Results for 'Isabelle Villecourt-Couchat'

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  1.  47
    Entre honte et culpabilité, la capacité d’être seule de la mère en présence de son enfant.Isabelle Villecourt-Couchat & Delphine Scotto di Vettimo - 2018 - Dialogue: Families & Couples 1 (1):111-124.
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  2. Penser avec Isabelle Stengers, a propos de Whitehead.Isabelle Stengers - 2003 - Revue Internationale de Philosophie 57 (223-226):79.
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    (1 other version)Cosmopolitics I.Isabelle Stengers - 2010 - Univ of Minnesota Press.
    "Isabelle Stengers presents us with a new way of understanding a remarkably diverse range of sciences and their relation to a material and living world. Playing with a position both inside the practices that constitute and transform science and outside the sciences as their mode of conceptualization, Stengers explores the limits, constraints, and inventions that fuse modern science and contemporary society." Elizabeth Grosz --.
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    Hacer justicia haciendo compañía: Homenaje a M.ª Teresa López de la Vieja (editores: Isabel Roldán Gómez, Rosana Triviño Caballero, María G. Navarro, David Rodríguez-Arias, Concha Roldán Panadero).Isabel Roldán, Rosana Triviño Caballero, María G. Navarro, David Rodríguez-Arias & Concha Roldán - 2019 - Salamanca, España: Ediciones Universidad de Salamanca.
    Este libro es un homenaje a la trayectoria intelectual y académica de la profesora María Teresa López de la Vieja, Catedrática emérita de la Universidad de Salamanca. En él se trazan algunos de los caminos que, con su obra, nos invita a transitar. El volumen recoge contribuciones de colegas de varias nacionalidades y procedentes de diversos ámbitos de reflexión que le son afines: la filosofía moral y política, la literatura, la teoría de la argumentación, los estudios feministas, las éticas aplicadas, (...)
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    Power and Invention: Situating Science.Isabelle Stengers - 1997 - Univ of Minnesota Press.
    Concerned with the interplay between science, society, and power, Isabelle Stengers offers a unique perspective on the power of scientific theories to modify society, and vice versa. 9 diagrams.
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  6. El concepto de Desarrollo Sostenible: del presente hacia el futuro.Isabel Gaspar - 2005 - Contrastes: Revista Cultural 40:111-113.
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    Inmigrantes marroquíes: el estrés inicial.Isabel Gentil - 2008 - 'Ilu. Revista de Ciencias de Las Religiones:97-106.
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  8. In Defense of Workplace Democracy: Towards a Justification of the Firm–State Analogy.Isabelle Ferreras & Hélène Landemore - 2015 - Political Theory 44 (1):53-81.
    In the wake of the 2008 global financial crisis, an important conceptual battleground for democratic theorists ought to be, it would seem, the capitalist firm. We are now painfully aware that the typical model of government in so-called investor-owned companies remains profoundly oligarchic, hierarchical, and unequal. Renewing with the literature of the 1970s and 1980s on workplace democracy, a few political theorists have started to advocate democratic reforms of the workplace by relying on an analogy between firm and state. To (...)
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    Thinking with Whitehead: a free and wild creation of concepts.Isabelle Stengers - 2011 - Cambridge: Harvard University Press.
    Alfred North Whitehead has never gone out of print, but for a time he was decidedly out of fashion in the English-speaking world. In a splendid work that serves as both introduction and erudite commentary, Isabelle Stengersâe"one of todayâe(tm)s leading philosophers of scienceâe"goes straight to the beating heart of Whiteheadâe(tm)s thought. The product of thirty yearsâe(tm) engagement with the mathematician-philosopherâe(tm)s entire canon, this volume establishes Whitehead as a daring thinker on par with Gilles Deleuze, Felix Guattari, and Michel Foucault. (...)
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    Phy-inside-psych adjectives.Isabelle Haïk - 2020 - Corela. Cognition, Représentation, Langage 18.
    Contrary to adjectives like amusing and touching, certain Ving/ant adjectives have a psych reading without originating from a psych verb, such as jaw-dropping 'surprising' in English and marrant 'amusing' in French. It is a fact that emotions trigger certain characteristic physical effects. The verbs of such adjectives name that physical effect. This article claims that languages can, provided that independent grammatical conditions are respected, display constructs of that phy-inside-psych form, namely, a psych construct with an embedded V naming the physical (...)
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    La Renaissance, fabrique d'intraduisibles ?Isabelle Hersant & Yves Hersant - 1995 - Rue Descartes 14:75-91.
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  12. Cooking a transcultural pedagogical experiment: A recipe to turn a global art course into a vehicle for change.Isabel Hoving - 2021 - In Helen Westgeest, Kitty Zijlmans & Thomas J. Berghuis, Mix & stir: new outlooks on contemporary art from global perspectives. Amsterdam: Valiz.
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    Negotiating the Absent.Isabel Hufschmidt - 2016 - Zeitschrift für Ästhetik Und Allgemeine Kunstwissenschaft 61 (1):137-150.
    The image and imagining of culture are highly dependent on what we perceive, choose and institutionalize as art, as one of the building bricks in culture’s conception. As approved commodity with literally transcendent powers, art, thus incomparable and beyond any other kind of good, succeeded in serving an entire, increasingly globalized art world. Negotiating the absent, in this regard, is the wish for and the enactment of a system of transfiguration beyond the trivial of the good, encountering the “tracing” of (...)
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    (1 other version)The god of the machine.Isabel Paterson - 1943 - New York,: Arno Press.
    The God of the Machine presents an original theory of history and a bold defense of individualism as the source of moral and political progress.
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  15. Financial Auditors and Models for Individual Technology Acceptance: collecting data using expert interviews.Isabel Pedrosa & Carlos J. Costa - 2014 - Iris 35.
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    The need to consider underlying mechanisms: A response from dissonance.Isabelle Peretz - 2008 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 31 (5):590-591.
    Current research on emotional responses to dissonance has yielded consistent data in both developmental psychology and neuroscience. What seems to be lacking is a definition of what might constitute dissonance in non-musical domains. Thus, contrary to Juslin & Vll's (J&V) proposal for the need to distinguish between six broad mechanisms, I argue that future research should rather focus on perceptual determinants of each basic emotion.
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    Isabelle Delpla, Le mal en procès. Eichmann et les théodicées modernes. Paris, Hermann (L'avocat du diable), 2011, 230 pages, 23,80 euros. [REVIEW]Isabelle Delpla - 2013 - Astérion 11.
    Dans ce livre, l’auteur élabore une critique de la notion de « banalité du mal » forgée par Hannah Arendt à partir du procès Eichmann en vue d’expliquer les crimes de masse. En reconnaissant, certes, que la banalité du mal est une formule qui a le mérite d’affirmer la dimension humaine du mal extrême « par opposition à l’idée de l’indicible d’un mal absolu et transcendant » (p. 117), Isabelle Delpla la qualifie néanmoins de « faux concept ». Del..
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  18. The concept of intention in art criticism.Isabel C. Hungerland - 1955 - Journal of Philosophy 52 (24):733-742.
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    Ortega y Gasset, J. (2002). El tema de nuestro tiempo. Madrid: Tecnos.Isabel Ruiz Pinto - 2014 - SCIO Revista de Filosofía 10:177-180.
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    L'invention des sciences modernes.Isabelle Stengers - 1993 - Editions La Découverte.
    Depuis qu'elles existent, les sciences dites exactes se prétendent différentes des autres savoirs. Comment comprendre cette prétention? Faut-il, à la manière des épistémologues anglo-saxons ou de Karl Popper, tenter d'identifier les critères qui la justifient? Peut-on, suivant le modèle nouveau des études sociales des sciences, y voir une simple croyance? Ce livre propose un dépassement fructueux de l'opposition, apparemment irréconciliable, entre ces deux approches des sciences. Et si la tension entre objectivité scientifique et croyance était justement constitutive des sciences, enjeu (...)
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  21. Consumers' perceptions of corporate social responsibilities: A cross-cultural comparison. [REVIEW]Isabelle Maignan - 2001 - Journal of Business Ethics 30 (1):57 - 72.
    Based on a consumer survey conducted in France, Germany, and the U.S., the study investigates consumers'' readiness to support socially responsible organizations and examines their evaluations of the economic, legal, ethical, and philanthropic responsibilities of the firm. French and German consumers appear more willing to actively support responsible businesses than their U.S. counterparts. While U.S. consumers value highly corporate eco-nomic responsibilities, French and German consumers are most concerned about businesses conforming with legal and ethical standards. These findings provide useful guidance (...)
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    Becerros de oro: Pensar la desmonumentalización en América Latina.Isabel Piniella - 2024 - Dianoia 68 (93):95-125.
    A propósito de la ola desmonumentalizadora en América y el magnetismo de la figura de Cristóbal Colón para el cuestionamiento de la memoria colonial, el presente texto ofrece una reflexión que se apoya en nociones clave del debate como patrimonio, memoria, iconoclasia, archivo y repertorio. Asimismo, se examina la influencia de nuestra realidad digital contemporánea en el fenómeno de la impugnación histórica. Dado que la materialidad del monumento ofrece distintas capas de temporalidad, se plantea la posibilidad de convertir el pedestal (...)
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    Information technologies and human behaviours as interacting knowledge management enablers.Isabel M. Prieto & Elena Revilla - 2005 - International Journal of Management Concepts and Philosophy 1 (3):175.
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  24. Tiempo vetado a las mujeres: Tiempo para el saber y la lectura.Isabel de Torres Ramírez - 2006 - Critica 56 (933):41-44.
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    Le gène saisi par le droit: la qualification de chose humaine.Isabelle Zulian - 2010 - Aix-en-Provence: Presses universitaires d'Aix-Marseille.
  26. Wondering About Materialism: Diderot’s Egg.Isabelle Stengers - 2011 - In Levi R. Bryant, Nick Srnicek & Graham Harman, The Speculative Turn: Continental Materialism and Realism.
  27. The Propensity Interpretation of Fitness and the Propensity Interpretation of Probability.Isabelle Drouet & Francesca Merlin - 2015 - Erkenntnis 80 (S3):457-468.
    The paper provides a new critical perspective on the propensity interpretation of fitness, by investigating its relationship to the propensity interpretation of probability. Two main conclusions are drawn. First, the claim that fitness is a propensity cannot be understood properly: fitness is not a propensity in the sense prescribed by the propensity interpretation of probability. Second, this interpretation of probability is inessential for explanations proposed by the PIF in evolutionary biology. Consequently, interpreting the probabilistic dimension of fitness in terms of (...)
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  28. Measuring corporate citizenship in two countries: The case of the united states and France. [REVIEW]Isabelle Maignan & O. C. Ferrell - 2000 - Journal of Business Ethics 23 (3):283 - 297.
    Based on an extensive review of the literature and field surveys, the paper proposes a conceptualization and operationalization of corporate citizenship meaningful in two countries: the United States and France. A survey of 210 American and 120 French managers provides support for the proposed definition of corporate citizenship as a construct including the four correlated factors of economic, legal, ethical, and discretionary citizenship. The managerial implications of the research and directions for future research are discussed.
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    Bioética de los cuerpos sexuados: transexualidad, intersexualidad y transgenerismo.Isabel Balza - 2009 - Isegoría 40:245-258.
    En este artículo se analiza la transexualidad y la intersexualidad como dos fenómenos que desafían las concepciones dimórficas de la anatomía corporal, así como las concepciones binarias del sexo y del género. En este desafío de la norma cultural y médica, los sujetos transexuales e intersexuales construyen un lugar de resistencia, proponiendo, en un movimiento de autodesignación, la concepción de un nuevo sujeto transgenérico. Por último, se reseñan algunas cuestiones éticas vinculadas a los tratamientos médicos de la asignación de sexo (...)
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    A Companion to Angels in Medieval Philosophy.Isabel Iribarren - 2013 - British Journal for the History of Philosophy 21 (1):201-203.
    British Journal for the History of Philosophy, Volume 21, Issue 1, Page 201-203, January 2013.
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    Henry of Ghent's teaching on modes and its influence in the fourteenth century.Isabel Iribarren - 2002 - Mediaeval Studies 64 (1):111-129.
  32. Rücktritte Grosser Rat Basel.Isabel Kaeslin, Raphael Anklin, Madleina Balmer & Tobias Graber - 2009 - Kanton Basel-Stadt 1:1.
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    HD Saffrey, Le néoplatonisme après Plotin.Isabelle Martinès - 2002 - Revue Philosophique De Louvain 100 (1-2):251-255.
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  34. Epigraphy and the media.Isabel Rodà - 2012 - In Rodà Isabel, Epigraphy and the Historical Sciences. pp. 185.
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    The Invention of Modern Science (translation).Daniel W. Smith & Isabelle Stengers (eds.) - 2000 - Minneapolis: University of Minnesota Press.
    "The Invention of Modern Science proposes a fruitful way of going beyond the apparently irreconcilable positions, that science is either "objective" or "socially constructed." Instead, suggests Isabelle Stengers, one of the most important and influential philosophers of science in Europe, we might understand the tension between scientific objectivity and belief as a necessary part of science, central to the practices invented and reinvented by scientists."--pub. desc.
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    ¿Qué tienes que no hayas recibido? La gratuita elección de Dios. Los comentarios agustinianos de Rm 9.Isabelle Bochet - 2008 - Augustinus 53 (210):309-327.
    El artículo versa sobre los primeros comentarios de Agustín a Rm 9, haciendo la comparación entre exp. prop. rom. y Simpl., para resaltar la importante evolución que se da en la explicación agustiniana de Rm 9 y su forma de entender la elección del Dios. También aborda, ciñiéndose a algunos textos fundamentales, la manera en la que Agustín usa y comenta Rm 9 en la polémica antipelagiana.
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  37. De la posibilidad de perspectivas o niveles de la trascendentalidad: a propósito del orden trascendental de X. Zubiri.Isabel Aísa Fernández - 1987 - Thémata: Revista de Filosofía 4:7-14.
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    Nuestro sentir de Dios, según Zubiri.Isabel Aísa Fernández - 2002 - Cuadernos Salmantinos de Filosofía 29:277-298.
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    A fisiologia e seu discurso.Isabel Coelho Fragelli - 2017 - Discurso 47 (2):59-73.
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    "Commercial revolution" of science: the complex reality and experience of genetic and genomic scientists.Isabelle Ganache - 2006 - Genomics, Society and Policy 2 (3):1-19.
    According to advocates and authors from different disciplines interested in biomedicine, biomedical research in genetics and genomics has the potential to transform medicine, the economy, society, and humanity as a whole. Believing in this potential, biomedical scientists produce knowledge and participate in the decisions concerning the orientation of this research and its applications. Through a qualitative analysis of scientists' practice-related discourse, we identified three main sources of complexity in their involvement in the "commercial revolution" of science. First, scientists insist on (...)
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  41. Herencia crítica: de Durkheim a Bourdieu.Isabel Jiménez - 2012 - Revista de Filosofía (México) 44 (133):163-176.
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  42. Aristotelian Virtue and the Freudian Challenge to Second Nature.Isabel Kaeslin - 2017 - In Gary Keogh, The Ethics of Nature and The Nature of Ethics. Lanham: Lexington Books. pp. 3-21.
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  43. Erfahrung wider das Ich" : Überlegungen zu einem Begriff des Schönen nach Adorno.Isabelle Klasen - 2015 - In Devi Dumbadze & Christoph Hesse, Unreglementierte Erfahrung. Freiburg: Ça ira.
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  44. [no title].Isabelle Künzer - unknown
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    Le propylée et la statue.Isabelle Koch - 2014 - Philosophie Antique 14:291-319.
    L’interprétation de l’Antiquité gréco-latine que Michel Foucault développe dans ses derniers ouvrages publiés et ses derniers cours au Collège de France fait peu de place au néoplatonisme. L’Herméneutique du sujet, seul texte où il en soit question avec quelque attention, le présente comme un simple prolon­gement de la philosophie de Platon, relevant du « modèle platonicien » du souci de soi, que Foucault confronte aux modèles hellénistico-romain et chrétien. Pour­tant, c’est chez les commentateurs néoplatoniciens de l’Alcibiade que Foucault trouve certaines (...)
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    O tema do “deus sem ciúme”: da aphthonia grega à non invidentia agostiniana.Isabelle Koch - 2001 - Discurso 32:49-70.
    Sabemos que a noção de criação não tem lugar nas antigas cosmologias. a não ser nos discursos míticos, como o Timeu de Platão. A despeito dessa ausência, os Padres da Igreja não hesitaram em procurar, nas cosmogêneses das filosofias gregas. conceitos adequados a ajudá-los a comentar o Gênesis e a lidar com a criação do mundo e dos seres que o habitam. A partir daí, ocorreu a retomada, às vezes surpreendente, de certos conceitos, cujo sentido foi então profundamente modificado, sob (...)
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    Marie de Gournay, une philosophie des égalités, à l’aube du XVII e siècle.Isabelle Krier - 2022 - Cités 89 (1):103-118.
  48. Montaigne, le plaisir et les femmes. Une perturbation sceptique de l'hédonisme épicurien ou un matérialisme inédit?Isabelle Krier - 2023 - In Patrice Bretaudière & Isabelle Krier, Les matérialistes paradoxaux. Paris: Classiques Garnier.
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    (1 other version)A semiotics of human actions for wearable augmented reality interfaces.Isabel Pedersen - 2005 - Semiotica 2005 (155.1part4):183-200.
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    Televisión, interactividad y multimedia.Isabel Raventós - 1995 - Telos: Critical Theory of the Contemporary 41.
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