Results for 'Janos Bak'

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  1.  27
    Barbara Sasse, Die Sozialstruktur Böhmens in der Frühzeit: Historisch-archäologische Untersuchungen zum 9.–12. Jahrhundert. Preface by Wolfgang H. Fritze. (Berliner Historische Studien, 7; Germania Slavica, 4.) Berlin: Duncker & Humblot, 1982. Paper. Pp. 380; 8 maps, 18 graphs. DM 140. [REVIEW]János M. Bak - 1987 - Speculum 62 (4):1035-1035.
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    János M. Bak and Ivan Jurković, Chronicon: Medieval Narrative Sources. A Chronological Guide with Introductory Essays. Turnhout: Brepols, 2013. Paper. Pp. 493. €85. ISBN: 978-2-503-54833-3. [REVIEW]Michael Kulikowski - 2016 - Speculum 91 (4):1067-1069.
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    Janos erdelyi: The individual and the ideal (Janos erdelyi: Das individuelle und Das ideale).Papp Zoltan & Erdelyi Janos - 2008 - Estetika: The Central European Journal of Aestetics; Until 2008: Estetika (Aesthetics) 45 (2).
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    (1 other version)Apáczai Csere János válogatott pedagógiai művei.János Apáczai Csere - 1976 - Budapest: Tankönyvkiadó. Edited by Lajos Orosz.
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    Grasping the Conceptual Difference Between János Bolyai and Lobachevskii’s Notions of Non-Euclidean Parallelism.János Tanács - 2009 - Archive for History of Exact Sciences 63 (5):537-552.
    The paper examines the difference between János Bolyai’s and Lobachevskii’s notion of non-Euclidean parallelism. The examination starts with the summary of a widespread view of historians of mathematics on János Bolyai’s notion of non-Euclidean parallelism used in the first paragraph of his Appendix. After this a novel position of the location and meaning of Bolyai’s term “parallela” in his Appendix is put forward. After that János Bolyai’s Hungarian manuscript, the Commentary on Lobachevskii’s Geometrische Untersuchungen is elaborated in order to see (...)
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  6. Chapter Fourteen The Role of Attachment Patterns in Emotional Processing of Literary Narratives Janos Laszlo and Eva Fulop.Janos Laszlo - 2007 - In Leonid Dorfman, Colin Martindale & Vladimir Petrov (eds.), Aesthetics and innovation. Newcastle, UK: Cambridge Scholars Press. pp. 257.
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    Linguistic modelling of scenarios: the means of paradigm change from the systemic view to systems science.Janos Korn - 2013 - Kibworth Beauchamp, Leicestershire: Matador.
    Linguistic Modelling of Scenarios proposes a paradigm change from the 'systemic VIEW' to 'systems SCIENCE', so as to extend the methodology of conventional science of physics into the domains hitherto beyond the reach of this kind of treatment. The book: I. Identifies the problematic issues in current approaches to the 'systemic or structural view' of parts of the world as opposed to the 'quantitative/qualitative views' of conventional science of physics and the arts whereby introducing the 'third culture'. II. Locates the (...)
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  8. Kriza Jânos szekely nepkoltesi gyujtemenve Farago Jozsef gondozâsâban. Bukarest,„.Kriza Janos Vadrdzsâk - forthcoming - Kriterion: Journal of Philosophy.
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  9. The Failure of Philosophical Knowledge: Why Philosophers are Not Entitled to Their Beliefs.János Tozsér - 2023 - London: Bloomsbury Academic.
    Philosophy begins and ends in disagreement. Philosophers disagree among themselves in innumerable ways, and this pervasive and permanent dissent is a sign of their inability to solve philosophical problems and establish substantive truths. This raises the question: What should I do with my philosophical beliefs in light of philosophy's epistemic failure? In this open-access book, János Tozsér develops four possible answers into comprehensive metaphilosophical visions and argues that we cannot find peace either by committing ourselves to one of these visions (...)
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  10. The science of science as a new research field and its function in prediction.Janos Farkas - 1974 - In Richard Whitley (ed.), Social processes of scientific development. Boston: Routlege & K. Paul.
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    Artificial photosynthesis – an example of membrane mimetic chemistry.Janos H. Fendler - 1984 - Bioessays 1 (4):165-167.
    The goal of constructing artificial photosynthetic assemblies is to use sunlight for the generation of hydrogen from water; the hydrogen obtained should be an ideal energy source. The use of surfactant vesicle entrapped‐catalyst coated colloidal semiconductors and sacrificial electron donors for photosensitized water reduction illustrates how chemists mimic photosynthesis.
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    Természetjog: eszmetörténet.János Frivaldszky - 2001 - Budapest: Szent István Társulat.
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    A tudat és a megismerés.János Kelemen - 1978 - Budapest: Kossuth Könyvkiadó.
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    A műalkotás: "a létben való gyarapodás": a művészet "valósága" három XX. századi művészetfilozófiában : Lukács György, Martin Heidegger, Hans Georg Gadamer.János Loboczky - 1998 - Budapest: Akademiai Kiads.
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    Keresztút: filozófiai esszék.János Kristóf Nyíri - 1989 - [Budapest]: Kelenföld.
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    Austrian philosophy: studies and texts.János Kristóf Nyíri (ed.) - 1981 - München: Philosophia-Verlag.
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    ‘Modalite’ et ‘topic-comment’ dans une grammaire textuelle a base logique.János S. Petöfi - 1975 - Semiotica 15 (2).
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  18. Self-organization: The basic principle of neural functions.János Szentágothai - 1993 - Theoretical Medicine and Bioethics 14 (2).
    Recent neurophysiological observations are giving rise to the expectation that in the near future genuine biological experiments may contribute more than will premature speculations to the understanding of global and cognitive functions. The classical reflex principle — as the basis of neural functions — has to yield to new ideas, like autopoiesis and/or self-organization, as the basic paradigm in the framework of which the essence of the neural can be better understood. Neural activity starts in the very earliest stages of (...)
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    In search of the real Hegelian aestetics.Janos Weiss - 2008 - Estetika: The Central European Journal of Aestetics 45 (1):41-54.
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    Al-Fārābī, Creation ex nihilo, and the Cosmological Doctrine of K. al-Jamʿ and Jawābāt.Damien Janos - 2009 - Journal of the American Oriental Society 129 (1):1-17.
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    Love as the divinity of the human.Janos V. Barcsak - 2015 - International Journal of Philosophy and Theology 76 (3):249-266.
    Genesis 2:4–25, the story of the creation of man and woman, has received great attention in modern theology. The text indeed contains the most fundamental teaching of the Bible on the relation between man and woman, on sexuality, and on marriage. In this article, however, I attempt to highlight some of the theoretical/philosophical potential of the text. While I accept the main theological teaching of Genesis 2 about the equality of the sexes, I argue that the text goes beyond the (...)
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    Evandro Agazzi's ethical pragmatism of science.Janos Boros - 2003 - Poznan Studies in the Philosophy of the Sciences and the Humanities 81 (1):279-283.
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    Reviewing the Rawlsian concept of public reason.Dorian Jano - 2012 - Balkan Journal of Philosophy 4 (2):197-204.
    This essay tries to review the main elements of the concept of public reason as presented by John Rawls with reference to his latest book (The Law of Peoples with The Idea of Public Reason Revisited) and simultaneously brings up the arguments for and against this concept that have been put forward by the literature. Many of the arguments presented here are not new, but what this essay aims at is a reassessment of the debate by confronting many of the (...)
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    The new social democrats?Ladanyi Janos & Szelenyi Ivan - 1997 - Social Research: An International Quarterly 64 (4).
  25. Algebraic geometry.János Kollár - 2008 - In T. Gowers (ed.), Princeton Companion to Mathematics. Princeton University Press. pp. 363--372.
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    Präsuppositionen in Philosophie und Linguistik.János S. Petőfi & Dorothea Franck (eds.) - 1973 - Frankfurt (M.): Athenäum-Verlag.
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    Capsaicin-sensitive chemoceptive B-afferents: A neural system with dual sensory-efferent function.János Szolcsányi - 1990 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 13 (2):316-316.
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    Blind Myself: Simple Steps for Editors and Software Providers to Take Against Affiliation Bias.János Tóth - 2020 - Science and Engineering Ethics 26 (3):1875-1877.
    This letter contains suggestions for editors and software providers to help avoid affiliation bias in the initial and concluding stages of the peer review process. Submission management systems have a responsibility to ensure protection against affiliation bias. This can be achieved by automatically withholding the author’s identity and affiliation information from all editors, including the Editor-in-Chief, until a decision about publication has been made. Journals relying on email-based submissions are in a more difficult situation. Not having external support in confirming (...)
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    Gene Manipulation: Market and Expert Failures.János I. Tóth - 2000 - Global Bioethics 13 (3-4):79-86.
    Gene-technology was developed in the eighties and stimulated an overmuch heated social debate. Let's think such problems as cloning, transgenic organisms, Human Genom Project, DNA diagnostics and therapy, the geneticalisation of society etc. While the gene manipulation develops rapidly the necessary social control is missing. Regarding the social co-ordination of gene technology, the decision-makers still excessively trust in the institution of market and in the experts' competence.
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    Sözde-Aristoteles’in Risâletü’t- Tüffâha’sı: Tarihçesi ve Muhtemel Yazarına İlişkin Açıklamalar ile İçeriğine Genel Bir Bakışla Birlikte Tahkikli Neşri.Muhammed Burak Bakır - 2024 - Nazariyat, Journal for the History of Islamic Philosophy and Sciences 10 (1):123-203.
    Bu makale, Sözde-Aristoteles’in Risâletü’t-Tüffâha veya Kitâbü’t-Tüffâha’sını (Lat. Liber de Pomo) tarihçesi, muh- temel yazarı ve yazmaları itibarıyla incelemekte, içeriği hakkında genel bir bakış sunmakta ve daha önce tahkikli neşri yapılmamış olan Arapça tam versiyonunun tahkikli neşrini içermektedir. Tahkikte, risalenin orijinal Arapça versiyonuna en yakın yazma nüshası esas alınmış ve ikinci bir tam nüsha ile karşılaştırma yapılmıştır. Makalede Risâletü’t-Tüffâha’nın ilk olarak Kindî-çevresinde Arapça telif edildiği, ardından Bâtınî-İsmâilî ve Hermetik gelenek- lerde alımlandığı ve hikemiyât literatüründe ve tabakat eserlerinde dolaşıma girdiği öne sürülmektedir. (...)
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    Supervisor Feedback and Innovative Work Behavior: The Mediating Roles of Trust in Supervisor and Affective Commitment.HyeonUk Bak - 2020 - Frontiers in Psychology 11.
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  32. Self-organized criticality.P. Bak & K. Chen - 1991 - Scientific American 264 (1):46–53.
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    By Force of Thought: Irregular Memoirs of an Intellectual Journey.János Kornai - 2006 - MIT Press.
    János Kornai, a distinguished Hungarian economist, began his adult life as an ardent believer in socialism and then became a critic of the communist political and economic system. He lost family members in the Holocaust, contributed to the ideological preparation for the 1956 Hungarian Revolution, and became an influential theorist of the post-Soviet economic transition. He has been a journalist, a researcher prohibited from teaching in his home country, and a tenured professor at Harvard. By Force of Thought traces Kornai's (...)
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  34. Berlin’s two concepts of positive liberty.Janos Kis - 2013 - European Journal of Political Theory 12 (1):31-48.
    In ‘Two Concepts of Liberty’, Berlin wavered between two readings of the concept of positive liberty. In the first one, ‘positive liberty’ is a distinct concept, different from that of ‘negative liberty’. Those who advocate liberty in the negative sense and those who advocate it in the positive sense do not disagree on which interpretation of the same thing – ‘liberty’ – is the correct one; they speak about different things. Both defend valid ideals, although those ideals may not be (...)
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    A comparison of models for strategic planning, risk analysis and risk management.Janos Acs - 1985 - Theory and Decision 19 (3):205-248.
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    A New Study of Grammatical unit and Clitics in Korean.Jae-hee Bak - 2018 - Cogito 84:219-244.
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    A Study on the Educational Method of Korean Metaphorical Expression for Korean Learners.Eunkyeong Bak - 2019 - Cogito 88:197-218.
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    Epistemological Study on the Thought of 天人合一.Sanghwan Bak - 2009 - 동서철학연구(Dong Seo Cheol Hak Yeon Gu; Studies in Philosophy East-West) 53:5-23.
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  39. Jürgen Habermas.İki Yüzyıl Sonrasından Geriye Bakışın & Kazanımlarıyla Kant'ın Ebedi Barış İdesi - 2005 - Cogito 41:381.
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    To lock or not to lock? Mexico case.Agata Bąk & Giovanni Perea Tinajero - 2021 - History and Philosophy of the Life Sciences 43 (4):1-5.
    In this paper, we analyze some of the policies implemented by Mexico, a country that has not pursued a total lockdown, although it has implemented different partial confinement policies. Such approach to the confinement has been criticized by some authors as morally inappropriate. Our focus is to show that cultural, political and economic conditions shape the governmental response to the pandemic. While these can be judged on the basis of their efficiency, it seems to us that underlying principles are also (...)
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  41. Płeć kulturowa w dyskursie literackim Ruth Klüger.Aleksandra Bąk-Zawalski - 2012 - Przeglad Filozoficzny - Nowa Seria 82 (2):455-464.
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    Repräsentationalismus und Antirepräsentationalismus.János Boros - 1999 - Deutsche Zeitschrift für Philosophie 47 (4):539-552.
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    Scoti schola numerosior est omnibus aliis simul sumptis.Felix Bąk - 1956 - Franciscan Studies 16 (1-2):144-165.
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    Dante and the Tradition of the Written Word.János Kelemen - 2010 - American Journal of Semiotics 26 (1-4):41-48.
    Dedication. A version of this paper has been discussed in 2007, in Dunabogdány (Hungary), on the occasion of an informal meeting, organized by Jeff Bernard. It was the last occasion I had the chance to meet him, one of my closest friends during many years, to whose memory I dedicate this essay.
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    Linguistic Form and Meaning.János Kelemen - 1977 - Semiotica 20 (1-2).
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  46. Formalna teoria semiotyczna tekstu jako zintegrowana teoria języka naturalnego.János S. Petöfi - 1981 - Studia Semiotyczne 11:161-173.
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  47. Intentionality: Past and Future (Value Inquiry Book Series, Volume 173).Janos Tozser - 2005 - New York: Rodopi NY.
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  48. The content of perceptual experience.Janos Tozser - 2005 - In Intentionality: Past and Future (Value Inquiry Book Series, Volume 173). New York: Rodopi NY.
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  49. Mental Realism Reloaded.János Tözsér - 2009 - Journal for General Philosophy of Science / Zeitschrift für Allgemeine Wissenschaftstheorie 40 (2):337-340.
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    A demokrácia filozófiája.János Boros - 2000 - Budapest: Jelenkor.
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