Results for 'Jan St Rassheim'

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    Im Dschungel der Relevanz.Jan St Rassheim - 2021 - Allgemeine Zeitschrift für Philosophie 46 (3):393-400.
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  2. St Century Globalization : Sociological Perspectives.Jan Nederveen Pieterse - 2014 - In Samir Dasgupta (ed.), Postmodernism in a global perspective. Los Angeles: SAGE Publications India Pvt.
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    Knut Hamsun og den største forbrytelsenStåle Dingstad,Knut Hamsun og det norske holocaust.Oslo: Dreyers forlag 2021.Jan-Erik Ebbestad Hansen - 2022 - Agora Journal for metafysisk spekulasjon 39 (3):234-244.
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  4. Gersh, St. and Moran, D.(Eds.), Eriugena, Berkeley, and the Idealist Tradition.Jan Maeyaert - 2008 - Tijdschrift Voor Filosofie 70 (1):156.
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  5. The Convertibility of Being and Good in St. Thomas Aquinas.Jan A. Aertsen - 1985 - New Scholasticism 59 (4):449-470.
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    Some (Logical) Trouble for St. Anselm.Jan J. Wilbanks - 1973 - New Scholasticism 47 (3):361-365.
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    Between Kherson and Rome. A Survey of Wall Paintings in the Church of St Clement in Stará Boleslav.Jan Dienstbier, Jan Klípa & Adam Pokorný - 2023 - Convivium 10 (2):107-123.
    Comparative study of wall paintings in churches dedicated to St Clement in Stará Boleslav and Rome reveals the wide international networking of contemporary agents in artistic transfer. The importance of late twelfth-century wall paintings in St Clement’s in Stará Boleslav – among Bohemia’s foremost medieval monuments – is underscored by their close proximity to the place of the martyrdom and the center of the cult of the country’s patron, St Wenceslas. The Bohemian church’s consecration echoes the Cyril and Methodius mission, (...)
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    Jan Salamucha. The proof ‘ex motu’ for the existence of God: Logical analysis of St. Thomas' arguments. English translation of 4212 by Tadeusz Gierymski and Marian Heitzman. The new Scholasticism, vol. 32 (1958), pp. 334–372. [REVIEW]Jan Salamucha, Tadeusz Gierymski & Marian Heitzman - 1970 - Journal of Symbolic Logic 34 (4):647-647.
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    Reframing and Articulating Socio-scientific Classroom Discourses on Genetic Testing from an STS Perspective.Dirk Jan Boerwinkel, Tsjalling Swierstra & Arend Jan Waarlo - 2014 - Science & Education 23 (2):485-507.
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    Agency without actors?: new approaches to collective action.Jan-Hendrik Passoth, Birgit Maria Peuker & Michael W. J. Schillmeier (eds.) - 2012 - New York: Routledge.
    Agency without Actors? New Approaches to collective Action is rethinking a key issue in social theory and research: the question of agency. The history of sociological thought is deeply intertwined with the discourse of human agency as an effect of social relations. In most recent discussions the role of non-humans gains a substantial impact. Consequently the book asks: Are nonhumans active, do they have agency? And if so: how and in what different ways? The volume offers a critical state-of-the-art debate (...)
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  11. Teresa’s Demons: Teresa of Ávila’s Influence on the Cartesian Skeptical Scenario of Demonic Deception.Jan Forsman - 2023 - Journal of the History of Women Philosophers and Scientists 2 (4):25-45.
    Recent research in Baroque Scholastic and early modern meditational exercises has demonstrated similarity between Descartes’s Meditations and St. Teresa of Ávila’s El Castillo Interior. While there is growing agreement on the influence of Catholic meditations on Descartes, the extent of Teresa’s role is debated. Instead of discussing the full extent of Teresa’s influence, this paper concentrates on one example of the considered influence: the skeptical scenario of demonic deception, having clear anticipation in Teresa’s work where the exercitant faces off against (...)
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    On the Aporetic Nature of Plato’s Lysis.Al Vincent St - 2022 - Philosophy International Journal 5 (4):1-4.
    Centering on the early Platonic dialogues, this paper delineates the importance of considering Plato’s Lysis’ as rightful inclusion to Jan Szaif’s proposal of “core group” of aporetic dialogue. This paper highlights a synoptic presentation of the development of Lysis’s reception by modern scholars of Plato (Platonic scholars) at the beginning of this discourse to establish a compelling argument for its aporetic nature. It then proceeds with a revisit to Szaif’s article Socrates and the Benefits of Puzzlement. The first section, considering (...)
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    Co jest pierwsze i najbardziej podstawowe? Zaczątki filozofii transcendentalnej.Jan A. Aertsen - 2001 - Acta Universitatis Lodziensis. Folia Philosophica. Ethica-Aesthetica-Practica 14:59-76.
    The paper presents the sources and the development of the medieval doctrine of transcendentals. In Aertsen's opinion transcendental philosophy of the Middle Ages differs considerably from the ontological doctrine of the Ancients as well as from the modern theory referring to the sphere of cognition. The beginnings of the medieval doctrine of the transcendentals were inspired mostly by considerations concerning primary conceptions of human mind included in Avicenna's "Metaphysica". Furthermore, they were connected with the Aristotelian idea of science, the Boethian (...)
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    STS Curriculum Analysis: Analysis of the Place of Technology Assessment in an STS Program.Marc J. De Vries & Jan H. M. Stoeken - 1993 - Bulletin of Science, Technology and Society 13 (6):349-354.
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    The Book of Proverbs and Virtue Ethics: Integrating the Biblical and Philosophical Traditions.Arthur Jan Keefer - 2020 - New York, NY, USA: Cambridge University Press.
    In this book, Arthur Keefer offers a new interpretation of the book of Proverbs from the standpoint of virtue ethics. Using an innovative method that bridges philosophy and biblical studies, he argues that much of the instruction within Proverbs meets the criteria for moral and theological virtue as set out in Aristotle's Nicomachean Ethics and the works of St. Thomas Aquinas. Keefer presents the moral thought of Proverbs in its social, historical, and theological contexts. He shows how these contexts shed (...)
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    Implementation of transcatheter aortic valve insertion (TAVI) in clinical practice: An ethical analysis.Annabel Eide Ohldieck, Jan Erik Nordrehaug, Per Olav Vandvik, Margrethe Schaufel & Ole Frithjof Norheim - 2014 - Clinical Ethics 9 (2-3):96-103.
    Objective The objective of this article is to provide an ethical analysis of a high-risk, advanced treatment case where the patient received transcatheter aortic valve insertion (TAVI), for aortic valve stenosis. Particular emphasis will be placed upon the significance of evidence and the implications for priority setting. Method One paradigmatic case involving a TAVI patient from a large university hospital in Norway is described and analysed. The method used was ethical case analysis modified after Kymlicka by Miljeteig et al. Perioperative (...)
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    A gift of presence: the theology and poetry of the Eucharist in Thomas Aquinas.Jan Heiner Tück - 2018 - Washington, D.C.: Catholic University of America.
    Jan-Heiner Tück presents a work that explores the sacramental theology, lived spirituality, and Eucharistic poetry of the Church’s doctor communis, St. Thomas Aquinas. Although Aquinas’ Eucharistic poetry has long occupied an important place in the Church’s liturgical prayer and her repertoire of sacred music, the depth of these poems remains hidden until one grasps the rich sacramental theology underlying it. Consequently, Tück first offers a detailed but approachable primer of Aquinas’ theology of the sacraments, before diving deeply into the Angelic (...)
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    Jan Gossaert's "St. Luke Painting the Virgin": A Renaissance Artist's Cultural Literacy.Clifton Olds - 1990 - The Journal of Aesthetic Education 24 (1):89.
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    Jan Salamucha. The proof ‘ex motu’ for the existence of God: Logical analysis of St. Thomas' arguments. English translation of 4212 by Tadeusz Gierymski and Marian Heitzman. The new Scholasticism, vol. 32 (1958), pp. 334–372. [REVIEW]Wilfrid Hodges - 1970 - Journal of Symbolic Logic 34 (4):647-647.
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    St. Thomas on the Naturalistic Fallacy.Peter Simpson - 1987 - The Thomist 51 (1):51-69.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:ST. THOMAS ON THE NATURALISTIC FALLACY Introduction HE PROBLEM OF THE naturalistic fallacy, or the laim that value and ought-judgments are not factual r 'is' judgments, has been a lively one this century, ever since Moore coined the term ' naturalistic fallacy '.1 This debate has died down rather, especially in analytic philosophy, but it has flared up again among students of St. Thomas. This is largely because of (...)
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    Max Scheler and Jan Patočka on the First World War.Christian Sternad - 2017 - Labyrinth: An International Journal for Philosophy, Value Theory and Sociocultural Hermeneutics 19 (1):89-106.
    The First World War was both an historical and a philosophical event. Philosophers engaged in what Kurt Flasch aptly called "the spiritual mobilization" of philosophy. Max Scheler was particularly important among these "war philosophers", given that he was the one who penned some of the most influential philosophical writings of the First World War, among them Der Genius des Krieges und der Deutsche Krieg. As I aim to show, Max Scheler's war writings were crucial for Jan Patočka's interpretation of the (...)
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    The Experiment of Night: Jan Patočka on War, and a Christianity to Come.Martin Kočí - 2017 - Labyrinth: An International Journal for Philosophy, Value Theory and Sociocultural Hermeneutics 19 (1):107-124.
    Sacrifice, solidarity, and social decadence were essential themes not only for Patočka's philosophical work, but also for his personal life. In the "Varna Lectures" sacrifice is characterized uniquely as the privation of a clear telos, as counter-escapist, and as sutured to a comportment of finite life that is non-causal and non-purposive. In his Heretical Essays a similar hope is expressed to extract meaningfulness from use-value, and to deploy a Socratic and Christian "Care for the Soul" that can counteract the decadences (...)
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    Lennart Rydén (†), The life of St. Philaretos the Merciful, written by his grandson Niketas. A critical edition with introduction, translation, notes, and indices.Augusta Acconcia Longo - 2004 - Byzantinische Zeitschrift 97 (2):625-626.
    La Vita di Filareto il Misericordioso, un testo agiografico di grande interesse storico e letterario, oggetto di riscritture e traduzioni, fu edita per la prima volta nel 1900 da Vasiliev, dal Paris. gr. 1510 (V). Nonostante la maggiore antichità del codice (X secolo), quella di V risultò in seguito una versione secondaria rispetto alla versione edita nel 1934 da Fourmy e Leroy, tratta dai codici Genuensis Urbanus 34 (G) dell'XI secolo e Paris. gr. 1608 (P) del XIV secolo, e riedita (...)
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    Maureen Sullivan, Responses to 101 Questions on Vatican II, Bandra, Mumbai: St. Paul Press 2004, 135 hlm.Ignatius L. Madya Utama - 2020 - Diskursus - Jurnal Filsafat dan Teologi STF Driyarkara 11 (2):262-267.
    Pada 11 Oktober 2012 Gereja Katolik merayakan 50 tahun dibukanya Konsili Vatikan II. Namun demikian, 16 dokumen yang dihasilkan selama Konsili itu berlangsung (11 Oktober 1962-7 Desember 1965) belum dikenal oleh semua umat Katolik. Bahkan ada tidak sedikit umat Katolik yang belum pernah melihat dokumen-dokumen tersebut. Ada pula yang mengatakan bahwa kendati sudah membacanya, namun merasakan sangat sulit untuk memahaminya. Ada pula yang ketika melihat buku tebal yang memuat dokumen-dokumen tersebut langsung merasa terintimidasi dan ketakutan (intimadated), lalu tidak berani membukanya. (...)
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    Karl Rahner’s Existential Ethics: A Critique Vased on St. Thomas’s Understanding of Prudence.Daniel M. Nelson - 1987 - The Thomist 51 (3):461-479.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:KARL RAHNER'S EXISTENTIAL ETIDCS: A CRITIQUE BASED ON ST. THOMAS'S UNDERSTANDING OF PRUDENCE I KARL RAHNER'S THEORY of a "formal existential ethics," which he proposes as a necessary supplement to the "essential ethics" of the Thomistic naturallaw tradition, has been both praised as a brilliant adaptation of the tradition to contemporary philosophy as well as criticised as a misleading and unnecessary break with Thomism. William A. Wailace, one of (...)
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  26. On the Image of Painting.Andrew Benjamin - 2011 - Research in Phenomenology 41 (2):181-205.
    Painting can only be thought in relation to the image. And yet, with (and within) painting what continues to endure is the image of painting. While this is staged explicitly in, for example, paintings of St. Luke by artists of the Northern Renaissance—e.g., Rogier van der Weyden, Jan Gossaert, and Simon Marmion—the same concerns are also at work within both the practices as well as the contemporaneous writings that define central aspects of the Italian Renaissance. The aim of this paper (...)
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    Logique et mathématique chez Bernard Bolzano.Jan Sebestik - 1992 - Paris: J. Vrin.
  28. On the Principle of Contradiction in Aristotle.Jan Lukasiewicz & Vernon Wedin - 1971 - Review of Metaphysics 24 (3):485 - 509.
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    Filozoficzna Szkoła Lwowsko-Warszawska.Jan Woleński (ed.) - 1985 - Warszawa: Pwn.
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    The Ontology of the Analytic Tradition and its Origins: Realism and Identity in Frege, Russell, Wittgenstein, and Quine.Jan Dejnozka - 1996 - Rowman & Littlefield Publishers.
    The analytic movement advertised its 'linguistic turn' as a radical break from the two-thousand-year-old substance tradition. But this is an illusion. On the fundamental level of ontology, there is enough reformulation and presupposition of traditional 'no entity without identity' themes to analogize Frege, Russell, Wittgenstein, and Quine to Aristotle as paradigmatic of modified realism. Thus the pace of ontology is glacial. Frege and Russell, not Wittgenstein and Quine, emerge as the true analytic progenitors of 'no entity without identity,' offering between (...)
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  31. Top-Down Causation and Emergence.Jan Voosholz & Markus Gabriel (eds.) - 2021 - Cham: Springer Verlag.
    This book presents the latest research, conducted by leading philosophers and scientists from various fields, on the topic of top-down causation. The chapters combine to form a unique, interdisciplinary perspective, drawing upon George Ellis's extensive research and novel perspectives on topics including downwards causation, weak and strong emergence, mental causation, biological relativity, effective field theory and levels in nature. The collection also serves as a Festschrift in honour of George Ellis' 80th birthday. The extensive and interdisciplinary scope of this book (...)
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    Combining rules and dialogue: exploring stakeholder perspectives on preventing sexual boundary violations in mental health and disability care organizations.Jan-Willem Weenink, Roland Bal, Guy Widdershoven, Eva van Baarle & Charlotte Kröger - 2022 - BMC Medical Ethics 23 (1):1-12.
    BackgroundSexual boundary violations in healthcare are harmful and exploitative sexual transgressions in the professional–client relationship. Persons with mental health issues or intellectual disabilities, especially those living in residential settings, are especially vulnerable to SBV because they often receive long-term intimate care. Promoting good sexual health and preventing SBV in these care contexts is a moral and practical challenge for healthcare organizations.MethodsWe carried out a qualitative interview study with 16 Dutch policy advisors, regulators, healthcare professionals and other relevant experts to explore (...)
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  33. Proclus vs Plotinus on Matter (De mal. subs. 30-7 ).Jan Opsomer - 2001 - Phronesis 46 (2):154-188.
    In "De malorum subsistentia" chs 30-7, Proclus criticizes the view that evil is to be identified with matter. His main target is Plotinus' account in Enn. I,8 [51]. Proclus denies that matter is the cause of evil in the soul, and that it is evil or a principle of evil. According to Proclus, matter is good, because it is produced by the One. Plotinus' doctrine of matter-evil is the result of a different conception of emanation, according to which matter does (...)
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    Politics and the political in critical discourse studies: state of the art and a call for an intensified focus on the metapolitical dimension of discursive practice.Jan Zienkowski - 2018 - Critical Discourse Studies 16 (2):131-148.
    ABSTRACTBased on an overview of the ways in which politics and the political have been thought in critical discourse analysis, the author calls for a focus on the metapolitical dimension of discourse. The author develops his notion of metapolitics on the basis of post-foundational insights into politics, the political and processes of politicization. Metapolitics refers to projects and struggles where conflicting modes and models of politics clash. Metapolitical debates potentially reshape the structure of the public realm as well as the (...)
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  35. Is Justification Dialectical?Jan Willem Wieland - 2013 - International Journal for the Study of Skepticism 3 (3):182-201.
    Much of present-day epistemology is divided between internalists and externalists. Different as these views are, they have in common that they strip justification from its dialectical component in order to block the skeptic’s argument from disagreement. That is, they allow that one may have justified beliefs even if one is not able to defend it against challenges and resolve the disagreements about them. Lammenranta (2008, 2011a) recently argued that neither internalism nor externalism convinces if we consider the argument in its (...)
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    Affective Arrangements and Disclosive Postures.Jan Slaby - 2018 - Phänomenologische Forschungen 2018 (2):198-217.
    In this paper, I explore links between the phenomenology-inspired philosophy of emotion, especially discussions of affective intentionality and situated affectivity, and those strands of work in the field of cultural affect studies that take their inspiration fromSpinoza and Deleuze. As bridges between these fields, I propose the concepts ‘disclosive posture’ and ‘affective arrangement’. ‘Disclosive posture’ condenses insights from phenomenological work on affectivity, especially those pertaining to what Heidegger calls Befindlichkeit. ‘Affective arrangement’ is a descendant of Deleuze and Guattari’s term agencement. (...)
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  37. Access and the Shirker Problem.Jan Willem Wieland - 2015 - American Philosophical Quarterly 52 (3):289-300.
    The Access principle places an epistemic restriction on our obligations. This principle falls prey to the ‘Shirker Problem’, namely that shirkers could evade their obligations by evading certain epistemic circumstances. To block this problem, it has been suggested that shirkers have the obligation to learn their obligations. This solution yields a regress, yet it is controversial what the moral of the regress actually is. The aim of this paper is two-fold. First, I spell out this intricate dispute. Second, on the (...)
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  38. Filling a Typical Gap in a Regress Argument.Jan Willem Wieland - 2011 - Logique and Analyse 54 (216):589-–597.
    In this paper I fix a typical regress argument, locate a typical gap in the argument, and try to supply a number of gap-filling readings of its first premise.
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    The Relation between Self Image and Brand Image: An Alternative Perspective.Jan Bosman - 1996 - Communications 21 (1):27-48.
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    Zijn vreemden onbetrouwbaar?Jan Bransen - 2021 - Algemeen Nederlands Tijdschrift voor Wijsbegeerte 113 (3):399-406.
    Amsterdam University Press is a leading publisher of academic books, journals and textbooks in the Humanities and Social Sciences. Our aim is to make current research available to scholars, students, innovators, and the general public. AUP stands for scholarly excellence, global presence, and engagement with the international academic community.
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    Człowiek i przyroda w polskiej myśli filozoficznej XVI-XIX wieku: zarys problematyki.Jan Dębowski - 1997 - Olsztyn: Wyższa Szkoła Pedagogiczna.
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  42. On Life's Threshold: Talks to Young People on Character and Conduct, Tr. By E. St. John.Charles Wagner & Edna St John - 1905
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    Deleuze and Guattari’s language for new empirical inquiry.Elizabeth Adams St Pierre - 2017 - Educational Philosophy and Theory 49 (11):1080-1089.
    This paper reviews Deleuze’s theory of language in Logic of Sense, and Deleuze and Guattari’s theory of language in A Thousand Plateaus. In the ontology informed by the Stoics described in those books, human being and language do not exist separately but in a mixture of words and things. The author argues that this flattened ontology of surfaces is incommensurable with the ontology of depth used in conventional humanist qualitative methodology and recommends beginning new empirical inquiry with a concept instead (...)
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    Proslogion: With the Replies of Gaunilo and Anselm.St Anselm & Thomas Williams - 2001 - Hackett Publishing Company.
    Thomas Williams' edition offers an Introduction well suited for use in an introductory philosophy course, as well as his own preeminent translation of the text.
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  45. Against Strong Ethical Parity: Situated Cognition Theses and Transcranial Brain Stimulation.Jan-Hendrik Heinrichs - 2017 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 11 (171).
    According to a prominent suggestion in the ethics of transcranial neurostimulation the effects of such devices can be treated as ethically on par with established, pre-neurotechnological alterations of the mind. This parity allegedly is supported by situated cognition theories showing how external devices can be part of a cognitive system. This article will evaluate this suggestion. It will reject the claim, that situated cognition theories support ethical parity. It will however point out another reason, why external carriers or modifications of (...)
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    Opposition to Inbreeding Between Close Kin Reflects Inclusive Fitness Costs.Jan Antfolk, Debra Lieberman, Christopher Harju, Anna Albrecht, Andreas Mokros & Pekka Santtila - 2018 - Frontiers in Psychology 9.
    Due to the intense selection pressure against inbreeding, humans are expected to possess psychological adaptations that regulate mate choice and avoid inbreeding. From a gene’s-eye perspective, there is little difference in the evolutionary costs between situations where an individual him/herself is participating in inbreeding and inbreeding among other close relatives. The difference is merely quantitative, as fitness can be compromised via both routes. The question is whether humans are sensitive to the direct as well as indirect costs of inbreeding. Using (...)
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    Crisis Management and Ethics: Moving Beyond the Public-Relations-Person-as-Corporate-Conscience Construct.Burton St John Iii & Yvette E. Pearson - 2016 - Journal of Media Ethics 31 (1):18-34.
    Over the past 40 years, scholars and practitioners of public relations have often cast public relations workers in the role of the public relations-person-as-corporate-conscience. This work, however, maintains that this construct is so problematic that invoking it is of negligible use in addressing ethical issues that emerge during a crisis. In fact, a complex crisis, such as the Jahi McMath “brain death” case at Children’s Hospital Oakland, demonstrates the need to abandon the PRPaCC construct to better engage affected stakeholders, including (...)
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    How Can Theories Represent Social Phenomena?Jan A. Fuhse - 2022 - Sociological Theory 40 (2):99-123.
    Discussions in sociological theory often focus on ontological questions on the nature of social reality. Against the underlying epistemological realism, I argue for a constructivist notion of theory: Theories are webs of concepts that we use to guide empirical observations and to make sense of them. We cannot know the real features of the social world, only what our theoretical perspectives make us see. Theories therefore represent social phenomena by highlighting certain features and relating them in a logical system. In (...)
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  49. Plato and Aristotle on Truth and Falsehood.Jan Szaif - 2018 - In Michael Glanzberg (ed.), The Oxford Handbook of Truth. Oxford, United Kingdom: Oxford University Press. pp. 9-49.
  50. Commentaria in Quatuor Libros Sententiarum.St Bonaventure - 1252
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