Results for 'Isabel Calderón Cervera'

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  1.  28
    Enfoque jurídico-social del pequeño y mediano minero en el Bajo Cauca Antioqueño, según la Ley 685/2001.Isabel Calderón Cervera, Jennifer Arias Sánchez & Carlos Alberto Restrepo Estrada - 2017 - Ratio Juris 12 (25):177-196.
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  2. El reconocimiento de la modernidad.Isabel Cervera Fernández - 2008 - Contrastes: Revista Cultural 51:65-69.
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    “Ethics Hotlines” in Transnational Companies: A Comparative Study.Reyes Calderón-Cuadrado, José Luis Álvarez-Arce, Isabel Rodríguez-Tejedo & Stella Salvatierra - 2009 - Journal of Business Ethics 88 (1):199-210.
    This empirical study explores the characteristics and degree of implementation of so-called ethics hotlines in transnational companies (TNCs), which allow employees to present allegations of wrongdoing and ethical dilemmas, as well as to report concerns. Ethics hotlines have not received much attention in literature; therefore, this paper aims to fill that gap. Through the analysis of conduct/ethics codes and the compliance programs of the top 150 transnational companies ranked by the United Nations Conference on Trade and Development (UNCTAD) ( 2007 (...)
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    On a Generalization of all Strong Kleene Generalizations of Classical Logic.Pablo Cobreros, Isabel Grábalos, Joaquín Toranzo Calderón, Javier Viñeta & Artina Zirattu - forthcoming - Studia Logica:1-33.
    In his 2016 article _On All Strong Kleene Generalizations of Classical Logic_, Stefan Wintein provides a detailed and comprehensive semantic and tableau-based analysis of the consequence relations that can be defined over the four-valued Belnap–Dunn semantics. These include familiar consequence relations like FDE\textsf{FDE}, which takes {t,b}\{t, b\} as the set of designated values, but also much less familiar relations that don’t follow the designated-value strategy (i.e. defining logical consequence as preservation of a set of values). It turns out that many (...)
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    La investigación en comunicación. Los límites y limitantes del conocimiento.Sergio Roncallo-Dow, Enrique Uribe-Jongbloed & Isabel Calderón-Reyes - 2013 - Co-herencia 10 (18):161-187.
    Este artículo busca debatir las preguntas concernientes al campo de estudio de la comunicación, su objeto y el público objetivo de sus avances. Fuera de preguntarse sobre el qué y el porqué de la comunicación, cuestiona el rol de la medición bibliográfica como criterio suficiente para determinar la calidad de la investigación y propone abrir un debate público con los desarrollos investigativos del campo. El debate toma aspectos epistémicos del campo de estudio y confronta la visión positivista que limita actualmente (...)
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    Frances Calderón de la Barca, La corte de Isabel II y la revolución de 1854 en Madrid: [reseña].Claudia Albarrán - 2023 - Estudios filosofía historia letras 21 (147):160.
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    The role of REM sleep theta activity in emotional memory.Isabel C. Hutchison & Shailendra Rathore - 2015 - Frontiers in Psychology 6.
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  8. The Comprehension of Counterfactual Conditionals: Evidence From Eye-Tracking in the Visual World Paradigm.Isabel Orenes, Juan A. García-Madruga, Isabel Gómez-Veiga, Orlando Espino & Ruth M. J. Byrne - 2019 - Frontiers in Psychology 10.
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    When Do We Confuse Self and Other in Action Memory? Reduced False Memories of Self-Performance after Observing Actions by an Out-Group vs. In-Group Actor.Isabel Lindner, Cécile Schain, René Kopietz & Gerald Echterhoff - 2012 - Frontiers in Psychology 3.
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  10. El espacio kantiano: interpretaciones recientes.Isabel Cabrera - 1994 - Dianoia 40 (40):143.
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    Rules and Bedrocks Within a Socio‐Political Realm: Mirroring Some Wittgenstein's Remarks.Isabel G. Gamero - 2016 - Philosophical Forum 47 (2):131-150.
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    Angels in Medieval Philosophical Inquiry: Their Function and Significance.Isabel Iribarren & Martin Lenz (eds.) - 2008 - Ashgate.
    The first is of a more historical nature, the second of philosophical concern: what was the place occupied by angels in the medieval world-view and what was ...
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  13. Herbert Marcuse - anticapitalismo e emancipação.Isabel Loureiro - 2005 - Trans/Form/Ação 28 (2):7-20.
    Marcuse teve no Brasil na década de 1970 uma recepção unilateral, sendo visto unicamente como guru da contra-cultura. Contra esse equívoco o artigo mostra a relação intrínseca entre teoria e prática na filosofia de Marcuse, caracterizada como uma filosofia política cuja preocupação central é a transformação radical da sociedade capitalista.
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    Empathic profile of nursing freshmen.Isabel Amélia Costa Mendes, Maria Auxiliadora Trevizan, Mirella Castelhano Souza, Valtuir Duarte Souza-Junior, Simone de Godoy, Carla Aparecida Arena Ventura & Sara Soares dos Santos - 2019 - Nursing Ethics 26 (7-8):2298-2305.
    Objective: To analyze the empathic profile and the empathy scores of freshmen of the nursing course. Design and participants: Descriptive study involving 399 freshmen students of two modalities of nursing courses: Bachelor and Bachelor and Teaching Diploma, in the period from 2012 to 2015. A sociodemographic questionnaire and the Empathy Inventory were applied. Ethical considerations: The research received approval from the Research Ethics Committee of the University of São Paulo at Ribeirão Preto College of Nursing. The students registered their acceptance (...)
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  15. Necessidade e Teleologia na Teoria da Natureza em Empédocles e Aristóteles.Isabel Cristina Rocha Hipólito Gonçalves - 2014 - Pensando: Revista de Filosofia 5 (9):146-166.
    This paper presents a discussion about how the necessity and teleology are present in the theory of nature in Empedocles and Aristotle. For this task we go through the fragments relate to the thought of Empedocles in the Poem From Nature as a central reference to the work The presocratic philosophers of Kirk and Raven, and the work Physics I and II of Aristotle.
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    Introduction to Alexandre Kojève’s “Moscow, August 1957”.Isabel Jacobs - 2024 - Studies in East European Thought 76 (1):117-122.
    This paper analyzes Russian-French philosopher Alexandre Kojève’s dialogue with proponents of Hegelianism and phenomenology in Soviet Russia of the 1920–30s. Considering works by Dmytro Chyzhevsky, Ivan Ilyin, Gustav Shpet, and Alexandre Koyré, I retrace Hegelian themes in Kojève, focusing on the relation between method and time. I argue that original reflections on method played a key role in both Russian Hegelianism and Kojève’s work, from his famous Hegel lectures to the late fragments of a system. As I demonstrate, Kojève’s Hegelianism (...)
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  17. Understanding Consciousness.Isabel Góis - 2001 - Disputatio 1 (10):2-21.
  18.  12
    Dialogue with difference: A tale of two studies.Isabel Dyck - 1997 - In John Paul Jones, Heidi J. Nast & Susan M. Roberts, Thresholds in feminist geography: difference, methodology, and representation. Lanham, Md.: Rowman & Littlefield Publishers. pp. 183--202.
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  19. As cristãs novas e as práticas e interditos alimentares judaicos no P alimentares judaicos no Portugal moderno.Isabel Mr Mendes Drumond Braga - forthcoming - Teorema: International Journal of Philosophy.
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    Enseñar a las mujeres a ser buenas cristianas en el ámbito peninsular en el siglo XIII.Isabel Ilzarbe - 2023 - Horizonte 20 (63):e206311.
    La hagiografía medieval tenía una importante función didáctica. Estos relatos fueron muy útiles para la Iglesia ya que permitían transmitir valores, modelos de conducta e ideas complejas a los feligreses. En este trabajo de investigación exploraremos tres obras hagiográficas en verso redactadas en distintas zonas de la Península Ibérica durante el siglo XIII, protagonizadas por tres santas que representan modelos diferentes (mártires, religiosas y penitentes). A través de este estudio comparativo hemos podido observar que, más allá de los tópicos asociados (...)
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  21.  26
    Lernziele des religionswissenschaftlichen Studiums: Eine Anregung zur Umsetzung hochschuldidaktischer Erkenntnisse.Isabel Laack - 2014 - Zeitschrift für Religionswissenschaft 22 (2):375-401.
    Name der Zeitschrift: Zeitschrift für Religionswissenschaft Jahrgang: 22 Heft: 2 Seiten: 375-401.
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    El cuerpo capaz de máxima alteridad : desde la descripción modal del sentir en Xavier Zubiri.Isabel Aísa - 2010 - Investigaciones Fenomenológicas: Serie Monográfica 2:189.
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  23. Beauty flows through the open mind: Verse.Isabel Harriss Barr - 1935 - Pacific Philosophical Quarterly 16 (4):337.
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  24.  45
    Hedonic and eudaimonic motives for watching feature films. Validation of the Spanish version of Oliver – Raney’s scale.Isabel Barrios & Juan-José Igartua - 2013 - Communications 38 (4):411-431.
    Three studies are presented to validate the Spanish version of Oliver and Raney’s eudaimonic and hedonic motivations scale. In Study 1, 132 university students watched a dramatic film, filling out the scales to evaluate motivations regarding cinema consumption and reception processes. Eudaimonic motivation was associated with deeper cognitive processes during the reception and stronger identification with the protagonist. Study 2 evaluated the test-retest reliability of the eudaimonic and hedonic motivations scale. In Study 3, statistically significant age differences were observed in (...)
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    Aprendizaje de la física por resolución de problemas: Caso de estudio en Alcalá de Henares, España.Isabel Brincones & Juan Carlos Inzunza - 2010 - Theoria: Revista Ciencia, Arte y Humanidades 19 (2):51-59.
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  26. Brujas: la creación de un estigma.Isabel Cabrera - 1998 - Dianoia 44 (44):219-223.
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    John Oliver Hobbes.Isabel C. Clarke - 1931 - Thought: Fordham University Quarterly 6 (2):282-295.
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    The Negro: The Southerner's Problem.Thomas Nelson Page.Isabel Eaton - 1905 - International Journal of Ethics 15 (4):518-522.
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    Inmigrantes marroquíes: el estrés inicial.Isabel Gentil - 2008 - 'Ilu. Revista de Ciencias de Las Religiones:97-106.
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  30. Cooking a transcultural pedagogical experiment: A recipe to turn a global art course into a vehicle for change.Isabel Hoving - 2021 - In Helen Westgeest, Kitty Zijlmans & Thomas J. Berghuis, Mix & stir: new outlooks on contemporary art from global perspectives. Amsterdam: Valiz.
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  31. Feminist Uses of Narrative'.Isabel Hoving - 2000 - In Lorraine Code, Encyclopedia of feminist theories. New York: Routledge. pp. 356--357.
  32.  21
    The Emotions. Outline of a TheoryThe Psychology of Imagination.Isabel Creed Hungerland & Jean-Paul Sartre - 1950 - Journal of Aesthetics and Art Criticism 8 (4):276.
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    Consensus and dissent in the papal court to Avignon: The case of the controversy on the Beatific Vision.Isabel Iribarren - 2008 - Revue des Sciences Religieuses 82 (1):107-126.
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    La théologie dans l’université médiévale. Lieux et renaissances de la reine des sciences.Isabel Iribarren - 2013 - Revue des Sciences Religieuses 87 (4):403-415.
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    Cognitive Approaches to Early Modern Spanish Literature.Isabel Jaén & Julien Jacques Simon (eds.) - 2016 - Oxford University Press USA.
    Cognitive Approaches to Early Modern Spanish Literature is the first anthology exploring human cognition and literature in the context of early modern Spanish culture. It includes the leading voices in the field, along with the main themes and directions that this important area of study has been producing. The book begins with an overview of the cognitive literary studies research that has been taking place within early modern Spanish studies over the last fifteen years. Next, it traces the creation of (...)
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    Politizar el paisaje, ilustrar la patria: nacionalismo, dictadura chilena y proyecto editorial.Isabel Jara - 2011 - Aisthesis 50:230-252.
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  37. Rücktritte Grosser Rat Basel.Isabel Kaeslin, Raphael Anklin, Madleina Balmer & Tobias Graber - 2009 - Kanton Basel-Stadt 1:1.
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    Mediating Identities in Eighteenth-Century England: Public Negotiations, Literary Discourses, Topography.Isabel Karremann & Anja Muller (eds.) - 2016 - Routledge.
    Through case studies from diverse fields of cultural studies, this collection examines how different constructions of identity were mediated in England during the long eighteenth century. While the concept of identity has received much critical attention, the question of how identities were mediated usually remains implicit. This volume engages in a critical discussion of the connection between historically specific categories of identity determined by class, gender, nationality, religion, political factions and age, and the media available at the time, including novels, (...)
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    Entrevista com Alex Demirovic.Isabel Loureiro - 2004 - Trans/Form/Ação 27 (2):143-148.
    Esses livros têm grandes méritos por apresentarem em detalhe a história do Instituto de Pesquisa Social e das pessoas que nele trabalhavam, assim como do desenvolvimento da Teoria Crítica. O livro de Martin Jay apóia-se em material dos arquivos de Leo Löwenthal, amigo íntimo de Max Horkheimer e colaborador do Instituto até quase o fim da década de 1940.
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    Rosa Luxemburg: breve perfil de uma revolucionária.Isabel Maria Loureiro - 1994 - Trans/Form/Ação 17:81-103.
    This paper, intended as an introduction to the series of letters that follows it, is a summary sketch of Rosa Luxemburg's personality, drawn against the background of the culture of her time. It suggests that if Rosa is a character so rich and interesting, this is due to the combination, present in her upbringing, of the Bildungsbürgertum with the revolutionary atmosphere coming from Russia.O presente texto, que serve de apresentação à série de cartas traduzidas pela A. e publicadas a seguir (...)
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  41. Rosa Luxemburg: marxismo e história.Isabel Maria Loureiro - 1993 - Trans/Form/Ação 16:83-98.
    Rosa Luxemburg's interpretation of Marxism as the unity between theory and practice sets the basis of her "theory of revolutionary action". That expression can be said to encapsulate her political thought, which was developed in an uninterrupted polemic with the economicist determinism of the Second International.Ao interpretar o marxismo como unidade entre teoria e prática, Rosa Luxemburg lança os fundamentos da sua "teoria da ação revolucionária", palavras com que poderíamos sintetizar o seu pensamento político, elaborado numa polêmica ininterrupta com o (...)
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    A diagrammatic subsystem of Hilbert's geometry.Isabel Luengo - 1996 - In Gerard Allwein & Jon Barwise, Logical reasoning with diagrams. New York: Oxford University Press.
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    Mística y vitalismo espiritual.Isabel García Magaz - 2020 - Anales Del Seminario de Historia de la Filosofía 37 (2):235-245.
    From ones of the best-known verses of Spanish mysticism, we will try to show, through a reflection that contextualizes its language, the vital background that underlies in the spirituality that formulates them.
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  44. Financial Auditors and Models for Individual Technology Acceptance: collecting data using expert interviews.Isabel Pedrosa & Carlos J. Costa - 2014 - Iris 35.
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    Introduction.Isabel A. Phiri - 2017 - HTS Theological Studies 73 (3).
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    The Role of Prior Achievement as an Antecedent to Student Homework Engagement.Isabel Piñeiro, Iris Estévez, Carlos Freire, Ana de Caso, Alba Souto & Mercedes González-Sanmamed - 2019 - Frontiers in Psychology 10.
    The benefits of homework on student learning and academic achievement, to a large extent, depend on the degree of student engagement. Motivational engagement (my intention or why I do the homework), cognitive engagement (how I get involved in homework), and behavioral engagement (how much homework I do, how much time I devote to it, how I manage that time) are key aspects that condition the quality of the process of doing homework, learning, and academic achievement. Prior academic achievement is one (...)
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    La contienda política entre los medios privados y el gobierno de Rafael Correa.Isabel Ramos - 2012 - Utopía y Praxis Latinoamericana 17 (58):65-76.
    Los medios privados se comportan como actores políticos opositores en el Ecuador, como lo hacen habitualmente contra gobiernos progresistas, que afectan sus intereses empresariales. Intentan presentar como antidemocrático al gobierno de Correa, a fines de justificar cualquier metodología que sirvier..
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  48.  14
    A study of association in children.Isabel R. Rosanoff & A. J. Rosanoff - 1913 - Psychological Review 20 (1):43-89.
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  49.  29
    The Apparent Amphiboly of Peirce's Reality.Isabel Stearns - 1968 - Transactions of the Charles S. Peirce Society 4 (2):80 - 89.
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    The Platonism of Jordan's Metaphysics.Isabel Stearns - 1963 - Review of Metaphysics 16 (3):513 - 521.
    To put one of Jordan's central thoughts briefly, forms or relations through the act become "clots" or plexus, i.e., intertwinings, and thus concrete things. Jordan has several descriptions of the act, the perfect act, the creative act, the cosmic act, the integrative act, the subjective act, and the intelligent act. Of these the integrative act is the most important metaphysically, and has many of the characteristics of the other acts.
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