Results for 'Jerome Bessenich'

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  1. Zwischen Mond und Sonne, Fragmente.Jerome Bessenich - 1956 - Dornach (Schweiz): Philosophisch--Anthroposophischer Verlag am Goetheanum.
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    Modeling Conceptualization and Investigating Teaching Effectiveness.Jérôme Santini, Tracy Bloor & Gérard Sensevy - 2018 - Science & Education 27 (9-10):921-961.
    Our research addresses the issue of teaching and learning concepts in science education as an empirical question. We study the process of conceptualization by closely examining the unfolding of classroom lesson sequences. We situate our work within the practice turn line of research on epistemic practices in science education. We also adopt a practice turn approach when it comes to the learning of concepts, as we consider conceptualization as being inherent within epistemic practices. In our work, pedagogical practices are modeled (...)
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  3. Life as narrative.Jerome Bruner - 2004 - Social Research: An International Quarterly 71 (3):691-710.
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  4. The Capacity for Joint Visual Attention in the Infant.Michael Scaife & Jerome Bruner - 1975 - Nature 253:265-266.
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    The cognitive architecture for chaining of two mental operations.Jérôme Sackur & Stanislas Dehaene - 2009 - Cognition 111 (2):187-211.
  6. Controlling one's stream of thought through perceptual and reflective processing.Giacomo A. Bonanno & Jerome L. Singer - 1993 - In Daniel M. Wegner & James W. Pennebaker (eds.), Handbook of Mental Control. Prentice-Hall.
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    Dynamic representation of decision-making.James T. Townsend & Jerome Busemeyer - 1995 - In T. van Gelder & Robert Port (eds.), Mind As Motion. MIT Press. pp. 101--120.
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    ""Aristotle as sociobiologist: The" function of a human being" argument, black box essentialism, and the concept of mental disorder.Jerome C. Wakefield - 2000 - Philosophy, Psychiatry, and Psychology 7 (1):17-44.
    In the first part of this article, I argue that Christopher Megone's natural-kind interpretation of Aristotle's argument that "the function of a human being is reason" does not resolve major puzzles about the argument, specifically the puzzles of why a human being has a function and why reason is that function. I attempt to resolve these puzzles by supplementing the natural-kind account with the doctrine that reason is the master regulatory natural function by which individuals enter into social life. In (...)
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    Two dimensions of visibility revealed by multidimensional scaling of metacontrast.Jérôme Sackur - 2013 - Cognition 126 (2):173-180.
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    Definability with a predicate for a semi-linear set.Michael Benedikt & H. Jerome Keisler - 2003 - Journal of Symbolic Logic 68 (1):319-351.
    We settle a number of questions concerning definability in first order logic with an extra predicate symbol ranging over semi-linear sets. We give new results both on the positive and negative side: we show that in first-order logic one cannot query a semi-linear set as to whether or not it contains a line, or whether or not it contains the line segment between two given points. However, we show that some of these queries become definable if one makes small restrictions (...)
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    Mill's Essays on Literature and Society. Edited, with an Introduction, by J. B. Schneewind.John Stuart Mill & Jerome B. Schneewind - 1965 - Collier Books.
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    Classical Dualism and the Uncertainty Principle.Michael Jerome Carella - 1972 - Modern Schoolman 49 (2):125-134.
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    L'introspection en psychologie expérimentale.Jérôme Sackur - 2009 - Revue d'Histoire des Sciences 62 (2):349-372.
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    Desires, right and wrong: the ethics of enough.Mortimer Jerome Adler - 1991 - Mount Jackson, VA: Axios Press.
    Prologue: retrospective and prospective -- The ethics of enough -- Real and apparent goods -- Wrong desires: pleasure, money, fame, and power -- Right desires: the totum bonum and its constituents -- Fundamental errors in moral philosophy -- Necessary but not sufficient -- Epilogue: transcultural ethics.
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    Margins – Of Phenomenology.Jérôme de Gramont - 2020 - Revista Portuguesa de Filosofia 76 (2-3):567-590.
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    Fait et valeur dans le concept de trouble mental : le trouble en tant que dysfonction préjudiciable.Jerome Wakefield - 2006 - Philosophiques 33 (1):37-63.
    Les critiques actuelles des diagnostics psychiatriques, qu’elles viennent des antipsychiatres, des béhavioristes, des constructionnistes sociaux, des szasziens et des foucaldiens, rejettent généralement l’idée que le concept de trouble mental est légitime du point de vue médical, ne laissant donc aucun argument solide à partir duquel il soit possible de mener une critique constructive et d’établir un dialogue avec la psychiatrie. Ces positions ne réussissent également pas à expliquer les fortes intuitions populaires qui permettent aux gens de distinguer les troubles psychologiques (...)
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    Problems for Thomists.Mortimer Jerome Adler - 1940 - New York,: Sheed & Ward.
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    Discourse, power, and resistance: challenging the rhetoric of contemporary education.Elizabeth Atkinson, Jerome Satterthwaite & Ken Gale (eds.) - 2003 - Stoke-on-Trent ; Sterling, VA: Trentham Books.
    This work exposes the practices that are controlling education and reducing it to little more than skills development in preparation for work. It questions the strategy of mentoring to show how its dynamic requires docility from the learner and thus perpetuates inequality.
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    Archive, architecture, art.Ginette Michaud & Jérôme Lèbre - 2017 - Rue Descartes N° 89-90 (2):118-138.
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    Personality Variations in Autobiographical Memories, Self-Representations, and Daydreaming.Jefferson A. Singer, Jerome L. Singer & Carolyn Zittel - 2000 - In Robert G. Kunzendorf & Benjamin Wallace (eds.), Individual Differences in Conscious Experience. Amsterdam: John Benjamins. pp. 20--351.
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    Art and prudence.Mortimer Jerome Adler - 1978 - New York: Arno Press.
    CHAPTER ONE Plato IT is a mark of wisdom in Greek political thought that the form and content of education receive primary consideration from those who are ...
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    Raymond A. Belliotti.Wonder as Hinge & Jerome A. Miller - 1988 - Journal of Philosophy 85 (11).
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    Gandhi in Retrospect.Jerome D’Souza - 1950 - Thought: Fordham University Quarterly 25 (3):497-508.
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    Penser l’expérience dans le processus d’autonomisation en santé : enjeux des médiations narratives.Anne-France Hardy & Jerôme Eneau - 2017 - Revue Phronesis 6 (3):51-63.
    This research questions the prevention and health promotion practices developed for young people, in France, and re-examines the nature of competences enlisted in the classical model of empowerment in health education. Moving away from the epidemiological postulate of evidence based medicine (EBM), it explores another approach of these educational practices. The research uses the perspective of narrative mediation; it tries also to identify issues about a better knowledge of oneself, making more comprehensive the issues of young students’ health.
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    Some Applications of the Theory of Models to Set Theory.H. Jerome Keisler - 1967 - Journal of Symbolic Logic 32 (3):410-410.
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    The Divan of Manūchihrī Dāmghānī: A Critical StudyThe Divan of Manuchihri Damghani: A Critical Study.Robert M. Rehder & Jerome W. Clinton - 1975 - Journal of the American Oriental Society 95 (2):294.
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  27. Aristotle's Conception of Akrasia.James Jerome Walsh - 1960 - Dissertation, Columbia University
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    Evaluation of Character and Social Control Among the Hausa.Jerome H. Barkow - 1974 - Ethos: Journal of the Society for Psychological Anthropology 2 (1):1-14.
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    Philosophy.Mortimer Jerome Adler - 1963 - Chicago,: Encyclopaedia Britannica. Edited by Seymour Cain.
    Preface by Dr. Franz Alexander - Director, Psychiatric and Pychosomatic Research Institute Mount Sinai Hospital, Los Angeles. Vol. 9.
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    De la politique culturelle à la nouvelle « culture politique ».Franck Beau & Jérôme Tisserand - 2005 - Multitudes 1 (1):125-132.
    There are different ways to consider the movement of the part-time theater and audiovisual workers, or intermittents. A classic, distanced way, sees a professional group protecting its rights and ideologies in the face of an unemployment reform presented as a campaign against cheats. Or a more inward and forward-looking way, showing the movement’s productivity, what it is symptomatic of, how it foreshadows a deeper political transformation. Intermittence is a particular seismic zone between two tectonic plates of our values: culture and (...)
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    Le commencement à venir.Jérôme de Gramont - 2022 - Paris: Hermann.
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    Universal Homogeneous Boolean Algebras.H. Jerome Keisler - 1968 - Journal of Symbolic Logic 33 (1):123-123.
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    A dynamic and stochastic theory of choice, response time, and confidence.Timothy J. Pleskac & Jerome Busemeyer - 2007 - In McNamara D. S. & Trafton J. G. (eds.), Proceedings of the 29th Annual Cognitive Science Society. Cognitive Science Society. pp. 563--568.
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    Multiplicity of set as a determinant of perceptual behavior.Leo Postman & Jerome S. Bruner - 1949 - Journal of Experimental Psychology 39 (3):369.
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    Negotiating and Overturning the Othering of Indigenous Epistemologies.Mbih Jerome Tosam - 2020 - Journal of World Philosophies 5 (1):282-286.
    This book persuasively shows that modern philosophical ways of knowing are not the only valid forms of knowledge that exist. Angela Roothaan argues for a critical reappraisal of indigenous ways of knowing and a need to overturn the politics of epistemology that sustain the modern system of knowledge with regard to its othering of indigenous outlooks of nature. According to Roothaan, this can be achieved by broadening our epistemological and moral vistas beyond the thin modern scientific view that circumscribes valid (...)
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  36. Nonstandard arithmetic and recursive comprehension.H. Jerome Keisler - 2010 - Annals of Pure and Applied Logic 161 (8):1047-1062.
    First order reasoning about hyperintegers can prove things about sets of integers. In the author’s paper Nonstandard Arithmetic and Reverse Mathematics, Bulletin of Symbolic Logic 12 100–125, it was shown that each of the “big five” theories in reverse mathematics, including the base theory , has a natural nonstandard counterpart. But the counterpart of has a defect: it does not imply the Standard Part Principle that a set exists if and only if it is coded by a hyperinteger. In this (...)
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    Evolved self-interest and the cross-cultural survey.Jerome H. Barkow - 1991 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 14 (2):261-263.
  38. Social competition, social intelligence, and why the Bugis know more about cooking than about nutrition.Jerome H. Barkow, Nurpudji Astuti Taslilm, Veni Hadju, Elly Ishak, Faisal Attamimi, Sani Silwana, Djunaidi M. Dachlan & A. Yahya - 2001 - In Barkow Jerome H., Taslilm Nurpudji Astuti, Hadju Veni, Ishak Elly, Attamimi Faisal, Silwana Sani, Dachlan Djunaidi M. & Yahya A. (eds.), The Origin of Human Social Institutions. pp. 119-147.
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    « Qui a tué mohammed el-dura? » De la mise en doute informatique d'un fait journalistique : Paroles publiques: Communiquer dans la cité.Jérome Bourdon - 2007 - Hermes 47:89.
    Cet article s'attache à analyser la violente controverse qui s'est développée, sur plusieurs années, autour de la diffusion d'images de la mort d'un enfant palestinien par la deuxième chaîne française en septembre 2000. Originale de par ses publics et les vecteurs de mobilisation , cette controverse révèle une forme de débat public complexe, où l'identité sociale et professionnelle des acteurs en cause est redessinée par la circulation des représentations et des arguments.This article seeks to analyze violent controversy that has developed (...)
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    Holy Terror.Jerome Braun - 2008 - Common Knowledge 14 (1):165-166.
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    Assimilation in the immediate reproduction of visually perceived figures.Jerome S. Bruner, Robert D. Busiek & A. Leigh Minturn - 1952 - Journal of Experimental Psychology 44 (3):151.
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    Rions un peu avec Tiqqun.Jérôme Ceccaldi - 2002 - Multitudes 1 (1):239-242.
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    Cue utilization as a function of monetary incentive and learning efficiency.Jerome S. Cohen, Gabor A. Telegdy, Jean Paul Laroche & Yaakov Getz - 1973 - Bulletin of the Psychonomic Society 1 (6):452-454.
  44. L' art de vivre dans la cité: l'enjeu de la rencontre. Illustré à travers des installations de l' artiste canadienne Nadine Norman.Jérôme Dubois - 2001 - Cahiers Internationaux de Symbolisme 98:133-142.
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    Fil d'or et fils de fer.Jérôme Laurent - 2006 - Archives de Philosophie 3 (3):461-473.
    Platon, dans les Lois, renonce au vocabulaire des « parties de l’âme » et souligne l’unité de l’activité psychique humaine: nous sommes mus de l’extérieur, comme une marionnette par des fils (I, 644c-645a). Comment comprendre la mollesse de l’or et la dureté du fer dont il est alors question? Y a-t-il nécessairement conflit entre ces différentes impulsions?
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    Strabon et la philosophie stoïcienne.Jérôme Laurent - 2008 - Archives de Philosophie 1 (1):111-127.
    Strabon n'est pas un philosophe stoïcien. En relisant l'ensemble de la Géographie, les traits stoïciens de sa méthode, de sa physique et de sa conception de l'existence humaine apparaissent bien minces. Il semble donc préférable de voir en lui un penseur éclectique dont le but principal est la description rigoureuse du monde habité.Strabo is not stoic philosopher. His Geography, his Method, his Physics and his conception of human life do not come across as not strongly stoic when they are patiently (...)
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    La double vie de la famille hégélienne.Jérôme Lèbre - 2004 - Philosophie 82 (3):59-76.
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  48. McCulloch, Warren.Jerome Y. Lettvin & Taffy Holland - 2003 - In L. Nadel (ed.), Encyclopedia of Cognitive Science. Nature Publishing Group.
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    The Meaning of the Ancient Mariner.Jerome J. McGann - 1981 - Critical Inquiry 8 (1):35-67.
    What does "The Rime of the Ancient Mariner" mean? This question, in one form or another, has been asked of the poem from the beginning; indeed, so interesting and so dominant has this question been that Coleridge's poem now serves as one of our culture's standard texts for introducing students to poetic interpretation. The question has been, and still is, an important one, and I shall try to present here yet another answer to it. My approach, however, will differ slightly (...)
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    Horror and the Deconstruction of the Self.Jerome A. Miller - 1988 - Philosophy Today 32 (4):286-298.
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