Results for 'Jesus as fully human and divine'

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  1.  22
    Did Jesus Need the Spirit? An Appeal for Pneumatic Christology to Inform Christological Anthropology.Christa L. Mckirland - 2021 - Perichoresis 19 (2):43-61.
    A central claim of the Christian faith is that Jesus is not only fully human (and fully God), but that he reveals true humanity to us. This requires that all of our anthropologies, in some way, ground themselves in Christology, providing a ‘Christological anthropology’. Consequently, any Christological anthropology requires some formulation of Christology proper. In light of this, the main contention of the present paper is that one cannot adequately formulate a Christological anthropology without including a (...)
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    Las tres modalidades de la autoconciencia.Jesús García López - 1994 - Anuario Filosófico 27 (2):567-582.
    We shall study the modes of self-consciousness such as they have been described by A. Millán-Puelles in his work. This article deals exclusively with human self-consciousness, leaving aside other non-human beings gifted with consciousness, and of course, the Divine Being, which should properly be called Absolute Self-Conscience. Furthermore, the kind of selfconsciousness to be dealt with here is but one of the three ways in which the human ego relates with itself.
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    Jesus as an exemplar of faith in the New Testament.Dale Tuggy - 2017 - International Journal for Philosophy of Religion 81 (1-2):171-191.
    Roman Catholic theologians long denied that Jesus had faith in God, and Jesus having faith in God seems in conflict with traditional claims that Jesus is fully divine. What the New Testament means by “faith” is explored, and in light of this we consider arguments from orthodox Incarnation theory to the conclusion that Jesus did not have and could not have had faith in God. Relevantly, the New Testament clearly asserts in five ways that (...)
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  4. Deficient Existence in a Divine World: Ontological Deficiency in the Metaphysics of John Scotus Eriugena.Douglas Hadley - 1999 - Dissertation, Boston University
    As the world's literary, religious, and philosophical traditions attest, deficiency in the world is a matter of perennial human concern. Ontologically speaking deficient existence is a problem that has occupied metaphysical thinking from Heraclitus to Heidegger. What is it to exist deficiently? ;This dissertation addresses the question, first, through a survey of answers given by six ancient philosophers. Parmenides describes deficient existence as changing multiplicity; Plato, as being in an inferior world; Plotinus, as mis-seeing; Augustine, as disorderedness; Gregory of (...)
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    From divine omnipotence to the omnipotence of matter.Miklós Vassányi - 2008 - Bijdragen 69 (2):172-196.
    This paper wishes to offer a historical derivation of the mature Diderot’s fully materialistic, physiological theory of the soul, and to show the conflict between the theological concept of the soul as a principle of freedom, and the materialistic-deterministic concept of the soul, in his philosophical and literary oeuvre. In historical respect, Diderot formulated his mature position on the basis of Locke’s theory of ‘thinking matter’, of Toland’s idea that ‘action is essential to matter’, of Maupertuis’s theory of ‘spontaneous (...)
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    The Logic of God Incarnate by Thomas V. Morris.O. F. M. Thomas Weinandy - 1987 - The Thomist 51 (2):367-372.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:BOOK REVIEWS The Logic of God Incarnate. By THOMAS V. MORRIS. Ithaca: Cornell University Press, 1986. Pp. 220. $19.95. Thomas V. Morris, Assistant Professor of Philosophy at the University of Notre Dame, has written a technical yet provocative study on the Incarnation. As a faithful Christian he believes in and desires to defend the traditional Christian doctrine of the Incarnation proclaimed in the New Testament and defined by the (...)
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  7. On the Coherence of the Incarnation: The Divine Preconscious Model.Andrew Loke - 2009 - Neue Zeitschrift für Systematicsche Theologie Und Religionsphilosophie 51 (1):50-63.
    Many skeptics throughout the centuries have accused the New Testament characterization of the incarnation as being incoherent. The reason is that it appears impossible that any person can exemplify human properties such as ignorance, fatigability, and spatial limitation, as the New Testament testifies of Jesus, while possessing divine properties such as omniscience, omnipotence, and omnipresence at the same time. This paper proposes a possible model which asserts that at the incarnation, the Logo's mind was divided into conscious (...)
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  8. Causing Human Actions: New Perspectives on the Causal Theory of Action.Jesús Humberto Aguilar & Andrei A. Buckareff (eds.) - 2010 - Bradford.
    The causal theory of action is widely recognized in the literature of the philosophy of action as the "standard story" of human action and agency -- the nearest approximation in the field to a theoretical orthodoxy. This volume brings together leading figures working in action theory today to discuss issues relating to the CTA and its applications, which range from experimental philosophy to moral psychology. Some of the contributors defend the theory while others criticize it; some draw from historical (...)
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    God becoming flesh, flesh becoming divine.Luce Irigaray - 2023 - Continental Philosophy Review 56 (4):505-516.
    What could be the meaning of Christianity on this side or beyond its most traditional transmission? This paper suggests that it could be an invitation to deify our flesh instead of despising it. Indeed, the God of Christianity does not remain out of our physical reach but is incarnate in a human body as a sensitive transcendence living among us on this Earth. One of the main challenges for Christians is thus how to care for, transform, transfigure, resurrect and (...)
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  10.  22
    The divinity of Jesus in the Gospel of John: The ‘lived experiences’ it fostered when the text was read.Dirk G. Van der Merwe - 2019 - HTS Theological Studies 75 (1):13.
    The discipline, Christian Spirituality, evokes a new interest in Early Christian spirituality. What conceived spiritualities were fostered when the early Christians read the documents that were written to them and how did it influence them? According to Wolfgang Iser, a ‘reader often feels involved in events which, at the time of reading, seems real to him’. This article looks into how John describes and explains the divinity of Jesus. It also attempts to determine conceived spiritualities (lived experiences) fostered when (...)
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  11.  49
    Introduction: Toward a fully human theory of evolution.David Loye - 2002 - World Futures 58 (2 & 3):117 – 123.
    During the 20th century two major ventures were launched to advance Darwinian evolution theory. Both involved historic visions and were vital steps for science and society, but then something happened on the way to the millennium. By mid-century the first venture had become a virtual scientific monopoly governed by the biology of the neoDarwinian paradigm. The second venture then set out in the 1980s to remedy the inadequacies of the neoDarwinian paradigm by widening the prospects for evolution theory. But overwhelmed (...)
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  12. (1 other version)The Singularity: A crucial phase in divine self-actualization?Michael E. Zimmerman - 2008 - Cosmos and History 4 (1-2):347-370.
    Ray Kurzweil and others have posited that the confluence of nanotechnology, artificial intelligence, robotics, and genetic engineering will soon produce posthuman beings that will far surpass us in power and intelligence. Just as black holes constitute a ldquo;singularityrdquo; from which no information can escape, posthumans will constitute a ldquo;singularity:rdquo; whose aims and capacities lie beyond our ken. I argue that technological posthumanists, whether wittingly or unwittingly, draw upon the long-standing Christian discourse of ldquo;theosis,rdquo; according to which humans are capable of (...)
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  13.  18
    Learning from Jesus to Live in the Manner Jesus Would if he Were I: Biblical Grounding for Willard's Proposal regarding Jesus’ Humanity.Klaus Issler - 2010 - Journal of Spiritual Formation and Soul Care 3 (2):155-180.
    “How would Jesus live your life, with your personality, with your talents, with your life experiences, within your life context, if he were you?” is a question posed by Dallas Willard in The Divine Conspiracy. How is it possible for Jesus Christ, Second Person of the Trinity, to know about living a really human life with all of its heartache and struggles? The article presents the biblical teaching for Jesus’ authentic human experience, that (...) is our genuine example and is the unique one who can show us the way into Kingdom living. After addressing concerns that have been raised about emphasizing the example of Jesus, the NT data affirming Jesus’ authentic human experience are presented, along with some potential objections. The main claim defended: Jesus lived normally within his own human power, relying predominantly on the divine resources of the Father and the Holy Spirit, while using his own divine power infrequently. The article concludes with a few implications for practice, living within our personal human condition as Jesus did, and living beyond our human limitations as Jesus did. (shrink)
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    The Real Mystery of Positive Business: A Response from Christian Faith.Lloyd E. Sandelands - 2017 - Journal of Business Ethics 145 (4):771-780.
    I ask why an increasing number of business scholars today are drawn to an idea of “positive business” that they cannot account for scientifically. I answer that it is because they are attracted to the real mystery of positive business which is its incomprehensible and unspeakable divinity. I begin by asking why the research literature has yet to speak of positive business plainly and with one voice. I find that it lacks for the right words because it comes to (...) being in business as a science attuned to its objects rather than as a religion attuned to its spirit. Next, I say what I can about the real mystery of business, keeping in mind that we can say about it only what we can say about God. This brings me at last to the Christian insight that human being, in business and everywhere else, is the mystery of Jesus Christ in whom we are reconciled to God. Business is positively human as it invites us to be as Christ, to be a fully human person in joyful communion with others in God. This, in sum, is how to speak plainly and with one voice of the positive business that our hearts desire but our science cannot say. (shrink)
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    Without Buddha I Could not Be a Christian (review).Peter A. Huff - 2010 - Buddhist-Christian Studies 30:211-215.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Reviewed by:Without Buddha I Could not Be a ChristianPeter A. HuffWithout Buddha I Could not Be a Christian. By Paul F. Knitter. Oxford: Oneworld, 2009. xvii + 240 pp.Paul Knitter’s contributions to interfaith dialogue and Christian theologies of religions are well known and widely appreciated. Even critics of Christian theories of pluralism, most prominently Pope Benedict XVI, have acknowledged the significance of Knitter’s strategic integration of perspectives from liberation (...)
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  16.  10
    The Possibility of Incarnation.Richard Swinburne - 1994 - In The Christian God. New York: Oxford University Press.
    The Council of Chalcedon declared that one individual, Jesus Christ, had two natures – divine and human. His divine nature must be regarded as consisting of the essential divine properties plus the specific properties essential to the second member of the Trinity. The human nature must be regarded not as a substance, but as the contingent properties analysed in Ch. 1 that make someone human. New Testament and later‐Christian doctrine require that we understand (...)
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    Nishitani.Taitetsu Unno - 1999 - Buddhist-Christian Studies 19 (1):133-136.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Contrasting Images of the BuddhaTaitetsu UnnoAll the Christian writers express a deep and sympathetic appreciation for the historical Sakyamuni Buddha, demonstrating some of the positive fruits of interreligious dialogue. But—speaking as a practicing Buddhist—their views appear to be focused on the human face of the Buddha and scant attention is paid to what might be called the numinous. It is this dimension of his enlightenment experience that constitutes (...)
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  18.  19
    Gradual awakening: the Tibetan Buddhist path of becoming fully human.Miles Neale - 2018 - Boulder, Colorado: Sounds True.
    Rediscover the Promise of Enlightenment As Western culture has embraced practices like meditation and yoga, has something been lost in translation? “What we see in America today in both the yoga boom and mindfulness fad,” writes Dr. Miles Neale, “is a presentation of technique alone, sanitized and purged of the dynamic teachings in wisdom and ethics that are essential for true liberation.” For anyone seeking a path dedicated to both authentic personal growth and the overthrow of the nihilism, hedonism, and (...)
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  19. PERCEPTION ON HUMAN CAPITAL MANAGEMENT PRACTICES IN THE BUSINESS PROCESS OUTSOURCING IN CEBU CITY, PHILIPPINES.Jiomarie Jesus - 2024 - Psychology and Education: A Multidisciplinary Journal 21 (5):574-579.
    This study examines the relationship between sustainability and employee perceptions of Human Capital Management (HCM) practices in Cebu City's Business Process Outsourcing (BPO) industry. The participation of 370 different BPO companies at Cebu I.T. Park indicates their dedication to HCM and highlights areas that require improvement, particularly in labor relations and HRIS deployment. Employee evaluations are influenced by demographic factors such as age, gender, and educational attainment. Suggestions for improvement include implementing employee development plans, streamlining the HRIS, strengthening due (...)
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    Posthumous Organ Retention and Use in Ghana: Regulating Individual, Familial and Societal Interests.Divine Ndonbi Banyubala - 2016 - Health Care Analysis 24 (4):301-320.
    The question of whether individuals retain interests or can be harmed after death is highly contentious, particularly within the context of deceased organ retrieval, retention and use. This paper argues that posthumous interests and/or harms can and do exist in the Konkomba traditional setting through the concept of ancestorship, a reputational concept of immense cultural and existential significance in this setting. I adopt Joel Feinberg’s account of harms as a setback to interests. The paper argues that a socio-culturally sensitive regulatory (...)
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    Podem as Razões Subjacentes a Uma Acção Ser as Causas (Eficientes) dessa Acção? / O Labirinto do Descontínuo: Gramática, Fenomenologia e Ontologia da Acção.Paulo Renato de Jesus - 2011 - Revista Portuguesa de Filosofia 67 (1):105 - 128.
    Razões e causas tipificam duas gramáticas ou jogos de linguagem que tendem para a incomensurabilidade. Estas gramáticas instituem uma discriminação qualitativa entre a auto-eficácia de se ser alguém e a eficácia simétrica, impessoal, de se ser algo. As razões podem comportar-se como causas, embora seja profundamente absurdo interpretar razões como causas e vice-versa. Contudo, para que as razões possam assumir tal eficiência causal, é necessário admitir vários postulados: primeiro, uma ontologia monista assegurando a comunicação de eficiência dinâmica entre duas cadeias (...)
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  22. Gay Rights: Battling Homophobia.Jesus A. Diaz - 1987 - Brown Daily Herald 1987:11 & 8.
    Three arguments summarize opposition to laws protecting LGBTQ+ persons from discrimination: (1) The pseudo-democratic argument (social change should be free of governmental coercion); (2) The clinical argument (homosexuality is an illness); (3) The choice argument (homosexuality is a choice). My purpose is to show the three are vulnerable to damaging objections. This article reflects conditions as they were in 1987 in the USA. For example, the expression LGBTQ+ had not been coined. My use of "gays and lesbians," then believed to (...)
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  23.  11
    Derecho inteligente || Smart Law.Jesús Ignacio Martínez García - 2018 - Cuadernos Electrónicos de Filosofía Del Derecho 37:95-114.
    RESUMEN: El derecho constituye una de las formas de inteligencia más necesarias y potentes, de la que depende el futuro de la humanidad. Es preciso conectar el pensamiento jurídico con el debate contemporáneo sobre la inteligencia. Se propone un enfoque integrador que abarca tanto la inteligencia artificial como la inteligencia institucional y la inteligencia emocional. Necesitamos juristas inteligentes, con nuevas formas de pensamiento, preparados para manejar un derecho que responde cada vez más a una dinámica de red. Conceptos clave de (...)
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    La Laetitia en Spinoza.Jesús Ezquerra Gómez - 2003 - Revista de Filosofía (Madrid) 28 (1):129-155.
    Laetitia in Spinoza has a twofold meaning: on the one hand is a passion, then is a product of inadecuates ideas and is associated with the first kind of knowledge (Imaginatio); on the other hand is expression of the Conatus and is an active affect (Fortitudo) connected with the third kind of knowledge (Scientia intuitiva). This second meaning confront us to a happines no human, frozen, abyssal which prefigure thinkers as Nietzsche, Bataille or lanchot.
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    A arte como bálsamo: Pintura E música em Schopenhauer.João Elton Jesus - 2015 - Cadernos Do Pet Filosofia 6 (11):43-53.
    Na obra O mundo como vontade e representação, Arthur Schopenhauer apresenta as manifestações artísticas como forma de objetivação da vontade, que para ele, está associada ao Bem platônico e a Coisa-Em-Si propugnada por Kant. Este trabalho tem o objetivo de apresentar a estética construída pelo Cavaleiro Solitário, onde a contemplação da arte, destacando a pintura e, especialmente a música, apresenta-se como bálsamo para o ser humano superar o pessimismo causado pelo mundo passageiro dos fenômenos e assim alcançar, ainda que provisoriamente, (...)
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    Jesus, Man of Sin: Toward a New Christology in the Global Era.Soho Machida - 1999 - Buddhist-Christian Studies 19 (1):81-91.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Jesus, Man of Sin: Toward a New Christology in the Global EraSoho MachidaSin as the Common GroundThe blasphemous title of this article is likely to outrage more than a few devout Christians. I am aware that most Christians view Jesus as the most immaculate and beautiful person who ever lived. As a Buddhist scholar and practitioner, however, I cannot extinguish a long-held question from my mind. Was (...)
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  27. La tarea del educador: la sindéresis.Jesus Ronda & Enrique Moros - 2007 - Studia Poliana 9:103-127.
    This investigation intends to provide new features in the philosophy of education from the ideas developed by Polo on transcendental anthropology. It uses a descending approach: from the personal character of man to his essential manifestations. It begins with the filial character and it examines the crisis of authority provoked in the rejection of education. It formulates an informative order in accordance with the sistematic character and perfection of human essence from the person’s radicalism. Finally, it presents Polo’s explanation (...)
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  28.  7
    Jesus Christ: Saviour or Guru?Stephen T. Davis - 2006 - In Christian Philosophical Theology. New York: Oxford University Press UK.
    In this age of theological pluralism, even within Christianity, is there good reason to affirm the incarnation of Christ as expressed in the Creed of Chalcedon? To affirm as much is to commit oneself to what is called a maximal christology, as opposed to the many minimal christologies available today. It is argued that the New Testament picture of Jesus is unified and consistent. The purpose of the incarnation is to show what God is like, to make it possible (...)
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    Kokoro yoga: maximize your human potential and develop the spirit of a warrior.Mark Divine - 2016 - New York: St. Martin's Griffin. Edited by Catherine Divine.
    This is Warrior Yoga, New York Times bestselling author and retired Navy SEAL Commander Mark Divine's latest contribution to mental and physical achievement exercises started with 8 Weeks to SEALFIT and Unbeatable Mind. This is not your average yoga book. Using Coach Divine's signature integrated training curriculum, Warrior Yoga is an intense physical workout designed for both the nation's elite special ops soldiers, and the regular athlete with the heart and mind of a warrior. His tried and true (...)
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    Taking Pictures of Jesus: Producing the Material Presence of a Divine Other.Edward Berryman - 2005 - Human Studies 28 (4):431-452.
    A new form of visual representation of divine others is emerging: photography. I examine here a set of photos of deities related to an apparition claim. The goal I pursue is to analyze the self-constitutive features of these pictures – how they produce what they claim to be. I argue that the “presence' of the deities in the photos is achieved through “incarnation practices.' But these pictures are not just a factual representation of alleged mystical events. They constitute an (...)
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  31.  5
    The Divinity of Jesus Christ: A Study in the History of Christian Doctrine Since Kant.John Martin Creed - 2012 - Cambridge University Press.
    Originally published in 1938, this book presents the content of six lectures delivered by the author at the University of Cambridge during the Lent term of 1936, as part of the Hulsean Lectures series. The text discusses the history of Christian doctrine from the close of the eighteenth century onwards, reviewing the main interpretations of Christ within theological thought. Concise, yet ambitious in scope, this book will be of value to anyone with an interest in theology, philosophy and the history (...)
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  32.  27
    Women in Early Human Cytogenetics: An Essay on a Gendered History of Chromosome Imaging.María Jesús Santesmases - 2020 - Perspectives on Science 28 (2):170-200.
    Alongside the renowned male pioneers of medical cytogenetics, many women participated in investigations at the laboratory bench and the bedside, both in Europe and the Americas. These women were committed to this new biological and clinical practice—cytogenetics, the origins of contemporary genetic diagnosis—and contributed to the creation of new biological concepts and settings centered on the study of chromosome imaging. This paper will review the contributions made by a group of woman scientists from a wide geographical distribution, situating their names (...)
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  33. From Divine to Human: Dante's Circle Vs. Boccaccio's Parodic Centers: Bernardo Lecture Series, No. 16.Dana E. Stewart (ed.) - 2009 - The Bernardo Lecture Series.
    _In Boccacio's Decameron, Cervigni sees a parodic echo of the circles of Dante's Divine Comedy, and asks whether Bocaccio envisions the voyage of the brigata as similar to Dante the Pilgrim's journey toward the center, first the abysmal center of Lucifer, then towards the highest center, God._.
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    LSTM vs CNN in real ship trajectory classification.Juan Pedro Llerena, Jesús García & José Manuel Molina - 2024 - Logic Journal of the IGPL 32 (6):942-954.
    Ship-type identification in a maritime context can be critical to the authorities to control the activities being carried out. Although Automatic Identification Systems has been mandatory for certain vessels, if a vessel does not have them voluntarily or not, it can lead to a whole set of problems, which is why the use of tracking alternatives such as radar is fully complementary for a vessel monitoring systems. However, radars provide positions, but not what they are detecting. Having systems capable (...)
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    El animal, ¿es una otredad posible? Indagaciones fenomenológicas a partir de Husserl y Heidegger.Jesús Ayala-Colqui - 2023 - Trans/Form/Ação 46 (2):133-158.
    This article aims to analyze the concept of animality from the perspective of Edmund Husserl and Martin Heidegger. More precisely, the question arises as to whether the animal possesses the status of otherness or lacks it. Indeed, the animal, with respect to the human, turns out to be another entity, but, from the assumptions of phenomenology, is that enough for it to be apprehended as an intersubjectivity or a coexistence that is donated to the world of human beings? (...)
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    Aristotelism of Difference.Jesús Garay - 2008 - Foundations of Science 13 (3-4):229-237.
    There is a central doctrine in Aristotle that usually isn’t recognized in its importance: the affirmation of the difference and the plurality. In the course of the centuries, Aristotelism lost which was perhaps its most characteristic and specific feature versus Platonism, that is, its criticism of unity and its defense of plurality. The first principle is not the One but the plurality. The horizon of thinking is not the unity but the diversity of the logos. The unity of the logos (...)
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    Insights for Modern Applications of Psilocybin Therapy from a Case Study of Traditional Mazatec Medicine.Jesús M. González-Mariscal & Paulina E. Sosa-Cortés - 2022 - Anthropology of Consciousness 33 (2):358-384.
    The "people of knowledge" of traditional Mazatec medicine have preserved until today the ritual use of psilocybin mushrooms as part of their health care systems. The renewed interest in the effect of psilocybin on human consciousness for both therapeutic and recreational purposes usually obviates the historical and cultural background of indigenous peoples, as well as the legitimation of their practices and knowledge. In this article, through the case study of a foreign person who attended a Mazatec ritual specialist to (...)
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    La serenidad a la luz de la dignidad creatural de la persona.María Jesús Soto Bruna - 2002 - Anuario Filosófico 35 (74):655-676.
    This paper stresses Saint Josemaria's teaching on serenity, within the background of his doctrine on the filial condition of man created at God's image. Serenity is acquired by means of a special endeavour of inteligence and will in order to fully embrace and reconcile human conduct to the Creator's proposal of truth to all mankind.
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    Human Understanding as Problem: An Introduction.Jesús Padilla Gálvez & Margit Gaffal - 2018 - In Jesús Padilla Gálvez & Margit Gaffal, Human Understanding as Problem. Berlin, Boston: De Gruyter. pp. 1-4.
    The problems associated with understanding come to light in many facets of our lives. This volume is dedicated to describing these facets and clarifying problems related to levels of comprehension, conceptual analysis, understanding oneself and the other as well as cultural aspects of understanding. The authors address the topic in different theoretical frames such as hermeneutics, phenomenology, transcendental, and analytic philosophy.
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    Human Understanding as Problem.Jesús Padilla Gálvez & Margit Gaffal (eds.) - 2018 - Berlin, Boston: De Gruyter.
    The problems associated with understanding come to light in many facets of our lives. This volume is dedicated to describing these facets and clarifying problems related to levels of comprehension, conceptual analysis, understanding oneself and the other as well as cultural aspects of understanding. The authors address the topic in different theoretical frames such as hermeneutics, phenomenology, transcendental, and analytic philosophy.
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    Gathering Is Not Only for Girls.Guillermo Zorrilla-Revilla, Jesús Rodríguez & Ana Mateos - 2021 - Human Nature 32 (3):582-602.
    In some small-scale societies, a sexual division of labor is common. For subadult hunter-gatherers, the onset of this division dates to middle childhood and the start of puberty; however, there is apparently no physiological explanation for this timing. The present study uses an experimental approach to evaluate possible energetic differences by sex in gathering-related activities. The energetic cost of gathering-related activities was measured in a sample of 42 subjects of both sexes aged between 8 and 14 years. Body mass and (...)
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    On the Concept of Divine Success in the Nāṭyaśāstra.Prashant Bagad - 2019 - Journal of Aesthetic Education 53 (4):24.
    In this paper I interpret the intriguing but underexplored concept of divine success in the Nāṭyaśāstra. The Nāṭyaśāstra discusses two main types of success that a dramatic performance may achieve. Chapter 27 of the Nāṭyaśāstra is principally devoted to explicating these two types of success: mānuṣī siddhi and daivikī siddhi. Prima facie, one type of success is deemed "human" because its achievement seems to depend on human efforts: the better the effort the greater the chances of attaining (...)
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  43. Divine Atemporal-Temporal Relations: Does Open Theism Have a Better Option?A. S. Antombikums - 2023 - PHILOSOPHY OF RELIGION: ANALYTIC RESEARCHES 7 (2):80–97.
    Open theists argue that God's relationship to time, as conceived in classical theism, is erroneous. They explain that it is contradictory for an atemporal being to act in a temporal universe, including experiencing its temporal successions. Contrary to the atemporalists, redemptive history has shown that God interacts with humans in time. This relational nature of God nullifies the classical notion of God as timelessly eternal. Therefore, it lacks a philosophical and theological basis. Because God is in time, He does not (...)
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    Engaged epistemic agents.Fernando Broncano & Jesús Vega - 2011 - Critica 43 (128):55-79.
    Our aim in this paper is to throw some light on the kind of normativity characteristic of human knowledge. We describe the epistemic normative domain as that field of human agency defined by knowledge understood as an achievement. The normativity of knowledge rests on the contribution of the epistemic agent to the fulfillment of certain tasks. Such contribution is epistemically significant when the agent becomes engaged in the obtaining of success. Finally, we identify some features associated with full (...)
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    Divine glory in a Darwinian world.Christopher Southgate - 2014 - Zygon 49 (4):784-807.
    Faced with the ambiguities of this world, in which ugliness and suffering co-exist with beauty, the article rejects the attribution of disvalues to a Fall-event. Instead it faces God's involvement even in violence and ugliness. It explores the concept of divine glory, understood principally as a sign of the divine reality. This includes both the great theophanies of the Hebrew Bible and Jesus’ glorification in his Passion and Crucifixion. It then considers the contemplation of the natural world, (...)
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    Characterization of the Stages of Creative Writing With Mobile EEG Using Generalized Partial Directed Coherence.Jesus G. Cruz-Garza, Akshay Sujatha Ravindran, Anastasiya E. Kopteva, Cristina Rivera Garza & Jose L. Contreras-Vidal - 2020 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 14.
    Two stages of the creative writing process were characterized through mobile scalp electroencephalography in a 16-week creative writing workshop. Portable dry EEG systems with synchronized head acceleration, video recordings, and journal entries, recorded mobile brain-body activity of Spanish heritage students. Each student's brain-body activity was recorded as they experienced spaces in Houston, Texas, and while they worked on their creative texts. We used Generalized Partial Directed Coherence to compare the functional connectivity among both stages. There was a trend of higher (...)
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    Reincarnating the Body of the Future Through Speculative Science Fiction: The Employees (2018) by Olga Ravn.Joaquín Jesús Marto - 2023 - Iris 43.
    Through the epistemic potential of speculative science fiction, this article offers a reflection on the impacts of technologies on the human body. More precisely, this article illuminates how literary texts anticipate the challenges which will arise in relation with the body of the future from our most awaited and fantasized technologies. Olga Ravn’s novel, The employees (2018), will be the basis of this article’s inquiry into how the augmented body, extraterrestrial life and artificial intelligence impact the body and, by (...)
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    ¿Artificio O Naturaleza? Los Experimentos En La Historia De La Biologia.María Jesús Santesmases - 2002 - Theoria: Revista de Teoría, Historia y Fundamentos de la Ciencia 17 (2):265-289.
    We study twentieth-century biological sciences as experimental sciences by historically reconstructing the uses of experiments. Concepts like artificial, natural, and inventions, are handled so as to show how much current biological thought has been constructed on the basis of the invention of different kinds of experiments, instruments, and technical devices, experimental systems, and ideas concerning the fonctioning of nature. It is suggested that the frontier that may separate the natural from the artificial has already been crossed. Human intervention in (...)
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    On the Philosophical Meaning of the Idea of Reincarnation.Felipe de Jesús Lee Vera - 2022 - RAPHISA REVISTA DE ANTROPOLOGÍA Y FILOSOFÍA DE LO SAGRADO 6 (2):139-152.
    The main goal of this work is to argue that reincarnation can no longer be an answer to existential anguish, as described by philosophers such as Heidegger and Sartre, because rebirth was the answer for people who were immerse in a religious or even a metaphysical outlook of life, while modern human condition emerges precisely when those forms of certainty begin to fade away. Nevertheless, we will show that the idea of reincarnation can still be a valuable tool for (...)
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  50. Linguistics as a Theory of Knowledge.Jesús Gerardo Martínez del Castillo - 2015 - Education and Linguistics Research 1 (2):62-84.
    A theory of knowledge is the explanation of things in terms of the possibilities and capabilities of the human way of knowing. The human knowledge is the representation of the things apprehended sensitively either through the senses or intuition. A theory of knowledge concludes about the reality of the things studied. As such it is a priori speculation, based on synthetic a priori statements. Its conclusions constitute interpretation, that is, hermeneutics. Linguistics as the science studying real language, that (...)
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