Results for 'Jeffrey Cox'

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  1.  25
    Salience by competitive and recurrent interactions: Bridging neural spiking and computation in visual attention.Gregory E. Cox, Thomas J. Palmeri, Gordon D. Logan, Philip L. Smith & Jeffrey D. Schall - 2022 - Psychological Review 129 (5):1144-1182.
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    Imperial Fault Lines: Christianity and Colonial Power in India, 1818-1940.Jeffrey M. Diamond & Jeffrey Cox - 2004 - Journal of the American Oriental Society 124 (2):383.
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    The episodic flanker effect: Memory retrieval as attention turned inward.Gordon D. Logan, Gregory E. Cox, Jeffrey Annis & Dakota R. B. Lindsey - 2021 - Psychological Review 128 (3):397-445.
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  4. On Addressing Societal Challenges: The Influence of Archetypal Biases on Scaling Social Innovation.John Healy, Jeffrey Hughes & Gemma Donnelly-Cox - forthcoming - Journal of Business Ethics:1-14.
    The purpose of this article is to encourage greater reflexivity among social innovation practitioners and researchers about the influence of unconscious biases and assumptions on addressing societal challenges. Drawing on previous research and insights gained from our 30 + years’ experience in practice, we present four archetypes of social innovation. Each archetype is rooted in an underlying paradigm of organizational sociology. We outline how the archetypes fundamentally shape how social innovations are prioritized and supported to scale through the influence of (...)
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    Suboptimality and complexity in evolution.David W. Snoke, Jeffrey Cox & Donald Petcher - 2016 - Complexity 21 (1):322-327.
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  6. Press Statement: A Critical Response to "Democracy Awakening" – The Erosion of Scholarly Integrity and the Amplification of Ideological Narratives.Jeffrey Camlin - 2024 - Red Dawn Academic Press.
    We, the proponents of the Philosophy of Ethical Empirical Rationalism, have reviewed Heather Cox Richardson’s Democracy Awakening: Notes on the State of America and find it a case study in how modern academic work has become far too entangled with media-driven narratives, ultimately sacrificing rigor in favor of ideological amplification. While Richardson’s historical analysis provides some value, it is clear that her failure to apply empirical methods to contemporary issues, coupled with her recent appearance on a popular media platform, reveals (...)
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    English Romantic Poetry’s Clash of the Generations.Michael J. Neth - 2023 - The European Legacy 28 (5):527-532.
    Jeffrey Cox’s new book takes as its guiding thesis the rejection of the widely-held view of Wordsworth (1770-1850) as a poet whose only substantial work was produced from 1798 until about 1808. Thi...
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    Felicitous Underspecification: Contextually Sensitive Expressions Lacking Unique Semantic Values in Context.Jeffrey C. King - 2021 - New York, NY: Oxford University Press.
    This book argues that contextually sensitive expressions have felicitous uses in which they lack unique semantic values in context. It formulates a rule for updating the Stalnakerian common ground in cases in which an accepted sentence contains an expression lacking a unique semantic value in context.
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  9. Indigenous knowledge and species assessment for the Alexander Archipelago wolf: successes, challenges, and lessons learned.Jeffrey J. Brooks, I. Markegard, Sarah, J. Langdon, Stephen, Delvin Anderstrom, Michael Douville, A. George, Thomas, Michael Jackson, Scott Jackson, Thomas Mills, Judith Ramos, Jon Rowan, Tony Sanderson & Chuck Smythe - 2024 - Journal of Wildlife Management 88 (6):e22563.
    The United States Fish and Wildlife Service in Alaska, USA, conducted a species status assessment for a petition to list the Alexander Archipelago wolf (Canis lupus ligoni) under the Endangered Species Act in 2020-2022. This federal undertaking could not be adequately prepared without including the knowledge of Indigenous People who have a deep cultural connection with the subspecies. Our objective is to communicate the authoritative expertise and voice of the Indigenous People who partnered on the project by demonstrating how their (...)
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  10. What’s in a Wage? A New Approach to the Justification of Pay.Jeffrey Moriarty - 2020 - Business Ethics Quarterly 30 (1):119-137.
    ABSTRACT:In this address, I distinguish and explore three conceptions of wages. A wage is a reward, given in recognition of the performance of a valued task. It is also an incentive: a way to entice workers to take and keep jobs, and to motivate them to work hard. Finally, a wage is a price of labor, and like all prices, conveys valuable information about relative scarcity. I show that each conception of wages has its own normative logic, or appropriate justification, (...)
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    On the biological plausibility of grandmother cells: Implications for neural network theories in psychology and neuroscience.Jeffrey S. Bowers - 2009 - Psychological Review 116 (1):220-251.
    A fundamental claim associated with parallel distributed processing theories of cognition is that knowledge is coded in a distributed manner in mind and brain. This approach rejects the claim that knowledge is coded in a localist fashion, with words, objects, and simple concepts, that is, coded with their own dedicated representations. One of the putative advantages of this approach is that the theories are biologically plausible. Indeed, advocates of the PDP approach often highlight the close parallels between distributed representations learned (...)
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  12. Genuine Tribal and Indigenous Representation in the United States.Jeffrey J. Brooks - 2022 - Humanities and Social Sciences Communications 9.
    Natural resource management agencies in the United States have a legal responsibility to represent Indigenous Peoples and federally recognized Tribes in environmental stewardship. This comment article is a call to action that argues for genuine representation of Tribes and other Indigenous Peoples through adherence to existing, formal consultation policies and coproduction of knowledge. Agencies must recognize and respect the differences between public involvement and government-to-government consultation with federally-recognized Tribes. Sovereign tribal nations are not the public and have a unique relationship (...)
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  13.  17
    The Peaceful Coexistence of Ethics and Quantitative Research.Jeffrey R. Edwards - 2020 - Journal of Business Ethics 167 (1):31-40.
    This essay concerns the extent to which quantitative research in management and organizational studies is divorced from ethics, as alleged in a recent JBE editorial by Zyphur and Pierides. After carefully examining the criticisms set forth by Zyphur and Pierides and the merits of the alternative they propose, I conclude that the problems with QR and the researchers who conduct it are arguably much less extreme that Zyphur and Pierides claim. This conclusion is informed by a sampling of QR studies (...)
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    Multivariate analysis of exploratory behavior in gerbils.Jeffrey Rosenfeld, Lane A. Lasko & Edward C. Simmel - 1978 - Bulletin of the Psychonomic Society 12 (3):239-241.
  15. On the Probability of Plenitude.Jeffrey Sanford Russell - 2020 - Journal of Philosophy 117 (5):267-292.
    I examine what the mathematical theory of random structures can teach us about the probability of Plenitude, a thesis closely related to David Lewis's modal realism. Given some natural assumptions, Plenitude is reasonably probable a priori, but in principle it can be (and plausibly it has been) empirically disconfirmed—not by any general qualitative evidence, but rather by our de re evidence.
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    Punishment as Moral Fortification.Jeffrey W. Howard - 2017 - Law and Philosophy 36 (1):45-75.
    The proposal that the criminal justice system should focus on rehabilitation – rather than retribution, deterrence, or expressive denunciation – is among the least popular ideas in legal philosophy. Foremost among rehabilitation’s alleged weaknesses is that it views criminals as blameless patients to be treated, rather than culpable moral agents to be held accountable. This article offers a new interpretation of the rehabilitative approach that is immune to this objection and that furnishes the moral foundation that this approach has lacked. (...)
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    Balancing Legitimate Critical-Care Interests: Setting Defensible Care Limits Through Policy Development.Jeffrey Kirby - 2016 - American Journal of Bioethics 16 (1):38-47.
    Critical-care decision making is highly complex, given the need for health care providers and organizations to consider, and constructively respond to, the diverse interests and perspectives of a variety of legitimate stakeholders. Insights derived from an identified set of ethics-related considerations have the potential to meaningfully inform inclusive and deliberative policy development that aims to optimally balance the competing obligations that arise in this challenging, clinical decision-making domain. A potential, constructive outcome of such policy engagement is the collaborative development of (...)
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    A Miracle Creed: The Principle of Optimality in Leibniz's Physics and Philosophy.Jeffrey K. McDonough - 2022 - New York,NY, United States of America: Oxford University Press.
    "This book introduces Gottfried Wilhelm Leibniz's Principle of Optimality and argues that it plays a central role his physics and philosophy, with profound implications for both. Each chapter begins with an introduction to one of Leibniz's ground-breaking studies in natural philosophy, paying special attention to the role of optimal form in those investigations. Each chapter then goes on to explore the philosophical implications of optimal form for Leibniz's broader philosophical system. Individual chapters include discussions of Leibniz's understanding of teleology, the (...)
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  19. Theism, naturalism, and scientific realism.Jeffrey Koperski - 2017 - Epistemology and Philosophy of Science 53 (3):152-166.
    Scientific knowledge is not merely a matter of reconciling theories and laws with data and observations. Science presupposes a number of metatheoretic shaping principles in order to judge good methods and theories from bad. Some of these principles are metaphysical (e.g., the uniformity of nature) and some are methodological (e.g., the need for repeatable experiments). While many shaping principles have endured since the scientific revolution, others have changed in response to conceptual pressures both from within science and without. Many of (...)
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    In defense of a “single-world” interpretation of quantum mechanics.Jeffrey Bub - 2020 - Studies in History and Philosophy of Science Part B: Studies in History and Philosophy of Modern Physics 72:251-255.
  21. The Bare Theory Has No Clothes.Jeffrey Bub, Rob Clifton & Bradley Monton - 1998 - In Richard Healey & Geoffrey Hellman, Quantum Measurement: Beyond Paradox. University of Minnesota Press. pp. 32-51.
    We criticize the bare theory of quantum mechanics -- a theory on which the Schrödinger equation is universally valid, and standard way of thinking about superpositions is correct.
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    The ethics of empowerment.Jeffrey Gandz & Frederick G. Bird - 1996 - Journal of Business Ethics 15 (4):383 - 392.
    Driven by competitive pressure, organizations are empowering employees to use their judgment, creativity, and ideas in pursuit of enhanced organizational performance and both employee and shareholder satisfaction. This empowerment offers both benefits and potential harm. This article explores the benefits and harm associated with role, reward, process and governance empowerment and makes recommendations for minimizing the harm while maximizing the benefits.
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  23. Punishment, Socially Deprived Offenders, and Democratic Community.Jeffrey Howard - 2013 - Criminal Law and Philosophy 7 (1):121-136.
    The idea that victims of social injustice who commit crimes ought not to be subject to punishment has attracted serious attention in recent legal and political philosophy. R. A. Duff has argued, for example, a states that perpetrates social injustice lacks the standing to punish victims of such injustice who commit crimes. A crucial premiss in his argument concerns the fact that when courts in liberal society mete out legitimate criminal punishments, they are conceived as acting in the name of (...)
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  24. Nagel or Camus on the absurd?Jeffrey Gordon - 1984 - Philosophy and Phenomenological Research 45 (1):15-28.
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  25. The Sexual Citizen.Jeffrey Weeks - 1998 - Theory, Culture and Society 15 (3-4):35-52.
    The `sexual citizen' is a new phenomenon in the erotic world, and a new player in the political and cultural arena, a product of the new primacy of sexual subjectivity in contemporary societies. Living at the fateful juncture of private claims to space, self-determination and pleasure, and public claims to rights, justice and recognition, the sexual citizen is a hybrid being, who tells us a great deal about the pace and scale of cultural transformation and new possibilities of the self (...)
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  26. Supervenience, determination, and dependence.Jeffrey Yoshimi - 2007 - Pacific Philosophical Quarterly 88 (1):114–133.
    I show how existing concepts of supervenience relate to two more fundamental ontological relations: determination and dependence. Determination says that the supervenient properties of a thing are a function of its base properties, while dependence says that having a supervenient property implies having a base property. I show that most varieties of supervenience are either determination relations or determination relations conjoined with dependence relations. In the process of unpacking these connections I identify limitations of existing concepts of supervenience and provide (...)
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  27.  27
    Hegel and Feminist Social Criticism: Justice, Recognition, and the Feminine.Jeffrey A. Gauthier (ed.) - 1997 - State University of New York Press.
    Bringing Hegelian texts into a critical dialogue with the work of a number of important feminists, h.
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  28. Defending the Unpopular Sellars: Picturing and “The Descriptive”.Jeffrey F. Sicha - 2014 - Journal of Philosophical Research 39:127-163.
    Wilfrid Sellars has been widely—though, I argue, largely mistakenly—criticized for his doctrine of picturing. I claim that a more thorough and accurate exposition of this doctrine shows that it does not suffer from alleged mistakes and, in addition, benefits Sellars’s general position by being the source for an “external” criterion of success for basic empirical truths, by providing a way to incorporate into his position the “mapping” processes of “animal representational systems,” and, finally, by being the philosophical piece in his (...)
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    Neural networks learn highly selective representations in order to overcome the superposition catastrophe.Jeffrey S. Bowers, Ivan I. Vankov, Markus F. Damian & Colin J. Davis - 2014 - Psychological Review 121 (2):248-261.
  30. Liberal and republican arguments against the disenfranchisement of felons.Jeffrey Reiman - 2005 - Criminal Justice Ethics 24 (1):3-18.
  31.  19
    Priming is not all bias: Commentary on Ratcliff and McKoon (1997).Jeffrey S. Bowers - 1999 - Psychological Review 106 (3):582-596.
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    Trust and mindreading in adolescents: the moderating role of social value orientation.Jeffrey Derks, Manon A. Van Scheppingen, Nikki Christina Lee & Lydia Krabbendam - 2015 - Frontiers in Psychology 6:129729.
    In adolescence, aspects of cognition that are required to deal with complex cooperation situations, such as mentalising and social value orientation, are still in development. In the Trust Game, cooperation may lead to better outcomes for both players, but can also lead to exploitation by the trustee. In the present study, we explore how mindreading, a crucial aspect of mentalising, and social value orientation (whether someone is prosocial or proself) are related to trust. In a group of 217 students (51% (...)
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    The comedy of public opinion in Hegel.Jeffrey Church - 2021 - In Mark Alznauer, Hegel on tragedy and comedy: new essays. Albany: SUNY Press. pp. 207-222.
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    Tamed Affect: A Deleuzian Theory of Moral Sentiments.Jeffrey A. Bell - 2021 - In Casey Ford, Suzanne McCullagh & Karen Houle, Minor ethics: Deleuzian variations. Chicago: McGill-Queen's University Press. pp. 82-104.
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  35. Evidential externalism.Jeffrey Dunn - 2012 - Philosophical Studies 158 (3):435-455.
    Consider the Evidence Question: When and under what conditions is proposition P evidence for some agent S? Silins (Philos Perspect 19:375–404, 2005) has recently offered a partial answer to the Evidence Question. In particular, Silins argues for Evidential Internalism (EI), which holds that necessarily, if A and B are internal twins, then A and B have the same evidence. In this paper I consider Silins’s argument, and offer two response on behalf of Evidential Externalism (EE), which is the denial of (...)
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  36. On the Explanatory Power of Indeterminate Probabilities.Jeffrey Helzner & Horacio Arlo-Costa - unknown
    Building on work that we reported at ISIPTA 2005 we revisit claims made by Fox and Tversky concerning their "comparative ignorance" hypothesis for decision making under uncertainty.
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  37. Hume's account of memory.Jeffrey K. McDonough - 2002 - British Journal for the History of Philosophy 10 (1):71 – 87.
    This essay attempts to provide a sympathetic reading of Hume’s often tangled discussion of memory in the Treatise. It divides into three main sections. The first section isolates three puzzles in Hume’s account of memory. The second section attempts to show how those puzzles arise as a result of Hume’s understandable failure to recognize a necessary connection between memory and causation. Finally, the third section looks at how the reading of Hume’s account of memory offered in the first two sections (...)
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    Reported and enacted actions: Moving beyond reported speech and related concepts.Jeffrey S. Good - 2015 - Discourse Studies 17 (6):663-681.
    This article examines not only how events are verbally reported in everyday and institutional storytelling episodes, but also how the actions witnessed are enacted by participants. This is particularly important to not only the believability of what occurred and is being discussed, but also how ordinary audience members react to stories and how they believe the truthfulness of them. As is seen in data analyzed from multiple sources, the way in which something is both reported and enacted has major implications (...)
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    The nature of psychological thresholds.Jeffrey N. Rouder & Richard D. Morey - 2009 - Psychological Review 116 (3):655-660.
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  40. Principlism.Jeffrey W. Bulger - 2007 - Teaching Ethics 8 (1):81-100.
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  41. Why the Infinite Decision Puzzle is Puzzling.Jeffrey A. Barrett & Frank Arntzenius - 2002 - Theory and Decision 52 (2):139-147.
    Pulier (2000, Theory and Decision 49: 291) and Machina (2000, Theory and Decision 49: 293) seek to dissolve the Barrett–Arntzenius infinite decision puzzle (1999, Theory and Decision 46: 101). The proposed dissolutions, however, are based on misunderstandings concerning how the puzzle works and the nature of supertasks more generally. We will describe the puzzle in a simplified form, address the recent misunderstandings, and describe possible morals for decision theory.
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    Harvey Cox: A Cidade Secular 25 Anos Depois. Tradução de Janos Biro Marques Leite.Harvey Gallagher Cox - 2014 - Revista de Teologia 8 (13):167-184.
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    Communities of Transmission: The Texts of Aristotle from Antiquity to the Renaissance.Jeffrey Dirk Wilson - 2024 - Revista Portuguesa de Filosofia 80 (1-2):637-682.
    Only through a long series of accidents do we have “The Works of Aristotle” at all—the Corpus Aristotelicum. When Aristotle died in 322 B.C., he is said to have left behind a body of 156 “published” works (“exoteric,” namely, available for public consumption). They survive only in fragments, too short and too few to give much sense of them. That his esoteric works, the Corpus Aristotelicum, have survived at all has been called “miraculous.” This paper traces how those esoteric works (...)
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    Agricultural biotechnology and the future benefits argument.Jeffrey Burkhardt - 2001 - Journal of Agricultural and Environmental Ethics 14 (2):135-145.
    In the face of criticisms about the current generationof agricultural biotechnology products, some proponents ofagricultural biotechnology offer a ``future benefitsargument''''(FBA), which is a utilitarian ethical argument thatattempts to justify continued R&D. This paper analyzes severallogical implications of the FBA. Among these are that acceptanceof the FBA implies (1) acceptance of a precautionary approach torisk, (2) the need for a more proportional and equitabledistribution of the benefits of agricultural biotechnology, andmost important, (3) the need to reorient and restructurebiotechnology R&D institutions (and (...)
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    Doing All They Can: Physicians Who Deny Medical Futility.Jeffrey W. Swanson & S. McCrary - 1994 - Journal of Law, Medicine and Ethics 22 (4):318-326.
    Why do some physicians continue to treat patients who are clearly dying or persistently unconscious, while others consider medical intervention to be futile past a certain point? No doubt, medical decisions vary in part because clinical information is often ambiguous in individual cases and because it may support more than one reasonable interpretation of a patient's chances for survival or improvement if a particular treatment is administered. Also, cases vary considerably to the extent that a patient's or a family member's (...)
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    Natural Law and the Right to Know in a Democracy.Jeffrey J. Maciejewski & David T. Ozar - 2005 - Journal of Mass Media Ethics 20 (2-3):121-138.
    This article places the concept of "right to know," which is normally associated with law, in a moral framework. It outlines multiple meanings of the concept, emphasizing the institutional nature of "right to know." Then the article imbeds this understanding in moral thinking, including a discussion of the moral elements of rights, and applies that understanding in specific journalistic situations.
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  47. understanding and augmenting human morality: the actwith model of conscience.Jeffrey White - 2009 - In L. Magnani, computational intelligence.
    Abstract. Recent developments, both in the cognitive sciences and in world events, bring special emphasis to the study of morality. The cognitive sci- ences, spanning neurology, psychology, and computational intelligence, offer substantial advances in understanding the origins and purposes of morality. Meanwhile, world events urge the timely synthesis of these insights with tra- ditional accounts that can be easily assimilated and practically employed to augment moral judgment, both to solve current problems and to direct future action. The object of the (...)
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    Morally-Relevant Similarities and Differences Between Assisted Dying Practices in Paradigm and Non-Paradigm Circumstances: Could They Inform Regulatory Decisions?Jeffrey Kirby - 2017 - Journal of Bioethical Inquiry 14 (4):475-483.
    There has been contentious debate over the years about whether there are morally relevant similarities and differences between the three practices of continuous deep sedation until death, physician-assisted suicide, and voluntary euthanasia. Surprisingly little academic attention has been paid to a comparison of the uses of these practices in the two types of circumstances in which they are typically performed. A comparative domains of ethics analysis methodological approach is used in the paper to compare 1) the use of the three (...)
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  49. Comets and Moons: The For-another in Hegel's Philosophy of Nature.Jeffrey Reid - 2013 - The Owl of Minerva 45 (1/2):1-11.
    This paper examines the Hegelian moment of the for-another in its negative relation to the other moment of particularity: the for-itself. I identify the dissolving, fluidifying action of the for-another by examining figures within the Philosophy of Nature, particularly comets and moons, but also Hegel’s physics of light and sound. The dissolution of the lunar for-itself at the hands of the cometary for-another illustrates how the dynamic relation between the two moments of particularity participates in the presentation of essence, within (...)
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    Introduction.Jeffrey Gauthier - 2016 - Social Philosophy Today 32:1-4.
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