Results for 'J. Marty'

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  1.  91
    Mind architecture and brain architecture.Camilo J. Cela-Conde & Gisèle Marty - 1997 - Biology and Philosophy 12 (3):327-340.
    The use of the computer metaphor has led to the proposal of mind architecture (Pylyshyn 1984; Newell 1990) as a model of the organization of the mind. The dualist computational model, however, has, since the earliest days of psychological functionalism, required that the concepts mind architecture and brain architecture be remote from each other. The development of both connectionism and neurocomputational science, has sought to dispense with this dualism and provide general models of consciousness – a uniform cognitive architecture –, (...)
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    Guest editorial.Marty J. Wolf, Alexis M. Elder & Gosia Plotka - 2019 - Journal of Information, Communication and Ethics in Society 17 (2):114-118.
    “Congealing” is a word that evokes senses of unpleasantness where perhaps something inviting had once been. It also implies that things are becoming less fluid and more rigid. As we began organizing ETHICOMP 2018, we wanted a theme that reflected the impact of technologies on human cultures, practices and lives. Our initial draft of the theme was “Creating, Changing, and Congealing Ways of Life with Technologies.” And while we were eventually persuaded to use a more congenial way of putting the (...)
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  3. David: Biblical Portraits of Power.Marti J. Steussy & Richard D. Phillips - 1999
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    (1 other version)Analysis, Clarification and Extension of the Theory of Strongly Semantic Information.Marty J. Wolf - 2011 - Etica and Politica / Ethics and Politics (2):246-254.
    This paper analyzes certain technical details of Floridi’s Theory of Strongly Semantic Information. It provides a clarification regarding desirable properties of degrees of informativeness functions by rejecting three of Floridi’s original constraints and proposing a replacement constraint. Finally, the paper briefly explores the notion of quantities of inaccuracy and shows an analysis that mimics Floridi’s analysis of quantities of vacuity.
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  5. New Directions in Biblical Thought.Martin E. Marty, Stephen C. Neill, L. Harold de Wolf, J. Carter Swaim, Hugh T. Kerr, Jack Finegan, Wayne H. Cowan, Carl Michalson, Clyde Leonard Manschreck, John W. Meister, Stanton A. Coblentz & Hazel Davis Clark - 1960
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    The Importance of Actualizing Control in the Processing of Instructional Information.Marty J. Wolf - 2013 - Philosophy and Technology 26 (1):67-70.
    This commentary on Fresco's article "Information processing as an account of concrete digital computation" illuminates the two intertwined roles that the definition of the term "information" plays in Fresco's analysis. It provides analysis of the notion of actualizing control in information processing. The key point made is that not all control information in common computational devices cannot be processed.
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    Bayesian Hierarchical Compositional Models for Analysing Longitudinal Abundance Data from Microbiome Studies.I. Creus Martí, A. Moya & F. J. Santonja - 2022 - Complexity 2022:1-16.
    Gut microbiome plays a significant role in defining the health status of subjects, and recent studies highlight the importance of using time series strategies to analyse microbiome dynamics. In this paper, we develop a Bayesian model for microbiota longitudinal data, based on Dirichlet distribution with time-varying parameters, that take into account the compositional paradigm and consider principal balances. The proposed model can be effective for predicting the future dynamics of a microbial community in the short term and for analysing the (...)
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  8.  30
    A Case for Information as a Basis for Ethics.Marty J. Wolf - 2014 - Techné: Research in Philosophy and Technology 18 (3):251-254.
  9.  95
    Book Review: Prophets, Performance, and Power: Performance Criticism of the Hebrew Bible. [REVIEW]Marti J. Steussy - 2007 - Interpretation: A Journal of Bible and Theology 61 (2):226-227.
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    Free, source-code-available, or proprietary: an ethically charged, context-sensitive choice.Marty J. Wolf, Keith W. Miller & Frances S. Grodzinsky - 2009 - Acm Sigcas Computers and Society 39 (1):15-26.
    We demonstrate that different categories of software raise different ethical concerns with respect to whether software ought to be Free Software or Proprietary Software. We outline the ethical tension between Free Software and Proprietary Software that stems from the two kinds of licenses. For some categories of software we develop support for normative statements regarding the software development landscape. We claim that as society's use of software changes, the ethical analysis for that category of software must necessarily be repeated. Finally, (...)
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  11. Arte y pensamiento en el siglo XX.García Martínez & A. J. - 1973 - [Buenos Aires]: Editorial Universitaria de Buenos Aires.
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  12.  47
    On whales and fish. Two models of interpretation.Genoveva Martí & Lorena Ramírez-Ludeña - 2019 - Jurisprudence 11 (1):63-75.
    We discuss the 1818 case in which the jury sided with inspector J. Maurice, who had demanded payment for inspecting casks of whale oil. The verdict is arguably incorrect: as several experts argued,...
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    Imaging Studies of Vision, Attention and Language Helen J. Neville.Marty Sereno - 1996 - In Garrison W. Cottrell, Proceedings of the Eighteenth Annual Conference of The Cognitive Science Society. Lawrence Erlbaum. pp. 18--5.
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  14. The instructional information processing account of digital computation.Nir Fresco & Marty J. Wolf - 2014 - Synthese 191 (7):1469-1492.
    What is nontrivial digital computation? It is the processing of discrete data through discrete state transitions in accordance with finite instructional information. The motivation for our account is that many previous attempts to answer this question are inadequate, and also that this account accords with the common intuition that digital computation is a type of information processing. We use the notion of reachability in a graph to defend this characterization in memory-based systems and underscore the importance of instructional information for (...)
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  15.  54
    A Game Semantics for System P.J. Marti & R. Pinosio - 2016 - Studia Logica 104 (6):1119-1144.
    In this paper we introduce a game semantics for System P, one of the most studied axiomatic systems for non-monotonic reasoning, conditional logic and belief revision. We prove soundness and completeness of the game semantics with respect to the rules of System P, and show that an inference is valid with respect to the game semantics if and only if it is valid with respect to the standard order semantics of System P. Combining these two results leads to a new (...)
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  16.  28
    There’s something in your eye: ethical implications of augmented visual field devices.Marty J. Wolf, Frances S. Grodzinsky & Keith W. Miller - 2016 - Journal of Information, Communication and Ethics in Society 14 (3):214-230.
    Purpose This paper aims to explore the ethical and social impact of augmented visual field devices, identifying issues that AVFDs share with existing devices and suggesting new ethical and social issues that arise with the adoption of AVFDs. Design/methodology/approach This essay incorporates both a philosophical and an ethical analysis approach. It is based on Plato’s Allegory of the Cave, philosophical notions of transparency and presence and human values including psychological well-being, physical well-being, privacy, deception, informed consent, ownership and property and (...)
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  17.  28
    (1 other version)A dictionary of philosophy of religion.Charles Taliaferro & Elsa J. Marty (eds.) - 2010 - New York: Continuum.
    An indispensable and comprehensive resource for students and scholars of philosophy of religion.
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  18.  43
    Exploring User-Centred Design in Practice: Some Caveats.Patrizia Marti & Liam J. Bannon - 2009 - Knowledge, Technology & Policy 22 (1):7-15.
  19. Ramon Llull, creador de la llengua literària.J. Marti I. Castell - 1995 - Studia Lulliana 35 (91):31-49.
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  20.  37
    Arrow-elicited cueing effects at short intervals: Rapid attentional orienting or cue-target stimulus conflict?Jessica J. Green & Marty G. Woldorff - 2012 - Cognition 122 (1):96-101.
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  21.  22
    The “Is” and “Ought” Convention.Duen Marti-Huang - 1987 - Dialectica 41 (1‐2):145-153.
    SummaryInstead of telling us why one should or should not derive an ‘ought’ from an ‘is’, most philosophers try to see whether this can or cannot be done. Since there are no clearly stated rules of inference for the ordinary language, the is‐ought dichotomy is re‐examined within the context of the deontic logic. This paper shows that rules like ‐AB ÓOB enables us to adopt the theorems of the propositional logic normatively, because logical standards for exactness, truth, completeness, etc. are (...)
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  22.  13
    Imaging Studies of Vision, Attention and Language.Helen J. Neville & Marty Sereno - 1996 - In Garrison W. Cottrell, Proceedings of the Eighteenth Annual Conference of The Cognitive Science Society. Lawrence Erlbaum. pp. 18--5.
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  23.  71
    This “Ethical Trap” Is for Roboticists, Not Robots: On the Issue of Artificial Agent Ethical Decision-Making.Keith W. Miller, Marty J. Wolf & Frances Grodzinsky - 2017 - Science and Engineering Ethics 23 (2):389-401.
    In this paper we address the question of when a researcher is justified in describing his or her artificial agent as demonstrating ethical decision-making. The paper is motivated by the amount of research being done that attempts to imbue artificial agents with expertise in ethical decision-making. It seems clear that computing systems make decisions, in that they make choices between different options; and there is scholarship in philosophy that addresses the distinction between ethical decision-making and general decision-making. Essentially, the qualitative (...)
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  24. Gesammelte Schriften, Herausg. Von J. Eisenmeier, A. Kastil, O. Kraus.Anton Marty & Josef Eisenmeier - 1916
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    Estudios filosóficos.Ricaurte Soler & José de Jesús Martínez (eds.) - 1974 - Panamá: INCUDE.
    Soler, R. Sobre la dialéctica: Modelo mecanicista y método dialéctico. Causalidad en el mecanicismo y casualidad en la dialéctica. Dialéctica de universales e individuales.--Martínez, J. de J. Ensayos filosóficos: Sobre el humanismo en la Edad Media y en el Renacimiento. Sobre el problema de la muerte.
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  26. Vida, mente, máquina: medio siglo de metáforas.Camilo J.[Y.] Gisèle Marty Cela Conde - 1994 - Ludus Vitalis 2 (2):25-38.
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  27.  73
    The indeterminacy of computation.Nir Fresco, B. Jack Copeland & Marty J. Wolf - 2021 - Synthese 199 (5-6):12753-12775.
    Do the dynamics of a physical system determine what function the system computes? Except in special cases, the answer is no: it is often indeterminate what function a given physical system computes. Accordingly, care should be taken when the question ‘What does a particular neuronal system do?’ is answered by hypothesising that the system computes a particular function. The phenomenon of the indeterminacy of computation has important implications for the development of computational explanations of biological systems. Additionally, the phenomenon lends (...)
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  28. Vida, mente, máquina: medio siglo de metáforas Camilo J. Cela Conde».Giséle Marty & La Mettrie - 1994 - Ludus Vitalis 2 (2):25.
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  29.  10
    The language of ethics and community in Graham Greene's fiction.Paula Martín Salván - 2015 - New York: Palgrave-Macmillan.
    This book maps out the lexico-conceptual articulation of Greene's narrative dramatization of ethical situations. This main aim issues from three working hypotheses: in the first place, a reduced set of terms such as peace, despair, pity or commitment have a striking lexical recurrence in Greene's texts. They are considered here as keywords that articulate his discourse at a conceptual level. In the second place, those keywords are invested with narrative potential. They have the capacity to generate narrative situations and developments. (...)
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  30.  13
    Bioética global, justicia y teología moral.Alarcos Martínez & Francisco José - 2005 - Madrid: Universidad Pontificia Comillas.
    La cuestión de la justicia global en el ámbito de la bioética no es una cuestión baladí, en ella nos jugamos la dignidad a escala planetaria y la dignidad de todos y cada uno de los seres humanos en particular. El paradigma para pensar el mundo ya no es la confrontación Este-Oeste, ni incluso Norte-Sur. Los problemas, con sus posibilidades y limitaciones en la forma de abordarlos, tienen dimensiones globales. Urge una rearticulación de los discursos parcelados y compartimentados pues, desde (...)
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    AYALA, FRANCISCO J. Tres preguntas clave sobre la evolución del hombre. Una conversación pública con Francisco J. Ayala, Unión Editorial, Madrid, 2012, 64 pp. [REVIEW]Miguel Martí Sánchez - 2014 - Anuario Filosófico:197-199.
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  32. Modernidad y posmodernidad en América Latina.Dorando J. Michelini, J. San Martín & F. Lagrave (eds.) - 1991 - Río Cuarto, Córdoba, Repúbica Argentina: Intercambio Cultural Alemán-Latinoamericano.
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  33.  15
    Bioética: un diálogo plural: homenaje a Javier Gafo Fernández, S.J.Jorge José Ferrer, Julio L. Martínez & Javier Gafo (eds.) - 2002 - Madrid: Universidad Pontificia Comillas.
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  34.  51
    Developing Automated Deceptions and the Impact on Trust.Frances S. Grodzinsky, Keith W. Miller & Marty J. Wolf - 2015 - Philosophy and Technology 28 (1):91-105.
    As software developers design artificial agents , they often have to wrestle with complex issues, issues that have philosophical and ethical importance. This paper addresses two key questions at the intersection of philosophy and technology: What is deception? And when is it permissible for the developer of a computer artifact to be deceptive in the artifact’s development? While exploring these questions from the perspective of a software developer, we examine the relationship of deception and trust. Are developers using deception to (...)
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    J. A. García, Presente y libertad. Exposición de la filosofía sobre el límite mental de Leonardo Polo, Cuadernos de Anuario Filosófico, Serie Universitaria, nº 252, Pamplona, Servicio de Publicaciones de la Universidad de Navarra, 2015, 98 pp. [REVIEW]Miguel Martí Sánchez - 2016 - Studia Poliana:140-142.
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    The Electronic Schoolbag, a CSCW workspace: presentation and evaluation. [REVIEW]G. Chabert, J. Ch Marty, B. Caron, T. Carron, L. Vignollet & C. Ferraris - 2006 - AI and Society 20 (3):403-419.
    This paper describes the Electronic Schoolbag, a digital workspace developed at the University of Savoie (France) and analyses its usages. This online environment is dedicated to the educational world: it offers pupils, students, teachers, school staff, or parents, personal and group workspaces in which individual or collaborative activities can take place. The flexibility of this software, allowing synchronous or asynchronous activities, lies in the “participation model”. This model allows groups themselves to describe and organise their activities. The architecture that permits (...)
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  37. Jorge J.E. Gracia: El hombre y su conducta: Ensayos filosóficos en honor de Risieri Frondizi. [REVIEW]Oscar R. Marti - 1985 - Revista Latinoamericana de Filosofia 11 (2):179.
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    Participation of French general practitioners in end-of-life decisions for their hospitalised patients.E. Ferrand, P. Jabre, S. Fernandez-Curiel, F. Morin, C. Vincent-Genod, P. Duvaldestin, F. Lemaire, C. Herve & J. Marty - 2006 - Journal of Medical Ethics 32 (12):683-687.
    Background and objective: Assuming the hypothesis that the general practitioner can and should be a key player in making end-of-life decisions for hospitalised patients, perceptions of GPs’ role assigned to them by hospital doctors in making withdrawal decisions for such patients were surveyed.Design: Questionnaire survey.Setting: Urban and rural areas.Participants: GPs.Results: The response rate was 32.2% , and it was observed that 70.8% of respondents believed that their participation in withdrawal decisions for their hospitalised patients was essential, whereas 42.1% believed that (...)
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  39. (1 other version)The ethics of designing artificial agents.S. Grodzinsky Frances, W. Miller Keith & J. Wolf Marty - 2008 - Ethics and Information Technology 10 (2-3):112-121.
    In their important paper “Autonomous Agents”, Floridi and Sanders use “levels of abstraction” to argue that computers are or may soon be moral agents. In this paper we use the same levels of abstraction to illuminate differences between human moral agents and computers. In their paper, Floridi and Sanders contributed definitions of autonomy, moral accountability and responsibility, but they have not explored deeply some essential questions that need to be answered by computer scientists who design artificial agents. One such question (...)
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  40. Symposium. The Apology Ritual.Christopher Bennett, Edgar Maraguat, J. M. Pérez Bermejo, Antony Duff, J. L. Martí, Sergi Rosell & Constantine Sandis - 2012 - Teorema: International Journal of Philosophy 31 (2).
    Symposium on Christopher Bennet's The Apology Ritual. A Philosophical Theory of Punishment [Cambridge University Press, 2008].
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  41.  21
    Teleofunction in the Service of Computational Individuation.Nir Fresco, Marc Artiga & Marty J. Wolf - unknown
    One type of computational indeterminacy arises from partitioning a system’s physical state space into state types that correspond to the abstract state types underlying the computation concerned. The mechanistic individuative strategy posits that computation can be uniquely identified through either narrow physical properties exclusively or wide, proximal properties. The semantic strategy posits that computation should be uniquely identified through semantic properties. We develop, and defend, an alternative functional individuative strategy that appeals—when needed—to wide, distal functions. We claim that there is (...)
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  42.  47
    Dynamic technology challenges static codes of ethics.Bo Brinkman, Catherine Flick, Don Gotterbarn, Keith Miller, Kate Vazansky & Marty J. Wolf - 2017 - Acm Sigcas Computers and Society 47 (3):7-24.
    We describe the process of changing and the changes being suggested for the ACM Code of Ethics and Professional Conduct. In addition to addressing the technical and ethical basis for the proposed changes, we identify suggestions that commenters made in response to the first draft. We invite feedback on the proposed changes and on the suggestions that commenters made.
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    Collaboration Variability in Autism Spectrum Disorder.Maria Blancas, Giovanni Maffei, Martí Sánchez-Fibla, Vasiliki Vouloutsi & Paul F. M. J. Verschure - 2020 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 14:559793.
    This paper addresses how impairments in prediction in young adults with autism spectrum disorder relate to their behavior during a collaboration. To assess it, we developed a task where participants play in collaboration with a synthetic agent to maximize their score. The agent’s behavior changes during the different phases of the game, requiring participants to model their sensorimotor contingencies to play collaboratively. Our results (n = 30) show differences between autistic and neurotypical individuals in their behavioral adaptation to the other (...)
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  44.  34
    All hands on deck for ACM Ethics.Bo Brinkman, Don Gotterbarn, Keith W. Miller & Marty J. Wolf - 2016 - Acm Sigcas Computers and Society 46 (3):5-8.
    The Association for Computing Machinery's Committee on Professional Ethics has been charged to execute three major projects over the next two years: updating ACM's Code of Ethics and Professional Conduct, revising the enforcement procedures for the Code, and developing new media to promote integrity in the profession. We cannot do this alone, and we are asking SIGCAS members to volunteer and get involved. We will briefly describe the rationale and plan behind these projects and describe opportunities to get involved.
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    Charles Taliaferro and Elsa J. Marty, eds. , A Dictionary of Philosophy of Religion . Reviewed by. [REVIEW]Brendan Sweetman - 2013 - Philosophy in Review 33 (4):329-330.
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    Anotaciones sobre el pensamiento de J. Martí y la posibilidad de interpretarlo desde el punto de vista marxista.Raúl Fornet Betancourt - 1977 - Cuadernos Salmantinos de Filosofía 4:223-262.
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    Mr Marty's muddle: a superficial and selective case for euthanasia in Europe.J. Keown - 2006 - Journal of Medical Ethics 32 (1):29-33.
    In April 2004 the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe debated a report from its Social, Health and Family Affairs Committee , which questioned the Council of Europe’s opposition to legalising euthanasia. This article exposes the Report’s flaws, not least its superficiality and selectivity.
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  48. F. Marty, La naissance de la métaphysique chez Kant. [REVIEW]J. Ferrari - 1984 - Société Française de Philosophie, Bulletin 75 (3):355.
  49.  31
    El universo espiritual humano en los textos de José Martí de La opinión nacional.Freddy Varona Domínguez - 2019 - Ideas Y Valores 68 (169):83-107.
    Ante la urgencia de atender a los problemas cuya solución no es solo material, el universo espiritual humano se presenta como una categoría central. Al conjugar lo racional y lo afectivo, se delimita su esencia, asimismo se despliega una reflexión teórica y se revela su presencia en el pensamiento de José Martí. Se estudian sus es- critos de 1881-1882 en el diario caraqueño La Opinión Nacional, hasta ahora poco analizados, para mostrar la relación dialéctica en la visión unitaria e integradora, (...)
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  50.  25
    Civilization and Barbarism in Sarmiento and Martí Continuities and Ruptures in the Search for the New Political Subject.Lucía Aguerre - 2022 - Ideas Y Valores 71 (180):147-171.
    RESUMEN En este artículo se analizan las ideas contrapuestas de Domingo Faustino Sarmiento y José Martí sobre el binomio "civilización-barbarie", categoría medular de los discursos políticos e intelectuales del siglo XIX, con el fin de explorar sus concepciones sobre el nuevo sujeto político. Se exploran los "contextos de enunciación" desde los cuales desarrollaron sus posiciones ético-políticas; la opción por el hombre natural (Martí) frente al sujeto político ideal (Sarmiento); y la apelación y desmontaje de las categorías raciales en ambos autores. (...)
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