Results for 'Jessica Dijkman'

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  1.  14
    The Confession in Michel Foucault.Alex Rosa & Jessica Domiciano Geremias - 2023 - Prometeus: Filosofia em Revista 42.
    A privileged element of contemporary law, confession as a means of proof in criminal proceedings is the object of analysis in this research. Based on a bibliographic review, the study will seek to decompose and reorganize the object on two fronts, constructing a theoretical hypothesis that proposes to observe confession as an inquisitorial practice of an institution, but which also has a traceable genealogical depth in the modulations of subjectivation techniques. The notion of the care of the self that Michel (...)
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    Dall’agnol, Darlei. Bioética. 1. ed. Rio de janeiro: Jorge Zahar editor, 2005. 58p. isbn 85-7110-835-8.Jéssica Conceição Araújo Cavalcante - 2014 - Cadernos Do Pet Filosofia 5 (9):58-59.
    O autor Darlei Dall’Agnol é formado em Filosofia pela Universidade de Caxias do sul e cursou mestrado em Filosofia na Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Sul, com uma dissertação sobre ética e linguagem em Wittgestein; fez Doutorado em Filosofia na Universidade de Bristol, Inglaterra, defendendo tese sobre valor intrínseco na ética de Moore. Publicou vários livros na área de Ética e possui inúmeros artigos e capítulos de livros publicados no Brasil e no exterior. Algumas das obras desse autor são: (...)
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    Can Cognitive Control and Attentional Biases Explain More of the Variance in Depressive Symptoms Than Behavioral Processes? A Path Analysis Approach.Audrey Krings, Jessica Simon, Arnaud Carré & Sylvie Blairy - 2022 - Frontiers in Psychology 13:809387.
    BackgroundThis study explored the proportion of variance in depressive symptoms explained by processes targeted by BA (activation, behavioral avoidance, anticipatory pleasure, and brooding), and processes targeted by cognitive control training (cognitive control, attentional biases, and brooding).MethodsFive hundred and twenty adults were recruited. They completed a spatial cueing task as a measure of attentional biases and a cognitive task as a measure of cognitive control and completed self-report measures of activation, behavioral avoidance, anticipatory pleasure, brooding, and depressive symptoms. With path analysis (...)
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    Role of time in binding features in visual working memory.Sebastian Schneegans, Jessica M. V. McMaster & Paul M. Bays - 2023 - Psychological Review 130 (1):137-154.
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  5. Levels of consciousness of the self in time.Philip David Zelazo & Jessica A. Sommerville - 2001 - In Chris Moore & Karen Lemmon (eds.), The Self in Time: Developmental Perspectives. Erlbaum. pp. 229-252.
  6. Action representation as the bedrock of social cognition: a developmental neuroscience perspective.Jean Decety & Jessica A. Sommerville - 2009 - In Ezequiel Morsella, John A. Bargh & Peter M. Gollwitzer (eds.), Oxford handbook of human action. New York: Oxford University Press.
  7.  36
    (1 other version)Chanter les vents, les courants et les changements. L’histoire des échanges entre les Yolngu de la terre d’Arnhem et les peuples venant d’Asie.Jessica de Largy Healy - 2013 - Hermès: La Revue Cognition, communication, politique 65 (1):, [ p.].
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    Análise da folksonomia em grupos colaborativos do Passei Direto.Jéssica Pereira de Oliveira & Fabio Assis Pinho - 2021 - Logeion Filosofia da Informação 7 (2):165-185.
    Este artigo é sobre a folksonomia como uma ferramenta que contribui para as atividades colaborativas de grupos de usuários na rede social acadêmica Passei Direto, com o objetivo de analisar a folksonomia como ferramenta de apoio em grupos colaborativos nessa rede social, por meio de estudo de caso holístico e exploratório, sendo realizada observação direta intensiva. A justificativa baseou-se na necessidade de compreender a potencialidade das atividades cooperativas e a solução das necessidades informacionais. Concluiu-se que a folksonomia é uma ferramenta (...)
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    An Elementary Social Studies Teacher's Quest to Develop Democratic Citizens: The Boundaries of Ambitious Teaching.Tina L. Heafner & Jessica Norwood - 2019 - Journal of Social Studies Research 43 (3):187-198.
    Developing informed and participatory citizens is one of the aims of the National Council for the Social Studies’ (NCSS) vision of civic education. However, when aspiring to meet the call for meaningful civic education, teachers may find themselves at odds with other goals of accountability-driven school environments, creating contexts in which ambitious teaching becomes the answer to instilling democratic citizenship in students. The purpose of this study is to document the experience of such an ambitious teacher, chronicling a fifth-grade teacher's (...)
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    Is There Collective Responsibility For Misogyny Perpetrated On Social Media?Holly Lawford-Smith & Jessica Megarry - 2021 - In Carissa Véliz (ed.), The Oxford Handbook of Digital Ethics. Oxford University Press.
    Women, particularly those in public positions (e.g. journalists, politicians, celebrities, activists) are subject to disproportionate amounts of abuse on social media platforms like Twitter. This abuse occurs in a landscape that those platforms designed, and maintain. Focusing in particular on Twitter, as typical of the kind of platform we’re interested in, we argue that it is the platform not (usually) the individuals who use it, that bears collective responsibility as a corporate agent for misogyny. Social media platforms, however, should not (...)
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  11. Property: What Is It Good For?Jessica Allina-Pisano - 2009 - Social Research: An International Quarterly 76 (1):175-202.
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    New Insights Into Sedentary Behavior Highlight the Need to Revisit the Way We See Motor Symptoms in Psychosis.Vijay A. Mittal, Jessica A. Bernard, Gregory P. Strauss & Sebastian Walther - 2021 - Schizophrenia Bulletin 47 (4):877-879.
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    Reflective interventionist conversation analysis.Tom Muskett, Jessica Nina Lester, Nikki Kiyimba & Michelle O’Reilly - 2020 - Discourse and Communication 14 (6):619-634.
    A distinction has been drawn between basic conversation analysis and applied CA. Applied CA has become especially beneficial for informing areas of practice such as health, social care and education, and is an accepted form of research evidence in the scientific rhetoric. There are different ways of undertaking applied CA, with different foci and goals. In this article, we articulate one way of conducting applied CA, that is especially pertinent for practitioners working in different fields. We conceptualise this as Reflective (...)
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    The Sanctity of Nature: Contributions to an Epistemological and Ethical Reflection on the Relationship Between Human Beings and Nature.Jessica Sepúlveda Pizarro - 2024 - Veritas: Revista de Filosofía y Teología 58:157-176.
    ResumenEl artículo se propuso indagar el término compuesto de naturaleza sagrada partiendo del supuesto que la naciente conciencia ecológica posee voces que abogan por ella. Sin embargo, la composición del término trae la paradoja de unir dos órdenes de realidad que occidente ha escindido. De esta manera, se expone una reflexión epistemológica y ética. La reflexión epistemológica se enriqueció con la pesquisa sobre lo sagrado. En ella se descubre a la naturaleza como una hierofanía donde convergen lo divino, lo humano (...)
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    Zoobiquity: What Animals can Teach Us About Health and the Science of Healing. [REVIEW]Zohar Lederman & Jessica Hanser - 2014 - Journal of Agricultural and Environmental Ethics 27 (1):173-176.
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    Genesis redux: essays in the history and philosophy of artificial life.Jessica Riskin (ed.) - 2007 - Chicago: University of Chicago Press.
    Since antiquity, philosophers and engineers have tried to take life’s measure by reproducing it. Aiming to reenact Creation, at least in part, these experimenters have hoped to understand the links between body and spirit, matter and mind, mechanism and consciousness. Genesis Redux examines moments from this centuries-long experimental tradition: efforts to simulate life in machinery, to synthesize life out of material parts, and to understand living beings by comparison with inanimate mechanisms. Jessica Riskin collects seventeen essays from distinguished scholars (...)
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    Pharmaceutical Freedom: Why Patients Have a Right to Self Medicate.Jessica Flanigan - 2017 - Oup Usa.
    Jessica Flanigan defends patients' rights of self-medication on the grounds that same moral reasons against medical paternalism in clinical contexts are also reasons against paternalistic pharmaceutical policies, including prohibitive approval processes and prescription requirements.
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  18. The knowledge Norm for assertion.Jessica Brown - 2008 - Philosophical Issues 18 (1):89-103.
  19. Hypocrisy and Moral Authority.Jessica Isserow & Colin Klein - 2017 - Journal of Ethics and Social Philosophy 12 (2):191-222.
    Hypocrites invite moral opprobrium, and charges of hypocrisy are a significant and widespread feature of our moral lives. Yet it remains unclear what hypocrites have in common, or what is distinctively bad about them. We propose that hypocrites are persons who have undermined their claim to moral authority. Since this self-undermining can occur in a number of ways, our account construes hypocrisy as multiply realizable. As we explain, a person’s moral authority refers to a kind of standing that they occupy (...)
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    The ethics of environmentally responsible health care.Jessica Pierce (ed.) - 2001 - New York: Oxford University Press.
    This book shows how environmental decline relates to human health and to health care practices in the U.S. and other industrialized countries. It outlines the environmental trends that will strongly affect health, and challenges us to see the connections between ways of practicing medicine and the very environmental problems that damage ecosystems and make people sick. In addition to philosophical analysis of the converging values of bioethics and envrionmental ethics, the book offers case studies as well as a number of (...)
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  21. 'A Shelter of the Mind': Henry, William, and the Domestic Scene.Jessica R. Feldman - 1997 - In Ruth Anna Putnam (ed.), The Cambridge companion to William James. New York: Cambridge University Press. pp. 300--21.
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  22. Action experience alters 3-month-old infants' perception of others' actions.Jessica A. Sommerville, Amanda L. Woodward & Amy Needham - 2005 - Cognition 96 (1):B1-B11.
  23.  55
    Wild Justice: The Moral Lives of Animals.Marc Bekoff & Jessica Pierce - 2009 - University of Chicago Press.
    Scientists have long counseled against interpreting animal behavior in terms of human emotions, warning that such anthropomorphizing limits our ability to understand animals as they really are. Yet what are we to make of a female gorilla in a German zoo who spent days mourning the death of her baby? Or a wild female elephant who cared for a younger one after she was injured by a rambunctious teenage male? Or a rat who refused to push a lever for food (...)
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  24. Subject‐Sensitive Invariantism and the Knowledge Norm for Practical Reasoning.Jessica Brown - 2008 - Noûs 42 (2):167-189.
  25. What is visual culture? Jessica Evans and Stuart Hall.Jessica Evans - 1999 - In Jessica Evans & Stuart Hall (eds.), Visual culture: the reader. Thousand Oaks: SAGE Publications in association with the Open University. pp. 1.
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  26. Externalism in mind and epistemology.Jessica Brown - 2007 - In Sanford Goldberg (ed.), Internalism and externalism in semantics and epistemology. New York: Oxford University Press. pp. 13--34.
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    Letter to Lester Olson.Jessica Benjamin - 2000 - Philosophy and Rhetoric 33 (3):286-290.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Philosophy and Rhetoric 33.3 (2000) 286-290 [Access article in PDF] Letter to Lester Olson Jessica Benjamin Dear Lester Olson,I regret not having responded sooner to your communication. This is a matter of considerable importance to me, but you might imagine that it is difficult to read an analysis of events in which I was so involved that takes so little account of my/our point of view. Let me (...)
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    Defining "research" in rural healthcare ethics.Jessica Prata Miller - 2006 - American Journal of Bioethics 6 (2):59 – 61.
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  29. Knowing-how: linguistics and cognitive science.Jessica Brown - 2013 - Analysis 73 (2):220-227.
    Stanley and Williamson have defended the intellectualist thesis that knowing-how is a subspecies of knowing-that by appeal to the syntax and semantics of ascriptions of knowing-how. Critics have objected that this way of defending intellectualism places undue weight on linguistic considerations and fails to give sufficient attention to empirical considerations from the scientific study of the mind. In this paper, I examine and reject Stanley's recent attempt to answer the critics.
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    COVID-19 Lockdown and Its Adverse Impact on Psychological Health in Breast Cancer.Jessica Swainston, Bethany Chapman, Elizabeth A. Grunfeld & Nazanin Derakshan - 2020 - Frontiers in Psychology 11.
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  31. Knowledge and Assertion.Jessica Brown - 2010 - Philosophy and Phenomenological Research 81 (3):549-566.
  32. How Conceptually Guided are Kantian Intuitions?Jessica J. Williams - 2012 - History of Philosophy Quarterly 29 (1).
  33. Non-reductive realization and the powers-based subset strategy.Jessica Wilson - 2011 - The Monist (Issue on Powers) 94 (1):121-154.
    I argue that an adequate account of non-reductive realization must guarantee satisfaction of a certain condition on the token causal powers associated with (instances of) realized and realizing entities---namely, what I call the 'Subset Condition on Causal Powers' (first introduced in Wilson 1999). In terms of states, the condition requires that the token powers had by a realized state on a given occasion be a proper subset of the token powers had by the state that realizes it on that occasion. (...)
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  34. Metaphysical emergence: Weak and Strong.Jessica Wilson - 2013 - In Stephen Mumford & Matthew Tugby (eds.), Metaphysics and Science. Oxford: Oxford University Press. pp. 251-306.
    Motivated by the seeming structure of the sciences, metaphysical emergence combines broadly synchronic dependence coupled with some degree of ontological and causal autonomy. Reflecting the diverse, frequently incompatible interpretations of the notions of dependence and autonomy, however, accounts of emergence diverge into a bewildering variety. Here I argue that much of this apparent diversity is superficial. I first argue, by attention to the problem of higher-level causation, that two and only two strategies for addressing this problem accommodate the genuine emergence (...)
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  35. Fundamental determinables.Jessica M. Wilson - 2012 - Philosophers' Imprint 12.
    Contemporary philosophers commonly suppose that any fundamental entities there may be are maximally determinate. More generally, they commonly suppose that, whether or not there are fundamental entities, any determinable entities there may be are grounded in, hence less fundamental than, more determinate entities. So, for example, Armstrong takes the physical objects constituting the presumed fundamental base to be “determinate in all respects” (1961, 59), and Lewis takes the properties characterizing things “completely and without redundancy” to be “highly specific” (1986, 60). (...)
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  36. Shadow of the other: intersubjectivity and gender in psychoanalysis.Jessica Benjamin - 1997 - New York: Routledge.
    Shadow of the Other is a discussion of how the individual has two sorts of relationships with an "other"--other individuals. The first regards the other as a s work apart is her brilliant utilization of a systematic dialectical approach to her subject, always maintaining the delicate balance between opposing tensions: masculinity and femininity, subjectivity and objectivity, passivity and activity, love and aggression, fantasy and reality, modernism and postmodernism, the intrapsychic and the intersubjective. Benjamin s work apart is her brilliant utilization (...)
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  37. Comparing contextualism and invariantism on the correctness of contextualist intuitions.Jessica Brown - 2005 - Grazer Philosophische Studien 69 (1):71-100.
    Contextualism is motivated by cases in which the intuitive correctness of a range of phenomena, including knowledge attributions, assertions and reasoning, depends on the attributor's context. Contextualists offer a charitable understanding of these intuitions, interpreting them as reflecting the truth value of the knowledge attributions and the appropriateness of the relevant assertions and reasoning. Here, I investigate a range of different invariantist accounts and examine the extent to which they too can offer a charitable account of the contextualist data.
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  38. Causality.Jessica M. Wilson - 2005 - In Sahotra Sarkar & Jessica Pfeifer (eds.), The Philosophy of Science: An Encyclopedia. New York: Routledge. pp. 90--100.
    Arguably no concept is more fundamental to science than that of causality, for investigations into cases of existence, persistence, and change in the natural world are largely investigations into the causes of these phenomena. Yet the metaphysics and epistemology of causality remain unclear. For example, the ontological categories of the causal relata have been taken to be objects (Hume 1739), events (Davidson 1967), properties (Armstrong 1978), processes (Salmon 1984), variables (Hitchcock 1993), and facts (Mellor 1995). (For convenience, causes and effects (...)
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  39.  74
    Pulling out the intentional structure of action: the relation between action processing and action production in infancy.Jessica A. Sommerville & Amanda L. Woodward - 2005 - Cognition 95 (1):1-30.
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    Fallibilism: Evidence and Knowledge.Jessica Brown - 2018 - Oxford: Oxford University Press.
    Fallibilists claim that one can know a proposition on the basis of evidence that supports it even if the evidence doesn't guarantee its truth. Jessica Brown offers a compelling defence of this view against infallibilists, who claim that it is contradictory to claim to know and yet to admit the possibility of error.
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    (1 other version)Courtney S. Cox and Jessica C. Campbell reply.Courtney S. Campbell & Jessica C. Cox - forthcoming - Hastings Center Report 41 (4):8-9.
  42.  26
    Hume's Dictum and Metaphysical Modality.Jessica Wilson - 2015 - In Barry Loewer & Jonathan Schaffer (eds.), A companion to David Lewis. Chichester, West Sussex ;: Wiley-Blackwell. pp. 138–158.
    Many contemporary philosophers accept a strong generalization of Hume's denial of necessary causal connections, in the form of Hume's dictum (HD), according to which there are no metaphysically necessary connections between distinct, intrinsically typed entities. Hume's version of his dictum occurs during his investigation into the source of the idea of causal connection. The most powerful role that HD plays in Lewis's system concerns its providing a basis for, as Lewis puts it, a "principle of plentitude" that will guarantee "that (...)
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    Between scientism and abstractionism in the metaphysics of emergence.Jessica Wilson - 2018 - In Sophie Gibb, Robin Findlay Hendry & Tom Lancaster (eds.), The Routledge Handbook of Philosophy of Emergence. New York: Routledge. pp. 157-176.
    I discuss certain representative accounts of metaphysical emergence falling into three broad categories, assessing their prospects for satisfying certain criteria; the ensuing dialectic has a bit of the Goldilocks fable about it. At one end of the spectrum are what I call ‘scientistic’ accounts, which characterize metaphysical emergence by appeal to one or another specific feature commonly registered in scientific descriptions of seeming cases of emergence; such accounts, I argue, typically fail to provide a clear basis for ensuring incompatibility with (...)
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  44. Contextualism and warranted assertibility manoeuvres.Jessica Brown - 2006 - Philosophical Studies 130 (3):407 - 435.
    Contextualists such as Cohen and DeRose claim that the truth conditions of knowledge attributions vary contextually, in particular that the strength of epistemic position required for one to be truly ascribed knowledge depends on features of the attributor's context. Contextualists support their view by appeal to our intuitions about when it's correct (or incorrect) to ascribe knowledge. Someone might argue that some of these intuitions merely reflect when it is conversationally appropriate to ascribe knowledge, not when knowledge is truly ascribed, (...)
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    Questions, questioning, and institutional practices: an introduction.Jessica Robles & Karen Tracy - 2009 - Discourse Studies 11 (2):131-152.
    This article introduces the special issue on questions, questioning, and institutional practices. We begin by considering how questioning as a discursive practice is a central vehicle for constructing social worlds and reflecting existing ones. Then we describe the different ways questions and question have been defined, typologized, and critiqued, in general and within seven institutions including policing, the courts, medicine, therapy, research interviews, education, and mediated political exchanges. The introduction concludes with a preview of the articles in the special issue.
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    Capabilities for All?Jessica Begon - 2017 - Social Theory and Practice 43 (1):154-179.
    The capability approach aims to ensure all individuals are able to form and pursue their own conception of the good, whilst the state remains neutral between them, and has done much to include oppressed and marginalised groups. Liberal neutrality and social inclusivity are worthy goals, yet I argue that Martha Nussbaum’s influential formulation of the capability approach, at least, cannot meet them. Conceptualising capabilities as opportunities to perform specific, valuable functionings fails to accommodate those who do not value, or cannot (...)
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  47. .Jessica Moss - unknown
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    ‘Any animal whatever'.Jessica C. Flack & Frans Bm de Waal - 2000 - Journal of Consciousness Studies 7 (1-2):1-2.
    To what degree has biology influenced and shaped the development of moral systems? One way to determine the extent to which human moral systems might be the product of natural selection is to explore behaviour in other species that is analogous and perhaps homologous to our own. Many non-human primates, for example, have similar methods to humans for resolving, managing, and preventing conflicts of interests within their groups. Such methods, which include reciprocity and food sharing, reconciliation, consolation, conflict intervention, and (...)
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  49. Putting the self into self-conscious emotions: A theoretical model.Jessica L. Tracy & Richard W. Robins - 2004 - Psychological Inquiry 15 (2):103-125.
  50. Supervenience-based formulations of physicalism.Jessica Wilson - 2005 - Noûs 39 (3):426-459.
    The physicalist thesis that all entities are nothing over and above physical entities is often interpreted as appealing to a supervenience-based account of "nothing over and aboveness”, where, schematically, the A-entities are nothing over and above the B-entities if the A-entities supervene on the B-entities. The main approaches to filling in this schema correspond to different ways of characterizing the modal strength, the supervenience base, or the supervenience connection at issue. I consider each approach in turn, and argue that the (...)
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