Results for 'Irina Savchenko'

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  1.  11
    Science and ideology in the Soviet capital discourse of religious studies: dichotomous analysis.Irina A. Savchenko & Olga K. Shimanskaya - 2025 - Studies in East European Thought 77 (2):261-273.
    Dichotomous analysis is used as a method to identify the contradictory nature and ways of adaption demonstrated by representatives of the Moscow School of Religious Studies (MSRS) in the combination of science and ideology specific to the Soviet period. This study proves that scholars can rarely be completely autonomous since their socio-political environment invariably affects their academic stance. In the late 1950s, Soviet religious studies were characterized by historicism. By the 1960s, Soviet authorities realized that the destruction of churches and (...)
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    “The Right to Your City”: A Project of the Epistemological Urban Studies.Irina A. Savchenko & Yulia V. Kozlova - 2022 - Epistemology and Philosophy of Science 59 (3):185-201.
    Within the framework of a new interdisciplinary scientific scientific field – epistemological urbanism – the authors develop the idea of the human right to their city and show the epistemological nature of this right, which is explained by the fact that it is conditioned by the processes of cognition and scientific communication. Three main provisions are substantiated. Firstly, the city is an intelligent system. “The right to your city” is a specific right to scientific and intellectual production and consumption. Such (...)
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  3. Environmental Behavior of Youth and Sustainable Development.Anna Shutaleva, Nikita Martyushev, Zhanna Nikonova, Irina Savchenko, Sophya Abramova, Vladlena Lubimova & Anastasia Novgorodtseva - 2022 - Sustainability 14 (1):250.
    The relationship between people and nature is one of the most important current issues of human survival. This circumstance makes it necessary to educate young people who are receptive to global challenges and ready to solve the urgent problems of our time. The purpose of the article is to analyze the experience of the environmental behavior of young people in the metropolis. The authors studied articles and monographs that contain Russian and international experience in the environmental behavior of citizens. The (...)
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  4. Migration Potential of Students and Development of Human Capital.Anna Shutaleva, Nikita Martyushev, Alexey Starostin, Ali Salgiriev, Olga Vlasova, Anna Grinek, Zhanna Nikonova & Irina Savchenko - 2022 - Education Science 12 (5):324.
    Studying student migration trends is a significant task in studying human capital development as one of the leading factors in sustainable socio-economic development. The migration potential of students impacts the opportunities and prospects for sustainable development. The study of factors influencing the migration behavior of students acquires special significance in this article. The interpersonal competencies of the population impact its migration potential. Migration processes impact the differentiation of regions in terms of human capital. This article is based on theoretical and (...)
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  5. Модель пенсійного забезпечення.Anastasiya Savchenko - 2015 - Схід 8 (140):54-58.
    Disclosed the issues of forming a new model of pension provision in Ukraine. The detailed structure of the model of pension provision. Analyzes the main approaches of different countries in the implementation and operation of the pension system. Defined the fundamental purpose of the description of the model is to fight poverty in the sones redistribution of income between rich and poor. Found that the basis of the model of mandatory social insurance institution, the purpose of institution is to protect (...)
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    Сучасні підходи до розуміння ad-аргументів та критерії їх прийнятності.Nadiia Savchenko - 2016 - Схід 5 (145):98-102.
    In this article the term "appellant argument" is considered in terms of current approaches on the study of the theory of argumentation. Considering the grounds on which such arguments were recognized as incorrect in argumentation for a long time. The informal nature of such arguments is the main ground for understanding them as a way of sophistic argument. In addition, it is established that critics of such arguments is possible not only by the form but also by the content. A (...)
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  7. Kreatologii︠a︡: metodologicheskie osnovanii︠a︡ i modeli, Bogopoznanie i nauchnoe znanie.D. N. Savchenko - 2010 - Moskva: Ret︠s︡ikling.
    T. 1. Metodologicheskie osnovanii︠a︡ i modeli, Bogopoznanie i nauchnoe znanie -- t. 2. Chislo. Garmonii︠a︡. Metafizika Sveta -- t. 3. Svet bogoslovskie osnovanii︠a︡ kreatologi.
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    Philosophical and Anthropological Theory of Violence by René Girard.S. V. Savchenko & K. A. Prokofieva - 2024 - Anthropological Measurements of Philosophical Research 26:47-60.
    Мета. У статті передбачено дослідити ключові аспекти теорії міметичного насильства відомого французького мислителя Рене Жирара. Теоретичний базис. Дослідження спирається на фундаментальну теорію насильства Рене Жирара, яка охоплює концепції мімезису та жертовного циклу. Жирар стверджує, що насильство виникає через міметичне суперництво, коли люди імітують бажання та дії один одного, що призводить до конфліктів і криз. У цій теорії жертовний механізм, який містить пошук і вбивство "цапа-відбувайла", виконує роль засобу розв’язання криз і запобігання хаосу. Важливим є твердження про унікальність християнства, яке, на (...)
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    Socio-cultural Nature of the Infodemic and its Appearances under Global Turbulence.Yurii Kalynovskyi, Vasyl Krotiuk, Olga Savchenko & Roman Zorkin - 2023 - Filosofiya-Philosophy 32 (2):146-156.
    The article deals with the socio-cultural nature of information and studies its role in increasing global turbulence. Based on the methodological grounds put forward by A. Toffler, S. Moscovici, N. Chomsky, R. Patzlaff, O. Aronson, dialectical and systemic methods, the authors argue that the infodemic roots in stereotypical thinking generated by mass culture, as well as informatization and computerization of social relations. Mass culture contributed to a decrease in the level of critical thinking and caused the so-called ‘clip consciousness’. The (...)
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  10.  14
    Tendencies of city development in a unified regional space (as exemplified by the Chelyabinsk region).Olga Artemova & Anastasia Savchenko - 2021 - Sotsium I Vlast 4:58-72.
    Introduction. The article highlights the role and trends of urban development in a single regional space. The authors consider the industrial region, where the economic centers are the cities of monospecialization (metallurgy, mechanical engineering), which form the settlement framework of the regional economic system. At the same time, the connectivity of the regional space was determined by the contacts of cities in infrastructure areas and the possibilities of agglomeration formations. The authors analyze the urban environment of cities in the region, (...)
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    Technological trends in the development of the Russian economy: opportunities and limitations.Olga Artemova, Anastasiya Savchenko & Tatyana Cheskidova - 2019 - Sotsium I Vlast 5:55-64.
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    Assessment of the regions’ technological capabilities for the development of human potential (as exemplified by the subjects of the Ural and Siberian federal districts).Olga Artemova, Natalia Logacheva & Anastasia Savchenko - 2020 - Sotsium I Vlast 4:30-46.
    Introduction. Developing human potential, improving the population’s life quality of the regions are the unconditional priorities of the regional socio-economic policy. The implementation of such priorities requires an objective assessment of the existing socio-economic situation of the Russian Federation’s constituent entities, an analysis of the conditions for regional development, a search for economic growth drivers, and the development of effective mechanisms for implementing priorities. The designated issues are in the area of scientists’ and specialists’ close attention, whose range of scientific (...)
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    Inhomogeneity of the regional space and its impact on the population life quality in the constituent entities of the Russian Federation.Olga Artemova & Anastasia Savchenko - 2020 - Sotsium I Vlast 2:65-79.
    Introduction. The authors clarify and expand the concepts of heterogeneity properties of regional socio-economic and digital spaces. Heterogeneity of space is associated with the regional uneven development and results in their socio-economic and digital differentiation, which, in turn, determines unequal conditions for ensuring the population’s life quality. In the context of the study, heterogeneity of the regional space is defined as a property of uneven spatial development of the Russian Federation’s constituent entities according to the territorial, sectoral, and temporary characteristics (...)
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    Quality of life in Russian megacities: searching for urban development opportunities.Olga Artemova, Anastasia Savchenko & Artem Uzhegov - 2021 - Sotsium I Vlast 1:76-89.
    Introduction. Cities play a key role in the development of countries and regions. The authors of the article emphasize the importance of the largest cities’ development, which is based on an industrial model that has not exhausted its potential. The authors show possibilities of urban development on the basis of the industrial sector effective functioning in order to improve the citizens’ welfare, meet their needs and improve the life quality. In this regard, the authors formulate a hypothesis that the largest (...)
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    Aberrational Socialization as a New Type of Socialization of an Individual in Modern Information Society.Vitalii Kurylo, Sergii Savchenko & Olena Karaman - 2020 - Postmodern Openings 11 (1):225-237.
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  16. Minds without spines: evolutionarily inclusive animal ethics.Irina Mikhalevich - 2020 - Animal Sentience 29 (1).
    Invertebrate animals are frequently lumped into a single category and denied welfare protections despite their considerable cognitive, behavioral, and evolutionary diversity. Some ethical and policy inroads have been made for cephalopod molluscs and crustaceans, but the vast majority of arthropods, including the insects, remain excluded from moral consideration. We argue that this exclusion is unwarranted given the existing evidence. Anachronistic readings of evolution, which view invertebrates as lower in the scala naturae, continue to influence public policy and common morality. The (...)
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  17.  28
    Hospitality of the Matrix: Philosophy, Biomedicine, and Culture.Irina Aristarkhova - 2012 - Columbia University Press.
    The question "Where do we come from?" has fascinated philosophers, scientists, and artists for generations. This book reorients the question of the matrix as a place where everything comes from (_chora_, womb, incubator) by recasting it in terms of acts of "matrixial/maternal hospitality" producing space and matter of and for the other. Irina Aristarkhova theorizes such hospitality with the potential to go beyond tolerance in understanding self/other relations. Building on and critically evaluating a wide range of historical and contemporary (...)
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    Socrates on Why the Belief that Death is a Bad Thing is so Ubiquitous and Intractable.Irina Deretić & Nicholas D. Smith - 2020 - The Journal of Ethics 25 (1):107-122.
    As a cognitivist about emotions, Socrates takes the fear of death to be a belief that death is a bad thing for the one who dies. Socrates, however, thinks there are reasons for thinking death is not a bad thing at all, and might even be a blessing. So the question considered in this paper is: how would Socrates explain the fact that so many people believe death is bad?
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  19. Aspasia: Woman in Crises.Irina Deretić - 2021 - In Women in Times of Crisis. Belgrade: Faculty of Philosophy, University of Belgrade. pp. 35-47.
    Like Socrates, Aspasia did not leave any writings. We know about her from secondary sources. In this paper, I will show a number of things in the reports of what Aspasia said and did that are philosophically interesting, especially in what they show about dealing with various kinds of crises, from marital to political ones. First, I will argue for the most probable reconstruction of her life. Second, I will elucidate what kind of method Aspasia employed when considering marital issues. (...)
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  20. A critique of the principle of cognitive simplicity in comparative cognition.Irina Meketa - 2014 - Biology and Philosophy 29 (5):731-745.
    A widespread assumption in experimental comparative cognition is that, barring compelling evidence to the contrary, the default hypothesis should postulate the simplest cognitive ontology consistent with the animal’s behavior. I call this assumption the principle of cognitive simplicity . In this essay, I show that PoCS is pervasive but unjustified: a blanket preference for the simplest cognitive ontology is not justified by any of the available arguments. Moreover, without a clear sense of how cognitive ontologies are to be carved up (...)
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    Thought experiments in mathematics.Irina Starikova & Marcus Giaquinto - unknown
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  22. Is behavioural flexibility evidence of cognitive complexity? How evolution can inform comparative cognition.Irina Mikhalevich, Russell Powell & Corina Logan - 2017 - Interface Focus 7.
    Behavioural flexibility is often treated as the gold standard of evidence for more sophisticated or complex forms of animal cognition, such as planning, metacognition and mindreading. However, the evidential link between behavioural flexibility and complex cognition has not been explicitly or systematically defended. Such a defence is particularly pressing because observed flexible behaviours can frequently be explained by putatively simpler cognitive mechanisms. This leaves complex cognition hypotheses open to ‘deflationary’ challenges that are accorded greater evidential weight precisely because they offer (...)
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    Experiment and Animal Minds: Why the Choice of the Null Hypothesis Matters.Irina Mikhalevich - 2015 - Philosophy of Science 82 (5):1059-1069.
    In guarding against inferential mistakes, experimental comparative cognition errs on the side of underattributing sophisticated cognition to animals, or what I refer to as the underattribution bias. I propose eliminating this bias by altering the method of choosing the default, or null, hypothesis. Rather than choosing the most parsimonious null hypothesis, as is current practice, I argue for choosing the best-evidenced hypothesis. Doing so at once preserves the risk-controlling structure of the current statistical paradigm and introduces a sensitivity to probability-conferring (...)
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  24. Why do mathematicians need different ways of presenting mathematical objects? The case of cayley graphs.Irina Starikova - 2010 - Topoi 29 (1):41-51.
    This paper investigates the role of pictures in mathematics in the particular case of Cayley graphs—the graphic representations of groups. I shall argue that their principal function in that theory—to provide insight into the abstract structure of groups—is performed employing their visual aspect. I suggest that the application of a visual graph theory in the purely non-visual theory of groups resulted in a new effective approach in which pictures have an essential role. Cayley graphs were initially developed as exact mathematical (...)
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    When Empathic Concern and Perspective Taking Matter for Ethical Judgment: The Role of Time Hurriedness.Irina Cojuharenco & Francesco Sguera - 2015 - Journal of Business Ethics 130 (3):717-725.
    Based on a dual process view of ethical judgment, we examine the role of empathic concern and perspective taking on the acceptability of lying to protect the company. We hypothesize that these traits will matter to a different extent under conditions of high and low perceived time hurriedness. Our research hypotheses are tested in a survey of 134 US workers. Results show that empathic concern reduces the acceptability of lying to protect the company for individuals who tend to do things (...)
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    Quantitative content analysis as a method for business ethics research.Irina Lock & Peter Seele - 2015 - Business Ethics: A European Review 24 (4):S24-S40.
    The aim of this article is to discuss quantitative content analysis as established in communication sciences as a method for research in business ethics. We argue that communication sciences and business ethics are neighboring disciplines, which allow the transfer of quantitative content analysis from communication sciences to business ethics. Technically, quantitative content analysis can be applied through human as well as software coding. Examples for both applications are provided and discussed. We make reference to the software solutions ‘Leximancer’, ‘Crawdad’, and (...)
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    Addressing ethical gaps in ‘Technology for Good’: Foregrounding care and capabilities.Irina Shklovski, Sebastián Lehuedé, Funda Ustek-Spilda & Alison B. Powell - 2022 - Big Data and Society 9 (2).
    This paper identifies and addresses persistent gaps in the consideration of ethical practice in ‘technology for good’ development contexts. Its main contribution is to model an integrative approach using multiple ethical frameworks to analyse and understand the everyday nature of ethical practice, including in professional practice among ‘technology for good’ start-ups. The paper identifies inherent paradoxes in the ‘technology for good’ sector as well as ethical gaps related to (1) the sometimes-misplaced assignment of virtuousness to an individual; (2) difficulties in (...)
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    Self-Construal and Unethical Behavior.Irina Cojuharenco, Garriy Shteynberg, Michele Gelfand & Marshall Schminke - 2012 - Journal of Business Ethics 109 (4):447-461.
    We suggest that understanding unethical behavior in organizations involves understanding how people view themselves and their relationships with others, a concept known as self-construal. Across multiple studies, employing both field and laboratory settings, we examine the impact of three dimensions of self-construal (independent, relational, and collective) on unethical behavior. Our results show that higher levels of relational self-construal relate negatively to unethical behavior. We also find that differences in levels of relational self for men and women mediate gender differences in (...)
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    “Please, come in.” Being a charlatan, or the question of trustworthy knowledge.Irina Podgorny & Daniel Gethmann - 2020 - Science in Context 33 (4):355-361.
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  30. Hindu and Buddhist Ideas in Dialogue: Self and No-Self.Irina Kuznetsova, Jonardon Ganeri & Chakravarthi Ram-Prasad (eds.) - 2012 - Surrey, England: Ashgate.
    The debates between various Buddhist and Hindu philosophical systems about the existence, definition and nature of self, occupy a central place in the history of Indian philosophy and religion.
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    Inhibitory Control and L2 Proficiency Modulate Bilingual Language Production: Evidence from Spontaneous Monologue and Dialogue Speech.Irina Pivneva, Caroline Palmer & Debra Titone - 2012 - Frontiers in Psychology 3.
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  32. Konstantin Ljevin: Usamljeni intelektualac.Irina Deretic - 2024 - In Slobodan Kanjevac, Zbornik Kruševačke filozofsko-književne škole. Kruševac: pp. 75-82.
    In this analysis, I will delve into the ethical and philosophical concepts associated with Konstantin Levin, a prominent literary figure in Leo Tolstoy's renowned work,* Anna Karenina*. The examination will entail a comparative study of two distinct forms of intellectuals: Sergej Ivanovich, who is actively engaged in aristocratic spheres, and Levin, who maintains a deliberate distance from such political and public involvement. Levin's pursuits center on a meticulously planned overhaul of his economy, prioritizing the welfare of the peasantry. Furthermore, Levin's (...)
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  33. Аница Савић Ребац о парадоксалности Платонове естетике.Irina Deretić - forthcoming - In Драгана Димитријевић, Аница Савић Ребац - Хероина српске културе.
    Циљ овог рада је да критички преиспита парадоксалност коју Аница Савић Ребац приписује Платоновој „естетици.“ Нaјпре ћу предочити којом се методом служи наша ауторка. Тежићу, потом, да покажем оригиналност Аничиног разумевања Платоновог односа филозофије и трагичког песништва. Кључни део овог рада биће посвећен Платоновом „парадоксу“, као и томе како Платон схвата космичку лепоту, и зашто је она лепша од било које људске творевине. Такође ћу преиспитати, следећи промишљања Анице Савић Ребац, како је Платон у дијалогу Гозба успео да изрази суштину (...)
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    The Demon of Distraction.Irina Dumitrescu & Caleb Smith - 2021 - Critical Inquiry 47 (S2):S77-S81.
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    Thinking the Commons through Ostrom and Butler: Boundedness and Vulnerability.Irina Velicu & Gustavo García-López - 2018 - Theory, Culture and Society 35 (6):55-73.
    In this paper we propose an ‘undisciplinary’ meeting between Elinor Ostrom and Judith Butler, with the intent to broaden the theory of the commons by discussing it as a relational politics. We use Butler’s theory of power to problematize existing visions of commons, shifting from Ostrom’s ‘bounded rationality’ to Butler’s concepts of ‘bounded selves’ and mutual vulnerability. To be bounded – as opposed to autonomous being – implies being an (ambiguous) effect of socio-power relations and norms that are often beyond (...)
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    The Number Ten Reconsidered: Did the Pythagoreans Have an Account of the Dekad?Irina Deretić & Višnja Knežević - 2020 - Rhizomata 8 (1):37-58.
    We critically reconsider an old hypothesis of the role of the dekad in Pythagorean philosophy. Unlike Zhmud, we claim that: 1) the dekad did play a role in Philolaus’ astronomical system, and 2) Aristotle did not project Plato’s theory of the ten eidetic numbers onto the Pythagoreans. We claim that the dekad, as the τέλειος ἀριθμός, should be understood in Philolaus’ philosophy as completeness and the basis of counting in Greek – as in most other languages – in a decimal (...)
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    Bones and Devices in the Constitution of Paleontology in Argentina at the End of the Nineteenth Century.Irina Podgorny - 2005 - Science in Context 18 (2):249-283.
    Whereas historiography of the debates on “early man in America” isolates Florentino Ameghino's ideas on human evolution from his paleontological and geological work, this paper presents Ameghino's ideas on human ancestors in regard to the controversies over the origin and dispersion of mammals. Therefore, this paper analyzes the constitution of paleontology in Argentina at the end of nineteenth century by describing, firstly, the Ameghino brothers' organization of research. By tackling this aspect I want also to discuss the place of science (...)
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  38. The Problem of Relevant Descriptions and the Scope of Moral Principles.Irina Schumski - 2017 - European Journal of Philosophy 25 (4):1588-1613.
    In her seminal attack on modern moral philosophy, G. E. M. Anscombe claims that Kant's ‘rule about universalizable maxims is useless without stipulations as to what shall count as a relevant description of an action with a view to constructing a maxim about it’. Although this so-called problem of relevant descriptions has received considerable attention in the literature, there is little agreement on how it should be understood or solved. My aim in this paper is, first, to clarify the problem (...)
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    Manifest ambiguity: Intermediate forms, variation, and mammal paleontology in Argentina, 1830–1880.Irina Podgorny - 2017 - Studies in History and Philosophy of Science Part C: Studies in History and Philosophy of Biological and Biomedical Sciences 66:27-36.
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    READING and FEELING: the effects of a literature-based intervention designed to increase emotional competence in second and third graders.Irina R. Kumschick, Luna Beck, Michael Eid, Georg Witte, Gisela Klann-Delius, Isabella Heuser, Rüdiger Steinlein & Winfried Menninghaus - 2014 - Frontiers in Psychology 5:120654.
    Emotional competence has an important influence on development in school. We hypothesized that reading and discussing children’s books with emotional content increases children’s emotional competence. To examine this assumption, we developed a literature-based intervention, named READING and FEELING, and tested it on 104 second and third graders in their after-school care center. Children who attended the same care center but did not participate in the emotion-centered literary program formed the control group ( n = 104). Our goal was to promote (...)
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    A common-sense approach to the problem of the itinerary stadion.Irina Tupikova - 2022 - Archive for History of Exact Sciences 76 (4):319-361.
    Estimating the length of the Greek stadion remains controversial. This paper highlights the pitfalls of a purely metrological approach to this problem and proposes a formal differentiation between metrologically defined ancient measuring units and other measures used to estimate long distances. The common-sense approach to the problem is strengthened by some cross-over documentary evidence for usage of the so-calleditinerarystadion in antiquity. We discuss the possibility of using statistical analysis methods to estimate the length of the stadion by comparing ancient routes (...)
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  42. Ksenija Atanasijević on Epicurus: Atomism and Hedonism [Ксенија Атанасијевић о Епикуру: атомизам и хеленизам].Irina Deretić - 2019 - In Irina Deretić & Aleksandar Kandić, History of Serbian Philosophy. Essays and contributions IV. Faculty of Philosophy University of Belgrade. pp. 235-258.
    Ksenija Atanasijevic was not only the first female lecturer at the University of Belgrade but also the first expert in the Ancient Greek Philosophy. In this paper, I will not engage with all of her writings about Ancient Greek thought. Instead, I will place the emphasis on her interpretation of Epicurus, because her best and most profound works are dedicated to his philosophy, including her book on the Epicurus’s atomism written in French under the title L’atomisme d’Épicure. I will critically (...)
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    Honor Among Thieves.Irina Meketa - 2015 - Ethical Theory and Moral Practice 18 (2):385-402.
    Traditional accounts of the fair play principle suggest that, under appropriate conditions, those who benefit from the cooperative labor of others acquire an obligation of repayment. However, these accounts have had little to say about the nature of such obligations within morally or legally problematic cooperative schemes, taking the matter to be either straightforward or unimportant. It is neither. The question of what sorts of fair play obligations obtain for those who benefit from illicit cooperative activity is a matter of (...)
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    The Particularist Challenge to Kantian Ethics.Irina Schumski - 2024 - Ethics 135 (1):88-121.
    Critics often accuse Kant and Kantians of rigorism: of advocating highly general exceptionless principles of duty that strictly prohibit action kinds like lying or breaking promises. In this article, I draw on arguments from the generalism-particularism debate to show that the way in which Kantians usually understand universality prevents them from solving this problem and leaves them stuck in a trilemma. I then argue that they should abandon this common conception—the “strict conception,” on which universal principles don’t permit any exceptions—in (...)
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  45. Hospitality and the Maternal.Irina Aristarkhova - 2012 - Hypatia 27 (1):163-181.
    This article engages the concept of hospitality as it relates to the maternal. I critically evaluate the current conceptions of hospitality by Emmanuel Levinas and Jacques Derrida, focusing on their dematerialized definition of the feminine found at the heart of hospitality, and Derrida's aporia of hospitality that deals with ownership. The foundation of hospitality, I show, is the maternal relation and its specific acts of hospitality that encompass the notions of gift and generosity. While remaining unthought in philosophy, however, maternal (...)
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    From Practice to New Concepts: Geometric Properties of Groups.Irina Starikova - 2012 - Philosophia Scientiae 16 (1):129-151.
    Cet article cherche à montrer comment la pratique mathématique, particulièrement celle admettant des représentations visuelles, peut conduire à de nouveaux résultats mathématiques. L'argumentation est basée sur l'étude du cas d'un domaine des mathématiques relativement récent et prometteur: la théorie géométrique des groupes. L'article discute comment la représentation des groupes par les graphes de Cayley rendit possible la découverte de nouvelles propriétés géométriques de groupes.
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  47. Why Should Women Be Given The Same Education As Men? Plato's Account of Gender Equality in Education in The Laws.Irina Deretić - 2024 - In Lj Radenović, D. Dimitrijevic & I. Akkad, Paideia: The Language and Philosophy of Education. pp. 31-41.
    Abstract: The political views of Plato on women in the Laws have been a subject of debate among scholars. The reintroduction of families and private property in his late dialogue can potentially impact the role of women in the state. Furthermore, it remains a matter of contention whether Plato altered some of his political views on women while writing the Laws. In this debate, I will analyze the inconsistencies in Plato’s Laws, endeavoring to determine whether Plato provided women with equal (...)
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    Russian Nihilism in Ivan S. Turgenev’s Literary and Philosophical Investigations.Irina N. Sizemskaya - 2018 - Russian Studies in Philosophy 56 (5):394-404.
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  49. Iz Platonove filozofije.Irina Deretić - 2010 - Beograd: Plato.
    Kako je moguće baviti se Platonom danas, ukoliko je filozofija „svoje vreme obuhvaćeno mislima“? Autor Platonovom delu ne pristupa kao dogmatskom štivu, već kao tekstu prožetom paradoksima, koje izmiče svakom unapred pripremljenom, šematizovanom modelu čitanja. Obratiti se Platonu kao filozofskoj paradigmi isplativo je ukoliko filozofi koji progovaraju iz dubine vremena mogu nešto važno da nam saopšte i ukoliko smo kadri da im postavimo autentično pitanje. Zato filozofi moraju imati dah delfskog ronioca, jer biser se ne nalazi u svakoj školjci. Knjiga (...)
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    Bioscience ethics.Irina Pollard - 2009 - New York: Cambridge University Press.
    Bioscience ethics facilitates free and accurate information transfer from applied science to applied bioethics. Its major elements are: increased understanding of biological systems, responsible use of technology, and attuning ethnocentric debates to new scientific insights. Pioneered by Irina Pollard in 1994, bioscience ethics has become an internationally recognized discipline, interfacing science and bioethics within professional perspectives such as medical, legal, bio-engineering, and economics. Written for students and professionals alike, the fundamental feature of this book is its breadth, important because (...)
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