Results for 'Joana Ribeiro'

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  1.  37
    Spontaneous Fluctuations in Sensory Processing Predict Within-Subject Reaction Time Variability.Maria J. Ribeiro, Joana S. Paiva & Miguel Castelo-Branco - 2016 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 10.
  2. Da princesa Santa Joana a India saudosa do amigo: o medievalismo de Gançalves Dias.María Aparecida Ribeiro - 1998 - Humanitas 50:899-914.
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    Darcy Ribeiro: Diálogos Inéditos.Darcy Ribeiro - 2004 - Narvaja Editor. Edited by Héctor Magnani.
  4.  20
    Apresentação do dossiê Hannah Arendt.Inácio Helfer, Jaison M. Partchel, João Victor Rosauro, Castor M. M. Bartolomé Ruiz, Renata Adrian Ribeiro S. Ramos & Denise Narli da Silveira - 2024 - Controvérsia 20 (1):1-5.
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    When corporate social responsibility (CSR) increases performance: exploring the role of intrinsic and extrinsic CSR attribution.Joana Story & Pedro Neves - 2014 - Business Ethics: A European Review 24 (2):111-124.
    This study investigates whether employees attribute different motives to their organization's corporate social responsibility efforts and if these motives influence employee performance. Specifically, we investigate whether employees could distinguish between intrinsic and extrinsic CSR motives by surveying 229 employee–supervisor dyads from various industries , and the impact of these perceptions on in-role and extra-role performance of subordinates. We found that employee task performance increases when employees attribute both intrinsic and extrinsic motives for CSR. Moreover, when employees perceive that their organization (...)
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    Soberania nacional, direitos humanos e o paradoxo democrático.Moara Ferreira Lacerda, Ricardo Corrêa de Araujo & Marcos Aurélio Pensabem Ribeiro Filho - 2023 - Controvérsia 19 (3):107-123.
    O artigo pretende analisar e sugerir uma saída para o paradoxo democrático, o dilema moral constitutivo entre a soberania nacional do Estado democrático liberal e o reconhecimento dos direitos humanos dos estrangeiros, apontado por Donatella Di Cesare. Para isso, serão reconstruídos o referido paradoxo, a partir das críticas da autora a Michael Walzer e David Miller, e a solução apontada por ela, que envolve a superação da ordem estadocêntrica e a criação de uma comunidade política que não seja centrada na (...)
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    Irony is critical.Joana Garmendia - 2010 - Pragmatics and Cognition 18 (2):397-421.
    Irony is acknowledged to be usually critical: the ironic speaker tends to exhibit an apparent positive attitude in order to communicate a negative valuation. The reverse is considered to be also possible though: the ironic speaker can praise by apparent blaming, although it seldom happens. This unbalance between the two sorts of ironic examples is the so-called asymmetry issue of irony. Here I shall deny the possibility of being ironic without criticizing — hence the asymmetry issue is an illusion. By (...)
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    Imaging Brain Function with Functional Near-Infrared Spectroscopy in Unconstrained Environments.Joana B. Balardin, Guilherme A. Zimeo Morais, Rogério A. Furucho, Lucas Trambaiolli, Patricia Vanzella, Claudinei Biazoli & João R. Sato - 2017 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 11.
  9. Sobre a import'ncia e abrangência da análise das proposições condicionais na história da lógica.Eduardo Simões, Vinícius Martins Corrêa & Walter Ribeiro Dos Santos - 2020 - Investigação Filosófica 11 (3):95.
    As proposições condicionais receberam atenção teórica concentrada, embora intermitente, desde a Antiguidade. A atenção durante últimos quarenta anos tem sido intensa. Nesse artigo, apresentaremos os principais desenvolvimentos da análise lógica acerca das proposições condicionais e discutiremos como elas desempenham papel central em muitas teorias filosóficas. Na primeira parte dessas observações introdutórias, mostraremos como os antigos, principalmente as escolas megárica e estoica, envolveram-se com a questão dos condicionais e quão importante isso foi para os posteriores desenvolvimentos da análise lógica dos condicionais (...)
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    Environmentality in biomedicine: microbiome research and the perspectival body.Joana Formosinho, Adam Bencard & Louise Whiteley - 2022 - Studies in History and Philosophy of Science Part A 91 (C):148-158.
    Microbiome research shows that human health is foundationally intertwined with the ecology of microbial communities living on and in our bodies. This challenges the categorical separation of organisms from environments that has been central to biomedicine, and questions the boundaries between them. Biomedicine is left with an empirical problem: how to understand causal pathways between host health, microbiota and environment? We propose a conceptual tool – environmentality – to think through this problem. Environmentality is the state or quality of being (...)
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    Bromazepam increases the error of the time interval judgments and modulates the EEG alpha asymmetry during time estimation.Paulo Ramiler Silva, Victor Marinho, Francisco Magalhães, Tiago Farias, Daya S. Gupta, André Luiz R. Barbosa, Bruna Velasques, Pedro Ribeiro, Maurício Cagy, Victor Hugo Bastos & Silmar Teixeira - 2022 - Consciousness and Cognition 100 (C):103317.
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  12. Ensino Público da Filosofia. Perspectivas Programáticas e Ideológicas.António Pedro Mesquita & Maria Luísa Ribeiro Ferreira (eds.) - 2014 - Lisboa, Portugal: Centro de Filosofia da Universidade de Lisboa.
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  13. In(ex)clusão e (des)igualdade na escola: leituras sobre o preconceito racial.Rosi Giordano & Glenda Kelly Ribeiro da Silva de Ávila - 2024 - Aprender-Caderno de Filosofia E Psicologia da Educação 18 (32):163-181.
    O artigo analisa as causas do fracasso escolar de alunos negros e pardos como resultante da estigmatização e práticas educacionais discriminatórias, bem como a influência das teorias racistas sobre as mesmas indicando a persistência da desigualdade racial no Brasil. Para tal análise realizamos uma pesquisa bibliográfica e documental, no interior de uma perspectiva sociohistórica, concluindo que, apesar das políticas voltadas ao enfrentamento do racismo fincado na sociedade brasileira, as desigualdades raciais permanecem expressivamente justificando a ênfase na formação de professores para (...)
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    Comparison Between Conventional Intervention and Non-immersive Virtual Reality in the Rehabilitation of Individuals in an Inpatient Unit for the Treatment of COVID-19: A Study Protocol for a Randomized Controlled Crossover Trial.Talita Dias da Silva, Patricia Mattos de Oliveira, Josiane Borges Dionizio, Andreia Paiva de Santana, Shayan Bahadori, Eduardo Dati Dias, Cinthia Mucci Ribeiro, Renata de Andrade Gomes, Marcelo Ferreira, Celso Ferreira, Íbis Ariana Peña de Moraes, Deise Mara Mota Silva, Viviani Barnabé, Luciano Vieira de Araújo, Heloísa Baccaro Rossetti Santana & Carlos Bandeira de Mello Monteiro - 2021 - Frontiers in Psychology 12:622618.
    Background: The new human coronavirus that leads to COVID-19 has spread rapidly around the world and has a high degree of lethality. In more severe cases, patients remain hospitalized for several days under treatment of the health team. Thus, it is important to develop and use technologies with the aim to strengthen conventional therapy by encouraging movement, physical activity, and improving cardiorespiratory fitness for patients. In this sense, therapies for exposure to virtual reality are promising and have been shown to (...)
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    Literalidade e metáfora na filosofia de Gilles Deleuze: uma via bergsoniana.Christian Fernando Fernando Ribeiro Guimarães Vinci - 2018 - Philósophos - Revista de Filosofia 23 (1):43-74.
    Este artigo objetiva pensar o debate envolvendo a questão da literalidade na obra de Gilles Deleuze, mormente naquela escrita em parceria com Félix Guattari, a partir de um recuo pelo pensamento do filósofo Henri Bergson. Apresentada como um modo singular de operar com a escrita, a literalidade deleuze-guattariana exigiria que determinadas formulações, mormente aquelas de teor imagético fossem lidas ao pé da letra (a la lettre) ao invés de interpretadas como metáforas. Tendo adentrado em nosso país por meio do dossiê (...)
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    Exploring Individual and Contextual Antecedents of Attitudes Toward the Acceptability of Cheating and Plagiarism.Joana R. C. Kuntz & Chandele Butler - 2014 - Ethics and Behavior 24 (6):478-494.
    The purpose of this study was to identify the relative contribution of individual and contextual predictors to students’ attitudes toward the acceptability of cheating and plagiarism. A group of 324 students from a tertiary institution in New Zealand completed an online survey. The findings indicate that gender, justice sensitivity, and understanding of university policies regarding academic dishonesty were the key predictors of the students’ attitudes toward the acceptability of cheating and plagiarism, both as agents of dishonest conduct and as witnesses (...)
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    An Interview with Anna Christina Ribeiro.Anna Christina Ribeiro & Ethan Harris - 2021 - Washington University Review of Philosophy 1:89-93.
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  18. Summer meeting of the association for symbolic logic.Hugo Ribeiro - 1959 - Journal of Symbolic Logic 24 (3):281-286.
  19. Inquérito Sobre a Filosofia Portuguesa. Depoimentos de Alvaro Ribeiro [Et Al. Apresentação de Pinharanda Gomes].Álvaro Ribeiro & Jesué Pinharanda Gomes - 1972 - Editora Pax.
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    On the Design Complexity of Cyberphysical Production Systems.Luis Ribeiro & Martin Hochwallner - 2018 - Complexity 2018:1-13.
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  21.  24
    Aleitamento materno no bebê com cardiopatia congênita: a escuta da mãe.Joana Angélica Marques Pinheiro, Andressa Alencar Gondim, Letícia Neves, Thereza Maria Magalhaes Moreira & Vera Lúcia Mendes de Paula Pessoa - 2022 - Aletheia 55 (2):30-44.
    O ato de amamentar apresenta diversos benefícios tanto à mãe quanto ao bebê. No entanto, amamentar um bebê com cardiopatia requer inúmeros desafios. Este estudo tem o propósito de compreender a vivência do aleitamento materno de bebês com cardiopatia congênita e as propostas dos serviços de saúde à paciente com essas condições. Estudo descritivo, qualitativo, realizado por meio de entrevista semiestruturada com mães de bebês internados em hospital de referência em cardiopediatria. Utilizou-se a técnica de análise de conteúdo de Minayo, (...)
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  22. Philosophy and disagreement.Brian Ribeiro - 2011 - Critica 43 (127):3-25.
    Disagreement as we find it in both the history and the contemporary practice of philosophy is an inadequately understood phenomenon. In this paper I outline and motivate the problem of disagreement, arguing that "hard cases" of disagreement confront us with an unresolved, and seemingly unresolvable, challenge to the rationality of philosophical discourse, thereby raising the specter of a worri-some form of metaphilosophical skepticism. A variety of responses and attempted evasions are considered, though none are found to be particularly satisfying: Thus, (...)
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    Home Confinement in Previously Active Older Adults: A Cross-Sectional Analysis of Physical Fitness and Physical Activity Behavior and Their Relationship With Depressive Symptoms.Joana Carvalho, Flávia Borges-Machado, Andreia N. Pizarro, Lucimere Bohn & Duarte Barros - 2021 - Frontiers in Psychology 12.
    AimThe aim of our study was to analyze physical activity levels, sitting time, physical fitness, and their relationship with depressive symptoms after home confinement in previously active older adults.MethodsThis cross-sectional study sample comprised 68 older adults from a community-based exercise program conducted in Porto, Portugal. After home confinement, participants were assessed in person for lower-body strength, cardiorespiratory fitness, agility/dynamic balance, handgrip strength, and anthropometry. Telephone interviews were performed to evaluate depressive symptoms with the Geriatric Depression Scale – 15 items and (...)
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  24.  26
    Living alone and using social media technologies: The experience of Filipino older adults during the COVID‐19 pandemic.Joana Mariz C. Castillo, Laurence L. Garcia, Evalyn Abalos & Rozzano C. Locsin - forthcoming - Nursing Inquiry.
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    La ubiqüitat de la imatge =.Joana Hurtado, Christian Caujolle, Joan Fontcuberta & Radu Stern (eds.) - 2008 - Barcelona: Generalitat de Catalunya, Departament de Cultura, i Mitjans de Comunicació.
    Aquest llibre recull els textos de les reflexions que van tenir lloc en l'encont re internacional SCAN (festival de fotografia), a Internet del 29 de febrer al 1 7 d'abril de 2008, i al Teatre Metropol, el dia 17 d'abril de 2008. Tres teòrics de la imatge de reconegut prestigi internacional -Christian Caujolle, Joan Font cuberta i Radu Stern- van debatre virtualment a internet i posteriorment de form a presencial a Tarragona sobre el paper de la imatge al nostre temps.
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  26.  13
    La défaite du marketing politique : Les élections brésiliennes de 2006.Renato Janine Ribeiro - 2007 - Hermes 48:205.
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  27. Revisiting Searle.Joana Garmendia Mugica - 2009 - Teorema: International Journal of Philosophy 28 (3):191-196.
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  28. Nova perspectiva do homem.L. Ribeiro - 1968 - Rio de Janeiro,: Freitas Bastos.
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  29.  9
    Uma coisa que pensa: ensaios.Alvaro Ribeiro - 1975 - Braga [Portugal]: Editora Pax.
    Filologia e filosofia.--Pensar, falar, escrever.--Elementos de lógica aristotélica.
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    Para além do inconsciente verbalizável E da memória lacunar: A psicanálise sob O olhar de Loparic.Caroline Vasconcelos Ribeiro - 2019 - Revista Natureza Humana 21 (2).
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    Alvaro Ribeiro e a filosofia portuguesa: ciclo de palestras promovido pela Fundação Lusíada Ateneu Comercial do Porto em 14 e 15 de maio de 1993 : bibliografia geral de Alvaro Ribeiro.Alvaro Ribeiro & Joaquim Domingues - 1995
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  32. Toward a philosophy of poetry.Anna Christina Ribeiro - 2009 - Midwest Studies in Philosophy 33 (1):61-77.
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  33.  41
    Irony.Joana Garmendia - 2018 - Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
    -/- Irony is an intriguing topic, central to the study of meaning in language. This book provides an introduction to the pragmatics of irony. It surveys key work carried out on irony in a range of disciplines such as semantics, pragmatics, philosophy and literary studies, and from a variety of theoretical perspectives including Grice's approach, Sperber and Wilson's echoic account, and Clark and Gerrig's pretense theory. It looks at a number of uses of irony and explores how irony can be (...)
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  34.  30
    A Fairly Short Response to a Really Short Refutation.Brian Ribeiro - 2011 - Journal of Philosophical Research 36:35-41.
    Brian Ribeiro argues that the pragmatic theory of truth massively misrepresents the actual use of the terms “true” and “truth.” Truths, he observes, can be distinguished from “illusions.” The latter misrepresent reality and the former do not. Psychologists, as they report on the way mentally healthy people commonly overestimate themselves, draw just this distinction. They tell us of many beliefs that are “adaptive” but illusory. Pragmatists cannot draw this distinction because their theory explains truth as adaptiveness. Therefore no sensible (...)
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  35.  87
    The overlooked ubiquity of first-person experience in the cognitive sciences.Joana Rigato, Scott M. Rennie & Zachary F. Mainen - 2019 - Synthese 198 (9):8005-8041.
    Science aims to transform the subjectivity of individual observations and ideas into more objective and universal knowledge. Yet if there is any area in which first-person experience holds a particularly special and delicate role, it is the sciences of the mind. According to a widespread view, first-person methods were largely discarded from psychology after the fall of introspectionism a century ago and replaced by more objective behavioral measures, a step that some authors have begun to criticize. To examine whether these (...)
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    Après les élections brésiliennes.Renato Janine Ribeiro - 2003 - Hermes 35:287.
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    Democracy versus Republic: Inclusion and Desire in Social Struggles.Renato Janine Ribeiro - 2008 - Diogenes 55 (4):45-53.
    This paper argues that the idea of inclusion is linked to the democratic tradition rather than to the republican one. By analyzing the origins and meaning of these two concepts, the author holds that democracy is rather linked to desire and republic to will (and to the expression of desire), and concludes that, since North Atlantic political tradition has not given a key role to desire, democracy, in order to overcome the difficulties it has been encountering in all parts of (...)
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  38.  63
    Sarah Cooper (2008) Chris Marker.Joana Pimenta - 2010 - Film-Philosophy 14 (1):401-414.
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    Elizabeth of Aragon, queen and saint of Portugal: Her medieval tomb as an image extolling holiness.Joana Ramôa - 2010 - Cultura:63-81.
    Dona Isabel, infanta de Aragão (filha de Pedro III) e rainha de Portugal (mulher de Dom Dinis), nasceu, segundo a tradição, no ano de 1271 e foi santificada pelo papa Urbano VIII a 25 de Maio de 1625. Pelo caminho, deixou o testemunho material de uma vida dedicada às boas obras, na figura de clarissa de que fez dotar o seu moimento, marcando, com grande significado, uma intenção bem determinada de deixar de si a memória de uma fiel devota. Acompanhando (...)
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  40.  22
    Looking for the Brain Inside the Initial Teacher Training and Outreach Books in Portugal.Joana R. Rato, Jorge Amorim & Alexandre Castro-Caldas - 2022 - Frontiers in Psychology 13.
    The fascination with brain research is widespread, and school teachers are no exception. This growing interest, usually noticed by the increased supply of short-term training or books on how to turn the brain more efficient, leads us to think about their basic training and outreach resources available. Little is known about what the official Initial Teacher Training offers concerning the brain literature and if it meets scientific standards. Also, what are the science communication materials that teachers can access to learn (...)
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  41. Bioética e direitos humanos: uma abordagem da obra de Paulo Evaristo Arns.Antônio Carlos Ribeiro - 2023 - [São Paulo, Brazil]: Dialética Editora.
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  42.  29
    From My Arm Rising to Me Raising It: a Taxonomy of Behaviors and Actions.Joana Rigato - 2019 - Kairos 22 (1):132-160.
    Human behavior can range from automatic and even unconscious bodily movements to very elaborate and rational decisions. In this paper I develop a taxonomy based on the empirical analysis of the phenomenology associated with selected instances of different forms of behavior. The transition from sub-actional behavior to proper actions is shown to take place when the agent intervenes actively in the causal process leading from her mental states to the bodily movement by exercising her power to form intentions to act. (...)
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    he Invisibility of black women in history, literature and philosophy according to the thinking of gloria anzaldúa.Joana Maria Nascimento Silva - 2025 - Cadernos Do Pet Filosofia 15 (30):172-183.
    The purpose of this article is to examine the problem of loneliness in Hannah Arendt in the light of her considerations about totalitarianism. We seek not only to clarify this concept, but to examine to what extent it is important for understanding certain aspects of Arendt's critique of philosophy in general and political philosophy in particular.
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    Paulo Freire e a educação popular: esperançar em tempos de barbárie.Joana Salém Vasconcelos, Maíra Tavares Mendes & Daniela Mussi (eds.) - 2023 - São Paulo, Brasil: Elefante.
  45.  44
    ¿Puede nuestra consciencia moral asumir la moralidad animal?Joana Charterina Villacorta - 2012 - Dilemata 9:41-52.
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    A marca do Leviatã: linguagem e poder em Hobbes.Renato Janine Ribeiro - 1978 - São Paulo: Editora Ática.
    Este volume apresenta uma leitura arrojada das ideias de um dos mais importantes filósofos do século XVII. Ribeiro discorre, principalmente, sobre dois desdobramentos fundamentais do pensamento hobbesiano. O primeiro é o pacto entre os homens para a formação do Estado, por meio do qual transferem todos os direitos ao soberano. Segundo, uma consequência direta dessa concentração de poder: o controle do conhecimento pela autoridade política.
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  47. Sextus, Montaigne, Hume.Brian Ribeiro - 2009 - Modern Schoolman 86 (1):7-34.
    Despite their divergences, I argue that Sextus, Montaigne, and Hume are committed to several substantive points of commonality and that these commonalities justify us in speaking of them as belonging to a unitary Pyrrhonist tradition. In this tradition, Pyrrhonizing doubt serves to chart the boundary of that-which-resists-doubt, thereby simultaneously charting the shape of that complex of nature and custom which constitutes the bedrock of human life — the life that remains after doubt has done its worst.
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    Reductionism, Agency and Free Will.Joana Rigato - 2015 - Axiomathes 25 (1):107-116.
    In the context of the free will debate, both compatibilists and event-causal libertarians consider that the agent’s mental states and events are what directly causes her decision to act. However, according to the ‘disappearing agent’ objection, if the agent is nothing over and above her physical and mental components, which ultimately bring about her decision, and that decision remains undetermined up to the moment when it is made, then it is a chancy and uncontrolled event. According to agent-causalism, this sort (...)
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    A Retórica como paradigma filosófico.Henrique Jales Ribeiro - 2022 - Revista Filosófica de Coimbra 31 (61):9-40.
    O autor visa mostrar como e porque é que a retórica, em vez da filosofia propriamente dita, pode e deve constituir, sobre as matérias de que se ocupa, um paradigma interdisciplinar das investigações a desenvolver pela filosofia e pelas ciências de maneira geral. Analisa atentamente, nesta perspetiva, o “estado da arte” sobre o assunto, revendo a respetiva bibliografia, e faz um conjunto de propostas fundamentais para se alcançar um tal objetivo.
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  50. Downward causation and supervenience: the non-reductionist’s extra argument for incompatibilism.Joana Rigato - 2018 - Philosophical Explorations 21 (3):384-399.
    Agent-causal theories of free will, which rely on a non-reductionist account of the agent, have traditionally been associated with libertarianism. However, some authors have recently argued in favor of compatibilist agent-causal accounts. In this essay, I will show that such accounts cannot avoid serious problems of implausibility or incoherence. A careful analysis of the implications of non-reductionist views of the agent (event-causal or agent-causal as they may be) reveals that such views necessarily imply either the denial of the principle of (...)
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