Results for 'Jimmy Couzens'

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  1.  18
    “It's Just More Acceptable To Be White or Mixed Race and Gay Than Black and Gay”: The Perceptions and Experiences of Homophobia in St. Lucia.Jimmy Couzens, Berenice Mahoney & Dean Wilkinson - 2017 - Frontiers in Psychology 8.
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    Histoire de la philosophie, historiographie et philosophie : réflexions critiques au sujet de la portée de la thèse de la pertinence philosophique de l’histoire de la philosophie.Jimmy Plourde - 2019 - Philosophiques 46 (2):381-393.
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    Extrahippocampal Contributions to Age-Related Changes in Spatial Navigation Ability.Jimmy Y. Zhong & Scott D. Moffat - 2018 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 12.
  4. Still No Suicide for Presentists: Why Hales’ Response Fails.Jimmy Alfonso Licon - 2012 - Logos and Episteme (1):149-155.
    In this paper, I defend my original objection to Hales’ suicide machine argument against Hales’ response. I argue Hales’ criticisms are either misplaced or underestimate the strength of my objection; if the constraints of the original objection are respected, my original objection blocks Hales’ reply. To be thorough, I restate an improved version of the objection to the suicide machine argument. I conclude that Hales fails to motivate a reasonable worry as to the supposed suicidal nature of presentist time travel.
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  5. No Suicide for Presentists: A Response to Hales.Jimmy Alfonso Licon - 2011 - Logos and Episteme 2 (3):455-464.
    Steven Hales constructs a novel argument against the possibility of presentist time travel called the suicide machine argument. Hales argues that if presentism were true, then time travel would result in the annihilation of the time traveler. But such a consequence is not time travel, therefore presentism cannot allow for the possibility of time travel. This paper argues that in order for the suicide machine argument to succeed, it must make (at least) one of two assumptions, each of which beg (...)
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  6.  22
    Kant and the Politics of Racism: Towards Kant’s Racialised Form of Cosmopolitan Right.Jimmy Yab - 2021 - Cham: Springer Verlag.
    This book proposes an account of the place of the theory of race in Kant’s thought as a central part of philosophical anthropology in his political system. Kant’s theory of race, this book argues, is integral to the analysis of the “Charakteristik” of the human species and determined by human natural predispositions. The understanding of his theory as such suggests not only an alternative reading to the orthodox narrative we have seen so far but also reveals the underlying centrality of (...)
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    Temporal becoming in a relativistic universe: causal diamonds and Gödel’s philosophy of time.Jimmy Aames - 2022 - European Journal for Philosophy of Science 12 (3):1-24.
    The theory of relativity is often regarded as inhospitable to the idea that there is an objective passage of time in the world. In light of this, many philosophers and physicists embrace a “block universe” view, according to which change and temporal passage are merely a subjective appearance or illusion. My aim in this paper is to argue against such a view, and show that we can make sense of an objective passage of time in the setting of relativity theory (...)
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  8.  43
    Patternhood and Generality.Jimmy Aames - 2019 - European Journal of Pragmatism and American Philosophy 11 (2).
    A distinction often drawn in the literature on emergence is that between epistemological emergence and ontological emergence. I argue that the position that there are instances of ontological emergence in the world (radical emergentism) and the position that all instances of emergence are epistemological (ontological reductionism) are both problematic. My aim in this paper is to outline a third form of emergence, inspired by the philosophical ideas of Charles S. Peirce and Daniel Dennett, which will allow us to avoid both (...)
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  9.  49
    The double function of the interpretant in Peirce’s theory of signs.Jimmy Aames - 2018 - Semiotica 2018 (225):39-55.
    There seem to be two distinct aspects to the role played by the Interpretant in Peirce’s account of the sign relation. On the one hand, the Interpretant is said to establish the relation between the Sign and Object. That is, the Sign can “stand for” its Object, and thereby actually function as a Sign, only by virtue of its being interpreted as such by an Interpretant. On the other hand, the Interpretant is said to be “determined” by the Sign in (...)
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    Teologia a partir do vácuo – sobre dois textos de Dostoievski: Meditação diante do corpo de Maria Dimitrevna e A Dócil.Jimmy Sudário Cabral - 2015 - Horizonte 13 (38).
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    Bioética y Enfermería.Jimmy Washburn Calvo - 2005 - In López de la Vieja & Ma Teresa (eds.), Bioética: entre la medicina y la ética. Salamanca: Ediciones Universidad Salamanca. pp. 115.
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    Christian Spiritual Formation in a Southeast Asian Theological College.Jimmy Boon-Chai Tan - 2018 - Journal of Spiritual Formation and Soul Care 11 (2):163-179.
    This article is an account of the teaching and practice of a course on Christian spirituality and ministry at Trinity Theological College in Singapore. It introduces the design of the course, discuss its theological foundations and practicums, and explains how it is delivered and assessed. The course adopts a historical-theological approach to the introduction of Christian spirituality and traces its development from the early church until the Protestant and Catholic Reformations. It introduces spiritual exercises from each epoch of the Christian (...)
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  13. Para pensar acerca de la historia del pensamiento a partir de su enseñanza.Jimmy Washburn - 2009 - Revista de Filosofía de la Universidad de Costa Rica 47 (122):19-28.
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    Feeding the roots of self-expression and freedom.Jimmy Santiago Baca - 2018 - London: Teachers College Press. Edited by Kym Sheehan & Denise VanBriggle.
    Jimmy Santiago Baca, one of the foremost poets in America today, collaborates with two literacy professionals to present a teaching tool that includes curricular activities and probing questions crafted to help students heal through writing. Each exercise reinforces the theme that self-esteem borne from unique expression will improve student enjoyment and academic achievement.
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  15.  36
    Autonomie de la logique et fondement des modalités de re syntaxique et de dicto sur la modalité de re ontique.Jimmy Plourde - 2015 - Philosophiques 42 (2):367-373.
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  16.  38
    De l’impossibilité du savoir intuitif conçu comme état purement mental et d’une difficulté que cela soulève pour l’évidentialisme1.Jimmy Plourde - 2017 - Philosophiques 44 (1):85-101.
    Jimmy Plourde | : Dans cet article, je défends la thèse qu’il ne peut pas y avoir de savoir intuitif sous la forme d’un état purement mental, car, contrairement aux états purement mentaux de connaissance, les intuitions rationnelles n’excluent pas la possibilité de la coexistence de connaissances aux contenus contradictoires. Je soutiens que cela trouve une double justification dans la non-factivité et la non-véridictivité des intuitions, et une explication dans l’idée que les intuitions sont des expériences d’« intellectual seemings (...)
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  17.  90
    States of Affairs, Facts and Situations in Wittgenstein’s Tractatus.Jimmy Plourde - 2016 - Philosophia 44 (1):181-203.
    This paper addresses the problem of providing a satisfying explanation of the Tractarian notions of state of affairs, fact and situation, an issue first raised by Frege and Russell. In order to do so, I first present what I consider to be the three main existing interpretations of these notions: the classic, the standard and Peter Simons’. I then present and defend an interpretation which is closer to the text than the classic and standard interpretations; one which is similar to (...)
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  18.  23
    Democracy Incentivizes Bullshit.Jimmy Alfonso Licon - 2024 - Social Philosophy Today 40:113-126.
    Democracies face an epistemic crisis: incentivizing bullshit. Here “bullshit”—coined by philosopher Harry Frankfurt—means convincing truth-insensitive statements or claims. This paper focuses on several democratic factors that incentivize bullshit: deliberative transparency, epistemic spillover effects, and rational irrationality. These factors pollute the epistemic commons, decrease institutional trust, and enact epistemic injustice. Unfortunately, it is difficult to separate democratic governance from incentivizing bullshit.
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  19. Moral naturalism.Jimmy Lenman - manuscript
    While "moral naturalism" is sometimes used to refer to any approach to metaethics intended to cohere with naturalism in metaphysics more generally, the label is more usually reserved for naturalistic forms of moral realism according to which there are objective moral facts and properties and these moral facts and properties are natural facts and properties. Views of this kind appeal to many as combining the advantages of naturalism and realism but have seemed to many others to do inadequate justice to (...)
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  20.  50
    Better Not to Know: On the Possibility of Culpable Knowledge.Jimmy Alfonso Licon - 2025 - Social Epistemology 39 (1):106-114.
    Many philosophers hold there are genuine cases of culpable ignorance. This paper argues that there are conditions that can render knowledge epistemically culpable too. First, we contrast culpable ignorance with morally culpable knowledge. Second, we examine the nature of epistemically culpable knowledge using a key example. We then highlight empirical support for the claim that there are real-world conditions that make epistemically culpable knowledge possible. Next, we survey three kinds of epistemic culpability fostered by culpable knowledge. Finally, we address the (...)
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  21.  27
    Empire and Compulsory Heterosexuality in Diderot’s Supplement to the Voyage of Bougainville.Jimmy Casas Klausen - 2015 - Political Theory 43 (1):4-29.
    Drawing insights from queer theory, this essay argues for making sex a more central category in political theorists’ interpretations of Diderot’s Supplement, and also of his contributions to History of the Two Indies. The Supplement has sometimes been considered a “libertine” text for depicting Tahiti as a society where sex is open, and indeed where foreign guests are treated to sexual hospitality. This essay reconstructs how and why Diderot’s Tahitians make promiscuity public policy and why Diderot makes miscegenation central to (...)
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  22.  81
    Wittgenstein et les théories du jugement de Russell et de Meinong.Jimmy Plourde - 2005 - Dialogue 44 (2):249-284.
    One of the main challenges faced by Russell's theory of judgement was to provide a satisfactory account of judgement that was not committed to the existence of true, false, or non-existent complex entities such as Meinongian objectives. In the study of the Russell-Wittgenstein debate on that theory, scholars never considered the idea that Wittgenstein might not have followed Russell on that issue. In this article. I address that question and hold, first, that problems raised by Russell's theory of judgement find (...)
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  23. The Fine-Tuning Argument and the Problem of Poor Design.Jimmy Alfonso Licon - 2015 - Philosophia 43 (2):411-426.
    My purpose, in this paper, is to defend the claim that the fine-tuning argument suffers from the poor design worry. Simply put, the worry is this: if God created the universe, specifically with the purpose of bringing about moral agents, we would antecedently predict that the universe and the laws of nature, taken as a whole, would be well-equipped to do just that. However, in light of how rare a life-permitting universe is, compared to all the ways the universe might (...)
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  24. You 're an animal, plain and simple'.Jimmy Alfonso Licon - 2014 - Think 13 (36):61-70.
    In this essay, I argue that we are merely biological organisms. This view (animalism) explains everyday practices like watching ourselves in the mirror. The claim that we are psychological in nature cannot explain something as trivial as watching ourselves in the mirror. Thus, we should accept animalism.
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  25.  28
    Sceptical theism and the problem of epistemic evil: Why sceptical theism is philosophically costly.Jimmy Alfonso Licon - 2013 - Balkan Journal of Philosophy 5 (2):175-180.
    Sceptical theism is supposed, by a number of philosophers, to undercut the evidential basis for the evidential problem of evil. In this paper, I argue that even ifsceptical theism succeeds, its success comes with a hefty epistemic price: it threatens to undermine a good deal of what we supposedly know. Call this the problem of epistemic evil. Thus, sceptical theism has a costly philosophical price of admission. In light of this, it seems that the evidential problem of evil is harder (...)
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  26.  92
    Collaborative theater/collective artist: An evolving systems case study in social creativity.Jimmy Bickerstaff - 2008 - World Futures 64 (4):276 – 291.
    Theater production is a collaborative creative activity. Social creativity recognizes the relationships between creative groups and the contexts in which creativity emerges. It also suggests that the interactive processes between the collaborators and their work form a center, which in turn becomes a kind of creative entity itself. An evolving systems case study of production practices at the Oregon Shakespeare Festival illuminates this process and illustrates the differences between seeing an aggregate creative activity and the more holistic view, in which (...)
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  27. Autonomía, ética aplicada y los testigos de Jehová.Jimmy Washburn Calvo - 2003 - Revista de Filosofía de la Universidad de Costa Rica 41 (104):141-152.
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    Human Rights: Dilemmas and Directions.Jimmy Carter - 1984 - Transformation: An International Journal of Holistic Mission Studies 1 (4):2-5.
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    The time shuffling machine and metaphysical fatalism.Jimmy Alfonso Licon - 2015 - Think 14 (41):57-68.
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  30.  18
    Surface reflectances and human color constancy: Comment on Dannemiller (1989).Jimmy M. Troost & Charles M. de Weert - 1991 - Psychological Review 98 (1):143-145.
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  31.  51
    El papel de la razón en la moralidad: El Caso de la ética abelardiana.Jimmy Washburn - 2010 - Ideas Y Valores 59 (143):73-108.
    Pedro Abelardo desarrolla un pensamiento ético, poco cercano a la filosofía moral posterior, que se estructura con base en varios conceptos, entre ellos la razón y la subjetividad moral. El primero, como poder discursivo sobre la vida moral y como razonamiento moral. Al respecto de la subjetividad m..
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  32.  27
    Género e investigación clínica en Costa Rica: Cuestiones normativas puntuales.Jimmy Washburn - 2011 - Dilemata 5:131-161.
    El artículo examina la participación de las mujeres en estudios clínicos de acuerdo con lo normado por la recientemente derogada regulación de la investigación con sujetos humanos en Costa Rica. El punto de vista seguido es que la mujer no cuenta con las mismas garantías que los varones, sufren de una falta de reconocimiento y por lo tanto, se incurre en una doble acepción de los principios bioéticos invocados en los reglamentos. La autonomía, traducida en consentimiento informado es suficiente para (...)
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  33. Kierkegaard, la recuperación del individuo existente y el discurso sobre lo histórico.Jimmy Washburn - 1994 - Revista de Filosofía de la Universidad de Costa Rica 77:117-122.
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  34. Límites y fortaleza de la enseñanza de la ética médica en Costa Rica.Jimmy Washburn - 2002 - Revista de Filosofía de la Universidad de Costa Rica 40 (102):21-26.
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  35. Semblanza académica de Óscar Mas Herrera.Jimmy Washburn - 2011 - Revista de Filosofía de la Universidad de Costa Rica 50 (127):65-67.
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  36. Salud y Bioética: exploraciones de una relación.Jimmy Washburn - 2009 - In López de la Vieja & Ma Teresa (eds.), Ensayos sobre bioética. Salamanca: Universidad de Salamanca. pp. 37--58.
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  37.  75
    Properly Functioning Brains and Personal Identity: An Argument for Neural Animalism.Jimmy Alfonso Licon - 2013 - SATS 14 (1):63-69.
  38. Does Communicative Retributivism Necessarily Negate Capital Punishment?Jimmy Chia-Shin Hsu - 2015 - Criminal Law and Philosophy 9 (4):603-617.
    Does communicative retributivism necessarily negate capital punishment? My answer is no. I argue that there is a place, though a very limited and unsettled one, for capital punishment within the theoretical vision of communicative retributivism. The death penalty, when reserved for extravagantly evil murderers for the most heinous crimes, is justifiable by communicative retributive ideals. I argue that punishment as censure is a response to the preceding message sent by the offender through his criminal act. The gravity of punishment should (...)
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  39.  31
    Reply to Gündoğdu.Jimmy Casas Klausen - 2011 - Political Theory 39 (5):668-673.
  40.  19
    Properly Functioning Brains and Personal Identity.Jimmy Alfonso Licon - 2018 - Proceedings of the XXIII World Congress of Philosophy 23:77-81.
    Surely, I persist through time; thus, I must be identical to something that persists through time. But, what is identical to me, which persists through time? First, I argue that we should take reductive materialism and the Lockean view of personal identity seriously. But, these positions appear in tension. Second, I argue a plausible way to reconcile them is to embrace a novel kind of animalism that I call neural animalism. This says that I am identical to my properly functioning (...)
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    Fugitive Rousseau: slavery, primitivism, and political freedom.Jimmy Casas Klausen - 2014 - New York: Fordham University Press.
    Critics have claimed that Jean-Jacques Rousseau was a primitivist who was uncritically preoccupied with "noble savages" and that he remained oblivious to the African slave trade. Fugitive Rousseau demonstrates why these charges are wrong and argues that a fresh, "fugitive" perspective on political freedom is bound up with the themes of primitivism and slavery in Rousseau's political theory. Rather than trace Rousseau's arguments primarily to the social contract tradition of Hobbes and Locke, Fugitive Rousseau places Rousseau squarely in two imperial (...)
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  42. Wittgenstein’s Picture Theory and the Distinction between Representing and Depicting.Jimmy Plourde - 2017 - International Journal of Philosophical Studies 25 (1):16-39.
    In this paper, I draw attention to the often-overlooked Tractarian distinction between representing and depicting, provide a clear account of it and examine how it affects our understanding of the notions of ‘being a picture’, meaningfulness, truth, and falsity in the Tractatus. I also look at the recent debate in the literature on the notion of truth and show that Glock’s claim that the official theory of the Tractatus is to be accounted in terms of obtainment only and deflationary accounts (...)
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  43.  44
    Dissecting the Suicide Machine Argument: Insights from the Hales – Licon Debate.Jimmy Alfonso Licon - 2013 - Logos and Episteme 4 (3):339-352.
    I assess the debate over the Suicide Machine Argument. There are several lessons to be learned from this debate. First, there is a fruitful distinction to be made,between tensed and tenseless versions of presentism, despite the temptation to suppose that presentism is a tensed theory of time. Second, once we’ve made the distinction between different kinds of presentism, it is clear that Licon’s objection protects the tenseless version of presentism from the Suicide Machine Argument; however, the argument is still effective (...)
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  44.  37
    The Concept of the Correlate in Peirce's "New List of Categories".Jimmy Aames - 2021 - Transactions of the Charles S. Peirce Society 57 (1):65-88.
  45.  95
    Dworkin's constructive optimism v. Deconstructive legal nihilism.David Couzens hoy - 1987 - Law and Philosophy 6 (3):321-356.
    Minimally helpful comparison of constructive interpretation with Gadamer, Derrida, and Habermas. Presents a somewhat imprecise account of Dworkin, a quite general discussion of his similarities with Gadamer, and a gloss of Derridean deconstruction with regards to the Declaration of Independence. Then offers an evaluation of Dworkin in terms of Gadamer and Derrida.
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    ... The new-old enigma, of sovereignty.Jimmy Casas Klausen - 2006 - Theory and Event 9 (3).
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    Skeptical Hypotheses and Moral Skepticism.Jimmy Alfonso Licon - 2020 - Journal of Ethics and Social Philosophy 18 (3).
    May argues that moral skepticism is less plausible than perceptual skepticism if it’s formulated using epistemic closure. In this paper, I argue we should be skeptical of the implausibility thesis. Moral skepticism can be formulated using closure if we combine moral nihilism with a properly formulated evolutionary scenario. Further, I argue that pace May, the phenomenon of ‘imaginative resistance’ isn’t an issue for the moral skeptic; she has an evolutionary explanation of the phenomenon. Thus, we should be skeptical of the (...)
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  48.  75
    Du réalisme des Recherches logiques.Jimmy Plourde - 2008 - Philosophiques 35 (2):581-607.
    Un des enjeux les plus importants pour la compréhension des Recherches Logiques et pour l’unité de la pensée d’Edmund Husserl réside dans la question du caractère idéaliste ou réaliste du projet philosophique de l’ouvrage. Dans cet article, je me penche sur cette question et établis, à partir d’un commentaire de passages clefs du texte, que la philosophie du jeune Husserl est bel et bien réaliste, à la fois en ce qui concerne le réal et l’idéal. Je montre aussi ce qu’il (...)
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  49.  77
    Formes et faits. Analyse et théorie de la connaissance dans l’atomisme logique.Jimmy Plourde - 2006 - Dialogue 45 (1):195.
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  50.  61
    The Arrow and the Point. Russell and Wittgenstein's – By Guido Bonino.Jimmy Plourde - 2011 - Dialectica 65 (2):293-315.
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