Jonathan Short [12]John Short [3]Jeremy C. Short [3]John Rennie Short [2]
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  1.  92
    Organizational Virtue Orientation and Family Firms.G. Tyge Payne, Keith H. Brigham, J. Christian Broberg, Todd W. Moss & Jeremy C. Short - 2011 - Business Ethics Quarterly 21 (2):257-285.
    ABSTRACT:This manuscript develops the concept of organizational virtue orientation (OVO) and examines differences between family and non-family firms on the six organizational virtue dimensions of Integrity, Empathy, Warmth, Courage, Conscientiousness, and Zeal. Using content analysis of shareholder letters fromS&P 500companies, our analyses find that there are significant differences between family and non-family firms in their espoused OVO, with family firms generally being higher. Specifically, family firms were significantly higher on the dimensions of Empathy, Warmth, and Zeal, but lower on Courage. (...)
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  2.  31
    An Empirical Examination of Firm, Industry, and Temporal Effects on Corporate Social Performance.G. Tomas M. Hult, Charles C. Snow, David J. Ketchen, Aaron F. McKenny & Jeremy C. Short - 2016 - Business and Society 55 (8):1122-1156.
    Research examining firm and industry effects on performance has primarily focused on the financial aspects of firm performance. Corporate social performance is a major aspect of firm performance that has been under-examined empirically in the literature to date. Adding to the fundamental debate regarding firm versus industry effects on performance, this study uses data drawn from the Kinder, Lydenberg and Domini Co. database to examine the degree to which CSP is related to firm, industry, and temporal factors. The results of (...)
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  3. Cities After COVID: Ten philosophers consider how COVID has impacted the life of the city.Ian Olasov, Michael Menser, Jennifer Gammage, Eduardo Souza dos Santos, John Rennie Short, Kenny Easwaran, Ronald R. Sundstrom, Irfan Khawaja, Quill R. Kukla & Katherine Melcher - 2022 - The Philosophers' Magazine.
  4.  24
    Religious Expression and Crowdfunded Microfinance Success: Insights from Role Congruity Theory.Aaron H. Anglin, Hana Milanov & Jeremy C. Short - 2022 - Journal of Business Ethics 185 (2):397-426.
    Crowdfunded microfinance provides financial resources to impoverished entrepreneurs across the globe based on online appeals describing the entrepreneur’s values and venture potential and is considered a key player in the ethical finance movement. Despite knowledge that the content of the appeals impacts funding success, little is known regarding the role of religious expression, which is common and consequential in socially-oriented contexts. We leverage role congruity theory to address a theoretical tension concerning the effects of religious expression on crowdfunded microfinance funding (...)
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  5.  83
    Community, immunity, and the proper an introduction to the political theory of Roberto Esposito.Greg Bird & Jonathan Short - 2013 - Angelaki 18 (3):1-12.
    This article underlines and draws attention to critical insights that Esposito makes regarding the prospects of rethinking community in a globalized world. Alongside Agamben and Nancy, Esposito challenges the property prejudice found in mainstream models of community. In identity politics, collective identity is converted into a form of communal property. Borders, sovereign territories, and exclusive rights are fiercely defended in the name of communal property. Esposito responds to this problem by developing what I call a “deontological communal contract” where being (...)
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  6.  24
    On an obligatory nothing situating the political in post-metaphysical community.Jonathan Short - 2013 - Angelaki 18 (3):139-154.
    This essay contends that while Nancy and Esposito have strikingly similar concepts of the place of the political in post-metaphysical community, their respective articulations of these concepts noticeably diverge. Because of his commitment to excavating the political project of immunity as central to the Western political tradition in and through the category of the legal person, Esposito announces community as impolitical, as the interruptive spacing, and thus alternating displacement, of the political conceived as the site of emancipatory agency. In contrast, (...)
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  7.  32
    Adorno and the Need in Thinking: New Critical Essays.Donald Burke, Colin J. Campbell, Kathy Kiloh, Michael Palamarek & Jonathan Short (eds.) - 2007 - University of Toronto Press.
    This collection of essays, though dealing with different topics from section to section, is unified by the idea that, at least in the English-speaking world, ...
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  8.  24
    Barriers to and enablers of evidence‐based practice in perinatal care in the SEA‐ORCHID project.Tari Turner & Jacki Short - 2013 - Journal of Evaluation in Clinical Practice 19 (4):591-597.
  9. Contexts of change.Keith Bassett & John Short - 1989 - In Derek Gregory & Rex Walford, Horizons in human geography. Totowa, N.J.: Barnes & Noble. pp. 175.
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  10.  23
    Community, Immunity and the Proper: Roberto Esposito.Greg Bird & Jon Short (eds.) - 2015 - Routledge.
    It is widely apparent in our hyper-globalized world that the epistemologies, institutions, and practices underwriting it have reached a state of profound crisis. In the globalized world, everything is inevitably brought into proximity and correlation. Wars, natural disasters, climatic upheaval, nor political and economic turmoil, none of these can be effectively isolated, insulated, instituted, even immunized, as something apart, something that might be considered proper only to itself. This collected edition considers this crisis of the proper with a focus on (...)
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  11.  12
    War and Border Crossings: Ethics When Cultures Clash.Peter A. French & Jason A. Short (eds.) - 2005 - Rowman & Littlefield Publishers.
    War and Border Crossings brings together renowned scholars to address some of the most pressing problems in public policy, international affairs, and the intercultural issues of our day. Contributors from widely varying disciplines discuss cross-cultural ethical issues and international topics ranging from American international policy and the invasion and occupation of Iraq to domestic topics such as immigration, the war on drugs, cross-cultural bioethics and ethical issues involving American Indian tribes. The culture clashes discussed in these essays raise serious questions (...)
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  12.  15
    Alternative Geographies.John R. Short - 2000 - Prentice-Hall.
    An accessible and groundbreaking text that takes a fresh view of contemporary geographical issues by looking at the geographies we have lost. Geography means writing about the world. Alternative ways of writing about the world are introduced and critically evaluated. The book discusses medieval cosmologies, Renaissance magic, feng shui, and the knowledge systems of indigenous people. Alternative Geographies provides an alternative way of looking, describing and understanding the world.
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  13.  20
    (2 other versions)Contents.Jonathan Short, Michael Palamarek, Kathy Kiloh, Colin J. Campbell & Donald Burke - 2007 - In Donald Burke, Colin J. Campbell, Kathy Kiloh, Michael Palamarek & Jonathan Short, Adorno and the Need in Thinking: New Critical Essays. University of Toronto Press.
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  14.  26
    7. Experience and Aura: Adorno, McDowell, and ‘Second Nature’.Jonathan Short - 2007 - In Donald Burke, Colin J. Campbell, Kathy Kiloh, Michael Palamarek & Jonathan Short, Adorno and the Need in Thinking: New Critical Essays. University of Toronto Press. pp. 181-200.
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  15.  27
    Introduction.Jonathan Short, Michael Palamarek, Kathy Kiloh, Colin J. Campbell & Donald Burke - 2007 - In Donald Burke, Colin J. Campbell, Kathy Kiloh, Michael Palamarek & Jonathan Short, Adorno and the Need in Thinking: New Critical Essays. University of Toronto Press. pp. 1-32.
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  16.  17
    Notes on Contributors.Jonathan Short, Michael Palamarek, Kathy Kiloh, Colin J. Campbell & Donald Burke - 2007 - In Donald Burke, Colin J. Campbell, Kathy Kiloh, Michael Palamarek & Jonathan Short, Adorno and the Need in Thinking: New Critical Essays. University of Toronto Press. pp. 363-365.
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  17.  6
    Person and munus in the thought of Roberto Esposito.Jonathan Short - 2018 - In Inna Viriasova, Roberto Esposito: biopolitics and philosophy. Albany, NY: SUNY. pp. 143-160.
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  18. Triumphant Believing.John Short - 1952
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  19.  69
    The Philosophy of Agamben/Giorgio Agamben: A Critical Introduction. [REVIEW]Jonathan Short - 2010 - Symposium: Canadian Journal of Continental Philosophy/Revue canadienne de philosophie continentale 14 (2):180-187.
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