Results for 'Jennifer Wagner–Lawlor'

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  1.  40
    “A Particular Piece of Work”.Jennifer Wagner–Lawlor - 2011 - Utopian Studies 22 (1):2-18.
    ABSTRACT Iris Murdoch's novel The Bell considers the nature of “utopian work”—not simply the kind of work that provides material support for community but rather the kind of “inner” work that reorients individual ethical and political sensibilities, and moves one toward a spiritual maturity that makes frank community with others possible. Drawing from Murdoch's philosophical work, Wagner-Lawlor examines Murdoch's promotion of the “work” that art does in educating our moral sensibilities over the kinds of work her Imber Court communitarians engage (...)
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    The Last Man by Mary Shelley (review).Jennifer A. Wagner-Lawlor - 2024 - Utopian Studies 34 (3):582-585.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Reviewed by:The Last Man by Mary ShelleyJennifer A. Wagner-LawlorMary Shelley. The Last Man. 1826. Edited by Chris Washington. Norton Critical Editions. New York: W. W. Norton, 2023. xxiv + 571 pp. Paperback, ISBN 9780393887822.New critical editions of well-known literary works serve several important functions, and those designed specifically for students serve two of the most important: to introduce readers to texts that were overlooked during and since the author’s (...)
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    Anticipating Utopia: Utopian Narrative and an Ontology of Representation.Jennifer A. Wagner-Lawlor - 2019 - In Roberto Poli (ed.), Handbook of Anticipation: Theoretical and Applied Aspects of the Use of Future in Decision Making. Springer Verlag. pp. 501-521.
    While the words “utopia” and “anticipation” frequently appear together in discussions of the concepts of utopia and dystopia, little attention to the relationship of Anticipation Studies to utopian studies exists. Moreover, the relevance of literature and the arts to Anticipation Studies seems almost invisible. This essay focuses on the structuring of the original utopian narrative, Sir Thomas More’s Utopia, in order to understand how this seminal text conceptualizes utopia’s relation to past, present, and future. This analysis focuses on the complex (...)
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    White Power and American Neoliberal Culture by Patricia Ventura and Edward K. Chan (review).Jennifer A. Wagner-Lawlor - 2024 - Utopian Studies 35 (1):251-256.
    White Power and American Neoliberal Culture, by utopian studies scholars Patricia Ventura and Edward K. Chan, feels like a tour de force. I say "feels" for a reason: if you live in America, what you read in this book feels entirely familiar, sketching out U.S. racialized socio-political dynamics. But I also experienced a feeling of uncanniness, as Ventura and Chan expose the underbelly of a white supremacist United States—in which I happen to live. I have not read so clear and (...)
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    Introduction: Something About the Way We Live Now.Jennifer Wagner-Lawlor - 2012 - Utopian Studies 23 (2):300-313.
    Figure used with kind permission of Pie: The Search for Utopia ( Charles Dickens's Hard Times is not a novel that typically springs to mind in the context of discussions of education in utopia or dystopia. But maybe it should be. Hard Times stages a fierce debate between utopic and dystopic visions of nineteenth-century Britain and the future that it prepares its children for. On one side: Mr. Gradgrind and his school, with a sclerotic curriculum of "Facts, facts, facts" that (...)
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    Lyman Tower Sargent, Cosmophage.Jennifer Wagner-Lawlor - 2020 - Utopian Studies 31 (2):259-264.
    This appreciation of Lyman Tower Sargent seeks a term to best capture the utopian sensibilities and contributions of this unique scholar. I propose a word taken from Susan Sontag, who shared a lifelong interest in “other worlds,” real and unreal, utopian and dystopian: cosmophage—literally, “world-eater.”.
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    The Play of Irony: Theatricality and Utopian Transformation in Contemporary Women's Speculative Fiction.Jennifer A. Wagner-Lawlor - 2002 - Utopian Studies 13 (1):114 - 134.
  8.  5
    : The Plastic Turn.Jennifer A. Wagner-Lawlor - 2024 - Critical Inquiry 51 (1):222-224.
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    Regarding Intimacy, Regard, and Transformative Feminist Practice in the Art of Pamela Longobardi.Jennifer A. Wagner-Lawlor - 2016 - Feminist Studies 42 (3):649.
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    The Persistence of Utopia: Plasticity and Difference from Roland Barthes to Catherine Malabou.Jennifer A. Wagner-Lawlor - 2017 - Journal of French and Francophone Philosophy 25 (2):67-86.
    The theorizing of utopia is a persistent theme throughout several generations of the French continental tradition, and alongside the process theory of Alfred North Whitehead to a large degree recuperates the concept of utopia from its supposed dismissal by Marx and his intellectual descendants. Most recently, attention to the notion of plasticity, popularized by Catherine Malabou, extends speculation on utopian possibility. Compelled to answer to Marx’s denigration of utopia as fantasy, the tendency was to compensate for the absence of a (...)
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    Postmodern Utopias and Feminist Fictions by Jennifer A. Wagner-Lawlor.Phillip E. Wegner - 2016 - Utopian Studies 27 (1):124-128.
    Jennifer Wagner-Lawlor’s Postmodern Utopias and Feminist Fictions represents not only a significant contribution in utopian studies; it is also a major intervention in contemporary literary studies and global cultural studies more generally. Each of the book’s chapters is structured around a specific set of formal and generic questions, exploring in great detail and with a tremendous amount of insight recent feminist revisionings of older genres, including the bildungsroman, the novel of art, nonlinear histories, American historical novels, and finally, in (...)
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    Implicit Metaethical Intuitions: Validating and Employing a New IAT Procedure.Johannes M. J. Wagner, Thomas Pölzler & Jennifer C. Wright - 2023 - Review of Philosophy and Psychology 14 (1):1-31.
    Philosophical arguments often assume that the folk tends towards moral objectivism. Although recent psychological studies have indicated that lay persons’ attitudes to morality are best characterized in terms of non-objectivism-leaning pluralism, it has been maintained that the folk may be committed to moral objectivism _implicitly_. Since the studies conducted so far almost exclusively assessed subjects’ metaethical attitudes via explicit cognitions, the strength of this rebuttal remains unclear. The current study attempts to test the folk’s implicit metaethical commitments. We present results (...)
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  13.  32
    “I Don’t Want to Go on Living This Way”: Desire for Hastened Death and the Ethics of Involuntary Hospitalization.Jennifer K. Wagner, F. Daniel Davis, Joseph Venditto, Andreea Bucaloiu, Andrei Nemoianu & Kasia Tolwinski - 2019 - American Journal of Bioethics 19 (10):88-90.
    Volume 19, Issue 10, October 2019, Page 88-90.
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  14.  51
    An association between understanding cardinality and analog magnitude representations in preschoolers.Jennifer B. Wagner & Susan C. Johnson - 2011 - Cognition 119 (1):10-22.
  15.  23
    The Federal Trade Commission and Consumer Protections for Mobile Health Apps.Jennifer K. Wagner - 2020 - Journal of Law, Medicine and Ethics 48 (S1):103-114.
    The Federal Trade Commission has an important role to play in the governmental oversight of mobile health apps, ensuring consumer protections from unfair and deceptive trade practices and curtailing anti-competitive methods. The FTC’s consumer protection structure and authority is outlined before reviewing the recent FTC enforcement activities taken on behalf of consumers and against developers of mhealth apps. The article concludes with identification of some challenges for the FTC and modest recommendations for strengthening the consumer protections it provides.
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  16.  53
    When Push Comes to Shove—The Moral Fiction of Reason-Based Situational Control and the Embodied Nature of Judgment.Lasse T. Bergmann & Jennifer Wagner - 2020 - Frontiers in Psychology 11.
    It is a common socio-moral practice to appeal to reasons as a guiding force for one’s actions. However, it is an intriguing possibility that this practice is based on fiction: reasons cannot or do not motivate the majority of actions—especially moral ones. Rather, pre-reflective evaluative processes are likely responsible for moral actions. Such a view faces two major challenges: i.) pre-reflective judgements are commonly thought of as inflexible in nature, and thus they cannot be the cause of the varied judgements (...)
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    Do Clinical Ethicists Improve with Experience? And, If So, How Would We Know?Victoria Seavilleklein, Jennifer Flynn, Andrea Frolic, Frank Wagner & Katarina Lee-Ameduri - 2024 - Canadian Journal of Bioethics / Revue canadienne de bioéthique 7 (2-3):209-213.
    Lors de l’atelier organisé dans le cadre de l’atelier et du forum communautaire 2023 de la SCB-SCB, nous avons exploré et problématisé le concept d’ « amélioration » des éthiciens cliniques, dans le contexte plus large des discussions sur la professionnalisation de l’éthique clinique. Ce résumé présente les principaux points de vue d’éthiciens cliniques à travers le Canada sur ce sujet et comprend des suggestions sur les mesures que nous pourrions prendre sur le terrain pour permettre et soutenir l’amélioration des (...)
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  18.  35
    Neural Processing of Facial Identity and Emotion in Infants at High-Risk for Autism Spectrum Disorders.Sharon E. Fox, Jennifer B. Wagner, Christine L. Shrock, Helen Tager-Flusberg & Charles A. Nelson - 2013 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 7.
  19.  20
    Mons Claudianus: Ostraca graeca et latina, I: Les Ostraca grecs de Douch , Fasc. 3: Mons Claudianus: Ostraca graeca et latina, I. [REVIEW]Jennifer A. Sheridan, Jean Bingen, Adam Bülow-Jacobsen, Walter E. H. Cockle, Hélène Cuvigny, Lene Rubinstein, Wilfrid van Rengen, Guy Wagner, Adam Bulow-Jacobsen & Helene Cuvigny - 1995 - Journal of the American Oriental Society 115 (3):529.
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    To Those Who Have, More Will Be Given? Effects of an Instructional Time Reform on Gender Disparities in STEM Subjects, Stress, and Health.Nicolas Hübner, Wolfgang Wagner, Jennifer Meyer & Helen M. G. Watt - 2022 - Frontiers in Psychology 13.
    Educational reformers all around the globe are continuously searching for ways to make schools more effective and efficient. In Germany, this movement has led to reforms that reduced overall school time of high track secondary schools from 9 to 8 years, which was compensated for by increasing average instruction time per week in lower secondary school. Based on prior research, we assumed that this reform might increase gender disparities in STEM-related outcomes, stress, and health because it required students to learn (...)
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    Preface.Matt Richardson & Ashwini Tambe - 2016 - Feminist Studies 42 (3):559.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:preface That an overtly white-nationalist misogynist demagogue was voted into power in the United States is cause for alarm and despair. As the election results sink in and analyses take shape, we at Feminist Studies mark this moment via poetry, a tradition of feminist expression that we have long nurtured. We include in this issue a special section on poems responding to the election. Raw by necessity, they allow (...)
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    The Indefinite “Stay” on Regulatory Reforms for Research With Prisoners.Elaine Huang & Jennifer K. Wagner - 2017 - American Journal of Bioethics 17 (7):55-57.
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  23. Peer review versus editorial review and their role in innovative science.Nicole Zwiren, Glenn Zuraw, Ian Young, Michael A. Woodley, Jennifer Finocchio Wolfe, Nick Wilson, Peter Weinberger, Manuel Weinberger, Christoph Wagner, Georg von Wintzigerode, Matt Vogel, Alex Villasenor, Shiloh Vermaak, Carlos A. Vega, Leo Varela, Tine van der Maas, Jennie van der Byl, Paul Vahur, Nicole Turner, Michaela Trimmel, Siro I. Trevisanato, Jack Tozer, Alison Tomlinson, Laura Thompson, David Tavares, Amhayes Tadesse, Johann Summhammer, Mike Sullivan, Carl Stryg, Christina Streli, James Stratford, Gilles St-Pierre, Karri Stokely, Joe Stokely, Reinhard Stindl, Martin Steppan, Johannes H. Sterba, Konstantin Steinhoff, Wolfgang Steinhauser, Marjorie Elizabeth Steakley, Chrislie J. Starr-Casanova, Mels Sonko, Werner F. Sommer, Daphne Anne Sole, Jildou Slofstra, John R. Skoyles, Florian Six, Sibusio Sithole, Beldeu Singh, Jolanta Siller-Matula, Kyle Shields, David Seppi, Laura Seegers, David Scott, Thomas Schwarzgruber, Clemens Sauerzopf, Jairaj Sanand, Markus Salletmaier & Sackl - 2012 - Theoretical Medicine and Bioethics 33 (5):359-376.
    Peer review is a widely accepted instrument for raising the quality of science. Peer review limits the enormous unstructured influx of information and the sheer amount of dubious data, which in its absence would plunge science into chaos. In particular, peer review offers the benefit of eliminating papers that suffer from poor craftsmanship or methodological shortcomings, especially in the experimental sciences. However, we believe that peer review is not always appropriate for the evaluation of controversial hypothetical science. We argue that (...)
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  24.  57
    Difficult healthcare transitions.Rosalind Abdool, Michael Szego, Daniel Buchman, Leah Justason, Sally Bean, Ann Heesters, Hannah Kaufman, Bob Parke, Frank Wagner & Jennifer Gibson - 2016 - Nursing Ethics 23 (7):770-783.
    Background: In Ontario, Canada, patients who lack decision-making capacity and have no family or friends to act as substitute decision-makers currently rely on the Office of the Public Guardian and Trustee to consent to long-term care (nursing home) placement, but they have no legal representative for other placement decisions. Objectives: We highlight the current gap in legislation for difficult transition cases involving unrepresented patients and provide a novel framework for who ought to assist with making these decisions and how these (...)
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  25.  41
    A content analysis of the views of genetics professionals on race, ancestry, and genetics.Sarah C. Nelson, Joon-Ho Yu, Jennifer K. Wagner, Tanya M. Harrell, Charmaine D. Royal & Michael J. Bamshad - forthcoming - AJOB Empirical Bioethics:1-13.
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    Book ReviewsMarilyn Friedman, ;, Larry May, ;, Kate Parsons, ; and Jennifer Stiff,, eds. Rights and Reason: Essays in Honor of Carl Wellman.Dordrecht: Kluwer Academic, 2000. Pp. 273. $125.00. [REVIEW]Judith Wagner DeCew - 2002 - Ethics 112 (4):825-827.
  27.  71
    Assurance: An Austinian View of Knowledge and Knowledge Claims.Krista Lawlor - 2013 - Oxford: Oxford University Press.
    What is an assurance? What do we do when we claim to know? Krista Lawlor offers an original account based on the work of J. L. Austin. She addresses challenges to contextualist semantic theories; resolves closure-based skeptical paradoxes; and helps us tread the line between acknowledging our fallibility and skepticism.
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    Derrida and Husserl: The Basic Problem of Phenomenology.Leonard Lawlor - 2002 - Indiana University Press.
    Lawlor’s investigations of the work of Jean Cavaillès, Tran-Duc-Thao, and Jean Hyppolite, as well as recent texts by Derrida, reveal the depth of Derrida’s relationship to Husserl’s phenomenology.
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    The Epoche as the Derridean Absolute: Final Comments on the Evans-Kates-Lawlor Debate.Leonard Lawlor - 1998 - Philosophy Today 42 (2):207-210.
  30.  36
    Thinking Through French Philosophy: The Being of the Question.Leonard Lawlor - 2003 - Indiana University Press.
    "... no other book undertakes to relate all these French philosophers to each other the way that [Lawlor] does, brilliantly." —François Raffoul For many, Jacques Derrida, Michel Foucault, and Gilles Deleuze represent one of the greatest movements in French philosophy. But these philosophers and their works did not materialize without a philosophical heritage. In Thinking through French Philosophy, Leonard Lawlor shows how the work of Maurice Merleau-Ponty formed an important current in sustaining the development of structuralism and post-structuralism. Seeking the (...)
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    From Violence to Speaking Out: Apocalypse and Expression in Foucault, Derrida and Deleuze.Leonard Lawlor - 2016 - Edinburgh University Press.
    Drawing on a career-long exploration of 1960s French philosophy, Leonard Lawlor seeks a solution to 'the problem of the worst violence'. The worst violence is the reaction of total apocalypse without remainder; it is the reaction of complete negation and death; it is nihilism. Lawlor argues that it is not just transcendental violence that must be minimised: all violence must itself be reduced to its lowest level. He offers new ways of speaking to best achieve the least violence, which he (...)
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  32. Simple sentences, substitution, and intuitions * by Jennifer Saul.Jennifer Saul - 2009 - Analysis 69 (1):174-176.
    Philosophers of language have long recognized that in opaque contexts, such as those involving propositional attitude reports, substitution of co-referring names may not preserve truth value. For example, the name ‘Clark Kent’ cannot be substituted for ‘Superman’ in a context like:1. Lois believes that Superman can flywithout a change in truth value. In an earlier paper, Jennifer Saul demonstrated that substitution failure could also occur in ‘simple sentences’ where none of the ordinary opacity-producing conditions existed, such as:2. Superman leaps (...)
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    This is Not Sufficient: An Essay on Animality and Human Nature in Derrida.Leonard Lawlor - 2007 - Cambridge University Press.
    Derrida wrote extensively on "the question of the animal." In particular, he challenged Heidegger's, Husserl's, and other philosophers' work on the subject, questioning their phenomenological criteria for distinguishing humans from animals. Examining a range of Derrida's writings, including his most recent _L'animal que donc je suis_, as well as _Aporias_, _Of Spirit_, _Rams_, and _Rogues_, Leonard Lawlor reconstructs a portrait of Derrida's views on animality and their intimate connection to his thinking on ethics, names and singularity, sovereignty, and the notion (...)
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  34. Knowing what one wants.Krista Lawlor - 2009 - Philosophy and Phenomenological Research 79 (1):47-75.
  35.  73
    This Is Not Sufficient.Leonard Lawlor - 2007 - Symposium: Canadian Journal of Continental Philosophy/Revue canadienne de philosophie continentale 11 (1):79-100.
    Derrida wrote extensively on "the question of the animal." In particular, he challenged Heidegger's, Husserl's, and other philosophers' work on the subject, questioning their phenomenological criteria for distinguishing humans from animals. Examining a range of Derrida's writings, including his most recent _L'animal que donc je suis_, as well as _Aporias_, _Of Spirit_, _Rams_, and _Rogues_, Leonard Lawlor reconstructs a portrait of Derrida's views on animality and their intimate connection to his thinking on ethics, names and singularity, sovereignty, and the notion (...)
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    The implications of immanence: toward a new concept of life.Leonard Lawlor - 2006 - New York: Fordham University Press.
    The Implications of Immanence develops a philosophy of life in opposition to the notion of “bio-power,” which reduces the human to the question of power over what Giorgio Agamben terms “bare life,” mere biological existence. Breaking with all biologism or vitalism, Lawlor attends to the dispersion of death at the heart of life, in the “minuscule hiatus” that divides the living present, separating lived experience from the living body and, crucially for phenomenology, inserting a blind spot into a visual field.Lawlor (...)
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    New Thoughts About Old Things: Cognitive Policies as the Ground of Singular Concepts.Krista Lawlor - 2001 - New York: Routledge.
    This book defends a novel theory of singular concepts, emphasizing the pragmatic requirements of singular concept possession and arguing that these requirements must be understood to institute traditions and policies of thought.
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  38. The Challenge of Bergsonism: Phenomenology, Ontology.Leonard Lawlor - forthcoming - Ethics.
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    Early Twentieth-Century Continental Philosophy.Leonard Lawlor - 2011 - Indiana University Press.
    Lawlor discusses major theoretical trends in the work of these philosophers -- immanence, difference, multiplicity, and the overcoming of metaphysics.
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  40. Genealogy of Reasonableness.Krista Lawlor - 2022 - Mind (525):113-135.
    We all know that being reasonable is important in daily life. Beyond daily life, major political and ethical theorists give central place to reasonableness in their accounts of just and moral behaviour. In the law, at least in the Anglo-American setting, reasonableness is the standard for a wide range of behaviour, from administrative decisions to torts. But what is it to be reasonable? In answer, I provide a genealogical account of reasonableness. The functional perspective afforded by a genealogical account has (...)
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  41. Taurek, numbers and probabilities.Rob Lawlor - 2006 - Ethical Theory and Moral Practice 9 (2):149 - 166.
    In his paper, “Should the Numbers Count?" John Taurek imagines that we are in a position such that we can either save a group of five people, or we can save one individual, David. We cannot save David and the five. This is because they each require a life-saving drug. However, David needs all of the drug if he is to survive, while the other five need only a fifth each.Typically, people have argued as if there was a choice to (...)
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    Shades of goodness: gradability, demandingness and the structure of moral theories.Rob Lawlor - 2009 - Basingstoke: Palgrave-Macmillan.
    'Shades of Goodness' is aimed at readers interested in moral theories, and particularly those wishing to construct or defend a moral theory.
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  43. Exploring the Stability of Belief: Resiliency and Temptation.Krista Lawlor - 2014 - Inquiry: An Interdisciplinary Journal of Philosophy 57 (1):1-27.
    (2014). Exploring the Stability of Belief: Resiliency and Temptation. Inquiry: Vol. 57, The Nature of Belief, pp. 1-27. doi: 10.1080/0020174X.2014.858414.
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    Cake or death? Ending confusions about asymmetries between consent and refusal.Rob Lawlor - 2016 - Journal of Medical Ethics 42 (11):748-754.
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  45. Varieties of Coreference.Krista Lawlor - 2010 - Philosophy and Phenomenological Research 81 (2):485-495.
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    Moral theories in teaching applied ethics.R. Lawlor - 2007 - Journal of Medical Ethics 33 (6):370-372.
    It is argued, in this paper, that moral theories should not be discussed extensively when teaching applied ethics. First, it is argued that, students are either presented with a large amount of information regarding the various subtle distinctions and the nuances of the theory and, as a result, the students simply fail to take it in or, alternatively, the students are presented with a simplified caricature of the theory, in which case the students may understand the information they are given, (...)
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  47. A notional worlds approach to confusion.Krista Lawlor - 2007 - Mind and Language 22 (2):150–172.
    People often become confused, mistaking one thing for another, or taking two things to be the same. How should we assign semantic values to confused statements? Recently, philosophers have taken a pessimistic view of confusion, arguing that understanding confused belief demands significant departure from our normal interpretive practice. I argue for optimism. Our semantic treatment of confusion can be a lot like our semantic treatment of empty names. Surprisingly, perhaps, the resulting semantics lets us keep in place more of our (...)
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    The Merleau-Ponty Reader.Leonard Lawlor & Ted Toadvine (eds.) - 2007 - Northwestern University Press.
    The first reader to offer a comprehensive view of Maurice Merleau-Ponty’s work, this selection collects in one volume the foundational essays necessary for understanding the core of this critical twentieth-century philosopher’s thought. Arranged chronologically, the essays are grouped in three sections corresponding to the major periods of Merleau-Ponty’s work: First, the years prior to his appointment to the Sorbonne in 1949, the early, existentialist period during which he wrote important works on the phenomenology of perception and the primacy of perception; (...)
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    Comments on What Is the Point of Knowledge?Krista Lawlor - 2021 - Analysis 81 (1):107-114.
    The point of knowledge is to answer our need for information that will let us successfully navigate our world. So says Edward Craig in Knowledge and the State of Nature. This claim may sound anodyne, but according to Craig, it is crucial we keep this fact uppermost in our minds as we theorize about knowledge. Craig argues that our concept of knowledge begins its life by answering our need to mark out those who have the information we seek. A priori (...)
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  50. Elusive reasons: A problem for first-person authority.Krista Lawlor - 2003 - Philosophical Psychology 16 (4):549-565.
    Recent social psychology is skeptical about self-knowledge. Philosophers, on the other hand, have produced a new account of the source of the authority of self-ascriptions. On this account, it is not descriptive accuracy but authorship which funds the authority of one's self-ascriptions. The resulting view seems to ensure that self-ascriptions are authoritative, despite evidence of one's fallibility. However, a new wave of psychological studies presents a powerful challenge to the authorship account. This research suggests that one can author one's attitudes, (...)
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