Results for 'Jack Eby'

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  1.  25
    Hercule triomphant, ou Le Despotisme terrassé . A Mythological - Allegorical - Revolutionary Spectacle for the Commune of Versailles.Jack Eby - 2003 - Lumen: Selected Proceedings From the Canadian Society for Eighteenth-Century Studies 22:47.
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    The minimal effect of occlusion on perceived depth from motion parallax.David W. Eby & Jack M. Loomis - 1993 - Bulletin of the Psychonomic Society 31 (4):253-256.
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    What Can Theoretical Psychology Do?Jack Martin - 2004 - Journal of Theoretical and Philosophical Psychology 24 (1):1-13.
    A wide variety of theoretical tasks is inescapably part of psychological research, practice, and public policy initiatives. A classification and illustrated summary of these theoretical tasks is provided, an important purpose of which is to remind providers and users of psychological research and interventions of important theoretical dimensions of these activities. A larger purpose, however, is the promotion of theoretical psychology as an orientation toward, and a set of understandings and tools with which psychologists might approach, an appropriately contextualized self-understanding (...)
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    Animism as a basis of human relationships.Jack Schmertz - 1994 - Journal of Theoretical and Philosophical Psychology 14 (2):159-170.
    Embraces the principle of homeostasis and the necessarily egocentric and essentially innate nature of the mechanisms for control of one's equilibrium. Employing H. Werner's concept of a unity that organisms create with their environments, interactive behaviors are described that demonstrate how all such behavior, even the interaction with oneself, is guided by that principle to create and preserve a unity. The interactive behaviors of humans that are described are seen to be animistic-like in that they appear to arbitrarily assign motives (...)
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  5. Roundtable on Epistemic Democracy and Its Critics.Jack Knight, Hélène Landemore, Nadia Urbinati & Daniel Viehoff - 2016 - Critical Review: A Journal of Politics and Society 28 (2):137-170.
    On September 3, 2015, the Political Epistemology/ideas, Knowledge, and Politics section of the American Political Science Association sponsored a roundtable on epistemic democracy as part of the APSA’s annual meetings. Chairing the roundtable was Daniel Viehoff, Department of Philosophy, University of Sheffield. The other participants were Jack Knight, Department of Political Science and the Law School, Duke University; Hélène Landemore, Department of Political Science, Yale University; and Nadia Urbinati, Department of Political Science, Columbia University. We thank the participants for (...)
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    Characterizing Invariance.Jack Woods - 2016 - Ergo: An Open Access Journal of Philosophy 3:778-807.
    I argue that in order to apply the most common type of criteria for logicality, invariance criteria, to natural language, we need to consider both invariance of content—modeled by functions from contexts into extensions—and invariance of character—modeled, à la Kaplan, by functions from contexts of use into contents. Logical expressionsshould be invariant in both senses. If we do not require this, then old objections due to Timothy McCarthy and William Hanson, suitably modified, demonstrate that content invariant expressions can display intuitive (...)
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    John Buridan.Jack Zupko - 2008 - Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy.
  8.  45
    Explaining War and Peace: Case Studies and Necessary Condition Counterfactuals.Jack S. Levy - 2007 - Routledge. Edited by Gary Goertz.
    This edited volume focuses on the use of ?necessary condition counterfactuals? in explaining two key events in twentieth century history, the origins of the ...
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    Athens or Jerusalem?Jack Marsh - 2020 - Journal for Continental Philosophy of Religion 2 (1):108-116.
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    More social movements or fewer? Beyond political opportunity structures to relational fields.Jack A. Goldstone - 2004 - Theory and Society 33 (3/4):333-365.
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    Performing Conscience.Jack Turner - 2005 - Political Theory 33 (4):448-471.
    Does Henry Thoreau have a positive politics? Depending on how one conceives of politics, answers will vary. Hannah Arendt famously portrayed Thoreau's commitment to the sanctity of individual conscience as distinctly unpolitical. More recent commentators grant that Thoreau has a politics, but they characterize it as profoundly negative in character. This essay argues that Thoreau indeed sponsors a positive politics-a politics of performing conscience. The performance of conscience before an audience transforms the invocation of consciencefrom a personally political act into (...)
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    The Psychology of Human Possibility and Constraint.Jack Martin & Jeff Sugarman - 1999 - SUNY Press.
    Resolves the fundamental debate between cognitivists and social constructionists concerning the metaphysics of human psychology, and offers new insights into therapy, education, and creativity.
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  13.  33
    Russell and Marx: Similarities and Differences.Jack Pitt - 1980 - Russell: The Journal of Bertrand Russell Studies 37:9.
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    May I Touch You?Jack Coulehan - 2001 - Journal of Medical Humanities 22 (3):209-221.
  15. Comment : causal mechanisms and generalizations.Jack Knight - 2009 - In Chrysostomos Mantzavinos (ed.), Philosophy of the social sciences: philosophical theory and scientific practice. New York: Cambridge University Press.
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    2016 Post-Election Commentary: Winter is Coming!Jack Halberstam - 2017 - Educational Studies: A Jrnl of the American Educ. Studies Assoc 53 (1):95-97.
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    Complex predicates and liberation in dutch and English.Jack Hoeksema - 1991 - Linguistics and Philosophy 14 (6):661 - 710.
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  18. Process Philosophy Basic Writings.Jack R. Sibley & P. A. Y. Gunter - 1978 - University Press of America.
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  19. Maurice Merleau-ponty.Jack Reynolds - 2001 - Internet Encyclopedia of Philosophy.
    Maurice Merleau-Ponty’s work is commonly associated with the philosophical movement called existentialism and its intention to begin with an analysis of the concrete experiences, perceptions, and difficulties, of human existence. However, he never propounded quite the same extreme accounts of radical freedom, being-towards-death, anguished responsibility, and conflicting relations with others, for which existentialism became both famous and notorious in the 1940s and 1950s. Perhaps because of this, he did not initially receive the same amount of attention as his French contemporaries (...)
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  20. Men Become Sociable by Living Together in Society: Re-assessing Mandeville’s Social Theory.Malcolm Jack - 2015 - In Edmundo Balsemão Pires & Joaquim Braga (eds.), Bernard de Mandeville's Tropology of Paradoxes: Morals, Politics, Economics, and Therapy. Berlin/New York: Springer International Publishing.
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    Corruption & Progress: The Eighteenth-century Debate.Malcolm Jack - 1989 - Ams PressInc.
  22. Ontology and language.Jack Kaminsky - 1962 - Philosophy and Phenomenological Research 23 (2):176-191.
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    Further experiments in the strength of connections where the connection is punished or rewarded or neither punished nor rewarded.Irving Lorge, Jack Eisonson & Bertram Epstein - 1934 - Journal of Experimental Psychology 17 (3):412.
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    Clarifying the functionality of the young adult equiprobable Go/NoGo N2 and P3 within a sequential processing schema.Fogarty Jack, Barry Robert, De Blasio Frances & Karamacoska Diana - 2015 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 9.
  25. Einige hauptfragen in Martineaus ethik..William McDougald Jack - 1900 - Leipzig,: E. Glausch.
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    Genuine Choice and Blame.Henry Jack - 1965 - Dialogue 4 (1):72-81.
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    Language, cultural brokerage and informed consent - will technological terms impede telemedicine use?Caron Lee Jack, Yashik Singh, Bhekani Hlombe & Maurice Mars - 2014 - South African Journal of Bioethics and Law 7 (1):14.
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  28. Utilitarianism and Ross's Theory of Prima Facie Duties.H. H. Jack - 1971 - Dialogue 10 (3):437-456.
    This paper argues that ross's theory is an unsatisfactory compromise between moore's ideal utilitarianism and prichard's intuitionism. by including an 'optimific' principle, ross is exposed like moore to such difficulties as having to grant that we never know our duty and that logically we have a duty to pursue our own pleasure. in addition, this paper attributes to moore's influence ross's very inadequate treatment of justice; difficulties in his basic distinction of prima facie versus actual duties; and his unsatisfactory treatments (...)
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    The Empirical Metaphysics of George Henry Lewes.Jack Kaminsky - 1952 - Journal of the History of Ideas 13 (1/4):314.
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    Beyond any kind of God.Jack Kevorkian - 1966 - New York,: Philosophical Library.
    Upon leaving the Army, Kevorkian traveled extensively, and out of these travels came the inspiration for much of his early literature, including Beyond Any Kind of God.
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    The Archeology of World Religions: The Background of Primitivism, Zoroastrianism, Hinduism, Jainism, Buddhism, Confucianism, Taoism, Shinto, Islam, and Sikhism.Jack Finegan - 1954 - Philosophy East and West 3 (4):374-374.
  32.  55
    The Way of the Dreamcatcher.Jack Kelly - 2002 - The Acorn 11 (2):43-44.
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    How are rights and duties correlative?Jack Donnelly - 1982 - Journal of Value Inquiry 16 (4):287-294.
  34.  19
    Naming and Necessity. [REVIEW]Jack Kaminsky - 1983 - International Studies in Philosophy 15 (3):93-94.
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  35. Sadism and Masochism: A Symptomatology of Analytic and Continental Philosophy.Jack Reynolds - 2006 - Parrhesia 1 (1):15.
    There has recently been a plethora of attempts to understand the key differences that separate the analytic and continental traditions of philosophy, often involving either painstaking descriptions of the divergent argumentative techniques and methodologies that concern them, or comparatively examining in detail the work of certain major theorists in both traditions (e.g. Rawls and Derrida, Lewis and Deleuze). While partly drawing on these two approaches, in this particular essay I instead propose a rather more speculative way of teasing out the (...)
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  36. Understanding Existentialism.Jack Reynolds - 2005 - Routledge.
    This book discusses the work of the existential phenomenologists - Heidegger, Sartre, Merleau-Ponty and de Beauvoir - and the final chapter looks at the legacy of existentialism upon the thought of Derrida and other post-structuralist thinkers.
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    An evaluation of the activationist hypothesis of human vigilance.Jack A. Adams & Lawrence R. Boulter - 1962 - Journal of Experimental Psychology 64 (5):495.
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    Effect of experimentally induced muscular tension on psychomotor performance.Jack A. Adams - 1954 - Journal of Experimental Psychology 48 (2):127.
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    Response feedback and verbal retention.Jack A. Adams, John S. McIntyre & Howard I. Thorsheim - 1969 - Journal of Experimental Psychology 82 (2):290.
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    Some determinants of two-dimensional visual tracking behavior.Jack A. Adams & Louis V. Xhignesse - 1960 - Journal of Experimental Psychology 60 (6):391.
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    The effect of pacing on the learning of a psychomotor response.Jack A. Adams - 1954 - Journal of Experimental Psychology 47 (2):101.
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    Test of the hypothesis of psychological refractory period.Jack A. Adams - 1962 - Journal of Experimental Psychology 64 (3):280.
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    Ethical Issues in a Rookie's World.Jack Breslin - 2013 - Journal of Mass Media Ethics 28 (2):148-150.
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    (1 other version)Paradoxes of the French Enlightenment: an inaugural lecture.Jack Howard Broome - 1970 - [Keele (Staffs.),: University of Keele.
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    Everyday life: reconstruction of social knowledge.Jack D. Douglas (ed.) - 2010 - New Brunswick, N.J.: AldineTransaction.
    In addition, this volume can be used in courses specifically dealing with ethnomethodology, in graduate seminars dealing with these issues, and in academic work ...
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  46. Potential of traditional knowledge for conventional therapy : Prospects and limits.Jack K. Githae - 2009 - In Evanson C. Kamau & Gerd Winter (eds.), Genetic resources, traditional knowledge and the law: solutions for access and benefit sharing. Sterling, VA: Earthscan.
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    Focus on language origins.Jack P. Hailman - 1991 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 14 (2):309-309.
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    Medical fallibility and the autopsy in the USA.Jack Hasson - 1997 - Journal of Evaluation in Clinical Practice 3 (3):229-234.
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    Discussion.Henry H. Jack - 1959 - Mind 68 (269):93-97.
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    The genetics of lantibiotic biosynthesis.Ralph Jack, Gabriele Bierbaum, Christoph Heidrich & Hans-Georg Sahl - 1995 - Bioessays 17 (9):793-802.
    The lantibiotics are a rapidly expanding group of biologically active peptides produced by a variety of Gram‐positive bacteria, and are so‐called because of their content of the thioether amino acids lanthionine and β‐methyllanthionine. These amino acids, and indeed a number of other unusual amino acids found in the lantibiotics, arise following post‐translational modification of a ribosomally synthesised precursor peptide. A number of genes involved in the biosynthesis of these highly modified peptides have been identified, including genes encoding the precursor peptide, (...)
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