Results for 'Javier A. Elguea'

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  1.  26
    Razón y desarrollo: el crecimiento económico, las instituciones y la distribución de la riqueza espiritual.Javier A. Elguea - 2008 - México, D.F.: Colegio de México.
    Este libro es un estudio sobre las teor as del desarrollo social y un an lisis de las estrategias, instituciones y pol ticas econ micas de los ltimos tiempos en varios pa ses.
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  2. The stability of traits conception of the hologenome: An evolutionary account of holobiont individuality.Javier Suárez - 2020 - History and Philosophy of the Life Sciences 42 (1):1-27.
    Bourrat and Griffiths :33, 2018) have recently argued that most of the evidence presented by holobiont defenders to support the thesis that holobionts are evolutionary individuals is not to the point and is not even adequate to discriminate multispecies evolutionary individuals from other multispecies assemblages that would not be considered evolutionary individuals by most holobiont defenders. They further argue that an adequate criterion to distinguish the two categories is fitness alignment, presenting the notion of fitness boundedness as a criterion that (...)
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  3. Unjust Borders: Individuals and the Ethics of Immigration.Javier S. Hidalgo - 2018 - Routledge.
    States restrict immigration on a massive scale. Governments fortify their borders with walls and fences, authorize border patrols, imprison migrants in detention centers, and deport large numbers of foreigners. Unjust Borders: Individuals and the Ethics of Immigration argues that immigration restrictions are systematically unjust and examines how individual actors should respond to this injustice. Javier Hidalgo maintains that individuals can rightfully resist immigration restrictions and often have strong moral reasons to subvert these laws. This book makes the case that (...)
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    Aristotle's Ethics and Moral Responsibility.Javier Echeñique - 2012 - Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
    Aristotle's Ethics develops a complex theory of the qualities which make for a good human being and for several decades there has been intense discussion about whether Aristotle's theory of voluntariness, outlined in the Ethics, actually delineates what modern thinkers would recognize as a theory of moral responsibility. Javier Echeñique presents a novel account of Aristotle's discussion of voluntariness in the Ethics, arguing - against the interpretation by Arthur Adkins and that inspired by Peter Strawson - that he developed (...)
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    Operationalising AI ethics: how are companies bridging the gap between practice and principles? An exploratory study.Javier Camacho Ibáñez & Mónica Villas Olmeda - 2022 - AI and Society 37 (4):1663-1687.
    Despite the increase in the research field of ethics in artificial intelligence, most efforts have focused on the debate about principles and guidelines for responsible AI, but not enough attention has been given to the “how” of applied ethics. This paper aims to advance the research exploring the gap between practice and principles in AI ethics by identifying how companies are applying those guidelines and principles in practice. Through a qualitative methodology based on 22 semi-structured interviews and two focus groups, (...)
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    Are Properties Particular, Universal, or Neither?Javier Cumpa - 2018 - American Philosophical Quarterly 55 (2):165-174.
    Are properties universal or particular? According to Universalism, properties are universals because there is a certain fundamental tie that makes properties capable of being shareable by more than one thing. On the opposing side, Particularism is the view that properties are particulars due to the existence of a fundamental tie that makes properties incapable of being shared. My aim in this paper is to critically examine the connections between the notions of the fundamental tie and universality and particularity. I argue, (...)
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  7.  40
    Expressivism and Crossed Disagreements.Javier Osorio & Neftali Villanueva - 2019 - Royal Institute of Philosophy Supplement 86:111-132.
    The purpose of this paper is to explore the connection between expressivism and disagreement. More in particular, the aim is to defend that one of the desiderata that can be derived from the study of disagreement, the explanation of ‘crossed disagreements’, can only be accommodated within a semantic theory that respects, at the meta-semantic level, certain expressivistic restrictions. We will compare contemporary dynamic expressivism with three different varieties of contextualist strategies to accommodate the specificities of evaluative language –indexical contextualism – (...)
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  8. Diversity ethics and the impact of genetic technologies.Javier Romaînach Cabrero - 2015 - In Gerard Quinn, Aisling De Paor & Peter David Blanck, Genetic discrimination: transatlantic perspectives on the case for a European-level legal response. New York, NY: Routledge.
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  9. La realidad virtual en el planteamiento intercultural de Charles Taylor y el sujeto incorporado de M. Merleau-Ponty.Javier Gracia Calandín - 2007 - In César Moreno, Rafael Lorenzo & Alicia Ma de Mingo, Filosofía y realidad virtual. Zaragoza: Prensas Universitarias de Zaragoza.
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    ¿ Qué puedo hacer, y no debo?Javier Echeverría - 2006 - In Alvarez Alvarez, José Francisco, Roberto R. Aramayo & Javier Muguerza, Disenso e incertidumbre: un homenaje a Javier Muguerza. [Mexico]: Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Científicas. pp. 2--479.
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  11. Tres modelos de juez.Javier Flax - 2020 - In Gustavo Arroyo & Horacio Martín Sisto, La lógica de la analogía: perspectivas actuales sobre el rol de las analogías en ciencias y en filosofía. Los Polvorines, Prov. de Buenos Aires, Argentina: Ediciones UNGS, Universidad Nacional de General Sarmiento.
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  12. Acerca del fonocentrismo: Imagen y/o sonido.Javier Borge Holthoefer - 2002 - A Parte Rei 23:9.
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  13. El continuo en Leibniz y su concepción del infinito actual.Javier Kasahara - 2010 - In Manuel Sánchez Rodríguez & Sergio Rodero Cilleros, Leibniz en la filosofía y la ciencia modernas. Granada: Comares. pp. 135--148.
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  14. Analogías en la investigación y la comunicación de la química.Javier Montserrat - 2020 - In Gustavo Arroyo & Horacio Martín Sisto, La lógica de la analogía: perspectivas actuales sobre el rol de las analogías en ciencias y en filosofía. Los Polvorines, Prov. de Buenos Aires, Argentina: Ediciones UNGS, Universidad Nacional de General Sarmiento.
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  15. Adolfo Sánchez Vázquez y el pensamiento utópico.Javier Muguerza - 2012 - In Villacañas Berlanga, L. J., Antonio Rivera García & José Luis Abellán, Ensayos sobre historia del pensamiento español: homenaje a José Luis Abellán. Murcia: Editum, Ediciones de la Universidad de Murcia.
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  16. Deleuze y la ineluctable modalidad de lo Visible en Joyce, Proust y Bacon.Javier González Panizo - 2009 - A Parte Rei 63:15.
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  17. Esquizoanálisis y Amor: Una Reconstrucción del Deseo según la Lógica del Sentido de G. Deleuze.Javier González Panizo - 2010 - A Parte Rei 67:3.
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    Los otros como fundamento del conocimiento (cuerpo y lenguaje).Javier Sádaba - 2001 - A Parte Rei 16:1.
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  19. Pensar en América Latina: urgente y necesario. Una lectura desde la obra de Helio Gallardo.Javier Antonio Torres Vindas - 2010 - A Parte Rei 70:10.
  20. The ethics of resisting immigration law.Javier Hidalgo - 2019 - Philosophy Compass 14 (12):e12639.
    States heavily restrict immigration, and many people violate these restrictions. For example, unauthorized immigrants cross borders without official permission, and other actors, such as people smugglers, assist them in doing so. How should we evaluate resistance to immigration law from a moral perspective? In this article, I survey recent work on the ethics of resisting immigration law. In particular, I examine three categories of resistance to immigration law as the following: unauthorized immigration, people smuggling, and citizens' resistance to laws that (...)
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  21. The importance of symbiosis in philosophy of biology: an analysis of the current debate on biological individuality and its historical roots.Javier Suárez - 2018 - Symbiosis 76 (2):77-96.
    Symbiosis plays a fundamental role in contemporary biology, as well as in recent thinking in philosophy of biology. The discovery of the importance and universality of symbiotic associations has brought new light to old debates in the field, including issues about the concept of biological individuality. An important aspect of these debates has been the formulation of the hologenome concept of evolution, the notion that holobionts are units of natural selection in evolution. This review examines the philosophical assumptions that underlie (...)
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  22. Equilibrium explanation as structural non-mechanistic explanation: The case long-term bacterial persistence in human hosts.Javier Suárez & Roger Deulofeu - 2019 - Teorema: International Journal of Philosophy 3 (38):95-120.
    Philippe Huneman has recently questioned the widespread application of mechanistic models of scientific explanation based on the existence of structural explanations, i.e. explanations that account for the phenomenon to be explained in virtue of the mathematical properties of the system where the phenomenon obtains, rather than in terms of the mechanisms that causally produce the phenomenon. Structural explanations are very diverse, including cases like explanations in terms of bowtie structures, in terms of the topological properties of the system, or in (...)
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  23. Bacterial species pluralism in the light of medicine and endosymbiosis.Javier Suárez - 2016 - Theoria: Revista de Teoría, Historia y Fundamentos de la Ciencia 31 (1):91-105.
    This paper aims to offer a new argument in defence bacterial species pluralism. To do so, I shall first present the particular issues derived from the conflict between the non-theoretical understanding of species as units of classification and the theoretical comprehension of them as units of evolution. Secondly, I shall justify the necessity of the concept of species for the bacterial world, and show how medicine and endosymbiotic evolutionary theory make use of different concepts of bacterial species due to their (...)
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  24. ‘After Auschwitz’: Writing history after injustice in Adorno and Lyotard.Javier Burdman - 2021 - Contemporary Political Theory 20 (4):815-835.
    Political philosophy in the last decades has turned away from universal narratives of progress, on grounds that these narratives produce exclusion and justify domination. However, the universal values that underlie emancipatory political projects seem to presuppose universal history, which explains its persistence in some contemporary political philosophers committed to such projects. In order to find a response to the paradox according to which universal history is inherently exclusionary and yet necessary to uphold universal values, I examine the contrast between Adorno’s (...)
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  25. You survive teletransportation.Javier Hidalgo - 2022 - Think 21 (61):83-92.
    Suppose that it was possible to teletransport. The teletransporter would destroy your old brain and body and construct an identical brain and body at a new location. Would you survive teletransportation? Many people think that teletransportation would kill you. On their view, the person that emerges from the teletransporter would be a replica of you, but it wouldn't be you. In contrast, I argue that there's no relevant difference between teletransportation and ordinary survival. So, if you survive ordinary life, then (...)
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  26.  84
    Naturalism and the Question of Ontology.Javier Cumpa - 2023 - American Philosophical Quarterly 60 (1):37-48.
    What is the so-called “question of ontology?” Is the question of ontology genuinely a question about “categories” (Lowe 2006), “structure” (Sider 2011), “existence” (Thomasson 2015), or rather “reality” (Fine 2009)? In this article, I defend the neo-Sellarsian approach to the question of ontology, a novel, naturalistic approach according to which the foundational question of ontology is about “understanding the manifest and the scientific images of the world, and their multiple relationships.” First, I argue for the thesis of Impure Eliminativism, a (...)
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    Can Informational Thermal Physics explain the Approach to Equilibrium?Javier Anta - 2021 - Synthese 199 (1-2):4015–4038.
    In this paper I will defend the incapacity of the informational frameworks in thermal physics, mainly those that historically and conceptually derive from the work of Brillouin (1962) and Jaynes (1957a), to robustly explain the approach of certain gaseous systems to their state of thermal equilibrium from the dynamics of their molecular components. I will further argue that, since their various interpretative, conceptual and technical-formal resources (e.g. epistemic interpretations of probabilities and entropy measures, identification of thermal entropy as Shannon information, (...)
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  28. The ethics of people smuggling.Javier Hidalgo - 2016 - Journal of Global Ethics 12 (3):311-326.
    ABSTRACTPeople smugglers help transport migrants across international borders without authorization and in return for compensation. Many people object to people smuggling and believe that the smuggling of migrants is an evil trade. In this paper, I offer a qualified defense of people smuggling. In particular, I argue that people smuggling that assists refugees in escaping threats to their rights can be morally justified. I then rebut the objections that people smugglers exploit migrants, have defective motivations, and wrongly violate the law. (...)
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  29. An Abhidharmic theory of welfare.Javier Hidalgo - 2021 - Asian Philosophy 31 (3):254-270.
    ABSTRACT Do Buddhist philosophical commitments support a particular theory of well-being? Most authors who have examined this question argue that Buddhist ideas are compatible with multiple theories of well-being. In this paper, I contend that one tradition of Buddhist philosophy—Abhidharma—does imply a specific theory of welfare. In particular, Abhidharma supports hedonism. Most Ābhidharmikas claim that only property-particulars called dharmas ultimately exist and I argue that an Abhidharmic theory of well-being should only refer to these properties. Yet the only dharmas that (...)
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  30. Liberalism or Immigration Restrictions, But Not Both.Javier Hidalgo & Christopher Freiman - 2016 - Journal of Ethics and Social Philosophy 10 (2):1-22.
    This paper argues for a dilemma: you can accept liberalism or immigration restrictions, but not both. More specifically, the standard arguments for restricting freedom of movement apply equally to textbook liberal freedoms, such as freedom of speech, religion, occupation and reproductive choice. We begin with a sketch of liberalism’s core principles and an argument for why freedom of movement is plausibly on a par with other liberal freedoms. Next we argue that, if a state’s right to self-determination grounds a prima (...)
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    Filosofía de la Ciencia.Javier Echeverría - 1995 - Ediciones AKAL.
    Esta obra está pensada para que sirva como ayuda para cursos universitarios de Filosofía de la Ciencia. Además de ocuparse del conocimiento científico, se propone una filosofía de la actividad científica, en la que se tienen presentes las interrelaciones entre ciencia y tecnología. Se abordan asimismo cuestiones relativas a valores que rigen la práctica científica.
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    Gender Inequality in Household Chores and Work-Family Conflict.Javier Cerrato & Eva Cifre - 2018 - Frontiers in Psychology 9:384557.
    The fact that the permeability between family and work scopes produces work-family conflict (WFC) is well established. As such, this research aims to check whether the unequal involvement in household chores between men and women is associated with increased WFC in women and men, interpreting the results also from the knowledge that arise from gender studies. A correlational study was carried out by means a questionnaire applied to 515 subjects (63% men) of two independent samples of Spanish men and women (...)
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    Collective Actors without Collective Minds: An Inferentialist Approach.Javier González de Prado Salas & Jesús Zamora-Bonilla - 2015 - Philosophy of the Social Sciences 45 (1):3-25.
    We present an inferentialist account of collective rationality and intentionality, according to which beliefs and other intentional states are understood in terms of the normative statuses attributed to, and undertaken by, the participants of a discursive practice—namely, their discursive or practical commitments and entitlements. Although these statuses are instituted by the performances and attitudes of the agents, they are not identified with any physical or psychological entity, process or relation. Therefore, we argue that inferentialism allows us to talk of collective (...)
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  34. Structural universals and the principle of uniqueness of composition.Javier Kalhat - 2008 - Grazer Philosophische Studien 76 (1):57-77.
    Lewis has objected to Armstrong's notion of a structural universal on the grounds that it violates the Principle of Uniqueness of Composition (PUC), which says that given some parts, there is only one whole that they compose. This paper reviews Armstrong's case for structural universals, and then attempts to reconcile structural universals with PUC by arguing for the existence of arrangement universals. The latter are not only a key to defending structural universals against Lewis' objection, but are in fact essential (...)
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    Theory and practice in Epicurean political philosophy: security, justice and tranquility.Javier Aoiz - 2023 - London: Bloomsbury Academic. Edited by Marcelo D. Boeri.
    The opponents of Epicureanism in antiquity, including Cicero, Plutarch and Lactantius, succeeded in establishing a famous cliché: the theoretical and practical disinterest of Epicurus and the Epicureans in political communities. However, this anti-Epicurean literature did not provide considerations of Epicurean political theory or the testimonies about Epicurean lifestyle. Therefore, the purpose of this book is to shed light on the contribution of Epicurean thought to political life in the ancient world. Incorporating the most up-to-date archaeological material, including papyri which have (...)
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  36. The Case for the International Governance of Immigration.Javier Hidalgo - 2016 - International Theory 8 (1):140-170.
    States have rights to unilaterally determine their own immigration policies under international law and few international institutions regulate states’ decision-making about immigration. As a result, states have extensive discretion over immigration policy. In this paper, I argue that states should join international migration institutions that would constrain their discretion over immigration. Immigration restrictions are morally risky. When states restrict immigration, they risk unjustly harming foreigners and restricting their freedom. Furthermore, biases and epistemic defects pervasively influence states’ decision-making about immigration policy. (...)
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    La interpretación platónica del desafío inmoralista.Javier Echenique - 2025 - Anales Del Seminario de Historia de la Filosofía 42 (1):1-11.
    Se argumenta que el inmoralismo que confronta Platón en República I y II, lejos de presentar un solo desafío, tiene en realidad cuatro niveles de exigencia progresiva. Esta estructura escalonada del desafío inmoralista pone de manifiesto el hecho de que el desafío oficial, formulado por Adamanto en República II, corresponde a una peculiar interpretación que Platón hace del inmoralismo. Esto se debe a que los dos primeros niveles del desafío no introducen la novedosa posibilidad de suplantación de la realidad moral (...)
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    The Epistemic Schism of Statistical Mechanics.Javier Anta - 2021 - Theoria 36 (3):399-419.
    In this paper I will argue that the two main approaches to statistical mechanics, that of Boltzmann and Gibbs, constitute two substantially different theoretical apparatuses. Particularly, I defend that this theoretical split must be philosophically understood as a separation of epistemic functions within this physical domain: while Boltzmannians are able to generate powerful explanations of thermal phenomena from molecular dynamics, Gibbsians can statistically predict observable values in a highly effective way. Therefore, statistical mechanics is a counterexample to Hempel's (1958) symmetry (...)
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  39. The regress argument against realism about structure.Javier Cumpa - 2023 - Inquiry: An Interdisciplinary Journal of Philosophy 66 (5):726-737.
    Is structure a fundamental and indispensable part of the world? Is the question of ontology a question about structure? Structure is a central notion in contemporary metaphysics [Sider 2011. Writing the Book of the World. Oxford: Clarendon Press]. Realism about structure claims that the question of ontology is about the fundamental and indispensable structure of the world. In this paper, I present a criticism of the metaphysics of realism about structure based on a version of Russell’s famous regress argument against (...)
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    (1 other version)Between banality and radicality: Arendt and Kant on evil and responsibility.Javier Burdman - 2016 - European Journal of Political Theory 18 (2):147488511664072.
    The paper reads Kant’s notion of radical evil as anticipating and clarifying problematic aspects of what Arendt called ‘the banality of evil’. By reconstructing Arendt’s varied analyses of this notion throughout her later writings, I show that the main theoretical challenge posed by it concerns the adjudication of responsibility for evil deeds that seem to lack recognisable evil intentions. In order to clarify this issue, I turn to a canonical text in which the relationship between evil and responsibility plays a (...)
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  41.  11
    Freedom and Values.Javier Barraca Mairal - 2022 - Human Review. International Humanities Review / Revista Internacional de Humanidades 11 (2):19-27.
    This text reflects on the theme of freedom and its relationship with values. To do this, it shows the original approach to this issue present in the thought of the current Spanish philosopher J. M. Méndez. According to the characteristic thinking of this author, freedom does not represent a value but the gateway or the very possibility of participation in any ethical value, as postulated by his _axiological liberalism_.
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    Exemplification as molecular function.Javier Cumpa - 2014 - Philosophical Studies 170 (2):335-342.
    Since the publication of Universals and Scientific Realism (Armstrong 1978a, b) until Sketch for a Systematic Metaphysics (Armstrong 2010), via Universals: An Opinionated Introduction (Armstrong 1989), a World of States of Affairs (Armstrong 1997), and Truth and Truthmakers (Armstrong 2004), David Armstrong has developed one of the most influential theories of instantiation in contemporary analytic metaphysics (see, for example, Lewis, in Aust J Phil 61(4), 343–377, 1983; Baxter in Aust J Phil, 79, 449–464, 2001; Forrest, in Aust J Phil, 83, (...)
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  43.  68
    Factualism and the Scientific Image.Javier Cumpa - 2018 - Humana Mente 26 (5):669-678.
    The Sellarsian task of ontology is to reconcile two seemingly divergent images of ordinary objects such as persons, tomatoes and tables, namely, the manifest image of common sense and the scientific image provided by fundamental physics (Sellars, Science, Perception, and Reality, 1963). Can the genuine categories of the ontologies of Substantialism (Heil, The World as We Find It, 2012), Structural Realism (Ladyman and Ross,Every Thing Must Go: Metaphysics Naturalized, 2007; French, The Structure of the World: Metaphysics and Representation, 2014), and (...)
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  44. Categories.Javier Cumpa - 2020 - Philosophy Compass 15 (1):e12646.
    Categories play a major role in contemporary metaphysics. They have not only been invoked in a number of philosophical theories but are themselves objects of epistemological and metaphysical scrutiny. In this article, we will discuss the following questions: How do we know when something belongs to a certain category? Is there a fundamental category of the world? Can we give a satisfactory account of the number of categories and the completeness of systems of categories? Are categories the genuine subjects of (...)
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    The Natural Link Between Virtue Ethics and Political Virtue: The Morality of the Market.Javier Aranzadi - 2013 - Journal of Business Ethics 118 (3):487-496.
    Against the idea that market economy is something greedy and immoral, we will set out the idea that market economy based on firms has a very positive moral content: the possibility of excellence of human action. Firms based on people acting together, sharing the culture of the organization, toward virtue-based ethics, create and distribute most of the economy’s wealth, innovate, trade and raise living standards. We will present a criterion which states that social coordination improves if the process of creation (...)
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    Extreme Betting.Javier González de Prado Salas - 2018 - Ratio 32 (1):32-41.
    It is often thought that bets on the truth of known propositions become irrational if the losing costs are high enough. This is typically taken to count against the view that knowledge involves assigning credence 1. I argue that the irrationality of such extreme bets can be explained by considering the interactions between the agent and the bookmaker. More specifically, the agent’s epistemic perspective is altered by the fact that the bookmaker proposes that unusual type of bet. Among other things, (...)
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    Vindicating Lineage Eliminativism.Javier Suárez & Sophie Veigl - forthcoming - Biological Theory:1-15.
    This article defends a selective eliminativist position with respect to the concept of “biological lineage” as used in certain areas of contemporary evolutionary biology. We argue that its primary epistemic roles in these contexts—explaining social evolution and cumulative selection—clash with empirical evidence, and that enforcing the concept of “lineage” even obstructs fruitful research avenues in several biological research fields, including phylogenetic research. Drawing on this, we suggest that, in many instances, it would be best to get rid of the concept (...)
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    Filosofía Cosmoderna: Reflexiones Transdisciplinares sobre Naturaleza, Ciencia y Religión.Javier Collado Ruano - 2018 - 'Ilu. Revista de Ciencias de Las Religiones 23:57-80.
    Las reflexiones transdisciplinares de este artículo estudian la relación entre naturaleza, ciencia y religión. Se dirigen a fenómenos complejos de nuestra realidad ontológica desde una perspectiva donde ciencia y religión se funden para dar paso a la filosofía cosmoderna. Como resultado, surge una ética global para reinventar lo sagrado como producto de la integración entre cosmovisiones religiosas y científicas. También se describe un diálogo interreligioso e intra-religioso donde la naturaleza y el cosmos constituyen el encuentro entre conocimiento científico y religioso. (...)
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  49. An Argument for Guest Worker Programs.Javier Hidalgo - 2010 - Public Affairs Quarterly 24 (1):21-38.
    Several noted economists and prominent international organizations have recently advocated for the implementation of guest worker programs in developed states. Their primary argument is that guest worker programs would serve as a powerful mechanism for reducing global poverty and inequality. For example, economist Dani Rodrik estimates that guest worker programs in wealthy states would generate $200 billion or more annually for poor countries. According to Rodrik, liberalizing the temporary movement of workers would “produce the largest possible gains for the world (...)
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    Learning Continuous Probability Distributions with Symmetric Diffusion Networks.Javier R. Movellan & James L. McClelland - 1993 - Cognitive Science 17 (4):463-496.
    In this article we present symmetric diffusion networks, a family of networks that instantiate the principles of continuous, stochastic, adaptive and interactive propagation of information. Using methods of Markovion diffusion theory, we formalize the activation dynamics of these networks and then show that they can be trained to reproduce entire multivariate probability distributions on their outputs using the contrastive Hebbion learning rule (CHL). We show that CHL performs gradient descent on an error function that captures differences between desired and obtained (...)
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