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James McGuirk [11]James N. McGuirk [6]
  1.  24
    Embedded rationality and the contextualisation of critical thinking.James McGuirk - 2022 - Journal of Philosophy of Education 55 (4-5):606-620.
    The present article addresses the question of whether, and to what extent, critical thinking should make attunement to current social and political landscapes central to its practice. I begin by outlining what I consider to be the basic positions in the debate about the political contextualisation of critical thinking, which are referred to as the crypto-Enlightenment and the critical pedagogical models. I argue, on the basis of various strands of research, that there is a prima facie case to be made (...)
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    Husserl and Heidegger on reduction and the question of the existential foundations of rational life.James N. McGuirk - 2010 - International Journal of Philosophical Studies 18 (1):31 – 56.
    Against the oft-repeated claim that Heideggerian authenticity calls for a resoluteness that is either indifferent or inimical to normative rationality, Steven Crowell has recently argued that the phenomenon of conscience in _Sein und Zeit_ is specifically intended to ground normative rationality in the existential ontological account of Dasein so that Heidegger puts forward not a rejection of the life of reason but a more fundamental account of its condition of possibility in terms of self-responsibility. In what follows, I wish to (...)
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    Aletheia and Heidegger's Transitional Readings of Plato's Cave Allegory.James N. McGuirk - 2008 - Journal of the British Society for Phenomenology 39 (2):167-185.
  4.  16
    Dreyfus, Merleau-Ponty and the phenomenology of practical intelligence.James N. McGuirk - 2013 - Norsk Filosofisk Tidsskrift 48 (3-4):289-301.
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    A Reading of the Speech of Aristophanes in the Symposium.James McGuirk - 2002 - Maynooth Philosophical Papers 1:63-70.
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  6. Eros in Platonic Friendship and the Lysis Failure.James Mcguirk - 2001 - Yearbook of the Irish Philosophical Society:127-137.
  7.  55
    Husserl’s Phenomenology: Knowledge, Objectivity and Others.James N. McGuirk - 2009 - International Journal of Philosophical Studies 17 (2):349-355.
  8.  14
    Leibliche Erfahrung qua Augmented Reality.James McGuirk & Marc Fabian Buck - 2019 - In Malte Brinkmann, Johannes Türstig & Martin Weber-Spanknebel (eds.), Leib – Leiblichkeit – Embodiment: Pädagogische Perspektiven Auf Eine Phänomenologie des Leibes. Wiesbaden: Springer Fachmedien Wiesbaden. pp. 405-423.
    Dieser Beitrag thematisiert und problematisiert den Einsatz von Augmented-Reality-Technologie in pädagogischen Kontexten. Ausgehend von Husserls Überlegungen zur passiven Synthesis und Merleau-Ponty’s Anmerkungen zur allgemeinen Synästhesie leiblicher Erfahrungen fragen die Autoren nach den Implikationen des Einsatzes von AR. Es werden drei Einwände vorgebracht, die diesen problematisch werden lassen: 1) das Problem der künstlichen Transformation von Umwelt, 2) das Problem der leiblichen Wahrnehmung durch Bevorzugung visueller Eindrücke und 3) die Unterdrückung emergenter Zugänge zu Welt zugunsten einer präformierten Aufmerksamkeitsstrukturierung. Vorbehalte für pädagogische Anwendungen (...)
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    Metaphysical and Phenomenological Perspectives on Habituality and the Naturalization of the Mind.James N. McGuirk - 2014 - In Harald A. Wiltsche & Sonja Rinofner-Kreidl (eds.), Analytic and Continental Philosophy: Methods and Perspectives. Proceedings of the 37th International Wittgenstein Symposium. Boston: De Gruyter. pp. 203-214.
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  10. On the role of the 'call' in professional work and practical knowledge.James McGuirk - 2023 - In Carl Cederberg, Kåre Fuglseth & Edwin Van der Zande (eds.), Exploring practical knowledge: life-world studies of professionals in education and research. Boston: Brill.
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    Phenomenological Reduction, Epochē, and the Speech of Socrates in the Symposium.James McGuirk - 2010 - Southern Journal of Philosophy 46 (1):99-120.
    The point of the present article is to investigate whether the key conceptions of epochē and reduction as found in Husserl's phenomenology can be brought to bear in a fruitful rereading of the speech of Socrates in Plato's Symposium.1 In pursuit of this goal, I will begin by revisiting the traditional reading of this speech in terms of a scala amoris in which the erotic subject is guided from attachment to a series of inferior objects to the Beautiful and Good (...)
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  12.  34
    Phenomenological Reduction in Heidegger and Fink.James McGuirk - 2009 - Philosophy Today 53 (3):248-264.
  13. Review Editor’s Introduction.James Mcguirk - 2006 - Yearbook of the Irish Philosophical Society:214-214.
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    The Sustainability of Nietzcshe’s Will to Affirmation.James McGuirk - 2008 - American Catholic Philosophical Quarterly 82 (2):237-263.
    In the present article I wish to discuss the positive aspect of Nietzsche’s thought. This includes the attempt to avoid the nihilism of a simple inversion of Platonism and the fact that for Nietzsche, critical/genealogical philosophy is always subordinate to the will to affirm existence “as it is.” In this regard, I will be drawing especially on the work of Gilles Deleuze, whose Nietzsche and Philosophy remains the canonical defense of the positive in Nietzsche’s thought. In the secondpart of the (...)
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  15. Studies in practical knowledge : discipline, philosophy, plurality.Eva Schwarz & James McGuirk - 2023 - In Carl Cederberg, Kåre Fuglseth & Edwin Van der Zande (eds.), Exploring practical knowledge: life-world studies of professionals in education and research. Boston: Brill.
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    Ambiguity in the Western Mind. [REVIEW]James McGuirk - 2006 - American Catholic Philosophical Quarterly 80 (2):298-302.
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