Results for 'Italo Moscati'

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  1. Hegelian Pragmatism and Social Emancipation: An Interview with Robert Brandom.Italo Testa - 2003 - Constellations 10 (4):554-570.
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    Lezioni americane: sei proposte per il prossimo millennio.Italo Calvino - 1988 - Milano: Garzanti.
    "Six memos for the Next Millenium" is a collection of five lectures Italo Calvino was about to deliver at the time of his death. Here is his legacy to us: the universal values he pinpoints become the watch-words for out appreciation of Calvino himself. What should be cherished in literature? Calvino devotes one lecture, or memo to the reader, toe each of five indispensable qualities: lightness, quickness, exactitude, visibility, and multiplicity. A sixth lecture, on consistency, was never committed to (...)
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  3. Il pensiero e l'opera di Salvatore Valitutti: atti del convegno nazionale di studio del 28 settembre 1996.Italo Gallo (ed.) - 1999 - Salerno: Laveglia.
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    (1 other version)Dominant Patterns in Associated Living Hegemony, Domination, and Ideological Recognition in Dewey’s Lectures in China.Testa Italo - forthcoming - Trasactions of the Charles S. Peirce Society, 2017.
    : In this paper I will focus on the notion of “dominant patterns”, as revealed by the recently discovered typescript of what we can assume to be Dewey’s fragmentary and incomplete preliminary lecture notes for the Lecture Series on Social and Political Philosophy. I will show that the way the notion of “dominant patterns” is dealt with in the text of the lecture notes is not only consistent with the conceptual content of the whole series of the Lectures in China (...)
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  5. L'utopia di Teopompo.Italo Lana - 1951 - Paideia 6.
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    O que é ‘Metametafisica’? Uma Análise das Metodologias de Meinong, Carnap e Quine.Italo Lins Lemos & Cristian Kraemer - 2021 - Griot : Revista de Filosofia 21 (2):237-255.
    Metametaphysics is the study regarding the foundations and the methodology of Metaphysics. We’ll analyze in this paper three methodologies that established the origins of Metametaphysics in the Analytic Tradition: that of Alexius Meinong, Rudolf Carnap and Willard van Orman Quine. According to Meinong, there is a distinction between ‘to exist’ and ‘there is’ and, in order to preserve the intuition that every intentional act is directed towards an object, there are things that do not exist. According to Carnap, the questions (...)
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    Dio, uomo e religione in John Stuart Mill. Una ricognizione a partire dalla lettura di Ludovico Geymonat.Giuseppe Moscati - 2004 - Idee 56:193-206.
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  8. The code of the gift (20th century).G. Moscati - 2002 - Rivista di Storia Della Filosofia 57 (4):659-662.
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    The Layered Syntactic Structure of the Complementizer System: Functional Heads and Multiple Movements in the Early Left-Periphery. A Corpus Study on Italian.Vincenzo Moscati & Luigi Rizzi - 2021 - Frontiers in Psychology 12.
    In this paper we document the developmental trajectory of the complementizer system (CP-system) in Italian by looking at the earliest spontaneous production of eleven young children, whose transcriptions are available on CHILDES. We conducted a novel corpus analysis, tracking down a number of constructions in which the clausal left-periphery is activated. First, we considered the appearance of the different complementizer particles in the CP-system, which overtly realize the three distinct functional projections ForceP, IntP, and FinP. The analysis revealed that children (...)
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    Le positionnement de l’anthropologie urbaine.Italo Pardo, Giuliana B. Prato, Wolfgang Kaltenbacher & Nicole G. Albert - 2015 - Diogène 251-252 (3):3.
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    (3 other versions)Placing Urban Anthropology: The Production of Empirically-based Knowledge and its Significance to Society.Italo Pardo, Giuliana B. Prato & Wolfgang Kaltenbacher - 2016 - Sage Publications Ltd: Diogenes 63 (3-4):3-8.
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  12. Hegelian Resources for Contemporary Thought. Introductory Essay.Italo Testa - 2016 - In Italo Testa & Luigi Ruggiu (eds.), "I that is we, we that is I," perspectives on contemporary Hegel : social ontology, recognition, naturalism, and the critique of Kantian constructivism. Boston: Brill. pp. 1-28.
    Introductory essay to the collection "I that is We, We that is I" (ed. by Italo Testa and Luigi Ruggiu, Brill Books, 2016). In this book an international group of philosophers explore the many facets of Hegel’s formula which expresses the recognitive and social structures of human life. The book offers a guiding thread for the reconstruction of crucial motifs of contemporary thought such as the socio-ontological paradigm; the action-theoretical model in moral and social philosophy; the question of naturalism; (...)
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  13. Dewey, Second Nature, Social Criticism, and the Hegelian Heritage.Italo Testa - 2017 - European Journal of Pragmatism and American Philosophy 9 (1):1-23.
    Dewey’s notion of second nature is strictly connected with that of habit. I reconstruct the Hegelian heritage of this model and argue that habit qua second nature is understood by Dewey as a something which encompasses both the subjective and the objective dimension – individual dispositions and features of the objective natural and social environment.. Secondly, the notion of habit qua second nature is used by Dewey both in a descriptive and in a critical sense and is as such a (...)
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    Morals of legitimacy: between agency and system.Italo Pardo (ed.) - 2000 - New York: Berghahn Books.
    With the growing fragmentation of western societies and disillusionment with the political process, the question of legitimacy has become one of the key issues ...
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    Selbstbewußtsein und zweite Natur.Italo Testa - 2008 - In Klaus Vieweg & Wolfgang Welsh (eds.), Hegels Phänomenologie des Geistes - Ein kooperativer Kommentar zu einem Schlüsselwerk der Moderne, Suhrkamp, Frankfurt am Main, 2008. Suhrkamp. pp. 286-307.
    My aim in this paper is to bring into focus the concept of self-consciousness showing the reciprocal connection between the notions of recognition and second nature. The very evolution of Hegel's thought from the writings of his youth to those of his maturity reveals a strict connection between these notions. This reading will be justified through an articulate interpretation of the "Self-consciousness" section of the Phenomenology and then through an interpretation of the systematic connection between this text and the section (...)
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  16. Dewey’s Social Ontology: A Pragmatist Alternative to Searle’s Approach to Social Reality.Italo Testa - 2017 - International Journal of Philosophical Studies 25 (1):40-62.
    Dewey’s social ontology could be characterized as a habit ontology, an ontology of habit qua second nature that offers us an account of intentionality, social statuses, institutions, and norms in terms of habituations. Such an account offers us a promising alternative to contemporary intentionalist and deontic approaches to social ontology such as Searle’s. Furthermore, it could be the basis of a social ontology better suited to explain both the maintenance and the transformation of social reality. In the first part I (...)
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  17. Some consequences of Thompson’s Life and Action for social philosophy.Italo Testa - 2015 - Philosophy and Public Issues - Filosofia E Questioni Pubbliche:69-84.
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    Intension, extension, and the model of belief and knowledge in economics.Ivan Moscati - 2012 - Erasmus Journal for Philosophy and Economics 5 (2):1.
    This paper investigates a limitation of the model of belief and knowledge prevailing in mainstream economics, namely the state-space model. Because of its set-theoretic nature, this model has difficulties in capturing the difference between expressions that designate the same object but have different meanings, i.e., expressions with the same extension but different intensions. This limitation generates puzzling results concerning what individuals believe or know about the world as well as what individuals believe or know about what other individuals believe or (...)
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  19. Le antinomie logiche e matematiche.Italo Aimonetto - 1975 - Cuneo: SASTE.
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    Via Mario Dal Pra, Vicenza.Italo Francesco Baldo - 2010 - Rivista di Storia Della Filosofia 65 (2):333-336.
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    L'uomo e la misura del tempo: un'escursione nel passato e nel futuro: la prospettiva dell'ora decimale.Italo Gagliano - 2002 - Pasian di Prato (Udine): Campanotto.
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  22. L'Essere. Mancini, Italo & [From Old Catalog] - 1967 - Roma,: Studium. Edited by Luigi Bogliolo.
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    Etos del sacrificio, passione per il mondo e filosofia d'occasione: la critica della violenza in Karl Jaspers, Hannah Arendt e Günther Anders.Giuseppe Moscati - 2010 - [Perugia, Italy]:
  24. Marco Bastianelli, Oltre i limiti del linguaggio. Il kantismo nel Tractatus di Wittgenstein.Giuseppe Moscati - 2009 - Rivista di Storia Della Filosofia 64 (4):892.
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  25. Omissione della copula e frasi negative.Vicenzo Moscati - 2007 - Annali Della Facoltà di Lettere E Filosofia:Università di Siena 28:161-178.
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  26. On Intervention effects in weak islands. A self-‐paced reading experiment.Vincenzo Moscati - unknown - Philosophy 29:537-586.
  27. Seminario di presentazione dell'edizione critica di Giambattista Vico.S. Moscati - 1998 - Bollettino Del Centro di Studi Vichiani 28:253.
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  28. Boosting D3FEND: Ontological analysis and recommendations.Ítalo Oliveira, Gal Engelberg, Pedro Paulo F. Barcelos, Tiago Prince Sales, Mattia Fumagalli, Riccardo Baratella, Dan Klein & Giancarlo Guizzardi - 1998 - In Nicola Guarino (ed.), Formal Ontology in Information Systems. IOS Press.
    Formal Ontology is a discipline whose business is to develop formal theories about general aspects of reality such as identity, dependence, parthood, truth-making, causality, etc. A foundational ontology is a specific consistent set of these ontological theories that support activities such as domain analysis, conceptual clarification, and meaning negotiation. A (well-founded) core ontology specifies, under a foundational ontology, the central concepts and relations of a given domain. Foundational and core ontologies can be seen as ontology engineering frameworks to systematically address (...)
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    Alle radici della giuridicità: rapporti di diritto civile.Italo Radoccia - 2009 - [Padova]: CEDAM.
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    La Razon de Lupus de Moros: Un poema hermeticoAndre Michalski.Italo Ronca - 1994 - Isis 85 (4):688-689.
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    Individualità e critica.Italo Testa - 2000 - la Società Degli Individui 9:3.
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    Robert Brandom.Italo Testa - 2018 - In Ludwig Siep, Heikki Ikaheimo & Michael Quante (eds.), Handbuch Anerkennung. Springer. pp. 235-238.
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  33. Ontological Analysis and Redesign of Security Modeling in ArchiMate.Ítalo Oliveira, Tiago Prince Sales, João Paulo A. Almeida, Riccardo Baratella, Mattia Fumagalli & Giancarlo Guizzardi - 2022 - In Ítalo Oliveira, Tiago Prince Sales, João Paulo A. Almeida, Riccardo Baratella, Mattia Fumagalli & Giancarlo Guizzardi (eds.), The Practice of Enterprise Modeling - 15th IFIP WG 8.1 Working Conference, PoEM 2022. Springer. pp. 82-98.
    Enterprise Risk Management and security have become a fundamental part of Enterprise Architecture, so several frameworks and modeling languages have been designed to support the activities associated with these areas. Archi- Mate’s Risk and Security Overlay is one of such proposals, endorsed by The Open Group. We investigate the capabilities of the proposed security-related con- structs in ArchiMate with regard to the necessities of enterprise security modeling. Our analysis relies on a well-founded reference ontology of security to uncover ambiguity, missing (...)
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  34. La teoria critica ha bisogno di un'ontologia sociale (e viceversa)?Italo Testa - 2016 - Politica E Società 1:47-72.
    In this article I argue that contemporary critical theory needs the conceptual tools of social ontology in order to make its own ontological commitments explicit and strengthen its interdisciplinary approach. On the other hand, contemporary analytic social ontology needs critical theory in order to be able to focus on the role that social change, power, and historicity play in the constitution of social facts, and to see the shortcomings of an agential and intentionalist approach to social facts. My thesis is (...)
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    In this contribution I outline some ideas on what the pragmatist model of habit ontology could offer us as regards the appreciation of the constitutive role that imagery plays for social action and cognition. Accordingly, a Deweyan understanding of habit would allow for an understanding of imagery in terms of embodied cognition rather than in representational terms. I first underline the motor character of imagery, and the role its embodiment in habit plays for the anticipation of action. Secondly, I reconstruct (...)
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  36. The Authority of Life: The Critical Task of Dewey's Social Ontology.Italo Testa - 2017 - Journal of Speculative Philosophy 31 (2):231-244.
    ABSTRACT In this article I will first reconstruct a Deweyan model of social ontology, based on the process of habituation. Habit ontology leads to a social philosophy that is not merely descriptive, since it involves a critical redescription of the social world. I will argue that a habit-modeled social ontology is critical insofar as it includes an account of social transformation and of the inevitability of social conflict. Such an understanding is based on a diagnosis of social pathologies of our (...)
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  37. Embodied Cognition, Habit, and Natural Agency in Hegel’s Anthropology.Italo Testa - 2020 - In Marina F. Bykova & Kenneth R. Westphal (eds.), The Palgrave Hegel Handbook. Palgrave-Macmillan. pp. 395-416.
    The aim of this chapter is to discuss the central role of the notion of " habit " (Gewohnheit) in Hegel's theory of " embodiment " (Verleiblichung) and to show that the philosophical outcome of the Anthropology is that habit, understood as a sensorimotor life form, is not only an enabling condition for there to be mindedness, but is more strongly an ontological constitutive condition of all its levels of manifestation. Moreover, I will argue that Hegel's approach somehow makes a (...)
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  38. Criticism from within nature.Italo Testa - 2007 - Philosophy and Social Criticism 33 (4):473-497.
    I tackle the definition of the relation between first and second nature while examining some problems with McDowell's conception. This, in the first place, will bring out the need to extend the notion of second nature to the social dimension, understanding it not just as `inner' second nature — individual mind — but also as `outer' second nature — objective spirit. In the second place the dialectical connection between these two notions of second nature will point the way to a (...)
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    O Negacionismo Não É Uma Forma de Ceticismo.Italo Lins Lemos & Renato Cesar Cani - 2023 - ARARIPE — REVISTA DE FILOSOFIA 4 (1):42-60.
    O nosso objetivo, neste artigo, é argumentar que o negacionismo não é uma forma de ceticismo. Enquanto o cético concede o seu assentimento às proposições que possuem evidências contundentes e suspende o seu juízo a respeito das proposições obscuras, o negacionista, segundo Lawrence Torcello (2016), rejeita um consenso científico por motivos que são independentes da pesquisa e do progresso das ciências. Além disso, o negacionista, mais do que negar uma tese bem estabelecida pela comunidade especializada, e longe de suspender o (...)
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  40. La natura del riconoscimento. Riconoscimento naturale e autocoscienza sociale in Hegel.Italo Testa - 2010 - Mimesis.
    My research takes as its guiding thread the statement from Hegel's lectures on the philosophy of spirit of 1805-06, that «cognition is recognition[Erkennen ist Anerkennen]». In this perspective I delineate, first, the consequences of this position for Hegel's epistemology, in particular with reference to the question of skepticism. Then, I show in what sense the recognitive conception of knowledge makes it possible for Hegel to comprehend unitarily, on one hand, cognition as exercise of natural capacities and cognition as exercise of (...)
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    Filosofia della religioné.Italo Mancini - 1968 - Roma,: ABETE.
    Dopo aver brevemente ripercorso la storia della filosofia della religione, Italo Mancini organizza la sua trattazione secondo i seguenti capitoli: Forme spurie, La forma pura, Ermeneutica o strutturalismo, L'essenza della religione, La fede come evento, Teoria della parola di Dio, Teoria degli eventi fondatori, Il principio della creazione, Quale fondamento, L'utopia della filosofia della religione.
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  42. How are Bundles of Social Practices Constituted?Italo Testa - 2019 - Critical Horizons:1-12.
    n this paper, I analyse Rahel Jaeggi’s socio-ontological account of forms of life. I show that her framework is a two-sided one, since it involves an understanding of forms of life both as inert bundles of practices and as having a normative structure. Here I argue that this approach is based on an a priori argument which assumes normativity as the condition of intelligibility of social criticism. I show that the intimate tension between these two sides is reflected in the (...)
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    How are Bundles of Social Practices Constituted? Jaeggi, Social Ontology, and the Jargon of Normativity.Italo Testa - 2021 - Critical Horizons 22 (2):162-173.
    ABSTRACT In this paper, I analyse Rahel Jaeggi’s socio-ontological account of forms of life. I show that her framework is a two-sided one, since it involves an understanding of forms of life both as inert bundles of practices and as having a normative structure. Here I argue that this approach is based on an a priori argument which assumes normativity as the condition of intelligibility of social criticism. I show that the intimate tension between these two sides is reflected in (...)
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    Papel Dos Adjetivos Modificacionais No Discurso Ficcional.Italo Lins Lemos - 2023 - Veritas – Revista de Filosofia da Pucrs 68 (1):e44617.
    Argumento, seguindo a perspectiva de Amie Thomasson acerca da metafísica da ficção, que os objetos ficcionais são artefatos abstratos. No entanto, o artefactualismo encontra dificuldades em fazer sentido das propriedades que podemos atribuir corretamente a um objeto ficcional: como é possível que um personagem ficcional, como L. B. Jefferies do filme Janela Indiscreta, seja um fotógrafo e um artefato abstrato ao mesmo tempo? Tal personagem pode fazer algo como investigar um crime? A fim de solucionar essa tensão conceitual, introduzo o (...)
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    Direito como título de reconhecimento: uma concepção hegeliana.Ítalo Alves - 2017 - Synesis 9 (2):49-70.
    Neste artigo, trago a uma maior explicitação o conceito de direito da Filosofia do Direito de Hegel, buscando reabilitá-lo como alternativa às concepções jusnaturalistas e juspositivistas tradicionais. Busco uma resposta à questão “o que significa ter um direito?” a partir da Filosofia do Direito hegeliana. Questiono pela gênese e locus do direito e argumento que este se origina de uma relação de reconhecimento recíproco intersubjetivo, posteriormente consubstanciando-se objetivamente na eticidade, por meio das instituições sociais. A partir das conclusões de que (...)
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    El arte en la Enciclopedia y la base sistemática de la estética hegeliana.Italo Angelo Debernardi Cárcamo - 2024 - Ideas Y Valores 72 (183).
    El presente trabajo se propone exponer el carácter problemático de la base sistemática de la estética hegeliana desarrollada en la Enciclopedia a partir del análisis de algunas de sus temáticas centrales y de las modificaciones que sufren en las tres ediciones de esta obra. Primero se examina la definición enciclopédica del ideal y la noción de obra de arte contenida en ella. Luego se aborda la disputada cuestión de la autonomización del arte respecto de la religión. Finalmente, se analiza la (...)
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    Ficção e metafísica.Italo Lins Lemos - 2021 - Veritas – Revista de Filosofia da Pucrs 66 (1):e39851.
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    Guida alla Critica della ragion pura.Italo Mancini - 1982 - Urbino: Quattro venti. Edited by Marco Cangiotti.
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    L'ethos dell'Occidente: neoclassicismo etico, profezia cristiana, pensiero critico moderno.Italo Mancini - 1990 - Genova: Marietti.
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  50. Ancient Semitic Civilizations.Sabatini Moscati - 1957
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