Results for 'J. Michael Eisner'

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  1.  16
    Implications for 1968.J. Michael Eisner - 1967 - Business and Society 7 (2):5-12.
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    Birdsong, Speech, and Language: Exploring the Evolution of Mind and Brain.Johan J. Bolhuis & Martin Everaert (eds.) - 2013 - MIT Press.
    Scholars have long been captivated by the parallels between birdsong and human speech and language. In this book, leading scholars draw on the latest research to explore what birdsong can tell us about the biology of human speech and language and the consequences for evolutionary biology. They examine the cognitive and neural similarities between birdsong learning and speech and language acquisition, considering vocal imitation, auditory learning, an early vocalization phase, the structural properties of birdsong and human language, and the striking (...)
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  3. Reimagining schools: the selected works of Elliot W. Eisner.Elliot W. Eisner - 2005 - New York: Routledge.
    Elliot Eisner has spent the last 40 years researching, thinking and writing about some of the key and enduring issues in Arts Education, Curriculum Studies and Qualitative Research. He has contributed over 20 books and 500 articles to the field. In this book, Professor Eisner has compiled a career-long collection of his finest pieces-extracts from books, key articles, salient research findings and major theoretical contributions-so the world can read them in a single manageable volume. Starting with a specially (...)
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  4. Intuitive semantics for first-degree entailments and 'coupled trees'.J. Michael Dunn - 1976 - Philosophical Studies 29 (3):149-168.
  5. Star and perp: Two treatments of negation.J. Michael Dunn - 1993 - Philosophical Perspectives 7:331-357.
  6.  78
    Algebraic Methods in Philosophical Logic.J. Michael Dunn - 2001 - Oxford, England: Oxford University Press.
    This comprehensive text shows how various notions of logic can be viewed as notions of universal algebra providing more advanced concepts for those who have an introductory knowledge of algebraic logic, as well as those wishing to delve into more theoretical aspects.
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  7. Partiality and its dual.J. Michael Dunn - 2000 - Studia Logica 66 (1):5-40.
    This paper explores allowing truth value assignments to be undetermined or "partial" and overdetermined or "inconsistent", thus returning to an investigation of the four-valued semantics that I initiated in the sixties. I examine some natural consequence relations and show how they are related to existing logics, including ukasiewicz's three-valued logic, Kleene's three-valued logic, Anderson and Belnap's relevant entailments, Priest's "Logic of Paradox", and the first-degree fragment of the Dunn-McCall system "R-mingle". None of these systems have nested implications, and I investigate (...)
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  8. (1 other version)Algebraic Methods in Philosophical Logic.J. Michael Dunn & Gary M. Hardegree - 2003 - Bulletin of Symbolic Logic 9 (2):231-234.
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  9. Relevant predication 2: Intrinsic properties and internal relations.J. Michael Dunn - 1990 - Philosophical Studies 60 (3):177-206.
  10. Positive modal logic.J. Michael Dunn - 1995 - Studia Logica 55 (2):301 - 317.
    We give a set of postulates for the minimal normal modal logicK + without negation or any kind of implication. The connectives are simply , , , . The postulates (and theorems) are all deducibility statements . The only postulates that might not be obvious are.
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  11. The substitution interpretation of the quantifiers.J. Michael Dunn & Nuel D. Belnap - 1968 - Noûs 2 (2):177-185.
  12.  58
    Response to Arthur Efland's and Richard Siegesmund's Reviews of The Arts and the Creation of Mind.Elliot W. Eisner - 2004 - Journal of Aesthetic Education 38 (4):96.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Response to Arthur Efland's and Richard Siegesmund's Reviews of The Arts and the Creation of MindElliot W. Eisner, Lee Jacks Professor of Education and Professor of ArtWhen I was invited by the Editor of The Journal of Aesthetic Education to respond to two unidentified reviews of my latest book, The Arts and the Creation of Mind, I thought that I would encounter a bevy of negatively critical comments, (...)
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    Negation in the Context of Gaggle Theory.J. Michael Dunn & Chunlai Zhou - 2005 - Studia Logica 80 (2):235-264.
    We study an application of gaggle theory to unary negative modal operators. First we treat negation as impossibility and get a minimal logic system Ki that has a perp semantics. Dunn 's kite of different negations can be dealt with in the extensions of this basic logic Ki. Next we treat negation as “unnecessity” and use a characteristic semantics for different negations in a kite which is dual to Dunn 's original one. Ku is the minimal logic that has a (...)
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  14.  76
    A theorem in 3-valued model theory with connections to number theory, type theory, and relevant logic.J. Michael Dunn - 1979 - Studia Logica 38 (2):149 - 169.
    Given classical (2 valued) structures and and a homomorphism h of onto , it is shown how to construct a (non-degenerate) 3-valued counterpart of . Classical sentences that are true in are non-false in . Applications to number theory and type theory (with axiom of infinity) produce finite 3-valued models in which all classically true sentences of these theories are non-false. Connections to relevant logic give absolute consistency proofs for versions of these theories formulated in relevant logic (the proof for (...)
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    Relationship between machiavellianism and type a personality and ethical-orientation.J. Michael Rayburn & L. Gayle Rayburn - 1996 - Journal of Business Ethics 15 (11):1209 - 1219.
    Results of a study investigating the relation between personality traits and ethical-orientation indicate sex is not an good predictor for differences in Machiavellian-, Type A personality- or ethical-orientation. Intelligence is found to be positively associated with Machiavellian- and Type A personality-orientation but negatively associated with ethical-orientation. Machiavellians tend to have Type A personalities, but tend to be less ethically-oriented than Nonmachiavellians. Type A personalities are more ethically-orientated than Type B personalities.
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  16. Quantum Mathematics.J. Michael Dunn - 1980 - PSA: Proceedings of the Biennial Meeting of the Philosophy of Science Association 1980:512 - 531.
    This paper explores the development of mathematics on a quantum logical base when mathematical postulates are taken as necessary truths. First it is shown that first-order Peano arithmetic formulated with quantum logic has the same theorems as classical first-order Peano arithmetic. Distribution for first-order arithmetical formulas is a theorem not of quantum logic but rather of arithmetic. Second, it is shown that distribution fails for second-order Peano arithmetic without extensionality. Third, it is shown that distribution holds for second-order Peano arithmetic (...)
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  17. A Kripke-style semantics for R-Mingle using a binary accessibility relation.J. Michael Dunn - 1976 - Studia Logica 35 (2):163 - 172.
  18. On the Concept of Independent Nature.J. Michael Scoville - 2023 - Environmental Philosophy 20 (2):237-265.
    Multiple concepts of nature are at play in environmental theory and practice. One that has gripped several theorists is the idea of nature as referring to that which is independent of humans and human activity. This concept has been subject to forceful criticism, notably in the recent work of Steven Vogel. After clarifying problematic and promising ways of charac­terizing independent nature, I engage Vogel’s critique. While the critique is compelling in certain respects, I argue that it fails to appreciate what (...)
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    The impossibility of certain higher-order non-classical logics with extensionality.J. Michael Dunn - 1988 - In D. F. Austin, Philosophical Analysis. Kluwer Academic Publishers. pp. 261--279.
  20.  65
    A modification of Parry's analytic implication.J. Michael Dunn - 1972 - Notre Dame Journal of Formal Logic 13 (2):195-205.
  21. Canonical Extensions and Relational Completeness of Some Substructural Logics.J. Michael Dunn, Mai Gehrke & Alessandra Palmigiano - 2005 - Journal of Symbolic Logic 70 (3):713 - 740.
    In this paper we introduce canonical extensions of partially ordered sets and monotone maps and a corresponding discrete duality. We then use these to give a uniform treatment of completeness of relational semantics for various substructural logics with implication as the residual(s) of fusion.
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  22.  83
    Relevant predication 3: essential properties.J. Michael Dunn - 1990 - In J. Dunn & A. Gupta, Truth or Consequences: Essays in Honor of Nuel Belnap. Boston, MA, USA: Kluwer Academic Publishers. pp. 77--95.
  23.  48
    Algebraic Completeness Results for Dummett's LC and Its Extensions.J. Michael Dunn & Robert K. Meyer - 1971 - Mathematical Logic Quarterly 17 (1):225-230.
  24.  43
    R-Mingle is Nice, and so is Arnon Avron.J. Michael Dunn - 2021 - In Ofer Arieli & Anna Zamansky, Arnon Avron on Semantics and Proof Theory of Non-Classical Logics. Springer Verlag. pp. 141-165.
    Arnon Avron has written: “Dunn-McCall logic RM is by far the best understood and the most well-behaved in the family of logics developed by the school of Anderson and Belnap.” I agree. There is the famous saying: “Do not let the perfect become the enemy of the good.” I might say: “good enough.” In this spirit, I will examine the logic R-Mingle, exploring how it is only a “semi-relevant logic” but still a paraconsistent logic. I shall discuss the history of (...)
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  25.  30
    (1 other version)A truth value semantics for modal logic.J. Michael Dunn - 1973 - Journal of Symbolic Logic 42 (2):87--100.
  26.  25
    Generalized onrno negation.J. Michael Dunn - 1996 - In Heinrich Wansing, Negation: a notion in focus. New York: W. de Gruyter. pp. 7--3.
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  27.  59
    Sexual Size Dimorphism, Canine Dimorphism, and Male-Male Competition in Primates.J. Michael Plavcan - 2012 - Human Nature 23 (1):45-67.
    Sexual size dimorphism is generally associated with sexual selection via agonistic male competition in nonhuman primates. These primate models play an important role in understanding the origins and evolution of human behavior. Human size dimorphism is often hypothesized to be associated with high rates of male violence and polygyny. This raises the question of whether human dimorphism and patterns of male violence are inherited from a common ancestor with chimpanzees or are uniquely derived. Here I review patterns of, and causal (...)
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  28. (1 other version)Kant’s View of Imagination.J. Michael Young - 1988 - Kant Studien 79 (1-4):140-164.
  29.  50
    (1 other version)Lectures on Logic.J. Michael Young (ed.) - 1992 - Cambridge University Press.
  30. Historical Environmental Values.J. Michael Scoville - 2013 - Environmental Ethics 35 (1):7-25.
    John O’Neill, Alan Holland, and Andrew Light usefully distinguish two ways of thinking about environmental values, namely, end-state and historical views. To value nature in an end-state way is to value it because it instantiates certain properties, such as complexity or diversity. In contrast, a historical view says that nature’s value is (partly) determined by its particular history. Three contemporary defenses of a historical view are explored in order to clarify: (1) the normatively relevant history; (2) how historical considerations are (...)
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  31. Dualling: A critique of an argument of Popper and Miller.J. Michael Dunn & Geoffrey Hellman - 1986 - British Journal for the Philosophy of Science 37 (2):220-223.
  32.  49
    Functions of Thought and the Synthesis of Intuitions.J. Michael Young - 1992 - In Paul Guyer, The Cambridge companion to Kant. New York: Cambridge University Press. pp. 3--101.
  33.  64
    Quantification and RM.J. Michael Dunn - 1976 - Studia Logica 35 (3):315 - 322.
  34.  26
    Contradictory Information: Better Than Nothing? The Paradox of the Two Firefighters.J. Michael Dunn & Nicholas M. Kiefer - 2019 - In Can Başkent & Thomas Macaulay Ferguson, Graham Priest on Dialetheism and Paraconsistency. Cham, Switzerland: Springer Verlag. pp. 231-247.
    Prominent philosophers have argued that contradictions contain either too much or too little information to be useful. We dispute this with what we call the “Paradox of the Two Firefighters.” Suppose you are awakened in your hotel room by a fire alarm. You open the door. You see three possible ways out: left, right, straight ahead. You see two firefighters. One says there is exactly one safe route and it is to your left. The other says there is exactly one (...)
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  35.  63
    Relevant Robinson's arithmetic.J. Michael Dunn - 1979 - Studia Logica 38 (4):407 - 418.
    In this paper two different formulations of Robinson's arithmetic based on relevant logic are examined. The formulation based on the natural numbers (including zero) is shown to collapse into classical Robinson's arithmetic, whereas the one based on the positive integers (excluding zero) is shown not to similarly collapse. Relations of these two formulations to R. K. Meyer's system R# of relevant Peano arithmetic are examined, and some remarks are made about the role of constant functions (e.g., multiplication by zero) in (...)
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  36.  60
    A relational representation of quasi-Boolean algebras.J. Michael Dunn - 1982 - Notre Dame Journal of Formal Logic 23 (4):353-357.
  37.  47
    (1 other version)A guide to the Floridi keys: Luciano Floridi: The philosophy of information. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2011, xx+405pp, £37.50 HB.J. Michael Dunn - 2012 - Metascience 22 (1):93-98.
  38.  64
    A sieve for entailments.J. Michael Dunn - 1980 - Journal of Philosophical Logic 9 (1):41 - 57.
    The validity of an entailment has nothing to do with whether or not the components are true, false, necessary, or impossible; it has to do solely with whether or not there is a necessary connection between antecedent and consequent. Hence it is a mistake (we feel) to try to build a sieve which will “strain out” entailments from the set of material or strict “implications” present in some system of truth-functions, or of truth-functions with modality. Anderson and Belnap (1962, p. (...)
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    Kant on the Construction of Arithmetical Concepts.J. Michael Young - 1982 - Kant Studien 73 (1-4):17-46.
  40. A Defense of Integrity as a Conservation Concept.J. Michael Scoville - 2016 - Ethics and the Environment 21 (2):79-117.
    An environmental ethic needs to have an answer to two basic questions: what nature should we care about, and why? A number of proposals have been made about how to answer these questions. In this paper, I consider in detail one such proposal, namely, biological or ecological integrity. Different characterizations of integrity can be found in the literature, but I will treat the following one as paradigmatic. Integrity refers to a property of landscapes that are relatively unmodified by human activity (...)
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  41. Quantum Logic as Motivated by Quantum Computing.J. Michael Dunn, Tobias J. Hagge, Lawrence S. Moss & Zhenghan Wang - 2005 - Journal of Symbolic Logic 70 (2):353 - 359.
  42.  90
    Synthesis and the Content of Pure Concepts in Kant's First Critique.J. Michael Young - 1994 - Journal of the History of Philosophy 32 (3):331-357.
  43. The Concept of Moral Obligation.Michael J. Zimmerman - 1996 - New York: Cambridge University Press.
    The principal aim of this book is to develop and defend an analysis of the concept of moral obligation. The analysis is neutral regarding competing substantive theories of obligation, whether consequentialist or deontological in character. What it seeks to do is generate solutions to a range of philosophical problems concerning obligation and its application. Amongst these problems are deontic paradoxes, the supersession of obligation, conditional obligation, prima facie obligation, actualism and possibilism, dilemmas, supererogation, and cooperation. By virtue of its normative (...)
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  44. Construction, schematism, and imagination.J. Michael Young - 1984 - Topoi 3 (2):123-131.
  45. Darwin’s Black Box: The Biochemical Challenge to Evolution.Michael J. Behe - 1996 - Free Press.
  46. Conditional assertion and restricted quantification: Abstracts of comments.J. Michael Dunn - 1970 - Noûs 4 (1):13.
  47.  23
    Incompleteness of the bibinary semantics for R.J. Michael Dunn - 1987 - Bulletin of the Section of Logic 16 (3):107-109.
  48. Fundamentality without Foundations.Michael J. Raven - 2016 - Philosophy and Phenomenological Research 93 (3):607-626.
    A commonly held view is that a central aim of metaphysics is to give a fundamental account of reality which refers only to the fundamental entities. But a puzzle arises. It is at least a working hypothesis for those pursuing the aim that, first, there must be fundamental entities. But, second, it also seems possible that the world has no foundation, with each entity depending on others. These two claims are inconsistent with the widely held third claim that the fundamental (...)
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    (2 other versions)Liberalism and the Limits of Justice.Michael J. Sandel - 1984 - Journal of Philosophy 81 (6):336-343.
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  50. Framing Food Justice.J. Michael Scoville - 2015 - In Jill Marie Dieterle, Just Food: Philosophy, Justice and Food. Rowman & Littlefield International. pp. 3-20.
    Articulating an account of food justice in isolation from broader questions about sustainability would leave many important normative issues unaddressed. This chapter explores the reasons for thinking that questions of food justice need to be framed within the context of the broader set of social and environmental goals that comprise sustainability. An initial difficulty faced by this proposal is that many philosophers (among others) have viewed the concept and norm of sustainability with suspicion. Reasons for this range from concern about (...)
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