Results for 'Jaime Lester'

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  1.  3
    Pause to think: using mental models to learn and decide.Jaime Lester - 2024 - New York: Columbia University Press.
    This book provides an accessible and useful introduction to mental models and multidisciplinary thinking approaches, informed by the author's investing experience. Most books that deal with mental models are primarily descriptive, citing a significant number of psychological experiments and other examples to illustrate various cognitive biases. By contrast, this book is primarily prescriptive, in that it takes the reader through over 30 important intellectual ideas and frameworks and then uses these as building blocks for improving practices in discrete areas such (...)
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  2. The Principles of Psychology.Lester Embree - 1983 - Philosophy and Phenomenological Research 44 (1):124-126.
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    Nietzsche and the Origin of Virtue.Lester H. Hunt - 1991 - New York: Routledge.
    In _Ecce Homo_ Friedrich Nietzsche calls himself "the first immoralist" and adds "that makes me the annihilator _par excellence_". Lester Hunt examines this and other radical claims in order to show that Nietzsche does have a coherent ethical and political philosophy. He uses Nietzsche's writings as a starting point for a critique of a wider, contemporary ethical project - one that should inform our lives as well as our thoughts.
  4. Arguments for Liberty: A Libertarian Miscellany.Jan Lester - 2011 - Buckingham: The University of Buckingham Press.
    Liberty is what libertarians advocate. Both because of the inherent value of human liberty and because of the increasing wealth and welfare it brings to all. They see the aggressive coercion of the state as the main enemy of liberty. The solution is to roll back the state until there is little or no state left. Libertarianism has been rapidly growing since the 1970s. But it is still not commonly understood or even given a proper hearing. However, you will increasingly (...)
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  5. Reconciling Fechner and Stevens: Toward a unified psychophysical law.Lester E. Krueger - 1989 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 12 (2):251-267.
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    Psychophysical law: Keep it simple.Lester E. Krueger - 1989 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 12 (2):299-320.
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    Information extraction from different retinal locations.Lester A. Lefton & Ralph N. Haber - 1974 - Journal of Experimental Psychology 102 (6):975.
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    Psychophysical law: Taming the cognitive and chaotic aspects.Lester E. Krueger - 1991 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 14 (1):193-199.
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    A theory of perceptual matching.Lester E. Krueger - 1978 - Psychological Review 85 (4):278-304.
  10.  36
    The Scene Perception & Event Comprehension Theory (SPECT) Applied to Visual Narratives.Lester C. Loschky, Adam M. Larson, Tim J. Smith & Joseph P. Magliano - 2020 - Topics in Cognitive Science 12 (1):311-351.
    Understanding how people comprehend visual narratives (including picture stories, comics, and film) requires the combination of traditionally separate theories that span the initial sensory and perceptual processing of complex visual scenes, the perception of events over time, and comprehension of narratives. Existing piecemeal approaches fail to capture the interplay between these levels of processing. Here, we propose the Scene Perception & Event Comprehension Theory (SPECT), as applied to visual narratives, which distinguishes between front-end and back-end cognitive processes. Front-end processes occur (...)
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  11. Eleutheric-Conjectural Libertarianism: a Concise Philosophical Explanation.J. C. Lester - 2022 - MEST Journal 10 (2):111-123.
    The two purposes of this essay. The general philosophical problem with most versions of social libertarianism and how this essay will proceed. The specific problem with liberty explained by a thought-experiment. The positive and abstract theory of interpersonal liberty-in-itself as ‘the absence of interpersonal initiated constraints on want-satisfaction’, for short ‘no initiated impositions’. The individualistic liberty-maximisation theory solves the problems of clashes, defences, and rectifications without entailing interpersonal utility comparisons or libertarian consequentialism. The practical implications of instantiating liberty: three rules (...)
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  12. (1 other version)What is disease?Lester S. King - 1954 - Philosophy of Science 21 (3):193-203.
    Biological science does not try to distinguish between health and disease. Biology is concerned with the interaction between living organisms and their environment. What we call health or disease is quite irrelevant.These reactions between the individual and his environment are complex. The individual and his surroundings form an integrated system which we can arbitrarily divide into two parts. There is an “external” component, by which we mean such factors as light, heat, percentage of oxygen in the air, quantity of minerals (...)
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  13. Encyclopedia of Phenomenology.Lester Embree - 1997 - Tijdschrift Voor Filosofie 59 (4):745-746.
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    Schutzian Social Science.Lester Embree - 1999 - Springer Verlag.
    Timed for the centennial of Alfred Schutz (1899-1999), this set of original essays documents the continuing relevance of his thought in economics, geography, sociology, philosophy, and political science, and indicates the continuing interest in his thought in East Asia, Western Europe, and North America. The authors of these essays are leading authorities in their countries and disciplines. Schutz is the pre-eminent phenomenological philosopher of the social sciences. New materials from his Nachlaß concerning barriers to equality of opportunity, including a report (...)
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    Explaining Libertarianism: Some Philosophical Arguments.Jan Lester - 2014 - Buckingham: The University of Buckingham Press.
    This book’s four main theses: -/- (1) Interpersonal liberty requires an explicit, pre-propertarian, purely factual, theory. -/- (2) Liberty is—and need only be—morally desirable in systematic practice, not in every logically possible case. In practice, there is no clash between the two main moral contenders: rights and consequences. -/- (3) Nothing can ever justify, support, or ground any theory of liberty or its applications, because it is logically impossible to transcend assumptions. Theories can only be explained, criticised, and defended within (...)
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    The Schutzian Theory of the Cultural Sciences.Lester Embree - 2015 - Cham: Imprint: Springer.
    This work is devoted to developing as well as expounding the theory of the cultural sciences of the philosopher Alfred Schutz (1899-1959). Drawing on all of Schutz's seven volumes in English, the book shows how his philosophical theory consists of the reflective clarifications of the disciplinary definitions, basic concepts, and distinctive methods of particular cultural sciences as well as their species and genus. The book first expounds Schutz's own theories of economics, jurisprudence, political science, sociology, and psychology. It then extends (...)
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  17.  25
    Effect of bracketing lines on speed of "same"-"different" judgment of two adjacent letters.Lester E. Krueger - 1970 - Journal of Experimental Psychology 84 (2):324.
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    Nature and Culture: Ethical Thought in the French Enlightenment.Lester G. Crocker - 2019 - Johns Hopkins University Press.
    Lester Crocker addresses these questions in an overview of ethical thought in eighteenth-century France.
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  19. Jaime Balmes (antología).Jaime Luciano Balmes - 1942 - [Madrid]: Ediciones FE. Edited by Corts Grau, José & [From Old Catalog].
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    Cognitive impenetrability of perception.Lester E. Krueger - 1989 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 12 (4):769-770.
  21.  49
    Quantum Entanglement in Corpuses of Documents.Lester Beltran & Suzette Geriente - 2019 - Foundations of Science 24 (2):227-246.
    We show that data collected from corpuses of documents violate the Clauser-Horne-Shimony-Holt version of Bell’s inequality and therefore indicate the presence of quantum entanglement in their structure. We obtain this result by considering two concepts and their combination and coincidence operations consisting of searches of co-occurrences of exemplars of these concepts in specific corpuses of documents. Measuring the frequencies of these co-occurrences and calculating the relative frequencies as approximate probabilities entering in the CHSH inequality, we obtain manifest violations of the (...)
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  22.  31
    Will the real stimulus please step forward?Lester E. Krueger - 1992 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 15 (3):570-572.
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    Fluid Signs: Being a Person the Tamil Way.Robert C. Lester & E. Valentine Daniel - 1987 - Journal of the American Oriental Society 107 (2):353.
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    The WEIRD Trio: The Cultural Gap between Physicians, Learners, and Patients in Pluralistic Societies.Lester Liao - 2024 - Journal of Medicine and Philosophy 50 (1):25-35.
    Physicians are shaped by sociological and philosophical factors that often differ from those of their patients. This is of particular concern in pluralistic societies when navigating ethical disagreements because physicians often misunderstand or even dismiss patient perspectives as being irrational. This paper examines these factors and why many physicians approach ethics as they do while elucidating various patient perspectives and demonstrating how they make sense when considered from a different cultural worldview. Many physicians are trained in contexts that are WEIRD: (...)
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  25. The Uncogent Auxiliary Hypotheses of Gordon and Modugno: Reply to a Review.J. C. Lester - 2014 - In Jan Lester, _Explaining Libertarianism: Some Philosophical Arguments_. Buckingham: The University of Buckingham Press. pp. 144-154.
    Lester‘s reply to the review by Gordon and Modugno of Escape from Leviathan was due to appear in a later edition of the same periodical, but it was eventually dropped without notice or a reason being given. Subsequently, their review has occasionally been cited in isolation as a refutation of that book‘s theory of liberty, the compatibility of such liberty with welfare maximisation, and the use of "Popperian views" as though a complete reply did not exist and were not (...)
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    Ideas Pertaining to a Pure Phenomenology and to a Phenomenological Philosophy.: General Introduction to Pure Phenomenology.Lester Embree - 1985 - Philosophy and Phenomenological Research 46 (2):348-349.
  27. Literature as fable, fable as argument.Lester H. Hunt - 2009 - Philosophy and Literature 33 (2):pp. 369-385.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Literature as Fable, Fable as ArgumentLester H. HuntIIn an ancient Chinese text we find the following exchange between the Confucian sage Mencius and one of his adversaries:Kao Tzu said, "Human nature is like whirling water. Give it an outlet in the east and it will flow east; give an outlet in the west and it will flow west. Human nature does not show any preference for either good or (...)
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    (1 other version)Encyclopedia of Phenomenology.Lester Embree (ed.) - 1996 - Kluwer Academic Publishers.
    This encyclopedia presents phenomenological thought and the phenomenological movement within philosophy and within more than a score of other disciplines on a level accessible to professional colleagues of other orientations as well as to advanced undergraduate and graduate students. Entries average 3,000 words. In practically all cases, they include lists of works "For Further Study." The Introduction briefly chronicles the changing phenomenological agenda and compares phenomenology with other 20th Century movements. The 166 entries are a baut matters of seven sorts: (...)
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  29. Flourishing Egoism.Lester H. Hunt - 1999 - Social Philosophy and Policy 16 (1):72.
    Early in Peter Abelard's Dialogue between a Philosopher, a Jew, and a Christian, the philosopher and the Christian easily come to agreement about what the point of ethics is: “[T]he culmination of true ethics … is gathered together in this: that it reveal where the ultimate good is and by what road we are to arrive there.” They also agree that, since the enjoyment of this ultimate good “comprises true blessedness,” ethics “far surpasses other teachings in both usefulness and worthiness.” (...)
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    Courage: A Philosophical Investigation.Lester H. Hunt - 1988 - International Journal for Philosophy of Religion 23 (2):117-118.
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    (1 other version)Some Noetico-Noematic Analyses of Action and Practical Life.Lester Embree - 1992 - In John Drummond & Lester Embree, The Phenomenology of the Noema. Springer. pp. 157--210.
  32. The Heterodox 'Fourth Paradigm' of Libertarianism: an Abstract Eleutherology plus Critical Rationalism.J. C. Lester - 2019 - Journal of Libertarian Studies 23:91-116.
    1) Introduction. 2) The key libertarian insight into property and orthodox libertarianism’s philosophical confusion. 3) Clearer distinctions for applying to what follows: abstract liberty; practical liberty; moral defences; and critical rationalism. 4) The two dominant (‘Lockean’ and ‘Hobbesian’) conceptions of interpersonal liberty. 5) A general account of libertarianism as a subset of classical liberalism and defended from a narrower view. 6) Two abstract (non-propertarian, non-normative) theories of interpersonal liberty developed and defended: ‘the absence of interpersonal initiated imposed constraints on want-satisfaction’, (...)
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  33. Libertarian Philosophy versus Propertarian Dogma: a Further Reply to Block.J. C. Lester - 2021 - MEST Journal 9 (1):106-127.
    This replies to Block 2019 (B19), which responds to Lester 2014 (L14). The main issues in the, varyingly sized, sections are as follows. 1 Further explanations of critical rationalism, the theory of liberty, and problems with the non-aggression principle. 2.1 The relationships among law, morality, and libertarianism. 2.2 The objective invasiveness of low-level radiation and that it is therefore an initiated imposition (albeit trivial) if someone inflicts it on non-consenting people. 2.3 The objective and subjective aspects of initiated impositions; (...)
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  34. Thus Spake Howard Roark: Nietzschean Ideas in The Fountainhead.Lester H. Hunt - 2006 - Philosophy and Literature 30 (1):79-101.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Thus Spake Howard Roark:Nietzschean Ideas in The FountainheadLester H. HuntIThe position I will be taking here will seem very peculiar to many people. I will be treating a novel as a discussion of the work of a philosopher—namely, Friedrich Nietzsche. Worse yet, I will be treating it as a discussion that is philosophically penetrating and deserves to be taken seriously. Still worse, the novel is Ayn Rand's early novel (...)
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  35. Falsificationism Unfalsified: a Reply to Callahan’s “Why Popper is Wrong on Induction”.J. C. Lester - manuscript
    Epistemology is often a problem for libertarianism. Many libertarian texts assume that they need to do more than explain and defend the libertarian conjecture. Instead, they try to offer epistemological support for it (whether empirically or morally); which falsificationism and, more broadly, critical rationalism explains is not possible. Moreover, they often mistake this attempt at support for an explanation of libertarianism (which ought to include an abstract theory of liberty and how it relates to liberty in practice). Therefore, when a (...)
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    What Art Does.Lester Hunt - 2001 - Journal of Ayn Rand Studies 2 (2):253 - 263.
    Lester Hunt argues that, despite its being too narrow in the topics it treats, Louis Torres and Michelle Marder Kamhi's What Art Is offers a fascinating account of Ayn Rand's views on art and, in addition, constitutes a major contribution to Objectivist aesthetics.
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  37. Rejoinder to the Kyle Swan Response.J. C. Lester - manuscript
    Contra critical rationalism, the response begins by referring to “the variety of internalist and externalist versions of foundationalism” (Liberty, December 2002). But it makes no attempt to explain or defend any of them. Hence, no further criticism is due here. The response then argues that, “The critical rationalist method seems to suggest that Lester’s extreme compatibility thesis is probably false” because—quoting Escape from Leviathan (EfL)—“bold universal theories might be false, and probably are” and yet “he doesn’t think the thesis (...)
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    The WEIRD Trio: The Cultural Gap between Physicians, Learners, and Patients in Pluralistic Societies.Lester Liao - 2024 - Journal of Medicine and Philosophy 50 (1):25-35.
    Physicians are shaped by sociological and philosophical factors that often differ from those of their patients. This is of particular concern in pluralistic societies when navigating ethical disagreements because physicians often misunderstand or even dismiss patient perspectives as being irrational. This paper examines these factors and why many physicians approach ethics as they do while elucidating various patient perspectives and demonstrating how they make sense when considered from a different cultural worldview. Many physicians are trained in contexts that are WEIRD: (...)
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  39. How Abstract Liberty Relates to Private Property: a One-Page Outline.J. C. Lester - manuscript
    Libertarianism—and classical liberalism generally—entails (or presupposes) a specific, but implicit, conception of liberty. Imagine two lists of property-rights: one list is all those that currently appear to be libertarian (self-ownership, property acquired by use of natural resources, property acquired by consensual exchange, etc.); the other list is all those that currently appear not to be libertarian (aggressively imposed slavery, property acquired by theft or fraud, property acquired by coerced transfers due to welfare claims, etc.). What determines into which list a (...)
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  40. A Libertarian Response to Macleod 2012: “If You’re a Libertarian, How Come You’re So Rich?”.J. C. Lester - 2014 - In Jan Lester, _Explaining Libertarianism: Some Philosophical Arguments_. Buckingham: The University of Buckingham Press. pp. 95-105.
    This is a response to Macleod 2012's argument that the history of unjust property acquisitions requires rich libertarians to give away everything in excess of equality. At first, problematic questions are raised. How much property is usually inherited or illegitimate? Why should legitimate inheritance be affected? What of the burden of proof and court cases? A counterfactual problem is addressed. Three important cases are considered: great earned wealth; American slavery; land usurpation. All are argued to be problematic for Macleod 2012's (...)
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    Ella Baker and the challenge of black rule.Lester K. Spence - 2020 - Contemporary Political Theory 19 (4):551-572.
    What is African American Politics? What form should it take? How does it conceptualize white supremacy? In In the Shadow of Du Bois, Robert Gooding-Williams uses the work of W. E. B. Du Bois and Fredrick Douglass to provide answers to these questions. While the choices of Douglass and Du Bois make a great deal of sense, they reproduce the tendency of confining political theory to literature – a move that bounds the genre in problematic ways. In this article, I (...)
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  42. Intellectual Property, the Non-Aggression Principle, and Pre-Propertarian Liberty: New-Paradigm Libertarian Replies to some Rothbardian Criticisms.J. C. Lester - 2011 - In Jan Lester, Arguments for Liberty: A Libertarian Miscellany. Buckingham: The University of Buckingham Press. pp. 160-183.
    Andy Curzon replied (often quoting from the opening sections of Lester 2014, chapter 10) in an ongoing debate with Lee Waaks, which Mr Waaks forwarded (with approval) to the Libertarian Alliance Forum (27 February 2015). This response replies to the criticisms after directly quoting them (the indented text; except where Lester is occasionally quoted, as indicated). A few cuts have been made to avoid some repetition and irrelevance. However, just as Mr Curzon sometimes repeats his main points in (...)
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  43. Self-fulfillment.Lester H. Hunt - 2000 - Philosophical Review 109 (4):589-592.
    As its title suggests, the subject of this book is the nature of self-fulfillment, which the author defines as “carrying to fruition one’s deepest desires or one’s worthiest capacities”. It treats this subject as a specifically ethical one. The motivation behind it lies in the author’s conviction that all other norms and ideals have value only insofar as they serve to advance this one.
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    The golden age of phenomenology at the New School for Social Research, 1954-1973.Lester Embree & Michael D. Barber (eds.) - 2017 - Athens: Ohio University Press.
    This collection focuses on the introduction of phenomenology to the United States by the community of scholars who taught and studied at the New School for Social Research from 1954 through 1973. During those years, Dorion Cairns, Alfred Schutz, and Aron Gurwitsch--all former students of Edmund Husserl--came together in the department of philosophy to establish the first locus of phenomenology scholarship in the country. This founding trio was soon joined by three other prominent scholars in the field: Werner Marx, Thomas (...)
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    Toward a foundational normative method in business ethics.Lester F. Goodchild - 1986 - Journal of Business Ethics 5 (6):485 - 499.
    Business ethics as an applied inquiry requires an expanded normative method which allows both philosophical and religious ethical considerations to be employed in resolving complex issues or cases. The proposed foundational normative method provides a comprehensive framework composed of major philosophical and religious ethical theories. An extensive rationale from the current trends in business ethics and metaethical considerations supports the development of this method which is illustrated in several case studies. By using this method, scholars and business persons gain greater (...)
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    Pure Sociology: A Treatise on the Origin and Spontaneous Development of Society.Lester F. Ward - 1904 - Philosophical Review 13 (3):347-351.
  47.  57
    Generosity.Lester H. Hunt - 1975 - American Philosophical Quarterly 12 (3):235 - 244.
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    Search time in a redundant visual display.Lester E. Krueger - 1970 - Journal of Experimental Psychology 83 (3p1):391.
  49. (1 other version)Pure Sociology.Lester F. Ward - 1903 - The Monist 13:629.
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    (2 other versions)Values and ethics in social work practice.Lester Parrott - 2006 - Exeter: Learning Matters.
    It is vital that social workers have a deep and critical understanding of the social work value-base, and are able to analyse and apply values and ethics to their everyday practice. This fully-revised edition of one of our best-selling titles identifies current issues in social work and then applies an ethical dimension. These issues are then investigated further within an anti-discriminatory framework and against the background of the code of practice for social care workers and employers. Traditional value perspectives are (...)
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