Results for 'Janice Perri'

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  1.  31
    (1 other version)Making Sense of Epicurean Friendship.Janice Perri - 2017 - Stance 10:83-91.
    This paper argues that Epicurean friendship is instrumental in value, and Epicurus’s varied claims about friendship can be understood as teaching strategies that are tailored to different levels of students. After rejecting an argument that presents Epicurean friendship as intrinsic, I outline Epicurus’s methodology of teaching and examine his specific claims regarding friendship as intended for either novice, intermediate, or advanced students. This approach allows Epicurus’s weaker and stronger claims regarding friendship to be viewed as gradually progressing students towards the (...)
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  2. Contextualism about Deontic Conditionals.Aaron Bronfman & Janice Dowell, J. L. - 2016 - In Nate Charlow & Matthew Chrisman (eds.), Deontic Modality. New York, NY: Oxford University Press. pp. 117-142.
    Our goal here is to help identify the contextualist’s most worthy competitor to relativism. Recently, some philosophers of language and linguists have argued that, while there are contextualist-friendly semantic theories of deontic modals that fit with the relativist’s challenge data, the best such theories are not Lewis-Kratzer-style semantic theories. If correct, this would be important: It would show that the theory that has for many years enjoyed the status of the default view of modals in English and other languages is (...)
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  3. Democrazia e bene comune da Karl Jaspers a Jürgen Habermas.María Luisa Perri - 2005 - Verifiche: Rivista Trimestrale di Scienze Umane 34 (1):91-126.
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  4. Sindrome del tempo e ragione scettica: il pensiero post-metafisico nell¿ ultimo Habermas.María Letizia Perri - 1992 - Verifiche: Rivista Trimestrale di Scienze Umane 21 (2):147-172.
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  5. ""The Lifeworld as Hermeneutical Principle for Understanding the Human Condition: Functions and Limits of the" Everyday Life" Concept.M. L. Perri - 1999 - Analecta Husserliana 60:93-112.
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    The Prologue to the Narcissus of Hryhorii Skovoroda as a Philosophical Testament.Giuseppe Perri - 2015 - Kyiv-Mohyla Humanities Journal 2:83.
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  7. Image and ontology in Merleau-Ponty.Trevor Perri - 2013 - Continental Philosophy Review 46 (1):75-97.
    Although better known for his phenomenology of perception and the perceived world, Merleau-Ponty’s writings also contain the outlines of a rich and unique account of the imagination and the imaginary. In this paper, I explicate the phenomenology of the image that Merleau-Ponty develops throughout his work. I show how Merleau-Ponty develops this account of the image in critical response to Sartre and in a way that follows from his own descriptions of what painters do when they paint and of what (...)
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    Contenuto e significato del prologo al Narciso di Hryhorij Skovoroda.Giuseppe Perri - 2016 - Rivista di Storia Della Filosofia 71 (1):25-46.
  9. Bergson's Philosophy of Memory.Trevor Perri - 2014 - Philosophy Compass 9 (12):837-847.
    Bergson identifies multiple forms of memory throughout his work. In Matter and Memory, Bergson considers memory from the perspectives of both psychology and metaphysics, and he describes what we might refer to as contraction memory, perception memory, habit memory, recollection memory, and pure memory. Further, in subsequent works, Bergson discusses at least two additional forms of memory – namely, a memory of the present and a non-intellectual memory of the will. However, it is often not clear how these different forms (...)
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    Korenizacija: an Ambiguous and Temporary Strategy of Legitimization of Soviet Power in Ukraine and its Legacy.Giuseppe Perri - 2014 - History of Communism in Europe 5:131-154.
    The Soviet government showed evidence of poor linearity in its policies towards nationalities. Not only does this policy appear to have been contradictory in several places, but has undergone changes and transformations over the years, so as to make it almost unreadable. Meanwhile, in order to attract the nationalities that were part of the Russian Empire and in accordance with the principle enunciated by Lenin, namely that the Empire was a “prison of peoples”, in the first decade of Soviet power (...)
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  11. Intuition and freedom : Bergson, Husserl and the movement of philosophy.Hanne Jacobs & Trevor Perri - 2010 - In Michael R. Kelly (ed.), Bergson and phenomenology. New York: Palgrave-Macmillan.
  12.  20
    Further Beyond the Basic Background Check: Predicting Future Unethical Behavior.Richard G. Brody, Frank S. Perri & Harry J. Van Buren - 2015 - Business and Society Review 120 (4):549-576.
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    Prediction Models for Radiation-Induced Neurocognitive Decline in Adult Patients With Primary or Secondary Brain Tumors: A Systematic Review.Fariba Tohidinezhad, Dario Di Perri, Catharina M. L. Zegers, Jeanette Dijkstra, Monique Anten, Andre Dekker, Wouter Van Elmpt, Daniëlle B. P. Eekers & Alberto Traverso - 2022 - Frontiers in Psychology 13.
    PurposeAlthough an increasing body of literature suggests a relationship between brain irradiation and deterioration of neurocognitive function, it remains as the standard therapeutic and prophylactic modality in patients with brain tumors. This review was aimed to abstract and evaluate the prediction models for radiation-induced neurocognitive decline in patients with primary or secondary brain tumors.MethodsMEDLINE was searched on October 31, 2021 for publications containing relevant truncation and MeSH terms related to “radiotherapy,” “brain,” “prediction model,” and “neurocognitive impairments.” Risk of bias was (...)
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  14. A Flexible Contextualist Account of Epistemic Modals.Janice Dowell, J. L. - 2011 - Philosophers' Imprint 11:1-25.
    On Kratzer’s canonical account, modal expressions (like “might” and “must”) are represented semantically as quantifiers over possibilities. Such expressions are themselves neutral; they make a single contribution to determining the propositions expressed across a wide range of uses. What modulates the modality of the proposition expressed—as bouletic, epistemic, deontic, etc.—is context.2 This ain’t the canon for nothing. Its power lies in its ability to figure in a simple and highly unified explanation of a fairly wide range of language use. Recently, (...)
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    Targeting vulnerable populations: The ethical implications of data mining, automated prediction, and focused marketing.Gerard A. Callanan, David F. Perri & Sandra M. Tomkowicz - 2021 - Business and Society Review 126 (2):155-167.
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  16. (1 other version)The Metaethical Insignificance of Moral Twin Earth.Janice Dowell, J. L. - 2010 - In Russ Shafer-Landau (ed.), Oxford Studies in Metaethics. Oxford: Oxford University Press. pp. 1-27.
    What considerations place genuine constraints on an adequate semantics for normative and evaluative expressions? Linguists recognize facts about ordinary uses of such expressions and competent speakers’ judgments about which uses are appropriate. The contemporary literature reflects the widespread assumption that linguists don’t rely upon an additional source of data—competent speakers’ judgments about possible disagreement with hypothetical speech communities. We have several good reasons to think that such judgments are not probative for semantic theorizing. Therefore, we should accord these judgments no (...)
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  17. (1 other version)Contextualist Solutions to Three Puzzles about Practical Conditionals.Janice Dowell, J. L. - 2009 - In Russ Shafer-Landau (ed.), Oxford Studies in Metaethics: Volume Four. Oxford University Press.
  18.  35
    Ethical Issues Related to the Mass Marketing of Securities.Michael P. Coyne & Janice M. Traflet - 2008 - Journal of Business Ethics 78 (1-2):193-198.
    This paper examines ethical issues involved in the mass marketing of securities to individuals. The marketing of products deemed “socially questionable” or “sinful” (like tobacco and alcohol) has long been recognized as posing special ethical challenges (Kotler, P. and S. Levy: 1971, Harvard Business Review 49, 74–80; Davidson, D. K: 1996, Selling Sin: The Marketing of Socially Unacceptable Products (Quorum Press, Westport). We contend that marketers should consider securities (i.e. common stock, options) in a similar vein, as a potentially dangerous (...)
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    The Psychology of Coronavirus Behavioral Health Mindset, Vaccination Receptivity, Customer Orientation and Community Public Service.Michael R. Cunningham, Perri B. Druen, M. Cynthia Logsdon, Brian W. Dreschler, Anita P. Barbee, Ruth L. Carrico, Steven W. Billings & John W. Jones - 2022 - Frontiers in Psychology 13.
    Three studies were conducted to explore the psychological determinants of COVID-deterrent behaviors. In Study 1, using data collected and analyzed both before and after the release of COVID-19 vaccines, mask-wearing, other preventative behaviors like social distancing, and vaccination intentions were positively related to assessments of the Coronavirus Behavioral Health Mindset ; belief in the credibility of science; progressive political orientation; less use of repressive and more use of sensitization coping; and the attribution of COVID-19 safety to effort rather than ability, (...)
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    Changes Observed in Views of Nature of Science During a Historically Based Unit.David Wÿss Rudge, David Paul Cassidy, Janice Marie Fulford & Eric Michael Howe - 2014 - Science & Education 23 (9):1879-1909.
  21. The language of reasons and ‘ought’.Aaron Bronfman & Janice Dowell - 2018 - In Daniel Star (ed.), The Oxford Handbook of Reasons and Normativity. New York, NY, United States of America: Oxford University Press. pp. 85–112.
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    Smart objects in daily life: Tackling the rise of new life forms in a semiotic perspective.Paolo Peverini, Antonio Perri & Riccardo Finocchi - 2020 - Semiotica 2020 (236-237):141-166.
    Our everyday life is increasingly permeated with digital objects that carry out smart and complex functions. The latest (but certainly not final) advancement of smart digital applications – is to be identified the creation of a field, at once conceptual and material, of things denominated smart objects (henceforth SOs). This technological evolution is so pervasive that it is referred to as smartification. Smart objects have some distinctive features including in particular varying degrees of agency, autonomy and authority. There is no (...)
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  23. The physical: Empirical, not metaphysical.J. L. Dowell, & Janice Dowell - 2006 - Philosophical Studies 131 (1):25-60.
    2. The Contingency and A posteriority Constraint: A formulation of the thesis must make physicalism come out contingent and a posteriori. First, physicalism is a contingent truth, if it is a truth. This means that physicalism could have been false, i.e. there are counterfactual worlds in which physicalism is false, for example, counterfactual worlds in which there are miracle -performing angels.[9] Moreover, if physicalism is true, our knowledge of its truth is a posteriori. This is to say that there are (...)
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    Books received. [REVIEW]Author unknown - 2000 - Journal of Speculative Philosophy 14 (1):79-81.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:The Journal of Speculative Philosophy 14.1 (2000) 79-81 [Access article in PDF] Books Received July 1999 through December 1999Asmuth, Christoph. 1999. Das Begriefen des Unbegreiflich. Abt. II, Band 41 of Spekulation and Erfahrung. Stuttgart: Frommann-holzboog. 411 pp.Badiou, Alain. 1999. Manifesto for Philosophy. Trans. and ed. Norman Madarasz. Albany: SUNY Press. 181 pp. h.c. 0-7914-4219-5, $14.95 pbk. 0-7914-4220-9.Barwise, Jon, and John Perry. 1999. Situations and Attitudes. New York: Cambridge UP. (...)
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    Informing Education Policy on MMR: balancing individual freedoms and collective responsibilities for the promotion of public health.Janice Wood-Harper - 2005 - Nursing Ethics 12 (1):43-58.
    The recent decrease in public confidence in the measles, mumps and rubella vaccine has important implications for individuals and public health. This article presents moral arguments relating to conflicts between individual autonomy and collective responsibilities in vaccination decisions with a view to informing and advising health professionals and improving the effectiveness of education policies in avoiding resurgence of endemic measles. Lower population immunity, due to falling uptake, is hastening the need for greater public awareness of the consequences for the population. (...)
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    Tiered Neuroscience and Mental Health Professional Development in Liberia Improves Teacher Self-Efficacy, Self-Responsibility, and Motivation.Kara Brick, Janice L. Cooper, Leona Mason, Sangay Faeflen, Josiah Monmia & Janet M. Dubinsky - 2021 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 15:664730.
    After acquiring knowledge of the neuroscience of learning, memory, stress and emotions, teachers incorporate more cognitive engagement and student-centered practices into their lessons. However, the role understanding neuroscience plays in teachers own affective and motivational competencies has not yet been investigated. The goal of this study was to investigate how learning neuroscience effected teachers’ self-efficacy, beliefs in their ability to teach effectively, self-responsibility and other components of teacher motivation. A pilot training-of-trainers program was designed and delivered in Liberia combining basic (...)
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    Memory monitoring in mock jurors.Mary E. Pritchard & Janice M. Keenan - 1999 - Journal of Experimental Psychology: Applied 5 (2):152.
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    (1 other version)Intersections between feminist and queer theory.Diane Richardson, Janice McLaughlin & Mark E. Casey (eds.) - 2006 - New York: Palgrave-Macmillan.
    The emergence of queer ideas has unsettled other forms of exploring gender and sexuality, in particular feminism. In response, feminists have been significant critics of queer ideas. This book, through the contribution of important US and UK writers, seeks to explore the debates between feminist and queer theorizing in order to seek out interconnections between the two; they identify new directions in thinking about sexuality and gender that may emerge out of and at the interface.
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  29. Understanding memories of a near-death experience from the perspective of quantum entanglement and in the presence of the supernatural.Contzen Pereira & Janice Harter - 2016 - Journal of Metaphysics and Connected Consciousness 2.
    Near-death experiences are a big challenge to the fields of science and philosophy; termed as hallucinatory by neurologists and “stuff of which fantasies are made off” by sceptics, there are some unique near-death experiences which defy these claims. Memories generated during these experiences are of specific interest as they are created without a body and can be recalled post the experience. Call it the mind, soul, psyche or consciousness, if deliberated as a form of quantum generated energy, a strong correlation (...)
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    Ethical Screening and Financial Performance: The Case of Islamic Equity Funds.Yunieta Nainggolan, Janice How & Peter Verhoeven - 2016 - Journal of Business Ethics 137 (1):83-99.
    Whether ethical screening affects portfolio performance is an important question that is yet to be settled in the literature. This paper aims to shed further light on this question by examining the performance of a large global sample of Islamic equity funds from 1984 to 2010. We find that IEFs underperform conventional funds by an average of 40 basis points per month, consistent with the underperformance hypothesis. In line with popular media claims that Islamic funds are a safer investment, IEFs (...)
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    Evidence‐based medical education –quo vadis?Gabriel M. Leung & Janice M. Johnston - 2006 - Journal of Evaluation in Clinical Practice 12 (3):353-364.
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    Trauma-Informed Approaches in Healthcare Ethics Consultation: A Missing Element in Healthcare for People Who Use Drugs during the Overdose Crisis?Adrian Guta, Daniel Z. Buchman, Rose A. Schmidt, Melissa Perri & Carol Strike - 2022 - American Journal of Bioethics 22 (5):68-70.
    Bioethics has received important criticisms for its perceived privileging of biomedical authority with longstanding calls for greater recognition of the social, political, economic, historical, and...
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  33. The Positive Ethical Organization: Enacting a Living Code of Ethics and Ethical Organizational Identity.Amy Klemm Verbos, Joseph A. Gerard, Paul R. Forshey, Charles S. Harding & Janice S. Miller - 2007 - Journal of Business Ethics 76 (1):17-33.
    A vision of a living code of ethics is proposed to counter the emphasis on negative phenomena in the study of organizational ethics. The living code results from the harmonious interaction of authentic leadership, five key organizational processes (attraction–selection–attrition, socialization, reward systems, decision-making and organizational learning), and an ethical organizational culture (characterized by heightened levels of ethical awareness and a positive climate regarding ethics). The living code is the cognitive, affective, and behavioral manifestation of an ethical organizational identity. We draw (...)
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    “Outsider within” the firehouse: Subordination and difference in the social interactions of african american women firefighters.Patricia Aniakudo & Janice D. Yoder - 1997 - Gender and Society 11 (3):324-341.
    From the perspective of African American women firefighters, the authors examine the social interactions that make them excluded “outsiders within” their firehouses and different from not only dominant white men but also other subordinated groups of Black men and white women firefighters. Drawing on extensive survey data from 24 Black women career firefighters nationwide and detailed interviews with 22 of these, the authors found persistent and pervasive patterns of subordination through the exclusion of Black women, reflected in insufficient instruction, coworker (...)
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    Assigning Punishment: Reader Responses to Crime News.Kat Albrecht & Janice Nadler - 2022 - Frontiers in Psychology 13.
    In this study we test how the composition of crime news articles contributes to reader perceptions of the moral blameworthiness of vehicular homicide offenders. After employing a rigorous process to develop realistic experimental vignettes about vehicular homicide in Minnesota, we deploy a survey to test differential assignments of suggested punishment. We find that readers respond to having very little information by choosing neutral or mid-point levels of punishment, but increase recommended punishment based on information about morally charged conduct. By contrast, (...)
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    Morphological evolution in sea urchin development: hybrids provide insights into the pace of evolution.Maria Byrne & Janice Voltzow - 2004 - Bioessays 26 (4):343-347.
    Hybridisations between related species with divergent ontogenies can provide insights into the bases for evolutionary change in development. One example of such hybridisations involves sea urchin species that exhibit either standard larval (pluteal) stages or those that develop directly from embryo to adult without an intervening feeding larval stage. In such crosses, pluteal features were found to be restored in fertilisations of the eggs of some direct developing sea urchins (Heliocidaris erythrogramma) with the sperm of closely (Heliocidaris tuberculata) and distantly (...)
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    “Relatively mild stress” depresses cellular immunity in healthy adults.Ronald Glaser & Janice K. Kiecolt-Glaser - 1985 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 8 (3):401-402.
  38.  22
    Preexposure to conditioned and unconditioned stimuli in taste-aversion learning.Stephen W. Kiefer, Janice A. Phillips & J. Jay Braun - 1977 - Bulletin of the Psychonomic Society 10 (3):226-228.
  39.  18
    The First Feminist Legal Studies Forum.Ralph Sandland & Janice Richardson - 1996 - Feminist Legal Studies 4 (2):253-254.
  40.  15
    New Light on the Additamentvm Aldinvm(Silius Italicus, Pvnica 8.144–223).Benjamin C. Nagy & Janice M. Lee - 2023 - Classical Quarterly 73 (1):271-292.
    The authenticity of the Additamentum Aldinum (Sil. Pun. 8.144–223) has long been a matter of debate. While many scholars have expressed doubts that it is by Silius and suggest rather that it is from the hands of a skilful humanist, it has not, up to this time, been possible to provide solid evidence to support their intuition. This paper not only re-examines the standard arguments for and against authenticity but brings the latest computational stylometric techniques to bear on the question. (...)
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    Looking for the Self in Pathological Unconsciousness.Athena Demertzi, Audrey Vanhaudenhuyse, Serge Brédart, Lizette Heine, Carol di Perri & Steven Laureys - 2013 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 7.
  42.  21
    “Now I know how to not repeat history”: Teaching and Learning Through a Pandemic with the Medical Humanities.Kim Adams, Patrick Deer, Trace Jordan & Perri Klass - 2021 - Journal of Medical Humanities 42 (4):571-585.
    We reflect on our experience co-teaching a medical humanities elective, “Pandemics and Plagues,” which was offered to undergraduates during the Spring 2021 semester, and discuss student reactions to studying epidemic disease from multidisciplinary medical humanities perspectives while living through the world Covid-19 pandemic. The course incorporated basic microbiology and epidemiology into discussions of how epidemics from the Black Death to HIV/AIDS have been portrayed in history, literature, art, music, and journalism. Students self-assessed their learning gains and offered their insights using (...)
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    Awkward Choreographies from Cancer's Margins: Incommensurabilities of Biographical and Biomedical Knowledge in Sexual and/or Gender Minority Cancer Patients’ Treatment.Mary K. Bryson, Evan T. Taylor, Lorna Boschman, Tae L. Hart, Jacqueline Gahagan, Genevieve Rail & Janice Ristock - 2020 - Journal of Medical Humanities 41 (3):341-361.
    Canadian and American population-based research concerning sexual and/or gender minority populations provides evidence of persistent breast and gynecologic cancer-related health disparities and knowledge divides. The Cancer's Margins research investigates the complex intersections of sexual and/or gender marginality and incommensurabilities and improvisation in engagements with biographical and biomedical cancer knowledge. The study examines how sexuality and gender are intersectionally constitutive of complex biopolitical mappings of cancer health knowledge that shape knowledge access and its mobilization in health and treatment decision-making. Interviews were (...)
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    Clinical Sociological Perspectives on Illness and Loss: The Linkage of Theory and Practice.Elizabeth J. Clark, Jan M. Fritz & Patricia Perri Rieker - 1990 - Charles Press Pubs(PA).
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    Long-range effects of castration on mating behavior in the male rat.Ariel Merari, Varda Shoham, Gershon Molad & Haim Perri - 1973 - Bulletin of the Psychonomic Society 2 (4):215-216.
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    Nineteenth-Century British Women's Education, 1840–1900.Susan Hamilton & Janice Schroeder (eds.) - 2007 - Routledge.
    This new six-volume collection from Routledge and Edition Synapse brings together key documents from the Victorian feminist campaign to establish and improve girls’ and women’s education. The set is divided into two sections, both of which incorporate materials that argue for the improvement of girls’ and women’s education as well as arguments made against education for girls and women. The first section focuses on the debate surrounding the quality of women’s education and the question of access to higher education for (...)
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    Reimagining Asoka: Memory and History.Patrick Olivelle, Janice Leoshko & Himanshu Prabha Ray (eds.) - 2012 - Oxford University Press India.
    This volume explores on the material, social, and ideological aspects of Asoka's reign in light of advances made in archaeology, epigraphy, and numismatics. Thematically divided into three parts, the first to pillars and rocks, which bear his inscriptions. The second part examines the interconnectedness of the edicts, their monumentality, and the different concept of kingship they conveyed. The third part analyses the making of the cultural memory of Asoka and raises pertinent questions crucial for understanding the relationship between the past (...)
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  48. Academic freedom.George Robinson & Janice Moulton - 1992 - In Lawrence C. Becker & Charlotte B. Becker (eds.), The Encyclopedia of Ethics. New York: Garland Publishing.
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    Is consent for research genuinely informed? Using decision aid tools to obtain informed consent in the global south.Marylène Dugas & Janice E. Graham - 2011 - Journal of Global Ethics 7 (3):349-359.
    Gaining informed consent among marginalized groups that include decisionally incapacitated individuals and those outside of the researcher's own geo-social and ethnic background still challenges many researchers. We suggest that there is a need for consideration of a different approach to research ethics in international settings. Based on extensive field work in West Africa on medical knowledge transfers and patient–healer relationships, this paper will discuss the challenges posed in obtaining informed individual consent in international settings. It is argued that while being (...)
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    Ethical Issues in the Feeding of Patients Suffering from Dementia: a focus group study of hospital staff responses to conflicting principles.Stephen Wilmot, Lesley Legg & Janice Barratt - 2002 - Nursing Ethics 9 (6):599-611.
    Feeding difficulties in older patients who are suffering from dementia present problems with balancing conflicting ethical principles. They have been considered by several writers in recent years, and the views of nursing and care staff have been studied in different contexts. The present study used focus groups to explore the way in which nursing and care staff in a National Health Service trust deal with conflict between ethical principles in this area. Three focus groups were convened, one each from the (...)
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