results for 'Irena Schneider'

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  1. O nauczaniu abstrakcyjnych pojęć filozoficznych w aspekcie statycznym i dynamicznym.Irena Trzcieniecka-Schneider - 2014 - Analiza I Egzystencja 25:87-98.
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  2. Rzeczywistość wedłóg Joanny Warchoł.Irena Trzcieniecka-Schneider - forthcoming - Estetyka I Krytyka 12 (12):259-262.
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  3. Wspomnienie o Ewie Żarneckiej-Biały.Irena Trzcieniecka-Schneider - 2010 - Ruch Filozoficzny 67 (1).
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    Argumentacja i racjonalna zmiana przekonán.Wojciech Suchoń, Irena Trzcieniecka-Schneider & Dominik Kowalski (eds.) - 2010 - Kraków: Wydawn. Uniwersytetu Jagiellońskiego.
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    Komunikaty i argumenty.Ewa Żarnecka-Biały & Irena Trzcieniecka-Schneider (eds.) - 2002 - Kraków: Wydawn. Uniwersytetu Jagiellońskiego.
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    Females, Feminists, and Feminism: A Review of Recent Literature on Jewish Feminism and a Creation of a Feminist Judaism. [REVIEW]Ellen M. Umansky, Evelyn Torton Beck, Elizabeth Koltun, Susannah Heschel, Blu Greenberg, Susan Weidman Schneider, Melanie Kaye/Kantrowitz, Irena Klepfisz & Penina V. Adelman - 1988 - Feminist Studies 14 (2):349.
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    The Language of Thought: A New Philosophical Direction.Susan Schneider - 2011 - MIT Press.
    A philosophical refashioning of the Language of Thought approach and the related computational theory of mind.
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  8. Chatbot Epistemology.Susan Schneider - manuscript
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    Bound to Fail? Exploring the Systemic Pathologies of CSR and Their Implications for CSR Research.Anselm Schneider - 2020 - Business and Society 59 (7):1303-1338.
    Among critics of corporate social responsibility (CSR), there is growing concern that CSR is largely ineffective as a corrective to the shortcomings of capitalism, namely, the negative effects of business on society and the undersupply of public goods. At the same time, researchers suggest that despite the shortcomings of CSR, it is possible to make it more effective in a stepwise manner. To explain the frequent failures of current CSR practices and to explore the possibilities of remedying them, I examine (...)
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    Is there really only one representation for stimulus intensity?Bruce Schneider - 1989 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 12 (2):290-290.
  11. Reducing the Inadvertent Spread of Retracted Science: recommendations from the RISRS report.Jodi Schneider, Nathan D. Woods, Randi Proescholdt & The Risrs Team - 2022 - Research Integrity and Peer Review 7 (1).
    Background Retraction is a mechanism for alerting readers to unreliable material and other problems in the published scientific and scholarly record. Retracted publications generally remain visible and searchable, but the intention of retraction is to mark them as “removed” from the citable record of scholarship. However, in practice, some retracted articles continue to be treated by researchers and the public as valid content as they are often unaware of the retraction. Research over the past decade has identified a number of (...)
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    Counting and the ontogenetic origins of exact equality.Rose M. Schneider, Erik Brockbank, Roman Feiman & David Barner - 2022 - Cognition 218 (C):104952.
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  13. The fall of “augustinian adam”: Original fragility and supralapsarian purpose.John Schneider - 2012 - Zygon 47 (4):949-969.
    The essay is framed by conflict between Christianity and Darwinian science over the history of the world and the nature of human personhood. Evolutionary science narrates a long prehuman geological and biological history filled with vast amounts, kinds, and distributions of apparently random brutal and pointless suffering. It also strongly suggests that the first modern humans were morally primitive. This science seems to discredit Christianity's common meta-narrative of the Fall, understood as a story of Paradise Lost. The author contends that (...)
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    Fruits, Apples, and Category Mistakes: On Sport, Games, and Play.Angela J. Schneider - 2001 - Journal of the Philosophy of Sport 28 (2):151-159.
    (2001). Fruits, Apples, and Category Mistakes: On Sport, Games, and Play. Journal of the Philosophy of Sport: Vol. 28, No. 2, pp. 151-159. doi: 10.1080/00948705.2001.9714610.
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  15. Direct reference, psychological explanation, and Frege cases.Susan Schneider - 2005 - Mind and Language 20 (4):423-447.
    In this essay I defend a theory of psychological explanation that is based on the joint commitment to direct reference and computationalism. I offer a new solution to the problem of Frege Cases. Frege Cases involve agents who are unaware that certain expressions corefer (e.g. that 'Cicero' and 'Tully' corefer), where such knowledge is relevant to the success of their behavior, leading to cases in which the agents fail to behave as the intentional laws predict. It is generally agreed that (...)
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    Why Olympic Athletes Should Avoid the Use and Seek the Elimination of Performance-Enhancing Substances and Practices From the Olympic Games.Angela J. Schneider & Robert R. Butcher - 1993 - Journal of the Philosophy of Sport 20 (1):64-81.
    (1993). Why Olympic Athletes Should Avoid the Use and Seek the Elimination of Performance-Enhancing Substances and Practices From the Olympic Games. Journal of the Philosophy of Sport: Vol. 20, No. 1, pp. 64-81. doi: 10.1080/00948705.1993.9714504.
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  17. The Prototime Interpretation of Quantum Mechanics.Susan Schneider & Mark Bailey - manuscript
    We propose the Prototime Interpretation of quantum mechanics, which claims that quantum entanglement occurs in a "prototemporal" realm which underlies spacetime. Our paper is tentative and exploratory. The argument form is inference to the best explanation. We claim that the Prototime Interpretation (PI) is worthy of further consideration as a superior explanation for perplexing quantum phenomena such as delayed choice, superposition, the wave-particle duality and nonlocality. In Section One, we introduce the Prototime Interpretation. Section Two identifies its advantages. Section Three (...)
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    A temporally sustained implicit theory of mind deficit in autism spectrum disorders.Dana Schneider, Virginia P. Slaughter, Andrew P. Bayliss & Paul E. Dux - 2013 - Cognition 129 (2):410-417.
    Eye movements during false-belief tasks can reveal an individual's capacity to implicitly monitor others' mental states (theory of mind - ToM). It has been suggested, based on the results of a single-trial-experiment, that this ability is impaired in those with a high-functioning autism spectrum disorder (ASD), despite neurotypical-like performance on explicit ToM measures. However, given there are known attention differences and visual hypersensitivities in ASD it is important to establish whether such impairments are evident over time. In addition, investigating implicit (...)
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  19. The language of thought.Susan Schneider - 2009 - In Sarah Robins, John Symons & Paco Calvo, The Routledge Companion to Philosophy of Psychology. New York, NY: Routledge.
  20. What is the significance of the intuition that laws of nature govern?Susan Schneider - 2007 - Australasian Journal of Philosophy 85 (2):307-324.
    Recently, proponents of Humean Supervenience have challenged the plausibility of the intuition that the laws of nature ‘govern’, or guide, the evolution of events in the universe. Certain influential thought experiments authored by John Carroll, Michael Tooley, and others, rely strongly on such intuitions. These thought experiments are generally regarded as playing a central role in the lawhood debate, suggesting that the Mill-Ramsey-Lewis view of the laws of nature, and the related doctrine of the Humean Supervenience of laws, are false. (...)
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    Reality and scientific truth: discussions with Einstein, von Laue, and Planck.Ilse Rosenthal-Schneider - 1980 - Detroit: Wayne State University Press. Edited by Thomas Braun.
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    A cautionary note on the use of the Analysis of Covariance in classification designs with and without within-subject factors.Bruce A. Schneider, Meital Avivi-Reich & Mindaugas Mozuraitis - 2015 - Frontiers in Psychology 6.
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    Creativity in the Social Epistemology of Science.Mike D. Schneider - 2021 - Philosophy of Science 88 (5):882-893.
    Currie (2019) has introduced a novel account of creativity within the social epistemology of science. The account is intended to capture how conservatism can be detrimental to the health of inquiry within certain scientific communities, given the aims of research there. I argue that recent remarks by Rovelli (2018) put pressure on the applicability of the account. Altogether, it seems we do not yet well understand the relationship between creativity, conservatism, and the health of inquiry in science.
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  24. Science Fiction and Philosophy: From Time Travel to Superintelligence.Susan Schneider (ed.) - 2009 - Wiley-Blackwell.
    A timely volume that uses science fiction as a springboard to meaningful philosophical discussions, especially at points of contact between science fiction and new scientific developments. Raises questions and examines timely themes concerning the nature of the mind, time travel, artificial intelligence, neural enhancement, free will, the nature of persons, transhumanism, virtual reality, and neuroethics Draws on a broad range of books, films and television series, including _The Matrix, Star Trek, Blade Runner, Frankenstein, Brave New World, The Time Machine,_ and (...)
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    Ethics of sport and athletics: theory, issues, and application.Robert C. Schneider - 2022 - Philadelphia: Wolters Kluwer.
    Morality in Sport Sport continues to make its presence known throughout the world as it prospers at all levels. Amazingly, there is no end in sight to the popularity and growth of sport. Essential to sport's continued prosperity, growth, and overall livelihood is the sustenance of a firm moral base. It is the goal and hope of the author that you find this textbook to be a useful guide in helping you maintain and build upon the foundation of moral good (...)
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  26. Mindscan: Transcending and enhancing the human brain.Susan Schneider - 2009 - In Science Fiction and Philosophy: From Time Travel to Superintelligence. Wiley-Blackwell. pp. 241--56.
    Suppose it is 2025 and being a technophile, you purchase brain enhancements as they become readily available. First, you add a mobile internet connection to your retina, then, you enhance your working memory by adding neural circuitry. You are now officially a cyborg. Now skip ahead to 2040. Through nanotechnological therapies and enhancements you are able to extend your lifespan, and as the years progress, you continue to accumulate more far-reaching enhancements. By 2060, after several small but cumulatively profound alterations, (...)
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    Legalism: Chinese-style constitutionalism?Henrique Schneider - 2011 - Journal of Chinese Philosophy 38 (1):46-63.
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    How do primary care doctors deal with uncertainty in making diagnostic decisions?Antonius Schneider, Bernd Löwe, Stefan Barie, Stefanie Joos, Peter Engeser & Joachim Szecsenyi - 2010 - Journal of Evaluation in Clinical Practice 16 (3):431-437.
  29. Isaac Newton.Ivo Schneider, Kolumban Hutter, Isaac Newton & Friedrich Steinle - 1993 - Journal for General Philosophy of Science / Zeitschrift für Allgemeine Wissenschaftstheorie 24 (1):169-185.
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    Bioethics in the Language of the Law.Carl E. Schneider - 1994 - Hastings Center Report 24 (4):16-22.
    Law provides a rich language for thinking about bioethical issues and is a tool for action as well as talk. But the language of the law, often inapt, regularly fails to achieve its desired effect.
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  31. LOT, CTM, and the Elephant in the Room.Susan Schneider - 2009 - Synthese 170 (2):235 - 250.
    According to the language of thought (LOT) approach and the related computational theory of mind (CTM), thinking is the processing of symbols in an inner mental language that is distinct from any public language. Herein, I explore a deep problem at the heart of the LOT/CTM program—it has yet to provide a plausible conception of a mental symbol.
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    A (Strictly) Contemporary Perspective on Trans-Planckian Censorship.Mike D. Schneider - 2022 - Foundations of Physics 52 (4):1-21.
    I critically discuss a controversial ‘trans-Planckian censorship’ conjecture, which has recently been introduced to researchers working at the intersection of fundamental physics and cosmology. My focus explicitly avoids any appeals to contingent research within string theory or regarding the more general gravitational ‘swampland’. Rather, I concern myself with the conjecture’s foundations in our current, well-trodden physics of quantized fields, spacetime, and gravity. In doing so, I locate what exactly within trans-Planckian censorship amounts to a departure from current physics—identifying what is, (...)
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    Der Mathematiker Abraham de Moivre (1667?1754).Ivo Schneider - 1968 - Archive for History of Exact Sciences 5 (3):177-317.
    Before examining de Moivre's contributions to the science of mathematics, this article reviews the source materials, consisting of the printed works and the correspondence of de Moivre, and constructs his biography from them. The analytical part examines de Moivre's contributions and achievements in the study of equations, series, and the calculus of probability. De Moivre contributed to the continuing development from Viète to Abel and Galois of the theory of solving equations by means of constructing particular equations, the roots of (...)
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    Han Fei, De, Welfare.Henrique Schneider - 2013 - Asian Philosophy 23 (3):260-274.
    This paper explores the relation of order and welfare for Han Fei's philosophy. It will be claimed that the Legalist did indeed show concern for the overall quality of life of society, claiming that his model state would lead to a substantial increase for the individual's welfare. On the other hand, although he acknowledges (and cares) for these positive consequences, Han Fei does not attach any value for legitimizing the system he proposes to them. Even if there were any value (...)
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    In Praise of Ordinary Measures: The Present Limits and Future Possibilities of Educational Accountability.Jack Schneider & Derek Gottlieb - 2021 - Educational Theory 71 (4):455-473.
    Educational Theory, Volume 71, Issue 4, Page 455-473, August 2021.
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    Ontology for Big Systems: The Ontology Summit 2012 Communiqué.Todd Schneider, Ali Hashemi, Mike Bennett, Mary Brady, Cory Casanave, Henson Graves, Michael Gruninger, Nicola Guarino, Anatoly Levenchuk & Ernie Lucier - 2012 - Applied ontology 7 (3):357-371.
    The Ontology Summit 2012 explored the current and potential uses of ontology, its methods and paradigms, in big systems and big data: How ontology can be used to design, develop, and operate such systems. The systems addressed were not just software systems, although software systems are typically core and necessary components, but more complex systems that include multiple kinds and levels of human and community interaction with physical-software systems, systems of systems, and the socio-technical environments for those systems which can (...)
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    Moral deliberation and nursing ethics cases: Elements of a methodological proposal.Dulcinéia Ghizoni Schneider & Flávia Regina Souza Ramos - 2012 - Nursing Ethics 19 (6):764-776.
    A qualitative study with an exploratory, descriptive and documentary design that was conducted with the objective of identifying the elements to constitute a method for the analysis of accusations of and proceedings for professional ethics infringements. The method is based on underlying elements identified inductively during analysis of professional ethics hearings judged by and filed in the archives of the Regional Nursing Board of Santa Catarina, Brazil, between 1999 and 2007. The strategies developed were based on the results of an (...)
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    Attentional Capture by Irrelevant Transients Leads to Perceptual Errors in a Competitive Change Detection Task.Daniel Schneider, Christian Beste & Edmund Wascher - 2012 - Frontiers in Psychology 3.
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    Biological, Psychological, and Sociocultural Factors Contributing to the Drive for Muscularity in Weight-Training Men.Catharina Schneider, Laura Rollitz, Martin Voracek & Kristina Hennig-Fast - 2016 - Frontiers in Psychology 7.
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    When psychiatry and bioethics disagree about patient decision making capacity (DMC).P. L. Schneider - 2006 - Journal of Medical Ethics 32 (2):90-93.
    The terms “competency” and “decision making capacity” are often used interchangeably in the medical setting. Although competency is a legal determination made by judges, “competency” assessments are frequently requested of psychiatrists who are called to consult on hospitalised patients who refuse medical treatment. In these situations, the bioethicist is called to consult frequently as well, sometimes as a second opinion or “tie breaker”. The psychiatric determination of competence, while a clinical phenomenon, is based primarily in legalism and can be quite (...)
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  41. Reality and Scientific Truth. Discussions with Einstein, von Laue, and Planck.I. Rosenthal-Schneider & T. Braun - 1982 - British Journal for the Philosophy of Science 33 (3):329-331.
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    Endlichkeit, Tod und Todesabwehr.Gerhard Schneider - 2020 - Psyche 74 (12):975-1007.
    Der Autor schlägt zunächst eine prozessual-temporale Lesart von Nicolas Poussins zweitem »Arcadia«-Bild (1638–1640) vor, in der er die drei Hirten als Repräsentanten einer Figur in unterschiedlichen Phasen ­eines Prozesses der emotionalen Erfahrung der eigenen Endlichkeit/Sterblichkeit versteht. Ausgehend von Guercinos gleichnamigem Vorgängerbild wird dann Poussins Übergang von seinem ersten »Arcadia«-Bild (1629–1630) zu »Arcadia II« als Transformation dargestellt. Als zentral erweisen sich hier das Thema der bild­internen Präsenz des Todes und die doppelte Bedeutung der Kunst als Perseus-Schild im Hinblick auf dessen Darstellung: (...)
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    Eine (un)zeitgemäße Stellungnahme zu Kenneth Israelstams Projekt einer kategorienfundierten Beurteilung der psychoanalytischen Kompetenz von Kandidaten.Gerhard Schneider - 2020 - Psyche 74 (2):142-157.
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  44. Discernment of Good and Evil in Dostoevsky’s Novels: The Madman and the Saint.Christoph Schneider - 2020 - European Journal for Philosophy of Religion 12 (4):117-137.
    This article discusses madness and saintliness in Dostoevsky’s novels and investigates how the madman and the saint discern between good and evil. I first explore the metaphysical, spiritual, and moral universe of Dostoevsky’s characters by drawing on William Desmond’s philosophy of the between. Second, I argue that the madman’s misconstrual of reality can be grasped as an idolatrous, divisive, and parodic imitation of the good. Third, I reflect on disembodied discernment. In some cases, due to the weakness of the moral (...)
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    Photographic manipulation in the health, clinical and biomedical sciences.Catherine Schneider, Sydney Hoffmann & Graham D. Rowles - 2019 - Philosophy of Photography 10 (1):59-71.
    Photography has become a pervasive component of contemporary communication. Recent technological advances in creating and manipulating images have provided renewed impetus to decades-long debates on use of photographs in science. With increase in the potential for inappropriate image manipulation, fears about misrepresentation have heightened concern among journal editors and scholars about the 'accuracy' of published images. We discuss how science has responded to growing concerns surrounding falsification and inaccuracy of photography. We document progress in implementing a variety of complementary approaches (...)
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    Michurinist Biology in the People’s Republic of China, 1948–1956.Laurence Schneider - 2012 - Journal of the History of Biology 45 (3):525-556.
    Michurinist biology was introduced to China in 1948; granted a state supported monopoly in 1952; and reduced to parity with western genetics from 1956. The Soviets exported it through the propaganda agencies Sino Soviet Friendship Association and VOKS. China’s Ministry of Agriculture achieved broad public awareness and acceptance of Michurinist biology through a translation, publication, and Soviet guest speakers campaign – all managed by a team of agriculturalists led by Luo Tianyu, a veteran CCP cadre. The campaign grew exponentially, but (...)
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    (1 other version)Entangled Trees and Arboreal Networks of Sensitive Environments.Birgit Schneider - 2018 - Zeitschrift für Medien- Und Kulturforschung 9 (1):107-126.
    The article discusses how current mediated conditions change nature perception from a media study perspective. The article is based on different case studies such as the current sensation of atmospheric change through sensible media attached to trees which get published via Twitter, the meteorologist Amazonian Tall Tower Observatory and the use of gutta percha derived from tropical trees for the production of cables in the history of telegraphy. For analysing the examples, the perspective of »media as environments« is flipped to (...)
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  48. Modeling the invention of a new inference rule: The case of ‘Randomized Clinical Trial’ as an argument scheme for medical science.Jodi Schneider & Sally Jackson - 2018 - Argument and Computation 9 (2):77-89.
    A background assumption of this paper is that the repertoire of inference schemes available to humanity is not fixed, but subject to change as new schemes are invented or refined and as old ones are obsolesced or abandoned. This is particularly visible in areas like health and environmental sciences, where enormous societal investment has been made in finding ways to reach more dependable conclusions. Computational modeling of argumentation, at least for the discourse in expert fields, will require the possibility of (...)
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    Strategic technological processes in hospitals: Conflicts and personal experiences of healthcare teams.Lior Naamati-Schneider, Mirit Arazi-Fadlon & Shir Daphna-Tekoah - 2025 - Nursing Ethics 32 (1):236-252.
    Background Global health systems operate amid dynamic factors, including demographic shifts, economic variations, political changes, technological progress, and societal trends that lead to VUCA reality (Volatility, Uncertainty, Complexity, and Ambiguity). To address these challenges, healthcare organizations are increasingly turning to Strategic Technological Processes and digital transformation. Research objective Against this background, the current study examined the personal experiences, conflicts, difficulties, and moral dilemmas attendant upon accommodating this digital transformation of healthcare professionals. Participants The study involved 27 healthcare professionals working in (...)
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  50. Agent-Causation and Paradigms for God’s Knowledge.Christina Schneider - 2013 - European Journal for Philosophy of Religion 5 (1):35--54.
    The article aims at formulating a philosophical framework and by this giving some means at hand to save human libertarian freedom, God’s omniscience and God’s ”eternity’. This threefold aim is achieved by 1) conceiving of an agent as having different possibilities to act, 2) regarding God’s knowledge -- with respect to agents -- not only as being ”propositional’ in character but also as being ”experiential’: God knows an agent also from the ”first person perspective’, as the agent knows herself, and, (...)
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