Joanna Bourke [10]John Bourke [3]Jane Bourke [1]J. Bourke [1]
John Gregory Bourke [1]Justin Bourke [1]J. L. Bourke [1]Judy Bourke [1]
  1.  62
    Evidence for personalised medicine: mechanisms, correlation, and new kinds of black box.Mary Jean Walker, Justin Bourke & Katrina Hutchison - 2019 - Theoretical Medicine and Bioethics 40 (2):103-121.
    Personalised medicine has been discussed as a medical paradigm shift that will improve health while reducing inefficiency and waste. At the same time, it raises new practical, regulatory, and ethical challenges. In this paper, we examine PM strategies epistemologically in order to develop capacities to address these challenges, focusing on a recently proposed strategy for developing patient-specific models from induced pluripotent stem cells so as to make individualised treatment predictions. We compare this strategy to two main PM strategies—stratified medicine and (...)
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    The story of pain: from prayer to painkillers.Joanna Bourke - 2014 - New York, NY: Oxford University Press.
    Everyone knows what is feels like to be in pain. Scraped knees, toothaches, migraines, giving birth, cancer, heart attacks, and heartaches: pain permeates our entire lives. We also witness other people - loved ones - suffering, and we 'feel with' them. It is easy to assume this is the end of the story: 'pain-is-pain-is-pain', and that is all there is to say. But it is not. In fact, the way in which people respond to what they describe as 'painful' has (...)
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    Pain Sensitivity: An Unnatural History from 1800 to 1965.Joanna Bourke - 2014 - Journal of Medical Humanities 35 (3):301-319.
    Who was truly capable of experiencing pain? In this article, I explore ideas about the distribution of bodily sensitivity in patients from the early nineteenth century to 1965 in Anglo-American societies. While certain patients were regarded as “truly hurting,” other patients’ distress could be disparaged or not even registered as being “real pain.” Such judgments had major effects on regimes of pain-alleviation. Indeed, it took until the late twentieth century for the routine underestimation of the sufferings of certain groups of (...)
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    Elaine Scarry, Michael Haneke’s Funny Games and the Structure of Cruelty.Joanna Bourke - 2019 - Body and Society 25 (3):136-152.
    Haneke’s film Funny Games is a reflection on the nature of pain and representation. I argue that the film closely follows Elaine Scarry’s arguments about the structure of torture. Further, by refusing to appeal to categories of generalization such as ‘sadism’ and ‘psychopathy’, Haneke undermines the process of finding meaning in violence. Haneke positions his audiences as more than just witnesses to torture, but active participants in cruelty.
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  5. Bestiality, Zoophilia and Human–Animal Sexual Interactions.Joanna Bourke - 2019 - Paragraph 42 (1):91-115.
    From the earliest human cultures, nonhuman animals have been central to the sexual imaginary of humans. This article traces the modern history of bestiality from the nineteenth century, culminating...
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    The Search for Plas Penrhyn.Judy Bourke - 1994 - Russell: The Journal of Bertrand Russell Studies 14 (2):173-177.
  7.  76
    Kant's Doctrine of "Perpetual Peace".John Bourke - 1942 - Philosophy 17 (68):324 - 333.
    There are two main questions which it is possible to ask about war. The first is, whether it is inevitable; the second, whether it is desirable. The former question is one of fact, the latter one of value. In the discussions of ordinary conversation the two are frequently-confused and obscured; arguments to prove war desirable may be heard based upon the supposed fact of its inevitability, and conversely. It is worth while considering how the two are related.
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  8. Are women animals?" : the rise and rise of (animal) rights.Joanna Bourke - 2020 - In Danielle Celermajer & Alexandre Lefebvre, The subject of human rights. Stanford, California: Stanford University Press.
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    Violación y trauma desde una perspectiva histórica.Joanna Bourke - 2010 - Arbor 186 (743):407-416.
    El trauma no constituye una forma universal de expresión de los efectos de un “suceso desagradable” sino que es construido socialmente. En el caso de la violación, el trauma psicológico es una forma relativamente reciente de conceptualizar las consecuencias de la agresión. En este artículo se examina el desarrollo de la noción de trauma en manuales psiquiátricos, legales y forenses, a propósito de las víctimas de violación, y se investigan las razones para su relativamente reciente puesta en práctica.
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    Sexual Violence, Bodily Pain, and Trauma: A History.Joanna Bourke - 2012 - Theory, Culture and Society 29 (3):25-51.
    Psychological trauma is a favoured trope of modernity. It has become commonplace to assume that all ‘bad events’ – and particularly those which involve violence – have a pathological effect on the sufferer’s psyche, as well as that of the perpetrators. This essay explores the ways victims of rape and sexual assault were understood in psychiatric, psychological, forensic, and legal texts in Britain and America from the 19th to the late 20th century. It argues that, unlike most other ‘bad events’, (...)
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    War and Violence.Joanna Bourke - 2006 - Thesis Eleven 86 (1):23-38.
    The brutalities of the past century have taken place in the milieu of Enlightenment values. At present, even the ideals of human rights have been used to (at the very least) tolerate and (and at its worst) justify barbaric acts, such as torture. This article interrogates the diverse ways British, American, and Australian individuals engaged in extremes of violence during three major conflicts of the 20th century. Like servicemen and servicewomen today, these combatants struggled to find a language capable of (...)
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  12. Zur lehre von der tatsachenerkenntnis.John Bourke - 1935 - Heidelberg,: C. Winter.
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    Responsibility, Freedom and Determinism.John Bourke - 1938 - Philosophy 13 (51):276 - 287.
    There may in general be said to be two ways in which progress may be made in the understanding and towards the solution of a problem. The one is that of the continual development of it in the form originally given to it, by confirming this and rejecting that point in the light of fresh evidence, by clarification of concepts, and by detecting and resolving ambiguities and inconsistencies. Here it is assumed that the standpoint from which the problem has been (...)
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    Transition to adulthood for young people with intellectual disability: the experiences of their families.H. Leonard, K. -R. Foley, T. Pikora, J. Bourke, K. Wong, L. McPherson, N. Lennox & J. Downs - unknown
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    What do patients value as incentives for participation in clinical trials? A pilot discrete choice experiment.Akke Vellinga, Colum Devine, Min Yun Ho, Colin Clarke, Patrick Leahy, Jane Bourke, Declan Devane, Sinead Duane & Patricia Kearney - 2020 - Research Ethics 16 (1-2):1-12.
    Incentivising has shown to improve participation in clinical trials. However, ethical concerns suggest that incentives may be coercive, obscure trial risks and encourage individuals to enrol in cli...
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    Frank Biess and Daniel M. Gross , Science and Emotions after 1945: A Transatlantic Perspective. Chicago and London: The University of Chicago Press, 2014. Pp. vi + 432. ISBN 978-0-226-12648-7. £28.00. [REVIEW]Joanna Bourke - 2015 - British Journal for the History of Science 48 (4):708-709.
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