Results for 'Isabella Araldi'

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  1.  35
    M. Caroli, "Proibitissimo! Censori e censurati della radiotelevisione italiana".Isabella Araldi - 2003 - Polis 17 (2):356-358.
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  2.  24
    R. Cere, "European and National Identities in Britain and Italy: Maastricht on Television".Isabella Araldi - 2002 - Polis 16 (3):473-474.
  3.  21
    A fisiologia da arte em Nietzsche: entre a décadence moderna e a arte da transfiguração.Clademir Luís Araldi - 2024 - Trans/Form/Ação 47 (1):e0240075.
    In this paper I investigate how Nietzsche’s approaches to the physiology of art become operative in the last year of his philosophical production to consummate the critique of modern décadence. Through intoxication, transfiguration, and increased power, the physiology of art could reveal new ways to express the values of ascendant life as opposed to decadential movements. I question, finally, whether the will to power is a satisfactory criterion for the artistic affirmation and transfiguration of existence.
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    La fisiología del arte en el Nietzsche tardío.Clademir Luís Araldi - 2024 - Veritas – Revista de Filosofia da Pucrs 69 (1):e44937.
    Pretendemos mostrar en este artículo que los proyectos de Nietzsche para la fisiología del arte tienen un desarrollo significativo en su obra tardía, partiendo de un énfasis más literario y culminando en aplicaciones “científicas”. Son las diferentes formas de relacionar las fuentes literarias y científicas las que hacen de la fisiología del arte un enfoque relevante del Nietzsche tardío, para criticar a los artistas modernos de la décadence y crear condiciones para el proyecto valorativo de un arte afirmativo. Por último, (...)
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  5. Para uma caracterização do niilismo na obra tardia de Nietzsche.Clademir Araldi - 1998 - Cadernos Nietzsche 5:75-94.
    Starting from the analysis of the Nihilism’s characterizations in the later period of Nietzsche’s writing, it intends to show that they have as foremost concern their character of process. Showing that Nihilism comes from morals, the German philosopher affirms that the ambiguity inscribed in this term, as well as their different forms and masks, constitutes a necessity to affirm existence.
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  6.  14
    Nietzsche, Bourget, Baudelaire e Os Rumos Do Niilismo Moderno.Clademir Luís Araldi - 2023 - Revista Dialectus 31 (31):14-27.
    Investigaremos a relação entre a décadence e o niilismo nos escritos tardios de Nietzsche, destacando o impacto das análises de Paul Bourget sobre a décadence literária do século XIX. A partir dessas análises, Baudelaire se torna para Nietzsche um caso típico de décadence, que expressa o “apetite furioso do nada”, enquanto uma forma de desagregação da vontade e das forças. Nesse sentido, Baudelaire torna-se um caso decisivo para diagnosticar a doença da vontade no homem do século XIX. Enquanto que a (...)
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  7.  26
    A persistência do niilismo nos escritos de Nietzsche de 1888.Clademir Luís Araldi - 2022 - Revista de Filosofia Aurora 34 (62).
    Procuro mostrar neste artigo que o niilismo persiste como um problema sem solução nos escritos de Nietzsche até agosto de 1888. O niilismo como vontade de nada emerge como um problema, principalmente no escrito O niilismo europeu e na terceira dissertação da Genealogia da moral, ambos de 1887. Investigarei como Nietzsche ainda permanece enredado ao problema da verdade, após vincular o niilismo ao horror vacui. Defendo que as soluções propostas no ano de 1888 giram em torno de propostas diversas da (...)
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  8.  6
    Ascetismo, Arte e Forma de Vida No Pensamento Do Nietzsche Tardio.Clademir Luís Araldi - 2022 - Dissertatio 55:45-63.
    Pretendemos mostrar neste artigo que Nietzsche também compreende de modos positivos o ascetismo em sua filosofia tardia. A partir da reconstrução dos sentidos do ascetismo na filosofia do espírito livre e na obra Assim falou Zaratustra, defendemos que Nietzsche estimasempre mais o ascetismo dos filósofos em suas obras Além do bem e do mal e na Genealogia da moral. Entretanto, é em 1888, que ele aprofunda a concepção de arte como forma de vida, estreitamente ligada a formas de ascetismo filosófico. (...)
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  9.  54
    As criações do gênio: Ambivalências da "metafísica da arte" nietzschiana.Clademir Luis Araldi - 2009 - Kriterion: Journal of Philosophy 50 (119):115-136.
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    Comentário a “Nietzsche e Brandes: a memória de um radicalismo aristocrático”.Clademir Luís Araldi - 2022 - Trans/Form/Ação 45 (2):39-42.
  11.  3
    Comentário a “Nietzsche e o projeto político assentado na seletividade da virtude. Um projeto aristocrático de vontade de domínio”.Clademir Luís Araldi - 2024 - Trans/Form/Ação 47 (3):e02400280.
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  12. Heidegger e Nietzsche: o conflito entre arte e verdade.Clademir Araldi - 2006 - Cadernos Nietzsche 21.
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  13.  18
    Lançado livro naturalism: Contemporary perspectives pelo nepfil-ufpel.Clademir Araldi, Juliano Santos do Carmo & Flávia Carvalho Chagas - 2014 - Cadernos Do Pet Filosofia 5 (9).
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    Nihilism and the ascetic ideal: on the value of asceticism in Nietzschean genealogy.Clademir Araldi - 2019 - Filosofia Unisinos 20 (2).
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    Nietzsche: caos y voluntad de poder.Clademir Luís Araldi - 2007 - Estudios de Filosofía (Universidad de Antioquia) 6:5-18.
    El presente artículo aborda el lugar central que tiene la noción de «voluntad de poder» (Wille zur Macht) en el conjunto del pensamiento nietzscheano; primero en el mundo inorgánico, en su relación con el caos, aspecto descuidado por el mismo Nietzsche, y relacionándole luego con su «perspectivismo necesario». Finalmente, tras caracterizar su implícita confrontación con el caos, se plantea a la voluntad de poder misma como fuerza interpretativa.
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  16.  23
    Nietzsche e Paul Rée: Acerca da existência de impulsos altruístas.Clademir Luís Araldi - 2016 - Cadernos Nietzsche 37 (1):71-87.
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  17. Os desafios da Filosofia da Interpretação.Clademir Araldi - 2002 - Cadernos Nietzsche 12.
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  18.  18
    Vontade de nada e vontade de saúde nos escritos tardios de Nietzsche.Clademir Luís Araldi - 2018 - Discurso 48 (2):43-58.
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  19. Naturalism: Contemporary Perspectives.Clademir Araldi, Flávia Carvalho Chagas & Juliano Santos do Carmo (eds.) - 2013 - Pelotas: NEPFIL online.
    The basic assumption present in these articles is that naturalism is highly compatible with a wide range of relevant philosophical questions and that, regardless of the classical problems faced by the naturalist, the price paid in endorsing naturalism is lower than that paid by essentialist or supernaturalist theories. Yet, the reader will find a variety of approaches, from naturalism in Moral Philosophy and Epistemology to naturalism in the Philosophy of Language, Philosophy of Mind and of the Aesthetics.
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    A. Petrucci e G. Richeri (a cura di), "Il mercato televisivo italiano nel contesto europeo".I. Araldi - 2004 - Polis 18 (1):178-179.
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  21.  77
    Artificial intelligence in fiction: between narratives and metaphors.Isabella Hermann - 2023 - AI and Society 38 (1):319-329.
    Science-fiction (SF) has become a reference point in the discourse on the ethics and risks surrounding artificial intelligence (AI). Thus, AI in SF—science-fictional AI—is considered part of a larger corpus of ‘AI narratives’ that are analysed as shaping the fears and hopes of the technology. SF, however, is not a foresight or technology assessment, but tells dramas for a human audience. To make the drama work, AI is often portrayed as human-like or autonomous, regardless of the actual technological limitations. Taking (...)
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  22.  3
    Apresentação do Dossiê "Ética e política em tempos de pandemia".Luís Rubira & Clademir Araldi - forthcoming - Dissertatio:1-4.
    Apresentação do Dossiê "Ética e política em tempos de pandemia".
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  23.  13
    A neutralidade ontológica do aspecto formal da lógica moderna de Quine.Bárbara Araldi Tortato - 2014 - Griot : Revista de Filosofia 9 (1):137-146.
    Pretende-se reconstruir e analisar a introdução de O sentido da nova lógica de Quine para, à luz de suas justificativas históricas para o corolário sistema lógico moderno, procurar defender a neutralidade ontológica que seu aspecto formal possibilita. A distinção entre nomear e significar, na nova lógica de Quine, ressalta o fato de que não é necessário “admitir um reino de entidades chamadas significados”, e que, portanto, a formalidade dos enunciados ontológicos não assume compromisso ontológico.
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    Classical Logic is not Uniquely Characterizable.Isabella McAllister - 2022 - Journal of Philosophical Logic 51 (6):1345-1365.
    I show that it is not possible to uniquely characterize classical logic when working within classical set theory. By building on recent work by Eduardo Barrio, Federico Pailos, and Damian Szmuc, I show that for every inferential level (finite and transfinite), either classical logic is not unique at that level or there exist intuitively valid inferences of that level that are not definable in modern classical set theory. The classical logician is thereby faced with a three-horned dilemma: Give up uniqueness (...)
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  25. What Makes Free Riding Wrongful? The Shared Preference View of Fair Play.Isabella Trifan - 2019 - Journal of Political Philosophy 28 (2):158-180.
    Journal of Political Philosophy, EarlyView.
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    State and Trait Anxiety Among University Students: A Moderated Mediation Model of Negative Affectivity, Alexithymia, and Housing Conditions.Isabella Giulia Franzoi, Maria Domenica Sauta & Antonella Granieri - 2020 - Frontiers in Psychology 11.
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    Integrating Community Perspectives on Inclusion and Protection into IRB Structures.Isabella Li & Christine Grady - 2023 - American Journal of Bioethics 23 (6):94-97.
    IRBs often face dueling values in research: their historically grounded mission to protect research participants from harm conflicts with more recent attention to the importance of including underr...
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  28. Comparing theories by their positive and negative contents.Isabella C. Burger & Johannes Heidema - 1994 - British Journal for the Philosophy of Science 45 (2):605-630.
    relative to the actual world) of a propositional theory are defined. A theory is ‘closer to the truth’ the logically stronger its positive content and the logically weaker its negative content. This proposal delivers the same verisimilar preordering of theories that has been defined by Brink and Heidema as a ‘power ordering’. The preordering may be collapsed to a partial ordering and then embedded into a complete distributive lattice. The preordering may also be refined to a partial ordering by employing (...)
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  29. Feeling Offended: A Blow to Our Image and Our Social Relationships.Isabella Poggi & Francesca D’Errico - 2018 - Frontiers in Psychology 8.
  30.  67
    Membership categories and time appraisal in interviews with family caregivers of disabled elderly.Isabella Paoletti - 2001 - Human Studies 24 (4):293-325.
    In this study caring is shown to be a membershipbound activity to kin and gender categories with strong moral connotations. Being a daughter or being a son are good enough reasons for becoming a caregiver, more so for women than for men. Caregivers were interviewed within the research project The role of women in family care of disabled elderly conducted by the Social and Economic Research Department of INRCA, Ancona, Italy. Transcripts of the interviews were analyzed through a detailed discourse (...)
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  31.  63
    Ethics and the Social Dimension of Research Activities.Isabella Paoletti - 2014 - Human Studies 37 (2):257-277.
    This study identifies some of the ethical issues that arise in the everyday practice of researching in collecting interactional data. A form of conceptualizing ethics in research is proposed as awareness of the social dimension of research practices and their transformative nature. The collection of ethnographic data—including interviewing, observing, audiovisual recording, and other methods—is achieved by means of social interactions that necessarily imply issues of face, relevance, appropriateness, politeness, and identity, to name a few. Research activities have an impact on (...)
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  32.  38
    Disability as an Interpersonal Experience: A Systematic Review on Dyadic Challenges and Dyadic Coping When One Partner Has a Chronic Physical or Sensory Impairment.Isabella C. Bertschi, Fabienne Meier & Guy Bodenmann - 2021 - Frontiers in Psychology 12.
    Chronically disabling health impairments affect an increasing number of people worldwide. In close relationships, disability is an interpersonal experience. Psychological distress is thus common in patients as well as their spouses. Dyadic coping can alleviate stress and promote adjustment in couples who face disabling health impairments. Much research has focused on dyadic coping with cancer. However, other health problems such as physical and sensory impairments are also common and may strongly impact couple relationships. In order to promote couples' optimal adjustment (...)
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  33.  36
    Integration by Parts: Collaboration and Topic Structure in the CogSci Community.Isabella DeStefano, Lauren A. Oey, Erik Brockbank & Edward Vul - 2021 - Topics in Cognitive Science 13 (2):399-413.
    DeStefano, Oey, Brockbank, and Vul explore interdisciplinary collaboration using data‐driven measures of research topics and co‐authorship, constructed from a rich dataset of over 11,000 Cogsci conference papers. Findings suggest the cognitive science research community has become increasingly integrated in the last 19 years.
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  34.  78
    The goals of persuasion.Isabella Poggi - 2005 - Pragmatics and Cognition 13 (2):297-336.
    This paper presents a model of persuasion in terms of goals and beliefs. Among the various ways to influence people, that is, to raise or lower the likelihood for them to pursue some goal, ranging from threat to suggestion, persuasion is viewed as a case of communicative non-coercive goal hooking. A persuader leads a persuadee to pursue some goal out of a free choice, i.e., by convincing him/her that the proposed goal is useful for some other goal that the persuadee (...)
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  35.  11
    The association between the propensity to experience meaningful coincidence and brain anatomy in healthy females: The moderating role of coping skills.Isabella Unger, Albert Wabnegger & Anne Schienle - 2021 - Consciousness and Cognition 91 (C):103132.
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    A Grammar of the Multitude: For an Analysis of Contemporary Forms of Life.Isabella Bertoletti, James Cascaito & Andrea Casson (eds.) - 2004 - Semiotext(E).
    Globalization is forcing us to rethink some of the categories -- such as "the people" -- that traditionally have been associated with the now eroding state. Italian political thinker Paolo Virno argues that the category of "multitude," elaborated by Spinoza and for the most part left fallow since the seventeenth century, is a far better tool to analyze contemporary issues than the Hobbesian concept of "people," favored by classical political philosophy. Hobbes, who detested the notion of multitude, defined it as (...)
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  37.  85
    Merging Inference and Conjecture by Information.Cornelia Burger Isabella & Heidema Johannes - 2002 - Synthese 131 (2):223 - 258.
    The intuitive notion of a binary relation on information-bearers, comparingthem with respect to their closeness to the available information, is oftenconstrued in terms of comparing their symmetric difference with, orcompositional similarity to, the available information. This happens forinstance in some treatments of verisimilitude. We expound an abstractmathematical rendering of the relevant data-dependent relation in theframework of Boolean algebras. For every element t of a Boolean algebra B we construct the t-modulated Boolean algebra Btin which the order relation represents `is at (...)
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  38.  32
    Causas comunes.Isabella Duarte Salgado & Giovana Suárez Ortiz - 2024 - Revista Disertaciones 13 (1):157-177.
    Este artículo desafía la narrativa tradicional de la historia de las mujeres colombianas en la filosofía. Para ello se evita el recurso de la historia heroica de los “grandes pensadores” y se propone el método de pensar causas comunes. Como se trata de una apuesta del feminismo filosófico, se subraya la importancia de una ontología corporal y una política de posicionamiento, a partir del estudio de caso del IV Congreso Internacional femenino realizado en Bogotá (1930). En el cierre, el método (...)
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  39.  52
    Boundaries and Otherness in Science Fiction: We Cannot Escape the Human Condition.Isabella Hermann - 2018 - Text Matters - a Journal of Literature, Theory and Culture 8 (8):212-226.
    The article explores the construction of boundaries, alterity and otherness in modern science-fiction films. Boundaries, understood as real state borders, territoriality and sovereignty, as well as the construction of the other beyond an imagined border and delimited space, have a significant meaning in the dystopian settings of SF. Even though SF topics are not bound to the contemporary environment, be it of a historical, technical or ethical nature, they do relate to the present-day world and transcend our well-known problems. Therefore, (...)
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  40.  21
    Del isomorfismo al isodinamismo en la filosofía de Gilbert Simondon.Isabella Builes - 2024 - Tópicos: Revista de Filosofía 69:323-349.
    En el presente artículo se presenta un paso del isomorfismo al isodinamismo en la filosofía de Gilbert Simondon. Para ello, se explica el argumento del isomorfismo y algunas de sus implicaciones y críticas. Posteriormente se exponen algunos elementos generales sobre la teoría de la individuación del ser en devenir desde la perspectiva de Simondon. Finalmente, se analiza en qué consiste el paso del isomorfismo al isodinamismo y se ofrecen algunos ejemplos de posibles aplicaciones del isodinamismo. Básicamente, este proceso del isomorfismo (...)
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  41.  19
    Ignazio Cazzaniga, in ricordo.Isabella Gualandri - 2024 - ACME: Annali della Facoltà di lettere e filosofia dell'Università degli studi di Milano 76 (1-2):37-46.
    Ignazio Cazzaniga (1911-1974), per molti anni Professore di Letteratura Latina all’Università degli Studi di Milano, durante la Seconda guerra mondiale, dopo l’armistizio dell’8 settembre 1943, fu fatto prigioniero dai Tedeschi a Rodi, e trasferito in Germania, al campo di prigionia di Sandbostel, insieme con migliaia di ufficiali e soldati italiani. L’articolo traduce e commenta un carme latino da lui composto in quel luogo, come piccolo esempio della ricca vita culturale e intellettuale che fu mantenuta con intensa volontà dai prigionieri italiani, (...)
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  42. Student Counseling Centers in Europe: A Retrospective Analysis.Isabella Giulia Franzoi, Maria Domenica Sauta, Giuliano Carnevale & Antonella Granieri - 2022 - Frontiers in Psychology 13.
    ObjectiveTertiary education can be stressful for many young people, who consistently report high levels of distress. The issue has major implications for campus health services and mental health policymaking more widely. The present study proposes to map student counseling services in Europe.MethodsThe sample of institutions was sourced, using standardized data extraction, from the European Tertiary Education Register. Then, each institution’s website was analyzed for information about the availability of student counseling centers and the services provided. Data extracted from the ETER (...)
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    Gillian Brock, "Corruption and Global Justice.".Isabella Luisa Mariani - 2024 - Philosophy in Review 44 (2):1-4.
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    Treatment Decisions for Babies with Trisomy 13 and 18.Isabella Pallotto & John D. Lantos - 2017 - HEC Forum 29 (3):213-222.
    Many babies with trisomy 13 and 18 die in the first year of life. Survivors all have severe cognitive impairment. There has been a debate among both professionals and parents about whether it is appropriate to provide life-sustaining interventions to babies with these serious conditions. On one side of the debate are those who argue that there is no point in providing invasive, painful, and expensive procedures when the only outcomes are either early death or survival with severe cognitive impairment. (...)
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  45.  45
    Broken bodies and present ghosts: Ubuntu and African women’s theology.Isabella F. Ras - 2017 - HTS Theological Studies 73 (3).
    In this article, the notion of broken bodies is explored in relation to the African body and the history of colonialism in South Africa. This exploration will be rooted in a retelling of the story of the woman, Saartjie Baartman. In this retelling, the product of colonialism comes to the fore in a haunting. Jacques Derrida’s use of the concept of Hauntology is employed to investigate the ethical demand the spectre makes of us. With the help of the African concept (...)
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  46. Oltre la fisica normale. Interpretazioni alternative e teorie non standard nella fisica moderna.Isabella Tassani, Gino Tarozzi, Alessandro Afriat, Gennaro Auletta, Stefano Bordoni, Marco Buzzoni, Claudio Calosi, Vincenzo Fano, Alberto Cappi, Giovanni Macchia, Fabio Minazzi & Arcangelo Rossi (eds.) - 2013 - ISONOMIA - Epistemologica.
    Nella sua straordinaria opera scientifica, Franco Selleri si è sempre opposto alla rinuncia alla comprensione della struttura della realtà e della natura degli oggetti fisici, che egli considera come l’elemento caratterizzante delle principali teorie della fisica del Novecento e che è stata stigmatizzata da Karl Popper come tesi della “fine della strada in fisica”. Sin dalla fine degli anni ’60, egli ha sviluppato quella riflessione critica nei confronti delle teorie fondamentali della fisica moderna, in particolar modo della teoria delle particelle (...)
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  47.  12
    Discipline algoritmiche. Come gli algoritmi fanno e disfano la storia.Isabella Consolati - 2024 - Scienza and Politica. Per Una Storia Delle Dottrine 36 (70):83-99.
    Il saggio discute il regime temporale algoritmico a partire da un inquadramento, esito di un con la teoria di Bruno Latour e di alcuni suoi critici, della tecnologia come costrutto non solo operativo, ma anche ideologico. Il saggio ricostruisce la storia concettuale del calcolo algoritmico riconoscendone le radici nella cibernetica e in una più risalente storia della quantificazione sociale che permette di misurare il modo in cui gli algoritmi ridefiniscono la logica e la direzione dell’intervento amministrativo. Attraverso gli algoritmi, l’amministrazione (...)
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    Ethical considerations for referral partnerships in clinical research.Isabella Li, Aisha T. Langford, Christine Grady & Annette Rid - forthcoming - Journal of Medical Ethics.
    Recruitment challenges in clinical research are widespread, particularly for traditionally under-represented groups. Referral relationships—in which research partners and clinical partners agree to collaborate on selected research studies or programmes, with the expectation that the clinical partners refer appropriate patients as potential participants—may help alleviate these challenges. Referral relationships allow research partners access to expanded and more diverse pools of participants by increasing the engagement of medical providers, leveraging providers’ connections with patients and providing structural support for study participation. Clinical partners (...)
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    Collo, spalla, pancia, piede. Riflessioni sull’anatomia del vaso.Isabella Bossolino - 2024 - ACME: Annali della Facoltà di lettere e filosofia dell'Università degli studi di Milano 76 (1-2):115-130.
    Questo contributo prende in considerazione uno dei fenomeni più trasversali a numerose lingue, antiche e moderne: la designazione delle diverse parti di un vaso con lo stesso lessico impiegato per le parti del corpo umano. Il lavoro si concentra su quattro tra le lingue moderne più utilizzate nella bibliografia archeologica (italiano, inglese, francese e tedesco) e sulle due lingue classiche per eccellenza (greco e latino), offrendo una panoramica del lessico utilizzato e delle metafore o figure retoriche che nel mondo antico (...)
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    Degrees of abductive boldness.Isabella C. Burger & Johannes Heidema - 2002 - In L. Magnani, N. J. Nersessian & C. Pizzi, Logical and Computational Aspects of Model-Based Reasoning. Kluwer Academic Publishers. pp. 163--180.
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