Results for 'István Szapudi'

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  1.  28
    Achronotopic Interpretation of Quantum Mechanics.Silvia De Bianchi & István Szapudi - 2025 - Foundations of Physics 55 (1):1-13.
    In conceptual debates involving the quantum gravity community, the literature discusses the so-called “emergence of space–time”. However, which interpretation of quantum mechanics (QM) could be coherent with such claim? We show that a modification of the Copenhagen Interpretation of QM is compatible with the claim that space–time is emergent for the macroscopic world of measurements. In other words, pure quantum states do not admit space–time properties until we measure them. We call this approach “Achronotopic” (ACT) Interpretation of QM, which yields (...)
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    Intercultural Pragmatics.Istvan Kecskes - 2013 - Oxford University Press USA.
    Intercultural Pragmatics studies how language systems are used in social encounters between speakers who have different first languages and cultures, yet communicate in a common language. The field first emerged in the early 21st century, joining two seemingly antagonistic approaches to pragmatics research: the cognitive-philosophical approach, which considers intention as an a priori mental state of the speaker, and the sociocultural-interactional approach, which considers it as a post factum construct created by both speaker and hearer though conversation. Istvan Kecskes, an (...)
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    Marxism, the Capital System, and Social Revolution: An Interview with István Mészáros.István Mészáros - 1999 - Science and Society 63 (3):338 - 361.
  4. Király V. István - Death and History.István Király V. - 2016 - Budapesti Konyv Szemle (2):79-83.
    Recenzio Kiraly V. Istvan Death and History c. konyverol.
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  5. Constantin TONU: István KIRÁLY V., Death and History, Lambert Academic Publishing, Saarbrücken, ISBN: 978-3-659-80237-9, 172 pages, 2015.V. Istvan Kiraly & Constantin Tonu - 2016 - Metacritic Journal for Comparative Studies and Theory 2 (1).
    Review the Istvan Kiraly V.'s book: Death and History.
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    A Formalization of Set Theory Without Variables.István Németi - 1988 - American Mathematical Soc..
    Completed in 1983, this work culminates nearly half a century of the late Alfred Tarski's foundational studies in logic, mathematics, and the philosophy of science. Written in collaboration with Steven Givant, the book appeals to a very broad audience, and requires only a familiarity with first-order logic. It is of great interest to logicians and mathematicians interested in the foundations of mathematics, but also to philosophers interested in logic, semantics, algebraic logic, or the methodology of the deductive sciences, and to (...)
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    Preteriception: memory as past-perception.István Aranyosi - 2020 - Synthese 198 (11):10765-10792.
    The paper explicates and defends a direct realist view of episodic memory as pastperception, on the model of the more prominent direct realism about perception. First, a number of extant allegedly direct realist accounts are critically assessed, then the slogan that memory is past-perception is explained, defended against objections, and compared to extant rival views. Consequently, it is argued that direct realism about memory is a coherent and defensible view, and an attractive alternative to both the mainstream causal theories and (...)
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    Mental Time Travel and Disjunctivism.István Aranyosi - 2020 - Review of Philosophy and Psychology 11 (2):367-384.
    The paper discusses radical constructivism about episodic memory as developed by Kourken Michaelian under the name of “simulationism”, a view that equates episodic memory with mental time travel. An alternative, direct realist view is defended, which implies disjunctivism about the appearance of remembering. While admitting the importance of mental time travel as an underlying cognitive mechanism in episodic memory, as well as the prima facie reasonableness of the simulationist’s critique of disjunctivism, I formulate three arguments in defense of disjunctivism, which (...)
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    Algebraization of quantifier logics, an introductory overview.István Németi - 1991 - Studia Logica 50 (3):485 - 569.
    This paper is an introduction: in particular, to algebras of relations of various ranks, and in general, to the part of algebraic logic algebraizing quantifier logics. The paper has a survey character, too. The most frequently used algebras like cylindric-, relation-, polyadic-, and quasi-polyadic algebras are carefully introduced and intuitively explained for the nonspecialist. Their variants, connections with logic, abstract model theory, and further algebraic logics are also reviewed. Efforts were made to make the review part relatively comprehensive. In some (...)
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  10.  16
    Wealth and Virtue: The Shaping of Political Economy in the Scottish Enlightenment.Istvan Hont & Michael Ignatieff (eds.) - 1986 - Cambridge University Press.
    Wealth and Virtue reassesses the remarkable contribution of the Scottish Enlightenment to the formation of modern economics and to theories of capitalism. Its unique range indicates the scope of the Scottish intellectual achievement of the eighteenth century and explores the process by which the boundaries between economic thought, jurisprudence, moral philosophy and theoretical history came to be established. Dealing not only with major figures like Hume and Smith, there are also studies of lesser known thinkers like Andrew Fletcher, Gershom Carmichael, (...)
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  11. Activating, seeking, and creating common ground: a socio-cognitive approach.Istvan Kecskes & Fenghui Zhang - 2009 - Pragmatics and Cognition 17 (2):331-355.
    This paper argues that current pragmatic theories fail to describe common ground in its complexity because they usually retain a communication-as-transfer-between-minds view of language, and disregard the fact that disagreement and egocentrism of speaker-hearers are as fundamental parts of communication as agreement and cooperation. On the other hand, current cognitive research has overestimated the egocentric behavior of the dyads and argued for the dynamic emergent property of common ground while devaluing the overall significance of cooperation in the process of verbal (...)
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  12.  89
    Logical Pantheism.István Aranyosi - 2022 - Philosophy Compass 17 (7):e12857.
    Philosophy Compass, Volume 17, Issue 7, July 2022.
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    Marx's Theory of Alienation.István Mészáros - 2005 - Merlin Press.
    Written in 1970 by a prominent Marxist philosopher and student of Georg Lukács, this book argues that alienation is the central idea in all of Karl Marx's work. To distinguish Marx's original concept from its use by other writers over the years, the topic is approached in three different ways. First, the origin of the idea of alienation is discussed along with an analysis of the way Marx structured it into a theory. Then alienation is explored beyond its political aspect, (...)
  14. Marx's Theory of Alienation.István Mészáros - 1970 - Studies in Soviet Thought 13 (1):137-137.
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    Giving thickness to the minimal self: coenesthetic depth and the materiality of consciousness.István Fazakas, Mathilde Bois & Tudi Gozé - forthcoming - Phenomenology and the Cognitive Sciences:1-21.
    Contemporary phenomenological psychopathology has raised questions concerning selfhood and its possible alterations in schizophrenia spectrum disorders. Although the notion of the self is central to several accounts of anomalies, it remains a question how exactly the radically minimal experiential features of selfhood can be altered. Indeed, the risk is to reduce the notion of selfhood so drastically, that it can no longer account for alterations of experience. Here we propose to give thickness to the minimal self. To do this we (...)
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  16. Concerning the resilience of Galen Strawson’s Basic Argument.Michael Anthony Istvan - 2011 - Philosophical Studies 155 (3):399-420.
    Against its prominent compatiblist and libertarian opponents, I defend Galen Strawson’s Basic Argument for the impossibility of moral responsibility. Against John Martin Fischer, I argue that the Basic Argument does not rely on the premise that an agent can be responsible for an action only if he is responsible for every factor contributing to that action. Against Alfred Mele and Randolph Clarke, I argue that it is absurd to believe that an agent can be responsible for an action when no (...)
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    The paradox of communication: Socio-cognitive approach to pragmatics.Istvan Kecskes - 2010 - Pragmatics and Society 1 (1):50-73.
    Communication is not as smooth a process as current pragmatic theories depict it. In Rapaport’s words “We almost always fail […]. Yet we almost always nearly succeed: This is the paradox of communication”. This paper claims that there is a need for an approach that is able to explain this “bumpy road” by analyzing both the positive and negative features of the communicative process. The paper presents a socio-cognitive approach to pragmatics that takes into account both the societal and individual (...)
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  18.  11
    Beyond Capital: Toward a Theory of Transition.István Mészáros - 1995 - Nyu Press.
    "Meszaros defines capital system as embracing private ownership, and Soviet type postcapitalism; both share the same hierarcical structure, the same destructive tendencies and the same exploitation of the labour force. Capitalism may appear to be triumphant world-wide but Beyond Capital is a devastating exposure of a system which can only renew itself at the cost of increasing its problems and can only delay but not avoid its eventual collapse. The theoretical scope and intellectual rigour of Beyond Capital is matched by (...)
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  19. Movers and elemental motions in Aristotle.István M. Bodnár - 1997 - Oxford Studies in Ancient Philosophy 15:81-117.
  20.  61
    The peripheral mind: philosophy of mind and the peripheral nervous system.István Aranyosi - 2013 - New York, NY: Oxford University Press.
    Philosophers of mind, both in the conceptual analysis tradition and in the empirical informed school, have been implicitly neglecting the potential conceptual role of the Peripheral Nervous System (PNS) in understanding sensory and perceptual states. Instead, the philosophical as well as the neuroscientific literature has been assuming that it is the Central Nervous System (CNS) alone, and more exactly the brain, that should prima facie be taken as conceptually and empirically crucial for a philosophical analysis of such states This is (...)
  21. Shadows of constitution.István Aranyosi - 2007 - The Monist 90 (3):415-431.
    Mainstream metaphysics has been preoccupied by inquiring into the nature of major kinds of entities, like objects, properties and events, while avoiding minor entities, like shadows or holes. However, one might want to hope that dealing with such minor entities could be profitable for even solving puzzles about major entities. I propose a new ontological puzzle, the Shadow of Constitution Puzzle, incorporating the old puzzle of material constitution, with shadows in the role of the minor entity to guide our approach (...)
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  22. Teleology across natures.István Bodnár - 2005 - Rhizai. A Journal for Ancient Philosophy and Science 1:9-29.
    Aristotelian natures – internal principles of motion and rest – provide a rich account of the goal-directed behaviour of natural entities. What such natures cannot account for, on their own, are cases of teleology across natures, where an entity, due to its nature, furthers the goals of another entity. Nevertheless, Aristotle admits such teleological configurations among natures: most notably Politics I.8 1256b15-20 claims that plants are for the sake of animals and animals are for the sake of humans. The paper (...)
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  23.  32
    The Promise of the World: Towards a Transcendental History of Trust.István Fazakas & Tudi Gozé - 2020 - Husserl Studies 36 (2):169-189.
    This paper aims at a phenomenological analysis of trust. We argue that trust has a transcendental dimension in that it functions as a condition of possibility of the basic ego-world relation. Tacit for the most part in ordinary experience, it comes forth in its problematicity in schizophrenia spectrum disorders. People experiencing psychic disturbances lose trust in the continuity and the mineness of lived experience and conceive the world as uninhabitable. In order to address the transcendental problem of trust, we first (...)
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  24. Powers and the mind–body problem.István Aranyosi - 2010 - International Journal of Philosophical Studies 18 (1):57 – 72.
    This paper proposes a new line of attack on the conceivability argument for mind-body property dualism, based on the causal account of properties, according to which properties have their conditional powers essentially. It is argued that the epistemic possibility of physical but not phenomenal duplicates of actuality is identical to a metaphysical possibility, but irrelevant for establishing the falsity of physicalism. The proposed attack is in many ways inspired by a standard, broadly Kripkean approach to epistemic and metaphysical modality.
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  25. Zsuzsanna Mariann LENGYEL: New Ways for Understanding: Death and History – István KIRÁLY V.: Death and History. (Saarbrücken, Lambert Academic Publishing, 2015) 180 p.István Király V. - 2016 - Philobiblon - Transilvanian Journal of Multidisciplinary Research in Humanities 21 (1):123 - 131.
  26. Relativistic Computers and the Turing Barrier.István Németi & Gyula Dávid - 2006 - Journal of Applied Mathematics and Computation 178:118--42.
  27.  59
    The Curious Case of Connectionism.Istvan S. N. Berkeley - 2019 - Open Philosophy 2 (1):190-205.
    Connectionist research first emerged in the 1940s. The first phase of connectionism attracted a certain amount of media attention, but scant philosophical interest. The phase came to an abrupt halt, due to the efforts of Minsky and Papert (1969), when they argued for the intrinsic limitations of the approach. In the mid-1980s connectionism saw a resurgence. This marked the beginning of the second phase of connectionist research. This phase did attract considerable philosophical attention. It was of philosophical interest, as it (...)
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    Body, skill, and look: is bodybuilding a sport?István Aranyosi - 2018 - Phenomenology and the Cognitive Sciences 17 (2):401-410.
    I argue that bodybuilding should not qualify as a sport, given that at the competition stage it lacks an essential feature of sports, namely, skillful activity. Based on the classic distinction between Leib and Körper in phenomenology, I argue that bodybuilding competition’s sole purpose is to present the Körper, whereas sports are about manifestations of Leib. I consider several objections to this analysis, after which I conclude that bodybuilding is an endeavor closer to both beauty competitions and classical sculpture rather (...)
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    The class of neat-reducts of cylindric algebras is not a variety but is closed w.r.t. HP.István Németi - 1983 - Notre Dame Journal of Formal Logic 24:399-409.
  30.  64
    Metaphor and Simile: Preliminary Notes to a Discussion of Norms and Values.István Mészáros - 1967 - Proceedings of the Aristotelian Society 67 (1):127 - 144.
    István Mészáros; IX—Metaphor and Simile: Preliminary Notes to a Discussion of Norms and Values, Proceedings of the Aristotelian Society, Volume 67, Issue 1, 1 J.
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  31. Tolerantia: A Medieval Concept.Istvan Bejczy - 1997 - Journal of the History of Ideas 58 (3):365-384.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Tolerantia: A Medieval ConceptIstván BejczyThe notion of tolerance is generally considered a product of modern times and in particular of the Age of Reason.1 The enlightened philosophers, who laid the foundations of liberalism and democracy, are often hailed as the men who introduced the notion of tolerance as a means of guaranteeing maximum freedom to the individual members of society. Writings such as the Epistola de tolerantia of John (...)
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  32.  9
    Cognitive Science and the New Testament: A New Approach to Early Christian Research.István Czachesz - 2017 - Oxford University Press UK.
    Over the last few decades, our knowledge of how the human mind and brain works increased dramatically. The field of cognitive science enables us to understand religious traditions, rituals, and visionary experiences in novel ways. This has implications for the study of the New Testament and early Christianity. How people in the ancient Mediterranean world remembered sayings and stories, what they experienced when participating in rituals, how they thought about magic and miracle, and how they felt and reasoned about moral (...)
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  33.  12
    Visual Mismatch Negativity: A Mini-Review of Non-pathological Studies With Special Populations and Stimuli.István Czigler & Petia Kojouharova - 2022 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 15.
    In this mini-review, we summarized the results of 12 visual mismatch negativity studies that attempted to use this component as a tool for investigating differences between non-clinical samples of participants as well as the possibility of automatic discrimination in the case of specific categories of visual stimuli. These studies investigated the effects of gender, the effects of long-term differences between the groups of participants, and the effects of short-term states, as well as the vMMN effect elicited by artworks as a (...)
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    Art, Politics, and Taking Sides : An Interview with Istvan Szabo.Marty Fairbairn & Istvan Szabo - 2002 - Film-Philosophy 6 (1).
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  35. The reappearing act.István Aranyosi - 2009 - Acta Analytica 24 (1):1 - 10.
    In his latest book, Roy Sorensen offers a solution to a puzzle he put forward in an earlier article -The Disappearing Act. The puzzle involves various question about how the causal theory perception is to be applied to the case of seeing shadows. Sorensen argues that the puzzle should be taken as bringing out a new way of seeing shadows. I point out a problem for Sorensen’s solution, and offer and defend an alternative view, according to which the puzzle is (...)
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  36. Should we fear quantum torment?István Aranyosi - 2012 - Ratio 25 (3):249-259.
    The prospect, in terms of subjective expectations, of immortality under the no-collapse interpretation of quantum mechanics is certain, as pointed out by several authors, both physicists and, more recently, philosophers. The argument, known as quantum suicide, or quantum immortality, has received some critical discussion, but there hasn't been any questioning of David Lewis's point that there is a terrifying corollary to the argument, namely, that we should expect to live forever in a crippled, more and more damaged state, that barely (...)
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  37. What the #$*%! is a Subsymbol?István S. N. Berkeley - 2000 - Minds and Machines 10 (1):1-14.
    In 1988, Smolensky proposed that connectionist processing systems should be understood as operating at what he termed the `subsymbolic' level. Subsymbolic systems should be understood by comparing them to symbolic systems, in Smolensky's view. Up until recently, there have been real problems with analyzing and interpreting the operation of connectionist systems which have undergone training. However, recently published work on a network trained on a set of logic problems originally studied by Bechtel and Abrahamsen (1991) seems to offer the potential (...)
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  38. (1 other version)The interplay of prior experience and actual situational context in intercultural first encounters.Istvan Kecskes - 2019 - Pragmatics Cognition 26 (1):112-134.
    The study aims to investigate how prior experience of interlocutors interacts with actual situational context in intercultural interactions when the latter is represented by a well-known frame: getting acquainted with others. It attempts to demonstrate how the cultural frame of the target language is broken up and substituted with an emergent frame that is co-constructed from elements from prior experience with the target language, the first language and the actual situational experience. Getting acquainted with others is a closed social situation, (...)
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  39. Margins of Me: A Personal Story (Chapter 1 of The Peripheral Mind).István Aranyosi - 2013 - In The peripheral mind: philosophy of mind and the peripheral nervous system. New York, NY: Oxford University Press.
    The author presents an autobiographical story of serious peripheral motor nerve damage resulting from chemotoxicity induced as a side effect of Hodgkin’s Lymphoma treatment. The first-person, phenomenological account of the condition naturally leads to philosophical questions about consciousness, felt presence of oneself all over and within one’s body, and the felt constitutiveness of peripheral processes to one’s mental life. The first-person data only fit well with a philosophical approach to the mind that takes peripheral, bodily events and states at their (...)
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  40. Religion, Theology, and Philosophy on the Way to Being and Time: Heidegger, the Hermeneutical, the Factical, and the Historical with Respect to Dilthey and Early Christianity.István M. Fehér - 2009 - Research in Phenomenology 39 (1):99-131.
    My aim in the present paper is to show the significance of Heidegger's phenomenology of religion as an important step on his way to his magnum opus . First, I wish to exhibit traits characteristic of Heidegger's path of thinking in terms of his confrontation with phenomenology, historicism, hermeneutics, and Lebensphilosophie . I will then argue, in a second step, that it was with an eye to, and drawing upon, his previous understanding of religion and religious life, as well as (...)
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    On A New Semantics for First-Order Predicate Logic.István Németi, Johan van Benthem & Hajnal Andréka - 2017 - Journal of Philosophical Logic 46 (3):259-267.
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    Animal Killing and Postdomestic Meat Production.Istvan Praet & Frédéric Leroy - 2017 - Journal of Agricultural and Environmental Ethics 30 (1):67-86.
    The act of animal killing affects the human psyche in manners that are culturally contingent. Throughout history, societal attitudes towards the taking of animal lives have mostly been based on deference and/or dominion. Postdomestic societies have evolved in fundamentally different ways. Meat production is abundant yet concealed, animals are categorized and stereotyped, and slaughter has become a highly disquieting activity. Increased awareness of postdomestic meat production systems raises a moral polemic and provokes disgust in some consumer segments. Overall, a heterogeneous (...)
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  43.  62
    General algebraic logic: A perspective on “what is logic”.Istvan Nemeti & Hajnal Andreka - 1994 - In Dov M. Gabbay, What is a logical system? New York: Oxford University Press.
  44.  92
    A Rationalist Defence of Determinism.Michael A. Istvan - 2020 - Theoria 87 (2):394-434.
    Largely due to the popular allegation that contemporary science has uncovered indeterminism in the deepest known levels of physical reality, the debate as to whether humans have moral freedom, the sort of freedom on which moral responsibility depends, has put aside to some extent the traditional worry over whether determinism is true. As I argue in this paper, however, there are powerful proofs for both chronological determinism and necessitarianism, forms of determinism that pose the most penetrative threat to human moral (...)
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    Aristotle's natural philosophy.Istvan Bodnar - 2008 - Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy.
  46.  13
    The earliest syriac reception of dionysius1.István Perczel - 2008 - Modern Theology 24 (4):557-571.
  47. The puzzle of masked liberals.István Aranyosi - manuscript
    The Covid-19 pandemic has brought to surface new and puzzling manifestations of the culture wars between liberals and conservatives, especially in the US. One such manifestation is the one centered around mask-wearing as a way to protect others from viral infection. In public spaces, mask-wearing has become a signal as to whether one is a liberal or a conservative. Liberals tend to wear the mask and condemn as immoral conservatives, who tend not to wear it. I argue that the liberal (...)
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  48. Silencing the Argument from Hallucination.István Aranyosi - 2013 - In Fiona Macpherson & Dimitris Platchias, Hallucination: Philosophy and Psychology. Cambridge, MA: MIT Press.
    Ordinary people tend to be realists regarding perceptual experience, that is, they take perceiving the environment as a direct, unmediated, straightforward access to a mindindependent reality. Not so for (ordinary) philosophers. The empiricist influence on the philosophy of perception, in analytic philosophy at least, made the problem of perception synonymous with the view that realism is untenable. Admitting the problem (and trying to offer a view on it) is tantamount to rejecting ordinary people’s implicit realist assumptions as naive. So what (...)
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    The Ethics of LLMs at Universities: A Case for Restriction and Regulation.István Zárdai - 2024 - Toxiv e-Print System.
    ‘Disruptive technologies’ is a euphemism for new technologies released lacking adequate regulation, causing significant unemployment and costly, inefficient additional labour. So it stands with LLMs. They output lookalikes of authored writing. Most output remixes existing materials, effectively stealing, since lacking understanding and intention original meaning is not added. LLMs enable low-cost, high-reward dishonesty. Students attempt to submit these products as their own texts. Some in education propose to use LLMs to allow students to generate text and then revise it. This (...)
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  50. A New Argument for Mind–Brain Identity.István Aranyosi - 2011 - British Journal for the Philosophy of Science 62 (3):489-517.
    In this article, I undertake the tasks: (i) of reconsidering Feigl’s notion of a ‘nomological dangler’ in light of recent discussion about the viability of accommodating phenomenal properties, or qualia, within a physicalist picture of reality; and (ii) of constructing an argument to the effect that nomological danglers, including the way qualia are understood to be related to brain states by contemporary dualists, are extremely unlikely. I offer a probabilistic argument to the effect that merely nomological danglers are extremely unlikely, (...)
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